r .« 4 : f I .;.â- ->*â- ;» ^â- ^ THE FLESIIERTOX ADVANCE Jt;ly 28 1904 Methodist Church FLEBHEKTOX. J.I. I, \nT.SON, B *., B. D ...Pastor Vicinity Chips t'h.irarJerlstlcs of the Past Week <^'ir<'rully Called for the 4'uriou.s Money to lo^in at 5 % en f^rm property â€" expense low, A. S. VanDiisen. Mrs. D. Blair and family of Toroatck are the Kuests of Mrs. J. H. Heard, Mi.sa Jennie Hemphill of Toronto is the tiuest of friemls hero this ana last week. For Sale Clieapâ€" Lot 22, en. 7, Osprey. Would rent. Apply to R. J. Sppoule, Flesherton. laug Mr. R. Wright and wife of Haeorsville is visiting the f'lrmsr's mother here. Kresh lime always on hand. J. H. Duekett, Eui^enia- Sev. L. W. Thorn will take the service in the Baptist church on Sabbath next. Teacher Wanted â€" ForRockvale schnnl, .\rteuie.sia. Dutie.s to commence August lo. 19<)i. Apply, Ktatii'g salary, to B.. AV. Clark, Fleshertou P. O. Mr. and Mrs. G. Mitchell- »nd Mr. and Mrs. J. Boyd spent Sunday "with 'riends in Meaford. Rev. G. F. Hurlburt is visiting with friends at Tilsonburg and elsewhere in Southern Ontario. Wantedâ€" lOCO cords hard wood, 1000 cords soft wood, and 50<J0 cords cedar. Quote prices to The Deacon Co, Ltd., Stratford. Mr. Ritchie and Miss Carlotta Rowe of Dundalk spent Sunday with Mr.and Mrs. Hicklins- Watch lostâ€" At Maxwell, on July 12th, lij jewelled gold-filled open fhce watch, .small gold-tilled chain. Finder will be rewarded by leaving it at K. Kinnear's store. Maxwell. Messrs. A. S. TanDuson and John Wright were in BrockviUe last week as delegates to the M.i3onic graad lodge. Mrs. H. Hampton, Toronio, was guest of Mr. and Mrs. J'js. Convtield during past week. J. F. Kerr, who has beea with A. Wil- son, barber, for some time, left Monday to take a situation in Collingwood. Miss Ettie MacDonald of Toronto -mis the guest of Florrio Richardson for a few days during the pa.st week. The east LutherTelephoiie Company have declared a dividend of 20 per cent. Private Company lines appear to pay. Mrs, John Hobson and Miss Bell of Markham are quests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wilson. Mr. A. Loucks an.i Misses Jennie and Hazijl Loucks of Meaford spent Sunday â- jjith Mr. P. Loucks. Thetrustees are making summer re- novations at the, public sch.Twl â€" putting on a new coat of ' plaster all round, etc. W. J. Paton has tlie contract. We are requested to announce that there will be no Ci)ristian Eiidearor in the' Presbyterian church Thursday even- ing, on account of the â- excursion -to Niagara. Mrs. Harmon Radloy and children of Toro:ito have laoved to town and taken «p their abode in Mrs. Boyd Thompson's residence nep.r the Baptist cliWR'h. The number which attended the I. O. F. e.xcursion to Niagani la.st week from here was sai»Il. The Majority waited for the Suiulay school esisursion this week. Summer Term-Thcf Miae.es Kerr of Toronto, teachers of Organ, Piano B.vti A'iolin will take pupils for the summer. For term^ »PP'y lo the home of Mr. A . Hudson, Ma.xwell, Ont. lins Kev.Mr. Wasa.of Eugeiii* circuit cc- cupied the Methodist puh^ »t both services ou Sunday last. jS'f\*t Sabbath Mr. Ennis of MarkJalo will pre,-»ch iu the laoiniug and Rev. L. W. Thoiu in tho sveuiiig. We notic« thjit Mr. J. E. Fawcett, of Norway school, late Principal of Flesher- ton public schawl, was very successful in the recent entrance examination, having ^>as^ed every pupil in a very lar^e class, onlf one of whom had ever tried before. The following pupils pajise«I theeutrance examination held recently at Kimberley: Lucy Atkins, tJOC; AInieda Feri{usi)n.623; (.Hive Gilbert, 569; Edith Hammone,550; Francis Hurd. 612; Eva Irwin, 