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Flesherton Advance, 23 Feb 1905, p. 5

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i t THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Fkbrctasy 23 1006 Methodist Church Sunday, Feb. 26. Mirniiig: â€" Peters ResUiratton. Evening:â€" I<""iiiih Conimamlment. t. s. 1. W1I.MON, K. A., B. D., Pastor ClinraotL-rintics iif tiia Pant Wi-ek Careuillv Cullcnl for the L'uridiis. . . Kreih lime a'lTnya on lia'.iJ. •!. U Diickett, Eugenia. Durlmm l);«iil costs 12 cents a luaf. Notice â€" Owing to sicltness Dr. Murray will not iiialfe his r.>guUr visits tu Max- well Uiitil furilier nutice. Divi.sioii Cnurt was hflJ in Uumlalk yesterday, Weduescay. SiocU i 'V »»!«â€" Two Durham 'nUs.otie 18 inontl's old, git by Lord L:iverick, tlio otlier coming 3; also a number of Yorksliiro p-gs, all ajies. W. fcl. Guy, Maxwell. Mr. vV. J. Mil. tin an! fiimily, liito of Keontin's miil, have moved to towu. Black riceipt hooks sale â€" ftt this < (iioe. Mrs. Frfid Slicppard, Toronto Juuc- til n, is viaitinij the parental homo here. 2 year old driuight colt for sale.â€" A. MeU.'ie, Ceylon. The Forostors are reiiuested to roniem- her that Friday of this week is the regu- lar meecing nii;ht. Rev. \V. Sinc'air, of Uffiington, Mus- kokii, culled on hia parents here ou \Vi Jnesdiiy <f last WBek. Noticeâ€" Having put in a first class grinding outfit in connection with the electiic plant, am prepared to accommo- date ihe puMic in the elio|iping busineas. Fred Deagle, Eugenia. Mrs. S. J. Jory, and little daughter, of Brandcni, Man , -ire vi-iUing with friends in this viciiity. Hif,lust >;H.-.h price paid forhides,shecp- f-kins, tiillow, and all kinds of fur. Beef sold by the quarter or half quarter at low est price. Mark Wilson, Flesherton. Mr. \V. Clayton is lu Toronto this week atlendiuj; as delegate to thu Grand Lodt'o of R.iyal TompLira. We underiitand that Mr. Harmon Dy- son of the, -tth line is seriously ill with blood poisoning. The local mills are scarce of flour, ow. in;; to low water. People who use the Manitoba kind are more fotunate. Boyd nicklini; & Co. have lots of "Five Rosos" Flour, Bian and shorts. The rotary snow plough will be kept on this line fi>r the baltinco of the stormy Keaeon, which will prob.ilily prevent any further pridonsjed blockade. A mfetins: of the VVomcns Institute will be held at the residence of Mrs Al- bert Stewart in the suburl)8, on Tuesday, Feb. 28. All ladies are cordially invited. Dundalk public school was hurned to the i;round on Saturday Litt. The fire started from the furnace. The school waa a aoht brick building. It waa erect- ed twenty years a!<o and the people of Dumialk oidy coinpletcd paying for for it last year. Mr. R. J. Sproule wag on the Thursday evening train ta9t week from Toronto which arrived at Oraogeville 13.30 at night and Htopi<ed there. R. J. remained at Orangoville until 11.30 a. m. on l^aturday wlun lie starteil out forborne in a cutler, wheie he arrived 12.30 at night â€" twelve hours to do the 38 miles Jiiri miah F'. Ji'hnAon, a colored man from Aiumcsia died in Owen Sound jail receitll.v, a -id (i9. The Tinie.s says the old man was "lie uf the winter terugeea and wa* C' lumi' on Oct. 20 for one raO: ih as H vagittMt. Dropsy wa.s the c»«M- "f deaih. The TiineH Ihmks de- ctascd oiiuht to b.ive been in the house uf II iuii'^ lather tliau the county jail. Some friend senils US a copy of the Lin oiii C un'y Timm, Washington, con- taii'ii • â-  o:^'- of the death of Eriwin 8n ^ â- â€¢ ( 'â-  a: oiif lime lived in this viciiiil.. , »'.' tieiieve, and matri< d a d.iugh (cr o II. Mo.ire. For