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Flesherton Advance, 23 Feb 1905, p. 4

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I t February 23 1905 THE FLESHERTON AD VAN CE F, T. HILL & CO. 'ii^miiMi\ % SPECIAL CLEARING SALE ^ f\i (\AA I Ine^c, REPj^ESENTING e= BIT I inn I inoc EXTRAORDINARY VALUES Of Odd Lines, {I;ivinii just c(>n)|ilutu(l Stock Takine, and finding many 1 sontin<4 hnlnnoi'K of Honiti uf our boHt sulling lineti wu make tho ((tiicUly, iiH fiiiluWK : MENS FINE AND HEAVY ALL-WOOL PANTS FOR ilte A PAIR Tliis lino representJi a full nssortnient nf sizes in many p'llternK, and lire ihu biilnncu in linoa of piiiitH tb»t are good luluu at 1 25 to 1.7.> a pair; to aull quickly wo make tliu piico per pair 08 MENS FLNE ALL-WOOL PANTS 81.60 PER PAIR This line is nindo np oiitimly of pantu that ruprosent I'Xtra trood Kollini; valui-s at. ?1.75 to $2.7") per |iair, but eousisr. cf odd lines, hence tho grnat reduction in piictf, clioice i)cr p lir MENS WATEUPPvOOF SMOCKS OR COATS $148 This pHrticular line of coiils is woll known to thn work- ing ni;in, reprusentina L'ii':il. wo)innf;(iuulitius and \n Kood value at ihu retiulir in'ices of SI 7C> lo §2 25. >Ve lnvo 35 of thuui left f'T qui>'k KuUinu, pricu 81.48 LADIES' COLORED SATEEN SKIRTS FOR 78c 23 Ladies' fiiio<iuality Siiteun Sliiits liuid with wadding and h.dvily (jiii'tud Tlii'so .skirts are sliwlitly coded, tlie ruL'ulitr |)ii;o iif which in §1.75, but on uuuuunt of thiB wo niiku tliu piico to clear only 78c inos of floods which are broken in sizcB, also repre- followion heavy reduoiioiia in pnce in order to clear MEN'S UNSHRINKADLE UNDEUWE\R 48c 160 piucivs of Men's Uo^dlrink!ibl« Underwear in Shirts and Driiwera. The regular price of this line IS 60c For (juick selling to clear 48o A CLEAN UP IN MEN'S WINTER CAPS, for 25c Tliu b.ilance of our stoek of Men's Winter Caps, representing a great many alylea and colors ini! of Cai)a that sell in the regular way from 40c to C5u, your choicu for 2nc CLEARING OUT ODD LINES IN MEN'S SWEATERS FOR 48c Men's Sweaters in Pure .All Wool qualities, also a few wors'od yarn makes in fancy weaves, retriilar 48c i^oe ai.d 85c Hue, to cle NEW PRINTS, EXTRA HEAVY CLOTHS SPEC I .L 10c A YARD This IS an early sliipnient we hive had sent on for early selling in new spring prints, repr.'sentiiiy n>*w paiteriis in all tlii- siaple colors, a very wide and heavy cloili, special per yard 10c SPE C I ALS IM GROCERIES 3 can.s good quality Salmon, Camel brand, spe';ial 3 cans fiir 25c Canned Toiiiatoe.s, Kent and Ayliner lirands, per 'in lOc Clark's I'ork and beans, 3 tins for 25c ".IcDonaid's Chewing Tobacco, the 5c plug, 7 pbigs for 25c â- ,â- .â- ...â- â- ,.-.';,:;.â- !>!.. Prunes, liJO Ib.H. Prunes, special (5 lbs. for 25c HARDWARE DEPARTHENT In all linos of Iliirdwaro wo cirry a coiii|/lute stock on which wo ari) ahvayj please 1 to quote prices. See our hill Jware mall if you "think of buying a new stove or oLhor hardvtare. All kinds of larm produ'io taken in exchange at highest market prices. wmm? MARKDALE mmm A Big Blockade - * This blanch of the C. P.R.has, for tl e past week, been been upagainat one of the m 'st Hcuravaiiiig propositions it has been called iipun to laeklo for acune time. Tile lilizzard Tui'silay Inst week devclop- »-d itil'i a blinding snow and wind stonii, â- Hrhich pncked ibe roadbed with Imrd Know and kept piling il on until