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Flesherton Advance, 18 Aug 1904, p. 5

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^â- " :%•â- â-  t:'^' TR E F L E S 11 E R T N A D V A N. C E .uGu-ST 1-8 1904- I' ,â- â- â- â- *• â-  i'?^,.^- â- ;i^.',^^ â- ..â- â- â- - :â- ;«â- ' r':|'^;'>' â-  -Js^'i^ â-  'â- ';â- '«â-  *^, â-  ' • « â-  Jlethodist Church KI.KSHEKTON'. J, B. I.WU.SON, B. A.,,B- D PodtOr Vicinity Chips €<inractcrlstlcs of the Past Wo«"k <;arefnily Suited for the I'liriMUS "â-  ' " Wantedâ€" lOCO cords liard wood, ICOO .cords si.ft H'ciod, and DOOO cords cedar, yuote prices to The Deacon Co, Ltd., Stratford. Mr. J. D. Clark of Ottnw* was ic town .jver Sunday. A uumbnr of bee skips for sale. Apply to John Shoppard, Flesliertnn. Mis. Carter ent«rtaiiied a number of ladies at an afternoon tea oq Saturdaj". Mrs. J. C. Wilson of Newca.stie is a guest at the parsonage. Mis3 Vera Whitten of Toronto i.s visit- ing wiih her aunt, Mrs. Bdward VVhittcn. Fur .salo cUeaj) â€" Ono uood working horse. 11. J. Spronlo, Fluahertoii. Mr. and Mi'i. J. E. FawoitS of Nor- way are speiuiing a fortnii^iil with friends here. For good clean seeil fall wheat, hub j'ear'.s arowtli, apply to Spsoule, Orosslyy &Co., Fleshenon. Fleshertiin public sohnol reopaned on Monday will) all llie uM teachers in their places. II. U. Oftmay, the man from Manitou- lio, is billed to address several political meutinijs in North Grey. The O. S. Times says early thre.^hed wheat in that vicinity is not a good .sam- ple. This complaint is, wo believe, â- pretty general throughout the county. For aala cheap and ou easy terms â€" One Noxon cotnbined seed drill, equally good IS new. R. J. Sproule, Fleshertoa. Building operations in Toronto have liieon suspended on aceount of the builders' laborers' .strike. For best Manitoba and Ontario flour, also bran, shorts, chop, wheat, oats, peas and barley try Sproule, Crossley & Co., Flesherton. Mi.«s Sat'ie McKecbnio of Owen Sound is a guest at the residence of Mr. David Dow. "'"Suminer Boots and Shoes goinu' at greatly reduced prices. Ladies Oxford ', Koing at from 7oc, to SI. 00 per pair. ^i^^luiue bargains at Clayton's. Mrs. E. Gaudlnjias returned to Flesh, erton after spending three nninths with her daughter, Mrs. J. Brown, Derby. Clayton hasâ€" TrtjnUs, ami Valises for .sale. .Mso the best kind of shoo pohah and dressings. Mr. and Mrs. R. Bentham visited Siughanipton friv^nds recently. The Oaprey voters' liit ia now in the liftiids of the clerk. The statutory adver- tijSement appears in another column, Mr. M. K. RichardKtm and his daugh- ter, Mrs. 1. B. Lucas, left on Tuesday fur Halifax. Miss Mabel Boyd returned from To- ronto, and Miss Ldy from Conn, this wttek. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Klijah Paul, Eugenia, returned home this week after spending three months with ihtjir bous in the .Korthwest. Mr- James Inkater of the 8th con., Opprey, who was recently injured at a barn raiaing near Wareham, has gone to Toronto hospital. Mr. Stephen Roy, who lives near Eu- genia, died suddenly on Monday. Hewas H man well up in years and was wotkimj for a ueiijhbor at the time of his death Master Ross DouijlaB gave a birthday uarty to about twenty little people ou Friday afternoon last when a jolly lime una spent. Miss Cornwell of Kansas City, a train- ed inirse, who ia visiting with friends in ihis vicinity, made a short call on Mrs. F. G. Karetedl lust week. Williamsforrt cor. Chatsworth News : Mrs. A. E. Gue-st of Flesherton, form- erly (if Williamsford, is visiting friends 111 this vicinity, Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd of Mt. For- at and Mr. and Mrs. Davi I Thorp of Conn