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Flesherton Advance, 26 Jan 1905, p. 8

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Janoary 2G 1905 THE F L E S H K R T O N A JJ V A N C K Tlie Markets. -Tarcfullv <;orrerted !>«•'• Wrr' -tvjti. 630 to 30 Pens *.» M» <»< airl.-y 4S »'» *â- ' liutur 17 to J 7 KrfKK fre.h S'-J t.. 2'J Cliickfiis 7 '<» T Dueki »t.i !t <J,.e,e 1» l<> 1" Hny t" « 'â- â€¢ ••rttrt'oes Uau 60 to till Tuili-ys 13 t" 14 Our Clubbing List â- ^Attvnnce, *Hci.4Ul mid •Ton.iit.. World, .Uily 83 2."> 'I'moiitii Dnilv Nkw.h 1 K.'i \VV.;kly (jiubu 1 KO Miiil-K.ii|»iie l.Wi Kiiiuily Hi^ialJ & Stiir l.X» T'loiito Si;ir IK' Faiiiicis Sun ... ).K'' All iibiivo iinccN iiicluile The A'lvaiic •nil Moiitiii;.! Uriiilil, if paiil in i.dvinxi iitily Kiily HiibsciiliLTs get Imst \ii\ui fur ilii'ir iiimiuy. The Wir.tir Term at tlii; r)wiTi Sniiii.i, Out., ii.friiiji (111 MOM) A ^ .I.iiMi.iry l'ih', I'.iii). i:vriy vmiiii^' iiiiui mi' wiiiimii ^ll.â- lll.| t.iKi- a I'MiirM- lit tliis instil li'iii 'hit »in!or It if. .a -niHiit Ki.bntaiica fiiiiii'l iti.i 1 firr ;i 4nc'-'>' â- tfiil lif". l''ii ir f'l'lv o I'lrii.''! 'Jv|i:irtni 'Ills. â€" IU'.SlNi:s.';ijM'.U{T.\!K.N'!'fo!t,'eiiL'n, ' "s';i I'Vr'ii \xi> mni tyimcwiutinc HK.'A'tl'-.rSNT fo:' till; train!:!;,' ..f slmit liun I -v. ' â- â- â- .. Ti; :. ; ;.; vrnv dki'autmknt f .â-  t'loi •.,;,. V, i .li 1. li.'.'iiiirj t'-'li'tniijiliic ii]KT- ' "'v\v:.wA \T i;rr i)!:i'Airr.MKNTfor t'ic>.'Hii 11-. f'.;- Ill'-'; .'I'll wli" wi.-ili t'liai- |ir >iir -.'i â- ,!â-  â- â€¢ Itif.iti'ui. Fill I'l â- :•; li ii-.< will bj sent i!i any aililiTii-' f .•â- . C \ \'\tm\n%. Principal i>Wl.N.-.- I M>, O.NT. Djr'.nrn BjII for service Till lliiii liTivl Diiilniiii lUiU "KING EDWARD- Imp., vvill stilPil fOTsiTvicv CD lilt â- .".I, S I), ll.. tor I'.HIt. luiij l:il\Viiiil Ik H iliii k ri-il,i;iinill «iiv\ I out- iiiul lint-.i;li iiuil wii.I ilcvrlolmil. Hi' \-^ in 'inly I'iii i^iTX Ici'Hblu ciillilitiini iniil *vill lilt tin bi itlil lit twi'iitx - two litllidruil lljH. uud IM >L*t 111 hor twu-yuar-uld cIuhh. I'KDUiUi;!'; •Klni! n.lwnrri nil, culvurl April lOth. HWI.lirii. â-  l)v -I iliii Yiniii:i Tilh HiriiiK, .Mm vciiltor, Sfir.- la'i'l. iiii|)oitu1 ill iliuii in I'.IOO liv Clniilii Itiiiikiii. WvnI.iiili;". (Inf.. Hilt liv' Huiittiuli I'riiic'TlKll, iliiiii Untlicilclt Uisn, iiiip.. :iK-'«7 liv \liili (i.v.iini! I'll'il'i'I'.l. Uml liiis.i lit I'ni'tlHii. urciii'iv 1)1 !7i. I'liKiii 'iii'l liv Doctor (im'ilG. ItoKi. »ir l<i'iilt'lialit fiJMIl, .lilt I7tll l)V Allicit j;i«C' .lilt l.'itli ll i;i'iivii~tillil 4l°iU°>I, DiMiqiilii Claiat li Vnriiiiint 17rj:i.(:iar.'i l»t m l)iik« limCJ, flii,ni' fcv Sinrlot Vrlvitt 10110. Ilailmrn liv lurivulli' Mdal, laali'llii l>v llirl'iiclia Kil';. triKun liy tni Diikij of Niii'liiilnlm liiinl :il'iir>, Noia by tillury .11.11. Miiilv by Hiilxiy :,i:n. P.liia b Ir.iUllji vVr^tinii (*nlinit I.'i7.