Fbbrijary 2 1905 THE FLESHERTON ADVAKCil ) / rt } 'i The Markets. «'ar.'.riiUv i"«»rrc«i«'«l KhoIi U'c Otttd GKH' " " Jâ- l,l^ 4iJ 111 J{ iil.-y . ♦•'> to IJutllT 17 'O Ks.'KK fieali 20 to CliiukL-i.s 7 'o llueks « to <;.i(r.o 9 to lluy t.. C ''iitatiius bair <J0 III TuiUeyu 13 to ,'!â- ) tiS 45 i7 20 7 <) 111 i'l.j CO 14 Our Clubbing; List "A Iv Biico, *l!i'rai(i lunl *T<iiiinUi Wi.riil, (liiily â- | i-roiiti) L>;u!v Nl'WS \V..ol>ly (il..l,o Ma>l-i<)iii|iire Kiinily Herald & Slur 'r.'niiiti. Sl.-ir Fjuuicis Sun AH atiuve prices incliiilo The Ailvaiieu ml Mi.iiln:i.l lIiTairi, if paid III r.ili.iixo jily Kirly suijscriberH gut IichI value V tliiir 111 luuy. ....$3 2.-) . . . 1 h:, . . . 1 81) l.HO 1.80 l.Hfl l.HO ) â- The Wit.ter T«rm »t tli« Owen .Somiii, Out., licfrins on MONPAY January "im', IKOfj. Kvory yimii;f man am I voinan .shciuld taku a course at tlils iiistitu tion riiiK winter It in a must stibHtancia foutidatirm for a tiiiccessfullife. >'iiiir ftiilv I'finipnl ili-iiartnienU, â€" Ursi X KSS OKI'ARTMENT for goueral Vnihiu'.'KM Work. .SIIDllTHAND and TYPKWUlTINfi DKI'AllTMKNT for the training of uliort- hand writuri^. TKl.KllKAI'nV mCPARTMKNT for th'n" w'.iu u'i«li til hecimio ttli-graiiliic oper- uttirK. I'Ri:i' \ UATiJRY 1>EPARTMKNT for tb< ;-c Wii'i an; fir b-ici: anil who wisli toini- prove tliidr cducatiun. Full p.-vrticilars will be sent to any address free. C A. Fleminff, Principal 0\VKN«()LND, ONT. Durham Bull for service The Hp^gistcrod Durliam Hull. •"KING EDWARD" Imp., will Fturii for pcrvicc en lot 'J9. S 1). It.. lor I'JOi. Kiim Kflwjird j« a tlai k ruil.utKidl ()ftv> ) uiiu aiid nirihch' mu\ wo\ rluvolo[ioit. Hr Ik in only fjiii »u^^ icDiihlu uuii<liiji>ti am) 'A'ill UTc tli> bt-um at twtfiitv- twu luiiulrod lbs. iiurl isjtitn her twu-ycar-ulii ilass. Kins' Rf^wanl ns I. calvod April 10th, 1001. bfi» by 7 jhti YijiiM^ rilboari(!S, MarVcuItu^ Hint. lau<l. jinportK i iti Uaui iu 1000 by Cliail- ICankiii. \Vvi»b*-i'l:ie. i*!!";., «(>t bv fto')tiisi; Priri«j7JVJj. .lam Uothtilcli Kise, imp., -SSJH; Dv Alan (>wviMior»(>)V)'J, KuJ Uokm bv INirtUiti of Clujv »>U7i. I'osiB viri'l bv IJoctortVM'.IG. Uosi by Lintitf'nantO^HKI, Jilt (7Ui by Alburt ^Mt^: Jilt l/itli b (Uiivos(mil llVdil, Uonsi.lH (^laret l> Vermont ITIU^J.ClHrnt lai o\ I)uku2H!ld, riar. by S A>k)t Vclvut Ifi.iK}, ItiirbHra bv Unrivalli IrtttJrt, liiib 'Ila bv 'Jlmranha 7f'12. (>«h hh bv Bu.i Diikrt of Nor^hurnb.j Ia:ifl .JtilO, Nora by >'illei> Obit. Kniil/ by Jrillnry :,i;n» KMzix b youtifi iVostiMn (loiuot 1.^7^ ^a<lv Bottv b t)ta>iioni 'iuj.IJotry by Favorite 2^,by C'liarKo' Kti.l Hull IHIO. TRUM3 Thoroimbbrml cowN ^3; graften SI 50, Al |iayHi»b) t:)t January. lUJ.O. Cowa sorvoii by thi anltiiiil and nut re'^nrued will be cuDuctetl to wntittier in calf or not. \V. J. MEADS, Canton. Ont Winter Goods ty/t ^la K>lipp/tC' Balls, Blank «ts,IlwbeB, imitation Puraian Lam > Ooats fur drivin.', Whips, Lnslien, Cinnlia, Brush- es, â€" a ift uo ijtiiok of cliHict) ^ooJs juit in- Truiiks and Valiite« for Iravullurs. â- ^i-t your harness supplies from â€" Wm. MOORE flesherton R. Kinnear & Sons - M A X W E L L- Tako tills opportunity of lliHiikiiiff tli(!ir nmiicroiis imis- tomers and the public in f;i;n- eral for thtn'r vory liltonil pat- ronaiio duriiij^^ the past yrar and hope for a continuation of she samp, and tliat tlicir con- fidence in us will he increased to the fullest extent. Wishini,' you nil n Iiappy and pntsperouH New Ywir, youi's very tnily, E. N. KINNEAR & SON MAX WELL \Ajjers For coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, weak throats, weak lungs, consumption, take Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. Cherry Pectoral Always keep a bottle of it in the house. We have been saying this for 60 years, and so have the doctors. " 1 h«»e uiied Ayer's Cherry I'ectoral in my famllr fiir 4B years. It it ttic I.