^IIW ii I 'apanese Now Engaged in a Double Turning Movement. is tha only certain avenue of retreat he has open to him. Hussia would hesitate to invade neutral t<srritory, jret China's recent orders to the Guards on the Mongolian frontier are BigtnticiMt. MAY GO TO THE FRONT The St. Peter8l)urg correspondent BBOKH OF WIMIPE0,!LEADIN(} MABKETS. Four million Sollar Inrrease in Building Oparations. A Winnipeg deepatch says ;â€" The city's building statiittics ure expect- ed to Bliow an increase of $4,000,000 over last year. Si.\ millions was The Buling Prices In I/ive Stociri and Breadstuffs. Of tho London Telegraph says a spent last year. Housoh are bought Widespread seuHation has been caus- or rented months before they are ni,»^o ^K f""°"";;'^°>«"t i" the news- .completed. Permits issued up to papers that the Czar, who is oslen- j the end of June. 19o4. call for the sibly visiting only the depots whence l erection of buildings valued at 56.- JAPs o:: 'nm move. ] occupied T.aochao, three miles from I Erhloho, the previous day. Artillery A despatch from London says .â€" i ^.^^ ,^ j^^.^^^ incessantly in New- The operations north of Kaiping as (jhwang. A correspondent there rodo related by Gen. Sakhuroft and Rus- | out ten miles Wednesday morning 8i«ii correspondents are regarded here i and found Ru-ssian piclcet.s at nunn- . , ., . ^v. , „ „„„„ nro prous points and a detachment at as showing that the Japanese are ' """. f , •* , Wutaine, two nnlos south. the gar- changing their positions. They ap- ^.^^^^ ^^j,, ^^ maintained until the pear to have withdrawn towards j^gj possible moment, but everything Kaiping from the immediate neigh- ig in rcadiiiof^s for an immediate borhood of Ta.shichao, and to have : evacuation and lor joining the army evacuated the intervening valley. It at Haicheng. )B suggested that thov are currying i out a flank niovcmoiit. This is I BIG RUSSIAN f'ORCR. borne out by a press despatch from Correspondents with Gon. Kuroki's New-Chwung which .says that th« I ^_^^^^. ,,^^^ ^^ ^,^^_ positions of the lirst and second Ja- '- ' " • . , . .. pane.so armies point to a movement n<'«d'>y that it :s beli-vcl that the to complctolv encircle the Hus-sinns Hu.ssians at Knipnig are retiring on below Mukden. Safe retreat toUaieh.ng. There is stih a big Rus- Hai-Cheng from Tushichno is already Bian force between the Motien Pass Impossible. Gen. KouroPatl<in must and Liao-Yang. It is presumed that be cognizant of this fact. The Ru»- they intend to .ittempt to prevent slan explanation is that he is con- i the Japane.se from advancing on Liao fident of liis ability to reijel a Ja- | Yang. Ai)pai-pntly there has been no panose attack on Liao-Yang, and at ! serious fighting, but ihe outposts the same time assume Ihe offensive have been in contact daily and shots in every direction. A telegram from have been frofiuently exchanged. The Chefoo "describes the Japanese o|)era- weather in that district is tine. tions as a douljli^-mrning movement on a grand scale betwe<m Kaiping | and Liao-Yang. Gen. Oku, with u j force that is c.stiniatwl to be three The story of t'he Japanese losing divisions, is Hearing New-Chwang, | ;jo,000 men at Port Arthur is still fighting tftnall engagements on the without connrinutioii and its origin way. Gen. Nodxu, as strong or jj, unexplained. The marine fort, troops arc going to the front, has arrived at Ufa and started for Zla- tousk. The opinion is growing, al- though there is no confirmation. 072,450. Permits issued to the BREAD-STUFFS. Toronto, July 19.â€" Wheatâ€" Is firm^ er at 90c for No. 2 rod and whitei middle freights. GooKe is steady at: 78c for No. 2 cast. Spring is steadyj at 84c to 8,oc for No. 2 east. Mani- toba wheat is a cent higher. No. Ij northern is quoted ot 95c. No. 3 same date last year aggregated only j northern at 92c and No. 3 northern $2.782.;(00, and up to the same I at 88Jc at Georgian Bay ports, and date in 1902, $1.386,.')50. Among ^^'i.