soveial yeais hn tiHrt I'vBii a fruit farmer in tl.e0r.;liard V»llc>> iiid I'aves a wife i-nd twelve chil II t jic «i of whom are gruwn up Ail til. I Nwindle is being worked i-.i lom- p .. â- .I of the cpuntry hy a m' n who a 11 «?. »iy birds. They are worth #10 first batii the liirj losei its oiauiiful veUow and turns into a oominon sparrow. Owing to he block ideMius .lohnson and Mr. McRaye were unable to til their engagements on this line and the concert has been i o.stponed until Thursday, March 2. The library board purposed calling off ho i-tiiioert altosjelher but lai-iiu numbors have signifi d their desire to hear these talented people and so arrange- meiiia have been made to secure them for tlie above date. Siioaking I lliv. Mr. Mclbien's ri - inoval fro u < ».ven Sound to Fles'ierton, the Sun says : For the past four he li.i.'i ministered with .acer]jiajice to the West street congregation. As the rules of the church restrict, a pastor from re- maining in one tield longer iliaii four years, Rev. Mr. MeBrien's removal from Owen Sound is a matter of necessity, al- though his congregation and cliurcli goers generally will Sincerely regret Ida de- parture. John BiiwliT, a pioneer cf this town- sliip. died at the homo of his .son in Owen Sound last week. Deceased 13 a i"otl er of C. W. Bo'.vler, of Mai kdale and Joshua Bowler, of Euphra.>.ia. Mr. Bowlar, with his family, moved to Oivun Sonnd ov r a year a;;o and r -ideil tli' ri; until his dealh li-t inonday. DKce.ised has. â- â€¢â- â- â€¢i I'l pnur hi'idth for some weeks, yet his friends Wire shocked by the news of his death. He leives a widow and a grown up fam- ily : Mrs. Win. Oarg i, Arteine.sia; Mr.s. J. Clark, »:rs. li. "igo Caibert. Mrs. Wm. Malier and Miss Mabel of Owen Sound. The remains were inter, ed ai; Owen So At the aniuiul districn meeting of Arte mesia L ().L., the f â- ; a resa of condolence was tendered Bio.Cbas. N il : Dear Bro. Neil â€" By resolution of Arte- meaia District Lodge, in session assem- bled, we convey to you this letter of con. dolence. Ic is with feeliin;s of deepest sorrow we have learned of your recent serious accident. You have our sincere syinuatliy in this your affliction, with hope that you may speedily recover j'our woniied health and str.;iigtli. And may tliissQ of bo of rich .spiritual experience in earnest prcparatitm to be translated to the Grand Lodge above. Beliefe us as ever yours faithfully, Wm. Sharp, W. M.; F. T. Cakk, Chap."; C. E. Thomf.sok, Sec. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Sinclair of this received the sad news from Pori. Huron on Saturday last that their only daughter, Mrs. Lou Ludlow, had passed away at her home there no Friday even- ing. The deceased was a young woiuim, onlj' 32 ye- ^ i^f a^o, and the blow was a heavy one, being altogether unexpected. Although It was known that she wa.s unwell, still it was not IhouL'ht to be so serious. She leaves behind, her husband and two little children â€" 4 and 6 years of .ageâ€" to whom much gyinpaihy is e.Mepded. Deeea.sed w,is uf a bright, cheoiful nature, and possessed qualities which made for her many warm fiicnda hire, where ihe was born. Owing to railway blockades the remains were plac- ed 111 a vault at Port Huron, but it i.i oxpecied they will ho brought here tins neea, tor interment. The annual meeting of the Cement Co. is to be held in Toronto on Fub. 28 inst. There will no doubt be a u'ood attendance as thii Directors will have an intenstiiig report showing eluarly, wu b. Hevo, that our 'jreat industry .Inri. g 1!)