\ 1 •111-" ..V' HACE SONS ? Not a Bit nt V:. A man who thought Uis race was 'run made a food find (hat brought him back to perfect health. "One year ago I was unable to perform any labor in fact was told by my physicians th?t they could do nothing further for me. I was fast Pinking awuy, (or an attack of grip had left my stomach so weak it could not digest any foed siifiRcient to keep nie alive. "There I was just wasting away, growing thinner every day and we4ik- er, really being snuffed out simply because 1 could not get any nourish- ment from food. in' on won't do any particular good." "But I don't want to slide off." "And you won't. If anything goes it'll be the mewls and coach and the whole consarn altogether; and as the drop Is plump three hundiod feet, you won't have no use for arnica or stickin'-plaater afterwards." ADDING INSULT TO INJURY. "That is what I call downright humiliating," said Mrs. Biggins. "What has occurred?" inquired her husband. "The neighbors who recently moved next door are going to havo com- I pany, so they sent over to borrow "Then my sister got after me to | our drawing-room i-ug. 1 let them try Orape-Nuts food which had done | have it, and in a little while they much good for her and she finally j cnme back and said they didn't persuaded me nnd although no other i think it was handsome enough to go food had done me the least bit of ! with their furniture, and could I lend good my stomach handled the Grape- them the money to buy a new one " Nuts from the first and this supplied i __1 ^ l What shrunk your woolens ? Why did holes wear so soon ? You used common soap. Sunlight Soap O/f^ RXOUCES KXPENSK Aak Aw tke Ocla«OB Bar. the nourishment three months 1 I had needed. In ! was so strong When potatoes have begun to be r««^=^ f,.„... All, . Q ^ - â- °'** ''"'' rather tasteless, soak them moved from Albany to San Francis- co and now on my three meals of Grape-Nuts and cream every day I am strong and vigorous and do fif- teen hours work. "I believ(i the sickest person In the woild could do as I :1o, eat three meals of nothing hut Grapt^-Nuts nnd before cooking in salted water. Boil them in water to which some salt has been added, and when they are done, drain all the water off. keep covered, and set back over the fire to steam perfectly dry. Stir the ket- tle to prevent the potatoes from cream and soon be again in the flu-h of best health like HW. "Not only am I in perfect physical health again but my brain is strong- er and clearer than it ever was on the old diet. I hope you wifl write to the names I .send you about Grape-Nuts for T want to see my friends well and strong. "Just think that a >ear ngo I was dying but to-day, although I am over 55 years of age mo.st people take me to be less than 40. and I feel Just as j'oung as I look." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason. Look for the little book, "The on their feet | ^^''^'^''"^ ^° ^^- ^J"* ''" not uncover them. Thus cooked thoy will be light and mealy. Tibet has its "park i>ests." The robe, which constitutes a man's suit of clothes, is simply ungirded when he lies down to slee[). It is neither changed nor washed until it goes to pieces. The man inside the robe fares no better. GOOD RECOMMKXDAITOVS. Lady â€" "Have you had much exper- ience as a cook?" Applicantâ€" "Oh, indeed I have. I has the wisdom to i ^^"^ **'<' =°"^ °' ^f'"- ^^n^ ^^"s- Peter- right introductory I ^^ 1°'^ ^hree years." "Why did you leave them?" "I didn't leave theiu. They left me. They both died." "What of? ' "Pyspepsia.'