ii''-i "TEUTH BEFORE FAVOE." â€" " PEINCIPLEb NOT MEN. VOL XXIv, NO 1182 Flesh-crton, Ont., Thursday. Auo-u.st 4 1004 W. H THDRSTON, l;^'JA%Ton \ Stop a rioment ! But tliac is not what our Warchea dii â€" they '• i;o mi for- ever," like Tennvsun's Hmnk â€" with an octiisioiial clciiiiiiig. We have the bfSt value iii Watchrs t« be found in Outariij. That is a hig stiiteriieiit, and it yuu dmi't helievo it cmiit in ;ind let Us verify it. We niiike a specialty of the poiiular and porfvct HAMILTON MOVEMENT A Viia stock of this movement juit to hand. 0! OPK^ ^" ininiense vari- Our repairint; delmrtment is thoronghly omiipped and good workni.inship guaranteed. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweller. Flesherton Industrial Home News The crops on this property are in ex- cellent condition, with prospects of a linmitiful yield. The hay cr.jp was ex.- ceeaingly good, but the himsin'4 has been nnavoiJably delayed in consetjuonco of the barn not bein^' ready for its st.oraije ; . however, it will be under cover before 'I hesa items appear, weather permitting. We are glad to state that our worthy â- superintendent is progressing nicely. The splints have been removed from the limb, which is now encased in plaster of )iaiis. Uu is able to leave his bod for a lew hours daily and e.xpects to bu able to uiova about with the aid nf xrutches by the ettd of the present week. On Thursday last tho courteous mat- ron and her amiable daughter were kept liusy in showiua the large number of vis- itors through the itistitution, several of whom were obliged to leave without the privilege, owing to their late arrival. In tending visitors are retjuested to bear in mind that 4 o'clock p.m. is the hour for •closing the institution to the public. The duties of the matron and her assistant in •Riiother part of tho institution renders this rule imperative. Visitors are cordi- ally invited and courteously attended. Among the visitors on Thursday last •»ere, Mrs. P. Uohnan, Mrs. H. Fleshcr and Mrs. W. Clayton, Flesherton ; Mr. \ Henry Kolman, I'ovtlaw ; Mr. and Mrs. H. Stone. Stone's line ; Mr. Edmund M'illiains, Holland Centre ; Mr. Hem- â- Htock, Cliatsworih ; Miss Fletcher, new York state, and others. On Fridiy a luive number of ladies and gentlemen of Owen Sound availed themselves of the I ihe slow bell after mealij, the inmares I shall repair to work. Ku intna'e shall be fallowed to loiter about tho kitchen, no j food or provisions (regular ni^als excepl- ' ed) sltiill be cirried to ttny part of the j house without the consent (jf the mana- I ger or matron, nor shall any cooking be dune except in the kitchen. No inmate ' shall exchange or trade clothing, or beg I of those who visit them. .\ll inmates ; ; shall ddiiicnrly perform such task as al- lottt^d them by the manager, unless oth- ' erwite excused. Any ininate guilty of dru»kennes-i, lunnorality, disobedience, ! obsjenity, disorderly cooduut, profane or [ indi'Corous langt:!age, rheft, waste, ipr who I shall ab.sent themselTes from the prem- I ises without perm;s-.ion, or ba miilty of injurmg or defacing any part of the hou.se I or furniture, shall bo punished as the 1 case uiiiy seem lo demand. Incases of scditary conlineiiient, no person except the manager or other person employed to I supply their wants, sh.ili have access to I or hold Conversation with the prisoners. I The food of such prisoners shall cuusisl of bread and water, unless otherwisa or- ; dored by the manager cr House phy.s- ' ician. Any inmate having surreptitious comnmuication with a prieioner sulijects himself to a like iniprisonmeiit. Jso inmate shall go beyond the limits of the Industrial farm without pirmissinu from the manager. -The Sabbath day shall be strictly observed, no irreligious divi riioii or unnecessary labor be induUed in. Tlie inmates shall a.ssembld for Jdivine worship (except those excused) at the ringing of the bell, dressed in clean apparel, in the j instructi.m room and shall behave them- selves with