554: Rita S,nott,550; tjiziie L<>UKheed,554:\. Mun- dle, 696; Sh9rwin Bradbury, 626; Pewy C«\nn. 600; George MoConnell, 624, A W^ler, 583; WiUred Wallkr, 656. Apparently no one wants the Wiarton Beet Sucar mill. It was offered for sale by'pufclic auction on Friday and not oro bid was received. â€" Times. Mr. Wm. Heard of Kemble and Mr. T. B. Heard, Hamilton, brotbsrs uf the late J. H. Heard, are visitine the family here. Misses Mamie and Belle Sled and Mr. Ed. Hueston of Nottawasaga spent Sun- day «-ith friends here. The hay weatlier last week and this lias been almost unprecedentedly fine. If the harvest weather proves as fine farmers will certainly have reason to dance for joy this year, as all crops are luxuriant and promise a heavy yield. A meeting of representative business men of the village met in the town ball Tuesday evening and formed the nucleus of a board of trade. If this matter is carried out it cannot but prove beneficial to the Tillage. R. J. Sproiile was elected secretary pro tern. A very pien.sjint evening was spent on Weilnesday, July 20, at the home of Mr. L. Badgprow, when a p»rty was gi*en in honor of (he Misses Gamey. of Buffalo. Games and amusements constituted the program and every one enjoyed them- selves inimen.s»ly. At 52 o'clock thS liuly of the house served choice refresh- ments with a, aumptuouiliRnd. In the early hours of tho morning the happy assemblage returned l-i their several homes carryiiig with them piea.sant mem- ories of a n-.»s* enjoyable evening. â€" Com. riarried. GresT â€" Dexsettâ€" At Owen Sound, ou Wednesday, July 27, by Rev. G. R. Turk, Mr. Arthur Guest of Flesherton, to MLss Ida M. Dennett of MarkJale. The yxiung couple will reside in Flesli*r- ton. We teuder congratulations. W. H. Guy Eletled. W'. H. Guy was elected reeve of Osprey en Monday by a majority of 91 over his opponent, J. J. Kaitting. The total vote polled was only 265, or about oue-fourth of tke total available vote. A Fine Fish. Dr RHendersop of Toronto, who is litdi- dayiug here, showed us on Monday the finest speckled trout we have ever seen caught in Artemssia w.aters. Its outlines were perfect and the color dark and rich . Tho fi.sh was caught in the Sangeen by Mr. Wm Henderson, near Wareham, and weighed exactly 2i pounds. There was considerable excitement in its capture, the fish having got off the hook, aud was on^y .secured iu ashallow place by stabbing it with a jacknife. It was. a beauty in- deed, and enough to make the blood of an oli fisherman run riot. The Township Pays Again then replied : "It was in October, 18C7, I was passing through Leslie's nursery with George Leslie. As we passed under the trees something fell on the sleeve of my coat. I thought it was a grub and brusheil it aside. Later I noticed the same thing there and looking at it more carefully I noticed that it was a little maple leaf. I have it yet. Mr. Leslie said, 'You make poems, Muir, why n< t write one aliout that?' Two luiurfr later the poem was wiitten and it seemed that I was insryjired at the time. The follow- ing Saturday I repeated the lines to my children as we played together on the floor. 'Why don't you sing it?' asked my wife. And so I made the tune." Mr Muir the« told in detail the circumstances under which the poem was published^ showing th.at be aetiially lout twenl7-«i.x dollars on the song and had never reeeiv- ed a cent through its circulfttinn. "Bat I was repaid a thousand times, ' he said," "when on the 31st ef March, 1902, at Hart's Kiver, amid the dead and wound- ed lying around about, our own Canadian boys sanii "The Maple Leaf Forever,^' and while the words rang forth they would not yield but suffered dt-ath itself." The arbitrators in the Isaacs case com- pleted their award on Saturday and the document is now in the hands of the reeve. It is quite a lengthy affair, but the substance is as follow.'