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Flesherton Advance, 8 Sep 1904, p. 4

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SKPi'KMDKn ft 1004 THE F L E S II E 11 T 1^ A D V A ^^ C E fmsK^^ ^«WWWWWW I F. T. H I LL & CO. Of n«w styles in WW^^iWtf^V^ ]L<£tdLies, -tHis -week fox* your new Fall Crloves Any of these jilovcs may lie filtird at tlii" couiiler. Lacliru' Kiack Ki<l Ulnve.s, 2 ilmiie fiiKtnur, over kowu KfRHis, iDftiio liy R li'inliim KiTiPcli miimifiictuifr, sizis t') 7]. Urnuliir jirictj w«r (iOc. Very I^Qf\ iil)pcial at KJOKj Lailics' Fine Froiicli SueiUs Gluvis, Tewny's iiihUp. 'J'lii.s line in all iliu leadiiis blind- r, siicli as modes, liraveis, fawi-a, KfoyB, pcaria and lilack. A very f«tiliioiial>I.< mid an exce] lional j;ood I" ^^/^ wearer, size* (J to 7^. Very special at J--\J\J L«dic»' extra iiuality French Kid Gloves, Perrins reliable make, in black only, over-Hewnsoanis, Gns- pett finuers, 2 dutno fasteners, all sizes. Ckfif* Regular Talue.s $1 'Jo. Very tpecialat ^OL> Il4£i<iies, tKis week for* your nsiDU F'all If^Mrts 2.00 new Fall Skiits to make your Kolcetion from, is the dtoiy we have (o till, con.ssting of such iKi])nlar cIiilliH as all-wool brnadulctlis. box cloths, worsted Veneiians, Heather tweeds, fancy tweeds, hoineapnns and friezes, combined with the biij assoitnicnt of styles we are ehowing. Special prices ])redoniinate as follows : Ladies' Finn Broadcloth !Skirts, Fall ntjl-.s, beHUtifiilly cut and trimmed, all s.zes. Spec'slly !' ""'.!â- â€¢." -.v. â- V;;v.;;4.Q Q <&: 5.25 Ladies' Fancy Tweed Skirts, also pl.iin and'fancy homespur.s, made wi(h fancy stitched seams, pleated Rorcs, also fancy tabs and covered buttons, very . unique style, all sixes. Speciilliy prised yl K/^ at S3 DO, ?3.75 and TT. OU ^tijlish Creations in uac/ies' tTall and rV inter /jackets, V Wa are showing an early shipment of New .Tackets in the up-to-date styles, specially bought for early buyers popularly priced as follows : §3.50, 3.75, 4.50, C.50, 7.75, 8.50, 10 and 11. .50. It will profit you to see them. O^ SI^IECIAJL. INTEREST TO IVIEN IN TAILOR.riADE CLOlHINQ. A savins! of $2.. 50 to S4.00 on your new Fall Suit Owing to the Finlsy Smith fire in Monti-cal we were aljle tn secure from the Insurance C'linpanies a very larjje ktoclc of Fancy Worsteds, Scotch Tweeds, (Hay Worsteds, Vcnet'ans and Seri;es at a vor/ low rate on the dollar, hence the reason we ore alile to save you frcnn ^2.50 to ^4 on your new Fall Suit. The fi'llowing partially tolls the tale : In fancy Worsteds and Blue Worsted Ser(;»8 we are offorinn a suit that would cost you T O IVp^ Sla.oO to Slf) in the ordinary way for . X^- I iJ In Scotch Tweeds, Fine Worsteds aiid Clay Twills we are ollerin'j; you a suit that would "1 /\ P-\/^ y priced at §17.00 to 18 for -i-^:- tJV-' be reasonably pr In extra fine qualities < f line Worsted Scotch and Irish Twill, colors l)lack, liluo and dark i;rey, we areciFarinp a suit rciularly priceri at ?20 to }24 at 17. .50 to. .f 1!> Reincmbcr, we spenially invite iii.'.Dection, no need to buy. Best of Trimming?, always a Ruarantsed fit with choice of tailors. Tmnm MARKDALE mm}^ Arlcmesia Council Artcmesia CVuincil met on Saturday ccived and that he bo piid 615.00 being his c'linniisinn thereon.â€" Carried. Gib.son â€" Jlead.s â€" That the reeve's re- port on bridge over the Boyno water near I:.»t, .Sept. 3. Membei.'. all present, the \ y^^,^,,^ ,^^ accepted and that Nol lo Law- roevo in the chair. Minutes of August ' lettini -Carried. Gilisonâ€" -Boatâ€" That A. McMillan jreuco he paid §1 00 for ropairins; and the .Bcssion were read and confiimed. The 1 ^.^.