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Flesherton Advance, 2 Mar 1905, p. 1

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w fh^txi&xi JlJirana. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€"" PBIKCIPI.Eb ^0T MEN." VOL niv, NO 1208 Flesstierton, Ont., Thursday. March 2 lOOci W. H THURSTON, '"'''^"'* PBOPKIETOK Going To Get Married ? If sfi yi)u will want a nioa wyldinp riiig- We have them in a great variety and at just the right prici'a. e e Going To A Wedding ? Ifso you will want to take a nreuent along. \Vt> havp tu.1 manv beaatiful BLACK WOOD 'CLOOKS which we will sell at cost f'lr the next fifteen days. This means sumethim; to you. Make a note of it. These are piiitable for^neral use. See them. m. Jlrmstrotid* FLKSHERTON, ONT. liiinbcrley Inten'led for la«t week. Jisper Stuart spent Suiid:«y with n Eugenia. r. VVilliau) Sirapsou, of Portlaw, i.s visiting frieuds here at oresen'. Miss Lena Proctor, of Dunain, wns ihu ^uestof the Missus KooU a few days <.f th4 [laat week. Mr. and Mrs. Gt-orge Prituhard, of V^ndeleur, spent Sunday with friends here. Misa AdJie Gaudia gave a birthday p.'\r'y t" a number of her you; f, friend.s (III St. Valentino's Day. Mis* Addie lu ide a charuiinn little bostesa. Mr. H. V. Gaudin deliveted, lattly, at Coyli>n, iliree l<)i;s, the product of one Ir e, totallinsf 2352 feet. Mr. and Mis. Charles Parker left for Drxytoii, N. D., on Tuesday morning On Tlmrt-day evening Feb. 16th a g udly number of the friends nnd neigb- liDis as.erahled fit the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Knott prior to their departure for their new home near Thornbury and presented Mr. and Mrs. Knott with a lieautifnl el<Kk and to Miss Mary a beautiful travUin.^ case and silver fruit dish fur services rendered by her as oriiaiust of our Sunday scho"! Follow- ing is a co[>y of the address which speaks for itself: Mr. and Mrs. C. Ku' tt and Miss Mary, â€" Dear Fiiends Wo hive gathered lo-ni'jbt to cxpre.13 oui feelings of respect and tsteeiii for you and our sorrow at your intended deparluiu fr<-ni ainonifiit us. Su long have you been here and so atiaclied htve wo become to you thit on j'our dupaituiea vacancy will be made thai cannot bo filled. We ask you to accept tliig clock as a reminder of your many fiii-nds in and artuod KimlK-r'ey. To Mi -a Mary we ;;reseot these for her tiJeli'y in pl'iyin^; for n< in the Sabhaih school. Wishing }-ou all happiness and proNpeiity in y^ ur i.ew hoioe, we are in Lkhnlf of all. '^' • lA sincerily.Mis. Geo. Proctt-r and Miss Lizz e Weber. Mr. and Mis. J. W, Knott, of Mark- dale, visited with Mr. and Mrs C. Knott un Sunday last Wo are sorry to r pott » very saiioii- a':cii!cHt, which occuuerlat AnlnT-ft, B C, wbeie Mr. Mr J<ilin SiiapMrn, ai «ld Kiinbcilcy li"y, was accidei.tully shot through the body We ari- plea-e"! t report thi<t be is on the fair way U> re fuveiy. Portlaw Tbt) death angel livi auain vi'<itid nur neighborhood lu.d ultiiued for his own two r>f our nnml-er. Mi too Mrs. Th>«. isberwiHMl were i.ailed uixm to uire up iheir little boy â€" tlmir only childâ€" on Munday o( last week .Much sympathy is •iteiided t<> the bertave<l |.a<en<> in their ioM, it bvin< hut one in«'«t.c« iu a num l)«r of liko tiinls they have be«n ca'lnd tt^<n t<> bear. Up Satanlt^ la«t Mr. JjAraan Dj*oo paasnd away at thecal ly aije of (hirty-flve present. His age rendeis his recovery after a short illness. Deceased, whose doubtful. I healiU for .sonie little time previous was Miss Bessie Feuwick is visiting at Mr. in imperfect stute, was working in the Paul's, Lady Bank. woods, and about a week previous to â-  â-  » • â-  decease had One of his feet slightly ahrad- It's When YoU Have iOOttiache ed with the rubber ha wore. Blooii- „. ^ , , »t â- â-  â-  , , ,,,,,,, , . Ihit the power of Nerviline quickly poLsoning developed and although medic- ^^j.