''W^'^^W^' 8KI>TKMnKU 1 1004 THE FLESH K II T N A JJ V A N C E ' 4 The Markets. Carefully Conortftl E:i<li WccK OlilH •^'•» 10 '») IVaH.. til) to (12 JUrlcy 4i) to '1:"> liutttn- \-'< 'M y-} Eid({H f 1 ishIi 1,") t.i ir> Wool, cbhIi U-> U> \7 Hiiy to G I'Ti f'otjitoos biiii 75 to 7i> Our Clubbing List J H") I I 80 j l.HO •Advnnci', *Hoial<l .'ukI •Tor.iiito W'mlil, daily Toronto Daily News \V.M,kly Clubu WmI Kiiipire Faimly H.-n.ld .t Star 1 .><l) Toiuiiti) Star I HO Fmiiicts Sun J >"' AH aliovD [irifos iiioludc The Adv.iucii ,unil Woiitni^.l HeraKl, if paid Mi ndvatKMi o;ily lO.irly KuUsci-ilieri* gvt; licst value or thi'ir un'tii^y. You know the medicine that makes pure, rich blood â€" Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Your mother, grandmother, all your folks, used it. They trusted Sarsaparilla it. Their doctors trusted it. Your doctor trusts it. Then trust it yourself. There is health and strength in it. The Fall Term IM lllll "ill l,c-iii'Mi, Tlll'KSDAY, SEPT. -ttli, 'J'lio lai\'t! ri'MV witij;. iio«' l)eiii^; built t.i ihu Co1Ii-l;i! will l)u (Muiiilctud and fun.i.sli- od dtuiii<4 tlio holidays and will bu oi«!iifil on that d;ili'. Tlu; .NdiiIutii i« tlUi '"I'y ''"'Il'^'i' iu Canada niniinn a Onlliif'O Inidiiiiij;. The new win.! will iirovidii accoi'minuation for IDO ni'To stiiduutt. Smid for ciiejjl^r duHcriliinu' our courses of study, wBloli are, liosinrs.f ('i/ur.<c', Sbortliand and Typuwriiiii'.; t'ourse, Preparatory (,'o'.ir.se. A dress: C.A, Fleming:. Principal OWKN SOUND, ONT. Durham Bull for service Till! Hosiistcicil Diirliaul Hull, -KING EDWARD-' Iiii|i.. will F.taiul for Bcrvu^t '^ti lot K). S.D. 1'... for I'JOl. KiiiK lOflwfU'l iH ftJork re-i.^ooitl-Oftvy boiic mjd iiHisdc- fiii'l WMll dcvuloitod. Hn tB iu only fall Kcrvicealjlo (;oriililiiru uinl will lifi tlin lifunj at twenty- two liiilidj-otl lbs. aud in Jet iij hot twu-yuar-old i-hiH^. ri-.uiGRKn Kilie Kdiviud rerl. calviMi .\pril Idtl). Iffll.lircrt 1)V .''Jloi YoiiiiK TilLioluiKF, Maivcilltol, So it- )and. iuip"ilij 1 ill miliii in llttil) V»v CIIkiiIhh Hanliiil. Wvpliriili!!'. lUlt.. K^•t hv Sc.ittisli i'rhici;7-';"li:l, ilaiH ItoTlinitdv Kosu. ijii]i.. ;!K'^m7. !)v Alan (iwvniii- niiiai'.i. U.'d li'jsi! by I'oiflaii.i .,it('liii:y l;l!72. Hosiu '.'iid by I)..cloran'dl!. Konlo liy l^ieiit.-muit b-«l.l. .lilt Utli l)y .Albert .Vl-'fJ. .lill ir)tb bv orn vofiid li'.-uil. lioiiKJdtj Clttivt liv Vermont ITIWI.I'boia liit u\ UiikollHU'i, Clarft In' Scarlet Vflvot li'Jiii. I'-arbani bv t'liriviUlHd ):ill::il, iMibi ilu bv 'Ihel'iuha 7fil'.i. Con-iis by Silirt Hllku of Noi'liumbo. land ;;i;ir.. N'oia by flllery olal. Kunlv In- S-'ilb-ry .01.11, Klisa by 'j'ount; Wc-^ioin Coioet l.')';."!, l....iv luttv bv Dianioiiri v(i.j,Hutfy by Favorite "J.iO.by Chaise's Itud Hall imil. Ti:ilM3 Tlioroticlibred oou'o SI; cradBn Sl.,"in. Ml â- payalilo Ifit.binuary. IthJ.J. (!.»w.h soi vnd bv tbir; iiiiinial and not- rcturiu-d vs ill bu culluetud fm- wlicther ill calf or not. W . J. MliADS, CoTlon.Ont. Fiesherton Harness Emporium. SPECIALTIES tor the Seasonâ€" Fly Nets, Dusters, Stable Stieets, Hoof OiP,trrier|t, Curry Ccrribs, Brusl^es ai\d Binder Wl^ips, Gloves for Inarvcstcrs arid Tl^resl^ers. TruriKs arid valises aUvays on lian: BINDER TWING-RcCorrnacK. FxanQire tlr^ls twine aqd yuU v.'ill buy. » I A K N Ef^S M A.NT.7 VA CTTJ I^ 1 N C. Ill till Its ljrrtin.:Vie.s, ^x j^i, m: O O ]R E R. Kinnear <& Sons â€"MAX W E L L - Will .sell thn re.st of their SUMMEK PRINTS lit H cents to make mum fur new ^oot\» just «.