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Flesherton Advance, 9 Feb 1905, p. 4

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rEBRTARY 1005 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE g F, T. HILL & CO. wvw^^vwy^^ I JANUARY - SALE - PRICES y^INTEK (JOOOS of every description arc now being sold here at the smallest prices we've over known, (juality and style considered. In two weeks we take stock and want quantities in each deparinient ledueed to the smallest pos- sible points. That means buying opportunities now that will not be repeated this season. Kead on -r â- < , »1.75 LADIKS' UNDERSKIUTS for78j. Wo have exactly 27 LndieM' Mercerizud Siteoii Uiin'lerskirta in liifht blue, dark bluo, cerino, etc. Tliese are all beautiful, Bilky gooils, heavily (|uiltud »nd will gii-o lhor(>u.;li sutiBfacioo. The piico all hbhboii has been $1 75, but lu etfect ii spuudy cleuraiice uF the VjuUiice we have reduced theni to leHs than half, or each 78c. 45o. to 7uc. VELVKTEENS for 29c. In all we have abmit 15 pieeeii plain and fancy Velveteens, which make a very complete assortment, some of thube are (urticularly nice for Shirt VVaisis, others for children's drovses and others for lancy work. In all there are probably 250 yards, regular 4uc., uOo and 75c. ^oods.^ Every yard to bo cleared out at this very Kmull price 2!)c. MEN'S AND BOYS' OVEROOATS Worth 15.00 to eiO.OO, Clearing at $2.38 to go.OO Exactly 26 of those Men's and Kny's Dross and Storm Overcoats that embrace nearly every size up to 44. We want to sell every one of thevo during the next two weeks, and at tht* prices we've marked tliein hat should be easily accouipli^hed. Nearly every coat is marked at less than half its actual value. Overcoa'S worth $5.00 to $10.00 clearing now at 92.38 to 5.00 55o. AND 75c. TWEEDS FOR 43c. This is part (if a shipment of "mill end-t" manufactured hy o:ie of the liirf^est and best O.inadiaii mills. The lengths of these vary from 2 to 15 yard", thochnlH ire s did g'lods, winter wei>.'ht, and pitterns the iiawa^t and best. Ill KCHSona jjone by we have had splendid values in " Tweed Mill Endii " but never anythiiii; to s surpass this last shipment. Yi<ur choice per yard 43c. nOc MEX'S TOP SHIRTS 3Sc In all we have about 5 dozen Men's Heavy Knitti d Shir's, assorted sizes This is one of the best half dollar lines iif Shirts we have ever seen, the colors and weaiiiit; ipialities lieius; of the best. VVldlethey last we can give you the beat 60 cent Shiit you have over purchased for only 39 82.00 to S2 75 BOYS' CO.\TS FOR $1 4rf Some weeks ago we bought several hundred boys' odd co.tts from the l.-iri^ost aiid best muiufacturers of Canadian CI tiling. These we have in sin(;lH and double breast in the best quality of cloths We have ever had in Boys .â-  Clothing. A good assortment of sis s, your choice 1.48 mmm MAPKDALE mmfM Artemesia Council Artemesia Council met on Saturday Inst. All the nicniliers present, the reevtt in thechair. Minutes of January session were lead and oonfirmed. The fid'owing fomiiiunicatiiins were read : From York county council re running automoliiles on hiuhway ; miina.;or Rank of Hamilton, re .sinkina foii'l in said bank : petition of â- J. 1!. Thibadeau et al re union school with |)iiit of (ileiieli; ; Thmnas Mercer, ro (orniing a ui-.ioii school with pait of Eu jihra.ia. Byl»ws G47, to appdni an ar- bitrator in tho matter of a union school with pirt of Gleiielg, and 048, to appoint an arbitiatiir in the matter of a union p;;Uool with |).in of Euphrasia, wore in- troduced and a first and second time and in commitleof tho whole on the third reading' Bylaw 04" was filled up with tho name of William McLmighrev, and By- l:nv (JJH w.tli the name of W. J. Bellamy. /MclCenzioâ€" Cnr.son â€" That this council i.ow go into committee to tiunlly audit the auditors' report.