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Flesherton Advance, 4 Aug 1904, p. 6

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TTT ^m ^ Riifli Are Abandoning Wagons and Stores in Flight. • â- ; ' UUSSIANS UF/rilKATlNG. A dosiiutch to the- lOxihanK" <-"<>in- puny, I^ondoii, fiom Huiiio stiitoM that u ti'l<'nrum from Tii-n-Tslii hus bii'ii roccivod thuio fjfiving the news tliiil (!en. Kduriipntkin is I'VacuutiiiK l.iao-YniiK ami willuliawiiig north to Mijkdtii. AHAMK)NKO STORES. A desfiatcli iVdiii l^oniion suys : â€" An Hilda ted desjiatoh from Nfiw- C'liwaiiK, viu (;iu'l()0, to the Express, rays Hcavciul thuiisnnd uddilional Ja- panese troops luivc puKsuU through that |>hi(:e. Tlic n'trnuiiiiK Uussiaiis arc Ijfiiig hard prcissJed, and are aliaadoiiiiig thoir wagons and stores. The Japanese hohl large sections of the railway, and will advunce there- by. New-Ch\viinf{ will hccome a. greiil army lias*' and lutval depot. TOTAL LOSSES 3,000. A despatch from Tokio .says : â€" Gen. Oku reports further thai. ac- cording to the Mtateiiients of llus- siaii oHicers cnptured during the re- cent battle, (^"Mi. Koiirpatkjn was present on the baltlelield, and that Gens. .SakalolT and Kondi'anovitch were wounded. Also that the Kus- siun casualties wore about 2,t)0C). The Japanese casualties -A-ere oliout 1,0(10, and (ien. Oku reports that investigations are Ix-lng made re- garding: till' numlier of jirisonors tak- en and the qiiaiilily of munitions of wttr, etc., cajitured. INVASION OF SAKTIALlEN. A desjiatcli from St. Polorsburg ! sa,vs : â€" 'I'lui war is e.\pei:ted to enter j on a new jihaso by a in-' vu.iion of the Island of Sakhalion, a Russian convict tvtiloinent in tlie Korth I'acifie, olT the east const of Asia. The Uussians have already I taken [irecautions in view of this ; move, and troops have been sent to the island. A lied Cross detach- , ment has also lieeii ordered to pro- ceed there. 1 I UI'SSIA A mi ED THKM. j , A dfspatcli from Tokio snys : â€" With ref^ard to Count Lessar's pr<j- tost, the Uchichi. wliile nut adniittinp i .rai>anese leadershi]i of the Chinese I luoiinled bandits, retorts that tliere is no reason to coniplaiii of tlie use oj baiKlits whom Uussia arniMl. The KokuinJii ri-'.^ards the (-'orean situa- tion as critical. It uryes resolute action on the jiarl of Jupmi. I'MOLING IS 1>I'>!.SIMISTIC. A dispatch from .St. retershuriyr sa.vs: .Siiicu ihe Uussian retreat from Tatchekiao and the taking of New- Cliwnng by the Japanese the feeling here has grown suddenly more jiessi- iniHlic. With the Jal)atu-.s<! able to get around (Jen. Kouropat.kin's right from New-ChwaiiR, with their forces pressinK in upon llai-t'ln-ng from the east, and a colunin thrent- eniiii; the Uussian coniiriunlrntions above Liao-Yang, the withdrawal of the entire Uussian army northwanl nuiy be alisoliitely necessary. Orders i.'^suod to tile foreign war correspoiwl- etils to go to Harbin, nnd Viceroy Alexiefl's going to Vladivostnck are highly slgnilicanl, indicating thai C.'en. KoiiTopat kin may already have decide<l that his present position is unlonaMe. The teiiiiier of the soWiers nt the front ovc-r continued retrogtra<le movements is shown by the state- ments of two Uussian corre.spondents â- with General llerschelniaiin, who rt>- porl that "the soldiers are lired of retreating." an<l the statement of niiotiher ItiiSHinn correspondent, who sayn: "Our men rellrcd from Tatchi>- kiao with heavy hearts." Still another correspondent sav.i: â€" "W suit In a Uussian defeat and termin- ate the campaign. Ofliciul dcttails of the fighting show thnt Gen. Oku's uriny faced a su- perior force of Uussians south of Tashli-hao. The Russian artillery checking the advance of the Japan- ese, it was derided to make a sur- prise attack at night. The entire Japanese right was hurled against the Russians at 10 p.m., resulting in the cnptnru of their first posi- tion at Taipingling. Their second position WIS attacked at midnight, I and by dawn the Uussians were re- treating froir 'I'ashichao. the .lapan- j ese pursuing them. The Takushan i army did not co-operate. This army i is to the ea.stward of Hen. Oku's army, moving north-westward. THE lOBLD^ MAEKET8 EEPOHTS FROM THE LKASINO TKADE CENTUES. