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Flesherton Advance, 2 Feb 1905, p. 5

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â-  A TiTE FLESIlERTON ADVANCE February 2 1905 • i • • t • :[•â-  Methodist Church Sun.!i.y. F'b. 5 IIK.5'. â€" Qu-irteily iiieetiig. St-r- \i<:r i.t 10 30. Evci.ii'g. â€" Sacfecl Iiyniii« »n I liym-. J s. l.ynLKOV, B A., B. D., .•â- â-  â- â-  I'aa'.ar ^^' %';ciniiy hipo 1^ ^ Cfa racttr i-'tics â-  .f the I';.**. W.-ek Car 1,'fuliy Culled f..r U,o 1 Jurioui*. . . ^ ' A g il W..I k h>itK« (-r >Hle. Apuly to Ik^.s V 11 C. Palter, VSirtliicb I'll.-. Ml-, aij Mr-.. 0^0. HomX . f S.lsk-VX)!' «*« V W"h rtli-.tiTCi hill-. Kre^h liiiie ii »iij.s o;i <l, J. U. Ducrett, Eiigen;a. v. :.s Ueiiij Paikrr of Jic<l Jatl v/u. k. At'pieulifie wanteil to leiru lilack-tuith ;i â- ;. J'tii-.y t" .loLii Ut-aid, llrisiiert.iu. Uiv.siou Cuui-t ori;I bi.' hull iu Uii- ciulU o:-. Feiiruaiy 2-iiid. Di. Ho.-is's ISt. ck :u. a fur siile at W. J!i;< us. Divui i.i C iurt viA ba hoki ia Dundalk Ob lei). 22. SpL>L-iii; piicfts for balai ce <if sti ck in Uai-kets, brU:<, rubes, null ali MUUer ^i.oiLs, \V. Mii.iro, h iMiesrtinaker. Tl'.e days ure leiigthei>ia;; vesy percip- tibly. Pair dogskiti mitts bia' in ti.wn iiliout Cuur weeks »};â- '. Fiiidtr ploase leave ut (his ofiice. . Mi^s iS;-llio 13<ijj.i;s ia visiting with fiieiiuG at Altun Cii s wuik. Sibck f')r sale â€" Two Durham bulLsotie 18 iiuiatbs oUI, g>)t by Lord Luivunck, tliu i.ibur luuiitig 3; f.Wo a iiuuiber of Yurksbiro \>"i^, all ;X!;es. W. tl. Guy, WuXV.tll. M:. Jchn Williams,.. f Berkeley, visited at Mr. S. boi;4s', over Sunday. Lostâ€" A nK.riicc ' git ed!;ed Tji'l", on Ja.i. 8, b-jtween lO'li uf Artemcsia and Keel. all's niillii on Kecnau's road. {iL'ase leave »t this otbou. The motubers of ilia Fles'ier-ou Ep- â- \votth League will, by special invitation, visit at the residence of Mr. Andrew Hcattie, Oiaiii!') Valley, oa Friday even- ing of t hi" week. Une cooibi.ied Massey Harrif> Seed drill Pew, ai;d iu perfect worliitig or- der. Also tlire* bcatiLi; and one cook- iig stove for sale, cheap and uii easy terms. R. J. Sproule. FleshertOD. Thfi annual -jiceting of EastGioy -Agri- «ultuial Society will be held heie on Friday, Feb, 10. Owinsj to other things coatlioiiun the maetiii^ was post pone J until the above date. Tivo youn^ thoroujlibrcd Durham bulls for sale. Apply to Juseph Bu- chanan, Vandeleur* Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Brown and tbiee childieu of Owen Sound . visited over llonday night with T..e Advance lu^n's household. They were on their way to Winnijiesf, where Mr. Brown purposes eatiTias; into a land ollice bu.siunKS. Farm to rout â€" Lots 1S4 and 185, 2iul concession East of Tironui & Sydenham Unad, 1 uiilo from P. O. and schoi.l,iiear church. 100 aores, 75 cleared, tt"od biick house with cistern, tio.'d frame liarnco<.i)plete;sui»li orchard. JttHEMiAa Taylor, I'ortlaw. Kiniberiey Orangemen will hold » !»iaud concert on the evening of W.diieR- d»y, Feb. 8. Tho gteit c .niic, IJert Harfey of Tor. nto will ba there. Other laltnt as advertised on lar){e p'Stcitt makes this one of the events which yoj cannot aiford to iui.<8. Notice - Havini< i-Ut in a first class gnuding outfit in connection with the electiio plant, am picjiK ed to acciuimo- dito ihe putdic in the chopping bu^iiuea*. Kicd Deagle, Eugenia. Dieil â€" In Osprey, on Monday, .Inn. 30, Julii, beloved «ife -if Mr. Lo\i Pal- lialer. Deevased had t'e«n ill for some . lime with consumption. She was the the 8 de»t daughter of Mi. W. H. Guy of Muxwcl'. The funem) UM.k place yester- day Jroui h»r father's rcMden.e. Highest ..