*: The town- ship of .\rteine8iB has to pay Is.-iacs four hundred and flfty dollars, liquidate t;:e witnes.s fees and piiy it's own costs a:ui cost of arbitration. Mt. Isaacs will bb obliged to pay his solicitor and doctor nut of the .$450. The whole matter will probably cost this t(.>wnship ?750. The arbitrators were Ja.s. Mc.Vsland of E\ip- hrasia ; R,J. Sproule, Flesherton; and C. Pye, ClarVsburg. We believe these geu- Itfuien tried. their best to arrive at an in- telligent and fair verdict and their finding will no doubt be accepted by all parties as reasonable and fairly satisfactory. John McDougall, a township of Egre- mont resident, twenty years ot age, was «entBnce<.l ou Wedneisday to six month's at hard labor by Judge Morrison on a charge of assult on a ncighbo;-'s danghter a few days ago under fourteen yea<^s of age. The evidence was most revoUiag in many respects, but for want of. corToboration the crown did not press a iai>re serious charge, which His Honor iu passing sen- tence said would on convictinn have sug- gested the application of the Itsh a.s well as a long term in penitentiary. I. B. Lu<;.»3 and W. H. Wright appeared for tho prisoner, and County Crown Attor- ney Amstrong for the prosecution. â€" Times. The Owen Sound Times sajrs ; Alexan- der Muir, tho venerable auJtvr of "The Maple Iieaf," was interviewed by The Times this week. "Will you tell the readers of this paper the circumatances under which jo\x, wrote Ihe song, Mr. Muir ?" asked th« newspaper represeota- tive. Mr.j Muir thought a i^omeut and Strayed or Stolen Fromljfc 11. con. 4. Osprey on Jul» K), one 2 vear old jteer. bla^zk wich some white upotp. Any iuformation It^adiiig to hU diBcovery will bo tliankf-iUv recoi»«wl. W. J. BROWNBIDGE, Maxwell, P. O. Notice to Shareholders Take notice that it Speoial Generai XfeetiriR of the Shareholders of cbe ORprey Farmers Milhng Con>i)any iLimited) wil! be held in the Orange Hail in the Village of F*versham (the Compftnv's head place of doinQ bnarnessi on Saturday the 6th isilth) dav of .Anuust, 1904, at the hour of .3 (three) o'clock p. .n., for the purpose of electinc a director to fli] tiie vac- ancy on the Board of Directors caused by the death of Richard HawtoD. 4aug J.AMES BUCK1^GH.\M. PreBident. Dated at Feversbam this 'i;jrd dey of July. 19(34. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estiite of JAMES .lOBNSON. late nf the Vilkcie of Flesherton in the County of Grey, Farmer deceased. Kotice is herebv aiven purs'iant to the Re- vi-sed Srivtutes of Ontario I«97. Chnp. 129. that all cre'iitors and othent h'\vtn>j: claima apninst cue Estate of.T.\lIES JOHNSON, (ieceased, who died on or about the oirwteeath dav of Jane in tho vear of oar Lord one â- fthonsand nine hnwdred an.i four, are rec|nired on or before the 'iTth day fo \UKUS6 A. D. 1904 to send hv Posc prepaid or deliver to D\NIEL M^TAVISH. Flesherton P. O.or WILLIAM JOH>" TALI'OTT. Flesherton F. 0., executors of the last Will and Testairent of ihe said ileceascd, their christian and sur- n:\mep. addreiwes and description, the full parrit'ulars of their claims, tb** statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities i.if anvl held by them. AND further notice that after such last men- tiriued date the said executors will prot:eed Ito tUstributo the assetotB of the deceased atnone COS parties entitled there to, hayiuff reqn-rd only of the claiinsof which tbov shall then huve notice and that ch • said expcutors will not be liable for the said assets or any part shereof to any perjon or perscus of whose claim notice Bhaii- -not have been received by tnem at the time of such distribution. 