• ar^ivin)^ ,,, We will civu » lt«c of many of our guilds in noxt iuue. •THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES jwiid for BUTTER i»nd FRESH EGCiS. â- " â- â- 'â- â- !â- if. * I Watch here next week ^o" "I unfTorod terribly from IndtRCStlon and tJitn blood. I fouinl no relief until I tooU Ayor'i Samaparllla. Kour butties periaa- ' Mua. F. R. Haxt. Mt, Ki«co, N. Y. [ in.OOabottlfl, ' AlldriigcUts, for J. <i. iYnu no.. A, ^ Rich Blood ~n^-MJUIMSSU Ayer's Pills are a Thoy greatly aid tfii ;ently laxative, e Sarsaparilla. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMEN A choice lino uf and Baby Carriages 6o=Caris Ju.st to hand. The late.tt lliinu intheao goods, and l.nv in prico. Corqe and see Tlierq. / eillSEClESIIUIl EEPISITES SCCH AS New Shades, Cui-tain Poles, Fixings. W. H.~BUNT Furniture Dealer, Upliolslerer and Undertal<er. I-LE5HERT0N ONT. B(;siNE,ss Cards »/lCULLOUGf[ & YOUNQ ''-'• Hanker Markdalo Jon ftoneral banking buhinoHH . Moiioy loaued a reaftouablu rate Call uii uti. R.) SPKOULIfi ro.stma3ter, Kleshortou t.onuniflslouor in II. i;. J., Anrtionr'er Con- voyancur. Appraiaor and Money Lender Heal ICytato and Insurancu A;^nit. Deeds niort,i,'flKeH, leasoB and wilU rtirefuUy drawn up and valuatlouB made on Pbortnat notiee. iiieuiiy to loan at lowest rfttess of intciost. Col LM.-ii.iiid attended to witli promptncfty eliai-iie.s low. AKont for Ocean Dominiou S;«amBhip Comiiaoy. A call 8oliciLed. Societies A U W niootB oa'" tlie last Monday " in Often month, in their l<Mi(,'e room, t'brlBtoB'9 block. Flebhertoii.at H p.iii. M.W., A. IlarriMoii ; Kecordor, .laH. I-'eiHtoHd ; Finan- cier, \V.,J. Bellamy. VisitiuK brothreu Invited. pitlNOK AUTHTU LODCiK, No. :«3,A. ^ A ?,f , nioets in the Mawonic ball. Strain's bliick. i'^lefiliLrtou, every Friday on or before Mio full looen. F H W Hieklihg W M. Cliaa MuUHliaw, SeeretBry. COUhT FLESHEKTON, I. O. F. meets In fJhrlHtne's lllork the lant Friday evening fiftoh raoutli. Vi^ltinR Korentem lieartily •â- elcoino. C.U., v.. W, Helliiuiy ; U. O., \V. HiiHkin ; Fin. Hon., Ur K. Murray. ( Pay duBR to Dr. Murray on oi* before laat day of each month. Medical nn CARTEn M C P * 8 Ont. I'hyeielan, Surgeon, oto t)Ulce and rosldoucoâ€" Peter at , Ploshertou nil, A. T.HON D â- ^ Graduate Toron to UniverHitv. Mem- ber of Ontarin ColIe(.'o ej FlivBiciianfl and Snr- t^ociiH. Maxwell, On', .SueeeSKor to Dr. Scott. Jl' OTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon (â- trartuatfl of Ontario VeteriTiary Collofie. reiiidoiico â€" Hdeond. door uoutli weHt on Marv .Btrent. . This btreet ruui soDth Pnishvterian Church. a WILSON, BlacliBmith "â- ' 'iraduate of the Veterinary Roience Association. ItuRiilence, Duruani street, oyt- puHite lloyd. liiokliiiij's hardware. Legal LbflAR WniGHT * McAUDI.E Harriatera Kulleitora Conveyancers, etc Oniceflâ€" Oweu Bpund, Ont and .MorkdaleOnt. W H WmoHT, McAHni.R I It LrcAs N IIâ€" Fleaherton ol&ce, Mitohell'i Bkok •vory Saturday. MACKAVASAMPSON .KarriRtern. rnlfeltom. OPFIOES :â€" Owen Srnnd. MerchRntR Hank Klook, N. of Patt«rRou llouae. Landalk aln Street, every Hhiurday. Klon«v to loan at 4)perc(uit. A n.MACKAV.M.A., H.B. SAMPSON, L.L.D Alwavt In attandanoo at Fleaharton and Dnndatk Dlviaioo Conrta. Dentistry D R. H C. MURRAY, I,, I), B, dental anrgaon honor (raduate of Toronto Unlverfity and koval OolUa. of l)«nt»l NurcennR of Oatarlo. OWeeâ€" Oppoalt* ArmatrnnK'a Jewellary Store. Will tUU Uatwal lh« Uat W*dn«HlkT •' aaah naoHtVi, and Dindalk 1 and I Tbandk* •f ajich a»Bl)|. A Chapter on Weeds. Weeds not only cause ti great I ul <jf uiniucessary work and ann.)