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Flesherton Advance, 5 Jan 1905, p. 8

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â- ?'^ I* Janv ARY 5 1905 â€" 11. 1 fsm-ssgassassfSBBsm .The MarK:ebs. •JarefulIV Corrected Each Week 0»to 30 to 30 Pt.«s 05 to 65 B irl.iy 45 to 45 Buttor j6 to 10 K.'gs fresli.^. ..,^. . 20 t<i 2'j oiuokoiis .;..*....•.'â- .'.'â-  Vto .7 Ducks « to 9 Gei'so to 10 Hiiy ; to 6 &5 >*oUt(H!8 l)au 60 to t)0 Tuikt-ys 13 to 14 Our Clubbing List *Advnnco, *Hpriild and ♦Toiotit.. World, d.ily S3 25 Toronto Daily Ni-ws . 1 85 W.T.Uly Ulobu 1 80 TM.'ul-li.Mpire 1.80 ; V'iimily Herald â- & Star l.HO â- ' . T.m.nt,'. Strtr IH'* Fiiiniers 'iuii 1 -80 All nbove ))ru-us iiicliido Tlie Advance and M<intn;:.l lU-riiM, if pnid in cdvam^e only Eiirly Kubscribers gut best value of tlieir hu'ney. • Tiie Winter Term at the Owen Si.und, Out., b^'pins ou MOXDaY •lanuary All', 1005. Kvitv youns man and wiiinm »!icmlil take; a course at this institu ti'iii this winter It \^ a most Bulistancia fo'.Midation for a snoooa^ful life. Fo:ir fullv equii.ed 'lc)iartninn'-», â€" Bir.Sl NK«S OKPAirniKN T for general bnsines'i work. â„¢..,„ Slinil-l'lfANI) and TYPKWRITINCt DKI'Alt'l'MEN'T for the traininR of short- hand v.'rit'.TK. „ ,'.aiAPHY IJKI'AVITMKNT foi those who wirth to beconm t'-legraphic ojitr- â- "â- "'pKlIIMKATOIiY DEl'AUTMKNTfor thcNe who arc fir luck and who wishtoim- jtrove their 01 location. li^dl p:utic:dar.s will be sent to any address free. C, A. Flesnins. Principal OVVBN SOUND, O.ST. THE BLESHEBTOH ADVANCE Ayzrs fo Durham Bull for ssrvice Tlic Het;isterutl Doihaio Hull. "KING EDWARD" Imii.. will KtnlMl for service i-n lot 20. H.D. h.. ._!• IJIM. KioK Kciwuni in ii ilark rml.Kooill.eavy I. one aurtnioiiclo anil wo 1 rliiveloper'. Tie is Mi only full lejvicualjluconOilloii iiiol will lift tli>- beam at twoutv- twDlHUnlie.l Iba. auii ia jetni Lei: Iwu-yoar-ohi ila.sH. rnuiGUKi; Kinq Eihvavil rol, .\iivil lOtli, I'.Kll.breci by .1 jIoi Yooiiij I ilbjiirii!!', M:ii veiiltcr, Se K- lao 1. ioi|i.iitj 1 iu lUni In I'.IUO by Ohail.!^ llaiikiii. Wv«l>i'i'"!!«. Out., «ot by Sootti«!i l'rioe.)7:iri'JI. •lain Itothoiek It )SB. imp., 88^87. by Alan (t.v/ouu (ilWO'.), IIii.l U"so bv I'ortluinl of OiU'ij liP.T'J. Home 'Jll'l bv Doctor WKitfl, Uosii! by liioiit"roiiitOJHl:l, .lilt I7tli by Alboit rhi-Oi, .lilt l.'itli b uravoHBUil â- llillll, Donsole Clarut b> Vern^.iit â- l7i'.M.<;lttiet 1st u\ UuUe '28:112, Cbi|rct bv s.arlia \ .'Ivut liino. Ilaibaia l>v UnrivtUl-l l:W!li, !.<ab.-lU by 'I he Pueba 701'2. t:roiliB bv £nrl Uiik) ol NoH liooilxi laid ;ii;li), Nora by t'Ulurv ui:n. I' by SiUoi-y .'ibtl, KU/.a b, Younii iVustoin Couiet 157">, LaiW Hetty bv Diauioiul 'Jo.'i.lletiy by Favorite Cbaigan Had li.ill lUlO. T nil MS TboroilKbbrc'l COWB .»5 ; ki\i1ot 91 SO. All ))avabl„ iMt.lanuary, I'.W.'J. C.m-s serve.l bv this aoiui'tl atiil not. retMriicU will bo oollecLod for Yt'liulbur iu calf or uut. \V. J. MiiAOS, CcjIon.Ont Winter Goods ^ • 1^/1 ^ufness C)cipp/les. Losing your hair? Coming out by the combfui? And doing nothing? No Sense in that! Why don't you use Ayer's Hair Vigor and t2> promptly stop the falling? Your hair will begin to grow, ! too, and all dandruff will dis- appear. Could you reason- 1 ably expect anything better?] " Ayor"s Flulr Vltrnr Is a creat taccMs with me. My liiilr waa (.tMine out very Imdly. but the niii'r VlK"r stopped It and now my hriir Is all ri|{ht." â€" W. 0. XioanuoM, LinUiay, Cal. ai 00 a hotllK. J. CATER CO.. All 'Irni.