*"^. *l".^"^*y "".y continue his the many big structures under con- struction are the C. P. R. repair journey to the seat of war. JAPANESE LOSSES. A despatch to the Japanese Lega- tion at London from Tokio on Wed- nesday announces that Gen. Oku re- ports that ill the fights leading to tho occupation of Kaichau the Jap- anese casualties, from July 5 to July 7, were four men killed and twenty wounded. Tho casualties of tho Jaiiuiiese July 8 and July 9 were about one hundred and fifty killed or wounded. 6c more grinding in transit. Flour â€" (Jars of 90 per cent, patents: are quoted ut $3.60 to $3.65 in shops in the north-western part of: buyers' bags west or east. Choice the city, at an estimated cost of; brands are held 15c to 20c higher., $2,000,000; the now C. P. R. depot j Manitoba flour is steady at $4.80' and subway, estimated cost $3,000.- | for cars of Hungarian patents, $4.50' 000; tho now C, P. R. freight sheds, : for second patents, and $4.40 for $200,000; Union Bank block, $400,- j strong bakers', bags included, on the 000; Free Pr<?ss building, $150,000; j track Toronto. addition to R. J. Whitla's wholesale! Millfeedâ€" Is steady at $16.50 lor dry goods warehouse, $125,000; ; cars oi shorts and $15 for bran in Scott furniture warehouse, 8100,000. bulk west or east. Manitoba mill- WIPED OUT HIS TAMILY. NOT C'ONFIRiMEI). stronger, is concentrating his army ^vhich it rumored tlii^ Japanese on the railway from the east, while captured, i.s identified hero as being Gen. Kuroki, with five divisions, is ^^ Sihiushiving. Tlie Tokio corres- elrciing round north with the object at Whfuhhi.ving pondent of the London Chronicle says that the I'ort Arthur garrison is still keeping the Japanese at bay in the mountainous pusses 14 miles north of tho fortress. of getting astride of the railway and cutting off the Russian retreat. Con- siderable fighting has occurred north of Kaiping, with varying resuUsi, but Gen. Ovu has cxperienoed noth- ing in the nature of a check. The Japanese are remarkably strong in artillery, they having a total of 600 | According to tho Telegraph's ad- guns in Manchuria. , vices the Japnnesij are hurrying more Tho situation is puzzling the mil- troops to Manchuria. Transports Itary ofliccrs at St. Petersburg, ,,(^.^,e tieaied from Nagasaki and Mo- ji daily during the past fortnight. IROOPS FOR MANCHURIA. where the evacuation of the valley south of Tai-'hichao is alternatively ascribed to an attempt to turn Gen. Kouropatkin's left, or that part of tho arnry has been .sent southward to balance the enormous losses al- leged to have been atllicted on the besiegen-s at Port Arthur. The story s^oudron of an imJJionBe defeat of the Japan- ese at Port Arthur continues! to be reiterated in St. Petersburg, al- though the estimate of 30.000 cas- ualties has fallen to 2,800. ach carrying from 1,500 to 8,000 men. The belief is confirmed that some eight inch siege guns were lost when the .transport Hitachi Maru was sunk by the Vladivostock COLLIDED WITH f IRSHIP. NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS. The Shanghai correspondent of tho London Morning I'os't says that the Bteamer Fawaii, which is tho do- Bp.ilch boat chartered by tho Chicago Daily -Vows, has been seized by the Russians and towed into Port Ar- thur. Tho coriespoiKlenl adds that a naval engagement was fought oil Port Arthur uii Friday. The details of tho light and its result are un- known. POSITIONS RKTAK EN. Torpedo Boat of British Kavy Badly Crushed. A Portsmouth despatch says : â€" Tho British torpedo bout No. 109 was .seriously damaged in collision with tho warship Hannibal in Portsmouth harbor on