- Curried. MiiKenzieâ€" Purvis â€" That the reeve issue order in favor of James Williams * for $11.50, being amount overpaid treas- urer on Collector's roll. 1904, as per uuditoi's report. â€" Cartied. Carson â€" Bjstâ€" That the reeve and clerk bea uo'iimi'lee to inquire into the .sullijiency and validity of the treasurer's â€" l>oiid- â€" Carried. McKenzie â€" Carson â€" That the Stand- ard Fuel Co. be notihud by the clerk to leniove then wood, imw an obstruction un the valley road. â€" Carried. McKun/.ie --!$)'>''â€" That the auditorx rfp'Tt at Utiajiy audited by this oouncil be adapted apd that 150 copies be printed for diatnib'iiipii â€" Carried. Carsofi â€"McKenzie â€" That Joseph Gib- son b'l pani $3.37 for rop(iiring loads by unlei of re^ve. â€" Carried, MuKen<fc«â€" I^ui;vi|i--'IJhaf the careiak- ei's bil|.fiirianip|i, 9tf| t>q paid. - Carried. CBrsnii â€" Ben*-- 'l|hijt John Halea be ~ jviid $1.50, his apcnunt for ukivjuk Tho*. Nit'idenaiid w.ifo tothp Hou^e o( Refuge â€" Carried. Cnrson â€" McKunzieâ€" That tho auditora be pud their xalaiy, $10 eaeb. â€" C^riied I'(jrvis--Be8t â€" That as thti council him Itoen ihfoiiiiflit that Robert Sninli, an old ruaident of tloa township, la in sitch a ctioditioB, a^ D<)t 'o lie able tu take carq oi himself, tlie reeve i« hertiby instructed it<i visit bim and talfH i^ueh aleps aa ia found neiftiMi^ary t " 4««e tutu conveyed to 1|he c luiiijj iii<d^tiial home. â€" C«rrie<l. .VIoK«i^%iaâ€" Bestâ€" Thai the m^iuber* of this .'ouiieil bv coiifniia«i«^r« t'^ the ^xpeudlKUre of any minxyf tbat may be 4»ppio|ir«ii>ud for expontl^Mfre i:i 1906 aa ^t^omt : ^iT. 1^ John \. Qaraon ; Dir. 2, R. D. Purvis ; Div. 3, Robert Best ; Div 4, T. R. McKenzie.â€" Lost. Carson â€" Purvis â€" III amendnieni; that tho meinliers of this conncil be coininis- sionets for the expenditoro of any money that may be appropriated for as for ex- pesditure as follows : Div. 1, J. A Car- son ; Div. 2, T. R. McKenzie ; Div. 3, R. Best; Div. 4, R. D. Purvis.â€" Cirried. Council adjourned. 5un 5pot5 Fi^r tho past week a very lirue black spot lia< appeared on the face of the .sun, which can easily be st-on through smolted plats wiih the naked eye. Correspond- ingly wo have experienced an extremely cold week. What affinity those tw'o facts have with each other has not been fully decided, but in all probability the condi tiou of the iitii'ospliere is a natural se- ()Uence followini; tho decre.iso in the .sun's heating and light giving power. Our luminaiy has a diameter of 850,000 miles, and the black spot now visible on his face has a diameter of over 100,000 inilon, shutting oQ' ab'iut one-eighth of the heat and light, which will readily be recog uized ai quite a serious matter. Fortu- na'ely these sun spots are very evaiies- cen', c'iHa|>peRriiig aa quickly as they appear. As to what they are, astrono- mers aic somewhat divided in opinion, but Dr Wilson of K<linburi;h probnbly uives the most sati.sfactory explanation. Aa the sun is an innienso uase'jus body, he iiiaiiitains that the spots seen on its surface are .simply iidentatiHiis or boles III the mass, which move and sway sonie- thing after the manner of our clouds, tho iitnui portions appearing black. This explanation agipcats reasonable, at least. One of the Vilest Diseases Is caarrh which lirst attacks the nose |and,throti: and Knally spreads all through the syHivin. Tt)e one sure cure is frag- r>inl hialing Caiai,rliozuiit) w^hich ia sent, •by the air you bieatiie direct tu ihp >oi>t <if Ihp t^rouble. Mr T. MacVictr of Yar- mouth »utfer,ed. fur year.'