^^ :t,„if f^n. ^..y aching tooth can , al aid was soon called, all effjrts irere he relieved by Nemline in a few minutes I fruitless He was of a quiet and innofeu- hy filling tlio cavities with batting so iked ' sive nature, and will be held m kindly 'n M^'-'ili'-e- A good plan is to rub the , i_ II L 1 , • .1 Knms with Hervilme al^o. Tnere isn t a re ..ombrance by all who knew He aimjle remedy that has one fourth the took a deep interest in the work of Dale- power of Nerviline which acts like Maeic. side Sunday school, of which he was Nervillne ki!la the pain outriiiht and pre- librarian for some years. He exhibited ^'y-ts it retuininij. You can't beat ^e^- , . , , •„ , , viline for toothache or neuralgia: itaiho much patience dunnu his illness and sol- ^est pain cure made. Price ioc. icitude for attendants and perfect' McFarland, Stafford & Co.'s Big Store MAEJKDA.LE, ONTARIO m Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE:. Stock Taking Bargains resignation to the au^jreme will be gently fell asleep. Mr. Janiea and Miss Mary Johnstin A Fanny Runaway A youUi; couple who .are not strangers have both been u-dergoii.g a severe jj, either Aveuing or Creemore had a alUck of illness, which appears slow to rather unpleasant experience on Satur- yield to treatment, but we are lilad to say day nj„ht last. After the rink closed' that they are seen-ingly progressing about 10 o jlock thev starred to drive i toward recovery. j home, first calling at Coibett's drug store Mr. Henry Hohiian has been been laid f„r ^ parcel. The youn^ ram went in up with ihe trip the past week bit we rhe store, leaving the lady in the cutter. are jilad to note, is around a^aiu. | Ju^t then a couple of rigs came racing by Mrs. V. Ariioit visited friends in Tor- J on the gsllop. The took fright and onto for a few days. ! joined in the race, despite the efforts of Mrs. Jos. Croft is on the sick list. j the lady to hold it. At the the horse and cutler turned towards Cash- town, the young lady being pitched out and the horse continuing; tc run. The Smart Alecs turned towards Dunediu. The young man interested, on coming' out of the store too tar behind to ace ! which way the racers hid turned, but en â-  reaching the corner heard bells Koing i Priccville Some people in this vicinity are Mim- ing the moou fo; bringing ou another snowstorm. A number of young men in this vicinity are joining the several fraternal societies in otUiii' i.u get tiio "grip" and many west, and another rii{ coming along that others of both sexes have more urip than was going that way he got in and went as they want without joining any society. | far as Dunediu before he found out that Miss Emma Robertson is visiting hor he was followimj the wrong lead. He mother here at piusent. j then had to tramp back. Tbe young lady Mr. and Mrs, James Tryon and child- J was picked up by a g 'od Samaritan a ren are visiting the form;.<r's parents, Mr. ! little later and conveyed to her home, and Mrs. Geo. Tryun. not much the worse of her rough experi- Mr. M. Currie, of Stonewall, Man., ; euce. The horse turned in to Wm has been CiiUiiigon oU friends and school- Flynn's. where it was found standing in (nates around here lately. j the shed the next morning, without Mr. Colin McLeau had the misfortune injury to itself or cutter. â€" Criemore to lose one of his fat cattle last week. : Star. T. J. Pattou is again organizer for the I ~~ ' â€" »•• s. o. S. He intends to ui^anizu a camp Champion Liniment for Rhe'jmatism at Proton Station this week. | Chas. Drake, a mail ca-.rier at Chapin- Mr. T. H. B.'ll, a former school teacher ville. Conn., says: "Chambeilain's Pain here, called on friends one day last week. Balm is the chainpii>ii of all liniin-u's. Dr. Dixon, a-ssisted by Dr. McDonald, Tlie pist year 1 was troubled a dtal of Durham, is attending Johnnie, second with rheuniatisiu in my shoulder After son of Mr. A!e.