a r â- r •. > 4 Methodist Church Suiid>iy, Jan. 29. JIoriiiiTj;:â€" "Chii. t iliu Suiinsine Tea- clivr." Kiiniii^: â€" "The S'cond Coimi.aiul III) lit." J. a. LWiLBOK, o A.,n.n., I-astor P"' Vicinity €hip â€" vn TtlE FLESliERTON ADVANCE January 26 lOOii Charactfristics ni the Past ^\ ick Carefully CuUcd f"r the Ciiri<ir.n. . . AgMxl well: hi use fur sale. Apply to Mrs V 111 C. riiiker, West hitck liiu-. Mr. R'. belt White of MicUisjaii is via iliiiU Willi Iiis cou.sin, Mr. Get). Stewart. Fresh lime alwayH on liaiul. J. H. DiicUtt, Eugenia. Mr. Mark Wilson spent a few days of ^he liMt week in Toronto. Choppiii:? iloMo cwry dayâ€" Thompson WiLsoii, Fleoherton. Miss Shillin-.'S, of Michigan, i« vi«jtiji|i vih hi r uncle, Mr. Uigh.iid Hoy. .Apprentice WMnted to learn lilacksmilh- ititf. Apply to John Heard, Flesherton. Misses Mii.nie i.ud Ma'-cl Munstiaw are \i^itin!i fiieiida in Wellaiid county Dr. Hess's Stock food for 8ulc at W. Moires. Mr. W. Dainhtxse, of Toroi.tn, was in to,vn,mi business, for a couple of days' ast week. Strayed â€" White sow, medium sizo, Bliayed from niy premises about Jan. 5. A. Beatlie, Marktiale P. O. Mr. and Mrs. Dawaon Kerr and Mr. V\'ill Wrifjlit of ColliiigHood viiirod Mr. Ed. Thompson on Sunday last. Special [11 ices f«ir balance of stock in blankets, belU, robes, and all winter j.'oods, W. Moore, hiunessmaker. Mrs. R. J. Noble, Miss Lamb and Mr. Geo. Noble of Stanton visited Mr. J Thompson on Frid ly of last week. Pair dogskin niilla lost in town about four weeks a«o. Finder please leave at this office. Thomiis Mandersand wife wire remov- ed to the e-junty House of Refuge on Moiiday. Miss Bessie Brown, of Duihain, is tlio suest of the Misses Florrie and Jossie Uiehard.son. We have held The Advance back one ilay in order to i;et the re«ult of the On tario elections for our far distant sub. jiCiibera, One Masscy Harris combined seed drill, good as new, to be so'd cheap, and on ea-iy ternu. R. J . Spr-mle, Fleslierlon. Hound pup s'riyedâ€" Ian head, ba:>k black and white, white stripe on fore- head. Finder pleasj comiuunicatj with S. Pedlar, FIcshertiin. See R. ./ Spr.iule posluiaster, Heshcr- ton, before rencwiu',' your Rubscription to your newspaper â€" ho has somethiiit; vpecial to oiler. Mr. Ira Perigo will rebuild the sawmill at Feversham. He has the uMchinery purchased and will bo ready to begin op- trations this eoiu;ii'^ spring. Stock fir saleâ€" Two Durham hulls,one 18 months old, git by Lord Liverick, the other eoining" ;{; also a number of Yorkshire |>>t(s, all ayfia. Dr. E. C. Murray has been confined to his bed for a couple of weeks with an atta.-k of rheuwali.^m. Ho was up for the first time ou Tuesday and is recover- ing uici'ly. Ueceived this week at Spr..ule,Ciossley & Co's. Uirel and dairy aalt. dried apple.", cu.h1 oil and n general stock of fresh uro. ceiies, all sold at lowest prices. The two gcmlemon who were injured a couple of Weeks a.:o by a falling irre â€" McNsers John Stewart and Chailie Neil appear to bo improving nicely. Mr. Stu in is a'llu ro walk around with the aid of criitchHS. Mr. Neil, wlnsu Kick na." broken. 