Thursday niglit.wliin tlie service became complete- ly held up, culminating in a series of atein -nts, which left all the rolling' stock (ttriiii'; tbolinj at vaiious pointp. F i'.si the evening train down from Owen tSouud, drawn by two engines, passed this Htalion an hour late. Wlieu about hall n mile below Proton Salion the front engine left the truck and plou'jlied its way iiitii a fence corner. No ooo « as injured Iiui the tniin was stalled. The cveninii tr..iii from Toronto tlui saire day stuck at Mono roid for 2A htiuia, and arrived at Ora igeville at 12.30, where It remained. Tlio worst nccidoiit of tlie day occurred nt Slielburue. where three engines ra i three niiloi down ilio riack fr.)Tl that KtA ion to take water, and became fiis'. Three olheis were de^pnIchl•d to iheir nssiNtaooe. Inthemonn'iino thefiistlhr le two wore released and backed np towards tho Htalion. The six engines collirfed wiib the result that two of tli« oi. nines Were badly smashed, a yoiiog man iiumcd Han ley, of Shelburne â€" not an craployeo â€" was killed and five others more or less Inj'irHil. As tbougli thiH were not enouiih for one il.'iy, ill (he accidniit line, an engine «)i: the Ciedit Valley lir:iiich.left tho track near Ingle wond, ptf«c'Hdly lirMiicb. ThiH a-^ries of accidents simply ]iu' a slop to all tiaflic. The Thursday evening mail reached Fle.H er on mi SiMiHay at 2 p. in. 'I ho railways wer.- said fo be in good Bhape to tight tlie snow this win'er wiih beaN y SI nw pIiMV8 and other apidianceR, H'mI iinlll tlieae auoidenis pibd one oil to|i of an^ithor, had b"' n iilvin.' us ruin»rl<ab. ly g lod -ervioe. Uu' wheii ki-inei â€" i.r f«'. â€" lakes a hainl. man's pr'^posi'i.ns lii>:M-nr to liO ot no avail Tlie firsi iiniii uni tlirougb on Vlondav night a''<i»t 11 ••'cb-ck and have since been ninoina f.iirly «uli on time. The Welti h r ih s we.'k h ih Ixjcn iiiilil, and let UH hi|).' the HiictneM) of wiii'er hss jrit'y well sjieoi ii.tulf. The Evils of Constipation are Well known and ihu null bus:, ihinu is lo know a leliibe cum. Mrn. W. Eldles of Stoney Mounta.n. M in, ony^: "Dr. II I il'oo's I'illa are just the thing. They (TO riaht ti work »t ome. I usa only Dr. Uimilton'* PdM." Fr>e itSc p^r b't. The Farmer's Ice House The season of the year has arrived wlicn the ice bouse may bo tilled. There is no reason why most farm houses may not have a continuous supply of ice throunliout the summer. Where a siream or sheet of water is within reach the cost is but trifling. An ice house can be con- structed very cheaply after the fidlowiiig fashnii ; L»rge posts six or eight inches in dianietsr can bo sunk into tho giound to support tho framewiirk forming tho wal's. For a smalljco house two, or at the most three, posts on eacli sido would bu suflicient. Inside tho posts iwo-ii c'l plank niay be nailed on, thepnstsand the planli completing the walls of the storaue. A door niay be coiistru ted of sliort pieces of plank kept in place on the inside by the ice itself and on the ouisidu by the postM, As the ice is used the boards closing the dooiway may bo takon dowu one nftor tho other Tho roof may be made after any tnshioil to suit tho builder. The sliniity roof shingled would peihaps bo as cli'iup and satisfactory as any. In the fitting of the ice house the floor B lould l>u cjvered about n to it deep with B' or (try chopped straw. Tho ice may then bo laid up "n thia, leavii