«it msitlclne in itie T/iTld, 1 know, for all tbroat and luofir Vroiibl'??." llR!i. J. K. Noucnoss, TTaltham, Miis. An Interesting Cow Census AM (ii iiFsl^ta. for J. C. AYKRrO., Lowell, Mima. wmmmtmantmrnm [The Lungs I Daily fiction of the t>owel8 Is neces' â- ary. Aid nature with Ayer's Pills. The largest and lipat stoclt of furiiiiiiie HVHr Kliown in Fli-shor- tmi. Tills without fear of coiitra- diction Ciiiiio and eee aoriie of the nice things ia Sideboards Dining Roonri Cf|airs Parlor Setts Bed.Roonq Setts A flpecial reduction just now on everything in order to leducu the aiork. i W. H. BUNT. yfiinniture sDea/er* Business Cards vJ'CULLOUOH a YOirNO â- * Ilanki5r .Marlolalo Jo a (funeral buiiltlnti lni?<iiip:<>. Money loanon a reasonable rato Cull uu Ub. O J HI'IlOULli '^ I'OiitaiaHtor, Klouhortou oonimiBxioner in H.Cl.J., Auctioneer Con fi-vaucor. Appmisor and Monuy I.Biidm Kt-aJ Mstatft uini Insuranoo Agent. Deeilt- i-'.ortuaticii, loasoR ani willa carefully drawn ii|> anil valuationn made nn 'hnrtoHi notice, luonoy to loan at lowont rato» o( jnteroHt. Col ijitloiia ntleudod to with )irunii>tne»K cliarKoB low. ARont for Ocoan Dominion StoaitmUip Company. A call solicited. Societies a O U W meets on the last Monday ' 111 ea.3n month, in their luiiKo room. Ohriatoo's blocU. FloBnertou. ttt 8 p.m. M.W., S. Harrison ; Koeoriinr, .las. KelBleaii ; I'inan i;itir, W.J. Hal. amy. Viaitiug bietlirri;, iLvlted pUINOK AKTHTK I.onai!, No. ."WS.A \ A M. lueetn in the Maniinieball. Htrain'f liiook. l'leRh\.rtoii, every KriUv on or bpfori> •lie full U'ocn. !â- ' fl VV Hiokliug W M. Chad Muuabaw, Hni.rutary. noUKT FLIilSHKUTON. 005. I. P. F. ir eots In " (.hiiatot'H llloci' ttio latit Krirliiy oToi inc of <aili month. VlBitinc Koicstera lionitilv welunn-io. C. U., .1. Cornftolil; 11. i:. \V. Hubkili- I'm. Hie.. H. A. Willett. Ploa-.e pay (lu«ii to H. ' . Wil'ott on or betoie Iho last ilay of the pruccediug month. Medical D H CARTRR ..« ^^^^,*, " '^"*' f "VBiMan, Snrpeon. etc imeo and rosiiloiicoâ€" Peter at , Plesherton i\lt A. r. HOND Olailuatf Toronto Uiiivoriiitv. Men) b«rof Oiita HI (Ji.lleB* „i I'liyniciiitiiH and Kiir- ,on». Maxwell, On . ."'ucceaHoi- to llr. Scott. ' VetsrInary SiirReon Oradnate of Ontario Veterinary College, r«KiiioiiCo â€" Bjciiiid door unutli weal on Muri; BIreet Thla street runs south rresbvisrian Churali. .1 \VII,8.ii\, llhn.knuttll "• >ia:lHate <>l the Ve'erinarj Roianco oiKnciatmn. Id.ni l.mco, Durham itreot, on- M>»itu Itoyd. Hiililh.K'e hardware. A; the Eastern Onlarir* D.iiryiBan's Oi.nveniion Mr. 0. K. VMii^.y «f the I'aiiy ConiiniHiionpr'a Biai cli, Utiawa, Hjno n Very iu'ttoBliny ae<-iiunt of u ctw ceriHus wliiih he coinluctid n 'lie vicini y of C'.wniisiillo, Quo., duniiji llie nunimer of 11)04. I'ndurliia fuiiervi^ion aevcuty- Iw.i farniT-rs kopt daily milk records of Ihi'ir rows and tbroe times a monlh took sainpUa for tt-Ktiiij! from tlie milk of each individual ci w in llieir dairies. In this way runsunal ly^ecuiale figures wete il.laioed. l'' r I ho month of June tlio p^iieral avercge of all tlio hcrJs tested wa.s (l'i2 lli.s (II inilU. yielding Mollis of fat. In one ea-ie