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Flesherton Advance, 16 Feb 1905, p. 6

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â- â- Ill nam » ^ i»i «m (wi n ^(tijowrâ€" I "â- *•<»;•. \ tiifva- - .â- 'â- * . ? ^r v....: ti •<â-  DODDS ' ^KIDNEY ti', PILLS â-  CAPECAiad tiNE. Crood Progress Towards Umon %-i â- â- â- â-  â- %, Being Made. * â-  In a description of the progress *hlch is being iimdowith V^Q Gai)e to Cairo tolegrnj^h, a writer in- the (Masgow Herald states thftt the line has now reaciic'l Udjidji, the capital and chief town of d'erijian East Africa, which is on the eastern shore of "Loko Tantjanjika." _ For the •â-  uioment coiistruction Woi^i is .hus- pended while the route northward is carefully surveyed and the sections . ..of the line that have been' erected are •f; £"1 int" thorough working oAler. â-  From a purely commercial j)oiiifc' o£ .view the line is fully coming up to, if not exceeding, the expectations -that were formed concerning it. When the work of construction is recom- menced the route will probably be along the ea.stern shore of the Vic- toria Nyanza, and will then strike due north to the town of liosares, .which is the southernmost point of •the Soudanese telegraph system. 'A. junction will be effected here be- tween the two lines, and the scheme for a "Cape to Cairo" telegraph will then be an accomplished fact. The engineers of the line are. how- ever, faced, with a difliculty in their preparivijons. fqr carrying it forward to Udjidji, inasnuich as the country for a di.stance of 100 miles through which the lin^e would have to pass is very swampy, and quite unfit for the erection of a ^tclgraph wire. It .was ut firsl tho'ught that a wide '. detour would have to be made at- this point in oriler to escape this region, but latterly other councils havo prevailed, and a much more ' daring .experiment is likely to be tric<l. This is the installation of t)ie Marcoyi system of wirele.ss_ tele- graphy in order to bridge over this inhospitable d(Ola country. This conibimition of an African jungle swajnp with the latest trimnph of sciontilic discovery rends very strangely, but it is only another • instance of the onward march of civilization through what were until a comparatively few years ago the unknown parts o the earth. 'to TUHN AliOUT. "It is true,'' said the fleveroud fioo<ll('y, "that women are more regular aiHl devout attendaniM at church than the jnen." ".So they shoifid be, ' replied (ho savage bachelor, "if they liavu hny gratitude. The church aids and abets thtim in coiniinilting .natri- monv." HEADS THE BOOK. "The Road to Wellville" Pointed the Way. Down at Hot Springs, Ark., the visitors have all sorts of complaints, l)ut it is a subject of remark that the great majority of them liave some troubli! with stomach and bowels. This may be partly attri- buted to the heavy medicines. Naturally, under the conditions, the quest ion of food is very lu'omin- ent. A young man btat(\s that he; had sudered for nine years from stomach and l)owel trouble, had two opera- tions which did not cure, and was at last threatened with appendicitis. Jlc went to Hot .Springs for rheu- matism and his stoiuiich I roidile got worse. One day ut breakfast the waiter, knowing his condition, sug- gestcKl he try (irnl>e-Nuls jind cream, which he did, and found the food agreed with him perfectly. After tlie second day ho began to sleep peacefully at night, dilTerent than he had titv yeais. Tlu' perfect digestion of the food (iui<"ted his nervous system nu<l, iuadi> »li>i'p po.s- sible. He says: "The next morning 1 was a.s'tonishi'd (o (inrt my rnndition of constipation had ilisnppt ared. I could not helieV).' it true after sulTer- ing for so many years; then I took more inlen-s-t in tlie food, read the Utile book, "The Uond to Well- ville," and started following the iHinple directions. "I have met with sticli rissuUs that in the Inst (ive weeks 1 have gained eight pounds in spite of hot baths whiih take aw«y the flesh from anyone. "A fiiend of mine has l>een entlri>- Iv curi'd of a bad casi> of indigustioii- et'>d stomach trouble by using (Irape- Ntits Food and cream nione for .breakfast. "There Is one thing in partlcular â€" I have noticed a great ehang(! in niy mental roiulition. Formerly I could hardly remend)nr onylhing, and now (he mind .seems unusually acute and ret out ive. I ran niemor- i/.