.J^ ] . • • 1 f. « \ • I: H: jyi^p %i'Bantt & ^ •'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PEIKCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOLXXIv, NO 1202 Flesliertoa, Oat., Xhur3cia.y. January' 1 2 lOOo W. H THURSTON, p,'i^''rS?HToii child of tlie rcyniiont., born in the scrvico' Chamberlain's Cough Remedy BETTER liATE THAN NEVER to wihh V'lU A Happy New Ye which tl's Best Made. ar Also better Ijte thiii novcr M < uy vnur WATCHES, CLOCKS riuI JEWELLERY from the under- sisjned. But try to c.i!l early â€" don't leave it <.S too I;ito. Wfi liixve the best selection of silverware for preaentations, etc., tver se'.'ii ill lie county of Grey. Doii'c fors^et this fact. W. A. Armstrong, â- tfeweller, Flesherton at licUnsl, Irelnii;J, in l^'^H, at ji'iic.' his fattier, a sorg..iant in the old | -'In my opioioi, Clumlieil.tin'a Cou-jh 4.iid re^iiiitfiit, li-hf infantry, was scrv- j Roaiedy id the best tiiiule for colds," s.-iys Uig. When youn<; Barret w.t3 .sii years ! Mrs. Corn Walker of PortervillB, Califjr- aUl he caiiiO lo CanmU with tlu- regiment! nii*. There is no doubt about its being which nm staiioncil at Toronto and i tho best. No.ot;her will cure a cold so Kia-ara. Four years later his father | quickly. No othei ia a sure preventative ihcd and lila moihor received 100 acres | of piicuinonia, No other is so pleanant scrip la:id in Eldon, Victoria C.) , whi -h *''d safe to take. These are good reasons she sold later and vau rcjiiarried to a | why it should be preferred to any other, n til l;ao\vn market gardener and flurist ! The fiict is that few people are satiefied iu Toronto's suburbs. Y<iunj; Barret was W!th any other after having once used j put to a trade at Fniser'u woolLu niiiU. ; this reuiudy. For sale by VV. E. Rich- I whon A young ui:\n he worked for VV. K. ' ardson i Flesher, who owned a sawmill at Jjoltou, , , . ., The County Council McFarland, Staffed & Co.s Big Store M A [? K n A r- E, o x -r a i< r i > Grey County's BIGGE.ST antl CHEAPEST STt^RE Big ' !|anuarv = Sale Of WINTER GOODS f aud was in Mr. Flesher'a employ when that aentloiii.in csmo to the place after- i wards named after him, the prLSeiit^ P'SefcheiLoii. barr-;t ako remembers liie birth of Mr. Fie>5!ioi's oldcs'. diius;liter. Iu 1803 the 43rd were ordered home and young Barret's heart, naturally yoi.rnir.g towards the old cirps, he resu red to re- Our annual January Sale is now in full ^^wiIlg and for the next thirty days si! winter or heavy gnoils will be sold regardless i^f cusl^. We have had a good fall trade. The following; jjon'lenien compose the December monrh beii.g a particularly aood one and tile voluniH of bu.ii.ies3 away Grey County Council for the preseut year- ahead of Dec. of i;)0:!- We cxiiect .Janu.irv of VMo (providintr weather C"nrlitions Division 1- J. W. Frost, Owen Sound ; Tl pr^Tix-' "'"l'""''^ '^'^"l'''^ '''« '^"''-â- ^ '";' J'VV'';""^ "^ ^•"'â- *' '""^ '"' SENSATIONAL r> 1 i T r .. 1 I 1 I L.iKi.Ai:N.