tweiry-two cowa had a yie'il for the month of 17,845 Ibis of milk and 7-2 5 lliN. of fat. Iu another herd of cloven (â- o«H, every animal was below the gem rat averai/e. the ran-je bein;; as low as itW lbs. to 805 llis. of milk per cow, and tlii.s herd Con^^isted of .Jersey. Guernsey, .Ayr- shire and lIuLslciii grades and natives. Ill coiitra.st to this, anotluT hord of 1 nelve Cows of ainitlar Ineedinsj yitMcd 8;l() to 11 15 llj.s. JKT co«, ao that every row in the heid was above the tiversue. Tliia .shows that the fl.iw of milk dojietids iip'iu tho individuality of tho cows even more than upon their bieediiii.'. In the nionlh of .luly a hoid of 27 cows â€" .Jersey, Ayrshire, Hi I-'tein and Sill rthoni grades- Rave 13,700 lbs. of milk ai:d 473 7 I'-s. of fat, an nverif^e (if .5U!> lbs. of milk and 17 6 lbs. of fat per cow. This *afi typical of several herds coiisi.sfint; of ini.^fj uradea. Theaveia};e record per cow i.s po'.r, nuticeiibly below the avernite of the 'Ahole 1120 cows for .Inly. The best showing was made by a Holstein ^'riide, whose record is inoro than double thtkt of tlm poorest cow. Tins daily had live more cowa than that lirsl niiiitioiicc', and yet produced 4lXjO lbs. le.s.s milk in the niomh. A.noher July recoid showed that one herd of six cowa (^A\^^' 2515 lbs. of ml k, .vliile aiio ther dairy of twelve cows ;.HVe 8020 lbs. ; twice as niiiliy C"ws tjave over three limes as much milk. In Hepteinbor one lot of 23 cows ({Hve 8120 11)^. of milk aid ano- ther lot of 23 yielded 11,200 lbs. These lecords emphasize the i.eird for knowing j definitely the proiiuotion of each individ ual cow. The avernj^e pruductton per cow must be iniiiroved by weeding out the poor ones Figuring g os well with farming. With foiethouiihi. and (iguiui, the prod- uclnn of butter in theaveuiL'e farm hnrJ can 1)0 increiused at least 40 lbs. per year in live years. It has been done scores of times. It is safe to Kay that almo.<l every farmer inilltiiig twenty cows has three on which ho loses money. Until he keeps records lie eanni/t tell which they sre. It will p'ky him to find out. The wide variation in the total yields of butter tiy indniilunl animals in the same herd is even more app^(rent in the records for lunger purioila. For four niontlis the cows ni on.; herd of fourteen varied from i/d lo 114 lli.<"., the best cow yii Iding marly three times na much as the |>(iorest. The average for tho herd was 81 lbs. per cow, while tho general average of all the Cows tested for four moiths was D8 Its. Would not this iino lie better otl if he disposed of xit least four cows! Another herd varied from 51 to 127 lbs. per cow, with an nveiage he low the census average. Probably both men think ihcy have pretty good cows. For a peri<.J of live months, ono dairy made the ereditjible showing .if 100 lbs. of butter per cow, tmro than double the average of some other herds, and well above the census average of 115 lbs. per cow for tiva months. Indei'd, every one of the twelve cows in this herd exceeded the general avernu'e, ranyiog from 147 lo 2-'il lbs. These ligiires are encouraginL'. 