(1+ was a money making concern, uven with the price of cement lower than it is likely to he ngiin for some time. Owing to the 'nitial iiii.shaps and mistakos, it will not, we expect, be posaiblo to declare a divi- dend this year, hot we hope tin- directors and managers see daylight ahead in this par'ieular. â€" Grey Review. A few days ago some young lads who are old enough to know better wore dis- covered ro ^1 theft which II. ay lead them into trouble. With a deplorable cunning for immature years, they asked Mr. T. Reid, temporarly in chaigi' of Mr.s. Beggs' store, for some article requiring Ins alisence at the hack of he shop. While there one of them robbed the till of $o 50, home say ^7.50 and got of' The theft whs discovered und part of the money secured. T i ire's a lesson to learn by sumubodyo â€" G ey Review. M .M .nnan Whit mak, f.rinerlyof Osprey, died sudden v of pneiinionia at t e hos al .. Pi ly Soun week. He was in a Inm er uaiii â-  when he took cold. Hia caao beeuno .'lerinus and ho iK'.i out o 1 he hospital, where he o ' ved a few hours. He was a black- smith by trade and served in one of the Canadian cmtingeuts which went to South Africa to Cnht ills battles of the Empire. Mr. Jas. Donaldson, 12tli Bruce, de- livered a fat hull to Mr. And. Cormack last, week that weighed i,26() Ills. This is ihe lieavinst beef ever put on the Paidley ecaloa. He was a shortliorn Durham, and less than three yeuv.s old. The animal lirought over 8100. TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be received up to ThurBday, Mar. 9, for the erection of a brick nelioiil houfie in Section No. 3, Arte- mefiia. Fur plans and Hpeeitieatians apply to M. Thistk-thwaite, lot lUli, W.T.& .~5.R.,.\Vte- mesia. 'l"he lowest nr any tender not uuces- sarily accepted JOHN CHARD, Feb. 6, 1!I05 Secretary Notice to Creditors Startling But Irue People tbo world over were horrified on leuruiiiif of tbo burtiiug of a Chicago theatre in which nearly &ix hundred people lost their livert, yvt more than five times this number or uver 3000 people died from pneumonia in Chi- cago during the .<*aine year, with acai-cely a pariHing notice. Kvery one of tliene cases of puouniunia resulted from a cold and cuidd have been prevented by a timely use of Cham- berlain's Cough Rtmedy. A great many who had evtrv reason to fear imeumouia have warded it ofif by the prompt use of this rent* Ciiy. The following Ih an instance of this sort: '* Too much cannot liu said in favor of C'hain- b'.'rlain'a Cough Remedy, ami o»pecially for colds and iiifluenza. I know that it cured my d.iiighttjr, Laura, of a severe cold, and I be- hove yaved her life when she w;vs threatened with pneumonia.'* W. D. Wilcox, Logan, N«iw Vork. Sold by W. K. HicharJsou. In th.! MHb»-er of the Estate of JOSTAH GAMEV Inte of ihe Township of O. prey in the County of Grey, farm or, dece;i8ed. Kofciec in herobv «ivon pnrs'iant; to tlie Ho- viHed Statutos of Ontiuio lHi(7, Chap. lli'J. that ali croftitors autt othyrs havint* (-liiioirt afjiunst tho Katiito of Lho &aia JOHt.-Vli GA.MICY wiio died on or abcut the Ki«liteoi-fch day of Kovembur. 1H04, are rtqiih-Lut, dm ov hnforothe Twcnty-tliivd nav of Kemuary, IDU.'i. to soim hy portt pn-ptud or (il.Iivor to JOSIO'H W. G iMlilY, O' Maxwtsll, Ontario, otioof the exeoiitorH of tlie laHt will and tuBttiin 'ut of fht) suid dfcans- cii, tli'dr christ.inu ainl suroam-s. adnroasps and desoriptions, the Tull partieuJars of tlioir ctaimH the titatuniotib of tliuir amounts and tho nature of tho 9e(3uritiort, if any hold by thiMO, A^D further (ako notice that after such last luoiitiouod ifate tho e?teeutor;i of the said GBtate will proceed to distiibute tiio assets of tlio said tiucuasod unions tiiu