> will he any iiuiucem.'Uts we should have nur e.'spectailtins realized. Kobert U trost, lirookholra. Uead the price J.ist thiou-^h carefully -it ii only a few of the many good.s an sale Division 2 â€" Josejih Pi ingle, Chats- at Bargain Price.i. "' worth ; William Westaway, Koniblo. Divi-ion 3â€" Robert .1. Industrial Home Kotes Ball ioiuitand go with them. When war ; jfeii McCannel, Pricevdle. with Russia was declared his regiment was oruered lo thd Crimea and Barret wa.s present at Atina, Iiikerman and tho •" ! siege and fall of SeLa-topoL He was The indii.-jtiiai homo items which ap- f^.^j titius Wi.uiidett- first in tho head, pcareJ in last week's Adv.-uice wero in- then iii each Arrist, and lastly a bayonet tonded for the previous week's insue but „-„u„a {„ tji^ Itft hip. After tlie «ou- wero unav.ddajly btUted. clusijii of tbu ,var, and when fully recov- Death has ulainu'd two more victims gr^j from his woUuds, he had the privi- from the homo since our last report. On | lo^e of a soldier's son. born in the ser- Monday, Jan. 2, Mrs. Thompson, the , vi^o, ..f cliimmg a free c'iscba'ge. He blir.d old lady recently admitted, passed ' returned to Canada, gradually woiking Huietlyaway. Tbo remains were sent to [jj^ way to Tiiornbury, where he has Chatsworth, where they were taken ; ul« ays made his home" eicept at times charge of by relatives. I when eiiiph.yed at other places through- About p.m. on Friday Tliomas Boyle, ; out tho province. Ue never married aud who made the unfortunate leap from the ' aUH maintains a soldierly beariug,straight train between Berkely when reluruiug to 'â- ^g ^ ramrod and as eia>"tic in step al a the bume from leave of absence, -iuc- I y.,ung soldier just disniissed fron. recruit tumbed to his injuries. Ho remained Ji-jli. A!thou,,h in hia 77th, year he unconscious fr(mv the second day after cuijn;„,j,i„t^.g "i,;^^.i„j, j,jg ,,^,^y ^^^^^^^ the accident to the time of his death. His , j,i,,y i_ ij^ing^ „ i,y g.,j.g^ g,,,^ ^^ ^,^^^.^ ^^â- brother, Clark Boyle, arrived m Wed- i „„„ ii,,„g ;„ ^i,^ summer mouths. Suc- cess lo you, old comrade. â€" '^IMATE Hanover ; G. Divinion 4â€" James Allan, Varr.ey H. Scheuk, Ay ton. Divi.^ion 5â€" Skilhii!iton Bell, Dundalk; John .McArthur. Priceville. Divisi.m I) â€" Neil .McCobnan, Thorn- bury ; D. K. Pre^ton, .Maxwell. Division 7 â€" A. C. Fa'erson, BLintyre ; G. A. Brown. Meaford. Division 8 Anthony Shute. Holland Centre ; .James ;M. Thomson, U.unor. The councillors in divisions 4, 5, and 8 were elected by acclimation. In No. 7 John M. Uavis only got 244 votes, Aunew 911, Brown 904 and Patterson i 1143 I Port Lixw A Deep Cut in flantles Lt^T NO. 1 16 Ladies and Misses Mantles, all this season's coats, regular valu'?.. 5.60, 5.50, ti.OO aud 6.50 each. Sizes 32 to 40. Jaiiuarv Sale Price 3. 'JO. LOT NO. 2 14 Ladies aud Mis^^cs mantles, all tins season's latest stvles, O.ir prices were $7M0, 07. .^)0, SS.OO, SS.oO and .?'J.OO eiiL'h. Not a full lanue of sizes in any style but all sizes in this lot from '^2 to 40. January Sale Pi ice 5.00. LOT NO. 3 20 Ladies .^lanil.s This lot comprises all our be'it mantles â€" "The Nortlnvay Garments" anJ liie lino iainorted "Ger- man Coals." Many bcaiititul cloths and sties, ail size.s in this lo* fr.'m 32 to 42. all this se;n .n's newest stvh-s that sol-J at S10.t)(5. a DO. 11.50. 