Friday-. Tho tide swept ' the Hannibal against tho torpedo I bout, which was erii.shed like nn egg I shell. Tho cvvw was saved. The j torpedo boat was quickly taken in ' low and placed in dock before sank. VLAHIVOSTOCK SQUADRON. A despatch to tho London Daily Mail from Tokio says it is rumored that torpedo boats belonging to the \'ladivobtock sciuuilron were seen off Hokkaido Wednesday night. It is also stated that the Itussian cruisers have reappeared. DEFIED THE RUSSIANS. despatch from London sa„ Loyd's received on Wednesday a de- and Grain Merchant Kills Wife Child, Then Suicides. A despatch from BulTalo sa.ys: One of the most shocking tragedies that ever occurred in this city came to ! light on Friday when the dead bodies of i;dgar T. Washburn, a member of the grain firm of Heathfield and Washburn, of tho Hoard of Trade, Washburn's wife, .Janella, and his young daughter Gladys. 15 years . old. were found in a bedroom on the A despatch from London says :â€" .sncond story of their homo nt 83 Putnam Street. Mr. Washburn had n^?.! /'â- ?f l'on'"/-'onnrming tho re-shot and killed his wife and daughter of th<.°n.^\ ?'""?r ""',' «™'-«--hi>5|nnd then turned the revolver on his Ru.si,n V r . """ *^^""'""«, t'>'^*'^ I forehead and killed himself. Kussian volunteer steamer St. Pet- t* • i .- j .., ^ ...i ersburg in the Red Sea The tele- * '^ behoved tho terrible crime D-rum trtrf= ih=.t Vil 7j â- ,? 7"^ was committed while Mr. Washburn gram adds that the Kussian lieuten- „ « • , ., /-^ ant. who hoarded the Menalaus or- ! 7". s""^'f'"S froni a temporary fit dered the master to open some of tho I °' '"s^n'^y- J^e had written a let- cases in the cargo. He~rofused to h*^"" ^° "â- '^'ative recently, saying he do so, and none of them were di&-'''"^ having troubles in business. As turbed. ' f^"* '^^ â- '' known the members of the . â- family had not had any trouble WHALIiRS AS SCOUTS. j among themselves. A despatch from Tokio says : â€" There are strong suspicions that cer- tain Norwegian whalers in Corea Straits have been scouting for the Vladivostock squadron. The suspi- cions are not decreased by tho fact that no whales are to be found in the Sea of .Japan. Tiio Hoklcaidao Railwa.v. which was recently damaged by tho storms and floods, has again received much dam- age from the same cause. TWO HUrNDRED LIVE-S LOST. Cloudburst Caused Destruction of Philippine Town. A despatch from Manila says: A cloudburst over the hills north-east ot Manil.i caused a flood which has destroyed San >Iuan Delmonte, on Wodnesdoy. Two hundred lives wore lo.st. The low l.ving districts were inundated. The homos of Americans and foreigners are isolated. Trans- portation through the streets is car- ried on in boats only. Rain has fal- len for twcnty-sevon 'hours, totalling 17 1-5 inches. This is unprecedent- ed. Communication with outside places is interrupted. The damage to property is estimated at •$2,000,- 000. FAMINE THREATENS RUSSIA R1ISIN& lOJEY ORDERS, Warning Issued by Posrofiice De- partment. An Ottawa dcKpatch says :â€" The following Warning has boon issued by tho Post-o'ftice De[iartmeTit : '"Postmasters are informed that an organized gang have been o|ierating in Canada and the United States, raising Iho^umount of money orders. It is roquesto<i, thei-efore. that stranger.s who apply for orders for small uniounts be closely scrutinizod, so that it may be possible to idonti- I'.v tliem afl(^r\vards, if such action .should bo found necessarv." There have been no comidnints of i '** beginning to attract atlenti(M, a serious nature received from On- i '^'''^ Goveriiinents of Kherson, 1, s sarubia. Taiuida. Poltava, Failure of the Crops in Some the Provin33s. A St. Petersburg despatch says :- Tho prospective failure of the croi in some of the southern province." po sibly attendant with fumine. and tl necessit.v of adopting ivliof measiir; at tract cf feed is steady at $19 for cars of shorts and 518 lor bran, sacks in- cluded, Toronto freights. Barley â€" Is stead.v at 41c for No. 2, 39c for No. 3 extra, and 37c for No. 3 west or east. Buckwheat â€" Is nominal at 45c for No. 2 west or ea.