^, I»rtilv Melly b\ l> k'li'ind '.Ki'i.ltutiy liy F»rorit« Oiaitjo' UoU Hull mm. TRUM8 Tliftrontrliliriiil cowK t.'i ; gr%i1p* •! JO. AI 'payiviiln Ut.]iiiMirii-y. K>i.^. t.'ow^ i»«rÂ¥t'J b? tlii' •nliijiil itn.l imr rrtrinifiil will in collfcteil fui vhtgtlitir in calf or nut. V». J. MEADS, CajUn.Oat. Winter Goods «y/i ZHafnmaa Supplier. ll.-llH,ni;tiikelK, Ruben, iiiiitnlinn I'ur'tiAn LaidIi OuittH fur ilrifiiii.', Whi|H, Lnulion, C<iu»l>«, Hnmh- ,0m, â€" n 'ik'sji! ^tock of clinico .(;(HiJs jiitt in' Tniiiltii iind Vsliitel for Irarellurt. .Oct yiiiir InirncM Ku(>|ilict from â€" Wm. MOORE fleiherton ft. Kinnear & Sons â€" .M .\ .\ \V K I. L - Take tlii.s opp<irtn lity o! thiUikini; tlifir numerous nns- itoiiKMs iunl the puMic in j^cu- .rral for t.luiir very liberal jKit- roiia;ie ilui'inj^ the \a\'>\ year â- au'l Impe tor a eiiutiiiuatioii ot *li(' .siiiue, ami rhat ihuireun- rnlcti.'e in n.s will he inerea.sed ito the extiint. Wishing; you all a happy nnd prospenaH New Year, •vours very truly, jl. N. KIXXKAlt & SON Ayers Falling hair means weak hair. Then sirensihen your hair ; feed it with the only hair food, Ayer's Hair Vigor. It checks falling hair, makes the hair Hair Vigor grow, completely cures dan- druff. And it always restores colortogray hair, all the rich, dark color of early life. " Mr hair wu fclllnr ont badly an4 I wu atraid I would lot« It all. Thru 1 tried Ayer's n^ilr Vlrnr. It quickly stopped tha falling and mad« my hair all I could with It to h«." HinzcuA K. Ai.LK», Kllzabetta, V. J. {ll.OOabotlla. Alldrncgl*!". for J. O. ATIR CO., Txiw^ll. M^aa. Falling Hair p^' -•^n ! isii mi In Furnituro TliR larjiost iiiul s'oik nf fu'iiitnic- liver .<ilu)\vn in I''li'slior- t 111. Tllis VVltlliillt fiUriif COIitlM- ilii;liiiii Ciiiiio jiiiil ft'ii s mio of the nicu things in Sideboards Dining KoojTi Ciiairs Parlor Setts Bed Roorri Setts A loiliictiun just now on fvuryiliiiig ill nnli'r In it'ilujo lliu .iiork. W. H. BUNT. ^itrnt'tttre iJjcaicr L ^ Fleskton - Out. -^ Oi â€" BirsiXEss Cards The Washington Wheat King The S(H>kHne SiioVfBnmn-Rtiview of Deo 11 liives the foIIiinii'}> 'iicta reunrJ' iiiR a urcnt whral crop ra .soJ lust y--nr in the stale of \VKaliin'.:tu:i liy Lilliii F. Smith Tho piii>cr Hays: What is belir- red to be the lari-fHt clivck ever insueil to H fnriiier fur a ainglu cro|i of vritin in eitstern WaHliinuti.n has bei-ii givt-n Lillis F, Smith of Endicott fi.r hih crop of 1!»04 The check ii< for 845,.'ir>'l.I}0, and iitilraun on the Kirst Niiti iDul hiiik of ColfKH. by 8i'yi»our Manning, guiieial nueni for ilie Niirih weisturn \\ i»r« coiniwny. This represents the Vilue ol nuarly t»2,000 ; bushels of wheat ^rown on Mr. Sniith'ii ' hind this year. The htrtier iiorlion ;if this was grown by Mr, Siniili on 150<) acies ihi' reniamiler beliiL' hin ^liare of the crop i;inwii