12't)0 and 12.50. January ."Siiio l',i;e, vour choice for fi.UO LOT NO. 4 8 Chil'Jren's Ul-ter^s, sizi": 4 InS years. S2.25 ai'd i?2.5!i Coiits, Sale Pr.ce 1. i-2.7.")-3.0l>and :!.oUC.:at3.Sale Price I. Ladies' Fur Jackets at 25 px. off §30.00 Astrachan Jackets, January sale priee 822.51). $35.00 Astrachiiu and Sial .Jacket.ij, January Side price §2li.25 S40.00 Asti-achaii and Seiil .l.icku nesday and remained until Thursday j .sfternoon whin he was obliged to return home on account of sic'tiiiess in his fam- ily. On being notiliod ho roturnctl and Conveyed tho remains to Walters Falls for interment. This is the sisth death at tho home, the lirst bein^: that of Dau lleiuieison, who ditd on Nov. 17 last. Vj'.HtieltMir Mr. Charley aud Miss Elsie Boland returned home on Saturday after a two weeks' visit with friund.< at Barrie. Miss Ella Bull of Biainptun, who fornr The houie is giving its tjuita to tho j crly taught school iu this section, renewed cemetery. . acquaintiinces here last week. Wa are sorry to state that Mr. S. ', Mr. .Ale.x. Couaher, who recently ar- Turuer, p«y iuniate, f.itmerly of Flesh- rived from Scctlaud but who is now ertun, is m a low condition. About three : located in Toronto, visited his cous:n, weeks ago ho had a stroke of paralysis! Mrs. George Wright, lasi week, whivh reiiTiered useless his left arm and â- -^ sleigh load from this place spent a has since descended to his left leg and . very pleasant time at Jlr. Doouelly's, foot. He is now cintinually confined to j Wodchouse, Friday evening. his led. . Quite a number of livdies and gentle men fr, ni Eouo lii:l, Durham and Chats- worth vi.>.ited the homo on Monday, Jan Mrs. Deviiis had a very successful wood bee Saturday afteru'nin. Ml.ss Sarah â- lohiihou iittended the wed- ding of her cousin. Miss Belie McGeo, at f 2. i»lf. Uurgess, P.S.l. for North (>iey, â- Toionto week before hist. was also a calior on Friday evening. ! Mrs. Uo'ncrt Btichitnan aud son, Wm. 0. Munsiiuw and A Wardrobe of T*-. visited friends in Toronto recently. Flesherton were visiti'i-s to tho home on j Mr. Ed. Hutchinson, who h:i.s been Thursday. These yeiitiemeti found your Working at tailoring; in .Markdalo fur the cor, siuiudly napping as the result of a piist two years, left last week for New sleepiess Diglit, and for some momnn's York to take a course in the Mitchel was unable to rocoKidze them. However, . cutiiug school. he was glad to arouio hiuisoif suKcietaly ] The othcers fjr Vandeleur Division, S. .-.vc.cii enjoy a friendly coiifati with his geiiiid O. !?•,, wrre installed at last regular vi.iitors. meeting by Bio. Win. lUichanan, D. 0. The nutnl)crof visitors' names recorded ' *V p., mid are as follows : W. P., Sister on tbeTisi'or.V r.gisier up »o" DeC. 31, Dovins ; W. A, Bro. Cullis ; K S., Bio. ltK)4, is 11)84. It may be safely t^stim- ' W. Johnston ; A. U. S., Sister Ilunt ; ated that 400 more m.iy be added to this F. S., Sister Holley ; Treas., Bro. C. r.uniber of tJOKC who visited before the Uoland ; Chap, Sister Buchanan; Con., iniroilnctRon of the book, or who failed Bro. R Holley ; A. Conn., Sister K. to recister. '; Ciiibert ; L S., Sister E. Warting ; F. S , Sine* the o{i«<iiiig of the home 28 men Bro. Bowler ; Sup. Y". P. trV., Sifter M. and < women hart- been admitted as in- â- Doui^lus. This Division is a live one. An mates Of this number 6 Tieii and 1 organ hiis been recently parohased which woiii»n have died. Tho pre.Hent number adds much to the interest and pleasuie of of iniiiatis i- 23 men, 6 women, total 2!