^^^ j j ^^q ^^ .CollowiitK cnnimuiiications were read : R, I „„rij F. (o;non, rcqatdinc; closini' of 25 s'de and inspectiny the ro.ul, con. 11 iMcK.iy, Samps.m & Tel- 1 fj^^.^,,, g^^^^^j ^^^^ ^^^^.^j g..y qq ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ford, on behalf of A. Beatiie, cl''i'"".gl f„„,;,,,g^j f,,^ j^^jj^^^ ^^ lot 180, T. & S. $35 as damages on accouut or J«'l!>y»'g I u„„,l ihe same to be chareed to brid;.'e Iiii clover mills last wii.tcr by mad l'i^'"S j account. Carried. blocked by snow ; William Findlay and I four others, petition askiii!» fur formation of a union school with parts of <),-<prey i and Kuphrasiii, cons. 10, U, I'i, 13, 14.; Commissioner Gibson, re|)ort of his ward Mr. Georj^e M. Boyd, ex-^L I'. P , the The North Grey Protest. Mr. George M. Boyd, ex-^L I'. P expenditure for 1904. Bylaw No. G40, [ petitioner injaitisi the election of Mr. -A. to appoint anarbitiator in the matter of iG. Mekay, M. 1'. P. swore to the protest forming a union school section with parts particulars in the odioo of Lieut. -Col. J^. «if Osprey and Euphrasia, was introduced F. Patterson, K. C. on Thur.sday of Isst and read a lirst tinn'. The couf.eil went : week, says tlie Owen Sound Times. For into cominittc ou l)ylaws 037, OSrt and i the i-ake of the gond tiatne of N.irth Grey, l\; Ereede.'s Bui.ks of Clarksburg visitvd fiiends hero recently. Mr. Johnston ot lieaverdalo was in towt) last week. Mr. Ilutchisoti of Tni.stiofjc spent Sun- day with hi.sson, Mr. Thomas Hutchison, of this pl.icp. Miss Edna Bradbury spent a fsw days with Eugenia friends last week and was the gtiost of Miss Annie Hislop. Mrs. A Drinklo, of Detroi',, ted he parents Mr. and Mra. H. Hurd recently Rev. Hnrlburt, of Fleshortun, took ohavue of the si-rv ice in the Union church here en Sund.iy evening last. .\ large nnmherfrom hero are attend- iiV the exhibition in Toronto this week. Mrs. C. Knott is vi.siting friends in Owen .Sound at pres.-nt. Mrs. W. T. Fawcott, who had the mis. fortune to have her collar bone broken while viaitini,' her mother, is home again and is in a much improved condition. C40, Mr. Gibsoi\ in the chair. Conitiiittee roHJ and Mr. Gibson presented bylaws C37, C3.S an J dlO. Purvisâ€" Bestâ€" That b>law3 f.37, to «p|)oit\t rolleetois for 1!)04, (138, to levy rates for 1004, and 040, to appoint an arbitrator in the union school matter, be jiow read a third time, signed and sealeO. â€" Cairied. Gibson â€" Meads â€" That the jielition ol Wm. Findlay, U. Ferris, H. Coepor, T. E. Thornbury and Wm. Sample, in reRai" to forming new union school with partr <if Oapiey a'.id iMinhrasia. be received and tliat nil ap^rtrator be appointed in accord mice with the Public .School Act â€" Carried Gilison â€" Moads â€" That the claim of A, Doattio, niailo throu);h liis solicitors, for $35 for alleged damages caused throinfh deUyine hit clover mills last winter in Kiioi* blockade bu not entertained â€" Csr Gibsonâ€" Best â€" That the for the' sake of ad that is decent, for tli luipoofa purer p(dilical life in this pro- vince, The Times ho]ie3 that not half the 'jhaigus hare foundation. There are nl most ihreo hundred in .ill, two hundred and cinlily-seven to be exact, and they cover every political crime m the caleii- dir. One niomber of the ministry has Jragyod his name into the N irth Grgy oessp'jnl, while the Buffalo gang will add Kei.salioii to that memorable deafh strn^ijlo of the Ko?s admiuislration on •lanuary 7ih. The particulars are set foitli briefly in Ihreo hundred tyjiowrit icn jMges of foolscap. To index the ohBrij>"» no less than eight lypewiittin pages were necessary. Personal charges • .f a aeri.ius import are preferred against .Mr. McKay and his dis(iuulillc»lion is asked for. Neatly all his pr(uniiient pol- itieal workers are inenlioned m connect- ion with some cliargo or other. The pnr- reevn Lssiic I liculnrs are altogether too voluminous to orders as follows for work on .Sauaoon I even atteinpt a detailed sun ninry in this bridifu at lot 10, ." S.D.U. : .los, Furris (7.fi0, Wm. Meads $2.50 - (Carried. Gibson- -Purvis â€" That the followinp niscountt for (jravel, duly crtilied by iiverjeem, be paid : Wm White 8:i,'2.".