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese, and Other Dairy Produce at Home and Abroad. Toronto, August 2.â€" Wheatâ€" .Mo. 2 white and red Wintur are q-uotod ul S)2c east or west. No. '2 .Spring wheat is nominal nt 84 to 85c east, and at 7.S to 79c east. Mani- toba wheat is (inner. No. 1 North- ern isj tpiotwl at yTJc, and No. 2 Northern at 94 »c; .No. 3 Northern at 91 ic Grindiilg in transit prices are Cc above these quoted. Outa â€" No. 2 white is quoted at 32c west, and ;i2i to SHc low freights to New York. No. 1 white, '.i'.ii to 34c east, and No. 2 at 33c east. Barleyâ€" No. 2 quoted at 41c mid- dle freights. No. 3 e.xtra H9c. and No. a at 37 to .'ITJc middle freights Peas â€" No. 2 shipping peas nominal at OOc to (iW: west or east. D ip 1 » i Russian Minister of the Interior Killed by a Bomb. A despatch from .St. Petersburg ' the wounds they had sustained, had says: Von I'lehwe, Jffnistcr of the not jfelloped far before thoy fell. Interior, was assassinated on Thurs- , with pools of blood under them. day morning while driving to the Itultlc station to visit the Emperor «t the Peterhof Palace. A bomb was t'hrown under the Minister's car- riage, conijiletely shattering it. if. Von Plehwc was terribly mangled. The crime was committed at 10 o'clock. The assassin was arrested. I OTHERS WERE HURT. j The Ulnisters servant, who also Was on the carriage box, was badly I wounded, and two oflicers who were driving by in a cab were injured by flying splinteia. The aoenHin bin>- Belf wa^ wounded in one eye. He took to Qight, but, aocordmg to ; the latest reports, was overtaken. HtlRSES DASHHD AWAY. The coachman was killed, and the and is now under aiTest Corn â€" No. 3 American yellow quot- ' wounded and maddened dash- 1 Passengers by the Peterhof ed at .')7ic on track, Toronto; and No. 3 mixed at 5l>c. Canadian corn. APPUEn THK TORCH. A despatch from Tokio says : â€" ^Tho 4G to 47e west. Ryeâ€" The market continues quiet, prices nominal at 57 to ."iUc at out- side points. Fltmr â€" Ninety per cent, patents are quoted at $3,711 to .$3.7."> east or West, for ex[ jrl, in liuyers" sacks. Russians abandoned Tatchekiao at i'';^"" '«'>'- '"oilers of special brands for noon on JMoiidav. retiring before the flomestic trade quoted at *-1.2o to advancing army under Gen. Oku. ^'-tO inbbis Manitoba flours are Thev applied tile torch to Tatchi- steady; No. 1 patents, S1.8U; No. 2 kiao nnd the Hurrouiiding towns, and ; patents, ?l.,-,0, and strong bakers' when the .lapancse arrived they !S4.4o. on track. Toronto, found the flames were still raging train ed wildly away with the front wheels I began to arrive upon the scene, of the carriage, the only portion of j Among them were the Ehifce and the vehicle remaining intact. iDimedi- Duchess of Oldenburg, who gtopped ately there ensued a scene of the their motor car within a couple of wildest confiu! ,1 . Police and gend- , paces of M. Von Plehwe's remains, armcs liuriied up from every direc- and were told by a policeman of the tion and vast crowds gathered about th.! spot where the body of the Min- ister lay. FACE ALMO.ST A PULP. terrible tidings. They were much af- fected. I GREAT CONSTF.RNATIGN. The news of the tragedy spread like I The Associated Press correspondent wildlire throughout the city, causing Was at the scene of the tragedy consternation everywhere. Police re- within five minutes