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Flesherton Advance, 16 Feb 1905, p. 8

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fsBmUART 1 6 1005 The Markets. farefallT Vorrerted Bark Week ttaU .. 36 35 peas 63 to e3 Barley . 46 to 46 Butler 17 '»» '7 Itettt freih M to 20 Chickens 7 'o 7 Ducks » to 9 Oueiie 9 to 10 Hay t" • &'' >'otmti>ei bate 60 to 60 TurkeyM 13 to 14 THE FL£SlIEBTOIf ADVANCE Our Clubbing List ^Advance, •Herald and •Toronto World, dMiy 13 25 Toronto Diiily News 186 \V..okly Globe 180 "K^il-EiLpire 1-80 ^JTamily Herald & Star 1.80 •â- ^'iTontii Star 1-80 Farmers Sun 1.80 All aljove prices iiictuilo The AdTance and Montrei.1 Herald, if paid m advance only Enrly subscribers get best ralue for their niuoey. New Livery. . . I have started a Ditw Livery Busiiirss in tnwn and have new rigs, gnod fre>h horses and am pre- pKrwd t" give yi'U the VERY BEST ACCOMMODA- TiiiN over (iiven in lay line in Fleeherton. . Hacking's Livery W.G. Hacking W.P.Crossley Proprietor. Manager. WANTED Salesmen to represent • Canada's Oreatest Nurseries" Newest varieties and spenialtiea in Hardy Fruits, Small Fruit», Shrubs, Orna- flii^ntals and Rosea. A p«rm:inent situation, and territory Reserved for ri({ht man. Pay weekly. H AN D.SOME OUTFIT FREE. Write tor particuUrs. Send 25c. for the POCKET MICROSCOPE, useful t.. ((rowers fruits and shruhs and to fartiiers in examining i<rsi:i8 and aeuds. Mr Ri.'hard Allan is local agent for Fleshertoii. Stone & Wellington (ovKK 800 acres) Toronto - - Ontario A gooJ iiiveHtment tb&t !>«>> divideuUs all IbruuK^ life iH a couriie ot trainlut; iu any of the UepurtmuutH of tbe Oteii Sound. Ont. Four complete oonrnoa of â- tuiy. Kest U(|ulppe(l Bu^l'ieriH (;ollf^f;A premiH- •I Id Gauada. riia otily collvgo owning its own ix>1I(iKe builrlint;. A lar(;o Ktaffof competent anil p»iii taking teacherr. Our graduatus are mo*t xuccsKHful. Junt ask thnro. full parties ulari aeut to any addi-aas fies. C A Fleming, PrinciiMl Winter Goods %jn ^(a Supp/ii nells,Blankals, Ilubea, imitation Peraiaii Li\inl> Coats for drivini?, Whipn, Lashes, Combs, Brush- es, â€" a !ai|!e stouk of choica good* jual in° Trunks and Valisaa for travellers. Qet your harncas supplios from â€" Wm. MOORE FLESHERTON Ayers Take cold easily? Throat tender? Lungs weak? Any relatives have consumption? Then a cough means a great Cherry Pectoral deal to you. Follow your doctor's advice and take Ayer's Cherry Pccforal. It heals, strengthens, prevents. "F»r « T«ar» I hava daj>end«« o« Afer*; Charrt Ptcloral for coufba and e*lda. I know it rrMtlT atranxthaaa waak lonja." Was. r. A. BOBursoB, SaUs*. Mich. J. o. ATia oo, towll. Maaa. AtUjrui&U^^^ |__ ^JfiSSStaBslSS I Weak Lungs Ay»r'a Pills IncreaM th* activity •f iK* Uww. and thus aid r*o«v«rya "T/*~ "^"If In Furniture The largest and best stocic of furnituie ever shown in Flesher- t<>n. This withont fear of contra- diction Come and see some of the nice things in Sideboards Dining Roon\ Ct\airs Parlor Setts Bed Roon\ Setts A special reduction just now on everything in order to reduce the stork. W. H. BUNT. furniture