by hiH sun, Leslie, en Mr. Smith's html wliii-h the ^on had renteil. Lilli.s Smith and son had a toutt oF Ii400 Hcres n whuat thin year. We liavo crjHncd Lillia Smith tlie "wliiat king" of tlio PaliuisH eonn'iy, with a ijdlden ciotvii woith more Ibaii §4j,0{10 aaid ijcyiiinnr Manning.', tl.e ai,fnt who bonijlit ilie crop. Ciiitinuiii^! Air. Manniiij; .said; Mr. Smith lias been called I lui "uiiiMC kiiin"ofthe Palouse fur several ytnrn, but this year claims vvei'o ni.idii that he liad lost llio litlo bo- cinse of I he iniineiise crops of other farm ei.s. Heiiiy llifkinan of .Alinota received a clic.'k for S2."i.'.l.!1.7;i f.T liis 1904 cv ip lull Mr. Siiiiih'.s check is the largest ewr i.ssued to a f.ininjr for a single crop in i h:s loiinty. Mr. SiiiiLli's ."iicCiSS a.s a farin.r i-n a hliiiiina exuiiipl- of what can lu done in 'Ins country ly iiUiek, perseveianoe iind hard work. IVyinuiiiij with a' ad of lUO acri s, taken near Endicott in ISA'i, .Mr. 81111th has aiiiniri'il l.nid aiidneabh uii'il ho now uwiis 4!M)D acres of liml, all of itliicli is ill cultivalion, in ih s eonutt ; SIJO acres in Ciilifornia, in addi- tion to iiiiiny oiher 1 vcstinen's. IJis "•Vliiliiiaii county laud is e.iiuiiated to lie wurih §;;j. per acre, t total of 8171. ,500. !n addition to his wheat cioj), Mr. Smith so ll •?()!, "lO win th of horses this year, making n total income of iiioro lliiin j?r)l,0(.'O. Hii, fortune is estimated ai -?2."iU,U00. Ciiamberlain's Cough Remedy Abjolute:y Harmless Till' f.iidt of Kivin^r cliililrru inodieiiie ^ Hanker Markdalo Jo a Rtiiioral banking bUHiiiKHH. Alonoy loaiioii a roaaouablu rate Cull on us. ,1 J aPKOULK ^•^ foiitiiiaatnr, Fldsherton .oinmlafiloni'r In H.C. J., Auctlonosr Con .'uynlictir, .\ppraUer ami Money LeiKloi teat Rstatn nuil luBuranoo Af*unt. UuihIf • 'ortnaiieH, loaKva au'l willn carefully flruwii IP anil valuatioiia uiajlti an phortMHi nrtiee. iiunny to loan at lowtiat r«fe<M« of liittniiHt. Col i'Ttloii4 attoiiiluil to with jiroiuptlK'HB Uartraa low. Atfttnfc for Ocaaii Domiuiou SiMauKbip Couipauy. A call aolieitoil. SoUlKTIE.S O U W inueiR 01. tho laat Moiutay "^ III oaoii monih. In ttmir lniii;a romti. 'hrintue'K block. Klafliurton. at 8|>.in. !U.W., \, llitrrhMjri ; Itucurdi^r, .laa. KelnlvAil ; Kinan- iitr, W.J. Ilal.aniy. Vlaitlnie brnilirrc ii.Titutl JUISCK AltTHTlt LOUliK, No. XO.A. A M. iiienta In tbo Maaonic hall. Htraiu'a nlocU. FleKh^riou, eTory Krblav on or liufore ho full iDocii. K H \V UickliiiK W M. Clinii •Iniishiaw. hHtretaiy. ••iilflir Vr-KSHKnTON, I, O. p. meets in .* i;hriKt»e'a lllock the laf t KiMaj ereninK Bach month. Vi^itliii! Forenteia licartllv clconia. (!,lt.. O. W, llellaniy ; «,»'., W. .In«klii ; l.'In.Hiicnr i;. Mniiav. ll'a/>lncato I>i'. Miirra> on or betor* Uat day .