-.t. Rye â€" Is nominal at 57c to 58c for No. 2 west or east. Corn â€" Is steady at 45c for cars of Canada west. .'\raerican is firmer nt 58Jc for No. 2 yellow, 57ic for No. 3 yellow and .'50c for No. 3 mix- ed in car lots on the track Toronto Oats â€" No. 1 white are quoted at 32ic and No. 2 while at 32c east. No. 2 white are quoted at 31ic west. . , â- Rolled Oatsâ€" Are steady at $4.50' for cars of bags and $4.75 for bar- rels on the track Toronto; 3oc more for broken lots here and 40c more for lots outside. Peas â€" -Are dull and easy at 60c toi Glc for No. 2 west or east. 13c lid 146 COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butter â€" The offerings continue lib-; eral and tho demand is moderate. j Creamery, prints 17c to 18c' do solids 15c 16c' Dairy tubs, good to choice 12c do inferior grades 9c Dairy pound rolls, good to choice lie Cheeseâ€" Is easier at SJc for twina and SJc for large in job lots here. Eggs â€" 'there is a fair demand and the market is firm at lojc to 160 for new laid. Potatoes â€" Old domestic out ofi store are quoted nt 70c to 75c per] bag. New southern arc quoted at $3.50 to S4 per barrel. New Cana- dians are quoted at 50c per basket. Poultry â€" Spring chickens are quot- ed at 20c per pound and yearlings and old hens at lie. Baled Hay â€" Cars on the track are quoted at S8.50 to $9 per ton. Baled Straw â€" Cars on the track here are quoted at $5.50 per ton. she, tarip point.'-!, but il has been thought best to call the matter to the atten- MONTUEAL MARKETS. Montreal, .July 19.â€" Ijocal trade i^ ((uiet in oats, but prices arc firm in view of strong advices from EnglancJ and dealers tiro demanding previoud quotations. 37c in store for No. 3 and 38c for No. 2. Peas are abouH steady at 69{c afloat Montreal; No. â- J barley, 4y,Jc; No. 2 extra, 48}a aiu! and No. 2 rve, 62c. ENGLISH GUN-SinTIIS. It is reported that a dozen gun- despulch to a London news [ smiths, whose time at the Woolwich says I arsenal has expired, gre going to •fnpan to assist in repairing heavy ordnance. Maripiis Ito is making a tour of tho Govermuent iron works Investigating their capucitiea.- , . A agency from .St. I'etersburg the War Ollieo .ii.nouiices Ihe receipt of a disp;tteh fiuin Port .'Vrlhur con- taining the report that the .lajianese susUiined considei able losses on Mon- day, the exact particulars of which have not yet bein ascertained. Ac- cording to tho despatch the Russians recaptured all the positions latel.v taken by the .Ja|)aneso. A des|mtih to tho London Times from Tokio says the story of a Jn|)- ancKe repulse, with heavy casualties, at Port Arthur dm Mf)iulay is wholly discredited at Tokio, wh(U-o no such reports liavi' been received. It is believed that the story originated in Shanghai. KharkolT arc principall.v nITected. Ii. tion of postmasters, and to caution I ^'"' '''^''-''^'t of Triaspo the peasant: pooplo against cashing postal onlers i "'''''"''>â- ''"^â- •' ''''<^" compelled to bur or notes lor jiersous of whom they 1 know little. CAVALRY SCORES. j A (Ir'simtch from Haicheng .-^ays :â€" A detachnicnt of Majui-Geiieral Mlst- cheiiko's army fought a brilliant en- gagement Tiiesda,v near tho IMack j Mountains. Some prisoners ewere taken. j The JapaneA' are entrenching themselves live miles from 'I'alcho- kiao. Terribly hot weather pie- voils here. Tlip Russian trooiJs are in excilleiit spirits. SIR WM. MACaSE'-xOR. Has Been Appointed Governor of Newfoun Unnd. A desiiatch from l.onilon says: King Edward has ap|)roved the ap- pointment of .Sir William MacGregor lo succeed .Sir C'aveniiish Hoylo as Governor of Nowfouiidliind. vest the unripe cro[)s to food the t live stock. ("(iminiltees have been appointed to relievij the distress. The failure of the cro[is is attributed to unfavorable weather. In some dis- tricts no rain has fallen. In many |>arts of Bessarabia cattle are bein;.