-ash price paid for hiJe%shee{>- skiiit, tallow, ai.d all kinds of fur. Beef solil by the .(iiarteror halt qU'irlerkt low- I'rt pries. Mark Wilson, Flwherton. .\ niovriiient is on foot, we belisTv, to r«duce tb« number of li<iui>r licences held M( this townshi|>. W«> uud^rstaMl tbst [letitiona arc in circulation this week and will be [irtsentcd to '.he Council, whieh lUeeiM oD Saiurday nrxt. Tliere appears t-i be no dearth ..f farms for s><U in Ibid t..»n-<hip, as a u lance at our R'lverlihii.g colum. s will sh.iw. This <loe.i iii>t lieiio'e ao i-x -dus from the town- i»'iip, I.'.. never, n!^ in n^tarly every case the feller e.thi-r w mtn :. Urger or smaller farm ortoipiit faniiii.f;. There are gome tirnt cLisn fmns jidverti.-ied in our col- UM iia tl i< week au.l iuientiing buyers kIkuM l.riik litem ever. Al. ace- unia and n.les due mu-^t be s-j tl. d, or cr3-3 will ii-t ad-led to them. Adam Smith, £Iuc;enia. Mr. .J.ihii EuglisU, wh'i has hecB visit- ing hi.s son ill 111 ih.) since last Xi-vem- Ijur, r. turnid broie i.ii Saturday, Mr. Englihb enj'.yed h s vi^it very much and fhiiiKs Idihoa tinu xt.-te. He sawr no day while in Ll.ibo he could not i;o ar..uiil ill Lis siii.t i-leeves When he arrivtd at Hmtieajjous o>i the home trip the theruionietrr marked 25 below zero, a chiliirg contrast. Mr. H H. Uun.'ess, D.D G.M. of Dutferin ili.strict, A.O.U-W., paid Flesii- erlon Wurknirn an oHicial visit on Mou- I day eveidiisr. While in town Mr. Bur- gees, who is iii^pector of tcho.ils for Noifh Urey, visaed uur public .school and 1 bimielf as ws.l plejued with aii'airs around the academy of learning. Tho folh.winy officers of A. O. U. W. luilge, Fie.-lierton, were duly installed by D. I'.'j M. BugH>s 111 .Mii.ulay evening last: M VV , Al. Thistlewaite ; Fore man, Wm, SUirp ; Overseer, Price Teeter; Re-:;order, J. A. Felst.-ail ; Financier, VV. J. Beli*niy; Treasurer, h\ G. Cole : Uuide W.J. St wart; I. W., I. SaicLiir ; O' W., K. Best. Rev- C.T. Cocking, of Cha'sworth.and foituerly . f Japan wi:l furnUh one of bis celebrated lectures in the Methodist church here on Monday eveniti;; next under the auspices of the Epworth Lea^iue. He will eihitit a large number of superb sttt-.-optican views of Japan and the Ru»so J.ip war. Although Mr. Cocking has lectured here before, he comes this lime nitlt an cutirely new set of views. Adii'ission 10 and loc. At the ret:ular aieetiug of Curt Flesh - ertou, 995. L O. F. held in the lodge room on Friday evening, Janvary 27, aftt r the instalKition of officers elect, d at last meeting the luenitieri spent a in 'St enjoyable hrur discussing a very dainty repust furnished by the cotn. app'iinted for tliat purjKise. Sonu's, stunts, etc., kept all ill good humor till midnighr. It is hoped by tho members that this is but a procurser of many such n^eetings. Theio waa a little war between ca'tle- biiyers la.?t week. The altercation tc- curred out at H.iy's corner over the pur- chase of some ca'tla from T. Bottj. R. Fawcett and .\. McAulay were principals. Fawcett struck McAulay and tho Utter fired "lannuage" at Fawcett. On Fri- i:ay A. S. VsnDusen, J. P., as umpire, called upon Fawcett to put up §5 and COS'S and aIc.Aul,-iy SI and costs, thus amicably adJMting mattera. Friends ol Mr. John Field will regret to learn that he has had to uiuleriio an operadoii in tliu Western ho.spital, To ronto. The cause was r.ither an unusual one, bein:; wliat is known as a '• dental cy..