decenoy and sobriety; no I noise or disturbance during reliji.Kis ex- i erciscs will be tolerated in any part of the House. AU persons wilful'y or im- properly absenting themselves from the pl.ace of moetitig, or violating the Sab- bath d.iy, subject ihenigilvfS to prompt and severe punishment. All persons ag- grieved aiay prefer their complaints to ''ScandingCommittee, Hiiu.sc of llefuge," when they visit the House, or to a mem- ber of the County Council. In the case of au aged maniud couple who are ad- mitted 10 the H"USH, th3 manager, with the concurrenceof the physician, may allot to them the same sleeping apartment. At D o'clock [i.m. the reliiing bell shall ring, when the inmates must secure the fires, put out the lights and retire to their beds in their respect:ivo apartnieuts. I'ENALTIES.â€" .\ny inmate who shall wil ully commit any breach or infrinuc- raent of the rules of the House, or refuse to oV)ey any legitimate order of the super- intendent, matron, or physician, may be dealt with by any Justice ol the IVace for the County of Grey on complaint of the manager or physician. ;ind sentenced to a tine of not less thau fifty cents, or exceeding five dollars with or without CDKts. In the event of non-payment and Epping spent Sunday at Mr Thos Aber- crombie's. Miss Miiude Smith, of Toronto, paid a short visit to her parental huma here i recently. | Miss Violet iBcLean, of Rockvale, is wFCy visiting friends in this neiahhorhnod. Master Harold Proctor .spent la.sc week visiting friends in Meafonl and Thorn- bury. We are piea.sed to report that Mi.ss L Weber who has been oii the sick list is able to be around again. Mi.^s Weber is now visiting friendi near B;irrio. llr U«o Proctor is building a house f'U- Mr F D Got!' in Claiksburg. .Mr Willitun Walters, who ha^ spent -he pa.st year in Rjiiny River Jistaicc j.ad ManitoLia, returut-d to his home here on Sunday. Mrs Thos Carruthers.sr. i.s visiting with her soii,S.iniuel,in Fau'port Olii.i, U S A. 3lr Irwin Fawcelt of Heathcute took chaisio of the Holiness Workers service hero Sunday evening last. A number of the yoang men of this ; ^'" Meighborh)oJ, accompanied by a like nuui-| â€" ber of the fairer slx. drove over to the : 4 Wdmeiis White Diick Skirts. New England buckle berry niirsh Monday to pick huckle bcriies. McFarland, Stafford & Co. s Big Slot fe MAI^KDALE, OXTAWrO Countv's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE itiiasummer All Summer Goods Si at Bargain Prices. L,acl!es' ^unnnen C>/iU'ts. Three Womens White Pioue Skirts, Re 4 Women ^Vliite Duck Skirts, assorte I lengtlis.douhlesritch-d suiinis and adjusr- alile '.viiist hands. Tlie-so are handsunrjly made with four rows Uue wide insert;. in ,,,,,„ , , , .,o ,-, '"i.""!^ Set iu skirt, verv <Ire.ssv and conifonable flaked Tweed lengths o.S to 42-smt«ble., i,. ^^^ weather. U-.--ular value was $4.(^1) t'lryi'Usig women regular value S2.U0. - 1" uliir price ^1,00 S.ile urice. I S Misses Cloth Skirts made from fai pi ,1 each. Slid-aUniner Sale price. . L.i)5 on a.ssortBd len<!tlis. iii.Tde wirh double stitched seams and ;idjasta'ijle waist b-inds. very fashion- able for hoc weather. Regular values i.Oi) Misses Abbiu and Norma .McMullen of .md 2.25 each. Sale price l.^."; Eugenia are visiting in our viila^'e. Master Cecil B'awcelc, of Toronc.i ] -.. , .Junction is visiting friends in this neigh- \ nomerLS < borlicod. 3il Womens' .*liirt w.-iist3. made from Miss May Thompson of Flesherton ! .''""-'-V •^t'ip'-M'iints in. iiiVL'e variety Color- â- , , " .- • ' 1 c ings and iinttern.s, alsO a few white nius- wlio lias been visiiuig menus here tor i â- . n , , c i i ^ ° bn wai.sts, all made by inie or tlie liest the past weuk returned to Flesherton ou hloiKe maiiuiactnreres in C-.nada, sizes.'!