-sHI'i. fctr* Tjitvc!!. Ma*: "Thin Mair IJT'I " •" •^^^-'â- '•^^ri'r^:^-,!^.-' SPECIAL NT k eliuioe lino of and 0d=s:art$ I hi Hi; intheso CoiT\e and see Tb.e'iT\ / .Inst, t . ha Ljcjods, and id. TllO IJoHt ow in uyIcc. eoose[lemi;;g wmw SUCH AS New Shades, Curtain Poles, Fixinos. W. H. BUNT Furniture Dealer, Upholsterer and Undertaker. F-LE5MGRT0N ONT. RellK,lilanl<ot.s,llubea, imitation Pemiftn Latub Oyats (or diivinif, > ;Wlii|)a, l<Biihe«, Combs, Brush- ''^"„8,_ » lljijia ijtoek of â-  cWttao gooJa just ill' Trunks Rtid Valiijen fur tiavellei'i. .Q«t your harneaa supplica from â€" Wm. IV500RE flesherton. Blsimcss Cards â- ,rOUL,LOU«H & YOUNO «t Hanker Maihilalo Jo a noneriil banking bu«inu!s. Money loauoo a ruasuijublu rate C.iil on us. I'o.,tina!itet, Floaberton lyonimis-iiouer in II. O. J., AuctiouoBr Con yevaneer, AppralBer and Monov Leiuier ileal Ustato ami InBuranco Agent. Dooilfi ir.ovtKaKeN, leases and wiUa carefully diawu up ami valuations made ^ju f-lon-tt;sl netice. '.ncney to loan at loweHt vales of inteveBt. t'ol I'tioiia attended to with promptnesB eliari-'es low. Auunt for Ocean Dominion Su.amsbip Oompauy. A call bolicited. R. Kinnear & Sons â€"MAX W ELL- Tako this opportunity of ihaiikiiii^ thoir imineroiis cus- toiiici.s nu(i Uie pul)lic in {.gen- eral ft>r their very liberal pat- I'onaf^e during the past year and hope for a continuation of «hc Hame, and that their con- fidon;io in u.s will he incroa.sed to the fullest extent. AVishing you all a happy and prosporotia Ne>y Year, yours very truly, It. N. KIN NEAR & SON MAXWELL Societies * O U W iiiootB 01. tho last Monflay 'T in oaon month, in their Uhiru room, ilhristoe's block. Kloslievton. at 8 p.m. M.W., \. Harrison ; Itueonlor. .las. Kidstead ; I'ilian- .•.ior, W.J. llel.amy. VlsitiiiK brethren ii.vited, DKINC13 AUTHTU I.OPIJR. No. tw.-). A. t A 11. moots in tho MaHonic hall. Strain's block. Kieslurtoo. aveiy Kriduv on or before Llie full luocn. f H W Hickling W M. Chas Alunshaw, Betrutary. flDUHP l-I,r,SHKHTON, I. O. F. nicetii in ^ (;hrmtou'» lilock tho last Frida\ BVeuiuR each month. Vliitlns; Forcstein heartily vnlenmo. (IK.. ('. W, I'.ellnmy ; li. i'.., W. Uu^kiu : Fln.HecDr K. Murray. (Pay diuB to .Ui!.14urriy on or b^oro last (Jay of^ach inonthi. " . ' ' ^X ' ' 1 ' .Medical On cARTF.n M CP A H Ont. riiyBirian, Snrpoon.eto i);!iua am; residoucuâ€" Peter st , Flnslierton nil. A. T.HON D f (liadiiatA Toronto Univorditv. Mem- ber of Ontiu lo Collet!9 oj Phvuielians auil fiur- iie;'ii(i. Maxwell. -On', rtuceossor to Dr. Bcott. I l> OTTHWF.LIi ' Voterluary Burgeon (irartuate of Ontario Votorinnry rolloi;e. â- erfniuiico â€" B3coiid door south west on \lar,i street. This street runs south I'lesbvtnrian ('bur«U. H WILSON, Hlacksnillh • Iraduata of tbo Voiarlnary Scionce association. Uestdetiee, Onrbani street, up- puBito Koyd, Hicklii.n s bardware. Legal f UCAS WKIGHT ft McARDI.B u Karrlnters Solicitors t'oiiveyancera, etc Onice»-Ow«u Sound. Out snd MarkrtalfiOnt. W 11 Wnioirr, MuArdlf. I H Ldcas N II -Flesherton office, Mitchell's l>auli •very Saturday. Dentistuy DR. R C. Ml'RPAV, T,, P. S, <1prt»i enrpenn honor arsdiiato of Toronto University anil llovftl CoUpu'e of Oental S.n-tieoiis of Ontario. OfT'oâ€" Opposite ArnistrnnR's .lewelUry Storn. Will visit Msiwell thiilast W.i limx lav of eaih month and Uuudalk 1st »nil :nd Thursday of OAcb n.outh. headache: ! N«ur«lgis and NsrvmiaiMSs cured quickly by A I A Y HARMLISa HtAOACHC AND '\jl\'\ NEURALOIA CURK. Nrt h«sit fitprcssion. Grntlssl c«re over disoiverej. Tsks no o(h«r. loc and s^c. All d««ler« ur dinct from Au*Ti«ftU>. I>un.u«, Out. Umxy tiMk t( Dot satisfial Wedding Bells at Kimberley MAUTIN-CAMACK A very (n^hionable home wedding took (ilace st the home of Mr. 