SUeaimi* __ [lesherton • Business Cards UT'CULliOUOR 4t TOUNQ «a Banker MarkdaU Jo a Ranaral banking baalnsaa. Money loanao a raaaonabla rate Call on oa. RJ HPBOULB Foatmaatitr, Flaaherton uotumisaionar In H.O. J., Aaotlonaar Con vayancer, Appralaar and Monajr Lender Real Estate and Inauraaee Agent. Deeda mortgaxea, leaaea and wMla earetuUy drawn up ami valuatlona made eu aborteat. untie*, money to loan at lowest ratea of Interest. Col tctiooe attended to with promptneas cbarires low. Agent tor Ooean Uoniinion Siaamebip Company. A call aolloitad. Societies AO U V meeta oi^ the laat Monday in eaon month, in their loog* room. Obrtatoe'a block, i^leeberton. at S p.m. kl.W., A. Harriaon ; Hacorder, Jas. Pelatead ; Finan- cier, W.J. Bel.amy. Visiting brstbrcn Icvited. PBINCB ARTRTK LODUE, No. M33.A. A M, meeta in the Maaonioball. Btrain'a blook, Pleebirton, erery Friday on or before iha full mocn. F U W Blckllng W M. Cbaa Munahaw, ttsLratary. nOUBT FIjRSHKRTOM, D95. I. P. F. ireetain V Cbristoa'a Bloftl< tlin laat Friday evei'lng of each month. ViaitiiiR Foraatara heartily welcome. 0. B., .I.Coruflold; B.C. W. Buakin; Fiu. Bee, H. A. Willett. Plaaaa pay duea to H. ' . Willett on or before tbe laat day of tb* preoeediug month. Medical DR CARTRB U CP*8 0n«. Phyaioian. Bnrgaon.ete OMce and residence â€" Peter at , Fleaherton R. Kinnear & Sons â€"MAX WE 1, L- Take this opportunity of thanking tlmir nuinurouu cus- tomei-.s and the public in gen- eral for their very liheral pat- ronajje during tho year and hope for u continuation of she sa>ne, and that their con- fidence in us will l)t; increaxed to ijic fullest extent. , tvi.shin}^ you all a happy nnd prosperou.s New Year, yours very truly, R. N. KIN NEAR & SON MAX W E L L na A. T. BOND " Graduate Toronto Uiifveralty. Mem- ber of Ontailo College oj PbvaioliaoH and Knr- il»ou*. Maxwell. On', riuooaasor to l>r. Bcott. T P OTTEWEM, ' Vetariuary Bargeon Qraduate of Ontario Veterinary Coila,ie, reaidanoe â€" aicoiid door aonth weat on Uarv atreet. Thie atreet roaa anntb Presbyterian Obnreh. U W1L,WIN, Blackamith "• iraduale of tlie Veerinary Bcienca *,.o<-i«i!on. Ks5ii!i;.-,cs, DiirhiB. Ureet, op- poaita Boyd, Hiuklii.g'e hardware. Legal r UCAB WRIOHT * MrARIlLE " Barriatara Holicitora Conveyanean, eta niBcaaâ€" Ow«n Honnd.Ont and MarkdaleOnt. W H WnioKT. MrABtiLR I H Lccaa N Bâ€" Fleaherton ofBce. Mitchell's Rank avary Saturday. Ukntistrv AR. B C. MllRirAV.I..n H. dertal an'geon f honor igrniluate of Tnrontn UnWeraity and Koval ('nlleaf nf Ifr-tital s irVKotia of Ontario. '.l'!'.'.'"T*'PP"""" *rnntron«> .fawellarv Store. Will vlKit Maiwoll tliHlaat «Veliina-UT of lavh month an-t Dnt'c^alk l>.t and »rd Thursday jf • orth HEADACHE ! Naaralgia and NarraoanaM cuiad qaickty Vf A I AX HanMLtaa MiAoacMC «N» N* k«ul dapnaaioat. Crealau can arar dnoorerad. Fak* ao Mkar IOC aad .sc. All rfealaii or direct inaa •••(ucaCo. SuKD«,Oa>. kloaay kack if aa« I il«Bor B«ll« Report of 8. 8 No. 7, ArtcmMia, fur January : Class V. â€" Mary Muir, Louisa Dingwall Class IV. Brâ€" Robbia Patou, Mary Patoii. Class IV. Jr.