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Flesherton Advance, 16 Feb 1905, p. 5

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f 7 TiIE FLESUEETON ADVANCE FsBSuiir 19 .)05 Methodist Church Kundnjr, F. I). 10, 1905 Mi>riiine, â€" Potiji'ii F»U Ercuinit, â€" Th.< Thtril Co^niunnJmant. Servica st Cej'.an 3 p. in. l.M. I.WIUMM, B. A., •. D., PutOr ^ if Chancterutics i>f tb* Put W#«k CarefuUj Culled for tb* O'urioaa. . . Fresh lime alwaya un kaud. J. H ' DncLett, Engvoia. Mr. aud Mm. Manxell entertainMl the &!h«.l (s at •8<. Vai«a(toe parry on TovHday eTtnu^g- Coliie dog caiun to wy pramiaeaâ€" 'Mark Wilson, FlexbertKa. The Melhodiat Subhath nchool haa juat I'Urchaaeil another |15 worth if booka tu a<lti to their alrtwdy ex'er.aiTd library. Bi'Ui <} (Up kwtâ€" Bbu^ and tan, not full bred, strayed frotu town on Sutuniay, Vvh. 4, AnawiTs to -haiue Petlro. Infor- iiiatii n aH I<j hia »hect>abimts will be re- waided at thia uflicn. R'r. Walter T»yl«'r h«a sold his livery to W. G. Backint;, and cmce m"re we n.U:l Ix* sat'.aiietl with onelivery in town. Hear the talented young Canadian )>is)nuiit>t, Waller McRaya, in tlio town liall, Fleahett'in, next Tuesday eveiiing, Feb. 21, under auapices uf the public library. Adaiis»ion 25o. Dr. Frtd Murray uf Toronto apenl ^'oitilay with his broth<rr, Dr. E. K Murray. NoTiCB â€" Owini; to xickneas Dr. Murray will not liiake his regular visits tu Max- well until further notice. Dr. B. <C. Murray was to much im- liruved ia health aa to be able to leare his bed on Tweaday for the flrst time since Jul. 29. whea he waa taken down. Ilelotle Cream Separator* in ex- rbaiif^ for cowi er humea. Apply to W. B. Heurd, Fleabcrton. There has been recistered with the clerk «( Arteinrsia during the year 1904 â€" 68 kirths, 2i marriagen nnJ 61 deatlia. Pair dogskin niitta toat in town about four weeks af^o. Finder please leave at (his office, Met'sors Cuuk & M«Aulay shipped from this Rt>iiiou ou Wednesday of last week, two car loads of stock isade up uf S33 pi)(S and ton cattle. Slock for sale â€" Two Durham buIIs,oiie 18 months old, gut by Lord Laverick, the other coming 3 ; also a number of Yurlishire pigf>, all aif,ea, W. H. Guy, Maxwell. Hu^h FergiisoD, general merchant at Dundalk, has asaixned. The liabilities are $12,0*jO &tid assets oouiinally about the same. Fifty-three Toronto and Mon- treal houses are interested. A aieetioi; «if the cieditors will be held in the assi- gnee's cffice at Toronto to day,ThursdRy. Two villaste lots tor biIh on Durham street, next F. G. Karktudt. also a lot in rear of Presbyterian church. Apply tu W. U.Heard, Fl«tiheitun. Little Miu Evelyn Wiliiou entertained a host (;f little Kirt fnendi to a birthday |.arty at the pKraonage Saturdvy evening last. AlnuMt every little girl near her »wn age was prvsent. Tlie little hnatass received a laige number uf nice presents. Lost â€" A morocco gilt edi;od Bible, on Jan. 8, butween lUth of Arteniesia and Keeiian's mills on Keenati's road. Ftiidar )>loaso leave %t thia office. The board uf the Fleaherton Methodist «huri:h have exteiidod an inviia tion to Rev. K. W. MoBiien, of Owen jfiound, to become their pastor after i.nt soDfereiico, and Mr. McBrien has accept- id the invitation, su'ijecl to the sanction «/ the stationing couiiuittee. Two young thoroughbred Durham iulls for sale. Apply to Joseph Bu- hanan, Vundeleur. Makriei>â€" lu Piiceville, on Tue.Jay, Feb. 7, Finiicei E., eldest daughter of C. C. Ja-ne«, to William J. B«.