- Road to Wellville" in each pkg. A MODEL CHAIRIUAN. How seldom does a speaker get a chairman wlio make Just the speech, but here is a moidel. The chairman, in introducing the speaker, said : â€" "Ladies and gentlemen, I have the honor to introduce to you this even- ing the gentleman who is going to deliver au address to us. He goes to the same church as I do. As a pure citizen I respect him; as a per- sonal friend of jears I have the warmest regard for him; as a neigh- bor whose vegetable garden adjoins mineâ€" why â€" why, I watch him. He is a square, true man in honest pol- itics, and I must say he occupies rather a lonesome position. So broad, so bountiful is his character that he has never turned a tramp empty-handfKl from his door, but' al- ways gave him a letter of introduc- tion to me. PuroJ honest, incorrup- tible, that is the speaker of the even- ing. Such a man in politics is like a bottle of perfumery in a glue fac- tory â€" it may moderate the stench, but it doesn't destroy it. T haven't said any more of him than I should .say of myself. Ladies and itentle- mien, our friend will now proceed to talk to us." Some persons have periodical nttackg of Canadian cholera, dysonti'y or diar- rhoea, and have to use gi*eat precaii- ti<ins to avoid the dist-usp. Change of water, cookincr. aiu* irroeu fruit, is .sure to bring Oil llie attaok.s. To i^uch per- son.s we would recoininend Dr. .J. D. Kellogg's Dysentciy Cordial us . beini! the liest B:cdicine in tlie market for all summer complaints. If a few drops are taken in water wlien the svnifitonis are noticed no furthei- troub'e will be ex- perienced. Cape Town has doubled. The cen- sus in Cape Colony shows that the population of its capital and su- burbs numbers 169, 179, an increase of 90,313 on the census of 1S91. Italy's judges have many trials. Over 100 of them have memorialized the Cabinet for an increase of sal- ary, hinting darkly at the possibili- ties of a strike. For Ovtr Sl«ty Years tltr. WmsLO wi Sooth i no Sr rup hM bMa MSd bf mUlionsof mothera for thei" childran irhtia t«athiD'; ItKnothflS the cbiU, rollaos tbesuniH. allaj-i pain, oare. windcolic. regulalaa tha«tomat:E and b.iwisla. and IB the brat remady for Diarrhoea. Twenty ti»o c«nu a bottU Bold bydrUiiKiats Uiroughout the world. Be sura and Bak(ur"Uiu. Wisni-ow aiooiaisa anKiir." 73-01 The London Cry.stal Palace accom- modates more people than any other building in the world. It will hold 100,000 people. The Fiaf^ginj^ Rnergies Revived. â€" Con- } stant application to bu.siness is a tax I upon the energries. and if tliere be no , relaxation, lassitude and depression are sure to intervene. Tliese come from 1 stomach troubles. The want of exer- ; ci.so brings on nei'vou.s irregularities. \ and tlie stomacli ceases to assimilate ' food properly. In this condition Par- i melee's Vegetable Pills will be found a ; recuperative of rare iiower. resToniiL; I the organs to healthful action, dispell- ing depression, and reviving the ll--;'^ing energies. '"'" â- LOWER PRICES USE BETTER QUALITY Pails, Wash Basins, Mill( Pans, &c Any rir«t-CIass Grooer Oan Supply You. INSIST ON QETTINQ EDOY'a MInafd's Liniment Is used by Physicians Small Tommj- â€" "The teacher want- ed to bo.x my ears this morning." Grandma â€" "How do you know he did?" Small Tommy â€" '"Cau.se he i wouldn't have bo-Kcd 'era if he hadn't wanted to." "So you renlU- think that dogs sometimes poss-e.ss raoi'e intelligence than their masters?" "Certainly. I've got one myself that does!" It is an OSicer of the Law of Health. â€" When called in to attend a disturb- ance it searches out tlie hiding-place of pain, and like a guardian of tile peace, lays hands upon it and says, "I arrest you." Hesistance is useless, as the law of health impo.'^es a sentence of perpetu- al baaisnment on pain, and Dr. Thom- aS' Electric Oil was originated to en- force that sentence. INDIAN ETIQLETrE. .\ letter sent to a native Prince in India is often a vei-y elaborate af- fair. The paper is specially made for the purpose nnd is .sprinkled with gold leaf. Only the la.