â€" Jennia Muir, Willia Whyte. Class III. Sr.- Fred Vause, Harry Jonas, Oertha McPhail, HuKh MePb»il, Class HI. Jr.â€" Nellie Meads,; Robert Oliver. Class II. Sr â€" Emma Mead*, Anuie Muir, Annie Mcklillan, Willie Olivar. Part II. Sr.-Uarfield Wbyte, SlU Gilchrist, Katie McMillan. Part II. Jr.- Clara Gilchrist. I. Srâ€" Walter Willidmaon. Average attendance 21. J. A. Harrow, Teacher â- esK Report of S. S. No. 6 for the month "f January. IVâ€" Thornton Clemra. Mary Dyer, Gertie Dand, Annie McKenzie. Ill srâ€" EUie Ssyers, Albert Myers, Pearl Barber, Myitle Holioyd, Toiuiuy Dyer, J. Davidson, Ray Holmyd. J II jr--N«llie Barber, Mai;gie Roberta, Maud Fields. II srâ€" Rata Sayers, Lome Coopar, L. Roberts. II jr â€" Melvillo Douglass, Evelinn Mo- Mullen, Pt II sr â€" George Miliun, Willie Mc- Mullen. Pt II jrâ€" Qaeenii^Kaittiug, Otto Rob- erts, Myrtle Fields. ' Names of those who attended school every day during the month,â€" Pearl Barber, Annie McKenzie, Elsie Sayers. M. H. HuuBEKSTijNE, Teacher. Report of S. S. No. 6 Artamesia for January. ClasB V Sr â€"Sadie Fletcher, Hunter Harrow. Class V Jrâ€" Willie Fletcher, Kd. Whlttalcer. Janet Flntcher. Class IV. â€" AgKie Harrow, Ruby Stune Johnny McArthur, Johnny Cairus. Class III Srâ€" lk<rt Whittaker, Spur- geou Whittaker. Closs III Jr.â€" Pearly Cairns, Maggie Bo>ce, Stella Butler, VViliie McArthur Class II Sr.- Euiin* Whittakoi, Min- nie McArthur, Tomuty McArthur. Tum- my Spicer. Class II Jrâ€" Wilfred Butler, Gene- vieve Butler. Class II Pt.â€" Willia Spioor, RiU Boyco Bert Ii win. Class I Ft.â€" I. B. Whittaker, Stanley Butler E. M. SuAU,, Teacher. Report of Senior Division of Eugxnia Public Schoul, for the m<inth of January: Form v.â€" Alex Fisher, Millie McMul- Isn, Mamie Hojig. Forin lY.â€" Mabel Carr, Weiton Carr Carl. Walker, Kdua Williams, Ellwood Purvis. Form III Sr.â€" Selena Hawkins, Albert Sloan, Fred Graham, Clara Latimor. FiTiD III Jr. â€" Herbie Fiaher, Harold Wallace, OeorKe Hiah.p, Wilfred Plant, Mary Jamieson, Katie Jamieson. M. Ukkdebsom, Teacher. Report for Junior form of Eugenia pub io schnoul for January. Sr II-Jaki« Sloan, Wesley Plantt. Russel Park, Irene Walkrr Jr IIâ€" Russol McVlullen, Marie Mosier, Albert Williams. Pt.Il srâ€" Laurie Fisher, Frank Lrsard, •May Park, Elaie Armsironif, Wesley Armstromg, Louise Uislop, George Wil- liams. Pt.ll jrâ€" Allio Williams, Willie H..r«. Pt. I sr- Lei'a Sloan. Charlie Park, Charlie Fisher, David Jainieaun, Maudie Hawkins. K. N. McMi'LLEN, Teacher aaa. Railway Ditfici'luks. â€" Two niiahaps occurred in tha Shellmrne yardonTliUra- day last. An engiao and snow plow from thu north had the first difficulty in the morning. When xDioring the yard at the north side a flange of thu plow struck t frOK and threw the snow {>luu)tb off and across the track and also derailed ih« engine, twisting tha rails in vsrioua shapes While waiting for iheauiiliary to arrive from Toronto Junetinn the t-m- pliiyeeH of the C P P. ht>re l.