>wes, •latkdale, ion of James Bowes, Esi]., il. Vincent. Notice â€" Having put la a first cKu grinding outBi in conmction with the •lectiio plant, nni prepared to acconimo- 4«te the public in the chupping business. Fi-od Dragic, Eugenia. .fan)e.i Myles, aji old pioneer jrf Eu- phrasia towimhip, who livid near Kim- berly, died at the Toronbi hoapital .>n Kiiday Isii. The reieaina passed (hrough here to Kiuibcrley on Salwday^ for iutermen». The futieml took plac« to Meaford ua Sunday. It is mme time ainca we F^eshertoniana have enjoyed a fint claas putertainmenl. Misj Paulina Johnson is a (ult-bla<>dad Mohawk ludian and a yountt lady uf un- I umihI literary talents. She is HCCi>iuiian- i<-d by Walter McRaye, humorist, and together they will itive an eiitertainw<>nt Worth hearing. Neit Tntaeday sveninff ia tile town haii. Tweaty-liv« all round. Three loada of young people attempted to drive over to the Prieeville 8ci>t':h cuucert on Friday ereniiig l»at. When within a mile and a half of their deaaina- tion two of the teama werw obliged to retain home. The third succeeded in iteitiag through by unhitching one home and some of the boys taking bia place at thw neckyiike, while the ladies walked â€" or rather, waded. The return journey w«8 made next morning. All speak uf it aa a delightful 7 experience. Talk about westeru lilijanrda ! The Sturm which swept over this a«cii-in on Miinduy night and Tuesday waa a pure- bred of the Dakota strain. The intense cold aocoiiipanying the wind was what made humanity hug thu stove. Nuthinx worse WHS put ou tap la^t winter Kail- way men suffered, but a train managed tu get through from Toronto Tuesday eve..iiig. Ge: aoaie of those seuveoir postcards friica A. Tbors oo, Fiesh«rt«>a. They consist of rariiiua views uf Fleshertua â€" Ksuuine photographsâ€" and also iaclud« the latest view uf Eugenia falls. Call and see them. Six fur 25c, by mail (HMttage extra, 2c. A cuuple uf weeks ago a fur coat be- longinx to Cuunty Couucilluc D. K. Pres'on of IVlaxwell wus dtulen Irom a hotel at the station. This waa the coat advertised in last week's Advance aa having b«eii found. Mr. Preston now has poasessiuu of his property, and we understand that a wsnact ia out for the arrest uf the party who appropriated the garment. Uitjhest â- :ai)h price paid for hidea,sheep- skius, tallow, and all kinds of for. Beef sold by thequarterur half quarter at low- est price. Mark Wilson, Flesherton. Culliiigwood had another big fire on Friday last, when the big stores uf C. Stuphoiis & Co. wers gutted. The dam- ago will amount to about f5000 or $7000 ou buildings and 925,000 to 130,000 on atock, the tirai having receded several thousand dollars worth of goods from the Grand Trunk railway warehouse only a few huurs before the fire broke out. In- sured fur about two-thirds its value, the companies interested being the Econom- ical, Equity, Monarch, Gore, London & Lancashire, York Mutual, Londun Mu- tual, Montreal and Canadt Independent, Cash Mutual and Standard Mutual. Assistant P. O. Inspector P. H. Mc- CarroiV luoked through the pustoffic« here on Friday last and expressed him- self as hij{hly pleasrd with the condition of affiiirs. Mr. McCarrow also luoked into the matter of ehang'ng the Epping- Fteahertun route. It is thought by mak- ing some chanve Vandeteur will lie