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Flesherton Advance, 4 Aug 1904, p. 5

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TftE FLESHERTON ADVANCE August 4 1904 !^«: Methodist Church F-LESHEMXQ>r. J. ». i.wtLsoN, B A., B. D Pnstor Vicinity Chips Cii;«r:u-tori<ilics of the Past Week r'sirefuJly €uUed lor the t'uriouit â- Â»â€¢ i'ea harvesters for snleâ€". I. H. Heard. Mr. Sain McGee and family, of Toronto, are {{UCHtsab Jos. Ciiruliuld'.*. .;. Money to loan at .â- ) % on farm property â€"expense low, A. S. V:vnDiiseii. Mi»s H>utii3 LfOard of Toronto ia visiting with friends here. Wimtodâ€" lOOO cords hard wood, 1000 cords sr.ft W(poJ, and 50{)O cords cedar. Quo*e prices to The Deacon Co, Ltd., Stratford^ Mr. C. Munsha'v is taking in a Mack- inaw Irip this week, T^.-ich'T Wantedâ€" For Roekvale sch'nl, .\rteini>sia. Duties to commence .Au£;nst 15, lyOl. Apply, stating sahiry, to R. \V. Cliuk. Flesherton P. O. Miss Chri-5t.i!ie Richardson ia visitiufl; With friends in 0»ven Sound. Fresh Unie always on hand. J. IT. Ducket', Euueuia- .Airieniesia township council will meet (â- n Saturday next. Mr. T. Clayton is tir^ week visiting his brother at Cornwall and aUo takiui^ In the sights at the capitol. Mr. W. Dick. Miss Mae Mnnre and MasteL- Elmer Moore, all of Teeswater, are ^^uests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Moore. Mrs. Harry West and littlo dauahter Dorothy are aucsts of Mrs. West's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sheppird. New Rexall Dye.â€" One package dyes all kinds of goods.cottou or woollen, at Kicliardson & Son's, Druiigists. Messrs A S VauDuseu and W J Bel- lamy attended the funeral of the late W J Mockler at Durham on Tuesday. Rev.L.W Thorn will occupy the piilp't nf the church on Sunday morn- iu« next and Rev. Roach if Priceville lu the eveniiiij. Mr. James Hemphill. Toronto, come Up on the excursion Saturdny. returning Monday. Mr. D. Blair and .son. Garnet â- were also here on the same outing. Mr. Herman Li;ttau of Toronto was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Willert for a. couple of days during the past week. Bi^'ger bargains than over at Shep - pard's Time is <;etting short, so don't put uffbut call and uet a bar-ain in somethin;;. Any person haviusj accounts wiih T. .1 Sheppard will do well to call at oiico and settle same, as ihey will soon bo placed 'in other hands for c dlection . Artemu.sia voters list is now in the hands of ihe.derk andeleciors are "called \ip.iu to examina the said liist" to see if •their names are thereon etc. Mr J H Ducket's residence at Etiaeni:* was struck by lightning on Wednesday -f .last week. For particulars see Eugenia correspoiidenco. Mr. Wm. Fletcher, a respected resi- dent tf Stone's line, died on Monday iifter an e.xtendeJ illness of consuraptlou. Mr. Ermair Bunt of Toronto visited n c<mploofdays with his uncle, Mr. W. H. Runt, while on his way down from Tort Arthur. Mrs. McPhatter of Owen Sound is carinu f.>r her sister in law. Mrs. Loudon â- ^V right, who is ill with fever. Very few people look in the Niagara fxeuisii n last week from this point. The mormny was rainy, which preventedmauy from goins{. ,' f-' â-  ; • .' ' • Anythina you want in the way of a * run k or telescope to hold your duds in (III your summer h(diday can bo Rot; at Clayton's boot and shoe store. Mrs. Edward Hufc»i, while tPiDporar- ilv in.'aiK'.oommitted suiciile at th.i hume of hersimin Bentinck on Monday moininK l>y hanging herself in the driving shed with a rope. In order to reduce summer stock Clay - ton is ofruiins; ladie^' oxfords and lie nhoesat from75oto?l per prir, worh 81.25 and $1 75. The Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance (.v. has the hiraest surplus .if any purely