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Flesherton Advance, 26 Jan 1905, p. 3

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THE MODERN FAST TRAIN SCOKZS OF HANDS KEEP IN TRIM. IT Immaculate Cleanliness the Rule in Every Section o£ the Flyer. When tlie Ijaby is washed and scrubbed and dressed and groomed to go to church for the liist time for his christening, no greater pains aie taken over liini than are taken every day to make the modern lu.^- urious raih-oad "tlyer" look spick and span. t! rooming an express train is a diflicult and oxpunsive business. While the most extravagant ol up- to-date dandies vvouhi not dream o£ having more than three or lour val- ets, at most, the expiesa will have anywhere from a hundred to a hun- dred and (ifty, each doi; g his own special part of the work. 'J"he ministrations of this army of IT WAS NOT A FAITH CURE DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED MRS. ADAMS' BRIGHT'S DISEASE. She Did Not Believe in Them, but To-day She Is Strong and Well. Collingwood, Ont., Jan. 30 â€" (Special). â€" Mrs. Thos. Adams, who moved here alioiat two years ago from liurk's FalLs, is one of the laany (."anailians who once had Uright's Disease ami are now strong and Well. i_ike all the others she ^vas cured by Uodd's Kidney Pills. "1 was eight imonths an invalid." says Jfrs. Adams, "and no one can tell what I sulVeced. My doctor said ' I had Urighfs disease and .Sciatica servants are paid every day, at the ; l"'<^ I ffot no relief from anything he end of a trip, which "is often not | b'ave me. At last a friend of my more than a day's run. When the , h'lsband induced ine to give Bodds engine and its train of cars have i Kidney Tills a trial. I had no faith done their work they are promptly | in them, for I thought I never wouhl rubbed down and atteniled to, just ! .get better, but after taking three like a boxer after he has finished his I boxes of them I was able to do my bout, or an athlete after a foot race. The crew of men who work aboard the flyer have nothing to do with looking after it at the end of the run. Special staffs of men are kept at the roundhouse and the car sheds for that purpose. In number they equal two compan- worl;. I have had good health over since I used Dodd's Kidney Pills." used ones aboard, they are taken o£f the car and replaced. Xo linen makes two consecutive journeys. Neither does a cake of soap or a iea of soldiers, and they are as well , hair brush or a comb. The porter drilled as any military force. Each i is given a box before each run, tilled man has his own particular work to , with soap, brushes, combes, and do, and knows e.xactly how to do it. 1 other toilet articles. The brushes Very few orders need to be given, | and combs which have been used but when one is necesiary it is once are thoroughly cleansed and obeyed sterilized before being sent out "ON THE JUMP." When the locomotive enters the i again. THE EQUIPMENT a company of these civil- I of the dining car is, of course, a ian soldiers inmiediately swarm all great business. A small army of over her, cleaning and polishing her caterers, cooks, wine .stewards, and until she looks as sniait as a new ' waiters see to it; and woes betide pin. Even the wheels are rubbed ' any one of theiu if the man in over with oil, until they take on a charge of the car linds anything beautiful lustre. Oil is also used to i missing after the train has started rub down the outside of the cars. I on its run! Water is no longer used nowadays, I Jf he discovers so much as a spoon tor it cracks the paint, while oil im- or a salt cellar out of place there is proves it, and gives it' a beautiful [ going to bo trouble when he returns. color. I He is an autocrat of the deepest Some of the men who swarm ; dye. Even the skipper of an ocean aboard the locomotive "knock her liner is far less despotic, far less fire," others clean all the flues and i prone to find fault. Kveii the engin- dampeis, the firepan and the machin- j ecr who runs the locomotive does eiy, and take aboard coal and water i not cast a more critical eye over the for the next day's run; yet others | work that has been done for him carefully test the air brakes, ejector than does the autocrat of the dining pump