spent Sunday with the families of Mesirs. John and VV. Boyd in town. Mr. T. J. Sheppard has been in Toron- to Junction for the past week or more superintending improvements to his newly acquired property there. Ho spent Sunday at his home here, however. The nwpberry season this yoar was lon^ and prolific, for which the housa- wiveaare duly grateful M othar smalt fruit* were a failur*. The township council are advertising elsewhere in this issue for tenders for a bridge over the Sauge<.n river at; Ban- non's to replace the cement bridge tniilt last Hummer and carrie.d away by the freshet this past spring. Mount Forest has a curfew which rings every niaht at nine o'clock, and all per- sons under 8i.xteen at once leave the streets for home. Flesherton is more lenient with their youngsters, many nf them beinsz allowed to roam at wdl until 10 and 11 o'clock. Rev. L. W. Thorn attended a garden rarty, at Riverview. on Friday evening of last week which was a aecord breakor in point of finatices. at least, the receipts amounting to 317"). There were about 500 people present. The gate receipts alone amounted to .?12."). The priz'-> list of East Grey fall fair will he i.ssued this week. Copies can be se- cured from U. J. Sproule, secretary. As 1000 copies are being printed there will be plenty to gi> around. The date of fair it Tuesday and Wednesday, September 2~ and 28. We TKitice by tile Hammond, Indiana, Daily Tribune that an old Artemesia boy is prai^tising law in that city in the i.ierson of Mr. VV. J. MeAleer. Mr. McAlecr ha.i a case on hand at present in which damages of liSOO.OOO are asked against a street railway company for th« total dis- abling of a little airl thrimgh al'eged carelessness in handling their cars. Mrs Matthew SpofTord of Ospivy died in Toronto, where she had been visiting with relatives. The remains were up by the evening train Mimday and, taken to her home near Fevorsham, pre- vious to interment. Dr. J. A. Cimkeyof Indianapolis, Ind., wag in town the fore pH,rt of this week. The Dr. has been visiting relatives near Prieevillo. It is six years since he left for Uncle Sara's pasture iield, previous to wliich.time he worked in a drug store at Di'.r^jam. The Sydenham Mutual Fire insurance Co.. has iisfs lariiest surplus of tvny purely mutual (ire insurance eomnany io^<Janada ; ha.s a large membership, is nianaaed by men of experience in the insurance busi- ness, rates as low as is co.isi.?tent with security, has a premium note one third less than any other company. Before in- suring call on or write to their age..!)-, v\', .J. Bowes, Markdale. Iscpt Mr. VVm. Hooper of Achfrson, Kas., is an interesting visitor here this week. Mr, Hooper was in business in Flesherton 21 years ago, and at that time went west. This is his first visit since le.isins;. He is now 72 years of age, but enji'js good health. Many old friends Iuto were de- lighted to shake his hand once more, and The Advance enjoyed a half hour's chat with the old gentleman. The electric sturms this summer have been especialijr destructive on barns in Ontario. In thin immediate vicinity the casualties have not been numercjus, but further south d6i..aji« of barns have been destroyed by the electric fluid. Mr. David Clayton, formerly of Flesh- erton, later of Collingwood .and still later of Sintaluta, Man., has agiin returned to rake up his business, harness iiial;:,()g in Coll ngwood. The Indian Head Vidette of two weeks aiio says that previews to leaving Sintalutii ho was presented by the A. F. ife A. M. of that t iwn with a uold locket handsomely engraved and a n'.ost flatterins; addres:;.. Rev. Ivisou Wilson occupied his own pulpit ill the Methodist church on Sunday