'I his man's record can lie, and shou'd he. e(|iiall('(l on a th insand farnis in the next live years. Such resu'ta are obtained by using tho scales and Babcock tester to detect the robber cow and get nd of her. Then, by Iho use of a good dairy bred sire, and aiiiiinv! at a standard of say fi.OOO lbs. of milk and 250 lbs. of butter per Cow annually, a good herd can »p. od i y be graded up. There are liun(lreds of dairy fai mors who have thus raised the butler pr.iduelion of their herd-, in n few years froiu 150 or 175 lbs. to 300 lbs per annum. W. A. CLEMONS, Publication Cloik. LttiAL r UCAS WHKiHT A MrAIim.R •â- • llarriiitcrii Solloitor» Convoyancers, ete omooHâ€" (iwMii Hounrt.Ont and UarkilaleOnt, W H Wriuut, McArdli I B In:cA« N Hâ€" Kleal]eit«M oines, Ultebetl'a Gank "V r. -tatuiiniy. Dkntistrv |\R. B C. MURRAY, I., D. 8, rtenfiil nnrffnon ' Vmiio. Brnilimlo of Toronto llnlverrtty and '<n»i collpve n( Denta) K.ircepnii of Ontario. ilB"eâ€" Opponlte Armslrone'a .leweDsry Store. illn-|i ^vK.II rii.t l,.»t iVnlni.^ilnv "of .n.li M.il. nil I lliii'iiiilh lut and Hid 'ihiiraday 3f â- â- i.ih HEADACHE ! Neuralgia and Neivnuitnefts curatl qaickty by A I A V HAnMLKBS HCAOACHK ANP '\J'\^ NIURALOIA CURC. Nn k»art ficprvMion Grmtett nra tvtr dMc«vtr«d. Tmk* n.> niber, tnc and M%e, All (ieaUrt or direct from IkMTlM * Co. SiaKOT, Om. Money back i( not lalittMd Startling But True People tho world over wore horrified on learning of the burninR of a Chicago theatre in which nearly six huiidrtsl people liwt their lives, ye* more than live times this number or ov(.»r litlOn peojiledie^i from jineuinoniA in C'hi- eajjo .hirinjj tho .lanie year, with scarcely a passing mitieo. Kvery one of these cases of piicuinnnia resulted from a cold and could have been proented by a timely use of Chaiu- la'rlain's C'onijh Iteiiiedy. A great many who had every reason to fear pneumonia have warded it off by the |u-(im|>t use of this rerr. cdy. The followinR is an instance of this sort- " Too much cannot Iw sai.l in favor of Cham. I)''rl«in'8 Cough Remedy, and c»i>ecially for colds and iniluemia. I know that it cured my d.iughter, Laura, of a sever* cold, and I be- lieve saved her life when she vim thro.>tencd with jmeimninia." W. T>. Wilcox, Loftan, New York. Sold hy W. E. Uiohardson. Wm. MuGirr, a younn fnrmcr living ol we In Allis>..n, was cult ng feed in the 1 ift over the itabli', when the chain which rito tliecatriern broke, hitting hint on 'lie h ud and inflicting a deep wound ahoul Hire inches long. He wan knocked down through a trap hole ten feet lo the floi.r fl'.or below. There it oM much hope (nr his recovery. nany Sndden Deaths Are Ir.iced to a heart that was ni'gV' - ted. If yiur lie.irt is weak oi hc:i(« {..(> rspi(Jly you need Fermz .-le tfi stieni,then ihu luart's iiius.des, re.juhite i's a tinn and st^ip smoth-rjiK; spasms. Feinzone always cur. s weak heart and re.st'ies this organ lo .t strong hea''hy sta o T q In SI heart mo lioine in the worl i is fi'd- lozoin- whi-li lieii'8 noy sutisio ire. N\'idely used by doct' rs and so'd at 5(ic, per box by nil drucgisis. ,:i Porfabie Mill IJ.n iii'i s.ir. mv mill Satioii. ( liiii i'lepirjd sii lomliei-. shiiigies aid hrh slink :in 1 .(isii.iii. IS cut 1 will <i| ' taiid â- â- 11 fiiMi'h Ln-, ihen n 1 am open f r codracta wlieio took .au ' (' suiuliei. G .*. W.ATSON, Proprietof hur.i at Proton to cll.p .1.1.0, . Wh«.. in 'Ve III 1 F .rll'iw. 8>i.tubl< WANTED Salesmen to rcpr.'sent •Canada's Greatest Nurseries" Newest varieries and srici^talties in H trdy Fruits. Km.ill Fruits, Shrubs, iVni- meiitalg .'snd Hoses. .•\ p.-rin in-nt siiiuiin, aim tent. .ry rea.'ived for. rieht iiitii. Pay w el Iv. ll.\Nl)SO.\1I-:oUTHT FUEE. W.i.e tor particulirs. Send 2Jc. for tlie POCKET iMICnO.HCOPU. useful t . glowers friii's.iii'i shrubs an 1 to farmers ill examining ami sand seeds. Mr Bi hard Alania local agent for Flesherioii. Scliool Children's Eyes. Stone Toronto Many lives have been Riine>.