« practically anything I desire." NatiM* given by I*ost\mi Co., Hnttle Creek, Mich. A NATURE HEALEE. A Successftil Defence Set Up By a Woman. A curious case has boon engaging for some time the crimlnol court at Tilsit, Germany. A Fraulein Itib- ios set up in business as a "nature healer," using simple and ordinary rationi^L jueuns as her entire stock- ii^-tradfe. Iif the coiirso of h'er prac- tice a child whom she was treating dl^ed. and an action was brought atainst Jj^r for . manslaughter. Her counsel," a man of extreme abilHy, argued that in Fraulein Itibip's me- thods there was absolutely nothing criminal. She niade no pretensions to the possession of .^ecrct powers, but simply relietl' on' nature. He pointied oat that two of -the most notable name* in modern German medical r.ciencc, Vth. Lahmann and Schweninger, were' idcnlilied with the methods which-nibftTB hack adop- ted. I'r, Lahmann was the director oit the famoiis establishment near Dresden, to which the highest in. the land resortiid, including members of the reigning family. Dr. .Schwenin- ger was Dismarck's body physician. It would, counsel maintained, be a miscarriage of justice to condemn mWos . practicing the elementary rules 'of hygiene. The jury acquitted her, «nd the State was condemned to pay the costs of the action. YOUNG AGAIN AT SEVENTY-TWO HOW CALIXTE EICHARD, J. P., FEBiS AFTER USING DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. They Make the Kidneys Strain out) of the Blood all the Seeds of the Diseases That Trouble Old Folks. Acadic .Siding, Kent Co., N. B., Feby. 20â€" (Special.) â€" After sulTering for forty years from Kidney Trouble, Calixte liichal'd, the well-known Jus- tice of the Peace here, is fully re- covered, and ho says that Dodd's Kidney Pills cured him. "Ye.s, " says Mr. Hichard, "I had Kidney Trouble over forty yeart^, with the result that T was a worn out man at seventy-two. Then I' 8tarte<l taking Dodd's Kidney Pills, and the result is that the pain is gone' from m.v back, and I am able to Work again." , Dodd's Kidney Pills make the old feel young again. They make the Kidneys sound, and sound Kidne.ys strain out of the blood the seetls of the <iisenseR to which the obi are subject, such os Backache, Khcunia- tism. Urinary and Bladder Troubles, etc. CRUSHING OUT REFORM. Police Break Up a School Teach- • ers' Conversazione. How Russian oOlcijils curb the re- form sjiiril is shown by their band- ling of educational gatherings. The Kussian Congress of Natural Science Teachers which has been sit- ting has been closed l)y order of the curator of the lOducalional district. The congress sent the following telegram to the Minister for Public Instruction, and to the Committee of Ministers: "The unsatisfactory and alinurmal position of Unssian schools and teachers is due to the social organi- zation of the Hussian State. The schools can oidy be freed from this (lositions l).v the carrying into ellecl of all the resolutions i)a.ssed by the Zemslvo representatives at the St. PetiMsburg conference." The Nijiu-Novgorod Teachers' A.s- sociation held a eonversnzoine in cel- ebration of the tenth anniver.sary of its foundati<ui. It was largely at- tended and 8ul>jeets of cm'rent inter- est were discu.s.'-ed. The debate at one point became somewhat excited and the police entered the assembly room to disperse the meeting with drawn swords. In the scullle which ensued simio ladies were thrown to the ground and about ten persons received injuries. The mayor and the president of the provincial govern- ment departmi'nt have complained to the governor of the conduct of the police, and a popular protest is (o lii# addror.sed to the town council on the subject, asking that (ho police shall be compelled to observe the law. 'ITie Oilessa Literary and -Artistio .Association has been closed by the Pri'fect of Odessa for violating its statutes of incorporation pending the drafting of n('W legidntlons. At tlio meetings of the association, which has a membership of l,r>iH), all kinds of political subjects were discussed. DIFFKRKNT. "My son," said the gooil old man, "H .vou only work hard enough when you undertnk,! a thing you'ro moral- ly sin-e to be at (he top of the heap when .viiure (hrough." ' "(Jh. I don't know. pa. Suppose I untlertook to dig a well?" Customer â€" "You (hm't call this â- ky-ldne stuff milk, do you? 