-5t few lines of the somewhat lengthy document contain the purport of the letter, while the remainder is mode up of the usual roundabout and complimen- tary phra.ses. it is folded in a pe- culiar \va\-. with the llaps outward, and placed in a muslin bag, and thia latter into one of crimson and gold tint, with a slip-knot of gold thread, attached to which is a ponderous seal. The address, written on a slip of parchment, is attached to the outside bag. These details are very important for polite lettei'-writing in India, and if anj' one of them were omitted it would be an insult to the person addressed. per cent. of Austrian victims of the morphia habit are medical meo. The average age of Austrian doctora is si.xty. Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder is a boon to any home. It disinfects aa:i cleans at the same time. It is worth 10 cents to dear your hoii.se of (lies, and one packet of Wilson's I'^ly Pads will do it. NOT THIO AN.SWER EXPECTED. . At an e-xauiination at the College of Surgeons, a candidate was asked; "What would you do if a man was blown up with gunpowder?" "Wait until he came down," was the somewhat cool reply. â- 'Very good," continued the Pro- fessor. "And suppose I were to kick you for such an impertinent answer, what muscles would I put in motion?" 'The llexors and extensors of my arm; for I would at once knock; you down.'' Smith (newly married) â€" "Don' you think we had better lay aside something for a rainy day?" Young Wife â€" "Charley, dear, I am so glad you said that. While I was out shopping this morning I bought two lovely silk umbrellas, one (or you and one for me." "What makes factory whistles blow ."â- o early in the morning, dad?" "The engineer wants to wake tip every- body who doesn't have to go to work as soon as he does." DOCTORS' AILMENTS. Some statistics just published in Austria throw an interesting light on the ailments from which doctors suffer. One fact is very in- structive. I'he medical profession contributes onlj- 7 per cent, to the mortality from tuberculosis, which speaks volumes for the etflcacy of in- telligent precaution. On the other hand, for some reason not very ap- parent, 40 per cent, of doctors die from diseases of the heart or of the nervous system, while also 40 .\LMOST IMPOSSIBLE. â- lack â€" "Why wouldn't she marry you? She loves you to distraction, I know it, because she told me so." Ceorge â€" "Sl^e insisted on my prov- ing that I am nyt already married because she says there is a great deal of bigamy nowadays. Well, it is easj' enougli to prove that one i* married, but how the dickens am E to prove that I am not?" Dank â€" "Oakland is a contradictory kind of fellow, isn't he?" Blaahâ€" "Yes; the other night he dreamed that he couldn't go to sleep." "Don't j'ou think; you'd better speak to papa to-night, George?" th« girl suggested. "He's just come in, hasn't he? " asked George. "Yea." "Well. I think I'll give him time to get his slippers on!" Teacher â€" "Now, Johnny, what doea the busy bee teach us?" Johnny â€" "To keep away from the hive."; After looking upon the wine when it is red many a boolckeepor loses his balance. Teller â€" "Pullem is a man you don't meet every day." Grirashawâ€" "He is a man I don't meet at all; owes me five dollars." h« shentle- engage- py te ' Levi , Levi, Levi, to take How's This You should keep your old love-let- ters. One of the iuinous Lord Nel- son's has just been solil under the tiammer for .'?5,1."jU. Minafd's Liniment Is used t]^ Physicians "At what ago do you consider women the most charming?" asked the inquisitive female of uioic or less uncertain years. "At the aue of the woman who askes the question." an- swered the Buin, who was a diploma- tist. We offer One Hundred Dollars Ueward for an;' case of Catarrh tiiat cannot be cured "b\ Halls Catarrh Cure. £•â- . .1. CHKKF.Y & CO., Toledo, O. We. the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney tor the last 15 years, and belie\e hiri perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to caii-y out any obligations made by his lirni. WALPINC. KINNAN & MARVI.V, Wholesale Pruggistr.. Toledo. O Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inOernal- ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous suifaces of the system. Testi- monials sent iree. Price. 