( uacli mouth.. Twenty ycms hence tho boys of tod.ty will bo men. They will be tho doctors and diunkard.s, lawyerH ami li'irs, thieves editors nnd idintH, mini.sters and murd- erers, Liberals and Conservatives, inid «o on unnii the line. U ia iinpoiksible to 'ell to a certaiiiity in what class your boy will be. But it is, not iin[io.a.sibl« for your l)oy IB be put into such intluenco that will .steer him i.i the right direction. Follow the boys of twelve ycsrs and in iwenly years boine of them will be in parliament, while others will be in jail. What jiass is your boy trsiiiin)» fo; ? â€" Frilz ill Hanover I'osi. Mkdioal On CAiiTr.n M C r A S Oi4. rhyaiclan. Rnmnnn, ele intca ami runblenoeâ€" I'eter at , Pleahertoa j\U \. r. liitND t" llrailuatc Tniuiitn I' Mem- iinr orOntiiiio t'lillrce oj I'livsiciliinh ami Siir- â- ti Ml-. .Mitxwiill. Oir. Siiccuasor to Dr. Ktiutt. I I" OTTI'.WKM, ' Vcterliiavy SiiirReon (irafluate of Ontario Vuterlnary CoIIdk*. I'vnbienca â€" aicoinl iloor noutli »««( on Uarv ati'Kot. Thia itreet rau* aontli Pi'eMbyterlaii Oliiirch. U WII.HON, llliickMiiilli "* Iraibnite of the Vn'oriiiary Huioiion \ss<H'iatioii. IttiNi.lciice, Diirliaiii ftreut, u|i- piiHilo iloyil, llicklll.;;'!! Inirilwiiru. Lecal ft,'C\H WKUIHT & .MeAKDI.K u Itarrlnterii Holicitora t'onviijanopra, cto OlIlcnHâ€" l>»on Sflunil.diit nml MarkilalelMit. W II WsfiiiiT, .McKhiii.k I 11 I.riAa N ll'-Fl»ahi'iton ofnue. Mltcholl'a Hank •vi:ry Hatiirday. |)KNTI.<!TRV Off. K C. MDBRAV, l..l> s. rtorlal onvireim honor '..initiiale ef Toronto I'lilvhr-itv and '1" al Collei/e (•( llcnial Sircrnim of (liitiuln. 'iitl #1 â€" Opiiosftf. \rtiintioiii.''« .li'wulleiy Store*. AllliUlt Vlaxwi-ll II1.1 lili.t ^Vi* lOiM.lilv nf each •e.'.H. nn'l Diimlnlk l»t am' tint Tlinri.ilnv if "litli |i«fptiin)n«}!^»«|Xa>itif( -leo ' JM â- j s ".') y tntMr^ i ni(u/i>ajip io flia(v.>p nY '^^a pi" Joi 'i»i|l*> ou *^X â- pAM4t*i«ip Ja.«a ami naitiai.) 'flo«aKajil.>p |iaji| u|^ â- iMns vioivMniN \/\iC\j ONW SMOVOVIH â- â- 1-«NWVM X V I V iq .<|^.Mnb painj Kl>u%noiJa^ piia ii)?|ajnaj^ If You Don't Sleep Well It's beinute your n«u'veM ire in a weak irritublu condition. t<errozou.i will -.nnke them ai ront^ niiil correet the ttoubl* cauae- iiit! your insomnia. "1 fell int-in stale of iiurtous exiiiii stiuH lutt fjatl" wiites .Mis. ,1. Siroud ol Oexter. I was run â-  oHD, cculln't sleip and fait perfectly inisoisole,â€" tiied f eriozonu nnd «»s ipiiekly benetitti'd. I can reecmnemi Keriiizone to any one .autli^riiii^ from over- wroUKhi nurvt'S and sleeple.|i.rss''. No Ionic is better, tiy l*VrTt>aone, I'rice oOc at dni;,'i>islii. Fire at Coliingwood Mr. .1. D. Brown, fomirrly .