\. White, O. D. R. The trying several cures the st irekeeper here trouble is a;)pciiclicitis, but the doctors recommended this remedy and it com- think it can be icsioved without an pleiely cured me." There is no use ot operation. ' acyono sutfering fiom that painful ail- â€"MB «. • .» m I meut wbeu this liniment c;iu he obtained for a small sum. Cue application stives I prompt relief and its continued use for -.i The mild weather of the past week a»''"r'- '""« "'" produce a permanent brought out our old friends, the crows, I euro- For sale by W. E. Richardson. from their winter hnunt', so lei us \\o\)0 150 pounds Hunter Prunes, 60s and TOs, tbe large lOo kind, special sale price 5 Ihs for 25 96 Bottles Rowat's English Chow Chow Pickles put. up in fancy gliss bottle with glass stopper, regular value 20o a hottle, sale price TWO bottles 25 36 pint bottles "Royal City" Catsup, rich bright color, regular 10c kind sale price 7 21 packaaes Pearca'a Enalish Baking Ponder, OIKS pound size, the regu'ar price of these were 35c a pickage, sale price 10 48 tins Kitchen Queen Bakina Powder, the larae 15c sizes, 3.ile price 10 32 pack'ges "Hecker's Farina," regular 15c;kind, sale price 8 144 packages Victoria sijuare blue, J lb. packages.sold all over at 3c a package sale price 2 for 5 44 packaaes Moody's Klenzine Ammonia, large 10c packages,8ale price 5 72 tins "York" Metal polish. This is usually sold at 10c a tin, but we got a baruain. Side price 3 150 packages "Pu'z Pasta" Silver Polish. This polish we can recommend, and you will not likely get it again at^ such a bargain, so luy in a (4|Qck . Ret;ular 25c package for " ' •> ISO packages " Le TriJppeur " Fine Out Smoking Tobicco, j pound packages, resiular value 10c sale price 5 36 Bottles Rowat's Worcestershire Sauce, tbe large pint liottle sold everywhere at 25 cents,.sale price 15- 108 tins VVa.shingtoii Lye. The manufac- turers guarantee this 100 per cent, pure and equal to any. Regular 10c tin, sale price 5 144 tins Clark's Potted Tongue, small T'l size, 7 lins for 2i 68 tins Clark's Devilled Turkey and Pev- i'led Ham, regular value 10c Uu,sah! price 4 for 25- 48 tins Libby's & Clark's Ready Lunch-, assorted kinds, reg 15c size, sal'j price 3 for 25 2500 cakes Comfort Soap, sale pricg C for 25 288 cakes "mottled caslile" ree price 2 cakes for 5c, sale price FOUR lor 5 How About Your Fruit Shelves ^ This time of the year the preserved and canned Fruits, Jellies, Jams, etc., are beifin. nlng to thin out and look scarce in many horns. Take a look ilir mgh your supply Your might be surprised at how few there am left. It will be many weeks yet before even rhubarb is ready. Better take advantage of these bargains now. 36 pint Sealers, Goodwillios preserves. Strawberries, R.ippberries, Red Cherries, Green Gages and Peaches. Son. e of the jars were broken in case and have stained till! ot hem, but as they are screw top glass scalers the (ruit is all right. Reanlir value 25c. bottle, sale price 12i 23 pnils Jam and Jelly, Plum, Peach, Apricot, SuMwberry and red currants in the lot. These are put up in 7 lb. wo(hI- en pall and cheap iu tegular way at 70c pail, sale price 39 68 Imrcrial Pint Sealers, "Gold Medal' Crawford Poaches.lsrge fruit, thick syrup, put up in screw top gl.iss .sealers, peachen were .•scarce last yeir, and this size and quality now sell at 35c jar, sale price 18 30 tins Slice*! Pine .Apples put up in thick %y'up. Hat 2 lb. tins, regular value 20c liiv sale price 14 36 tins Loin bat d Plums,R-d Raspberries etc.. 2 lb. tin.s, regular value 15c tin, sale price 14 Eugenia winter will soon bo over. Mr. H'g'.; has returned homo from the city, where he went to ateiid his brother, Mr. W. T., wbi> got hurt in a runaway and who was dmgerou.sly ill. We are pleased to hear that he is out of danger. Mr Siiuuol Pedlar received « teleijraiu the past wit'k from liisson. Mr. Joseph, of Loop City, Nebrask.i, inform- ng him of the death nf his only daughter. HOW ABOUT TEA We have a few