after it occurred, .serves were hurried to the scene from |M. Von f'lehwes body was lying in all parts of the city, and the various I the middle of the road. It had been departments were instanllv notified. The .Japanese pursuit extended be- ,voiid Tatchekiao, and the Japanese left wing occupied Vinkow. The po.citiiin held b.y the Russians last Sunday south of Tatchekiao consisted of nine miles of trenches and fortificiil i' (ien. Oku reports that, pursuing the enemy wilh his force's, he ad- vance<l on the 2.'')th instant to the north of Tatchi'kiao.. The enemy re'- sreiitod northward, leaving Tatche- kiao and .New-Clnvang in flames. .\IilIiecd-At outside points bran isipartially covered with a police oUi- •luoted nt Sll. and shorts at S16. .f.^^-^ overcoat, with the left arm, the bone of which was broken off, pro- jecting. A policeman came up and -Manitoba bran in .shorts at 510 h.-re. sacks, §18; and C'OUXTHY PROIUICIO. Drii'd Apples â€" Trade continues dull, ut ju'ices UMchangeil at 3 to 3^c per lb. Kvajiorated ai'ples, tij to 7c per lieans â€" I'rime beans are quoted at road way- Si. 2.") to gl.'iO, and hand-picked at $1.35 to SI. Id. Uo|.s â€" The market is unchajiged at 2.S to ;!0c, accoitliiig to quality. llniify â€" The market is ciuiet, at 7 to TJc per Iti. Hay â€" Timothy is quoted at S9 to Oku re[)orts that on Saturday morn- j $11.50 on track, the latter for No. 1. ing he occupied a position about .Strawâ€" The market is quiet, with three miles south of Manglehi. The prices unchanged, ut fri.oO to ?6 on Uu.ssian main camp lay live miles tiack, Toronto. along the helRlits, extending east and ' I'otatoes â€" The market is quiet, West at right angles to the railway, with sales of new at SI to $1.10 per seven miles south-east of Tashichao. busliel. They are (pioted at $3 to S3. 25 per bbl. Poultry â€" .Spring chickens, 15 16c per lb.; yearlings, 9 to lUc 11).; ducks, 10 to lie per lb. When the Associated Press corre- spondent arrived at the telegraph of- fice fifteen minutes after the tragedy occurred the director of telegraphs raised the overcoat in oraer to re- ^ had already been informed of the as- arrunge it, revealing for an instant sassination. and instructions had the strong features of the dead been given. The utmost confusion Minister, whoso head was battered prevailed, and the reports of the oc- almnst beyond recogtiition. The , currccce were conllicting. was strewn for a hundred i Regarding the identity of the a«- yards %vilh the wreckage of the car- , sassin and the cause of the erinae, riage, and pieces of the red lining of | by some it is said that the act was the Jlinister's official overcoat. A that of a Finn, and by others that OKU ti:lls THE story. |- A despatch from Tokio says: Oen. I few yards from M. Von Plehwe's body lay a shapeless heap of the coachman's remains. WAS ALWAYS AFRAID. The infernal machine was thrown with deadly accuracy, and the assas- sin was favored by the fact that I the murderer was a partisan of th» Zemstvoe, the curtailm^it of whoso powers is attributed to the dea4 Minister. No'hing, howwrer, has been definitely established as yet. THE AFFLICTED CZ-AR. The perfect of police notified the per They were strongly eiitrenchiil. Their main strength was on Talpiii, the highest hill in Ihe vicinity, and live miles north-west of Tunliehe, while the main body of the Uussian cav- alry was fully eight miles to the ' THE DAIRY MARKETS. west nt Chnngitun. All day Satur- i Butter-Finest l-lb. rolls, 14 to day the deployc'd along the:i5c; ordinary to choice large rolls, 12 to lie; low to medium grades, 9 tinfTic here is always of the heaviest : Ehnperor of the tragedy inuuedlately owing to the crossing of lines of | upon its occurrence. Hie Majesty, surface cars and the continuous Who waa at the villa AVexandria a* â-  streani of heavy trucks. M. Von : Peterhof, was greatly a£[ect«d by th© jy Plehwe was always apprehensive of , news, coming as it did atop of th» I hills inimedinlelv north and east of 1 Kaiping. Two Uussian batteries on I the hills near the Ivaiping road har- â-  asscd the .Japanese. 