8 cms to be improrinv also. Hi.t spme does n<>t ap{icar to he injured. lllM Dr. thinks ho m^ty recover so that he can get around, hut does not think hu will »Ter he able to do much work. L<isl â€" .A morocco gdt edi;«d Rtbli-, un Jan. 8, baiwcoD lUih of Artewenia and Keei<an'* milU on Kveiiau'n road. Fuider pid tno litave <it thi* o6iu«. Markdide ia now oonneeted by tcU- (>h lite with KiiiiVrley. There ia a liioir 'uient af<M t to extend the wire to Uaathcote and Thornbury. MiM Susie Weatlake, uf Ton*a:o, ia , tic. f(u«.it uf Mr*. John Char J. U^ r many f I ieiuls iiru 'jlad to s 'C an improve- ment in her health sineu her lecent illness. Tlio Coiinry Cjunuit i.t in session this weeii at the eoutity town. County CommisKioner John Mc.Xrthur has received the appoint inent of Warden. W'ltnteJ- 1000 buahcU good pluinp chopping and clean .-led barley, hiidiesl ca.l) price paid. Spioule Cros.iley & Co. Flesliertiiii. And still the a-.-olyline (las w>ichine nets in its deadly work. A plant jit Bolioii blew up last wenk but beyond wrLckiug I he small building in which it was storeil no damage was done, .•Vn aiifeeable mov>-ment of the bijwels without any unpleasant etfeet. i.s prorluced by Ciiaiuberlain's Stomach and Liver r-iiblets. Forsale by W. E Richard.son. Owing to ban weather the last meeiiim of tlie Woman's Iiist-tute was postponed. The next meetini; will be held on the his[ Tne.'day in this montli, Ian. 31, at the residence of Mr.-", Shier, near Portlaw, when it is hoped a L.igo attendance of Udies will he present. Aubrey E. K. Loucks of St. â- Vinceu^ sou of Air. C. Loncks and nephew of .Vlr. P. Loucks of Flesherton, was killed ou Friday lust m the bus!i by being struck with a falling tree. The young man died a few hours after the accident, never having •.eii.ained consciousness. Ho was 18 yeais of ai;e and an only son. Hi'.hest cash price paid for hides,sheep- skiiis, tallow, and all kinds of fur. Beef sold by theiiuarteror half quarter at low- est price. Mark Wilson, Flesherton. A .social held at the residence of Mr Jacob Thoiiip.son, east back line, ou Fri- day evening last, under the auspices ot the Presbyterian church was largely attended. The evening was delii-htful. Three sleigh loads from the vUlage went out and enjoyed an evening of genuine pleasure. The procdeds amounted- to about §17. Dog Strayed â€" From James Radley's, Collingwood gravel, sable and white collie, answers to name Mack. Kindly return to Mrs. H. Radley, Flts!:erton, and receive reward. A young man living near here last winter sold live black s<{iirrel skins to a young and green Jew Pedlar for mink skins, getting ^2.00 each for the fur. Had that Jew known a little of Canadian law ho might have got back at the man, who fooleJ him, in grand st)Ie, as it was coniriiry to law to kill these little animali, but Mr, Jew evidently swallowed his chagrin when he discovered how badly he had been sold, as he has not since been teen in this district. The young man who sold the skins hinistlf gave the story away to our reporter. Notice -Having put in a first class grinding outfit in connection with the electiio plant, am prepiiied to accommo- date the public in the chopping business. Fred Deagle, Eugenia. Frank, the 4-yearold son of the prop- rietor of this pa[)er, sutTered a painful