able tu haves daily mail along with Kiniber- ley and Eugenia. In this event Epping wuuld be cut off from this end and a mail route openeil throuiih from Kiinberloy to Thornbury, and a new postoffice opened near Conu's, where it is badly needed. Mr. McCarrow seemed to look with con- *i<lerable favor upon such a change. There would be no winter blockades on the projKjsed r<>uteaiid the country would t>o much bolter served, while the extra • xponse would be smsll. The Nbw York World say?: "Tekah- ionwake, the Indian girl in whoso veins runs the firey blood of the Mohawk.'(,(who ia herself a daught)>r of the latr Chief G. B. M. Johnstonâ€" Onwannyshonâ€" head Chief of tho Inxjuols Ci>nfederacy in Canad ) was one of the ienoatioiis of the pant London sea.s<in. For this gifted daughter uf the Ued ludian race is not on'y an accooiplished reader of her own vertie, but her poems aie of a quality that .>>t«m|is them of unusually high ortlcr. Clad in her native costume she ap(>eMred before some of Che mniit fashion- able English audienceR,and her rendorinit of her coinpositiona captured their admir- ation. Citilicaiiun touched her with its tiller qualities. She is cultivated and brilliant. Her Kguie is inipoeing and sets i>ff to advantage the Indian trappinns of lier rich '>uclahin garnienin. The force anil dramatic vigor of h#r w.irk has barUtric swing of primal emotion. " Town Hall, Flcidierlun.Tuesday oveninit, Feb. 21, under the aufpiccii of tne public library. Gladys Eaile ul Crcetnore had mi elbcw joint r*aK>vf4 fforo her am al To- ronto Keneral hospital. The Siar says nature wi II s«pp|y a new one in oouraa of tiu.s. Blimlcd With Hcudaclie People often get blinding headaches that suffer from constipation. Simplest remedy ia Dr. HamUiun's Pills of Man- drake and Butternut. They are mild, certain aad safe. For hradacbe and bill- iottsiMs* use only Dr. Haotltou's Pills. Price 25e. Bull For Service rh* Bherthora Ball Scottlah Thiof No. SiaOO will itand for Mfvioa on lot 170 Sad. E. T. * A, Road. TaruQs for Mrvice tsrada eowa St SO, ra(i(i>ar«d cowi $S (M, i>a*abU Jan. IM 1906. AUoa raeiatarad Yarkabir* Boar, t'rektbill Jack No. 10S21. Taring tor oorvica tl.OO, pay abis Jan. lat. lOOt. Faditfrasa ou applioatiwB. KICBARD ALLBN. Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER of the etr^tm of JAMES E. MOORE« formeriy of the VilUife of Fleahwrton, in the Cdunty Iff Gruy, Furniture Dunler, Insolvent KOTICa IB h^rabT giTCii that the i&Jd JAMR8 B. tfOOBK h&s made an &8Htf!nment to me fo all his estatn and •ffectii for tbafieuerai baneftt of biicreditartt,tmi«rttio pr'^visiom of Chapter 147, B. B.O., 189Taiid ameadiiii? Act«, A meeting of the said Creditors will be beld at tbe office of R. J, Sprouleinthe viMsgo of FleahArton.on itfonday the 30th day of Febru- ary., 1905, at the bimrSo*c1ock in the afternoon, to reoai^e a stataisent of offmrB, to appoiut inspecront, and tor the ordenng of the affaire of tfad eatate genarally. NOTICE IB hereby given that after the SOtb dayef March, 1903, thn aaaigUda will proceed to'fistrifoutetbe asaati of the DEBTOR asir^nc the pa) ties entitled thereto^, bavir^ repartl only lo the < laims of which notice dial! then have been (ztToo, and that he will not hd liable for the aeaets or any part thereof bu distributed to any person or pertons c€ whose claintahe ihall aot then liaTe had notice. KOUKKT H. COOK. Assienee. Dated at Ftesherrton this lOtb day of Feb. 1905. Notice to Creditors In the MATTER of the ESTATE of FRANCIS EMERSON, late of the Township ofOaprey ii< the County of Grey, farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pumaaot to "The Raviaed Statatfi at Outario" 189T, chapter 129, that all creditora and others haviDK claims againat the eatate o( tb» a&id irB.