1-^nrly .Sunday la general advance began, and at t> I o'clock the Japariese occupied a blulT I facing the Russian main camp, a niilo nnd a half distant. The centre meanwiiile faced a con- tinual boinhardmeat . It was so heavy that it is estiinated a huntired guns were employed. The ground was exceedingly dillicult, and t'he ad- vance was clieck.'d, but the held their position until dusk. The two armies bivouacked wilhiu shout- ing distance of each other. It was aseertaiiHxl that the Russian force consisted of five divisions and sixteen batteries. Two divisions attempt- ing a Hank movement along the Ilai- t'heng road on the west were engag- ed and repulsed. The cannonading cease<l at dark. At 10 o'clock .Sunday evening the .In[i«nese right surrouiuled the Uu.s- sian left and the east slope of Tai- [lin Hill was occn|)ied. At midnight the .lapaiiese assaulted nnd took the second Uussian main positiiui on an eminiiice south of Tnlpin Hill, the Russians retreating towards Tashi- chao. The .lapanese casualties dur- to ISc; to lie; creamery prints, 1 solids, l(i to 17c. l')ggK â€" Case lots are selling at 16 to 16ic per dozen; seconds. 13 to lie. Cheeseâ€" The market is !|uiet. with lirlces unclianutHl nt .'tj to Sfc, the latter for twins. HOG I'UOIUICTS. llacon, long clear. 74 to 7}c per lb. in case lots pork, S15.50 to Slt>; do., short Cut. §17 to SI 7. 50. .Smoked nii'ats â€" Hams, light to me- dium, 12 to 12Jc; do., heavy, 11 to lljc; rolls, He; shoulders. SJc; backs, 13 to 13jc; breakfast bacon, 12J to i;!c. Lard â€" Tierces, 7c; tubs, 7ic; jmils, 71c. attempts upon his life and used to bad tidings from the seat of war, drive as rapidly as possible. His fears of International complication^, coachman, however, was compelled I and the strain incident upon the to go slow n! this point. hourly expectation of an event so The assassin in laying his plans 'close to the father's heart. The Bm- ovidently foresaw this circumstance, peror almost broke down whaB ha and while the Minister's coachman , was informed of the Minister's mui*- slowed down, threw the bomb. The I der. exploiion was terrific, and [ipaetlcal- Whatever may have been the lao- ly ai.nihilated the woodwork of the tive for tJio crime, nothing byt the carriage. The horses tore of?, drajf- i utmost indignation and condeauta- giug the axle and the front wheels. | tion of the assassin's act is voie«>i The animals, though infuriated by | every where. TIOIS FROM THE WIRE UUSINES9 AT MONTREAL. Montreal, Aug. 2â€" Local demand for oats is steady, and the market is linn. Quotations are still 37o, in store, for No. 3. and 3Hc for No. 2. I'eas are about steady at 70ic; No. 2 barley, 49ic; No. 3, and 38c for No. 2. Peas are about C2c. Flour â€" tltlicinl iiuotations are unchanged the , ...,..â-  o.>i^i"' ^^'"â- ' recent advance, being $4.00 .ng the two days lighting were 800 j^,^ ,^„.,,,^^ ln,U-vy,' . an.l $.4.75 to killed nnd wour.d.d. ^4 ,,0 for patents. Winter wheat The commander of the Tukushnn I, „j,^.„t,,_ ^4-- ^,, $4.90; straight army reports that on Friday after- , r„iiers. $4.60 to S:4.70; straight rol- nocm ho surroundwl three Russian 1 1^,,.^ ;„ bags, $2.20 to $2.2,i. Feed- battalions near the Panling road, j Mnnitobn bran iii bags, S15.50 to Thi' Russians retreated mu-th, leav- | $10.70; shtuts, $17 to $17.51) ing 14 killed. Three Uussians were are all wonder-struck nt the ' capturinl. The .lajianeso casualties strategy aiul genius of (f<-neral Kiiro- Wi're 30 killed nnd woundwi. It is ki F.veryl liing h.' plan.s is exocutwl charged that the Russians violated With cli)ck-woi-k regularity, although j the Japanese llag, under which they he has no rnilnmd. but must march 1 took a .lapanese position at the be- his men ovi-r mountain roads." 