*. the ineetings. After the business had Of these, ll re ' men and one woman pay been duly attended to iin iiupromptu tor their ktep. There are at present three proi;ri»in was ((iven in which the- visitora male patiei.l.< in tho huspn.-il ward, while and members took v>art, jind consisted o^ aoine fow reijuiro regular medical attend- speeches and inu.sic, instrumental and anco but are able to <.<ut aiound, i Tocal, An iustrumental piecu by Misg Electri: l»inp.s are n >w installed in the Thompson, one of the vi.iitor*, was much baaonient of the barn. | appreciated. Aft«r lunch was served the Amoiij; the inmates of lhi« institution I'jdge was closed in due form and all re- is one of the rapidly decrwing jurvivun ' p»iiJ^.Ui their homes feeling that it had 9t the Qrimeau war. John Barrot w»a a b««n gooSlobe there. Circumstances prevented us from get- I ting a budget through last week as in- 1 tended and therefore some items are not as fresh as they should be and others } ha\ to be dropped altoae'her. How- ever we are glad to see that some friend ' has partly filled in the gap by sending in j j^q^' ^,-^) ^ some of the more important items. | j^ jj^,^,^ ^^^^ ^,^.^^,_ ^^^-^ seas.ms b.st Mr. Eilwiird Jamieson has returned seliii-s at S.").t)0 Sti.W ai>d *7 00 o.ich, homo from the Toronto wcncral hos;dral a.ssorieil styKs,R:iglin's Bel eil Swai/aors, whore he has bec'U conlined for some weeks with typhoid fcvor contracted in price $30.00. §45,00 -Xstrachau anil Seal Jacker.i, January s;ile price ili3 "5, S50.00 Electric Seal Jackoi.9, January sale price §37. Sensational Prices in Clothing styles pt ico all sizes ill It. January saj.i - O.'JO Alberta. He is gaining fast, although in a weak state. Musters Cecil and Harry Meldrum re- turned home after spending their hol- idays with friends iu Toronto. At the annual meoiii)t,'of ratep.iyers of our scliciol Mr. F. H. Thompson was chosen as trustee for the pvosent term. Tl;o four puuils who attended school the greatest number ofd.ays during lhi> [>ast year were, Dross Coats andFiieze Ulsters, sizes 24 to 44, .Jimuary Sale Price, your cbote 3.90. LOT NO. 2 12 Moil's Overcoats, regul-ir ?S.00 and St'.OO coats in Kagian's or 15elted Swagtrer style, sizes 34 to 42, Janinn v SalePiicu 5 00 LOT NO. 4 10 Men s Dress Overcoats, regular 12.00, 12 DO and 13,.=j0 coats. Thi.s hit is e.ttra Knc dr^ss ciMt^, lovely cloths and sui'cri.ir tailoring, sizes 3(i to 42 Januiuv .Sale Price 8,oJ LOT N(-). 3 14 Men's Overcoats, re,,'iilar §10. OC, §10.50 and SU.OO, loveiy'liiie tiuislied cloths ill beavers, niekou's, friezes aiul John Kennedy, 195; I t.-incy iweeds. Kagl.m or Swaguer Lot no. 5 20 Boys' anil Youths Overcoats in sizes 23 to 30. This lot co'iipri.,es all ou: boys' and youths' R-ig!an swau-^er. Rainy River and Dress styles, al.