«id a track a:::.Bd the pica whiuh hUh- «d Ihsr mor inn train to uass. It was aliotit 2^ hours late in reaching Toronto. The noon train goinu imrih was let into the switch at the south end of the yard in ordur to pass I he anow plough on the main line at the north end, and before ii reached B. Bui wick & Co'a uranary all the cars werx t>fT the laila except the enL-inn. The tr-tin «an delayed until about 2 o'clock before I hiii(fa wrre made rigbr. The sn<<w plow and eniiine were Kot luck on the track alu'Ut n o'click. Thx utroinr c«ild weath.-r tuM«Je it vety haid for the nun, whi wt-r'- wn^kinK under a disidvantagcâ€" Frt-e Press. Delicate Boys and QirU. An- altogether t'O nuntrrou*. Our schi^ds are full of ihi-m Chances are yur own children are weaklin^a. It's a shame so many chil<tr<-ii grow M|i without h<;slth ahen rht-y cnid be made Strong by Kerriiione, lh« tifat tonic boya and girls aaa taka. Ftrrotona iuvigaratea tha #bola body, helpa .ligcstion, makas tha blood pure aoU rich. It supplies moreinouriahmrnt than children can get in anlr other way and soon establishes a rss'-rre of force and energy. Give your children Farroxnna and watch them {irow strong. Price 60o' par box. Mr. Wm. McK cnzie, of Annan, is the owne|i of a very proliflc sow, which has a record Uiat perhaps cannot be baaien. During the pnst year this sow gave birth to three litter of pigs, numbering iu all forty nine. Mr. McKf iizte was in town on Wedntfsdsy last and disposed of ten of the second litter. They were six months old and weighed 200 lbs each so iliat Mr. McKenzie re.<l ;2ed 9100 tbe Jot.â€" O. S. Advertisir. la Your Breath Bad Bad breath is one of the early symptoms of Catarih which should be checked at once and not allowed to run into cnMuni- ption. Th« suri4it cure is fragrai t hcnl iw Cstrfrrh'iznne which cures citarrh by reinovine i's cause. No cnse is too chronic,â€" even the moat stubborn jie|..l in a shot t time to the baUaniic vtjx.r of Cstnrrhozone. It niakns cur>^s that last, for once cured hy Caiarrhozone you stay cured. Cararrhozone is pli-aiisnt, cooven- lent and safe to usf, relievos almost in stantly and is guarauteed to cure e>'eiy type of Catarrh, l'ri>nclii'ii> and asthma. Use only Catarrhozone, Complete outfit $1.00; samp'e size 25. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The plaoe to get the best Photos is ar BULMERS PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. SPECIAL ATTENTION We p:»jr Special Attentiioi to Cupviiig and Bibles' picture.-). I'i.-ture fram- ing a specialty. Try us for any kind of pictures ami wa w;ll proiniHDsntisfNCtioD. MPS. BUI^IVIKR .Sydenham street, Fleaherton Trade Mafmcs Ocaiafis CoPVRiaHTS Ac. Anyone sending a akateb snd deaerlptlon may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an liiTention la probably patantableu Commanlca. Uooa strictly conttdanttaL HANDSOOK on Patents sent free. Oldeal agency for aeearlngpatenta. PatenU taken thronah Mann a Co. recetrs •paeiaiaoUca, wlthoiit e nant s. In the Scientific Jlmericdiia A bandsotntlr lIlQitrmted weeklr. Ijinrett dr^ enUtlon of anr i(^l»nttfic Joarnal. Tarnis. $3 â-  ; fonr months, $L Bom bjall newsdealert. YAiir; ion inuNN _...&Co.'