>ancH during tlip harvudtinj,', ihreKliinf; and cluaninn of (.'rain, but they t-ap the very vitality ft.dn I lie plantH or crops (jrown. Impure seed, particularly of urasaes and clovers, i.^ largely rospon-siblo for the alarming spread of noxious weeds, consequently it i.H alway.s advisable to sow the best seed available. Early maturin;,' crops, such as clover h.ay, can he cub before the weed seed mature, thus preventing the disiributiosr of yyecds. .Sunimer cultivation of the stublde land, fidliiwed next Hcasoii by a hoed crop properly cared for, will des- troy all the Weed needs sufliciently near the surface to jjorininate. To eradi';ate weeds it is iniporlant to know soinethiu!{ of their nature and growth. .Some excellent advice re;:ard- ing the cmninoncr varieties i.s given by Mr. Hiiupson Runiiie, owner of the gold medal farm of Ontario, Tjie Ca.n-aha Tiilstlf, anp the Pe.i- ENNIAL Sow Thistlk. â€" These can be en- tirely killed in a single season by a pro- perly worked corn or root crop. The main thing is to keep them from showing above the {>rouud. As soon as the this- tie is allowed to grow up and develop leaves i', commences to store away plant food in its underground stem and root:s, so that by the liuio it is in full bloom it will have storc<l sufiicient fond to live through another season, no matter wllat tultivatinn is given the land. \Vi:ere a .sununer fallow is resorted to there is no trouble in clearing the land of pcronni;«l « " 1 thistles, uilhor by alialhnv plowing or by using a cultivator with wide points on the tooih, going over the land at least onco every three weeks until August. Bi.ND Wkeo. â€" This is a perennial and one of the most dittioult weeds to eradi- cate. On account of its twining nauire and deep roots it can scarcely be killed in a single season, even when the land is in a hoed croj>. The only way to kill it thoroughly is with a suinnior fallow, worke-.l every eight or ten days with a bioad-shared cultivator. Coucu Grass. â€" To eradicate this trou- blesome iierennial it is advisable to plow immediately aftsr harvest, but not more than four or five inches deep, as the root- lets are near the surface. NVlien the weather is dry, the roots can be gaihered into nuv." by means of the harrioy and sulky horse rake. The spring-tooth coK tivator is also very ofteclivo in drawing the roots to the surface whore they are bo numerous as t.i block it up enlirely. The roots c.-llected should be allowed to dry and then burned. A well-worked corn or root crop the next year will help materially in subduing the weed, 0.\ KYK Dalsv.â€" The daisy is most troublesjino in pasture and sod land, but is not much Heen iu well-cultivnted tields. It may be gut rid of by seeding uidy to clover, cutting this heforo the daisy seed ripens, and plo'viiig up the sod after tbo first crop. Falsk Ff.A.t, PuiEo.N \Vkki> andCiikss. â€" .-^11 these weeds start to grow in the fall and produce seed the next simson. If fall wh«at be left out of the rotation, they may bo readily eradicated by tegu- lar suiniper cultivation after harvest, thus germinating and destroying the seed. Rao Wkkh.- -liy growiiii early matur- ing crops and plowing up the land itume- diately after the crops are ofif, the seed of the rag weed will be prevented from ma- turing, and in a few years this weed will be destroyed. Wild tlATs. â€" This i? nn annual which ii very troublesome in aomo sectiona. It is best to w^irk the land as soon as the crop is taken oil, thus encouraging the seeds to germinate. The next season a hoed crop should be put iu. The second spring the land should be sown with HUmu grain without plowing and seeded down to grass. If the land is left in sod for throB or four years mo.st of the seed will have lost its goriuiuatiiig power. WiLii Ml sTAKii.