«n MAlictt 2 1905 4. rilE FLESHEUTON ADVANCE i'ma^wa^ F, T. HILL & CO. 'dMhmiii\ SPECIAL CLEARING SALE ' *^^ I Of Odd Lines REPRESENTING , EXTRAORDINARY VALUES Hiivim; jimt coiiiploteil Stock Takine, and finiJiiig iimny lines of goixls which are binken in sizes, also repre- Biiiilim; liiilftiicfH of 80ai»< of our b«8t selling lines wu iiip.ko the fullowinn ho'i^y reductions in pno) in order to clear quickly, hh follows MEN'S FINE AND HEAVY ALL-WOOL PANTS FOR !)8c A PAIR TliiH lino rt'presenU a full asuoriiiient of aizes in many pritternH, and iiro iho halaiico in lines of paiiiH tliat are good value at I 23 lo 170 a pair; to sell quickly we make the price per pair 98 MEN'S FINE ALL-WOOL PANTS 8150 PEUPAIU Thii line ia made up oniirely of pants that re|ircaeiit exira uood KeMns; values at 81.73 to $2.75 per i.air, liut consist, cf odd lines, hence the grnat reduction in pncf, choice per piir MENS WATERPROOF SMOCKS OR COATS $148 Tliis piirticular line of coat.s ia well known to tho work- ing man, repreaentinn yreat Wearing 1)11 dities and is ijood value at the regulir prices of Ifl 75 10 $2 25. A'e hive 35 of them left f"r i)uick sellin>». price 81.48 L.ADIES" COLORED SATEEN SKIRTS FOR 78c 23 Ladies' fine ijuality Sateen SkirtH liiie.d with walding and hiavily qui'ted. These skirt* are slinhtly soiled, the regular pri.'e "f which i.s 81-75, but on account of t!iis we make the price to clear only 78c MEN'S UNSHRINKABLE UNDERWE vFv 48o loO pieces of Men's Unhhriiikahle Underwear in SliirtH and DrawtTs. The rrgiilar price of this line IS OOo For tpiick Uflling t'j cUar 48c A CLEAN UP IN MEN'S WINTER CAPS, for 25c The balance of our Htoik of Moh'b Winter Caps, representing u great many htyles and culors consist- in'.; iif Caps that Hell in the reyular way from 40c to G5e, yiiur ehuice for 25c CLEARING OUT ODD LINES IN MF>N'S SWEAl ER.S FOR 48c Men's Sweatira in Puri> .\\l Wi).)l qnalitie."), also a few wors ed varn innkea in fancy ffravi's, regular 'j'5c ai.d 8.5c line, to cli'ar 48c NEW PRINTS, EXTRA HEAVY CLOTHS SPFICI .L 10c A YARD This IS an eaily shipinnni >ve have had sent on for e.irly selling in new spring pi lots, repr.isrntiiig nfW paitcrns in all the siaple cilois, a very wide and heavy clulh, special per yard 10a SPECIALS IN GROCERIES 3 cans good quality Salmon, Camel brand, Kpei;ial .3 cans fur 250 Canned Tomatoes. Kent and Ayliner brands, per 'in lOc Clark's Pork and Beanp, 3 tma for 25c 'lcDona!d'« Cliewini! Tohacc >, the .5c plu'.', 7 plugs for 25c Piunes, 150 Ib.s. Prunes, special G lbs. for 25c HARDWARE DEPARTHENT In all lines of Hardware wo carry a complete stock on which we are always pleaae 1 to quote prices. See our ^ hardware man if you ilnok of buying a new .stove or otlua- hiiidivarf. All kindd of lariu "HE produ'ie 'aken in exchange at liitiliest market prices MAPKDALE WftWW^^ Is i)ublislied every Thursday at ?1.00 per annum if paid in advuni'V, $1..'