^' N BRITISH RAIL RliCORDS I CURE THE MOST EXTREME CASES STONE m THE KXDHEYS CAK- NOT STAND BEFOEE DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Mr. s. A. Cassidy, of Ottawa, j Sunlight Soap will not injure Permanently Cured After Years your blankets Or harden them. It [ of Suffering by the Great Cana- 1 Y^'^ ^â- ^^'^ t^em soft, white and ' dian Kidney Kemedy. .^r)* fleecy. WON'-STOP KUN FEOM LONDOK TO PLYMOUTH. English Hallways' Rivalry in Tims Reduction â€" Mail Train's Speed. \ new record in raiiro.id tra-'i^l- liiisr has been estiblis!i':ci l.y ine C:ri at Western RailionJ di lireat iJritaiu. Ou July I a rf>j;;il.ir r.on- .sto[j daily train S'.;i . io; was estab- lished bitween the London terminus at Paddington and I'lymouth. The .lii.stance is 216 rniles, and the "Cor- nishman Limited Kxpress" is schedu- I ;-,*â- * | led to over the journey in each direc- ! Ottawa, Ont., iViig. 15 â€" (Special). ; The poor fowl rackles and screams, tion in '2I>5 minutes without a single I â€" While all Canada knows that , trj'inir to relea.se it.self I'rDin the line; â- rtop. Thi.s supplii.-s an average speed iDorid's Kidney Pills are the standard , this attracts the crocodile, who of 5.5. fi9 miles for the journey- This, remedy for all Kidney Complaints it darts at it and i?ul|).s it down The t therefore, constitutes the longest may surpri.se some [jcople to know next moment the raft hobs below the railroad run in the world, they cure such extreme cases as surface. Stone in the Kidneys. Vet that is The villag-ers follow the course of' what they have done right here in j the raft as it goes down stream, and j Ottawa. after a day or two, when the croco- | Mr. S. A. Cassidy. the man cur.'d, '' dile has wearied hliuself thoroug-hly i lis the well-known "propri..-tor of the '\v his strugri^les, they paddle out aiui i Inijou Hotel on iletcalf street. :ind haul it in. The crocodile conies, in an interview he .savs: '-Mv friend? - ush'ore without much lishtinfr. and is have been a !iartyr i ^iHed with ease. \ Kirlnevs for vears. ' ^t is verj- rare for a crocodile to rhov know that besides consulting ! escape once he has .swallow,.^ the ; U(^ Otvc^ (iiv^n.i^-uy KJiM OyUt^/U/d A^xyi^ M4iA vvod MlnriH^. 'U<(/ -^ -^ Bon-stop railroafj run i ; LONG HKL/D RECORD. ,jj Ever since the year 189H this rail- Pood has retained such a non-stop record, for in that year the railroad conipnny initiated a throug-h non- stop train from London to Exeter. 194 miles, covered in 3 hours 10 fninutes. Durini? the ' subsequent all know that I years, howo^'er, this run has been 1 to JStone in th fncreased to H hours 30 minutes, equal to an average speed of sX~ the b.-st doctors in the citv and try- i '^ait. for the hook i?oe.s deep into his inK- every >!ic>dicine I could think of . ^^o^''^^^ ^^^ _^'':;. '","s.':'.>:l''f»^'^ ,'-''P<^ M ^^^ USE â€" 'ISLAND CITY" HOUSE AND FLOOR /^^^p PAINTS Will Dry in 8 Hours. p. D. DOOS & CO., -M ntioil Tcronto, Vuiicoaver. miles per hour. In the recently in- augurated run, however, the time 1 1 was unable to get better, between the.se tw<i points has been j "Sometime airo a friend told me i BtiU further reduced by .') minutes. ; Dodds Kidney Pills wouUl cure me. | » increasing- thereby the averagi- syieed ' As a last resort I tried them and: _^njf,ng prizes recent Iv aiven bv the to 56.7 miles per hour. Hitherto they have cured me. I Leicestershire Agricuitiirul Societv is this railroad has not been able to | 'I could not imagine more severe , q,,^ q,- j^^ cartc-r who has worked make the journey a non-stop one I suffering than one endures who has beyond Exeter, owing to the absence | Stone in the Kidneys and I feel the of the water troug-hs between the | greatest gratitude to Dodds Kidney tracks from which to replenish the | Pills." engine's water supply. Now, how- j If the disease is of the kidneys or from the kidneys Dodds Kidney will cure it. is so soft thiit the brute's teeth have , ; no effect on it. longest in the same employ without returning home intoxicated while in charge of his team. Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Apples Let us bare your consignment of any of these artjclna and we will get you (fOcMi pcicea. THE DAWSON COM MISSION CO, Limitad Oor. W««t Market and O»iao*w« »ta.. TOWONTQ. ^ Pills ever, a trough has been laid down at Starcro.ss. between Exeter and Plymouth. Furtfnermore. the coal cajiacity of the engine has been con- siderably increased, and larger lu- prestige. Several of the through bricating bo.xe.s have been sup- northern expresses cover the journey plied, so that the oil boxes can con- every day between Grantham and tain a sufficient supply for the entire London, 105 miles, without a stop. journey. 1 Their present longest non-stop run is NOT YKT AT LlillT between Wakefield and London, 17.5} Meritorious though this run of 24n miles in 2tj5 minutes is. yet, if the necessity arises, the speed can bo con.-^iderably accelerated. This fact was demonstrated on May 9th last, with the N'oith tie-man Lloyd liner Kronprin^ W'ilhelm. On this occasion the train covered the distance of 216;; miles from the dock at Ply- mouth to Paddington in the remark- ably short lime of 3 hours 46 min- utes. The run, however, was not a miles, in .3 hours 10 minutes, an av- orave speed of .5.5.5 miles per hour. I eiT'tJy" c'litarrh, which noti-.stop, as a mail van Owing to the institution by the Hid- land Railroad of a through express between London and L^eds. the Great N'orthern. which also serves the latter town, is instituting a sim- ilar service, tiie 18.5i miles to be covered in 10.5 minutes â€" an average speed of 57.07 miles per hour. POWERFUL ENGINE.S. The Great Northern Railroad also was de- propo.ses considerable acce'e>-ations in Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reuch '.he <lisea.s--;il portion of the ear. Tlicre in only one way to cure deuiii.jss. and that is \iy con.stilutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an intlamed con- dition of the mucous lining of the Eus- tachian Tube. When this tube is in- flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hea.riiig. and when it is en- tirely dosed. Deafness is the result, end unless the iiidiLmmation can be taken out and this tube restored to its norr.'i- al condition, hearing will lie destroyed forever; nine cases oiit of ten are cau.s- nothing Ijul if the mucous tatched and engines changed at Bris- tol, nece.<sitating a halt of 3 min- utes -13 seconds, which stop. how- ever, was included in the time of the casion was Ij5.'19 miles per hour for connection with the Kast Coast ex- • pn s.ses. For this purpose mammoth i powerful engines have- been con- jstiticted. Thr'se are designed by the railroad en'jineer. are uf the coin- au inflamed : surfaces. \ We wii) g:ive One Hunflred Dollars for i ; any case of Deafnoss (causecl by cat- i '. arrii) that cannot be cureil by Hall's ; Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. !•-. .1 Cin:N'KY & CO.. Toledo. ! '. â- Sold by all Druggists. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- 1 pation. ' .-\. German chemist removes the nic- otine from tobacco by steeping the leaves in a solution of tannic .acid. The tobacco is then treated with a , decoction of marjoram to iinpro>e its flavor. LOWER USE BETTER P RICES ^^^ J QUALITY CAN BE HAD IN Palis, Wash Basins, Milk Pans, &c Any First-Class Grooar Can Supply You. INSIST ON QETTINQ EDDY'S. BUCHANAN'S St Margaret's UNLOADING OUTFIT ^ ,, %, WorU, ^eU both oa College, lOrOIltO. !<ta<*ks and in biirns, ^^ unloads all kindn of iiay and grain eitber loose or in slieavea. SendforcaUUog^Qtf to ILT. BUCHANAN & CO., IngersoU.Ont th.