'You ought to call it milk and water, in- s(eftil o| milk!" MilkmirtT (politely) â€" ".So I do. sir, 1 alwa.vs say, Milk-rnu,' which, as vou are a man of educathni, .vou will know is tor- HuTi for water. I always keep with- in the law, sir." More than half the battle in dea'mtig greasy dishes is in the soap you use. If it's Sunlight Soap it's the best* ,* as " MANIT0fl4 IMPROVED FARM lands (or sale, all located in the famou.s Wawane^a district. The Souris Valley is the cardcn o( Manitoba and the Wawanosa District Is the Garden ol the Souris Vdllcy. These (arms are (or Bale at rcasonablo prices and on good tormH, all located hear markets, schools and churches. Write (or lists and (ur- tlier particulars to the Souris Valley Land Company, Wawancsa, Manitoba. YOUR OVERCOATS u4 faded 8ulU would look lietur drxl. It no ifrM •f oun Id your to-ra, write direot MonLreal, Box ISI â- RITISH AMCRIOAM: DVKINa OO. MONTUEAL. c/^ ((41^ di^^ 4irilt aAM/-ti/u4 Dinner Sets Free FCR CASH TRADE. BENEFITS THE MERCHANTS BENEFITS THE CUSTOMER A Merchant in your nttghborhood ii showing hit apprecislion of cuh trade tw Siring absolutely free, theHe DINNER ETg. If you do not know tliii Mirchant, write u; and we will not nnly tell you who he is, but forward you a handfome souvenir FHEG Th*lrltlshOBnac:l.inCrool(eryOo., Ltd. ^ TORONTO, CAN ADA. jf FENCE WIRE SHOULD NOT BE TAXED, The Dominion Government did a good thing (or the farmers of Can- atla when it placed ceriain grades ot fence wire on the free list a few years aijo. Since then galvanized smooth wire Nos. 9, 12 and 13, which are most used in farm fencing, has been kept down in price to a place which enabled thousands of farmers to replace oTd unsightly, wasteful, wooden fences with neat, new wire structures, thereby improv- ing their own propert,y .-ind enhanc- ing the value of the surrounding neiffhborhood. Now it transpires that pressure is being brought to bear upon the (iovernment to go back to the old order of things by imposing a customs iluty on these grades of wire. That such a change would work injury to the farming cotiinmnity adiitits of no argument. At picseiit, practically none of the grades ot wire on the free list are manufactured in (Canada, so that any duty that would be put on tho wire would jirove an ecpial tax \ipon the consumer â€" the farmer. A tariff of say 25 jjor cent, wouhl ,uniloubt- edly enhance the of fencing fully ten to fifteen cents per rod. This Would mean that i,he owner of a nio- diiim-sized farm would have to bear an o.vtra tax of fully $1.50 to fence bin farm. Were fencing an unimpor- tant matter there would be no reason for aluilft, but with the passing of the old fcnros, and the increasing at- tention to stock raising, new tenring Is an a1)solute necessity. In the older parts of the Dominion the linprovenient of farm buildings and tho construction of new fences have been making very rapid strides during the past few years, and it would pi-ovo a very unfortunate mat- ter i( 11 check were given to this much-iieeded advance by the imposi- tion of a ta.x (hat co\ild work no benelit to tho farmer and at the same time hamper the ('nnadian manufacturers of fencing who use wire as a raw material. Itather than hamper farm iniprovcntent , and clo- moraliie an industry important to agricullure, by pluiiiig wire which is now admitted free of dut.v on the dulialile list, it would be much bet- tor to wipe out the present tarilT of â- JO per rent, on Nos. 7 and 11. which wouhl enable farmers to get a strong- er s(yle of fence without increasing (he cost. "I have adi)iinis(ered anaesthetics to about -1,000 jcrsons. and onl,y lost one patient," said a London doclor recently. MF.SSltS. Q. V. HlCIIAItPH & CO. Some time ajio 1 hail a l>ad at- tack of (l\iin/,v whi'.h laid nie up for two weeks and cost a lot of money. Kiniling the lump again forming in my throat. I bathed freely with MINAHIVS IJXIMKNT. and satur- ating a cloth wi(h (he liniment left nting a cloth wi(h (he liniment left it on all night. Next inojning the swelling was gone and 1 attribute the warding olT of an altack of (Julnyy to the free tise of MINAIina I.INIMKNT. O. F. \V(»H1>KN, St John. WELSH MTISICAL GENIUS. Boy Pianist Who Has Won Schol- arship at Academy. At the age of thirteen, when the average boy is turning his attention from catapults to cricket, Percy Hughes is a wonderfully axJcoraplish- ed pianist, who exhibits every prom- ise of becoming a great musician says the London Mail. He has already won the "John Thomas" scholarship at the Royal Academy of Music, open to any one under tho ago of twenty-one, and is now beginning a three years' course under Mr. Oscar lleringer. Wales has a dozen musical com- petitions every month at one town or another, and during the last three .years young Hughes has won over two hundred prizes at these, includ- ing the first firi/cs at the Hhyl and Llauelly National Kisteddfodau, which are open to the world. There is a grave doubt as to whether young Hughes will bo able to take the fullest advantages ot the scholarship he has won, for his father is only a clerk in a Welsh i?ol- liery, his income never exceeding $10 a week. Out of this a family of seven children has to be main- tained. A committee has