>0 if not so .paid. All subscribers j)a.vini; 81.00 strictly in advance get the SloiitreiU Herald uiie year fioe us a pieniium. Re Fall Fairs Til- resolu'ions |)as.9ed at the conven- tion of the Onliirn Asaocia'ion of Fairs and Exlsihitioiis, which wis held in Toronto Filirnaiy 14ih to lOih, are likidy to have far reaching e.Scc's, Tho Agricultural .sue eties of tlie Province .h^ve for many years boon receiving fixed gllng ones, which arc doing little or no gond, will go out of exi.stunue. Such a cliuiiu'e in tho Aut will clo avv.iy with all distinction between town.sliip and di.strict scicijiies and will place all societies on the same footing as regards their govern- menl grunta The cunveiuinn adiqjicd a resolution rcqui'stiii!,' tho Depart inent of Agriculture to enfoice tho Act by cutting oif the grants to all socirtics vyhich permit games of chance at thoir ixliibitiona, and pLdg- ed its suppart to the department in any measures it it may take to suppress such fo.ituies at fall fails. Every Woman in Poor Health Has an awful struggle. Lots to do, all kinds of worry, iiinst contend with los.< of sleep, liooi ap])etile and tired nerves. , . _ ..1 Her oidy desire IS lor more «i renal h and grantsfromlheGovernment, irrespective I J. ^,,,^.^ ^_._^,j,j ^,,,5^ j^ ^j^^^^ly „,„,^ of the work they were didng. At the | co„m, fr,„„ uKi,,^ Perroz.me, the areateBt recent convention, as a result of inf.irma- Ionic i-ickly women can pnssib'y use. lion furnished by Provincial sup jriiitend- »nt H. B. CoWHii, a rosolutioii was Stlupted recomnitnd n;{ that in future grants should tie disiributud to aocietioi in proportion to the amount of money Ih -y exponl for agricultural purpo es It is proliable that the .Agr.outture and Ans ^ct will be levised and thii change liiiule within a year 01 ho. Should this be dime it will result in many of the bin.iller Rocielius in the Province beoiir cut nlfand societies which are doing go<'d work being strengthenel. An ex.iinina lion of tliu returns nmdo to the Depart- ment of Agriculture, by sonte of ih« Rocieties of the Province, showa hi.w â- uch a cimiigo ia likely to work out. lu H county ill I'iasturn Ontario, where the drntiin snciutv has boon devoting a gru.it •duiil of attention to horso racing, this KMciety will hisd 8140 from its grant, which money will go to a township aocicty further Irnck in tho county, which is eon- .<iiicted on Agricu'.tur.il tin. n. In rtnolher Bastevn Ontario county the distiict 'â- nei fly will reoeiruan incr a « of |10 winch will betaken from the grant, <>f ih uo small township incieties. This • ill probably mean tiial two of the aninll â- noiutiea will have togo out of exis'nnce and that the third one wilt be strengthuii- ed, leaving two strong soci't'.iQi in thi> riding instead of lour ai wt present. Ill yet auolb«r county the grant to the <!ii'rict will regain aixiut. aw it ii, «h|l« two sinall township S'>o^et^us will lose 888. wliioh will go <o a i1iii<(( township «<>oicty. In this county it will aitto mei^n that two •mtli township «>ei«:4<i« will |irab«blT have to give up h«ldii(i{ «i(hihition», while another tuw^ship fair will be slrungt tinn- ed. Thi* ifill i^ean that all through th* Pioviiice the hett â- ooiatiiM will I Furrov.one makes the blo.id t.ngle and grow red, the cheeks rosy, the eyes bright Fiirr'ssme invigovates tlio body, develops new jirungthnnd makes life iv.irth livio". Ferrozuiie is the sort of tonic that ' uilds up, it gives one a reserve of nerve force aii.l esiablishes such healihy cnnlitiims that sickness is unknown. Let every Wduiau Uae Ferrozono. Price 50o. Division Court Thi're was quite a lengthy court bt-foro JudxH Morrison 111 Duitdaik on VV,.dne8- day nf last week Several cases were rtdjournod. Among the imput;lantactions tried were the following: U^pyle v Tibhet wai an aeti<m on a ni'o given for an msursnce premium. The facts were these. l>oyle wasan insurano agent wlrj took Tibliot's note for a prem- ium. When Uoylu tuinoU in thenote he had to indorse it,aiid later w!ien it bscame due paid it himself, then sued Tibhot for the amount. Tibbet claini'id that the polic> WHS aiisritp . N..