and other parte of the mach- car. jnery, examine the wheels, wipe down I'assengers are sometimes inclined cver^v thing below the running board to denounce the meals Ihey get on ivith oil, fill up the oil cups on the ' the palace car. Of course, they are ilrivers, and generally put the loco- motive in first-class shape for the pext run. It must not be supposed that this 'p the work merely of laborers. Sev- jral thoroughly trained o.xpci'ts, each I'ith his special branch of know- not as gootl as the linest productions of the kitchens of the big hotels, but when the Circumstances under which they are cooked are taken into ac- count, it must honestly be admitted that they are marvels. Sympathy is often bestowed on the cook of an edge, go most carefully over all the] ocean, but his task is a simple rssentiJil parts of the engine after each run. examining and testing them. It is not a perfunctory exam- ination, although it is a daily one; i"or the men know that if there is any mishap on the run, which can be traced back to their negligence they will be "fired" to a dead certaint.v. When the passenger takes a rail- one compared to that of the culin- ary genius of the i)ulace car. When the cars are rea.dy for the run they are taken by a switch en- gine down to the station, to be coupled to the locomotive. The locomotive which makes the run never, under any clrcinistauces, hauls the cars to their yards, or way journey, Iherofure, especially if does any menial work about the sta- he rides behind a good modern flyer he may feel sure that everything which skill and forethought can do to make the trip a safe one has been done. After the car has been taken down to the .vards by a switch engine, it is pounced upon by A SMALL AltMY OF MEN, who give it a sort of a preliminary rub-down, and afterwards a most thorough grooming, before it is tak- en back to the station for the ne.xt run. The carpets are all taken out of the car and blown by compressed air, a thorough way of cleaning them, which is not adopted even in the niost expensive hotels once a week, let alone once a day. The mattresses, cushions, pillows and seats arc also taken out and blown by comiu-essed air. The wood work, glass, and brass work all over the car arc cleaned and polished by doz- ens of men, and the exterior wood- work is rubbed with oil. .\ll the running gear of the car is most cari'fully overhaided. Steam- litters, electricians, engineers, and other experts examine in their .spec- ial departments, and the lights and Bir brakes are rigidly tested. The cups on the journals are fdled with oil, every part of the wheels exam- ined, and, in short, just as thorough a test made of the running gear as in the case"* of the locomotive her- BeU. If there is a cose of sickness dur- ing a run the conductor must locate it. It is his duty to report, on ar- rival at the yard, exactly the scat In which the sick jierson sal. .\ sj)acc in the car is closed around this seat, and is most carefully fum- igated and disinfected, no uiattei' what the nature of Ihe sickness may have been. Whether it was infectious or not, the railroad ofTlcials take no chances with the health and lives of their pas.sengers. This regulation applies generally to all railroad cars not merely to the palace cars. Another large staff attends to the provisioning and equipping of the car from the commissariat dopart- Inent, which is attached to the sta- llon yard. A special force is even told of! to take towels and other articles to tlio sleeping cars. It goes without say- ing that those are renowwl every ili.v. v. von if there are a lot ol un- tion. Jt would be an unspeakable degradation. My Lord the Flyer, must have a switch engine to re- lieve him of his load innnediately he comes into the station, jusl as the engineer has a man to take his place when he reaches the round-house. Before the ears are coupled to the engine the air brakes are once again tested, piior to the run, by means of steam pipes placed in the station platforms tor the purpose. If they are found to be all right the cars are coupled up, and the run be- gins on schedule time, with locomo- tive and coaches all beautifully groomed. Hut if anything is found to bo wrong with the running gear of one of the cars, or if its