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Flesherton Advance, 28 Jul 1904, p. 4

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July 28 1004 .r ,j THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE â- ^ 1â€" ULJg ^ammmi*'^ Wdw^^^vywy^ ^ Tw ^5 I I 3 I F, T. HILL & CO. Bid £karitig Sale JULY and AUGUST Wo have just completed preparations for an immense cloaiiap; sale of "all broken lines", and lines of goods thai have not hcen selling as quickly as we would like. We also seeurod from a large wholesale house the other day a big consignment of specials previous to their stock-taking operations. These are all on special sale now. have been given final marclimg orders and presents a money saving opportnuity that will not be duplicated anywliere this season. Read carefully the partial list that follows and remember that scores of other lines will be on sale that will not appear iu print, simply because the quantities arc too small. 3.00 SKIRTS CLEARING AT 148 27) Ii.i.lie8 Dr>ss Skirts, made of fine medium-weight waterproof cloth, silk stitched, .ind jicrfeot fitting. Thes'( we 1.48 hiiv J iu a good HHSortmeiit of sizes and eveiyone is suie to be sold \ try (juickly. Your choice for only UP TO 4.50 LADIES SKIRTS 2.25 28 Idijius Drc^K Skirts in IIomeBpims, Tweeds, FlukeN, etc., nil nicely trimmed and absolutely porfcct-fittiP!?. 'I'hi.s IB » general cli-mi-up of left-ovcrfS ficmi .spriui^ and suiiinior selling and all are going at actually leas than thu hare cost of matenaU. .^ikirts worth up to 4.50 clearing now for only . 2.2 5 LADIES BLACK KID GLOVES 03 pairs Ladies Black Kid Gloves, sizes 0| to TJ. These are all bright now g(M)ds, peefoct iu every re- spdct and sold everywliorn ot 8.jc per pair. You can have your choice while they last, per pair only 48 BOY'S AND MEN'S SWEATEHS 10 doz. Boy's and Men's fine all-wo'i! Sweaters in a good assortment of colors that are ;)erfectly fast and dependable. The.?e are by far the best sweater value we have over run across and are sure to be picked up quickly. 75c and 8Dc Sweaters for 48 $1.25 MENS TWEED PANTS FOR 87c. ""' 7r) pair.s Men's snlid Tweed Pants, well made and tailored aud eitcellent wearerc. This is one of the best clothing values you have ever seen. Trousers for only We have a ^ood assortment of sizes aud will give your choice of thesj regular 81.25 87 35c. LADIES VESTS FOR 19 5 dox. Ladies' Extra Fine Vests, some arc pure silk, others are mercerized finish, white and colored and all nicely finished. Your choice for Wc CHEAP WINDOW SHADES 10 di)zen Cream Window Shades with 1 ice and iuser tion to match, roBuiar price 8."»c, cloarina at 58 10 dozen CruBiii Window shades wiih lace to match, regular price 55c clearing at "^^c 10 dozen tiroen and (Ireain Window Shades, plain, rcKular price 35c., clearing a( 23c. 1.00 & 1.25 WHITE BLOUSES C8c. djzen Ladies White Blouses, made of fine muslins and veslinK cloths, and all nicely trimmed and perfect fitting. We have these in all sizes, your choice only 08 A STRAW HAT OPPORTUNITY We have about 10 dozert Men's Fine Straw Hats that wc cleared the other day at a very small price from a manufacturer. All fashionable blocks in qualities that 'n the usual way sell for 75c. to 1.25. We place these on special sale this week at for your choice only 48 MARK DALE /WW^ Presentation and Address Value of Clover Sod iiY Pkok C. a Zavitz. A large number of friends and neigh- Clover is one of Ontario's most valuable boibas.'Jcmble.latthehonie of Mr. and i fai"i crops. It is fienerally recognized Mrs. John Crawford, lOth line, Osprey, | by Ontario Farmers to be a heavy yieldcr on the evening of .July 0, to spend a | of hay, which furnishes a large amount of rtlioillimo with them and their family, valual)lo constituents. It'.s benefic before their dopaiture for Alhtrta. After' >'»! offect.s upon the soil, Iwwever, do not having spent a .short