â€" Although only an annual, this weed is very troublesoino on account of the vitality of its seed". They may liv in the ground for years and yet, when brought t'l the surface, will gerai- inate. Thorough surface cultivation from harvefct to time of freezing up, fol- lowed by a hoed crop the next spring will largely eradicate inust«rd. It may also bo destroyed in grain erupt by spraying with a two per cent, solution of copper sulphate at the rate of fifty gal- lons to the acre. If the mustard plaut^ are in bloom a stronger solution will be necessary, say three to four per cent. Although vnly a few of the noiioo* weeds ar« here mentioned, if the above methods are earri<d uut they will destroy i at the same time acurcs of uihert of lea* imi>ortanc«. Death of l^aac Hawton Tlis following sketch of the life of 'he late Isaac Hi^wton of O.sprey, wliodied Aug. 12, 1)88 boun handed us for publication : His death was due to organic hear dis- ea.se, from which ho w.as a sufferer for a number of years, but it was only during the two weeks prior to his death that he had been- seriously ill. Mr. Hawton was born in r^otnwall, Kiigla!id,on â- November J 4th, 18I.J, and with his parents came to this country when fourteen years of age and settled in T.ruce Mines, where iii 18CG, ho was united in niarrieJ with Miss Susan Uunathan, who survives him. Mr. and Mis. Hawiou removed to Ofprey township thirty-six years ago and settled on li'lh line, where t!ie deceased lived and prospered until his demise. Eleven children were burn to them, -si.'c sons and live daughters, all of •.vboni, except the eldcit daughter, Mrs. J. R. Lush, who )ireceded him eight years ago, survive their father. Of tbo family, of the SOILS, Fred, Henry and Edward are married and live near the home.s^ead, while Ernest, Sanntel, and .\lfrcd remain at homo. The daughters are Mrs. Wai ter Rristow of Xottawasaga and Mrs. \ Brownridge of Maxwell. Mi-is .A.!ice and Susan reside at home. In religion Mr. Hawton was a Methodist,, being convert- ed when twenty-two years of age during revival service at Bruce .Miiie.i. O'l re- moving to Osprey he united with Buck- inuham chuVch, of which be remained a faithful member. He was most regular at the means of grace, ill health alone prevented bis ai tendance. Mr. Hawton was a con.sistent copsecrated Christian, a trtie friond, a loving father, and one who has left a fragrant memory. For a nnm- ber of years he has occupied the po.sition of cla.ss loader, steward, and trustee of the olMoial board of .Maxwell circuir,. The funeral took place on .Sunday after- noon from family residence to Bucking- ham oemetry, the remains being borne to to the grave by his six sons and followed by a largo conciunso ot friend.s and ac- cquaiiitauces. The funeral service was conducted by his p-istor. Rev. -Mr. Keuin, who spoke very feelingly from the text. Matt. 25 ; 23. "Well done g'ifid and faithful servant. Thou hast been faithful over a few iHiiigs, T will make thee ruler over many things. Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." To the bereaved family we extend our heartfelt ."lyinpatby. A^eaford By-faws Carried. On Tuesday last the ratepayers of Me.i- ford voted on a by-law to loan §:K1,()00 to a company to manufacture wheelbarrows, of ithicli Mr. .lames Cleland is pre."