- sold for almost nothing. ACROSS IN (iO HOURS. ROOF OF FOUNDRY FELL. DOWNFALL NOT REMOTE. A ilespateh from I'oklo says: Tho Jiji Shimpo a».seil.s that the siege of Port Arthur is progressing well, and that its downfall is not remote. The Russians are defi:nding the place desperately. The papi'r does not mention any specific actions. There is no ii;formatii>n from Jap- anese Kourcus ri'gnrding the losses nt Port Arthur, hut it is believed that numbers of .lapanese voluntarily â- acrifU'cd iluMiiselves in order to clear the roail for a general advance. The absence of the lloet suggosls that largo reinforroincnls are ilrriving. RKNNEKAJIPFF WOUNDED. ' A despiktrh from .St. Petersburg •ays: An oihcial de.<<patch states that > between Lino-Yuiii; and Hniniaise' the Russians encountered the Japaii- ese oiiliiosts nnd drove them back, and pr(ii'i'««dptl lo ot i upy Vandeu- pud7e. While tliry ng.-e aKCending u; hill, the .l.ip;<iirxi> Dindf on energetic • ttnck upon their right. Gen. Ren- DcknoipIT WH«i rIioI in thi' leg at the i bPgirinx'K "f «â- '»<> fl»^nt, but romaiiu-d In actum Php .lapanose wore rl^- yjlsed. The ItuMlun bwsoa were j (ourteoa killed and wounded. I FKillTlNG GOiNG ON. ' An olllciul report received from To- 1 klo in London <u the .lapaiiese occu- jputlon of Yinkow and tl<e difllriilt CHcaiio of the small Russian garrison i there is appiuenlly iinliuo. Telegrams I from Yinkow not only do not men- lion a .laiiane.m- occuiialion, but say , (hat thi? Uiissinns are still there and j that Russian ollUcrs from Tashiehno ' fiequi'ntly arrive at the i>ort. where the Russian gunboat .Sly<iutch still remains. I'ighting, however, is going on near Yinkow. The .Iai>nne.<<e are rei)orte<l to ha\e taken lOrhfolio by assault on Wednesday. This place \» nine miles from Nirw-f.'hwang, IVIX) MONGOLIA. The Japan Mall remarks that (Jen. Kouro[iiitkiii Is evidently cuucontrat- inp at TaiiKlliai iiKHlnst (!cn. Nod- vu'r Takushun nrm>. The level country there would give «n o['Por- tiinity for the use of tho powerful Ilnssian cavalry. rhe XichI NIchl. of Tokio, rom- nirnting ujion Gon. Kouropatkin's iiP|>iirent indecision. states thai. nhtio Oon. Kiirokl was tompornrllv III Fencwnn, the RiissinnH dpent their Ktrmii{th in attacking his flanks. Irnvlng tho Motien F'oss lightlv th- fMidad. Now tho lin* lato MoiiKulla New Boat to 'Make ''^T ;r Voyage Shortly. .\ despatch from Hew York savs : â€" Carl J. 11. Fliaat. of Hob..' m, a former sea captai|i, 1': i ln\i ed a Several Workmen Badly Tn^urec' at '•°"* "'"''' ^^ "^^^ 'â- ''' *"" ''<' '" Hamilton " make tho voyage lielw.en Niu \ ork . , , , ,T ., and Liverpool in siM\ hours. He A despatch from Hamilton snys: „,,„, ^avs that. Cerr.mn sbipbuiU:ers At the W.stinghouse Klectrie Mfg. i |,„vp „irpn,t^ „(Teied hinr $10.UOli.ono Co., where many large buildings are if,,,. i,is invention. ('aiit. Klindfs under construction, the roof of the|„iodel boat, which i: called the new foundry building collnpsi-d nnil I'rriiiinph is lying in the North Uiver, sevpral workmen were injured on |nnd men are bii.sy jii.iiing in the Fri<la.v. A. W. Alders, G. McDonald, 1 maehiner.w Calit. Pliiidt says that T. Fullerton and R. ("oph-y are In- | she will be rcai ly for lu-r trial trip jured the most serious of any. and! in about two weeks. She is to it is feared one or more of these will I make the triii with ga:oUne for fuel. â- TWHNTV PEOPLh KILLED Picnic Train Sas'i»s Into .