accident on Thursday last. While .stand- ing on a chair watching the operat on <if a large Oordon |iress hu slipped in some way and bis left leg between knee and ankle Was drawn into the iiiaiing. The tlcsh was titn from the bone for about four inches. Fmtunately it was on the outside of the limb where no imporlKnt sinews or arteries lie and there will be uo pel miinen'; injury, althouiili the wound is of such a nature that it will lake a long time to heal. The escape from a broken b-ine and probable ampu- tation wna exceedingly narrow. Dr. Carter is attending to the little pntieiit. Faihi to roiitâ€" Lots 184 and ISfi, 2iiJ eonces.'iion East of Toronto A Sjdenhani Road, 1 mile from P. O. and school, near church. 100 acres, 7<") cleared, L"'od biiek house with cistern, «ood frame barn c<i!iipk-te;suiall oichard. Jeue.mi.vii Tayuub, Portliw Stall' C.iplain Patterson of the Salva- tion .Army, headijuaiters at Toronto, was a caller at The Advance office ou Wi-d- nesday. Captain Pattes<'ii represents the ii>. migration and transportation be- parlment nf ibe .\rmy. He is leaking a lour fur the )ninioiie of intvresti.ig ^teo.de in the .Army scheme of importing a large number of imiiii|[iants of a desirable elaa* for farmers, mechanics, laliorers, etc. The Army has chartered a vessel and will bring over a c<>iiaii(nment of about 1200 people, (o an iv« aitouL the end of Match. Any |>ersoii dwiring help may apply lo R J. Sproule, Flcsheitoii, who will forward applications, or may •end direct tu Bri)(adler Howell, 2)1 Al- bert alrret, Toronto. Mr. Kpioulc will aupt'ly aujr inforiviitiou tu iut^nUiit^ applicants. Fanners and others would do well to get their application.s in eaily as otherwis ! they might be disappointed. That Seedless Apple A writer in the Montreal Herald of last week points out that the seedless apple, which we referred to last issue in a cli[i|ying from Tiie Guardian, is a freak and useless. It says tliat this apple crops up pi-rioilically and that it has been known foi centuries. The writer also says those who buy it arc sure to reap dissapoinlmeiiC. Farmers' institute Meetings Centre Grey Farmers' Institute will hold a aeries of thirteen meetings in the riding during February, as follows; Miix- ivell, Jan. ;)1, B.idgeios Feb. 1, Dundalk Feb. 2, Veiiiry Feb. 3, PricevilK; Feb. 4, M.irkdale Feb. 6, Holland Centre Feb, 7 Walter.^' Falls Feb. 8, Rocklyn Feb. 'J. Kiiiibeiley Feb 10, Ravenna Feb. 11, Banks Feb. 13, Thoriibury Feb. 14. The spi-akers aunoiinced are Anson Groh, of Berlin, T. H. Mason, Stralfordville, and for i.iij last four meetings H. Jones re- places Mr. Groh. The meetiugs all lui^in at 1.30 and 7. 30 p. m. This will probably constitute one of the most instructive stries of meetings ever held in Get. ire Giey, as W'luld be infer- red from the list of subjeuts to be dis- cussed, which are as follows; "The hog as ;i money uiaku-," '"Soil moisture, its importance and con.iervation," "Feed and care of dairy cattle," "Syjiema'ic rota- tion ol Clops," "The fanner and the sun," "Changing c-inditions in Canadian Hgriculure," "The stairway to success,' "How to manage our fruit orchards," "The balance of nature," "Bird life and iha insect world," "Phiniing, cultivatini;, fer'iUizing, harvesting, packing, etc." Those of our reaibis who live in the Viciiiity where these me.tings are to be held should make a determined eflbrt to be present.. . I ^^ I â€" â€" Killed on the Railway A terrible accident occurred on the railway track between this station aud Markdalo Saturday night by which (Jeorge Fisher, a farmer living on the fourth near the townliue of Osprey and .