g a space all around betw en tho ice and tho wad aliout one foot wi le. As tlie ics is filled in this sptee should l)e lilb d with sawdu4 or straw, whichever is used. As each layer of ice is completed the crevices bet Ween the blocks should be tilled in Willi the chips and soft snow, so as to f xclud>' lilt air from among the ice. After the lull supply of leo is iii pIico the top should be loveied a foot deep with straw or hawdu-t. Tlie site for the house should be cirefully chosen sc that go< d driinsge is provided. It ia impoitant iliat tlietiionnd below the ice should lie kept iliy. A tiuilnin:; 12 leel njuaie and ei^ht liet high, ufif.irdlng npace within for ice lOit X lUit. z 6 will ooiiiain abuui ID loii.i of ice, WI ich nnuld undoubtedly be ainpb.- for ill purposes i-n ihe f>irin. The niu < rial reijiiire . in coiihtiuci this buld- inj W' uld I u ..i.I> a tr lling io>t, and a few lri|<R to tint no'iest poii.l "r creek would litiuu enough iue to fill the Il is b'xt to (ill th iou hduiH after c -Id weiirier, wh '11 ihe en is inoii bkoly tn be soand and s<i.i>l. VVhar is ciil A ri) ten eo ih (iiUid liih nii spaC'S. which will II' I In-i nttarly as long h.i srlid ice. Chaiiiberlains Cough Remedy the Hother's havurite I Hie siHitliiiip and he.iling prop.'rtie8 ot this remedy, its pleasant tsstc anil prompt and imt manent cures hive msiie it a favorite with people everywhdre. It is es|>ecially priwd by roothen of mnall ehililrcn, fur colds, cmnpand whoopinj omvh, ai it always afforrii qaiek relief, and as it cont:dns no opium or other lianiiful drug, it may l>e given as confidently to aL'aliy as to anadult. For sale by W. K. Kicliardson. Reading And Readers. On Monday evening Mr. N. W. Camp- bi.ll addros.^ed iho Presbyterian Guild on tho subject of "Readiiij; and Readcis." In a lucid and plersint; way, he discussed tho books to bo read, the purpose tor which we rend, and tho ddferent classes of readers. As to the laller, ho cbi.isitieil tliem in a curious way, as, the Raven read- er, the one who reads t'ooks that he may caw about what he knows, and imas him- self off as one of the learned. IIib cours' though ambiiioiifl, is not by any means a bed of roses. Then there is llie Rip Van Winkle reader, who toils through his books, but livos all hiH life in Sleepy Hol- low, baldly conscious that tlio world moves on while he sleeps. Next comes thu Gormandizer, who is never able to digest the muss lip diaws lino hia insut- iablo maw, and, though ho is ever reai'- iiiL', ho never makes anything his owi. Then follows in turn iho Mu'-hroom re • der, whoso work grows up Id the niiint and withers in the mom n:js sun; tho Scrap reader, who livos in clqipings to I nut tiis mind i.'i clothed with evoiy design and shiide till lie U more fearful and won- derful thin Joseph's coat of msny ccdors. Last of all we find the reader who is lilie tho miner oV ihe nierehanimiin soekiig sjoodly pearl<, who liai an eye to the iiug L'lMS, and at what ever C"8l secures and 1 8 a them. â€" Chronicle. Possibly Your Wife Poesii't lool< «o voung and pretty j,s shous-dlo. If her clnoks are bolt w Slid pa'e, if slie is tired and nervous .she noels K. rrozone, «hieh is not^d for r Kloiiiig the bio. m of hedth to sickly girls Mild women. Complexion i|uickly become' r.isy, spiriis, and strongi iiicreasus ilHily. Health and vnior«ill »0<in return to your wife or daiivdi'er if Ki-rroMne is laUen ir» ilm tonic tnide and csts fiOc. at drugmsis. ''^^ Trade MArtKS DcStQNS Copyrights Ac. Anvonfl RondlnR a BkMnh and desrrtnlton may qnlclil? na<!dr(uin our opinion freo wbeiticr tin liifontlon Is protuM? iiaieiitaMo. r,,tmminlca- llonaHirlctiycoiifi.ieiHliil. HANHBCflK un I'atonta tent freo. Olilewt aireiH-r U^r nemrintf [)aienti«. rntontu takon thrciiuh Atuiin A Co. rccetr* ifHTtaJ nof.