•» gi.neral meivhsnt of this jilace. lia.4 a^ain decided to locate bore, and hen leuteil the stor- of Mr. Tlionius Robinson, tM.tiu street, rtceiilly vacated iiy Messrs. Slephen* iV McDutl, furniture dealeiM, for a leriii of thrce^ears, wiihafuriher option of two yoaiN. The carpenters have received ruah orders and are busy refiMini; the iiiterinr snd It pla'e glssi front « ill be put in. It will bo some lime bifoie Mr. Kruwn iM rindy for buNinoBt. Diin.l Ik tlersUI. I 3HOVaV3H A nan Hates Himself Winn he wakis n|> wi^li hrail|M:ho and bad ls>t<> in the iiioutli. Someihint,' is needml to Hi«t « t^e stoiiiaeh, elear away < (he dull heavy fe.liu'^ iti.d cieitc a litle ! np|ieiite. •lust tjet a iiimbh r of water. I Noiiie aiivsr, and p^ur in a slitt' dose of Nirvdiiie. Voii'll p ck up imiiuMli iily iiid f<e! lip-top in a few minutis. Ner- iiinc hisn'i an eipial fur comlition of ihia kiml. It Ktiiiiulatus, cuios the hemluche • elievea the sick foelili); and litsyiu for a hard days work. Try Nvrtiline.^<e liotllea est* ^5v, The Lindsay block «t Culling uod w a deatroyed by fire on Tuosd ly iiioriiin<.5. The block is an entire III n. The f<dl w» iiiu tenNiilM, will) occupy the 'ink, are badly daiiin){ed:â€" Daiv Jii McGregor, n tofkl liMs, (btinajge 9:i,00tl; ,Mcliriil. 'a cigar atore, total lims, ibini.iiju $'2,500; Tewsley Ik, Ki-nnedy, dry ui oils, bad y ilaiiiaL'ed by smoke and water, loss.nrour.d SS.WX); the Stratheonn rt stiurauKt, in llie Carmiclutel block, dama^. <] by smoke nnd wat;'-, no insuraiic ; the Carmicliael block, daii-.-t;;ed by siij -ke nn.l waicr, Covired by insurance; itrown dt Sandii- S'.n, slixbtly daiii»i;ed I'y 'hiuIib ana wanr, insniet'; Uen Hrepbeim, dani.-iged .•il.ghtly insured; Patiermn & Co .per, kIikIiI, if any, d.iiin»e, insured. Th>- I wo upper Hats of the Carriiichael liuiMing more esp c aby at the s utli end. i.eare.s the Lindsay Id ck, ale daiiia(;ed li smoke aid wa'er. It is one 1 f the woist H'esthey hitve had since 1 he bii; fire of 1881. At present the Ibemeii an not abl- to 8iy hoiv ihe tira oii^d.ia'eil, but it IS uii.leiKioi.d to hive sia li'd in the hack Olid of ilie builv-in;.', and m a. th-' lane. liiQH CLASS PICTURES. . Every Physician Knows Altout the ^reat merit of Dr. Hamil- ton's Pill'a i.f iXriiidiake and Hutleniiit ivhich cleanse the systeii). cure coiisti|>. mil pibs. L'ae only Ur. Htmdton'a Pills I'lice 2-'»c. School Children's Eyes, Many lives have been ruine>.'\ through neglected eyestrain in chiUhood. The eyes of every child should be examined; We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and'guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. Tlie |ila.-c to cet the best Plio'os it. : /"111 a, lUM MKirs paonxjRAPfi ; Ffr-sherton Livsrv Siabios U :\ L» L U( ! i. 1 . I ' SPECIAL ATTENTIO.N L^^iy pigg W,. piv S lecia! Attemi-m to Convin-^ ' ,' and llibies' pictures. I'i turo tram- - , „ â- ". . iiiy a spici.ilty. ' GCOlt HarSeS #• ; \^T:* ..i!'''ir- ' ^. â- 'i 1 Tcy US f.u- anv ki!id of pwtu.vsnnd TerniS LCV/ Ij^'^^l^.^^^^jJ^f^' w,- w,il pr.i!nis.';.n'.:.sfnut.ioii. 'â- |i'/vi^*^^<"%^ FlUicitoii V/altsr Tbylor - - P.'o.jri^t.