>ni>.'d and rvpudiatcu tiiii nota Judguni-int «a: i;irun to the defendant with costs. SiiihH v Muiphy and Small v Phillips were two casui of a similar nature and were both nonsuited. MnRno V Pifiiic, McRae sued Pivnio t <r lit 40 , bla kiinith and carpet t r work Pivnio put in a counter claiio b r 928.95, fur goods wliich he claiais to have «id;l plaintiff. The judge squared Bocounta by noii-sudinig, both puriius tu pay ih>'ir own coats. There were also several cases uf minor i^poilsnoc. La Qrlppe Coming Acain ever catch ihis disease who inhales the fr.iuiatu h<«ili'ig vapor of Catarrhozone a f;!-,v t.iinen diily. Catarrhozone kills the (Jrippo gorin and prevmls it spreiidiug through the â- rjstein. ''Last winter I had an attack of (iiip;ie,"wriies C. MacKiiiti- <>n of t^t. .lohti^s I bought Catanhnzone and g>t reliif in shnrt time I fi.und Oatarrhoxoiie better than anvtliing el<8 and was cured by Using it t.'atarrhozone proi'onts and cuivs Grippe, colds anM cat- arrh. Two irionlhs' trBatineul 81-00; trial size 25 c. Fraud in Furs As a i>c;>plo we arc very fond of fraud. We don't niueii care for law, and \vc lovu to be fooled. In I'.oline (if lomnerce are wc moie regularly fooled and defrauded tlian in tl e rjtail fur trade. The criiiine which my lady buys fur the cellar of her opera coat coat her sonic diillara a skin. Hie trapper who cancjht the wea.iol freiii which caine the ermine got, perhaps, ten cents fm- the skin, iwrh^ps five; perhaps nothing. That is not so b;»rl, and 1 o one could "hjeet to a cominercial transact'on of that kind. A great many [lersons knew th. t ermine is weasel. Hew many know thut muskrat pulled and dyed is often sold as seal ! t'l.it mitria niuiilarly treated is sold as seal or biaver ; that ralbtso treated is snld : n seal or electric seal ; that pnl'ol and dyed utter ia regularly sold as seal ; that marmot dyed is sold as mink andsible; that lit h dyei is sohl issab'e, and rabbit also sold as sable; that haro and uiuakrat are sold as mink or sable, and white ralibit as ermine orchinchillaiir fo.\; th.t goat is dyed and sold as tear ; that many kinds of lamb are s old as Persian ; that skunk is eallud Alaska sable ; that American sable is sold as Uu.Hai»n crown sable ; that mnnkey or 1,-nx and dog and fox 1 nd] ol^cat and muskrat a'ld • , am: »' snrts cf dillennt fnis arc sold under diflferent hi(;h souiidini; names ; that white hairs are regularly inserted in fox skins and sonietiinea in sable skins? Snrely not all of our readers were adviaed as to these details. There is a vigilance committe e appoint'''! ' the lyondon Chamber rdCommerco whi'ae., i, ia to Hju-oad hifoiination against tlieae trade fraurls. We pruurae wu neied nothini; nf that • t in Auieriuo, for hare wc don't mind being looleil. â€" Field and Stream, Tf It is a billi.ius aitaek taVi> Chanilwr- liin'x St"inach and Liver Tablets and a lick ouie is ceartain. For sale by W. . Ri I aidson. Tho doctors believe anuiher epidemic pf grippe i( hare, and alraa^y many are KUlfurilig. Ths medical lueq arw not «f. . .»...,.„ ,..