- whole journey, and the last HBipound ".A.tlantic" class, and repre- niiles of the run to Paddinpton w:js 'sent the limit of the dimensions of a covered at the rate of 79 A7 miles locomotive of the normal type in per hour. Un the occasion of the | Great Britain. They have been speci- trial run of the "Cornishinan Limit- i ally designed to work the lOust Coast; ed E.xpress." a new record w-as made between London and Kath. the 107 miles being coniijleted in 102 min- utes. The road, although not so level as that between (.'aiiiden and Atlantic City, is yet comparatively ea.sy. bat after leaving K.xeter the road be- comes more difficult. Especially so is the last .">2 miles into Plymouth, the track abounding in stiff gradi- ents, of 1 in 10. with numeroiis sharp curves, which uiilitiite considerably j e<l by against fast travelling. SOME KOTAHLE RUN'S. There is strenuous friendly rivalry at present existing among the vari- ous Knglish railroad companies to e.^tablish non-stop records. The Lon- don and North-western Railroad is contemplating the establishment of a through non-.stop service between London and Carlisle, a distance of 299^ miles. They have already made such a run with a "special," which covered the journey in .5 hours and 43 minutes, an average speed of 51 miles per hour. With their latest type of engines, however, this rail- road company could considerably in- crease this speed if desired. On the occasion of the Postal Congress at Glasgow last year, the train contain- ing the delegates, and representing a weight of 450 tons, was hauled o^er the 101 J miles between the two cities, both on the outward and re- tiirn journeys, without a stc^p, in 6 hours and 6 hours 5 minutes respec- tively, at average speeds of 66.9 miles and 66 miles per hour. MAIL TRAINS' SPEED. .\1 ready the boat trains running itowx Liverpool to London in con- nection with the incoming American mails, three of four times a wwk, cover the 1S".J miles in 3 hours route express trains kt .i speed vary- inar from 55 to 60 miles per hour. . with loads of from 3S0 to 100 tons ' behind the tender. The special feature of this type of engine is the length and circumfer- I nee of the boiler. The inside dia- i luetor of the boiler is ."j feet li inches, j an-' the length of the tubes, repre- ! seating the distance tjetween the I smoke-box and the lire-box. Ii5 feet 3 ' inches. The heating surface furni.sh- thc tubes aggrecates 2,,S0<') \ square feet, while that of the fire- | box supplies about another 200 ! square feet. The working stem pies- ' sure is about l.So pounds per ."Jijuare | inch. The two outside cyclinders '. measure IS inches in diameter by 21- inch stroke, and the diameter of the four driving coupled wheels is ij feet 8 inches. The length of the engine ' and tender is 58 feet over all. and ! their combined weight in working | order is 110 tons. i I was fJurod of painful Goitre by -Ml.VARD'S LIM.MF..VT BVAIUi .Mc MULL IN". Chatham. f>iit. I wa.s Cured of Inllammation bv ULNAR IVS LINTMKNT. :\IR'-;. W. W. .JOHNSON'. Walsh. I'nt. I was Cured of Facial Neuralgia bv IIINARD'S LIM-M!.:-NT. . J. H. BAILEY. '•â- irksdale. Ont. Tliere are forty-eight w-ords in the English language which have two pronunciatiiuis. " Bow." •invalid" are the best e.xuiu- distinct "tear," pies. For Over Sixty Vears lfBf< WlMRLOWs 8boTni.*'o Strup Iiaa b«efl a**** *l» mlUloiiaot mulh.?r3 for 'hfi- ohil.lreo wbila ta«tnms It»».oth«»the i;hild. solleu.- th,>«unu. »lJajiip»in, oarai windoolic. regalBiea the stomach »n.l howeU, •na "3 "i< beitrcmeilyfor Uinrrh.ini. l'wooty-e»o cents a OotUi Sold bulruniista throughout the world. B« jur* »n' ««k(or"MKS. WlHSLUiVS.SOOTKI.tO SYRur. ZJâ€" IW "My daughter is absolutely too voung to marry." snorted old Gold- irick. "Well, ' replied the deject.jd suitor, "what would you say to my taking her marriage dowry now and waiting a few years for the girl?" MALAY S'UPEESTITION. Believe the Crocodile Is a Spirit o£ the Water. Along the Malacca Straits the Ma- lays still believe that many beasts are sacred, and they are particularly impres.sed with the belief that the crocodile is a spirit of the water. Therefore, these ugly monsters are not only e.xtre*nely plentiful there, but they are so daring that they j make most of the waterways dan- \ . â- »,,^ . .