\NCIS SUBKSON. -who died ou or about the ftftU day o( Octobar. lOai, are rrqoirod or before the Ri«hteratb dajr of February. 1905, to send by pout prepaid or deliver to Meswrf*. Lucas, Wright is Mc.\rdle of the villase of Uarkdals, solicitors for Add Emersou, the Admiaistiatiiz of the estate of the said deceased, their chria- tiaa aud 8uraaiueB,addresseB and descriptioaa. the full particulars of their claims the stata^ meat of their aocoauts aud the nature ot ctaeir secureties, iXauy, held by them. AND further take notice that after anch laa* mentioned date the aaid administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of thedcMieas- ed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to tho claims of which the;r shall then have notice, and that the said administra- trix will uot be liable for the said %asats or auv part tharaof to any person or persona of whose claims notice shall not have been receh- •ilJILy thwu at the timeof anch distribution. DATBD tbe thirtieth day of January, 190.^. LUf^AS, WRIGHT * MoABDLB. Sollcitora for Ann Rmanon, Administratrix o( the eatato of Francis Bms.''BOD, daosaaed. Noticeto Creditors In the Mftt*-er of the E^tete of JOSIAH GAMEY late of the T..wQ8hip of 0>proy in the Cwauty of Grey, farm- er, deceased. Notice i<i hereov sWen pursuant to the Ke* â-¼ifted Btatutes of Ontario 1897, jChap. 129. that all creditors and others having claims asainet tbe Kstate of tbe said JOSIAH GAUET wbo died on or about the Kiehteeutb day of November. 1904, are required, on or bufore the Twauty-third aay of Kooruary, 1905. to seni by post prepaid or dbliver to JO-iKi'U ^V. Q ^MI£Y. oi Maxwell, Ontario, one of the exeoutorn of the last will and teatam mt of the said deceas- ed, tbnir christian and 8uruam<>fl, adhrea^es and descriptions, tbo full particulars of their claims. the Htaremeiit of their accounts aud the nature of tbe securitioa, if any beld by them. AND further take notice that after such last mentioned date tbe executors of the said entate will proceed to distribute tbe asaets of tbe said deceased amonfi the parties entitled tbernto, bavine regn-rd only to the ciaims uf wbicb they shall then baveuntice.and thatth< aaid Bxocutors will not bn liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any i>er- son or iwrHcns ol whose claims notice sb ill not have been rocoived by them at tho time of such tiinu of distribution, LUCA.S. WRIGHT A McARDLB. Solicitorn I .^r Josi-pb W. 'ianiey aud Samuel R. Hoberta, executors of the Last Will aud testament of Joniah Ganioy, deceased. Farm For Sale BY TENDER THE farm ownrd by the late Joiiah Oamey, near Maxwell, lot IS. con. S, 3sprev, I OU at. res, more or le^a. H5 cleared, goood buiMinga, will sell by tender up CO the :£Si-ddayuf February, 1905. The lowest oi any tender not necessarily accepted. A<fdrfKStoudnrs or for an^ iiiforuia- tion to S. ROBKKTH, Feverahai), or JOSEfH W.OAMKY. Maxwell. Farms for Sale 300 acres ia Osprey, good farm, price low tarqM «»sv. I..ota 1 ann i in the llth »>n. lil acres in tlllabl>' condition, 