1 ginning of the light. Perhaps the rain, which again i seems to have begun this time in earnest, iniv save Cenernl Kouropnt- kin's po.Mtion. KOUUOPATKIN WOUNDED. A despatch from foklo says; The Tlen-Tsln corr.'sp<,ndent of the ,Iiji Shiniiio reports lh«t Cen. Kouropat- kin was wounded in the left shoulder in lh«' lluttle of Tashichao. and nnolb.r Uussian general was kilb-d. Till- Russian <a»iialtins aro stated to have been over lo.(ini). It is re|iort- ed the I'likushan nrm.v Ih press- in.; llulClieng strongly, 'conijielling the Russians to evacuate, and Unit the latter are now retreating norl'ii Thus the Russian army has hpcn bl- H tid. The Jnpnneiio onpturod a number of Kuns ot Tnshiiaao. Their losses Were h'.ss than was at first supposed. THUKK MDRE GONE. A despatch from Cheloo says ; â€" Uussian refugees who have iirriveil here ie|>ort that the Lieutenant Hur- ukolt Hiid two other Uussian torpedo desfro.vers were t(upe<loe<l amrl des- troyrtl by the Japanese on the night of July 25. I .V Frenrhinaii from I'ort Arthur 'says that the Japanesi! warships aro in bad eoiulition, owing to their huig service. Many ot their big guns are ! almost Worn out. The Uussian war- ] ships nt I'orl Arthur have completed i their reimlrs. I The \ladivostork sipiadron Is ex- ; peeled to arrive at Port Arthur. per ton; Ontario bran in bulk, $15 to $16; shorts, fir, to ^17; mouillie, ?20 to *28 per ton. Rolled oats- Considerable price-cutting is going on, nnil .Sales are reported at $2.15 to $2.2t) per bag. and $4.80 per bbl., this being awu.v below associa- tion price. Provisionâ€" Heavy Cana- dian short cut pork. $17 to $18; light short cut. SI 7 to $17.50; Am- erican fat backs. $17.50; compound lard, (4 'o 7c; Canadian lard. 6J to 7Jc ' " • ^ hams. 51 to 52c; September, 49jc asked. Duluth. August 2.â€" Wheat â€" No. 1 Northern, si.02; No. 2 Northern, ! 98c; July, ?1.02i; September, 90ic; j December, SOjc. i Minneapolis. -Aug. 2. â€" Wheat â€" July ' 99Jc, September 893c, December 87{c; No. 1 hard. $1.02Jc; No. 1 Northern. Sl.OlJc; No. 2 do., {>9}c. , Flourâ€" First patents. $5.10 to $5.20; , second do., J5 to $5. Hi; flrst-class, I S3. 55 to S3. 05: second do., $2.50. 1 ,^ Itrnnâ€" In bulk $14; shorts. $16. horse at London and it was eleetro- „ , j cutcd. CA'ri'LE MxVRKl^T. I The Bell Telephone Company will Toronto! Aug. 2.â€" Among the cat- | ^e given a fWe-year exclusive fran. tie offering the qualitv was but mid- | '^'I'se in London. dling to fair, no choice cattle being!-. Jobn 0. Knton, of Toronto, who on hand. Business on the whole •» '" Winuit>eg, says that Work on was very slow, tliough ihen; was no ' the Eaton building in that city wtU further recession from the low lt>vel ' begin ut once. of prices of the lirst ptut 01 the j The Hamilton Council refused to week. The run of sheep and lambs : maki! the proposed grant of $150 to Was heavy, and were a little on the ' Vho widow of poUceman Barou, who easy side. i was killod while in the active pei^ Exportâ€" The slump in prices In the formance of his duties. Urilish markets have .itTeoted the j The Algoma Commercial Com- marketa hero very •or â-«|bl> and puny „( Bnult Ste. Mario. Is adver- there is not anything n.e the -ivme , tising for 1,000 men Jor the lumiber confidence which was le.; a w.v <"' i camps. The stwl plant will startl «o ago. The prices were on the as- , ^^^g^^^ August X5th. cejidiug grade, and prospects wer» , Q^^ ^^ ,^g ^^^^ number of injr looking very fair. The decline at , ^,^^„jg ^^ ^^^^ aOwrted wiiM HAPPEtnNGS FROM AXL OVEH THE GLOBE. Tele^apMo Briefs Fsopa Oar Owa and Other Coun tries of Secent Events. CANADA. An electric light fell on John Bio»'9 tracihoma, the liuthoritiee will en- force the law, whiah fort>ids ttha landing of patisengera from ocean ve»- sela aMei- dark. Liverpool and London, however, wnj very midden, and .seemed to come as somewhat of a surprise. There is no doubt a dilToience in tie quality of the cattle now arrtvmg in the English market, the gras.s-fed cattle j orkat hritatn hugely taking the place of the stall- 1 QRKAT HRIFAIN. ted cattle. 