mimcrous val- et's have not been able to get it .spick and span in lime, to the per- fect satisfaction of the superintend- ent of the yard, it is .sent back, and another car is put in its place. MMMUACK liUOKKUS, In Italy there are any nundjer of matrimonial brokers, and the busi- n<'ss is quite a regular institution. In their oflices there are books with the names an<l particulars of all the mnrriogeable girls, rich or poor, who live in the district, and the brokers go about cmicavoring to arrange engagojnents in exactly the same way as they would do ordin- ary trading business. It dopen<ls pii- tirel.v upon their success whether they receive any iiaymenl for their efTorls or not. Sunlight Soap will not burn the nap off wooleni nor the surface off linens. S^NUGHT Soap R.CDUCES AikjTer tke Octoson Bar. - S£u^ ^eoy POULTRY rHE DAWSON C«r. WMt Martwt and Oelk«*««a Sta, TORONTO. IvOiiEAN WOifEM. In no count ry is Ihe life of women i more pathetic than in I it might bi I with seven K-oi'ea, where termed imprisonment hard labor from the age of until death. I.ilile girls are seclirded from the time of their be- trothal. At an age varying from ten to sixteen years Ihiy are mar- ried to men Lhey have never seen, and go away to take their places as menials Mioord's linieni Gores Goro^t io coivs Knickerâ€" "I The wind was never knew bite.' never dit. remember that ni biting " Bockerâ€" "t thai the wind could Knicker â€" "What! Did you hear of the teeth of a gale?" IN A TARTAR RESTAURANT. Curious Cnstoius Which Are Ob- | served in These Places. Two Flench missionaries. Fathers j Hue and Gabet, who went through; China to Tibet half a century ago, discovered on the way â€" or perhaps being French they knew before they starteil â€" that the easiest w ay to go through a strange country peacefully; is to conform to all i.ts customs and contine one's expressions of amaze- ment to the quiet of one's own room. They ob.served closely and followed the lead of their neighbors and made copious notes on every- thing. "When we entered the gi'eat mar- ket town of Tolen Noor (Seven Lales)," they wrote, "we knew not where to take up our abode. We wandered about for a long time in a labyrinth of narrow, tortuous streets encumbered with men and animals. ! "At last, wo found an inn. We '' unloaded our dromedaries, deposited the baggage in a small room, fod- dered the animals, and then, having; afl'ixed to the door of the room a ' .small padlock which the landlord had given us, we sallied forth ia quest of dinner. "A triangular flag floating before a house in the next street indicated to our joyful hearts an eating-house. -V long passage led us into a spac- ious apartment, in which were .sym- metrically set forth a number of lit- tle tables. When we had scaled our- selves at one of the tables, a teapot the inevitable prelude in these coun- tries to evei'y meal, was set before each of us. 'i'ou must swallow iu- linite tea, and that boiling hot, be- fore they will consent to bring you anything else. "At last, when they see you thus occupied, the comptroller of the table pays you his oflicial visit, a I person of immensely elegant manners ! and ceaseless colubilily of tongue, j jjj^.sSRS. C. C. RICIIAKD.S & CO. who, after entertaining you with his, Gentlemen,â€" Lost winter 1 receiveu views on the affairs of the world m : g,.pat benolit from the use of WIN- general and in each country in par- â-  ^m^-g LINFVI'ENT in a severa at- licular, concludes by announcmg ^^^^^ ^^ ^a Grippe, and 1 have tre- Wo can handle jrour poultry aith* alive or d rpa eud to best advcnta,;a. Also your butter, eggs. boDqr and othar produce. COMMISSION CO., Limited A Sure Cure for licadache. â€" li.ti'Us hradache, to whicli women aru iin > u subject than men. becomes so in;ut3 in some ssuhjocta that tiiey are ultcn./ pro- ^l^utud. The stomach rufuscs iooii, t'lict thoro is a c-onstant anfi liistressinir ef- fort to free the stomach from oil-^ -vhi h has bocomo untluly secreted there i'ju- nielee's Voy:eLablc Pills are a speeily al- terative, an<l in riiMitralizing tiio liiou*. of the intriHiing bile relieves Liie 'l^^- .sure ou llie nerves which cause the headache. Try them. BrealhleHS iliiiUijrâ€" "I s;i.\-. boy. did yo'.i see a fox I'tm by here?" Boy â€" "Ye.