>h|Wi* W iiMl>WMiiM H «ii W « W « -* L lir' ^ February 16 1905 TIIK FLESHERTON ADVANCE % \ WWWVWWM F, T. HILL & CO. wyuvyw^Wtfi 5PECIAL CLEARING SALE i "^ ' BOYD, HICKLING & CO., WtlAA I :.«A» REPRESENTING Ufla Lines, extraordinary values IJavini; juat completed Stock Taking, and finding many lines of good* which ara brnkan in aizei, aho repre- aeritiiiK halancua uf sonic of our boat ariling iiiitm we uiabtf the fullowiiii; heavy rcduciiuoa in price in order tu cUar ({uiokly, aa followa : MENS FINE AND HEAVY ALL-WOOL PANTS FOR 98c A PAIR Thia line repreientd a full ai^anriment ttt nhet in many pMlerns, and are the Iwlance ill line* of panta that are go<>d value at 1 25 to 1.75 n pair ; tn sell (|uickly we make the price per pair 98 MENS FINE ALL-WOOL PANTS $160 PER PAIR Thia liiitt is made up «iiiirt*]y of panta that reprosuiit extra Kood aelliiiK raluea tH $1 75 to f2.7o per pair, l>ut consiat of odd lines, Iwnce the ginat reduction in price, cbuicei per p^ir MENS WATERPROOF SMOCKS OR COATS f 1 48 Tliis (mrticuUr line uf coats ia well kiinwii to the work- ing man, repreaeiitinie i;reat wearing qualities and ia good value at the regul ir prices of $1.75 to $2 25. iVe h^ve 35 of them left for quick aullinit, price $1.48 L.A DIES' COLORED SATEEN SKIRTS FOR 78c 23 Ladies' fine quality Sateen Skirts lined with wadding and heavily qui'ted These akirts arc slightly soiled, the reitular pri';u »t which is $1.75, but on account of this wa make the price tu clear only 78c MEN'S UNSHRINKABLE UNDERWEaK 48c 150 piecea of Men's Unshrinkable Underwear in Sliirta and Drawera. The ri^ular price of thia line 18 60c for quick selling to cirar 48o A CLEAN UP IN MEN'S WINTER CAPS, for 25c The balance uf our atock of Men'a Winter Caps, representing a great many styles and colors coiiai*t- ini; iif Caps that sell in the regular way from 40c to 65c, your choice for 25c CLEAICING OUT ODD LINES IN MKN'8 SWEATERS FOR 48c Men's Sweaters in Pure All Wool qualities, also a few wora'ed varii inakea in fancy weaves, regular ^5c and 8.5c line, to cl^ar 48o NEW PRINTS, EXTRA HEAVY CLOTHS 8PECI .L 10c A YARD This is an early Hhipment we have had sent on for early selling in new spring prints, repr^enttng new patterns in all the aiaple colors, a very wide and heavy cloth, apecial per yard , . lOo : 1 ;: , SP ECI ALS IN GROCERIES # 3 cans good quality Salmon, Camel brand, npocial 3 cans for 25c Canned Tomatoes, Kent and Aylinur branda, per 'in lOc Clark's Pork and Ueanc, 3 tins for 25c . ^ . WcDunald's Chewing Tobacco, the 6c plug. 7 plugs for 25c Pi uiies, 150 lbs. Prunes, special 6 lbs. for 25c HARDWARE DEPARTHENT . In all lines of Hardware wo cirry a complete stock on which we »r« alway* pleased to quote prices, hardware man if you think of buying a new stove or other hardware. All kinds of iarm produce taken in exchange at highest market prices. See our \wm MAPKDALE WWft^W*^ Mr. Whitney'^ Cabinet Following is the new Conservative cabinet which was installed at the parlia- ment buildings al Toronto last week : Preiniei and Attorney-General, Hon. J. P. Whitney. Minister of Crown Laudsâ€" Hon, J. J. r<>y. Minister of Agrioulturoâ€" Hen. Nehon Honteiih. Provincial Troasoror â€" Hon. A. J. M.'ktheaon. Minister of BJucatiunâ€" Hon. R. A Pyne. Provincial Secretary â€" Hoa, W. J. Uanna. Minister of Public Worksâ€" Hon. Dr. J. O. Resume. Without Portfolioâ€" Hon. Adam Beck, Hon. J. S. Uendrie and Hon. W. A. Willoutrhby. Speakerâ€" Hon. i. W. St. Jubu. The bye-elections nocesnitated by the .