* from catarrh 'and says, "In my hmg ex^|i«>rienc<f ^ith thiji l>ut|.heBO|i)e d'Sease Inevqrused any irtnni^tly th|it loliuved and ci^jedso promp- tly as CHtarrhiizone. When iiiy niwtrils were so xiuffud up that I couldn t breathe I (umid a f((«r iifhaUtioi)^ of C.ttaf.rh(>((4>ne KKS sutUeieui tu «iuar ft.wsy the mucous I am perfectly cured by Calarihat >'ie and fi'Hs from the diaeaae uiuifely." Uao only Catarihgzuife. Con p'u(« uut^t #1 00 trial tii^e 23c. The cold weather is fast want to pnoide yourself with one i^f our siove.s. We have on hand a full line of cooking ra' gcs, burners and all kinds of heaters. Hnrso blankets, robes leather and rope haltera, axes and ciosscut saws, a large variety to select from, washing machines and wringers. Large stock iif tinware and graniteware, nails, locks and binges. Stock Foods INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD Fattens stock In 30 days less time. In- creases the quality of milk 15 to 25 per cent. Saves corn or oats. Ynur money refunded in any case of failure. You are to be the user and also the judge' Penoline oilâ€" every gallon guaranteed. Highest cash price for nil kinds of raw fursâ€" mink, f.)X, coon, etc. THE CENTRAL HARDWARE- C. E. Noble, SDUNDALK Flesherton Sash, Door and Planing Mills [UiJl W J. M«K.«lvey. of M«no, bad hii liarn burnedJaat week. The •xpioding of a lantern aot iir« to Ihn straw and the building was toon a maNa of flame*. Mr. McKelvey ttioeedcd in aaring his ttook. The building was iiHiarsd in th* Duffarin farinari Mutual Fir* Insarane^ Qti.â€" Frpe rre»». We Lave received a large car of best North Shore White Pine. Parties ex- pecting to bnild a house nest Buitimer would do vieli to call and see ns and arrange to have llieir Sash Door and Frames made during tlie winter ^pd get them borne on Uie sleigh. We furnish iverjtliing i.eeded for building a house. We will make prices and terms interesting. We want your trade and will giwraiit^i; first clabS workiuaus^liip and ma- terial. Plai)ipg and mAtehing done prompcljr. T. W. WILSON Chopping £T«r;t disy -^Mii^.iâ€" ^â€" 1 I BOYD, HECKLING & CO., | I ! â€" FLESHERTON, ONT. I I An After Stock-Taking Clearance | I Sale ^ Furs Reduced ^ Ladies' Astrachan Jackets IP Sizes 3S to 42 ^ Regular $27.50 values now 20.00. 4$ liegular $3.").00 values now $28.00. Regular $40.00 values now $32 50. All Caperines, Fur Rufs, Fur Caps and Fur Gauntlets at 25 per _ cent, less than regular Prices Cold Weather Footwear Reduced. Women's Dongola sliper.s, elastic front, wool lined, fur trimmed at tops, sizes 4 to 7. Regular 85c quality Women's and Misses' Goatskin comfort ) slippers, wool lined, some fur- trim- \ med, sizes 13 to 5, reg. 1.00 and 1.25.) 69c 69c I ^ Women's Felt Boots, laced and gaiter"] ^ Style, some all felt, some leather fix- '^ ^^^ ^ ed, sizes 4 and 5 only f ^%^^ 9r Regular $1.35 and $ 1.50 J ^ Special Reduction in ^ Ladies Cloth Jackets 4£ Fourteen Ladies Cloth Jackets in black, fawn and jf^ Navy Wool Beaver Cloths, some plain, some velvet, •i^ some fur collars, beautifully made and finished, some ^ sateen lined, others unlined. Sizes from 32 to 3S. ^ Some of these sold as high as $15.00, ^ none less than 5.00, which makes our ^ y ^ Cleareuce Price extra special . . Children's Coats ^e offer the balance of our 2.75 line of navy Blue Cloth Coats, with cape, trimmed with fur and braid at iM ] 35c, 45c. and 65c Fancy Dress Goods in all the ( good colors displayed on our centre tables. ^ Any length cut to 25c. yard. I fT ^ '^ -^~' â€" i To be Sure Of Good Bread use Good Elour The celebrated "Five Roses" Flour is made from No. 1 Hard Manitoba Wheat by the Lake of the Woods Millinc'^ Co. at Keewatin, Man. " It always gives satisfactionâ€" once used, always used. TRY SOMET Put up in 1 2, 14, and 1-8 Bbl. sacks. ^ Also n, stock Manitpba Bran and Shorts in 100 lb. Bags. Boyd, l^icklitid ^ Co.

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