after a four-week'a holiday in Minnesota" The evening discourse was a comparison of the moral status of this country with the locality in which ho visited. Out there, he says, tho people have basebal' mutches on Sunday aft ernoons. and divor- ces average one in four of tho marriages He dgns not think Candida is exactly a model country but it is far ahead of Minnwiota in ita observance of the, Sab- hath ai,id ill other moral lines. In a town of two thousand inhabitants the saloons pay a li<:en8e of 91000 and otit of this in- come the town pays for a wonderfully complete waterworks and electric lighting system. On the same basis of population ho says Flesherton would be eHtitled to three or four licensed hotels. We gath- ered from his remarks that he is not . a believer ip hi^h license or license of any kind, no matter what business interests might lie served. He was delighttid to get back to his labors here and pleased that his pulpit had been so well served during his^bsence. The Evils of Constipation Are Well known and th« next b«it thing it to know a reliable onra, Mrs. VV. Eddl^a of Stony Mountain Man. snys : "t>r. HamiltoD't.Pills are jnsl the thing. Th«y ;o righf t<> work at one*. I used Vi. Very Sudden Death Mrs. J. Es Marsh of Markdalo died very suddenly ai the Union station, To- ronto, while leaving the train on Tue.sday forenoon. Mrs. Marsh and a travelling companion left Markdale by the morning train Tuesday fii route to California on a plettaure trip. On the journey to Toronto Mrs. Marsh took a weak spell but soon recovered. U'lmn leaving the train at Union station «he suddenly dropped dead. Deceased waa a woman about 70 years of age. She was long and favorably know" as the jjroprietresa of the Markdalo house. A young man, nightwatchman on the steamer City of Collingwood, was drowned at Moaford on Friday morning last about 2 o'clock. He is supposed to bo the son of Pi.jbert Miller of Hognor. It was his first trip on this boat and, not knowing the wharf, it is supposed that he mis- judged the distance to the dock and acci- dentally jum|)od in and was drawn down by the wheel The crew of the Collin<^- wood spent, two hours trying to find the body but were unsuccessful. The body recovered later. The giivei-tiinent is helping Derliy township nut with a large swamp.<lrain- aga scheme whereby some .'MOO' acres of land alot]^ ihe Pottawatomie creek will bo reclaimed. The Advertiser says 37,000 has heim provided by tho Ont!u;-jo Government and the municipality inter ested. Mr. D. Chalmers has the con- tract for the performance of the work and has built a dredt'e of the dimensions of 56x20 feet on the creek hank a few miles south of .lackson, and about seven miles from town, following tho of tho stream. This dredge will be bet to work and in course of time float itself and deepen the bed of the stream from that point to Jones' Falls, a dislaiico of about six miles. A drain will be made running north and south across thij,;:'_tge tnvct of swamp land which lies in thai part of tho township of Derby, and emp- tying into tho stream about midway in the di.stance which the channel is to, be dredged. This drain is ty bo dug in tho ordinary way. Mr. Chalmers will have abotit thirty men employed on tho woj-k . An Owen Sound apiarist has supplied 300 lbs. of honey for tho Canadian gov- ernment exhibit, in England. Tho Schomburs.' radway is again pract- ically out of Some time ago the idd locomoiivc on the line broke down and the company then installed a gnsidine et:(iino in an old Metropolitan coach The arrangeiiivnt woikcd all righti to take thp coach out but they could not run back, and. as they have no means of turii- iog the sar at either end of the hue, it had, to be abandoned. The mail is now taken from Aurora by a lig hiied by the Company. VOTERS LIST, 1904- Municipality of the Township of Oaprey in the County of Qrey. Notico is huret)y ^iven, tliat I haro rrnir,Sinitt- od or (IcIiviTu.l to Clio i>Hisoiis luoution- ed in sections S ami nino of tl)a Viitiii'.i Ijiat Act. ti>»cu|iieR reiinirHii Ijy said atjctions to bo BO transiuitl.otl or delivored, of tho list tnade luirsuaut to said Act. of ali; persons appearing t).v tho Last Ituvised .