(oruialion of the new cabinet will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 28, noiuinationa on Tuesday. Feb. 21. . â- I ie> I * $«e(i Teiting on the Farm much mbhing because Nerviline has more ptrwer than ordinary reinndiea. You won't suffer long after Nerviline is app- lied for It relievea abnowt instantly. Mr. Phillip A'lains of Oakland snya, -'If I hadn't used NerviKiie 1 guess my bsck would be stiflfyet. A few ap|dit»tioiis uf Nerviline to<.k out all the soreneas and â- tilfnes^. I can reconiiaeiid Nerviline for any kind of muscular pain, alno for theu- matisiu." Price 25c. To find nut whether seeds are capable of pnducing plants requires neither ex- pert knowledge nor npeciul apparatus Matisfaciory material ia to be found in every farm home, for making germinal ion tests of praolically any kind nf seed used oil the farm. The him pleat and must con venitMit way to test sued of corn and ci. her cereal gr»ins and nioai of the root cnqi and larger vegetable secda is to place a nu>iiber of them â€" wiy one hundred --be twuuil pieces of moisteiit-d blntiiiig paper, Ctiitoii tlannel or cloih; set them in an ordinary diuner plate and invert another plate t-> cover them. The B«)«d shouM be kept moist but not »i>t. The t<!m|>era ture of the average farm house living room would be ipiite suita'ile, but smue care should be taken In guani againi>l excessive boat or c<dd. All iinod atrong seed of corn, cereal grains, clovers or liinothy, thus treated, will have geriiiiuat- ed at the end of live d«ya. Very sinail seeds of the linor Kraasea, of some uf I he j^arden voKOtables and 'if beets and uianguls may he germin«ted ti> boUsr •dvnntagn hy acattoring the ii in a s.iuoer. beionjiiig to a flowerpot, ihal has been soaked in water and »ut on a cloth that should be kept damp, «r in a [ion contain ing not more than one-eighth of an inoli of water, the object being to keep the saucer mois', hut not wet. If such a •aurur he not available, a hrick will »i.swer the pu'jmse as well, In geiniin- aiiiig seeds in an eanhoii saucer they may l>e exposed to tha light, but not lu the direct rays of the 'iin. ^ ' -W. A.CLEMONS With Crick in the Pacit You are up against • wbc'le lot of Inm- klti unlea.1 y -u bare a atn-ng leinody like Nerviline to settle paiu and dislodge atitf no^a from the muscles andloipta. .'uat |Ub N«»rvi|ine oit the painful ryot- not E. 6. Agricultural Society The annual meeting of VmI Grey Agri- cultural Society was held in the town hall .m Friday afiornonn las'. Owing to Hliirmy we=.ther less than twrnty people were present. The tinancial slateraent showed total receipta last year of H187.73,and an expenditure of $1060.73, leaving a balance on hand of $127.00. The gate receipU were $264.Bn There was paid out f<ir prizes $632 80. The total working expenditure was $164,04 ; rent, light and Ettings, including iusur- ance and secretary's salary, $85.49. The following officers wore appointed f>.r the present year. Aa these includ" an infusion of new blood no doubt an •xtensivo improvement m\y be linked fur it. the affairs nf the society : Presi- dent, A. Mu r ; Ist vice president, W. Buskin ; Snd vIlo president, J. Bnyd Directorsâ€" Proton, J. Paton ; Colling- wiiiid. R. Ruthvan ; Osprey, J. A. Ker- naban ; Euphrasia, James Stewart ; Ar- teineaia, R, J. Sprnu'e, W. J. Meudi, D. McTavish, W. W. Trimble, J. 1. Qraham, Auditorsâ€" Jos. Blackburn, W. J. Bellamy. At II aul>sei)uent nieetinz nf the new bourd R. J. Sproule was reappointed sec- retary al same saliry as last year and D. Mcravish was appointed treasurer, thus dividing the office of secretjiry treasurer. The president and secretary were appoint- eil delegates lo tile Canadian Fairs Asso- ciation which ineeU in Torunt'i this week. Startling But Irue Panple the world over were horrified on learuing n{ thf burning nf a Chicago theatre in which nearly six hundred people lost their lives, yr* more than five times this number or over 3(100 |>eflpledie<l from pnciiinopia in Chi- cago during the .