niutual Sre insurance com;>any in t'anad^i ; has a large membership, is inanaaed by men of experience in iho insurance Hu,si- iiess, rates as low as is co.isiJtent with aecurity, has a premium note oiis third lo«s ihsn any othei conip.'xny. Before in- Boring call on or write to their agent, *V. J. IV.ww., Markdflc. Iwpt For Sale â€" One .l-year-old coU, 1 good jersey cow, rnp buggv, I light wagon, 1 heavy Set single harnesn, 1 set li«hf ainule, new, 1 new pulper, 1 (gutter .Apply to T. J. Sheppard. Mr. John Field, with the T. Eat. n comp.iny, Toronto, waa a caller at oftice on Monday. It was Toronto's civic hiiMday and John was taking advanta^ e of the f.ict. The lady who lost a box of butter from rig on July 23rd had it returned to her by Mr. Jos. Croft, who picked it up near his residence. A. N. Brownridge. Mr. Albert Stewart and Mrs. Herb Smith are spending a few weeks wi'h f. iends in Musko'-a. Mr.Stewsrt'.s heal h hai< not been KOod and he is tryina the Muskoka air. Master Oeo. McTavish accompanied his uncle and aunt. Ladies HoioR Journal, The Delineator, The designer, Metropolitau, Cosmopolit- an, Every Body's, Perasoii»,.Argo8y, Muu- sey, 4 Track News. â€" August Magazines, just til hand at Medical Hall. Word was received here on Monday mornmg of the death by droTnino: at Silver Creek, N. Y., of Thomas Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore of this village. No particulars are at band at liine of writiug. The youn'i man 29 years of age and unmarried. Riiv Mr. Andsrson, Presbyterian min- ister, Shelburno, is authority for tlie staieiaenc that Fimtaino the imposter, who passed himself off as a Presbyterian niiuister here in the sumnier of 1901, was shot and killed by a brother of the woman he had here as his wife. A barn helonuing to Wm. Maxwell, between Inistioge and Dundalk, was struck by lightning on Wednesday night of last week and burned to the ground, together with contents, consisting of nine tons of hay, all his iinplemoents, a nuar- tity of oats, hens, turkeys, pigs, etc-. The loss would be heavy. We have not learned whether it was insured or not. :; The Huron-Ontario \ meeeing of directors of the Huron- Ontario electric Railway was held in Walkerton on Friday, when con- siderable important business was transac- ted in tho way nf gutting alTairs into shape. Mr. May's option had expired, but ill view of the favourable rejiort his time was extended until next June. Ten thousand dollars has been subscribed â€" #50011 to make preliminary survey and J.OnCO to guarantee bonds fur fifteen miles of the line, the construction of this link to he begun before next June, and to be between Fle;>lierton and Walk- erton or Flesheitun and Meaford, at option of the contractor. The capitalists interested consist of Seven Canadians and three New Yiukors, aud these also rep- resent Enslish capital. There is already a strong de;iiat:d for tho bonds of this road, and a certain trust company made an ofTer to guarantee the bonds. There is nmv a scrong optimistic spirit among tho' provisional directors, and the general iuipressiini is that, the rnad will be built in tho very near future. Makii'g tbt sharp curMii before reaching the horseshoe the train rocked vioUntly throwiiisj ihe passengers out of their seals, and splitting the floor nf the sec- ond front car its full length. Maiiy thi'Utjht the last two cars would be twi»t. ed off the railii. The nnssengers wore put in another car ami given a safe but fast trip to Tori no About tifiy tickets wpfo S"!d ac Grand Valley. â€" Grand Valley Star. Why do Women Suffer Such pain and endure the torture of nervous haadache whan a quarter buys a bottle of N'erviline which never fails to re- lieve Just a few drops of Nerviline in sweetened water cures