« ,-„,, ...,.,„..». „,.. ..w raid o( iirippu iinoe CatarrhotoMa wan 4^.ju„tla.iod, wbiU t' • w«ak and alnig- I i •trinluciHl, «nd clahu that no va« *ili Traoc Marks DcaioNa COPYIIIOHTS Ac. Anvnns HSinnc a tkatrli sad aâ€"er i wion mar 4nlolitT wfisrtaln our opinion fr«e wnettiAr an Invmitlon ts pmbablr PstsplAbn CnminunKuv tlonsstnet}jrcona<t*ntwl. HANDBOOK on I'stMita sant fr««. OMMt M«n<y tor ta nuiUM i paftus. ratanu Uk«n tfinmch Mann ft Co. im^ra dMcial ««tiM, wttboot eB«r|«, In tk* pi rt n l ««Nm, wttboot •B*'!*, In tb* SckNtific Hmericati a haadsomstr IDostnlad wtokly. iMmst eir- mtaUon of tnj scionuflo hmraaL Tnnvs, 91 a Taar ; loar mootha, (L BoM br all mwiilwlsn. BOYD, KICKLING & CO., FLESHERTON, ONT. White Goods dal6 a â- a The present high price of cotton makes a showinj^ of White Wear at Special Prices an item of particuhir interest. We special- ly invite you to see our display at Special Prices. UNDEESKIBTS Under >Skiits, fine cotton, deep hem, bix row taclung Ikpgtilai' 000 for Under (Skirts, tine cotton, deep liein, fire rows tucking and dust frill. Kegiilai 75o for Under Skirts, tine Cdinbric, deep frill, trimmed wide lace and insertion with diut frill. £eg'< ular $1.10 lor Under Skirts, fine cambric, extra deep tucked fnli, trimmed lace and cJust frill. Kegular $1.60 for Under Skirts, extra tine cambric, dees uill trimmed BIX rowj tucking and wide embroidery with dust frill. Eegulat $2. for Under Skirts, extra tine cambric, deep frill trimmed 18 rows tucking, two rows insertion and tine wide embroidery. Ecg $1.2.5 for 45 63 95 $1 $1.75 $1.30 Nioht NIGHT GOWNS collar and cnflfs. Gowus. fine cotton, frilled Regular 55c. for Night Gowns, tine cattibiic, embroidery trimmed collar and cutTr!, yoke with iuaartion. Regular $1.10 fDr Night Gowns, tine cambric, embroidery trimmed collar and culls, yoke and insertion and tuckuig Regulai $1 50 for 45 9.-) SI. 15 CHEMISES Chemises, fiuc cotton, frilled neck and sleeves Chemises, tine cotton, trimmed and line embroidery front, neck and sleeves. Reg. 5iic for Chemises, fine cambric, trimmed embioiJery ytke, neck and sleeves, front all tucking. Beg. 85c for 25 45 75 DKAWERS Drawers, fine cotton, deep hem, four rows tucking. Drawers, fine cotto.i, deep hem and ft ill Begular 40o for Drawers, fine cotton, deep frill trimmed erahroidory and four rows tucking. Reg. 50c. hr Drawers, fine cambric, extra deep frill, tine embroi- dery trimmed and five rows lucking. Regnlftr 85c. for Draweis, fiuc cambric, extra deep frill trimmed fine embroidery, and insertion witli six rows tucking. Regular $1.00 for 23 80 40 CORSET COVERS (!craet Covers, fine cotton, assorted sizes. 2 for Corset Covers, fine cotton, embroider v frill Reg. 25o for Corset Covers, fine cotton, embroidery neok and sleeves Regular 80c for Corset Covers, tine carabrio, trimmed embroidery and wide luacnion. Regular 55o. for 25 19 20 45 White Goods Specials Fine Cambric Embroidery and Insertion. New Pattern.>*. Regular ^c. qnalitv 3c. yd Fine Wide Cambric Embroidt^rv and Insertion. Now desij,Mis. Kt'.ojniar 7 aiiti 8c. lines ' 5c vd Linen Damask Side Board Siaifs. Special jrta Linen Towels,â€" Frinjijcd em Is. Deep red bor- ders, all linen, size 27x1 'J. Per 10c. Linen Towels. fringed ends, plain or red borders, pure lincn-a great big towelâ€" size 22A x 45 Per pair 34 USE (4 Five Roses" Flour â- 4 «* i k' mMm mm >m>mfmxoximimm