««nie year, with acarcrly a pausing not iee. Kvery one of these oases of pneiinionia resulted from a cold and could have licen prevented hy a timely imenf Oham- herlaio's C%>unh Remedy. A great many who had every reason to fear jnieuninnia have warded it i>fT by the p'nmpt um of this rem- edy. The following is an instsntse of this s<ii|: " Too much lamnot lie xaid in f.ivir of Cham, b'l-rl.iin's Cough Hemwly, and e«|>ecially for | colds and influenza. 1 know that it cured my j " dsngbler, I.aurs, of a severe cold, and I he- I lieve saved her life when she was threatened with pneumonia," W. 1). Wiloo», Lugsa, New York, Sold hy W- P, Riehardaoo. The cold weather is fast spproaching.you wAiil to provide yourself with one of our stoves. We have on hand a full line uf cooking rsKgea, base burnera and all kiiida of heaters. H'irso blankets, robes leather and ropir halters, axes and crusscut saws, a large .variety tu select from, washing luadiiiios and wrinisera. Large stock of tin ware and granlteware, naila, locks and hinges. Stock Foods INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD Fattens stock In 30 days less time. In- creases the quality of milk 15 to 25 per cent. Saves corn or oats. Your money refunded in any case of failure. You are (o be the user And also the judge' Peiioline oil â€" every gallon guaranteed. Highest cash price for all kinds of raw furs â€" mink, fox, coon, oto, THECENTRAL HARDWARE- C. E, Noble. SDUNDALK Flesherton Sash, Door and Planing Mills !1=AJ Wc have rtceived » large ear of beat Nortli Shore White Pine. Parlies ex- pecting Id build a house next Buiiiiner would do well to call and see us and arrange to hav« their Sath Door and Primes made during the winter and get tliem home oti tl|e sleigh. We fiiroisli everything needed for building a house. We will make prices and terms interesting. We want your trade and will giMrant«e first olaas workinaiiahip and ma- terial. Planing and matobing done proropdy. T, W. WILSON Manafar Chopping every da; â- FLESHERTON, ONT. An After Stock-Taking Clearance Sale Furs Reduced Ladies' Astrachan Jackets Sizes 38 to 42 Regular $27.50 values now 20.00. Regular $35.00 values now $25^.00. Regulai- $40.00 values dow $32 50. AH Caperines, Fur Rufs, Fur Caps and Fur Gauntlets at 25 per cent. less than reg^ular Prices ^ Cold Weather T Footwear Reduced. ^ Women's DongoJa slipers, elastic front, ^ wool lined, fur trimmed at tops sizes 4 to 7. Regular 85c quality Women's and Misses' Goatskin comfort ) slippers, wool lined, some fur trim- > med, sizes 13 to 5, reg. 1.00 and 1.25 ) Women's Felt Boots, laced and gaiter ^ Style, some all felt, some leather fix- \ ed, sizes 4 and 5 only f Regular $1.35 and $ 1.50 j ! 69c 69c 0$C ^ Special Reduction in 1 Ladies Cloth Jackets Fourteen Ladies Cloth Jackets in black, fawn and Navy Wool Beaver Cloths, some plain, some velvet, some fur collars, beautifully made and finished, some sateen lined, others unlined. Sizes from 32 to 38. Some of these sold as high as $15.00, none less than 5.00, which makes our Clearence Price extra special . . . 3.75 Children's Coats We offer the l^alance of our 2.75 line of navy Blue Cloth Coats, with cape, trimmeil with fur and braid at 1.0$ 35c, 45c. and 65c Fancy Dress Goods in all the good colors displayed on our centre tables. Any length cut to " . 25c. yard. To be Sure Of Good Bread use Qood Elour The celebrated "Five Roses" Flour is made from No. 1 Hani Manitoba Wheat by the Lake of the Woods Milling Co. at Keewatin, Man. ' It always gives satisfactionâ€" once used, always used. TRY SOME T Put up in 1 2. 1-4, ami 18 Bbl. sacks. Also in stock MaoHoba Bran and Short* in 100 lb. Bags Boyd, l^icklitid $ *>â- !tl eo.