nervous or sick headache, rBlievcs heart paipitacion and makes you feel tief er immediately. Ner- viline can't be beaten for quickly curini/ stomach and bowel troubles and should be kept in every h. me. It's good to rub on for external pain and excellent for in- ward use. Sold in largo iia. bottles. C. E. Noble^ DUMDALK DcaUr In General Hardware. Head- quarters for best goods at bottom prices, Locks, Knobs, Double Diamond Glas.g and all House and Barn Furnish- ings. Best Portland Cement always on hand. Eavetrough and Furnace Work a specialty. Also Roofing and Metal "Work. C. E. Noble, DUMDALK VOTER'S LIST, 1904 Municipality of the Township of Artemesia in the County of Qrey. Notice is herebv }.;iven. tllat I bare traiisaiitt- ed nr Uwlivfred U* Ibe pttraous in'entiou- ed in sections JJ aud nine of the Voters Lisc .\ct. the copies roii'iir-)'.! by -aid Hectioii-^ to be so trunsu:itted or riclivore'l, of the list Muido piusuanc to said Acr. of all jftTsous aitpoariiti; by the Last lifvi?&vl Atfeesuiont Roll of th<j Biiid iltuiicipH'.itv to bo entitled to vote iu tho puiil Muuicipftlitv ftf. Klectio-s for M-iiiher^of the^isiat-.Tu A?BoniMy au.l at Municipal Klec" timis; autl tlmr; Sdjri ijist; wae rtrstpoHtod up at my uUice at f icshertoii on the-iiid day of Aug- ust, unci rtGiKius there for itifipection." Kkctors a-y ciiiied upou to examine the said List, and if any ouiissioua or auy other errors aie fouu>-i-tbHreii], to take iniiiiodiate yroceod iiii;3 to liHvo tha said errois corrected accord- iiij^ to law, Dftte.i at Flcbhertou tbis-lth dav of Auqust, A. D. KH)4 W. .;. ]ilir*L.AMY, Clerk of f*aid MunicipaJitv. Notice to .Shareholders Now as the time gets shorter for our stay in Flesh - erton we find we have many lines tve want to clear out before going and to do this the knife bus to go in deeper than ever. MEN'S and BOY S .STITS cut very deep in price. 1^^ '1 >/, ,^ y > I IS % » I 'I' BOOTS AND SHOES must be cleared out. LACE CURTAINS at tremendous bar-iaina. WALL papers: We don't want them. A LOT OF MEN'S HEAVY RUBBERS. N-.w t is the time for a bargain in them. Men's felt hats a good stock yet to pick from. DRESS GOODS to be slaughtered Men's winter underwear buy now and save nearly half the pries-. We have a lot of Ladies Jackets we must clear. Our stock is in good shape and we are prepared to give you a good bargain in anything you want. We expect to be here for three weeks yet and during that time we want to clear our stock very low. We don t want to move anything. Li Millinery we have aboHt fifty hats to clear out and if you want a hat now is the time to buv. I J. SHEPPARD Sproule's Block Flesheeton ^ Q The PrescripticKi Department Tnke rotico tbas a S'^'ocinl Gpnprnl Meetins of t.'tin Sliart'li"iiier« i-f the O'iprov Koi-ineis Milling ^'v-»-.iip;inv (Linn'tt^dl will be hold in tln! Oniiifio Hnll iu tlit> Vi'11at:o of Fev*ii-'*!iaiu ithe Tonipaiiv's lumii ptnc** of tioinij bu.''''iie--*si nu Siitiiriiav tlu'Gth 'sixtlii 'ii>v nf Aiitust, rJO'. atlh«»honrof ;} !tliro.-> o'clock j>. .n.. for the piirtwpe of ilectii'u ^ (lirecror to i\\\ t.he vac- Aiicv cMi tbe Hnjxrdof O'-.-ectors caused by th.> iloath of Rich.ani Kawtoii. .fa;in .lAMKS V5UrKL>GHAM. Pres-riBct. DateJ at Kcvcisliom this Sard day of Jnly, 1904. -at- Pctpv ratter?oii,oiie of tlie p!ntieeis in thu in.plfiueiit l)usiiie,s.s died rec'iUly at his sumnior hums at rattei'son, in Vaughan tiiwii.ship. Years a^o, Mr. I'at- tersou was known nil over the priivince as the nisn-ifactui-Br of i'atferson plWiiih'?. Ue is ei^hfy yuais of Hge. His renmins were trthCn to VVosllielJ, X. Y. for inttr- luent. One ."icrious aspect of the schoolquestion ia this province i? tlie decline in the \h-t- ceiitngs of male teachers. In 18G2 tho teachers of tho province were, males se'.'onty-one per cent., females twenty- nit!9 percent. In 1902,fi'rty years later, there were m.