75c. per botUc. Sold by all Druggists. Take Halls Family Fills (or consti- patioa. Levi, Jun. â€" '(â- 'adder, de mans vot pays te tiamant ment-ring yesterday comes shop to-day ant pawned it. .Si-n. â€" "How vos he look?" •Jun. â€" "All proken down." Sen. â€" "Vill you never learn interest in te pizness? Vy didn't you try und sell the shenlleumns a pis- tol?" WEALTH UA.S \0 CITAR.M.S, Fred â€" "There are times when I care nothing for riches â€" when I would not .so much as put forth a hand to re- ceive millions." Kittie â€" "Indeed! 'Pant must be when you are tired of the world and its struggios and vanities â€" when your soul yearns (or hi^ifher und nobler thint's. Is it not?" "X â€" no. you are wi'ong." j,' "Then when is it?" "When I'm .sleeping." Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Apples Lei us have your consignment of nny of these articles a»d we will get you good prices. THE DAWSON COWItVIISSiON CO, Umlt«d Cor. W«iit MTket a.nii Oolbcrn« »ts , TOBOWTO. TIIK PENALTY. Kipling once described the Sunday morning sei'vice of a battleship on which he took a cruise. It was a very well-attended service, every sail- or not on duty be'ng there, and after it was over Ki|i!ing said to one of the jackies, "Are you obliged to at- tend these services evei-y Sunday morning?" "N-n-iio." said the sail- or, "not exactly oliliged, hut our gr-og would be stopped if we ilii'.n't." BUCHANAN'S UNLOADING OUTFIT ^Vorks well botli om stacks nnd in baras* unloadn all kinds ot hayandsrrnin eitb«r k loose or in sheaves. Send f orcataJotcn* t» M.T. BUCHANANS CO., Inger3oIl,Ont YOUR OVERCOATS A bushel of flies have actually been killed by one packet of Wilson's Fly Pads. \o other fly killer com- pares with Wil.sons. Sleeplossnr.'ss. â€" When the nerves are unstrung anil the whole bo<l\' given ui» to wretchedness, when the mind is fill- ed with f;looni and dismal lorebodings. the I'esult of derangement of the dijjes- tive organs, sleeplessnes.** roines to add to the Mistress If nnly the subject could sleep, there would be oblivion for a while and temporary relief, Parine- lec's Vegetable Pills will iH>t only in- duce sleep, but will act so benenciaii.v that the sub.iect will wake refresheti al*d restoi'ed to lianpiness. livnrl. H no »c^* Munirvul. Box Ul «:id fiil.d Suits Willi. 1 I'lOt belt it OUTS iu your Lo-vii, wnl,- ilir« i. BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. • • Woman man, "is fraud." er. "Yes. bacco money Mlnard's Liniment for sale eveiywlieie Richelseu & Ontario A man's success depends on what he does with his failures. .•Vltgough water isn't iiito-xicating it makes barrels tiijht. NAVIGATION .steamers leave i> p.m. IT HAD "That's rather a tmique a.sh- of yours, old man. Where did A HISTORY A- tray you get it?" Bâ€" "Well, theies a little history attached to that. You remember an apple-tart I told you my wife made soon after wo were married?" Aâ€" "Yes." Bâ€" 'Well, that's the crust. My dear wife ha.s often tried to smash it, but she can't." Th« oheapast Fly Killers made ure Wilson's Pa-is and they arc sold everywhere. Beware of imitatioQS. VERY SOOTHJNO. The driver of the stage, which was rolling down the Rocky Mountains as fast as six mules on the g^allop could keep ahead of it. may have noticed that 1 was (writes a correspondent) a little nervous, for after a bit he soothingly .'!aid : â€" "No use to grip that rniling so mighty hard, stranger. We sha'n't come to the danger p'int for a while .vet." "Tlico It's still ahead?" I queried. "Yes, three miles ahead: and I may say for your bcneUt that haog- co. daily, from Toronto. for (.'harlotte. Port of Rochester, Kingston. 