partiitn entitled tliercto, havioc roji"rd only to the claims of which they shall then have i^otito ati'I thatth;said KxHcntors will n >r, b'i liablo f -r the said afi^ets or any part therecf to any pi-r- 8on or xjorscns ol whopo clnims noiiiui sh 11 ijot h'xvo boon reco'vod bv thoui at the time of such titiiu of distribution. LUCA,S, WHKiliTrt; McVKDL?';. Solicitors f )r. Joseph W. '.:;imiiy and Samuul F. Roberts, executors of the Last Will uud testament of Jowiah Gamoy, ducottsed. Notice to Creditors Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER of the estate of JAME.S E. MOORE, formerly of tile Villaan of FlesheiMoii, in tlio countv iif Orey, Furniture Dealer, IiiHolvent n^.lXifiS i" I'lreby (jivou th»t tho aaidJAMEP 'V, ".l)*""'' I'as nmilu an aenlnnineiit to me fo nil liiR retnt.. niul.firec:tB fur tli.. smioial Imnellt Uv n'^'u"'"'"''''"" '«'tl"i provisions of uliapter H7 U. H.O., xma'.fl .iniMudii.K .\ct9. A ni(.oii„(,„f thosaifl Cioiiitora will bo liel.l ntthoolk-oofU..). S|,rom.,i,itlo vilnRo of Ho8iH,-t,ni,on ;.roa,lav lh„ lOll, .lay of K„l.rii. arv, 100.,, at ll.« luinr â- > „'clo,-k in tliB aftornooii to rocu.vo a Btatmi.ont of allairs, toapnoiiit iiiMjeutors ami for ..1,„ ordennij o( tlio altairs of tli.3 estate eeiierallv. NOTICE 18 herijliv givon that aflm- the SOtli ''"y,?' ^''"•';ll' I'J"--'. ""• iiKSlKii^o will proeeml to (llstnlmtetllo asKets of tlio DKUTi'll ainoit; tlio pa' tios oiititloil tlioreto, liavi -14 reeani only to tlie 1 lailOK of wliioli iiolino slmll tlifii liHVK liuoii siveli, ami that In. will uot O.i UhIjIh lor tile iiBsuts 01 aiiv part tliuroof ho iiistr:i)ni.'(l to any person or piiraoiiB of wIloBO chiinis lio slmil not thuu huvo lial notii'o. HtiiiEirrn. cook. _ ^ , . . Assiunoe, Datoa at Flesherton tliisi lOth day of H"nb. 1{10.>. FARM FOR Sale NiNFTY acres, 1} niiliis from Flesherton, fiO aeren (It to run (arm implemeritB, rest gomi piiHtiirn lanrt; Komu K.iorUeiiar: wuM foncoil, w.ill waiurixi; two ucres oreliuid; Imilinns comfort- n 111': 6 aioiis fall whoat, .0 â- lorog clovor soil lilinv<,(| finwn inariv for Bu(jd;l."> aeros niailiinoth c'ovor, miudcil IfcBt year. Owing to continued liluoBS will soil cheap. Apply to A. BOYD, MuRhorton. Bull For Service The ahorthorn Bull SootllBh Chief No. .«30fl will Btaud (or servion on lot 170 2015. li. T. Sc y. Uo&cl. Vermt (or aervlcu JKrado cuwa yi .'lO, rogiBtarod cowg $.â- ; 00. jiavalile .lau. Ist 19011. AlBoa, roKistered YorkHhire Hoar. i;ro»tliill Jack No. I(tt21. ToriiiB for Borvico *1.0'), pay- able Jan. Itit. 1006. Podi|.'rnoii on application. ICICHAKD ALLHN. P'or The Far m e r s I have a coiii|ilete itock of Im- pleTiienr.s, cte. nmuely: DEERING PMiider.s, Muvir.i, Hay RaUes, Kiiifo Orhitler.s for iiiii'.vurs,Dis.k. Siiioothiiic; aiul Spiiuo Tooth Il.irrnws. MAXWELL Hay Lnailer, yide Delivery IlaJ' Uake and Tetlilor eoiiihiiied, ete. :*!?• EMPIRE CREAM SEPARATOR ^2S/. L. Wrig-l:Lt- (lianihouse'H Old Stand) Flesherton :-: Out. Bodfs Jftid In order to make room SPRING Gt)ODS Olaylon'a aro giving great bargains in Boots. Shuea. Rulihers ami all kinds of wintur goode. Wo have a few paira iif Men's and hoys HEAVY GU:H RUBBErs. A few pnir.s Overshoes also Trunks and telesooiies â€" all goin;; at{{roatly reduced prices. To those wearing homa mide boots and shoes â€" We are making them of tho best material that can he got. Try a pair. f1es];.4HCi% g Medical Hall S "Xhe Leeicifngr Drugt Stores" -H'+<- Mr. .la', Fenwick, of VVeyliurn, As,sa., | V of the vi, iiiily of Maxwell, re- cently "utt'ered a, very severe loss. He l.'ad eikht horses altogether and one died 01 glai ders. Th.