„ I aged m tt.e Doats. I ^p^ j^^. jj^^^ purpose of making cheap gerous even for persons TTie Englishmen who dwell in that part of the country declare that hardly a week passes without the killing of a native b.v a crocodile. The brute swims slowly along behind the rude, flimsy canoe.s and dugouts â- l,-, (used there and suddenly .s'wilches his \m\ LKseoi Giirsii wsk t ens. TOYS FUOM STREET-PAVING. An ingenious use has been found for the discaided wood blocks with which the Loudon streets are paved. Sever- al toy manuiacturors now purchase all these blocks which arc not dam- process of being torn MEDIC.VL CON'VF.NTION. Delegates to the iUedical .\!«ocia- tion at \"ancouver can return through i ] San Francisco, Los .-Vngeles, Salt Lake City. Denver and the "Worlds 'Fair" St. Louis, by purchasing tick- ets sold to ;>aii Francisco, account Knights Templar meeting. Tickets on sale from -\ugust 1.5th to September 9th, good for return [Until October 23rd. with stopover I privileges in each ilirection. Ihis is jan open rate to the public, .is tick- ets are not sold on ihe certilicate plan, The rale from Toronto will i be S7'-'.2.j. Correspoiuiiiigly low rates from other points. Tickets : can be purchased going via Vuncou- i ver, returning through above cities. 'or \ ice versa. ! By writing H. F. Carter. Traveling Pas.'enger -\gent. Union Pacific Kail- road, 14 Janes Building. Toronto, Ont., he will give you full informa- tion. Beware '3i the man who freely gives ad\ ice. He probably wants to get I rid of it. Mlnarii's Liniment Cures CqIqs, etc, Bronchitis is the most fatal dis- ease in England, next consumption, and then heart disease, pneumonia, and scarlatina. Re-opan Sept. I2xh. A hig'n-cUiis reiiiientuil and day school for girls. Modern equipment. Specialists of European training a.Td of the highest academic and proie.s- sieniil standing in everv departni-ut of work. Foe hooklet applv lo MP..."^. GKOKGE DICK.SON, L.^dy Primi- pul; GKKHGE 'DICKSON. .M..-\,. Di- rector late Piincipal Upper Canada CuP.gei. I ' Dominion Line Stsamships MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. : 13- Moderate Rate Service. "£> Srt-'Jiid . a^M, p.i-M 1l„•-r^ ! t;r-.!\.--J ;ii 1 e*.: n- iniiiul. rt'tUcu on Ui'- >t...uiuer nc it;.- 1. h raci.- if *4<J to Literpocil. oi- #4J..']0 to Loll. on. Thipi fia.^ lo L!T..r[n,..'>l, L.in-ioii, <;I;ii*K"w -t Vief-n^t vvn SIo-'JO. For all [lurtu-n.'ft'^ ^PPb" ;<> itHiniacenl.-*. or DOMlNin.V I.l.VK oKKUKS, n KiuKSt. t., T ronlo, V. .-t. Sa«auieut .-^t . Montreal Fi.'U ^.Vi.K â€" BiU'riSIi COI.I.MBIA iurui..^ FL-tnlierluii it Son. lU-al I-Is- late. l*'inancijl iiiw^. Insurance Ageutd, havy .or .suie ui thi.-? fruilfiil and beau- tiful â- -•outilry, souio can-fully Tiiiiec^ed fal ru.-^ at rea.suti.il)tc [irirt's Send ad- flrcrta aiiii tx'C'jive particulars. i'«;inhor- ton jfc "-^on. \:> Kurt, ..,troet, Victoria. U. C. .agreiits fo- iSuu I-'ift; oilice. North Uriiish 'dc iletraiuile liisuranco *'o . .Sum Life ..\siiuranct: Co.. The .Viighcaa S.vnod of B C. Dyeing I Cleaning I For th* v«r7 bert lead 70U/ work lo lk« " IRITISH AMERICAN OTEINQ 00." L«ok for acttal In r*uf k>wb, of m«4 diraa*. Moatr«al,ToroaU), Ottawa, QacI toys out of them, tlwing to the fact that the raw material is piircha.