^ throu,(?h neglected eyestrain in childhood. The eyes of every child should be exarhincd. We have made a special study of this branch & Wellington of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. '-/^c Ao ArmstfOrt%^5 - (over 800 acres) Cn'ario HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . r.w/t'.Ea AN"' iPTiC'JAW Tlie pl.-u-e t.. !;-t th. at BULIMRR'S GALLERY. ; best Photos i.a PHOTUGR.i.PH Fleshsrton Livery Stables SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay Speoial .littciitiin to Cnpvinn and I'.ibies' piotulos. Pi turo fram- ing a specialty. NEW RIGS '.S' Try us for any kind of pictures and we w.ll proniiseiialisfaciion. lVIi!:»s. BUHilVEHI? Sydcnhain street, FK.-.hctlon Good Horses ^',1,$^, , Terms Lov/ - Prorletor The liog is a machine to make pounds of pork. In raising hof;s for the market, the profit is rapid and healthy growth. I'eediug to simply susUiin life makes you no profit. .\ food that will fatten your hogs in the shortest time, and with the loa-st waste, is the profit maker. To get the most good out of its food, Uie hog mu.st thoroughly digest and .'Lssinulate it. It is this a.s.sim!l.itcd food tliat makes the pounds of pork. The addition of Clydesdale Slock Food will en,-i!>le it to do this. It creates nil appetite f^ir a full ration. Many farmers seem satisfied to let the hog "root" for itself. There is no better money ma'icer en tile farm if given half a chance. Clydesdale Stock Food will en- able you to get your hogs to the market at least thirty days sooner ; this is money saved. Mr. .\. U. SIcDoiiald, Jericho, Ont., says : "I fed it to six fattening hogs as a test and found the hogs that received Clydesdale Stock Food made a decided gain over tlrose that received none." This Ls " WISF, FEKDI.VG." Don't neglect the " RUNTS ", they can be made to grow, and be kept growing, by using Clydesdale Stock. Food. It will also keep your hogs ia sucn healthy condition as win enable tliem to witlistand Hog Cholera the greatest menace to hog raising. Keep your hogs and pens clean by using Carboline Antiseptic; as hogs thrive better when clean. If not .satLsfied after using, your money will be cheerfully refunded by our dealers in your district namely : lii.^o, III hlii.g it Co., Flu Knott Bros , Markdale Tavli.r .t Co , Droinore ; . I ill', Ho.evdie. W. W. C'.ldnghr.wu, Dund.dk Barclay & Bell, Durham ^ ^ ^ ^^^^sgs^^^'^C^sg' on lull bi with oil. rines. which aro They have no f'ic'ion The have nmchine c«t ireai^ inn iny aro ahvays cmpletely c.-xered worm threada or any other coii'uvanee CMUsii g needless tear whee'sare of high urude steel, pO' iii'tiii,._f r. duct ion in their siz.- and weiiih?. 'ITie HUnpcuaioii of tho s.-panitor i.. nl ft. m the spuidle saves a a uroil nii'ount i.f friction as comp.red wi'h tie .dd fahiooed plm. whii h the bowl is balaiiceil on top of one or more heavy spindles h. Ul roidlv in posiii.in by two or even uvre beiirinijs For chisi skimmii g the MeUoite is unexcelleil. WRITE FOR ROKKI ET No. .1 S. 3obn H. Reard, PIcsbcrtcn McTA VI? 5^^^^^^^5- H m mmm mmi 6 For FitHl Class Buggies, Cart.s, Pioiann; and Luml-ei W cutters, Sleighs. We knepaa'ock on hand to eh(iu>.e troDi. ALSO HOkSE SHOEING ANOOENERAL BLACKSMITHINO and vunraniec first clswi wu'k. We keep <»ii band Ploughs and t^lough refwirs, »»nd also Massey Harrm and N.-xon repairs for i inders, iMoweis, nil kiinls -if ma.'hiiiery, a'so Binder Twine on hand. « Olben in town dli^e US a call «