'I'luis. Ouniack. when Ilia eldest dauuhler, MiHsBtlitd Annie Camack, 'utis united in the Uw'y bonds of niatriniony to Mr. Wm. J. Martin of Kimberley, Promptly at six o'clock to the utiain.'i of tho Wedding M.irch, beautifully played by Misa Alma Camack, sister of the bride, tliti biidal iiarty entered the pailor, i;auBBd an evergreen hioIi beiiulifully decorated for the ocun^ion, while the \KKiS. Mr. Wass tied tin- nujitiiil knot The brido wits attended by hersi.ster,. Miss Olive, and the jirooni fvas ably sup- jidlcii by his brother, Mr. Fr. d Martin. The bride was clii.rnungly attired in a white silk bodice «iih stole collar and blue Venetian skirt. Her Imvelling .'iuit was of blue venoli.iri cloth wi:h bnl to inakli. Tho bridcsm.iiii's attira vr la n wliite lustre liodioa with fanoy silU-i collar to match with black cloth hoins^juii .•^kirt. After the ceremony iheyVflidal party accompanied by some .sixXy jjucsts repaired fo the diiiini^ room -^ hero a very fa.shionable Wfddinj; dinner was spread wiih all the doliciVcieK of tho .su.tson which speaks volumes for- the hostess. Miss Alma Camack. ;' The presents were cOHlly and nwineious which show thg eituem ill which' tin yoiiiiy; couple' are held. T'.ie !»room's fjift to ihe bride wa'5 a ;riilil (vatch cliain, to the briJcsmaid a K 'id brooch. The music of the evenino w;is supplied by Mr. T. F Wilson, of, i.n his nmst up-to-d.Tte Edison ^rainoplione. The services of Hhicli wore e.-<pecially secured for the occasion aind which rendered excellent lu'isic. After an enjoyable evening had been spent all returned to theii' respect- ive homos and, no doubt, the evening will be a bright spot iu tho memory of all present. Those from a distance were -Mr. and Mrs. Honaon, of Uedwinjj, Mr. and iMis. .lames lleekie and daughter, Agnes, of lleatlicole, .Mrs. Dr. Park, <.f Fovcisliain, Mrs. Linley, ot Maxwell, Miss liall, of Clurk.,biir.,', Jlias Martin, of Fever.diani. The happy couple left the following day lor Markdale, where they will spend some time visiting friends prior 10 their takinj^ up fuiniing un their farm in Artemesia Tontisliip. Tho youuii coujile will bo at honiu to their frioiidi on Jan. loth, 1U05 PAUKEK-UU.NTEU The luiino of Mr. antl .Mrs. John Hunter was the scene of a very proity wedding on Thuisday, Dec. 29, when their only dau'.;lit\r, Emma Oiivo, was uiiiiod in u aniaoe to Mr. Charles I'aiker of Bniytcm, North Dako'a. I'roniplly nt (1 o'cl'jck, to the strains of the Wedding March, rendered by Miss Lizzie Webvr, the weddiu^; party eineied the parlor, whicli was ra>)tefu!ly deco- rated, and Itev ,1. I!. \N'as< perfornu'd the ceremuiiy. 