^ed so cheaply the home jpaiuifacturers are in a position to undersell con- sitleiably the foreign competitors. minutes, an average spei?d of 51 miles per hour. Gther notable long-dis- tance non-stop runs on this system include Wigan to Willescen, 188^ miles, in 3 hours 11 minutes, aver- age speed .51.1 miles per hour; Lon- don to Stockport, 183 miles, in 3 hours 18 minutes, speed 55.4 m terrible tail around in such a way as to sweep the man out of the boat into the water. Here and there along the banks of the black rivers will be seen strips of white cloth and baskets full of fruit and rice, attached to trees or (1 " j sapplings close to the water. These arc olTerings made by the natives to | some crocodile that has his haunt per hour; Londi>n to Chester, 179 m.l'S. in 3 hours 33 minutes, speed .^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ 5t>.4: miles per hour. ^-^j^^. j^^j then, however, a crtKo- rhe Midland Itaihoad also have \ ^.^^^ becomes so ferocious and kills so inaugurated several noteworthy long ! ^^j^^^. persons that even the giipeiv non-stop suns. The record is that ! stitious natives feel it necessary to recently in-Mitutctl between London [dispatch him. Then they use an in- and I/PCtls, 198 miles, in 3 hours 45 lgeni„„g „„(! curious method. They m-nutes, spf<>d 52.3 miles per hour, i mn.ko a small bamboo raft about The Great Northern Railroad, [ three feet sipiare. nnd to this they which for many .vqprs has been con- ! attach a long rope, made of loosely- sitlered the crack fast railroad of I p|«ated cotton. .\t the end is a Great Hritain. but which has since ' huge hook, to the shank of which lost its reputation in this respect, is they lie a live chicken. a!?o completing arrangements where- I They set the chicken on the nift by it will bo able lo regain its lost I »nd shove it out into the stieuai. NOTHiNS KILLS JP LIKE FLY PADSJ ALLCaUGGlSTS'^J^ ISSUE NO. 33â€"04. Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder is better than other powders, as it la both soap and disinfectant. Paper gloves and stockings are now umde. When tinished they closely resemble wool in appearance. ; Miaafo'i Wimt Cuies tjluiithem, I MATlUilONIAL BKIBF.S. 1 Thc.v are trying very hard in the United .States to make peeph^ sjct; â- luurilod by departmental edict, though with what success as yet one (loos not know. One instaiue of this laudable design is reported from Pes Moines, in Iowa. In the chief post- ! oilice a notice has been set up in- forming all whom it ina.v concern ithut "in future married employes. land more particularly those with children, will receive promotion soon- • cr than those who are unniarriod." The postmaster declares that the .an- nouncement is made '-"n instructions from the Oeiier.Tl Post Oflice at Washington and in .accordance with the wishes of Pre?l<!ent Roosevelt. Ou si>!nc of the posfagi^stamps of St. Kit t.s'-'Nevis the authorities have depicted Cohimbus • gazing in'ently ' through a big telescope. .\8 a niat- I ter of fact, telescopes wore rot in- venlwl fill over 100 years after Col- (umbus was born. i Mrs. Stayathome â€" "I told my cook I the other evening to get things mi.x- I ed for the ciiiie I was gtnng to I make." Mrs. Gadaboutsky â€" â- Di.l *b I do it?" Mrs. Stayathome â€" "Ves; she had Some things mixed all [right." Mrs. Gadaboutskyâ€" "Wliat j were they?' Mrs. Stayathome â€" "My instruct ion'5." %\m^\ Liniiiient Imi Mmm^ . ..\utomatic machines, to be called I 'E\erybody'!) Doctor. " iire ii, be I placed in the boulevards and princi- â- pal thvjroughfares of Brussel.s. By 'putting a penny in the slot one will 1 be able to obtain a renie«fy and also j the prescription for such ailments a.i ' sick headache, cold, lumbago, and I toothache. ^ A Sxxtntner Cou i.a the hnntm kind to s^et rid of and th* uiiiiit tiangttrou;^ kind to nci^iect. SKiloK's Consu-mption Cure T::;ic'""^ wi'.l cure vou quickly and gurelyâ€" »*»P the fever, KtrenRtlieB the liuigs aaJ m.ikc you well aKaui. At ail dniintirt*, »6c. 30c aiid 11 00 > hoUit. _ »'l