(idont, for thu purpose of assisting them to en- largo and vxlend their plant, which Itaa been on a small scilo there for some time. The bj- law wis carried by a lart;e majority. Over IQO men will be em' ployed. A by-law to raise money for ex- tending water mains and improving the j pumping plan t wat also carried. ' An exchange truthfully remark.i 'that a boy who haunts the stiects after night- fail withaut bus;nu.ssor permission is cul- tivating a dkUgerouH habit. Any place where a boy has no busines.'! iti a dangerous place fjir him, whether it': is on the streer, in the store or elsewhere. A buy chat is alright likes his borne, friend:*, books or newspapars in pieferonca t-3 the cla.sa found on the streets without busiDe.s.s. IS'.isiiiess men of all kinds look upon the boy loafer as the dead 'beat of the future. *^ ; 1^ 6 NCft ADZ tV!A?^K3 Copyrights Ac. Arvone peTulinj? a'kPtrh and acrcription ina:-' nnl<'!tl7 asf-ertatn onr r-pinum tret* wt>(jther ha iiiYoiition js prf>h«h)'/ t»ftieninhl«. Ci.ti-niiini)^. lions PfncMyf'^illdeittfa.l. n;irn;tii>olton P.U'jntd eciit frrto. ' M<l«>*it aconcy tur t^'^cinini: patent.*. rat.eiit-a tafcen throujrU Mvum A Co. roctslTO ti>€cuU T,otU^, w)thout crmrge. in the A hanftsomelr niiftrnted â- wft<-u:v. 1 .nrirost ow fijiaiioii '.t HT\y mtitinHile JonrmU. Tfnus. f'^ Sk T.-iir: fop.r luoiiUs, El- Soltl byull ne'ivfjtiotwart;, â- Ur.-meh Oltice. iMi F St.. Wi.jhvi-!...-. T> ' -%â- Small Farm for Sale. Tweutv-four acres, two aoros hnsli, n'-wbarn,. pfcaWi*. root Ijouse. fraiinj 'iwetlin-^ wiCh eoi-l cellar; siuhU orcharil ; wul! watvife*!. .\ bargain if taken at otict;. 'Ihtilot irf close to Fleshertoa Station. Apuivtn NOHLE L\WKESCE. Ceylon. y^' HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to get the best Photos is at BULMEU'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. SPEC1.4L ATTENTION We pay Special Attention to Copvins^ and Babies' pictures. Picture fratu^ ing a specialty. Try us for any kind of pictures and; we w:il promise satisfaction. I Sydenbaru street, Fiesherton WANTED A Local Salesman for FLESH ERTOM and sui rounding territory to represent 'Canada's Greatest Nurseries"' Newest varieties, ami specialties in Hardy Fruits, SiuuU Fruits, Shrubs, Ornaiiieiitals,anil Ivwes. A perumneiic sitiriiion, and territory re- served for right iiia',>, Pay weekly, Uand- souie (.)uttit fiee. Write for particu- lars, ami send '2u esMs for our pocket niicioscope, just the thing t" use in ex-' amiiMiig trees and plants for insects. Stone & Wellington FonthiU Nurseries (OVEU 800 ACKK.^) Toronto • - Ontari* have the separating bowl suspended from a hardpned steel spindle, which ^L revolves in a socket fitted with ball bearings. Ir hangs ipiite freely ail^ sy thus is not only practically frictionles, but cannot piLSsibly yet out of hal- ^^ anco. The gear wheels turn lui ball bearings, which are always complete- ^ ly covered with oil. For close skimming the Melotte is un excelled, ^ WRITE FOR BOOKLET No. 7 S ^ 3dbn H. f^eard, Fksfterton li[ filSiiOi (llililliGl Bllllfifi For First Cla.<w Buggies, Carts, Ploa,sure and Lumber V\ agons, cutters. Sleighs. Wa keep a stock un hand to choose from. ALSO HORSE SHOEINQ AND GENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and suaraniee firir cU.sh work. We keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and also Mawey Harris and Nitxon repairs for binders, Mpwers, »ll kinds of machinery, also Binder Twine on hand. « Olben in town dive US a call .j^ m