^, sir." Hunterâ€" "How long GRAND TRUN(t."s','i?Sf For the Winter â€"GO TOâ€" CALIFORHIA, MEXICO V^ FLORIDA. Tlie "Land of Siin.ihino, Fruit and T'Iowim-s." Hound trip tourist tickets on .sale daily. Mouho Clemans "K.nral B.UI1 ."Situated on direct lino of Cij-iid lYunk. St. Catliarinei? H'neral SpilniiS Those who ined a ri'st should spiMV'l a few ('ays or weeks at this tlelightful resort, liest of hotel ac- commodation. and full infoniiiation and Trunk Ticlict UX- )i For tickets call at any Ui Uco. |)Eir SOIL CHAIN AMI ( farms for sale; ni'ar \i .Vssinibuiu; ou croii [.ayiiienls. Armstrong, 4 Uichniond streel Torontu T U)U, .! allies east. ago?" Hoy â€" 'Tl (,'iiristraas!" 11 be a j'ear last what there is to eat, and requesting your ,iu<lgment thereon, ".'Vs you mention the dishes you desire, he repeats their names in a mea.sured chant for the information of the governor of the pot. Your dinner is served with admirable Ijromptitude; but before you com- mence the meal etiquette requiies thtit you rise from your seat and in- vite all the company to |jaitalie. " 'Come,' J ou say. with an engag- ing gesture, 'come, my friends; come and drink a glass of wine with me; come and eat a plate of rice.' " "No, thank you!' replies every- body in the room. 'I'o you rather come and seat yourself at my table. II is I who invite you." "By this ceremony you have 'man- ifested your honor,' as the saying is, and you may now sit down and eat in comfort, your character as a gentleman thoroughly established, â- 'When yon rise to depart the com- ptroller of the table again apjiears As you cross quenlly proved tivo in cases of Yours, W. A It to bo very etlec. Inflammation. , MUTCHLN'^ON. Uarberâ€" ''N ON re gi-tting f. i^hlfuUy bald, sir." (.'uslomer s.r.agtly) â€" '•Well, 1 dnnl SCO how ll.^i!- con- cerns \ou." Hariieiâ€" 'i .\ nie, sir, but it doi's. Vou soon won't ha\e any hair left to cut, and then I shall lo.e a cuhtonier." fcT Over .^ist'f Vff^r^ Mb- wmmoWt.SoiTBmoSTfii'c h« iiiin ii»1 >» .lillionxof mother! for thei' oi'.iMrnn toiUlini. Ii roolliesthprliild, soften, til.- 11). u«iil.,-af«" i.itn!colic,resiil»tes UielLomortlanil lluw.^l". aiiilu B> U'«troi.i«Jl(or n.iirhtca, Tw«;.t.>-ti' ; o aU i> lioLClo ."olil by druuitli. taroughoul the warld. B« •!»• aa^l il.«Iur"MK» Wl-''»I.o.vaSuoTill.NuS. uiir. ii-Ui Hilej â€" "So Casey was killed by th' explosion? Who broke Ih' news to his widdy? â-  Uooneyâ€" 'Hig Tim Houlihan." "Did lie do it ginlly? ' "Ho did. He began by askin' her to marry him " CAIvKS, Mrs. llusuii'e â€" I always make fruit cake so that it will keep at least live mont hs, Mr. Newliwed â€" Huh! that's nothing My wife made a cake once that might easily have been kept a year. Mrs. Huswife â€" Indeed? Mr. Mewliwed â€" Yes, nobody would eat it. ! 'rime Lrii's nil tliinps. nnJ as nicklo's Anli-Ciin.suiiipiivo S,vniii lias stood thii â-  test Ol voars il now r-nnks as n lead- 1 niR s|ii:i:ilic in tin- ir.'iUiiicnt of nil ail- nieiils of Ihi! lliioul nnd lungs. It ! will soften nil"! siihiliiu lh« most stub- i born couKli l),v relic\iMg the irritiilioii. : ami restore the iifloctcd oreniis to henltliv comlitions. Use will show j its vuluc. Try it ami be uoiivinceu oi its olliciiey. I It i.s an Ollicer of tlie Law of Hcniili, â€" Wlien culled in to attend a disturb- ance it searches out thu hidin.cj-plaie ol j pain, and like R guardian of tho peace, lays haiida upon it and sa.vs. 'you." Hesistaiico is useless, I of health imposes a. sentence of perpetu- the aparlnient w ith ! al banishment on pain, and Dr, Tlioiu- •"1 arrest as the law him he chants over again the names of the di.slics ,\ ni have had, this time appending tho prices, and ter- minating with the sum total, an- nounced with especial emphasis, 1'hen. proceeding to the counter, you deposit tho amount in the nioney- bo.x." Klectric Oil wns originated force that sLMilence. to en- "Good heavens, man," CKclaiiiied the long-sulTering j'atient, "you've pulled out the wrong tooth a second time." "Never mind, sir," returntxl the dentist, cnt'ourugingl.v. "I'm bound to get the right one ne.xt time, for there were but three in your mouth when I started." Tomâ€" .'If a church be on fire, why has the organ the smallest chnnco of