Chei-ts left of thos Ba rijain Teas. Perhaps you benefitted by our saU but this will not last much longer and it is w-x, likely another opportunity like this will come your way this year. Prices: â€" 25c Black Tea, Sale Price 19 40c CeylonfJ.een Tea. s*Ie price 25e 25c Ceylon Green Tea, sale price 19c 400 Ceylon Black Tea, sale price 2Dc 50 c Ceylon Black Tea, sale price 3 pounds for $1.00 McFAKLAND, SX AFFORD & CO John Shields, owner of what is known as the Shield's meteorite, which fell on bis farm on the 13th of Au^'Ust, gold It this week to Oliver 0. Farrington Ph. D . curator of Geolo^'y in the Fiv Id Col- uinb an Museum of Chicago for the sum of 8500. Mr. !»hields to bo furnished â-  with a cast of the uieie<<rite and a small porlio'i of it. Mr. Farriii'.'ton returned to Ciiioago im Tuesday morning, â€" Stiel- i^I^OTON STATION BTOI^E W. Hockley 1905 W. Hockley Just « few of out many bariiains we have to otTer our pnt.rofs for the coming month. 50 pairs men's heavy all-wo<d socks .15> Sadie, cnsumpti.n. Their only , *»"f"0 f"e I'r'-ss- j 8->ii, Bay, died from ihe sanio dise.ise a On Friday inoriing Mr. Jacob Kneistoy s'lort lime ago. As Mr. tVdar was well who lived with Ins f ither and two sis'eis I km wn at Eu.;eria. where he spent his "n a farm rented fiom Mr. Amicus Mc- | boyhood days, the sincere syinpathy of a Eacliorn on ihe tenth of Ejremonr, wf-nt ! lar;e circle of frien^fs is ex' ended to him out to at'end to his sit^ck at t.^e ham. and his wife m t^eir sad bireavoment. Some lime after he was found lying be- DeoeHSed was 20 years of sue. Pjiy at his bind out of tbe horsi s, a>.d died ou S«t- death, three ytars igo, waj alwiut the urday. It is believed that death was the luiaie Hge. result of an apoplepiio stroke. The dec- <inr mill men are putt nj; on a business eased was unman ied. Another sLster is l<ke air. Looks as it the old Beav«r was Mrs. John Spicer, who lives near by. (> lie put in hnrnosa a^aiii, hy the way The fuiier«t took place uu Tuesday. â€" lugn sre coming in. Mr. M'llar is putting Cunfedemte. in a cood stock, al<o Mr. Orborne liai a *" * ' ' «ne» .Kk of shingle timSer. Mr. Sloan ASafeCouQh Mcdiciiw foF Children and Mr. Deaicle am kept busy choppnig. In buying a cough medicine for cbild- â- o our town is not dead yet. r«n never be afraki to buy Chamberlain'* Mr* Latiioer, ar., has rotarned homa Cough ramedy. There ia no danger from from the city froai a vimt to bar t-M, Mr. it and r«liaf ia aJwaya aura to fullfiw. It Wcaley Latimer, who was very ill bat m ia especially valuahla for oolda, croup and DOW racoTcred whoopinK oaufh. For aala by W. K. Hr, William Parvia ia r«ry poorly iS RicbardsoM. 50 suits of men's all-wool guernseys regular §l'2n f .r 89 12 Men's tine Dress 0> eicoats 4 59 100 yds all wool Ahevtiiig 2 yds.wide great baigaiii 49 A large a^«ortment of men's win- ter caps 50 and tjilc lines for. . . .39 Ju.1t a few ladies' short ooats Uft to clear at 2.99 25 Men's and Bi-ys' sweaters, bar- gain price A large assoi tment of chiMs hoods snap at 15 pairs men's heavy winter pants regular S:<.W line for 2.19 49 .29^ BOOTS and RUBBERS •>i â- â€¢" '.i-i 25 pair* 3 eyiet sna:» proof luHbers 25 (wiirs "omen's felt lined i>»»ot» 1.40 regu'ar $276 line" for 2.39 and 1.50 linws for 1.19 50 pairs bt>ys plain overs, best rublier. Also a larne t-il^le of workinu liaotf sni^ a) 48 leducnl to 98 Wa want to impresa upon your mind the great hurgains we am riving 'his month in ulassware, such a- : Fancy Parlor Lamps, regu'ar 9.75 line for 8 t^O 6 eold »• ip^le w,i^er sett.t 1,75 U- 2.(10 lines for 1 4rt 5 only tea setts, 44 piece*, ereai bargain at 2 59 4 87 pie«« diuuar letta, 910.00 lines reduced to 8 0<l GROCEI^IES 7 Iba fn«h figs for 26 4 Ihe clmn curtnta f'w % 3ft 50 large bottles mmato catsup special 1 1 h Iba |jo«'d Japan T«-a for 1 •"• |lb» («od Ceylon BUckTM.,., .., ,.....,.. 1 It

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