-^ssoitBUlolit lioli of Lllo said .MioiJcipality to I>o uatitiloil to votoin tjio 8»iid Mtiiuijii>alitv at I'^.lectioi'K for MtMnltevs of llio L«tiis!ativo .-Vssemlil.v aii.l at Munici))ul E!ec- tious; auU tliat said List; watt tirsi, postfd up at in.v ollico at McLiitvro on tb« lUtll day of Auf;- ust, and rt'i;4aiiis tlicro for inspection. Kioctors a-'Q called upon lo examine the said l.ibt, and if any uinissicius or an v otliur orrors are fotuid Ihorein. to tako iuiujodiato proCHod iiiga 10 havo thn aaid urrors cori'octed aucord- ioK to law. Dated at Mclutyro tliis 20th day of July, A. D. I'jOl THOS. SCOTT, .Clerk of said Municipality. fSi,^ r,,^ i.rri.:?^-..-»-.-r»-. ^imo Q-oiting ^liort Now as tho time gets sliorter for our stay in erton we find we have niuuy line.s we want to clear out before going and to do this tlie knife has to go in deeper than ever. MEN'S and BOY:S SUITS oat very deep in price. BOOTS AND SHOES rnust be cleared out. LACE CURTAINS at tremendous bacgains. WALL PAPERS! We don't want them. A LOT OF MEN'S HEAVY RUBBERS. New is the time for a bartiain in them. Men's felt hats a. good stock yet to piclc from. DSESS GOODS co be slaughtered Men's winter underwear buy now and save nearly half the pries. We lijave a lot of Ladie.s Jackets we must clear. Our stock is in good shape and we are prepared to give you a good bargain in anything you want. We expect to be here for three weeks yet and during that time we want to clear our stock very low. We don t want to move anything. In Millinery we have about fifty liats to clear out and if you want a hat now is the time to buy. T. J. SHE Sproule's Block Flesherton iL^, ^fc. ^4>- jJ^ .j*^ .J^ -^^ -^h. -^, -Jfc. -^ .^fc- -jfc.. -»«.â-  -^^ -M^ t.^.^*^_ -*<fc. ^fc- -J"^ -*â-  -^«. -â- â€¢'. -.*â-  -^ - -A3, I DOUGLASS' FAR'F.AnED Hudson (Condition j3owder when used with any sort ef stock will alw;vys ^iroduco Tenders for.Bridge TaiidorH wilt bu reeuivoci up to tho 20th innt., G i>. DO. for the buiildin^ of ^tutio abutmenis for oridiie over thu Sati^oeu rivur at lot 160, T. AK. Kottd, ArlumGBiu. rihOi; and Hpecitloatioiia majf bo soec %t-the Cierk'a otHco. Thu loTvuatorany toudor not iioceBsarily ao' oeptoj. a5Mi« A. -MUI''. Ufovo. "•â-  " â- -- '' ~ ' " » • ' tr ~ - Fall Term Opens Sept. 6. S amihoB's.PilU. Price 2oc. per box. * , . ll . , . â-  v'A. A High Grade Commercial School. Strictly Brst-cliuis in all depiirtiuents. MagDiUcent catalogue free. V>'rit«./&c one. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Corner Vange and Aloxandar at|re«tp. Small Farm for Sale. Tw«ntyfoar aores. two aeroii bn«h, new barn, Btable. root house, frauin (Iwalltng. vtith Rood eallar; amall orobard : wvW watered. A barfalD it tak«D at ooM. Tbe lot ia does to Tlcibartoli BtatioB. Apply to MOBLK liAWBBN9B, CtTlOD, FOU .SAL8 AT. i HEDICAL HALL a> 25c. per pound or $1.00 for 5 pouud.s. CO $ We are just receiving a new supply of ^^ â-  . â-  ' I ;., School Books • # . for the opening â-  ;,; â- lit, y^. â-  I Ttie NEW PRIMER part i and f 2.:- Everything in school wants. Iff â-  -V; â- â€¢":..:'>' "fev; '^;v I Richardson & Son f I3RUOOISTS

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