-vles, twenty-.>ii.t per cent,, am! it ia a fact that to-day there are only thirteen male teachers in the Normal .sclioiils of the provitice qualifying them- selves for higher certiBtates. Lait week while Mr. Lmjis B.*t-tlett was brefiMiii^ up some lari;o lime stone Mucks Oil hi» f«rm which is situated on the hke shire road he disccvereil the forma'ioii of a stnne pitcher in the centre of one of them. The exposed portiiui of the tiitchev i.-* perfectly formed and looks as rf it had been turned or carieil w th »ii1e toi'ls. Whether it belong*; to a pre- historic vace oris only a Ireak f..rma'inn remain* for ge«ilo|{gts to discover, I ocal aUthoiitioa are confidiTtt t'lat the dis oovery is an important one. Tho stone i»now .^n exhibition at G. McLean'sâ€" Colling wood Enterprise. The cxcjrsioniits from Harriston and intermediate punts to Niagara Fall* on Thursday had an exciting ex- perience. The train was about fifty minutes lats in lea»in? Orange' ilN, and the en^inesr started off dettrmined, to ir.ake wp timeb*fore i eachingTomnto Notice to Creditors In tho matter rt tlio Estate of .I,\.MES .IDHNSON'. late of the VJUnye of Flf^lioriO" in the County of Grey, Fanner deceased. Notif** i*! h'jrelv- yiveii piirq-anl: to tht» Ve- vkea Stitiito'iof Oiitatio ISiTT, C'linp. 129. fliiit 111! ereMfcors.ti'.l others hivjity claims acainst the Kntate oi i AMKS .(OHN'SON, (Inc«">soct,wlio (liii<l on or abonf- tho iiliio*-iOont!i dav of Juno in th'i voar of our Lord one tlloii^aiH nine hitmtr*'<t p.nt foor. are ri'cpiii'oil on or bflforo tbe 'iTtb ilav »fc» \U(iUBt A. II. t004to <i*'ini bv Host; tirf'V^aiil or ilcliver to I1.\N1KT. McTAVISTI, Fleshorton V. O.or Wtl T.I.AM lOHN TAI.HIITT. Fleshertci' V. 0.. exooMtoi-s of tho last WiM aii-l Tostairont of ihe 3aM '*^^-'**"**^^t. ttieir clirifl'ian and ?tir- r'une**, adilreBscH and dosoviption. the fii'l particulars of their rlainip. tho ptatenient of their account^ aiiii tile uaturs of tho securitiei" (if iiMvl liolt bv th.'in. .\Nl"i further notico tliat after such last meu- tioneit ilate tho mill ^xecnto^l will prooeori Ito (listiibiit.« tlie afl?rttets of the clecoaseil acio"« tin iiarti.>« enfitleii tliorn to, havinc ree»nl oulv of t'ooclailllâ- <.^f wliicli thov shati th^u have uoti<-n au.l that th" saiil executors will not be liable for tho said assets or any part thereof to SUV penson or persons of whose claim notice pllnll not bave been received by tb-ni "t fbo flne>of suoh tiistribution. UATIiEf Julv 10th A. D. IVt. LfC.VS WRIORT 4 McARPLE. Owen Souutl. Solicitors for EJocutors. Strayed Fi-om?ot W.con. n. Artnniesio. on Tiilv 2: fonr voarliuK cattle; I sll i od lleifer, 1 prey heifer. I fed au t wliit^' sloor, and 1 grev steer. Anv in- ionufction leading to their Jiscovery will be thauhfnllvreeeivoil. W.M.SE:MPliP. Lady Bank. July 11. 19W. au«4 Notice to Trespassers ^ is now thoroughly equippetl with NEW. FliESH g DRUGS, â€" tho best obtainable â€" aud every Preserip- S tiouor Recipe i.s filled e.xuctlv as ordered, while the O P^'ices aie as lo^ as po.'^sible. I W. J, Douglass ^ MEDICAL ILVLL Flesherton ^ W6 are just receiving a new supply of School Books •Stt- for the opening I'artlos found tre»n«»Riu({ on lota 80 and V, eon 11. Art«inesia. will b« (trosecuted to tbe lut- IsBt extant of tlia law. BOBRBT UEKOK. Kucenis. Jaly I.S 1904 I The NEW PPlMER part i and | -> # i. Everything in school wants. \ Note Lost A note for nine 'lollara drawn in fa»or oftba anlvraigoed bv Wui. Moodv. All partiea ara waiued aKaiaat uenotiating th« mu». lSau« X. PITSti r. Richardson & Son i ^ DRUGGISTS

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