'Ihe bi ide>nudd was Miss Claia llurd, while the yioom was sup- ported by Mr. Korniaii Culbeilson ot Toronto, cousin of llio bride. The brido was haiidsointly attired in a white silk bodice with all over lace yoke benuiifuUy .irranged with fancy lace irimminK anil dark blue skirt of ladies' cloih. The bridesmaid was attired in a cream voillo bodice wi'h stole collar and black skirt. After tho cerenimiy the wediliiiji party with about forty yupsts repiured to the dinitio room where a delightful wedding tea was arraiige.l with ell the delicacies of tho season. The presents were many and beautiful, slioning tljo esteem in which tho young bnde is held. An en- joyable evening «iis fpent with games and music, after which all rcpuired to iher respoctivii hotuep. .\ iiuiiiber of the Kroom's friends weie unable t'> be present on account of the wcailier. Mr, Parker and wife w 11 leave for their new homo in Di^kota early in February. We jniii »i'h the many friends iu wishing them A bng and prospeiuua Vi<yat;e through life. â€" r !â- â-  Arnottâ€"McCallum The liome of Mr. and Mrs. Klward Mcl'alluin, 41 h line, was the scene of a Very pretty wedding on Wodnesday, Deo. 28, when their eldest daughter, Annie, was united in holy wedlock to Mr. Samuel J. Arnolt of Wareliam. 'I"he weddiiiu ceremony wna {.xirforim d by Kev. Mr. Hallantyne of Maxwell, uuJer n beautiful H>ch tsatvfully dioorated with liolley and roses. The bride, dressttl in an artistic gown of white ori;andie, with veil triinmed with orange blussuma and carrying while loses, wax attended by her kihter, Mn<8 Alice McCallmn, dressed in white and carrying lilies of the valley Little Miss Elsie McChHuiii of Turonoo, Hs il jwer girl, played a very piouiibunt |>nrt and added a charming feature Uf the pretty eceiio. Mr. Albeit Arnott,brother of the groom, acted the pnrt of bust man. About thirty invited guewts, near relatives and in'imatit fiie:.d», were pte-ent, and witnessed the formal lite whicli made the happy Couple one. Aft.-r the ceiemony il.e company adj diriifcj to the dining room, where a suiinlurms dinner was served and much enjoyed by all present Tho brido was the recipient of r..nny valuable pre.<i,'n'8 from her numerous friends. Miss McCallum was a aj(»;^ral favorite Hiiil will ho much n.i.<st,?( j,, tne social circles of M.uwelL/^' W',. e.xpre.-is the wish of a h'St of fe^jiJs i„ »j,|,in., the young Couple a^, J,, hapjiy welded life, y Defective Glasses. I TH^'ADVANCE J n ' â- ' I ^a et. I S .vjiJiirSii'.L % |(U s ! •J '^ "'^ .•?• ! n's havo arrat\E''â„¢'<e"'! "''"^ TH •i-'mld Publiablng Company, of Moctreaj. •>l:o.-sby wo are eualjled to i'.M 'i'l.« The eyes change, examine your eyes free, and will only recommend a change if absolutely beneficial. E IV E L E a A M '^ O PT [« i A Jii. FI-KSMCRTOfl.;'. â-  bs Ilea lii& iia ft.^ K.^ B-& £»i I NEW RIGS Fleskartpn Livery Stables . --ri^.' -1. â-  â-  -' - --'â- .-.T'' â-  Good Horses ^I^Sfl- ' -- ^^ Ter:nsLow Wmfs Wm^ -^.^- WfelT . â-  V>» ---;s ^-ja Walter TajJor - -. P.'-oj)rietor h T!io ''Magazrne-Newspapor," R^^ r^ To Subscriher\ Cl iZL to This Faf^or ^\ho pay their aubscrlpUous in advance for f.,e ^'oar. if >ou are in arrears, send In tha ainouul t'ow Cue, with $1.00 to pay a year's subsorii;^ iloii ill advanLC, and we will send you abso* fcuciy free The Weekly Moutreal H«rald foe jiu^ year. If your subscription has not expired, you rr.iy reiuit $L00, r.iid \vg will extend your •'ub.'--t ription one year, and send you Th»» t/.-'-'kiy Montreal Herald for one year. If you aro not now a subscriber, soad li. 11. ('0 now.