<o a few Frieze Uister.s, many handsome littlo coats that ni.ike men of the boys. The values riingH t!.im ^4.ii0 to $5. DO each. January Sale Pi ice, choice 'J. OS McF.^KLAN^D, STAFF01>^i:> & CO Gertie Thomp.'-ou, 181; Ilia Lyons, 174; Roy Kerr. On Thursday night List the Koyai Teropliirs held a mure than onliiurily inturestimj meeting. It bein^ installa- tion mcMiing, Tho (oltoniug is a list of officers:â€" Select Councilor, Mis. T. U. .McKeiizie; Past C, T. R. iMcKunzie; \ ice C, J. A. Untcbinso;.; Mciald, J.H. y^^^^. ^jj,,,. ^^^ ^^^^.^ entered on a new year we take this privilege of thaukmg our Watson, Deputy II, .\lis. John Waiker; many cusuuners for their libeial palionago m the past. And ar the first of tho Recording Sec'ty., Migj Aunie Shear- . New Ye.«- wo are gooig to give thirty days of speoial bar-jdnsivs follows: Pr^OTONT W. Hockley STATION 1905 W. Hockley dijwn; Fiiiaiiciiil Sec'y, Miss Lila Love; .'> lbs. good Jap:in Tea Si CO Treas., S. Shiet; Guaril, Mis.s Annie Regular 30c. Ja| an Tea 26 Boyco; Soiitinel, luUard Watson; Organ- 5 li'S Fresh Prunes 25 ist, Misj Lauia Holinan; sick c<iiuutee, 5 lbs. Fr. sh D;it"s 25 Mrs. Waiker, .Mi.-s Emma Shiet, S. ;J paekag. s Tilson's O.-i'.s 25 Sheardown and S. Shier; lloimi Com- 4 lbs. chan onrran's 25 mtttee, W'. Waiker, Charles Hobiian. 7 lbs. choice rice 25 Alvin McK.'iizie, Gordon Warling. The 05 p,i,^ iiieir» benvy winter p;u)b> gi Oil Vidue ai S3 25 for side on; est closed a d the side csp- O;". pairs he ivv tweed pants i-'-v-uhir §2 25 special at . tamed by .Mis. McNailv h^ng vicu.rious O.ieat bai«a.ns in men's -inter caps. =>0c liii«H fno .... . " , .. , , A iniiiib.-r 01 men s all wool i«ced suits reitucctl to by tho naimw majority of Uve m*rkt,the j- ,,.,,1^.,. « ;„„., f,i,„,s. nl.Hek ami navy in eoL.r. si ap 3 lb. bi X sod I biscuits. 1b. Fiesh FiKs 3 Urge Hars Snap 1 lb p ickai^e Salada T u. 3 bottles beSt extracts,, . 3 lbs Fiticy UiseUits . . . . 10 lbs Snljiliur.... .;.,.; losing lids provided refreshments, after which a union progiain of a spicy nature W.1S given. Tlie captains for the next quarter are Miss L'Ura Hol-iian and S Shier with Mrs. M.-K-'iizie as referee. .,»>. 25 22 2i> S2 4!» 1 96 3o 4 SW 2 95 (to A large s'ock of D. & .X c-orse a. ngnlnr .*l 25, lo i-o soil fi.-r . . . Y'liu can s. cure heie no best flai.n.l tte iaiikets for We can m-ike vn a stylish tiiil.ireU sui' for 12 00 We have a Inige assii tmeut of fancy l-imos The Verdict ot l>ubl(C Opinion Is with the best attitlo every time. That's why Putnam's Com Extractor has been in the lead for the la.st half century. It cures p.-tiiilessly in twcuty four hours and never tails. Use only Putiuiin's for oorus and warts. Como anil ti v our peiiii.>li"e coal ml â- ' i« xb rah". We sell Inteniaiional Stock an.l P.ailtry F1.0.I. Special prices made on large pail*^ .1^1'ocluce AVaiited Butter in rolls and prints, per lb . ««» ». >..<>><..«<(.<.• k.i^i><.ii .18 •..•..:•..; : ta Fresh eggs, per doze Hanover public school has outgrown ^ iu aceoniDudaiiou and will be enlarxed, v v i riL k)^ xv L^ x2» 1 Protoxi Station *:.i.... _ ^ -.