been formed to lift part of the burden of the boy's expenses in London from his father's shoulders. There was a piece of cake on the tea-table, and mamma divided it be- tween Willie and Tonuny. Willie looked at his mother's empty plate. "Mamma," he said earnestly, "I can't enjoy my cake when you haven't any. Take Tommy's!" Minard's Liniment M\m\ Keuralgia "I would box your ears," said a young lady of London to her stupid antl tiresome admirer, "if " "If what?" he anxiously asked. "If," she repeated, "I could get a box large enough for the purpose." FOU OVl'.R .SIXTY YEARS. Mrs. Wiiislow's Soothing Syrup has been used by uiillions of mothers (or their children while teething. It soothes the child, softens tho gums, allays pain, cures wlnilcolic. regulates tho stomach anil bowels, and is the best remedy (or Diarriioea. Twenty-(ive cents a bottle. Sold by druggists throughout the world. Ito sure and ask (or "Mrs. Winslow's .Soothing Syrup." 22â€"04 An attempt is to be made to raise tho United States â-  battleship "Maine," which was blown up and sunk in Havana Harbor just before the outbreak ot the Spanish-Ameri- can war. Minaid's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. l.ord .Stoneybroko â€" "It's time, Clarence, that you were thinking about a career." Dutiful f-'onâ€" "I | will l)e guided by you, father. Shall j I go into the Church, study for tho j Har, enter tho Army, or marry a heiress'?" The Itu.ssinn State sceptre Is of R<did gold, three tei't lonu;. and con- tains, iiiiioi\K its criiamcnts, 260 rwtiiofi and 1.5 omeraldii. Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans with lever's Dry .Soap a powder. It will rcmovo the grease with tha greatest ease. Mrs. Hejervks (to a casiual visitor) â€" Why, how do you do! It's such a pity you didn't come a little ear- lierâ€"we've just finished luncheon. Tummy llejeiiks (reproachfully)â€" Oh. nitt, ain't we going to have an.v more'? I hadn't had half enough when the doorbell rang an' you all jiunpod! DR. A. W. CHASE'S ng^ Used in H.B.K. Mitts, Gloves and Moccasins â€" tough as whale- bone, flexible, soft, pliable, scorch- proof, wind -proof, boil -proof, crack-proof, tear-proof, rip-proof, cold-proof, almost wear-proof â€" certainly the greatest leather ever used in mitts and gloves. Like buckskin it is tanned without oil, unlike buckskin it is not porous, it is wind-proof â€" will outwear three buckskins. "Pinto" Mitts and Gloves never crack or harden, never get sodden, are always warm, pliable, soft and comfortabl e. Sold at all dealers but never with- out this brand : â€" â€" â€" â€" ^ BRAND ^>^'- HUDSON BAY KNITTING CO. Montreal Winnipeg Dawson 3 CATARRH CURE It uni direct to tha itlintiitd art! by ttaa ImproTcd illuwer. (caU the ulceis, cle.ri the alx pasufes. itopt droppinci In tha throat .nd perman.ntly curaa C.lirrh ^ndH.yFaver. Blowe* M. All dcalmt. or Dr. A. W. CbaM Madlalsa Co . Toronto and BuSala (ilutlys â€" "I thought yo.'i said ho was rich?" Mildred â€" "Oh, no! I merely said he had more money than brains." Minafd'sLinlmsnt for sais everywhere Mrs. Browniâ€" Yes, they're in Kgypt now, aiKl will spend tho winter on the Nile. Mrs. Malapropâ€" ^How nice! 'they'll got a chniKe to see all thiin I'yrenccs and tho Phoeni-x, won't they'? - 1 FIVK HlNDUKl) "V. C.'s. " There arc five hundretl heroes of all ranks in the Hritish regular army who have attained the distinc- tion of the Victoria t-'ross, (hat sim- ple decoration "for valor" which is univer.sall.v n-gnrded as of incom- parable value and siguidcaiue. It ia ; claimed for the 24th Uegiiuent, ; known as the Soyth Wales llorder- . ers, that it sinnils at the head of the eiidro Hritish army in the number, of winners of the Victoria Cross, which it has prixliiced. It has si.\- j teen names on the glor.v roll as ; against, to take the next highest â-  tlguros, touiti-eii of the Hide Brigade ' and thirteen of the King's Koyal Hires # Coats' milk is ft)und to bo iin- mtme from tubcrculosda germs. Mlnerd's Linluiant Cures Dandruf. Young .loiioa (drawing a little nearer) â€" "Such a beautiful moon- light evcniULC ns (his, .Miss .ludie. is enough to make nnytioilv love every- lody." .Juilie (iinoving a Utile far- ther away) â€" "Yes; but it isn't cfuito enough to make everyl>o<lv love an.v- boily!" Most people think too lightly of a cough. It Is a serious matter and needs prompt attention, CorkstLnnr&ptioi^ "^ure ToniJ-""^ when the fwst sig^n of a cough or cold appears. It will cure you easily and quickly thenâ€" later it will be harder to cure. I>ric»». 2»c., goc, «iid $1.00. :!ii tSSTJE NO. 7â€"05. seitAteiimitmk

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