- and this paper and Tho Weekly Montreal Herald, two dollar Q«Wipap«rs, will bo stmt for $1.0(1. This is THE GREAIEST DOLLAR VALUE liver offored by any Canadian newspaper Tlie V.'ceUly Montreal Herald, the "Maga- i!r.c-.\ow^ijapcr," is. without a rival !u Can- u!;u Convenient in form, timely, interestlDg jiid liistruplive as to coutents, it is the '"ideal tuiwujmper." Coiiihiiiii:^ the best features of ilip pupuU\r in;tmzino--i. The Weelcly Montreal Utfia'.d in a weekly magiii-.lno and newspaper .â- ou!bincd, at the pflca of the ordinary new»» pHptr, ^i^^**;!^-^' so YEARS' ^^t-; 7 r^^ EXPERIENCE Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone 3e:uHti(f a sfcetch Rud description may qtilrkly a3oert;iiii oiir opinion free whotlicr no inveiiiton is prohabK- pfttentnble. Commontca- tK.usi»triotlyct.uulddutial. HANDBOOK ou Patents 8unL free. Olrtest neency fursocaruij; patents. I'jireuts talieu throutrh Muim & Co. receive sptxUU notice, without chame. lutbo A bandaoKiPlv ll!n!<trnted v?oo!ily. J.arcest cir- culation of ativ Hcieiitiflc jouruaJ. TyiMua, f3 a ye.-vr ; four months, $1. Sold byall Tiewflclealers. MUNN & CQ.36'Brcaawa,. ^BW YOlR Uraiicb Ollico, 085 F St., Washiucton. D. C. UHim FE4T11F.ES iJni« Cl?5RI^:EHT :.MU FA3E Lij[SIiC(fSiliDAi;SWERS Mm mi. HIGH CLASS HOUSEHOLD DEPT. PICTURES. . SUHOM FEATURES liLUSlitAIIGNS iND hHiMOR hm lifilELY NEWS The plu'o to ii^yt tlie bost Pho»o=* w at nr LMER's paoTOGUAPa OALLEUY. â- ::d'0 Tl e Weekly Montreal Ue.'-alJ n "raaga- 'itif-n'.vvauapor" il,t*i a.;i-e--Jla to nrndera oi .^e-y tliwia. Never a dull uuuiber tiiroughoui ..' yoac. The .ii!, $!.G0 fiRYOiR RENEWAL KOW .;.l SOI The V.celiiy Moa.ieal H lahl free, o,- .â- v.rlte new sf you a-.-rf not .".l.-.yiily a auli il.ei. .Tiiil te iM. ,.- '-oi .-.rel "Ijo Wee'ab' <L7Ae -^Hfancs, df'les/ie/'ti. SPECIAL ATTENTION We p IV Sjiecial Attention lo Copving and I'ldjies' pictuvci. Fi.turo fraiu- ing a siiecialty. Try us for auv kind of pictures and wd will promise satisfaction. Sydonliam street, Floshertou liSERARATORB ^^ 1^ have machine cut iCiVis unnino mi hali bc.irins{s, wlnon aro are always cimplitely covered' with oil. They ' have ' no Worm threails or any other coi»!riviince cau.siig needlu.s8 fiic'ion The â-  gt'tir wh''elsaroof high t;ride steel, pfuniittiiig reduciitni in theft' 'size ai.d' wi iyht. The suspension of the separator bowl ffUi ilia spindle saves a » L-reit airount if friction as (-onipired with tlio old f^hionod plan, uhich' the bo'.vl i.i Im'anoed on top of one <>t more heavy spindlos held ri-')dlv iu ' piisii n by two or even mn'o beariii«s. For close skimming I lie Melloho ia nnc.KccUod. â- - â-  , : ' WniTK FOR nOOKLET No. 3 S. ^&''4Mpii.s'iio*^*'€ flVipi lefes^i ! v.^?TT^ Vr^ Vjr'* V'*-^ vjr^ vrr^ v>-> I). MoTAVIi^H iii fi[iiiMii[ il For Fust (.^1 ass Uiiggij^'t, Carls, I'lcisnre and LmnVer \\ agon.i, cntU'Va, Sleiehs. \\ i kot';ias!>al< on hnml to ehooHe ficmi. ALSOHOkSE SHOEING ANi)(iENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and vu iraiiieo cliss woik We Vec|i on baml l*l"iit;ls and I'lougb re|vdr», ami also M«s,sey- llaiiis aiol Ni«')ltiii io)!iir'> fo'' bin l«r-(. Mowers, nil kinds of nni hiiie'V, a so 1' nj. r f'wiie â-  n K;in<l, » mbftti in town give us a call « ;5i Glasses ; exactly -s***11^ Xri^-TOT^-^ ,f* years ago â- â- '^* may be far from right ta-day. Y/c will } ?...: H 4 .«<Miita

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