« ""»*»'• New York Branch ODoa, SS T Bt, WaahtnctoD. Q. C. School Gldren's Eyes Snpply Their Intellect • --^^ Defective eyes stunt the mind Can you expect fair progress in school or success in business if so handicapped? Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department W. Aa Arctistronua ••EWklLE" 'N!> 3PTiC3AM, fLESHERTON- FEEDING PROFITS Quick returns and profits are what th« fanner wants in feeding steers. These can be obtained in the steer that can be properly prepared for the market at an early a.^e. One who does this is "A WISH FEEDER." In ordinary feeding the haste in getting on a full feed is often disastrous to lar^e and early goitu. Tbe addition of Clydesdale Stock Food to the ordinary feed puts the atomach in such shape as to allow it to digest and assimilate a large quantity of food. It is the assimilation of this extra feed that makes tbe profit. A Ppint overlooked by many feeders, is the condition of hide and hair. The soft, flexible skin, and velvety hair, is always associated by the experienced feeder with gaining capacity. It is a certain indication of an active digestion and assimilation of food. The outer skin has a direct relation to tJie stomach and intestines. Clydesdale Stock Food will give as oft pliable skin and velvety hair. Mr. Walter Wesley of Pine Orchard, Ont,, says : " Your Stock Food gives a smooth glossy coat, perfect digestion and extra gain over and above that gained Trotn ordinary feeding, and at a profit. " The extra fine finish and early maturity got by feeding Clydesdale Stocic Food enables a man to get top market prices. Your money will be cheer- fully refunded by our dealer if you cannot feed it at a profit. Clydesdale Stocic Food can be purchased in your district from the following dealers : rtuyd, Hickliog A Co., Flusherton Kiiotr Bros., Markdale Tayliir & Co , Dromora D K. McArthur. Uo|ieville. W. W. Ci.llingbr.wn, Duiidalk Barclay A Bell, Durham 3^S«5«Sj^SJg!«?5«??^SJ^?^S«!«5Jg!?<?«5?«S«^!SS?SS^^? Ik MELOTTE [REAM SEPARATORS hare machine cut ceais (urninu on hall buarinK8, which are ore always completely covered with oil. They have no worm 'hrcails or any nthxr con* rivance causing needlena fiidion. The gear white's arn of high grade steel, permitliiig reduction in their size and wci;'ht. The Huapension of the separator hoal frmn the kpindle saves a a L'reat airouiit of friction as compared with the old fabioned pKn, nbich the h<iwl is balanced on top of one or more heavy spiudlcs held nvidly in position h; two or oven in'ire bearings. For close skimming the Mellotle is unexcelled. WHITE FOR BOOKLET No. 3 S. 3ohn B. I^eardt Fksberton D. McTAVISH For First Class Buggi&s, Carts, Plo-tsure and T.iimhcr WhiJous, cutters, Sleiuhs. \Vh k«iep a si«ck on hand to choose from. AL5OH0kSE SHOEINQ ANDQENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and uusrantee first cUsa work. We keep on hand Plivugha and Plough rep-tira, and also Max-sey- Harris and Nnxon reii«ir« for l.iniers. Mowers, %U kinds of ma'hinory, alau Binder Twino i-n hand. • Olbcn in town give US a call • JL

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