'I'^en. agahi. as prices] Members of the Irish ptirty cxtond- were high, buyers began to loo* in ed a banquet to Hon. BMward Hlak* other directions, nnd as a result the at London, the other day. South American nnd .\ri;cutine trade j The new Canadian fishery cruiser kettle rendered, 8^ to OJc", I would put on more actiMty. The ar- j attainetl seventeen knots an hour in 13 to l.'Mc; bacon, ISJ to rival of the first shipments of ranch | her sjH'eii trials on the Clyde. 14c; fresh-killed abaftiur hogs, $8, 'cattle from the North-West would | Mr. H. P. Wyatt. envoy of the live hogs, $5.7(1 to $5.80 (weighed j ulHi> have nn effect 011 the British | Navy League, sayu the Australian oft the cars). Chtvst>â€" Ontario, 7lc; inarkot. The.-"© reasons combined ] labor lenders are disloyal and are host tiuebec 7} to 7ic. Eggs â€" .Sel- 1 may account tor tie slower JemarKl | Bgp^imjj^fj tor the Ontario cattle which has been; y^-hile extracting a charge from f^ ect . new gathered candled, terâ€" Fancy grades. (Unary, tliiest, 17c dairy, 13 to 14c. Chtvseâ€" Ontario, 7lc { to 7ic. Kggsâ€" Hel- laid, 18 to 181c; ntraight 15 to I5jc. Hut- 17i to 18 Vc; or- to 171c; Western local market it prices to- 1 gun in a shooting gallery Hjiv An- FACING WATER FAMINE. Big Pump of Montreal Water Works Broken Sown. :\ Montreal despatch savs : â€" One of lot>ing .800. They did not ! ,,,0 Wgo 10,tMK),OOu gallon pumps puiHue the Rutisi.>im biK-nuHu of a de- sire to ( o-operalc with the first uiiny in n d«v isivu battle between llni-v'heng and Lino-Vang, which •\ en Uuss'au elllceni think will re- al tlio low-level pumping station has broken down, and unU>Hs repairs can bo enwted within two or three da.vs the city may stand confronted with a water famine. PNITKD SPVPES MARKETS. Duftalo. Aug. 2.â€" Flinirâ€" Quiet. Wheatâ€" Easier; No. 1 Northern. $1.07. Cornâ€" Stronger; No. a .yel- low, 5(lc; No. 2 corn, 44c. Oats- Weak; No. 2 white. 45c; No. 2 mix- ed. Hnrleyâ€" Nominal. Uyo â€" No. 2 in store, olTered nt 73c. Canal freights â€" Wheat, 2Jc; corn, SJc to New York. Milwaukee, .Aug. 2.â€" Wheot â€" Now September, SUJc bid. Ry,f-No. 1, 75c. Harliiv--No. 2, til to eSc; â- au4>le. 8^ to 59g. Ournâ€" No. S, n charactitristic of the this week The range day was from $4.7.5 to $5. the lat ter lH>ing about the top price paid tor good export cattle. llutchers â€" The demand was slow there was no material change in the quotations tor good to choice cattle. ... , . . , ,, llutchers- mixed cattle were a little '^'»>«' "' 'â- 'l>' J'^^''^'"- "n"! -^ ^ en.sier if anything. Stock eraâ€" There wn.i a little mand, but by no means acir^-. prices, on the whole, weto easy. Hh»>ep and Lambs â€" The run III., accidentally nhot and killed C»- Icll Ryan, aged 10. I . UNITED STATES. At Warsaw. Iml.. William H. »"unk. God- man city engimvr wivro asphyxiated de- i ^y SBs in a sewer which thoy were and I inspecting. Deputy Shcrlf! Moon at- I tompte<l to resctie them ami was was pulled from the hole half consiHous. heovy nnd the market a little lower ! for export shi>op. ' GENERAL. Hogsâ€" The market Is steady. No The drouth in Oennany continuea, cJiarMte in the quotations to-day â€" nnd a large portion ot tlM crop i» selects $5.40, U^hta and (ate t&aS. ruiaeri. !-1 .1 â-  4 I

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