-t," which had to Ve removed. The cyst was a growth on the riijht lower jaw bone an.l was caused by a fracture of the bone ill havini; a tooih e.xtvacled six or seven years ajto. The ^ri.wth was suc- cessfully reiiioV9<l on Monday of this week and has attractea considerable at- tention in dental circhs. Mr. Field had recently K'en appointed to the forenian- .^liip of the ooiii|-«»<ng io(.«u in the T. Eatoti C:>mp«iiy printii-g department, and will, wc hopr, soon be able to resume liia duties. Will Burn the Mortgage Special thanksgiving services will be held ill Cliulmera' Presbyterian chuich, Fleshrrton, on Sund.-«y, Feb. 13, when Uev. Ai.drcw Wilson of Roseinont, an ex-pa»lor of this church, will preaci) at U a.m. and 7 p.m. On the Monday even- ing following a t.3,-» and entertainment wi'l lie given when an interesting p^rt of tho pr-iiirau) will be tho burpiiie of the moite.-itfe on thia chur.h which has re- c-iit;y been dischars(ed. For further parlicul.-irs »ei; l.irge poateis. Old Folks Can't Stand Harsh, purKiilit medicine, but invaii- ably find Dr. lUimltun's pills of Alan- drake and Ruttei-Dut thu mildest the cure for constipaiion and sick headache. \ No gripina [mids, su« cure, pric« Soc. 1 Um only Dr. Uauilton'tJ^ilU. Do.» Strayedâ€" From James R.-tdley'8, CollingwotKl (jravel, sable and white collie, answers to name Mack. Kindly return to Mrs. H. Radley, Fleaherton, and receive reward. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the MATTER <»f the ESTATE of FRANCIsi EMERSON, Ute of the TuAnship t>f O'prey ip tho C.JUiity of (jrey, fiirmtjr, decftnsaH. yOTlCt: is hereby- given pursiiaat to "Th** Kevttied Statues of Ontario" 1H07, rhaptor liO, that ail cruditors anti otbers Laviug c)at'.n» ajjuinsc tba ost&to of the said FK.VNCIS fcilKHSON'. who 'iieil 00 or about the fifth (iav cf October 1903. are rtquiroU or bufoiniho KiglitcHOth iiay of February. 1005, toS':o<lby poiit yrpaitl or clcUvtr to Mes-irs. Liicaa, Wriuht 4 M<;.\i'd;e (.f the villijie of MarktJal:?, soUciiorsfor .\!ia Etnersou, the Adiuinistiairix of the estate cf the said dtjceasetl, their ohris- tiaa and nUrnaTues.addros^eii 6tul dericriptioiiii. t-h^full particulais of their clLim--, the stard*> meat of liieir accnunti; and the nature of their securotio^, if any, held hy theui. AN n further tuka notice tbat after such iatt rcontiouc'd date the baid ada>iiii.':tratrix wLl prcceed co distribute the assets of tltedeftna;^ ed auiont{ the partieit eutuled Chert-to, haviniu rtgard only to the c aims of whicli they shall then have uotiou, and that the said ad.uiiii:itra- trix wiii ii t be liable for the sai-i o-sset.H or auv pait thereof to any person or peiaous of whoBe c.'aiius uotioa shail uoc hav* bcenreceiv- ty thc-iu at the timeof such di^itributioii. DATED the thirtieth day of Jaauary, lO/i. LC'AS. WBIC.HT& McARDLE, Solicitors for Ann Emerjjn, Adm'.ui-tratrii cf the estate of Frttnoii Erne' sou, deceased. Notice to Creditors In the Matter of the E^tare (»f JOSIAH GAMEV late m£ ihe T.