\rteniesia, instantly hiat his life. Fisher had been at this station delivering a load in the afternoon and later began di ink- ing. He became very nuich intoxicated. About 8..'J0 a fiiend started him for home aud Saw him well on his way. After this friend left him Fisher appears appears to have turned liis team and driven up the b.ick line near Markdalc. .\t Wrights cros-iing, l| m. north, the lenui took to the railway, which they followid for about 2^ mile.s, till they came near the towiiline cropsin'i between GKnelg and Arteiuesia. The night express hero cau^'ht them. Fisher w;us killed instantly his head and legs being ciushed. The horses were also killed. The hind bob was .sni.ished to pieces, and the front one carried forty or fifty yards but not dam aued. The trtviii was .stopped and Fisher's ri mains taken on to Markdale. Dr. Dow, coroner, of Owen Sound, wa.s lumnioiied a:id issued a certificate of burial. La'er the ren.ains were brought to Flesherton where Undertaker Bunt prepared tliein for burial. The deceas d was 53 years old and leaves behind a wife and one son 17 years of age Much iymp-kthy is expressed fot the widow. The funeral took jilajo to MaiwiU cemetery on Tuesilay. Farms for Sale 300 acrca in Ospn y, cooil farm, price low t«i >i<ri eit^>. Iiocs ] Aim k ill tliu titli con. I*J.'i aci'uK in Lillnblf coitilit ion, -3) acrt's ativii tiii:- bt-r. Also 1t~4 lici'tirt. 1 »t 7, eon. ;(, Ki>{thi-r).sii). 10() ncrt.'K iiMpi DVbil. TIiuho fariiH will bo s(»I(i lit a [^it-iit bii'uoin at* Iain UvitiK in AhsiniboU and imve no tir^u fur tbcni. Kor tbo ni \t two TiioiJtbrt ain'ty to J. 0. OSiJOllNK. Kuuuniii. FAR/vrFOR SALE NiXFTV acro'^. 15 luiUfH fvom Klonborton, M fter«"« rtt ti» rtiii fmin impliMnciits. rt-st ;;oo»l pitKtiiro laii'b.soim! fi.trt<l ccilar; wiUl loncotl, w«fli \vat«r»*il; two nri fH orchaul; hiiiWnKN t'«inifort- ttbk ; rt at:rcK fall mhoat., 2i) arru-* ulovor sorl pliYwed ilown ioadv for si««tl:l » ocroB iiiaintootb u ovt^r, »tH)<i«<l ikst yt'ar. Owiitft tu couftiuuvd ilUivHS will i 11 choup. Apply to A. l«OYI\ Mt^ahorbon, flail Contract SKALBD TKSDKIl'*. nitill-imsoil to ill.- I'OKt. uikstvr Oi-nerul, will tie reTOivuiI »t. tittiwa until uoon o Kiiilav ihu :14th of FL't>ii>ftiv, 1905, foi- the coiiT»"vaiicpJof His Miij-wty'n Mall*, on a pr<iiii>»«il Cniiiritct for I yeAi-w, 6 tiiiiuN tit-r we«k «i«cli w»», t>«tw«oii K|>|<iuK aud Htsbt-r- ton. from tfic|ist <«prtl ne\t. ]*rititwil iioriciiK cuiitainin^ furth«r nifornia- tion AH to CO 'ditiiMiso' pro))oi«e 1 ('<intrftct insy he A^mn ami lilaiik foi-ni-* uf Tumlvr may l>e ol>- Ikiiieil «t tl)« Host. DBlo'ii (>( KpniiiK. Klt^hor- ton, Klnilv-rlvv an<l KiiRnnia anil at tha Oflica uf tb* t'uot utltcv Iii«pucto: at Tumuto. O. (.'