3ATEU Julv 19ch A. D. "1004. LUCAS WRiOHT A McAK?*LK. Owen Sound. SoIicitoMi for Executors. Pubitc Notice .Notice is herebv g'Ten that T have appointed Thursuttv. .lalv 2'^. as a civic holidav for the Villflc* of Fleflherton. according to n-qnest of the business inen, who will close their various tilaces oi business on that dav. •^ A. WIT.SOV. Sec. Police Trustee*". NOTICE! To tho breeders of High Class C.irriage fclorses, Hiah St«ppcrs, etc.: Take notice that the Gi Id an<l Silver Medalist and Swcepstivkes Hackney St!«llion KUnwiekr Tireaway No. 309S E. U. S. f;. and 5 C, U. S. B., A. U. S. B.V«)1.2 No. 204 imported from Eiisland, will luake his second sea.son a.s follows. Mondays at Roctrlyn; Wednes- days and Saturdays at Markdale House, Markdale : balance of the week at his own .'table, lot 18 con. lO.f Euphrasia, near Gorin-j. For description and pedisiree see piRters' Those having pond mares will do welt to see this horse. To imure S15. ^r£^:Z'7:hZ-T:hi/^^^^hi^:^.^r.^^ . Now as the time gets shorter for our stay in Flesh- erton we find we have many lines we wimt to clear out before going and to do this the knife has to go in deeper than ever. MEN'S and BOYS SUITS cut very deep in price. BOOTS AND SHOES must be cleared out. LACE CURTAINS at tremendous bargains. WALL PAPERS : We d'on't want them. A LOT OF MENS HEAVY RUBBERS. New is the time for a bargain in them. Men's felt hats a good .stock yet to pick from. DRESS GOODS to l)e slaughtered Men s winter underwear buy lioit and save nearly half the pries. We have a lot of Ladies Jackets we must clear. a Our stock is in good shape and we are prepared to give you a good bargain in anything you want. We expect to be here for three weeks yet ami during that time we want to clear our stock very low. We don t want to move anything. In Millinery we have about fifty hats to cle;ir out antl if you want a hat now ip the tiiae to buv. 1. J. SHEPPARD Spronle's Block- Flesherton ; i T A^Hr^^yr^ ' A T, ^T^rAj^^ Q Tbe Prescription Department . ^ Cbc mccMcal Rail % % now thoroughly oquippeil wirli NEW. FRESH BRL^'GS, â€" the best obtainable â€" and everv Pres cni;. tion or Recipe is filled exactly as ordered, while the M prices are as lowas pos.sibi^?. g W. J. Douglass I S MEDICAL HALL Fle.sherrm § ^ O Jos. Manary Manager. Farn\ for Sale Beina Lot 19.1 & ISM. North Kast of Toronto & SvJenhBDi rood. oontaiDiDR 1:I3 acres, 90 under ciiitivition. in splamiid coiiditimi (or crop, free of stonp, well fenced and watered, free of wild weeds, bavinft orchard And aumll fruits. Good barn with track and other out buildinRS. coni- fortuhle house. 3lj mil«s from Proton, in Taylor 8t:;ti«ment. Apply to W. J. MULLIr!, Fiwton Station- Notice to.; Trespassers AH person* l«urd , trospaflsina or pickinR berries on mv property, lot ^4, con 9- ArteniesiA. will l>e proKSCutad a.:#orduii; to law, also on town lot* M well. 19&U( J. H. DUOKaTT. Stray-eJ Lubricating Oil Paint Oil Machine. Oil Turpentine V^rjiish . From lot 3S.aou. 1.1, Arteuiesia. nn -Tulv 2; four Te&rlins cattle: I all iml heifer, I Krey beifor. 1 red and wbito steer, and 1 Krev 9t>>er. Anv In- ioruihtion IcadioR to their discovery will b« tbaokfully rsc«iT«d. WM,SEiIl'UF'. Lady Bank. July U. 1904 anR4 Notice tO; .Trespasses Parties found troapanlDt; on lots X and }7, COD 11. Artamasta, will be proMcuted to (b« tal- lest extent of the law. ROBiiBT USN'Oi;. , Eugenia, Jnly 19, 1904 '*t' W &ei YourOupplies frmn I Richardson & Soj ,ie. J