THE RUSSIAN_IIED CROSS HEAD AND FRONT IS THE GRAND DUCHESS VLADIMIR. The Dowager Empress Has Com- pletely Shut Out the Youug Czarina. / 'I'ho women of the liiissian nristorrusy, from the C/nriiia hor.self down, are devolinj; themselves Ir the aid of the IJod Cross Society, ar..: Uirc;i^h tlici;- pfTorls many mil- lions of roubles huvo been raised for the sick and wounded in the l''ur Kast. As the C/nrInn llowager still holil.s the same position at the Uu.ssiuii Court as .she held when Alexander 111. was alive, there is no position there for the yoiinK C/nrina to hold, no work for her to do, no duties for her to fulfilâ€" she is, as it wore, an interloper in her own hii.sbantls house. This i.s a painfid eno\iKh stale of a/Iairs for hci- when thinjfs are at peace with Russia; Init it is infinitely worse now when the whole Einjiiro' is seetliinfj with excitement. and the air is alive with the clamor of .-irms. .She can do nothini;. for whenever she tries, she is promptly told l>y the C/.nrina Howager she has already arranged to do it. Then, if she per- sists, she is made to imdcrstand that her one duly in lifn is to provide Russia with n C/.nrovitch. and that liintil this is accomi>lished the (piieter jshe keep.s herself and th(; less .she is «een or heard of the bettor. TIIK CZAUl.MA. always accompanied by lier eldest sister, the Crand iJuchoss I'.li/nbelh, wife of the C/ar's inicle, iRis been making triiis through the lower (piar- ters of .St. rctershurg. -.a-ging pat- riotism tipon the poorer cla.sses: and Ithe police have been |)ur|)i)sely warn- jod not to interfere with expc- 'ditions of the I''nipress. so as to 'avoid nny ai)pearance of preinedita- Ition. Tlie Clrard lluchess F.lizabeth. who lives in IMoscow. where her hus- band is (Joveinor-tleneial. is a favorite with the Moscovites on ac- count of her democratic ways. THIS MOSIOIAN IS DELIGHTED HIS KIDNEY DISEASE AND GRAVEL CURED BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Tried Many Medicines but got no Relief till He Used the Great Canadiau Kidney Remedy. Uosedene, Ont., July 18.â€" (Speci- al).â€" Mr. Samuel J. Crow, the well- known musician of this place, re- lates an experience that adds to the already great po|)ulariiy of Dodd's Kidm\v Tills in this loctalit.v. "X sulTered for .years with Kidno.y Trouljle." sn.vs Mr. Crow, "which be- came aggravated with every attack of cold and cnu.sod uu' much agony. The disease developed into Ciravel when 1 was totally unfit for an.y- Ihing. "I tried different remedies with- out the desired residt nnd was in much inise'v w'hen I decided to try Dodd's Kidney I'ills when to ni.V astonishment nnd delight I inmiedi- ately Ix'gan to recover. "After using five boxes the ailment had enlirel.v coitseil and I was again enjoying jjcrfect vigor, all of which I owe to Dodd's Kidney I'ills." The fact that Gravel yields so read- ily to Podd's l\i(!ne.v I'ills is goo<l news indeed, as it does away with those terrible ouerations that were sui)poso(l to be the only relief from this trouble. Shirt waists and dainty (inen are made delightfully clean and fresh with Sun- light Soap. «B calling on meniliers of the aristocracy nnd the well-to-do in general to in- duce them to give up their old linen for wounded soldiers. liehind their oiiuipages travel covered furniture vans ("MtltYTNCf Till", GlfT.S. The striking from the Czarina's Court list of t'he name of I'rincess Michailovna DasbkolT for an innocent rejnark. shows how serious- I.v the Czarina takes her duties in connection with the war. When Prin- Shejccss Dashkolf was asked, like all :has succeeded in rai.siag enormous mnrch- i,- ther court women, to join the sew- weallli.v Moscow mnrch- jjnj, class. she consented; hut re- by the charm of her cor- jniarked to a lady of honor that she would prefer to hire twenty seam- stresses, who woidd do more work than all the Czarina's two thousand aristocrats. This observation was retailed to the Czarina, who forth- Bum.s from lants solely dial manner. She invited the nvr- chants to a bazaar, shook hand:^ With them. and. addiessing them by Itheir pat roii.vmics, gave them re- ifreshmcnts with her own bands. She called upon their wive.'; and jwith put the Princess on the black- idrank tea with them, although she jiist. The incident created some sen- dislikes that beverage. sation, as the Princess belongs to The head and front of this work Ifor tlu! Red is the (iraml 'Duchi\ss Vladiniir. who li'uds 'her ^presence to all the sessions of the fet. Petersburg lireneh, and p.-rsoiial- l.V aids in other wa.vs. She i)resi(les at bazaars, sows with the sewing- one of the best-known families of the higher Uussian nobilit.v. Largo numbers of educated young women of th(^ betti^r classes are seek- ing to obtain employment a.s nurses in the army. Kach applicant is in- formed of th(! terrible rigors of Si- classes, and visits the girl.s' schools, iberia; but not one in ten is daunted where she helps the pupils to make jijy tjie prospects held out. Th(! soci- Jint nnd bandages for th-i soldiers at the front. The Crnnd Duchesses Al- exandra nnd Constat ine. the latter 1 )â- â- of the most beaulii'ul women of the "'mpire. have placed their palac- es at I Ml' servici! of the Red antl tour the city in their troikas. A BACK LICK. Settled the Case With Her. Many great discoveries have been made by accident nnd things better than gold mines have been found in this wa.v, for exumi)le when even the accidental discovery that colTee is the real causes of one's sickness [)roves of most tremendous value because it locates the cause and the i)erson has then a chance to get well. "For over 'J.5 .venrs" sa.vs a 'Mis- souri woman "1 siUTured antold agon- ies in m.v stomach and even the best physicians disagreed as to the caiiso without giving me an.y permanent help. dilTerent ones saying it was gastritis, indigestion, nem-algia. etc.. so I dragged along from year to year, always half sick, until linall.y il gave up all hopes of ever being Kvell again. I "When taking dinner with a friend one day she said she had a new drink whit'h turned out to bo Pos- [tiun and I liked it so well I told her 1 thought I would stop coli'eo for awhile and use it, which I did. "So for three months we had Po."