-^r â- 'vileidniiii f li'i'i t, HEALTHY HORS The horse but one ."itoinach, and has but cue ch.ince .".t his food, so it is ibsoliitely necessary to extract the l.iri.;est ainmuit of },'ood frimi the focKl in its rapid j»;tis;i,!,'o through the stoma..-h. .A.s a rule, liorses are either overwi. rkcil or tiuderworkeil, and it suffers much from inipaircil digestion. This is followed by stujiiiatiou of Oie blood and a whole of 'No troulile should be too great, to get anil keep liiin iu gooil shape for his every day work. Clydesdale Stock l-'ooil, yvilli lii.s ordin.iry feed, i.gnlates his whole system by liding the digestion, regulating the bowels, sllniulatiug and correcting the action of the liver, loo.sening the hide, giving .slcekues.-i to the coat, md your horse will do more work and on les..< feed. Jt can be stoppe<l at any time without bad results. Mr. 1). 11. Mel-Uichem, Harrtston, Out., : " 1 have ii.seil your Clydesdale Stix-k I'ood for tlie l;Lst six months in my stable, and I find it IS the best tonic 1 have ever itseil, and it Ls the only tonic that when tisinn, 1 can stop at any time without- bad result-s, and my horses will not liwe m flesh like they will with other Stock I'txxls. No lietter retnedies on the market than Clydtsdale H«»ve Cure, Colic Cnfr, Womi Powder. Gall Cure, ICiubriK-ation Liniment (uu) TarPoot Kemctt)' ; tliey .should be kept liandy. Yon never can tcU when they may be need»il. If the .'ibovc prpjxirations are not found s.-itisfactorv your money will be re- fundeil cheerfully by our dealers iu your ilLstrict, namely : lioyd, Hiokliiig A Co., FloshBttoii Knott Krus.. Markdale Tiyl If it Co , Dronioiu D K. Mc\ithur, Hopeville. W. \V. Cdlingbnwn, bundalk B.irclay it Boll, Durham MELOTT£ [REAM 5-EPARATOR5 have machine ciil gca , ..i o;;;, .,1.. ^ are always cnipliiely covered with oil. They have no ^ worm ihreads or Hiiy other coii'tivancecauiiiiig needless fiic'ion The •* tear w hee'aarn of liiirh Kraile steel, pennitliiiM reduction in their size ai d "j/L weiiihr. The Hnspeimion of tKv sefjsirator Unal trnai the fpindle mvcs a J3 a ern.t aiiounl of friction as cimpiued wiih the old fabioned plan, which ^ the bowl is linlaairi d on top uf imp (ir mure heavy RpimUcs held rividly in Ji| posi i n »iy two or even more bearinas. KorcK.we skiinmini; the MeUolte A# is unexcelled. *• WHITE FOU liOoKLBT Ho. 5 .«». ^ 3obn H. I^eard, Fksbftrfon ^ 13. MoTAVIBM ll[ fl[Sll[Ill GIRilllGf \m\\ For Fust Class Buggit*, Curls, I'lea.stire itud Lunil er \\ ajjuns, eiitierH, Sh'i.:lis. We kia'p a stock on hand to choose from. ALSO MOkSE SHOEING ANDOENERAL BLACKSMITHINO Slid â- .•utraiiiee fir.<t class nmk. We kce|i on linml I'loiighs and Plough rop^iira, and also Mnssey- Harris nnd Noxoii repiiirs for liinleri, Mowers, hII kinds of iiiH 'hiiit'iy, also Bimler Tnine on band, » Ulben in town give us a call « t. f^^l: , * >m0»&i'.

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