-. .tNUKK>K):<. Sii|x>rintM<UDt. Poat iiltice L>(<partincut, Mall Cootoct BraDcb,CU»«»,ll;U fAJUarj VtH. Proton Station Portable MiltV Trade NlAnKs DCSIGNS Copyrights &c. Anyone senriliit; a nkelrh leut doacrintinn mar nillrklr .-tsourtam our opituoit free wtiuther an Invetilton is prulmbly pauiiitjilila. t'dtniiimiiav tluuB strictly ciiiinrtunitHl. HANDBOQK uii Pnienta Bent. froe. Oldest iiuency for securlntr patenui. I'Meuta tAken tlirouKti Munii A Co. receive jpwfail notice, without cbar«o. la tha Scientific JImetlcati. A tinnildomply IIInKtraled weekly. Ijirnest clr- cnlalioii of any nciutiuilc; Joarnal. Teruifl, f3 a yew: four mimlUs, »L Bold by all newsdealoni. IKIUNN&Co.«'Bro..wa,. New York Brsncb OOlce, ffiS P St. WashlDgton, D. <;. BUSINESS MEN KNOW that the work of the famous TORONTO. ONT. Is of the HlHHEST (JttiDK and that is the reason our uraduates are stepping nito good positions as fast sn we can get them reatiy. Our college is open the entire yjar. Magnificent catalogue free. Enter now. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Goiuer Vonse aud .\lexaader streets. Having set my iiiiil hero at l'roU;i» Station, I am prepared to clmp eriiii, saw lumber, shing'es and la'.li. U hen stock and custom is cut 1 will move i» old st;ind on South Line, then lo Portl iw. I am open for contracts wlieie suitable stock can te supplied. G. A. WATSON, Proprietor' WANTED Salesmen to represent 'Canada's Greatest Nurseries" Newest varieties, and speuialties in Hardy Fruits, Small Fniit.s, Shrubs, <.)rnaineiitals,,uid Uose^. A permanent situation, and iLMritory re- serveU for right man. Pay weekly. Hand- some Outfit fiee. \.ritu for particu- lars, and send 25 cents for our pocket micro.scope, just the thing to use in ox.- aniininu trees and plants for insects.. .Mr. Richard Allen is local agent for Flesherton" Stone & Wellington Toronto (over 800 ACKES) Ontario ^ ^ ^ y Boots, Shoes, Rubbers! Clayton's have just received a lot of &Ien's anl Ladies' Felt Doots find Fell Slippeis. Men's heavy Sii.ag Proof Rubbers. Also a large variety of Men's, Ladles and Childrens' light rubbers. A lot of Good Trunks and Telescopes aud the best lines of Men's Mitts ever oflerud. We have also a variety of Shoe Polish and shoe Dressings. For those wearing Uund-Mude Shoes â€" We are making yenuir.e, good wearing boots, of first class materialâ€" warm and comfortable. Try a [Miir. We have a few pairs Ladies' Dongola Oxfords and Boots â€" size 3 and 4, going at uOc. and 75c. per pair at a^ Clayloti's Tles3)«rtoiia I Medical Hall S "Xhc LeadinST DrLig Store," -W-<H- Prescriptions Carefully Compounded W. J. Douglass ^fc .jii. ^'«. 4i«. •>'«• •!'«• •*% :&'«• ^i*- â- ^l«. •»'<- -kMs- •^•«• •^««• vvt«. .si«. â- ^^^/^ -M ,>!<;:?»«. ^t'i^i*. ,»<«. s<t, .*••, .^ For Your 5tock â- W Herl>a«emn, Iiiternationnl Stock Food, Columbian Regulator. '* Tiuk Du«tio\er f-ir the shei p. '^IS* For Yourself # Patent .Medicines â€" ad the jxipular in.ikes. Pipes and tobacco- 'KP â- For Your Wife I S|«ecs for C"Miking â€" .MUpicc, Cinnaiuon, Mixed spices, etc. '»*' ' Perfumes, Cortieella Silk. ^ . 1^ For Your Baby ^ StMthius Syrup, Sucking UotUea, and Taethinfi RingM, â-ºJ< ^ â-º$< f . I i Richardson & Sen I>RUOO I SXS Flesherton :-: :-: Ontario ^ o