(««, withoat c banr e, ta the Scfendfic Jf mcricam A htndti^mclr lUnntrntott wpphly. TATffeat cir- oalRthtn of iinjr noteiiilllc Journal. Term*. $3 • fwt; fourponthg, |L Bold brail nflwideslenL o."'«'-*^- New York t, « r tt, Waaktattoa. a C. .-M'^-- BOYD, HICKLING & CO., -FLESHERTON, ONT. '~l hite Goods aie â-  I â-  The present \\v^\\ price of cotton makes a showing ot Wlnte Wear at Special Prices an item of pariicular interest. V\''e special, ly unite you to sec our display at Special rrices. UNDEBSKIRTS Under Under Under Under Under Under (Skirls, (Skirts, Skirts. Skirts, Skirts, Skirts, fine cotton, deep hem, sis row tucking liegular u5c lor line cotton, deep licra, five vows tucking and dii3t liill. Regulai 75c for line c.imbfic, deep f nil, t.iiiimed wide lace and iiisertiou with dust full. Kog^ uliir SI .10 for lino caiubnc, extra deep tucked fnll. tniuiued lace and dust fiill. Eogulur 8L50 lor extra tine cambric, deep frill trimmed SIS rowd tucking and wide embroidery with dust ftili. liegular §2. for e.N.tia tine cambric, deep frill trimmed 18 row.'i tucking, two rows insertion and line wide embroidery. Eeg $J.25 fur ^"' 5 05 'I ei.25 ^ $1.75 ^ $1.30 ^ Night NIGHT GOWNS Gowns fine cotton, frilled collar and cnlfs. Regular 55c. for Night Gowns, tine cainbiic, embroidery trimmed collar and cufla, yoke willt insertion. Regular 81.10 for Night Gowns, liiie cambric, embroidery trimmed collar and cuffd, yoke and insertion and lucking Regular $1.50 for 45 ^ 5^ 95 $1.15 CHEMISiaS Chemises, fine cotton, frilled neck and sleeves Chouiiscs, fine cotton, triiuined and line embroidery front, neck and sleeves. Reg. 55c for Chemises, fine cambric, trimmed ombioidery ycke, neck and sloovea, front all tucking. Reg. 85c for 25 45 75 DRAWERS Drawers, fine cotton, deep liem, four rows tucking. Drawers, fine cottoj, deep hem and fiill Regular 40c for Drawers, fine cotton, deep frill trimmed embroidery and four rows tucking. Reg. 50c. far Drawerp, fine cambric, extra deep tiill, fine embroi- dery trimmed and five row.s lucking. Regular 85c. for Drawers, line cambric, extra deep fnll trimmed fine embroidery, and insertion with six rows tucking. Regular $1.00 for CORSET COVERS (!crset Covers, ftiio cotton, assorted aizes. 2 for Corset Cjvers, fine cotton, embroidery frill Reg. 25c for Corset Covers, ftiie cot>nn, embroidery neck and.sleevfs Regular DOo for Corset Covers, fine cambric, tritnraed embroidery and wide insertion. Regular 55c. for 23 80 40 65 95 25 X 19 ^ 20 ^ 45 0) White Goods Specials Fine Cambric Embroidery and In.sertion. New Patterns. lio^nUir 5c. (|uahty 3c, yd Fine Wide Cambric Fanhroidery and Insertion. Now design.s. Kegular 7 anil 8c. lines Go yd T.inon Damask Side Board Scarfs. Special iJo LiucnT.^owels, â€" Fringed ends. Deep red bor- ders, all linen, size '11\\'2. Per 10c. Liucn To\vel.s,fringed ends, plain or red border."?, pure linen-a great big towelâ€" size 22J- x 45 Per pair 34 :usE "Five Roses" Flour I

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