90 acres uood tini- b«r. Also 8M acres, lot 7, ooii. H, Kiiphraaia, 100 acre* improvMl. Tbese farms will b« sold at a iireat ba gain aa I am living in Axsiuiboia aud have no use for than). Kor the m xt two montka apply to J. D. 08HURNR, Bageaia. FARn FOR 5ALE ISO aerea, lot 159, ISO aud 161, B. T. * H. B . A'tamasia, over 100 acres cleared and under cnlti«atioi):two acr#a yntiug orcfaaid;fair build- lags, good baro. Wall watered. For particu- lars apply to k.Jtn. MoliULL.KN PteelMrtaa P. O. For Th9 Farmers I have a oiinplete aCiick of Im- plxnienra, etc. nainrly: DEERING Biudan, M.wrra, Hay R»Uen, Knife Oriiiderafur mowera,Dihk. SmoothiiiK and Spricg Touth Uarrowa. MAXWELL Day Lnadei, Side Delivery Ha7 Rake and Tedder coiiibitiod, rcc. EMPIRE CREAM SEPARATOR W. L. Wrijrtit, (Bamhouse'8 Old Stand) Flesherton :•: Ont TENDERS WANTED Scaled tendan will be rtceired up t* Thursday, '23rd inat., for tbe eiectioD of a brick Mchnnl house in .Section Nu. 3, Artc- maeia. Ror plana aud s|>eci6catians apply te M. Thiatlewaite, lot ll>6, W.T. A .S.U., Art^ maaia. Tha liiweat or any tvnder not neoc*- â- anly accepted. JOHN CHARD, Feb. «, 1906 Socratasy- FARM FOR SALE A flrst class 93. acre furm (or sale, li milaa trona Kleabarton ; solid brick houito, bauic barti, good plum and appi« oroliard, koo<1 tBiice% i acre* fall wheat, W aeroaaewlv seeded, ao aorar* piouKliod, all At for maebinery ; 3 acres bard* voua. foafteuion at aaee. Apply to OIaAUOB AKUCb, Fleabartoo BUSINESS MEir KNOW tAtil the wurk of tbe famoui TORONTO. OUT. Is of the MiaBEST Gsipi: and that ia the reaann our uraduiitee are stepping into i;ood pnsittimH as Eaat aa we can geb thetn rp*Hy. l>ur coUn^e is open the entire y ^ar. Magnificent catalogue free. Enter n«v. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Cotner Vonga and Alexander streeU.. i BOOTS '^^ cuncc t r Hqent Tor Dominion express money Orders SHOES Bodts JIn4 Shoes In order to make mm SPRIJiG GOODS OUyton'a are gi»inij great hargaiiia in Boot*, Shnea. Ruhbere and all kinda of winter goiids. We have a few paira of Men'g and boys HEAVY GUM RVBBEra. A few pain Orenhoea also Trunk* and teleocopes â€" all going at <;reatly reduced prices. To thoRe wearini; home mtde iKmts and ahoes â€" We are making them of the beat material that can he got. Try a pair. ^ ^ ^ Clayton's TUs!:ertone ^s^s^]S^^2^^;ss^S^;^^;s^9^X5^s^^;^^2^^ Medical Hall "The Lcaciingr Drug Stor<>/' . -♦^*- FAR^n FOR SALE NwFTr acres, It aiiles from Plei.hertoo, «X) acres At tn run farm implements, rest g>ind pna*-iire land; some g.iod opdar; w(*ll fenced, well watered; two acres urchaid: buttings comfort- able; 6 acres fall wheat, a) acrei clover sod plowed down ready for s«*d;15 acres mammoth eovar, lae d ad last year. Owing to contianad Ulaaaa will aaU elMap. Apply «c A. HuTP.VIaabenMt. F^res crip tion s Carefully Compounded I W. Ja Douglass For Your 5tock *» #HerbaKeum. Interuatioiial Sloek Food, Coluiubian Kugulator. ^ Tick Ouati oyer for the ahepp. ^^ « For Yourself % W Patent Medicinea â€" all the (rapular makes. Pipes and tobacco. '^ T * I For Your Wife # Â¥ Spines for cimking â€" Allspiee, Cinnaioun, If tied "pices, etc. life # Pt'rfumea, Curticrlla Silk. '^ ' ^ « For Your Baby $ iP Soothmg Sv-up, Sucking Bolt'es, snj Teething Ringa. iQi ^ T T I Richardson & Son • m^ I>RUOOISTS S ^ 5 « Flesherton :-: >: Ontario m

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