1 .UOO Islands Points, l>iockvillo. Rapids .St. Law- rence. Montreal, Quebec, Murray Bay, Tadousac, Saguenay River. HAM LTON AND MONTREAL LINI. Steamers leave Hamilton 1 p.m., Toronto 7.30 p.m.. Tuesdays. Thurs- days and Saturdays, Bay of Qiiinte Points, Montreal intermediate ports. LOW RATtS ON THIS LINK. Further Information apply to R. & O. agents, or writs H. Foster Chaffee, Western Passenger Agent, Toronto. Summer Croup A oroupr couarh la a dangarous iblnff for ths little f olki lu mimmar thns. The («Ter that aceoiopaul«s It !• liable t« cauao sarioua illoaas. Qiro them Shiloh's Consumption Cure The Lung Tonic and has do uapLeaaaat after pic quickly effects. At «11 drufjittJ, S5C, 60o and »1.»0 a bottle. Baddcck, June 11. 1397. C. C. RICHATJI'.S & CO. Dear Sirs.â€" MlNTARll'S LINIMENT is my remedy foi" NKURALGIA. It relieves at once. A. s. McDonald. "I've just 'eai(l that yrur littli' Hill got run over," said one. " '0\v did it 'appen? " " 'F, was picking up a 'orseshoe for luck," replied lit- tle Hill's father. ltpay«to buy the bc".«;t, and Wil- son's Fly Pads are the best lly kil- lers made. Buddeck. .June 11, 1897. C. C. RlCIlAKliS .t t'l>. Dear Sirs,â€" Mi.NAHD'S LIXIMKNT is my remedy for XKL'RAl-G lA. It relieves at once. A. s. McDonald. A poor mous with ties. man's faults are synony a rich man's eccentric' Keep Millard's Liniment in tlic Hr-jse. "Sir," said the haught.y individual with the unbarbered locks, "there is poetry in everything." "I'm i.ure i '" there is," rejoined the village oditor. "Kven our stove is full of it!" The counsel for the plaint ilf had been bullying the witness for au hour, when he tinally asked : "Is it t rue that there are traces of iii.sanitj- Kminent Mu.sician â€" "Do you prefer Chopin, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, or something le.s9 classical?" your family?" "Very likely answered the witness. "My grand- father, who was studying for the ministry, gave it up to become a lawyer." There i<* only one Genuine Fly Fad: that's Wilson's. Avoid poor imitations. I SHE •WAS ON. "Freddie, come here! I regret to sny I've got to puni.sh you; your teacher tells mo you're the worst in your class." "Mebbe she's right, ,.,._. , » . <. -ir i > t ma. Only yesterday she told me I I H<^What I feel for you. Muriel^ I took after vou." i can never tell you in words. True â€" â- love is silent! T N U 490 ! Murielâ€" Oh. no, I assure you. It ISSUE NO. 30â€"04. speaks to papa. â- said tlte dejectoti young a .lis,ippo!ntim;nt and a Indeeil?" spoke one listen- 1 saved up all my to- nvX lived ou poi-ridge two weeks to treat Miss Trwelove to the opera anil a supper. Then I asked her to niari'y nie. and sh- said she was afraid I was too extravagant to make a good husband." HAUNTS OF FISH AND GABtB. Attractions for Spoitsmen on the Line of the Grand Trunk. Tl'.e t^rand Trunk Railway Company has issued a liandsome publication, profusely illustrated with hall-touo ennruMiigs. descriptive of the many attractive localities for sportsmen od tlieii- line of railway. Many of the regions reached by the tJrnnd Trunk seem to have been specially prepared for the delectation of monUind, and where foi- a brief period the cares of businesa are cast aside and life is given up to enjoyment. Not only do the "Highlands of Ontario' present unrivalled facilities for both hunting. Cshing and camping, but the 30,000 Islands of the lieorgian Uay. Thou- sand Islands and St. Lawrence Riv- er, Uidcau River and Lukes. Lake St. John, and the many attractive lo- calities in Maine and New llam^ shiie, present equal opportunities for health, pleasure nnd sport. All theaa localities are reached by the CSrand Trunk Railway .Syetem. and on trains unecjualled on the continent. Abstracts of Ontario. Michigan, Que- bec, New jlampshirc and Maine tt»h and game laws are inserted in the publication for the guidance of sportsmen. The Grand Trunk Rail- way has also issued descriptive 11- lusiratcd matter for each district sei>- •rntely. which are sent free on ap- plication to the agents of the Com- I pany and to Mr. J. D. McDonald, District I'nssengcr Agent, O. T. IU« IV'nion Station, Toronto, •â- /„ V