-' Monday. i t.i 40 inch 'oust--iegti;;ir 50 and 7 oc kinds. â€" â€" ^•^ i Sale price only 38 l»ort Ljiw : 10 Wnuiens Linen Crash Skirts, leni'ths 39-t(i^44 inch, made wi'h the new adjust able suirc band, good fitting and good wearing sknts an.l very cool and drossy fiir summer weather. Regular vabi-, 81.25 each. Sale price ,<i, jhiri nai'nts, 2S Womens' Shirt W.vi.sts. in.f.iucv win mu.sinis. ^Bpnyr.s, cnaiii- 24 Womeu'.s Shirt Waists, a.ssortcd while and fancy niuslins, in large variety de- ' siiriis and colorings . assorte J sizes. Regu- lar values were •?1.00 and 1.25 cichâ€" .\1I on sale at one piicL' â€" choice ot) muslins, colored brHy3;3l»tc. Some plain, others faiioy stripe patierns. '}.''!ih wliitcare iiandsoiin- ly trimmed ivith cluny lac.; and in.serriun, cluster of tucks, large peail buttons, etc. The remnaiiis of tins season's h,•^ir, styles and s.-Uers at SI 00 and 1.25. Mid- sum lUur sale price, your choice for . . ..S'.t 1} only wnite inusiin shirt-wai.sts, hanJ- som3 styles and nualitios, all the hiiili- clas.s waists left in stock. Regular values S2.W and .-J.Ol.i. S.de price l.T.", WASH GOODS Watson Bros, have set up their port- able saw mill here and are busily eng.ajed converting logs intu luni'oer. They will remain but; a shott iiiiio at preseii', but expect to rttura for a more lengthy stay. Mr. Charles Napier was removed Itsc [ week to tho General Hospital, Toronto, ^\l,(iut 3n ends fancy coloured iiuisl;us some enough for one. others two and three where, it is hoped, the treatment may ' ilruss loiiiitlis t" piece. 'L'hese were some of our be->c SLdling muslins this season at fioni 9c to 15 per yard, and among the lot are handsome desii/u.s and Ooiorings. for the mid-suu)ni:r sale we put them all on sale at one price, your choice (j 10 ends handsome muslins in rich eolorinss and designs, all the new tkiiigs in taped org-uidies, !ace organdies, deniites, etc. Uegul.ir 25c. tii .'i.'ic, ipialitie.s. Mid-sumnier- sale price, your choice at _ ]-«' excursion to JIavkdale and visited the , I COhCS. in liie 0» COL Oi iiuii-|.,€»j iii«:in. «,iv* home, among whom might be mentioned ^[^^^^ ^^ distress can »-e found out of Mr. Wright, warder of Castle Miller, and 25 others. It is pleasing to note that the remarks in the visitors' book reflect great vredit on the man.^gemeut. Mr. Caswell of Jackson spent Friday «nd part of Saturday with the snpetin- tendent and bis family. There have been three male .vlmis- oions since la.<t writing, the ti<tal now being nine male and three, not four, females lus previously slated. In a former article I intimated that the which such fines can be levied, the J. P. may sentence ihndil miuent t.i imprison- ment in the county gaol for a period not exceediii(; twenty days. All tines are to be paid to the county treasurer, cieuited to the maintenance account and form part of the said corporation of the County of (iirey. A copy of the rules and regulations are placed in each room for the ({uidance o* the uimates. Mr. Guy I'ickell. alitor of the Duudalk inmates of this houw were under no un- 1 HeraW, accompanieil by Mr. UuMcdgoof rraiionable restraint. The following is a j the Standard, wnro among the visitors o condensed form of the rules tn be oboertr nd, and I feel a«sured that everyone will Voice Uiy sentiments by sdmitling that any inmate who cannot or will not cheer- fully comply with them is nut worthy of no comfonable a home : RULES â€" At the rineint; of the Morn- ing b«ll the inmatsa (sick and those in confinement excepted) must risr, wash last week. Inmate. MImberley restore him ro health. Mrs. McFbee of Mauitot.a has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. George Thompson. Miss Ross of Detroit is the guest of lier sister, Mrs. J. H. Waison. Miss Ijiildring and the Mi.«se8 Callie of Toronto have been visiting with Mr.s. J. A. Thompson. Thu U!t,«r two have re- turned home, while .Mi.->s Goldring ro- mains fur a more extexded visit. i Mr. Wui. Love's new barn was raised last week with the rope and pulley sys â- teni. Mr. Frank Blakic, who lately joined the army of benedicts, has, with his ; young partner in liiB, taken up their res- idence on the fourth hue. Mrs. Blakie -i» r i ;^ a l> l i^ 'SJ P) comes from l'xbriOf,c. May their new * home prove a congenial ,%nd happy one. j ^__^^^„|^^„|,^M,^BH»ii«BB«i 15 ends beauiiful rich sat?en.s, crejie de chene, etc, hand.snme floral desiens, rici'i l.ively shadrs, e.