escape?" Fredâ€" " Because the engino cannot play on it." Mimird's Linimeat Cures Distemper "Let me .sec," said a young lady in a stationer's sho;>; "1 want one hundred sheets of note-pa|>er, andâ€" wellâ€" how many enveloiKS should 1 get?" "Is it for love-Iotters." asked the shopman. A cliarming blush was the rejily, and he <ontin- ued, "Oh, well, 1 think hulf-u-dozen envelopes will bo enough." .She â€" "11 must have been an awful storm to blow away the lighthouse." ChoUyâ€" "Terrible, my dear, but it could only be through carelessness that there' was a lighthouse in such on e.xposed place. " A MISU-NDKRSTANDING, "Xo, ho isn't in the milk busiuiss any more. Ho has open(i* an insti- tute for drunkenness." ••The idea! 'Why, he has no kn /.v- ledse of me:iieine at all." "What of that? You d'^'n't â-  havo to have to open a salooik'^'-- DR. A. W. CHASE'S QR. CATARRH CBRt... aUO, l5 sent direct to the dlflUBcd ?ari« by tha Imprvved Bluwer. Icalt th« uloeis. olenrs the ait passages, itop* dr4>r^;iif;<i In tha (hroai und perntiftBaiuly curM Catarrh and rl ay Pttver. Hiowet frea. All (i«;iltr«. or Dr. A. W. d haM Uodicia* Co., Toronto And BufiaJa, Minaril's Liniment Cures Colds, &c. Traveller (wailing for train al- ready twenty minutes late) â€" 'Porter when do you ex)Je-t that train to come in?' Forterâ€" "t'an't say, sir. But tho longer you wail for it the more sure '{.Is to come in the uc.xl minute." To I'hose of Sodontary Occupation â€" Mioi who follow sedpiilary occup»ti3n!<, rrlnch rlt'prlvG thcni of fresh nir and t x- ercisc, are ntoro prone to disonluin of the liver and kidneys than th â- >â- Â»â€¢Â» â- ^t«» lead RCtivo, outflonr livci', Tho lurmi will And in rnriiielee'ii VeRctnble I'llls a rpstorutive without question >,h"> inoft e(Hc«cio»!i on the market, Th"w nro rastiy iirocurable. easily taken, kc« ct pcflitluuTbly . and thcv are Kurpriiiingly ctie.ip coii'.tdoring their cxccliffn -fl. Why suffer from weak nerves, want of appetite and g-enerul debility, let- ting the loss of sleep and rest im- poverish the .system and thin the blood, when such a really meritori- ous remedy as Noithiop & Lyman's tiiiiniiie Winu nuiy be had at any drug store. This article is highly recommiMided b.v the members of (he medical faculty in case of indi- gestion, generul dcbilit.V. los.s of ap- petite and nervous ulTectioiis of all kinds, II is also specially good to children and delicate females, and to Ijusincss men. .students and those who have much Iirjin work. It is pKasiUil to the tasto and contains nothing in,i'irion.s to the most deli- cate constitution, Kcmenibcr you iisk for (Juinine Wine, prepareil by Northrop it l.ynian, Toronto, and we are .sure .you will be satislied that vou have full value for your money. WHY HE CANNOT SUCCFED. He docs not do to-day -Arhat. he can [)ossibly P'lt off until to-morrow. He does not think It worth while to put »)ntracts or agreement* in writing. He prefers to incur debt rather thiMi to do work which he considcr.s beneath him. He risks all his eggs in one basket' when he is not in a i>osilion to watch or contiol it. He tbin'-s il will be limo enough to bcpin to sa^e for a rainy day when the rainy day romc.i. He docs not that one ex- pensive habit may inlrodnce him to a whole family of extravagant habits. The largest pontoon bridge in tho world is at Calculln. and is a per- menent structure. Miiiard'8 Linimeat CuRas.DiBlitlieria Hollyâ€" "Jac'< said that, ho had a business engagoiiienl te-hight:'' Dash- Pi-ley â€" â- Vcs; he mentioned soihethiiig to me about asking old Millyuns lor his daughter s hand.'' Use Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) to wash woolens and flannels. â€" you'll like it. "Oh, my friends!" exclaimed th» orator, "it make."* me sad when I think of the days that arc gone, when 1 I ok around and miss tlie old familiar (aces 1 used to shake hands with. " Those whom neglected coughs have killed •were once as healthy and robust as you. Doa't follow in their paths of negloct. Take SHiloH's Consumptien Cure TSnic'""* right now. It )» guaranteed to cure. It has cured many thous- ands. ^„ Price.: S. C, W«LL» & Co. *>» ae. 3()c. P L«Roy. N. Y.. Toronto. Can. f â-  4i> V'-*^ i T N U ISSUE NO. 4â€"04

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