-wnship of O'prey in tha Couuty of Grey, farm- er, deceased. Notiue i-i herebv- aiven pursuast to the Ke* vised Statutes of Ontario l&JI, Chap. i^J. chat all creditors dbd others having claims against the Estate of the siidJoSlVH GaHEY who died on or about the Kiahceei th day of Noveuiber, lOOi, are rtquired. ounr b-fo;e th** Twenty-third oay of Peoiuary, 19C5. to :»ea t by pose prepaid or d«Uver to JJ-iKt'H ^V. G \M EY, cj ilaxwelt, Ontario, out* of tho executors of the last will and testatu 'Ut of the said deceas- ed, their christian aui surnanafs. ad^iresses and deecriptions, thu fuU particulars of their claims the st&remeut of their accounts autt the nature of tha secuiitiui, if any held by them, AND further take notice that after such last meutioued date the executors of the said e-^tate wilt proceed to distribute tue assets of tnd said deceased among the partind entitled theri'to, having regard oiily to the claims of vhich they shall thea have uotice.and t lat til ;s:fc'.d .'ii jc ij >ri wi!'. ai- bt lii-) j for the said assets or any part thereof to any per- son or perscus ol whose claims notice sh 11 not h ave been rece-ved by thein at the time of such ti'uu of distributioo. LCCAS. WRIGHT & McAKDI-F, Solicitors (jr Joseph W. '.iamey au<i Samuel F. Koberts, e.xjcaso.s of the Lisc Will and testament of Jo^iah GLtmey, deceased. FARM FOR SALE A first dasa 50 aero farm for sale, 1* milfls fi-oiu KJesbortou ; soli J bricKhou-*e, bank barn. {;noil phiui au.l api>lj oi-Lllar.l, Rood fence--, 4 acres fall wheat, 'io ici-esnewlv soedett, 90 acies plougUe i, all fit. for uj;w:luaery ; 3 acrea hard- \?ood. Possession ac otii'e. \ppty to CL.VCOE AKISS, Flesheitou Farm For Sale BY TENDER THK tarm owntrl bv chu late Josiab Oamay. uear Ma-Xwell, lot li. eoiu 0. Jsprov, lOO acres, Qioi-e or le«s, 85 cleared, go lod bail iini.-a, will sell bv ten.ler U!» to tha Jliiiay of Keb.uirv, 1905. The lowest or any tender aot uoee.sbarily accepted. .\diJresa tenders or for any iufoiiua- tioiito S. ROUKKTS. Keroraha'U, or JOSEPH W.GAUEY, Maxwoll. Farms for Sale 300 acres iu Osproy, good farm, price low teruts oifcsy. Iiots 1 ana 2 in tho llth con. 1*25 acres in tillable condition. ^ acres t:ood tiui- her. Also ti5-l acres, I -t 7, con. ."i. Fuphrafla, JOO acres improved. These farms will be sold at a threat ba*'sain as I am living ia A5^siniboia and have ito use tor them. Kor the ut-xt two months apply to J. D. OSr^OUNE, EugouiQ. ' FARn FOR SALE l.W acres. lot l.iS. 16d au 1 161, K. T. A S. U A teuK'-iia, over 190 acres cleared an.t under ciiUivaiioii;iwo aorew ynnnR orehaif^Uair hni.d- iiii^s, Kuod barn. Well watered. Kur particu- Urs apply to A. AB. McMUI-LEN Flcshertoii P. (\ FARM FOR SALE NiNFTT acre**, \h miles from Flesherton. €0 acres flt to ruu farm imtMemuutR, rest «vH>d p;tt}*'Ore land;Hoinc g.tod ueiiai; well teuced, w«Il waler*d; two acres orchaid; builings comfort- able; 6 aeres fall wheat, )A) acres clover sod plowed ilown ready for M«d;15 acres niaitimoth c OTur. see>t«d Ih-Kt year. Owin^: to coDClnued illuees will 3.II cheap. Apply to A.BUYL\b2»Khcrt0M. JInnual meeting Notice is hereby g:v ii that t'le a'^noal meet- iiii;nftha Kluctoral District A^riciiitiiral Soci- ety of Kast Grey, w'll be held iu the Towu Hill , Flefiheiton, on FRIDAY. FEB. 10. 1905 .\t I o'clock p.ui,. for roceiviiiK and nanrsing the dirtctors' an-i auditurg' accouijcs aud reports for the pane year, t-lectiiig otfic-rg for the veai l'J05«ud sufli busineps as may be couaidere'd in tlie interests of the Soci»-tv. .^3 none but moniberi) for IU05 are elii;ib!e to offico or have a vote at such u>eetine, bi-diy aeii-l ijued«.'l]ar to thy Secretary before the dav of meetirgor haa I same to him tbat day kiid becom- a mauiber aud be preparnl to take part m thu inp tiii-% K. J. SPitoCLK. Alex, il uir, Prt p. Secretary li.Kuthvaii, !