- N. W. Mounted P.dice til ti -t â- |it>ed in and onlered 10 dovittiy Ihu other seven. The Government doe* o.d. provide sny comppn^aiion in such cwe^. â€" Herald. K, I . '•VntRon had a cmplu of r ba cr«ckod recently sa the result of a fall in goin^ u »t,i rs from tlip cellar of his hnuM aft I a tei ding to the furnace. Pleuritic s lOiitoni set in a few days ago, «^ a resu't o' which Mr. Watton lias been cir6ned but th- owner will accept f I down and to th.^ house, but we understand he is tk* .ei. Binder when the bird* hare progrMMn^ nic«ly.â€" Shelbnin* KooMm- proved their abiiit/ to siiiK. With iti . j.t. In the MATTER of tho ESTATE of KRANCIS E.\1ERS0N, lato of ihe Township of Oiprey ii> the Couiily of Grey, farmer, deceased. NOTICl'j is hereby given piirsnanfc to "Tbo Keviand Statuti'B of Ontario" 1807, chaptRr I'.m, tiiab all creditors and others having olainis asnilist t!l» e>,tat.u of the said H'HANCIS K.^IKK.SON. who died on or about the (\fth da\ of OctobHr 190:1. are retinirud or before the Kighleenth day of Febrnarv. lUO.'i. to Bend by pout pr--paid or 1 Oliver to MoBsrfl. IjneaB, WriRht & MoArdIo iif tho villayo of Markdale. Bolicitorsfor Ann Kiuoimoo. tbo Adinini.stiati ix of tbo estate of Ihe said deooased, tlieir chris- tian and siiriiauies.addrusBi^g (,nd descriptions, tiiofiiU prtrticiilrtis of their ciaiin«, tho stio.^* nient of their accounts and tho imttircs of their Bucuictiod. ifauy, hold by thuin. AMI further taho notice that after snch last luciitioned dato the >aUl adiiiinistratrix will proceed to distribute tho nssotB of thodeceas- od aiuonfj tho partioB ontitlud thereto, haviiic ro{{ard only to tho c'aiins of wliicll thay rIiiiII till II have notice, and that the s&id adoiinistra- tiix will n- t be liablo for tho aaiil assets or anv part thwreof to any pursoii or jiiirsoiis of whose claiuiii ooiioe sliall not havn been rec^iv- ed i.y tl*>.]iu at tho timcof such distrii>utioii, UATKD tho thirtieth day of January, IW.'i. LU'AS, WltKillTA .McAUDLK, Solicitors for Ann Kiuerdoii, Adininistratri.Y of the ostatt. of Fraijcin fSrao'-Bon, dncoasorl. Farm For Sale BY TENDER THR fjirm owni t^ by %hvi Into Juftjah (tumoy, uofti* MjiXwcOl, lot \!i, con. 6. .iRprov, 1(K» acirfi, more o. lo-w, H3 nloAreil, go.MX* bull Hngs will s«U by tomior up i.o tlio •iifi'lay of Kebnmrv, 1005. Tho lownst or any teiulor not nocosftui ily accpptcii. A<i(lr«*R9toinicrH or for aiiv infnriiui"-. tion to S. nOBKHTK, Fevershani, or JOSKPU W.GAMKY. Maxwell. \ Prescriptions J Carefully >Jr - § 1 , Compounded I W.J. Douglass ^to -'''> â- ^I^" i^t- •>!«• -s'*- ^'&^%:J'<' *".• -Ms- <s'«- •s'*' â- &'<• :J'^ •&"/< •»"> >^'«• -^i^ itt. •}'«• -J"' -M*. ^'«. •»'«• â- M, vVii •Si*- <l|C> â€" i Farms for Sale ^OOacreo in Osprtjy. eood farm, prico low I ^^ f.inpc^ e»sy. Lots 1 atirt 2 in tbo lltb oon. IflS 1 W* woros in tillablfj cnnriitton, 9U ncrefl uocxl tim- 1 «?t* imr. Alno 254 acroH, lot 7. con. :». KnphraRlaj i 100 acreR iniproTbd. Tboso farotfl will Im sold â-  ^j^ at a groat ha'Kain as I am living in ARftintboia ' hnd bav6 uo UM for tb«m. For Your Stock Herbasjcuin, Intcriintional Siook Food, Columbian Roijiilator. Tick Destroyer for the sheep. For Yourself Pntent Medicines â€" all the popular makes. Pipos and tobacco. For Your Wife Spices for cooking â€" Allspice, Cinnamon, Mixed spices, etc. Pi ifuines. Corlicelhi Silk. For Your Baby Soothing Sv-up, Suekinu Bottles, and Teething Rings. >h >b >h Richardson & Son DRUaoiSTS Flesherton :â- : :-: Ontario montbi appljr to Kor tb« D«xi two J. D. 08UURNR. Bngeol*. ^Ik 4fy m is- V##«^t##^ii#^4't#4^#####t#^### 4

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