•> Freight Near Chicago. A Chicago dosputcl. says : â€" Twentj pernons were killed ae.l atiout twen- ty-live injured in a r, liisioii on the ('hicago & Eastern lUiiuiis Railroad llATTLK EXPECTKO. A despatch from London snys ; â€" Thcrti is a total absence of news of events in Manchuria. I'.verv paper which has a correspondent with ("ien. Kuroki's headquarters has received a short despatch indicating that a bat- tle at Motien Pass is expected al- at (Jlenwood, Ills., t «. mi tv-three miles most immediately. The KusHians , „„„,,, „f ('uicago on \'\.Kine.sdav. The there have be<Mi grently strengthen- r„i|ij<i„„ ,„.rurrod In ween a picnic ed, but they »hi.w no signs of taking |,rnt„ from Chicago, which was re- the ortensive. There haTe boon ten i ,„r„ing from MonK^i. .•. Ills, and a days of line weather, no rain is now to bo expect otl. 30,000 TROOPS LANI>. A (Jprman corr<<fiiion(lent who wns rect'ntly nlb>wed to depart from freight train, into toe rear end oi I which tho excursion 'rain dashed at high speed. The I'i nic train was romiiig north and ti.- freight was on on the southbound trsck, A mit»- placed switch thre« the picnic trai Mukden, where ho had been arrer.ted ] over on th(< southboiuul tiuck. us a spy, ro(V)rts that 30,00(> Japan- i In'fore the engineer could ujiply and •I"' eso landed on July 11 nnd July l.'l, j brakes it ran nt forty miles nn houi in the neighborhood of Pigeon Day. | into tho rear of the freight. The nioir operations were roicnvl by t lie i locomotive, the baggage cer and thi- entiro .laimneve fleet. The Ru.i.'rianM ' ilrsf coach of the picnic tiiiin were nindii only n faint n-wislftnco. llring demolished, and all of the killed nnH 1 few shuts from their uhuro bat- injuind were on the locomotive am: tories. I in th« two cars. Flour â€" Wo quote : Manitoba pa- tiMUs, !:i4.75 to S4.80; strong bakers' S4.50: winter wheat patents, §4.75 lo $4 .'90; straight rollers, $4.60 tO S4.70; straight rollers, in bagsj *2.1o to S'-'.25. Feedâ€" Hiuiiilton bran, in bags. $18; shorts, in bags, ?I9 per ton; Ontar-. io bran, in hulk. $17 to $18; shortsj •SIS to *19; mouille. $26 to S28' per ton, as to (juality. Rolled Oats â€" Considerable price cutting is going on, and .sales nro ro|iorted at S2.2ii (ler bag and $4.8tl per brl. this being away below thd utisociatiiin iiriee. Dealers are ask- ing S!2.324 for bags and ?4.90 in lirls on track. Hayâ€" No. 1 wos $9..")0 to $10 per • on on track; No. 2. $8.50 to $9; clover, mixed, $7 to $7.50, and clo- ver, $11.50 to S7. Iloans â€" Choice primes. Si. 35 to $1.40 per bu.sh.: $1.30 in car lots. Provision.sâ€" Heavy Canadi.Hn short cut pork. v<5l7.5li to $18; light short! cut, $17 to $17.50; .\meriran fat; liacks, $17.50: compound lard. O^cl to 7c; Canadian lard. Hjc to 7ic;' kettle ren<lered. 8jc lo 9Jc, accord-! ing to quality; hams, lie to 1 3c j bacon. 12c to 13c; fresh killed abat- toir hogs. $7.50; li\e hogs, $5.2.-> to; >!.'i.40, weighed oft cars. Eggs.â€" Select. new laid, 17c;! strnigiit gathered, candled, 15c; No.' 2. IHJc to 14c. Hulterâ€" Fancy grades. 17c to 17Jc:. ordinary liiiest, IC.Jc to 17c; west- ern dairy, 14c to 14^c. Cheeseâ€" Ontario, 7ic to 7Jc; best' Quebec, 7Jc. TRAGEDY AT MINING CAMP. : Engineer Attacked With Knives" .ind Fatally Tn;ured. .\ des|>atch from Helleville says : . Particuliu-s have just come to hand' of a shocking ndair which took-placei at Cruigmont Mines, North Hustingsi last, Sunday. Wm. Welch, an en-' gineer. was attacked 1^- eight Sw<xi- ish miners, armed with knives and a: hatchet, and .so badly maltreated that he has since died. His n.s.<nil- anls were iirrestw). nnd the citizens of CraiijiMont. where Welch wns very ;iopu)ar. could hardly be restrained Iroiii taking summary vengeance ou. Ins ussaibinls. m