^t Viae Pres. W. H, Bunt, aud Viee Prea. New Livery. I have started a new Liveiy Business in town and have new rgs, gi-<"l fre»li horses and am pre- pared to give you thu VERY BEST ACCoMMOD.t- TI-S ever uiveu in my l:ne ia t"k-!-hcrton. . . Eaeking's livery W. G. Hacking Proprietor. W.P.Crossley M-nager. Trade Ma-^RS Designs Copyrights <ic. Anyoneaendlnff a sketch and description may qnickly ascertain our opini<-'n free wrietiier an inyention is probably patenuihlt?. rommunica- tlona strictly conddential. HANDBOOK on Pateuta sent free. OMest acency forsecurmg patents- Patcnta taken thrvju;;h Munn i Co. recelye tpfcial notice, without charae. in the Scientific Amcrlcait. A handaornelylllnstrafed WGekly. Lsreest cir- culation ot any scientlhc iouruaJ. Tornis. $3 a year: four raonthe, II. SoldbTal! new;it!e:i:ep<, £raocta OfBce. 625 F St, WaaliinKton, D. C. BUSINESS MEN KNOW th'it Che w.irk o£ the famoaa l/T) ELLIOTT TOHONTO. ONT Is of the Hi;DrsT GRvr>Kaiv! that is the rensmi our graduates are stepping ii:t(i!»ood pnsitiuns .as fii.-*: a.s we e:i : i;ut the:n ro.v'y. Our coU-'ge is open tha entire yjar. M.i;;nificeiiC catitlo^ne free. Enter uo'T. W. J. ELLK JTT, Principal. Comer Vonga aud Alexander streets. • l^^'^^^€?€1^*:^'^t^?l?|?^^^^''^5^?^^^^^^^^^^**^, flail Contract SKALED TKNUKH^ addressed Uith'^Vost- iDkntfir General, wt I be reroivetl a^ (>Uawa until noon o Kiidav the a4th of Ftbfoarv. liWii, for ihe cODvevanc('|r>f Hi-* Mijoaty"s MaiN. on a pn>pO!*ed Coiitrac: for 4 years, tiinre pur wevk wach way, bctwt^cii Epping and hlesher- (oQ. from iheftst .^pril next. Trluted no i(.vs containiuK fu*-thev informa- tion as to CO uriiious o pr'>po-*e 1 rontract m »y b« 9e«Q Bud blank form*) of rendt>r mav bt» ob- tainrd at the Pout Ottic.'S of Epping, Flesher- ton, hiQibeilev and KH$e<vnia and at tho OCSca of tb« i*o«t OOicf) Inapei'to: ai Toronto. O. C. ANDBRSO:*. SuperiuteDdcDt. FoM Offl«« Depftriment, Mail ContxMl IT I? 1^ Boots. Shoes, Robbers! Clayton's h.ive just received a I.t of Slen'a and Ladies' Felt Boots and Felt JSlippeis. Men'.s heavy Sn.i!; Pniof Rubbers. Also a large variety <>t 5Ien'3_ Ladies and Childreu.s' light luhbers. A Lt of (5ood Trunks aud Telescopes and the best lines of Men's Miiti ever oSered. V\'e have also a variety of Shoe Polish and shoe Dressings. For ihi'Se vrearinu Uand-Mude Shoes â€" We are making genuine, good wearing boots, of firbt clixss materialâ€" warm and comfortable. Try a pair. We have a few pairs La -lies' Dopgoi.% Oxfords and Boots â€" size 3 and •4, gains' at 50c. and Too. per pair at €lay(oti's T I Medical Hall I S "Ttic Lcaciingr Drug Storp;" -M-M- Prescriptions ^^f - Carefully Compounded | â-  ".g W. J. Douglass § •s^ ^i. -i*^ ^' '^'^ â- i'^ •>"''• "^^ -^ •>^' â- ^ ^â- ' -^Xi â- i!^'!' ^^ ^ â- ^'f' >il& <}ts- ^ -Hfe â- ^M' ^e. •^'(• -t"^ 'V^. m For Your Stock f ^ HerK-uccum, Iiiteru-itional S:oek Food, Culunibian Regulator. ''*f ^F Tick Destioyor f'>r the sheep. 4^ f For Yourself # ra'cut Medicine* â€" all the popular makes. Pipes ftad tobacco- ^f For Your VV ife ^^- 'w spice."* for coo'<in>{ â€" .Mlspice, Ciunaiuon, Mixed i»jiice", etc. ^ff Perfumes, CoriicelU Silk. .^. For Your Baby 'I Soo:hing Syrup. Suckiui; Butt'es, and Teething Rings, |Mk. Jj J4 Jm ^P' 1? rr rr ^ Richardson <& Son |. # Ontario # 13 RU OOIST S *«• Flesherton :-: :-:

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