time in S(/cial enjoy- • soem to bo so clearly understood. Scicn- mcnl and music, all present gHth"red into! tiats, who have made a careful study of Iho parlor, where Hcv. Mr. Kemii read an I the influence of clover on the soil, tell us add I OBS to Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, and | ibat after l, crops have been removed Mr Win. Huilsmi pre«ontcd Mr. Oraw- | ff'im the land the soil is actually richer in ford with a gold watch and guard, and nitro^en_after i;rowing than it was before, Mr. Fred Bruckonbury presented 'u*'"^' t" 'be lirge amount of nitrogen Mr.s. Crawford with a very beautiful i which the clover roots hive obtained from o»rviui< KCl. Mr. and Mrs, Crawford j the air. As a rule, farmers grow clover wore veiy much taken by .surpri.-ie and I »i'-d timothy together, and are unable to replied very fuelmgly to the address ("'pertain the comparative infiuence ol Spccclios were also made by aoiiia of the j i^^fb of these crops on the soil. We have oldacquanitancesof thefumily. Follow- couduclod a scries of experiments at the School CMldren's Eyes Supply ^^ TMr r^ Intellect â-  Agricultural College, Guelph, on three diflerent occasions in order to ascerlain the comparative value of clover and sod for crop production. Wo first grew (^lovei-B aud grasses upon sparate ]jlots and removed the crops, after which the land wa3 plowed and other crops were sown. The results, therotore,8how thu iiig is the address : JKur Mr. und Mrs. Grav.'ford : Von; nuijjhbors and members of Bethel congregation have assembled in your huyic t/Uirt evciiiu« to bid you farewell be- fore you depart for your now home in the west. Only .i few of us can reuKMiiber yojr coming to y<mr 0.sprcy home, but wu will all remember with regret your' "'*!'"'•••"-â- Â« "f "-''e ro)t.i romainiuK in the deparlurc. For over thirty years you have proved yourselvi'S to bo atTjctionate ' soil upon the productuenes.s of crops fiillowing the clover.sand the grasses. In neighbors. Your willingnesH to in every moveiiiunt lor the public good, and your Htauuch support of every worthy j»rlnciplc, have earned for you the respect of all. During all those years you have both remained faithful and energetic )iiembai°H uf Uethel church. You have both boen untiring in tbo work of the I'liurcli, but in the SiibbatI' school and piaynr iiineting we Hhall, indeed, feel that wc havo lost our leudur in Mr. Crawford, aud we will realize that your removal has Defective eyes stunt the mind Can you expect fair progress in school or success in business if so handicapped? Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department Wc A. Armstrongs •JEWELER AND OPTiCllAN FLESHERTON. l'.)02, barley was sown after each of foiif variotiei of clovers and three varieties of glasses in four ditFcrent places in our ex periniuhtal grounds. The average rosulm of the four tests in pounds of barley pe: aero were as follows : Uud Clover, lolii; Lucerne, 1450; Alsike Clover, 1427;Mam- moth Red Clover, 1408; Meadow 1008; Orchard Grasi, 1015; and Timothy, '.(40. It, will iheroforo be seen that the Ked Clover sod g*ve an increase over Timothy Sod of 570 pounds, or nearly 12 l)us.liels created vauaiicien in the ranks of our 1 1""' "*•"''"'• I" »u"ther experiment which workers that will Ic hard to till ; yot we' *"" *^'""1^''''"^ '» ^'-"W, 'i. which winter trust that the rouiombtancB of your ox-j "''"**â- , *"* "'"" ''"'•' clover and grass iiii.plts of constancy and piety may cheer ""'''• •' """' '"""'• '^''»' »" average of andiiLsinrousiiilhe work of the MaHter.i^'^*'".'""