« Tins. Acheson $2, Geo. M..ore $7 !>5' (iro. Clailc $2.40, ,1. A . Thoinpv.u ?4. .John Teeter t-T 4j, Pv. Akitt $1 u.'i, C. McMilloM f.3.50, William WiUon Jll.f.O, Thus, rslli.trtt SO CO,.J.n. vVatson $2.!».-|, Wni. Fisher, balance $4.20, and that the Account presented by James Fisher b* re- lurntd to him for particulars. â€"Carried. i sue. The trial pn.misos to be one of the most starting in the annnU of OntArio politics. â€" O. S. TiniOi. Ulmbcrlcjr Mr. J. S. Hull' and Miss Gertrude Cip-isr spent Labor Day in Meaford. Mrs. James McAllum of Duncan spent Sunday with lior daughter, Mrs. J. M. Frtsrcett, of this pUco. ^ Mr. John Gillespie Sunday at Oibson-rurvit-Th.t the reeve be ,,;, parental home in CraJRleith. paid W.OO for services re Sauxeen bridge ^j,, ^nnie Hislop of Eu«tni» is riait- JotlO. .18. D. U.-C.rrt«I. L.j, ,,iena, i.ero nl pre««nt snd ii the M '*diâ€" reit -Tliaf report of Comrn'r |8Uf«t of h«r c«>n(iin», the MImis Telia and OilieoD on hie w ni cxpenriilure be re-lidna UrKliiiir/, Fiesherton Sash, Dooi and Planing IVliils much labor a II (I ex â- we lave reop- onotl mil actory ami have just crectctl a dry kilu, which puts us in a position to fill all orders for ,Sash, Doors, Eraiues, I\Iould- ings,, stair materials and niachiiio work such as plan- ing and matching, .scroll and baiitl sawing and turning of every description. Our stock of north .shore white pine is coniplotc. We also carry a good stock of panel (h)ors anil sash and can fdl all orders promptly and will guarantee satisfaction to our customers in all lines of our and our prices will be found as reasonable avS any. Our Chopping Department shall have our beat attention. rirs. A. Wilson 1 W. WIlMn, Manafcr * BGYD, HICKLING & CO., -FLESHERTON, ONT. t\Xm^ or Erery day sees the arrival and unpackingr of of some new lines of goods purchased for fall selling â€" when our orders are completely executed we shall have ihe most complete anil comprehensive assort- ment, in every department, we have ever shown, and notwithstanding the general advances in both woolen and cotton goods our prices will bo found IlIGHT in every instance. ^'euf .jHrrtuals Xew Fall Suitings New Pantintr.s - .,,.• Tall Unilerwear ' . ~ Fall Caps F'all Hosiery "'' ' ' ' ' ' " New Wrappcrettes New Cloth Skirts New Underskirts New Mantles Lustre & Silk Blouses laraware Department THRESHERS SUPPLIES Belting I.ace Leatlicr ]>elt Punches Machine Oil Cvlimler Oil Threshers Oil Cans Packing Threshers Mitts Eye Goggles " Lanterns Have you all the dishes you need for thivshing time? Cur China stock is full and complete iu all househcid lines. School Children's Eyes Supply InteUect ^^^^ Defective eyes stunt the mind Can you expect fair progress in scliool or succ^oss in business if so handicapped? Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department. W. A. Arimstrang, • EWCLCn AND OPTIOIAN FLESHERTON. C. E. Noble, DUNDALK D«al«r In ^ General Hani ware. Head- (juartors for best gooils at bottom prices, Locks, Knobs, Double Diamond Cdass and all House and Barn Furnish- ings. Best Portland Cement always ou hand. Eavctrough and Furnace Work a specialty. AUo Roofing and Metal Work C. E. Noble. StUNDALK

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