\lra wearing ai:d washinu' qualities. Regular 25 ;o .'ioc kinds. Sale price your choice :....' Ill 10 ends Scotch Zephyr»and Chambrays in plain shades of blues, pinks, greys, ox- blood tints, also fancy checks, sTipcs and Hake designs in all the popular tints of pinks. L'reeiis. blues, gieys, ox-bloods, champagne, etc. We iniiiort th«-se goials direct and they were special value at 121c. and 15c. per yard. Sale price. Choice lO' We have sciil on sde a f.iir assortment of Mens and Boys Rein'iy-'o-we«r Clothine at. h'o.'IU liilf regular values (see last weeks adv.) also a few nf the 25c. mole cottonades Htljc. 40 and 50c. Tweeds at !!»..•, etc. Hundreds of other lines at Mid-suniaier bargain prices. Come in and sea us. No need to buy unless you wish. iST^VFOl^JD Sc Co Special Inducements For Current Trade . . Six stitches were rcipiired to .ssw up a wound on the face of .Mr J. tlallidiy of Sullivan, The cut was the result of a kick from a horse. Mr. Halliday was st.in.ling at the head lit his own hoi so : while a team was being led past, when j one of the latter kicked vsith - both, feet 1 one foot striking Mr. Haliday andthe , other reaching his horse. â€" Exchange. | jo Men's all-wool Tweed Suits S7 aud_ >8 , ' r . . 5. tH) Tho haiidsoine span of gniy lioisw, 'or owned by Mr. Peter McCalluui of Derby, j._, LnJies' Fiuo Coats, J7.50 snd $0.00, and admired by all, were »oId this wr««k tor '' to Mr. George M. Bojd, fi«- the sum of • .^ j,^^^ assortment of carpets, arrHnging $520. They aie indeed bH'.idsoms ani- in price from 25c. to 8.125 i>er yd mals Slid they lit U(i,lit price. â€" Excbikipge. hatid^onie \n extn» good stock of Horse Blankets on I iiand and we are selling <heni at the lowest I living nrices known. Also a full range ..f ' Men's Heavv Kontwear. such as Felt â- Boots, Heavy Uubbers, Moccasins, Leg- gings, etc. You nay Have Kidney Trouble If your back aches snd you su6r«r from dragifing pains it is an an evident! nf dis- eased kidneys. Get Fcrrozone at oiica and take it regularly. Feir«>zone inak«« kidnsv sufferers feel belter »t onc^. "I waa Withered a (jreat ileal with my kidney* 5 ,^ Ceylon Ulack tea 1-00 20 Men's Heavv FNters.gfiod valvoat- S^S 12 only Men's IVa ,Iuckets,un sale at 3.90 20 all-wool Men's Sweaters, worth $1,00 for 65c. 50 yds. crash toweling, worth Sj.yd. for 7 C pr. fcray woo! Biaiiktts, to clear nut it $1.9U piiii 12 .Men's Cardig.in Jackets, re«[. $1.50. for .....l.li* Men's Kid Gloves, rt3)(ular price SOc. and ♦LW), fur 60c. per oajr A Reduction in Groceries 5 lbs good Japan lea for 51-CO j 26 lbs. best Tapoica l.'» Harresting is the order of the day. Mr. W. A. Dayman of Walters Falls snd be in readinwa for work.-TheM'I '^"*'*«' ^^' P"'^'" '" ''"' Methodist will rinK ten minutei before .sen „eal, : >--^»'"''' '"''« ^""''^y •""'"â- ""'' '"'.*"** I'^ut'Tot "quVck'relief from Ferrorone. tht inmate, win le.*e work, iH. in rWi- P"*'^'''^ *""=*'"«'''""'""'• ""^''â„¢'''" My trouble u.^^^ «M. with clean hand, and fac. for the Character Uking for his text the 40ih ,he Wk. dull »'«">'!•' *"«*"^.^;";;**"' ' ringio, of the second bell, when they will ^^ 'ilil'^ti'^^'^ ''I r r""' '. a'Tett,,,. LTr^rreTlfich'S^ gT.n A nice a*«>rtm.nt of Faucy (Jl«-<sw«re ,ake th,ir plac*. at th, dining-room Is- "' ^^ ^cOee of Toronto. « rw,t.n« ^^'l^^^^,^ and bstU health*than to Choose from. . . friend, in this neiKhborhood. ! I eTer had brf -re. 1 can nK^omend Fer- xj,r-..^T,-T T^X'' M aster MiUou and Miss L ClUKiton of . rowins as • p •«â-¼. cuN," l*nc« Wc. at VV . rl K->K^ iS^L^Il, X ib IW«. fresh Figs l.OO- <J0 lar};« barsv«p, re^. IS^cfur Sc.pr.bar Ilia where they will observe silence, de- cency and good order. At the ringing of Hljchest prices p«id Fowl and Butter.. . Proton St£itioi>.. â- \ all druggists. ^i