*^' "'*'"â- *' I""" ""f* "'a' "• Ah a nicmuiito of our ewteeui for you wc iisk you, Mr. Crawf>ird, to accept this KolJ WKtoh aud ituard ; ani you, Mrsl ("rawford, thia carving â- et. Truiting you Mi.ty tiiid your weatern liuiiie pleasant, wo KxpruHH the hope that your pruaence thtsro iiiny be h« conducive uf harmony uiiU ri'jhteouiiiutui as it has been amoUK II*. Signed â€" W. L. Uniwi.v PkBU liBAt.'KK.'ini.'RY After > sunipiuouH lunch waa aorvod all iMiLtrated at an early hour after wish- iiik{ Air. and Mri. (Jruwford gudspeod in thdir now hoiiie In the faraway went. .Mr Crawford loft on Friday, D-*iid, with a ctrluad uf attick and implenienta and liouiuhiild ett'icta. Mih. Cra\Tf.>ril and livr two daughtera are apendiiig » few woi^lis among !. ioud'< and relatires befjrc Kitlii|| woitt. tained from the clover aud, and only 2r00 pounds of (irH.s.s sod, In 180.>i /\ mixture oata und barley was sown ou clover aod aud alau on grata sod. The renults were very marked,asan averageof 3250 pounds of mixed graiim per acre was obtained from the clovet sod, and only 1078 pounds of mixed grains per acre from the urass aod. Ilv averaging the roaulta of these throe giaiiis wu hud that the crop grown on the clovor nod gave an increase over the crop giown on the grass soil oy fully 5(( per. cent. Tho roaults of these ox- penmei-.t* help us to appreciate thu liun- cfieial influenee on the aoil from growjnit clover. It alto indicates the auiliibility of a proporlr cultivated clover simI as a proparati'in for winter wheat or for sprinjf grains. , ' Flesherton Sash. Door and Planing Mills AFTEK much labor a n (I e X - pense we liuvo reop- I cned our lai'tury aiul .liavo ! orecteti a kiln, which piit.s u.s in a po.^itioii to ttll all or(Ier.s for Sas:h^, Doors, Frames, Mould- ings, Base, slair materials and machiue wofji .such as plan- ing and niattjiing, .scroll and band sawing and. turning of every description. Our .stock of north shore white -pine is complete. Wo also . carry a good stock of .panel doors ftnd sash and can fill all orders promptly and will guarnnteo .satisfaction to our, customers in ail lines of (,«ir,bu.siness and our prices M'ill ibe found as rea.sonable as any. . Our Chopping Department shall have our best attention. Hrs. A. Wilson ' 1 W. Wilson, Manager , BOYD, HICKILNG & CO., -FLESHERTON, ONT. >yyLiluneriJ uvecluctlon Special values this month in Ladle's Straw Sailors and ready to wear Hats. Sale of R/lusisns t\v lOc, 12|c. and loc. qualities for 7.jC. Twenty patterns Fancy Colored INIuslins â€" pinks, blues, greens and heliotropes in fancy and floral de- .signs â€" all this season's good.sâ€" fresh and new. Eegular 10, \'2\q,. and 15c qualities Specia.1 ToC.Yard. We have just placed in stock 100 New Cloth Skirts, fresh from the manufacturer's hands to our special order. They comprise Cheviots, Tweeds and l^adies CUoths and come in black, fawn, grey, blue and fancy tweed effects. The workman.ship, style, fit and hang of these skirts arc all that can be desired and the values are the best we have ever .shown. Waist sizes 23 to 28. ' â- --' Lengths from 39 to 43. POPULAR PRICES $2.50 to $5.72. Ccme in and see Them To-day! Just inâ€" a large shipment of Ladies' Rain Coats in three quarter and full length â€" some military style â€" some without collarâ€" some with shoulder capes â€" all new style .sleeves and cutis â€" all colorsâ€" ftiwn, blue, grey, black aud tweed etfects in cravenette and water- proof cloths â€" every garment quite new and up-to- date in every respect. All sizes. Special values in every grade from $3.00 to 10.00. Half Dollar Ties for 35c. 5 dozen Men's flowing end ties â€" all silk, in light, medium and dark shadesâ€" stripe, spot aud fcincy pat- terns â€" allnewgoofls in perfect condition. Regular 50c Yovir Clnoice for 35c. Grocery Special V\\\i Bottle Tomato Catsup, guaran teed fine quality, higlilv spiced aud flavored. Equal to anything .sold a t 20c. 2 BOTTLES FOR 25c. Hardware Department J U LY GOODS Scythes Snaths Machine Oil St:ythe Stones Grindstones Oilers Hay Rakes Forks Hayfork Pul»eys Manilla Ropeâ€" all sizes. If it's anything in Haixlware,. we sell \t. . r

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