!- itum in place of coI'm e without ever having one of my old spoils, but was •jlways healthy and vigorous in- stead. letv has been fibliged to deelino thou- 'sands of requests for enrolment. The ! Uussian [lublic is greatl.v touched jby these I'Vidences of patriotism on Ithe part of the women, and the ro- isult will he a much larger moasiu-e of freedom for women in future. Uus- 'siari women already eiiioy more lib- erty than the women of .lay coun- try except the Anglo-.Saxon. and the result is that in times of nation- al danger they <omiiort themselves with great iheroism. '^I'lie part they pla.ved at the siege of .Sebastopol WILL RVKM HE UKMKMIUOKKD. It is not onl.y among the aristo- crats that this outbreak of patriotic charity manifests itself. Matildo Kschensky, Uu.ssia's favorite ballet (lancer, has left St. Petersbm-g, throwing up her iirolitable engage- ments, and has volunteered and gone to the seat of war as a Ked Cross nurse. Not onl.y this, but she is touring the countr.y on tho wa.v. dancing to houses i>acUed to their cn- padty, and giving the entire pro- ceeds of cver.v perfornuince to tho benefit of the Hetl Cross Society. Another popular favoiMte. the sing- er I.abunskaia. is proving her patri- otism. .She is one of the- prettiest singers of chansonettes in Russia. and also is making a striking totu- of her native coiuitry. which begun at Perm, n little of the tJral Mountains. There, after singing a lift!,' song to loud applause, she d(>- livered with fer\ or and spirit a new patiiotic song entitled; ".Slavna.yn Itossiya." Reports from Perm state that tho audience cheered for live minutes. Her op])ortunity had ar- rived. lUiishingly she announced heir of Don Carlos. Logitniist Pro- tender to the thrones of France and .Spain, and may yet figure as a per- sonage of importance in Kuropoan history. He is in his thirty-fourth year, and was educated for several years at the Itoman Catholic College f Ileaumont, close to Windsor Cas- tle. Don Jaime holds an ensign's commission in the famous Cradno regiment of Hussars, of the Russian llod.vguard, and is looking forv/ard keenl.y to .seeing active service. lie is Don Carlos' son by tho first wife (a Princess of the of liourbon- Panna). who died eleven years ago. leaving a son and faur daughters. Ry Don Carlos' second marriage to Princess Alice of Bourbon, the yoimgest daughter of Hon Carlos, who l#tel,v obtained a divorce from Prince Frederic of Schoenburg-Wald- enhurg, was recent l.y announced to have joined the Russian Red Cross Society, and to have made [)ropara- tions to start for the scene of war in the Far East. GIRLS- NEW PROFESSION. to W.-ar ^t^^f^ iAy^i^^/u. Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Apples Let us have your consignment of any of those articles and wo will get vou good prices. THE DAWSOM COIVIIVIISSIOM OO, LlmltiJ Cor. West Market anii Colborne Sts . TORONTO. I LOWER I PRICES USE CAN BE HAD IN Pails, Wash Basins, Milk Pans, &o Any FIrat-Claaa Crooor Can Supply Vou. INSIST ON QETTINQ EDDY'S. HAUNTS OF FISH AND GAME. Attractions for Spoi-tsmen on the Line of the Grand Trunk. The Grand Trunk Railway Company has issued a handsome publication, profusely illustrated with haU-tono cngraviugs, descriptive o( tho many attractive localities for sportsmen on their Hue of railwa.v. llany of the regions reached by tho Crand Trunk seem to have been specially preparoti for the delectation of mankind, and whore for a brief period tho cares of biisinesa are cast aside and life is given up to enjoyment. Not only do the "Highlands of Ontario" present unrivalled facilities for both hunting, fishing and camping, but tho 30.000 Islands of the Georgian Hay. Thou- sand Islands and St. Lawrence Riv- er, Rideau River and Lakes, Lake St. John, and the many attractivo lo- calities in Maine and New Hamp- shire, present equal opportunities for pleasure and sport. All these localities are reached bv tho Grand Trunk Railway System. and on trains •,me<pialled on tho continent. Abstracts of Ontario, Michigan, Que- . 1 â- , , ,bec. New Hampshire and Maine llsh A new profe.ssion has been sug-|„„^ ^„^,„ ,.,,^, ^^„ in=,.rfpri in the Employed in London Pretty Dresses. What cult a wouum do to earn her living'.' She can become a draper's model, is the suggestion of one au- thority. "Limiue.stionably a great deal of tho trouble concerning employment is caused by the women themselves," he rsaid to a London lO.xpress repre- sentative yesterda.y. "All domestic duties nowadays are scoi'ned as being beneath their dig- nity. We cannot get domestic ser- vants because the girls want to be typists or clerks. Good cooks are becoming as extinct as the (Jreat .\uk. ;iMil tlie only housemaid's jdace for which there is any compel it ion j j,^,j^|(^jj is a housemaid's place on the stage. "Yet we are overburdened with governesses â€" half trained, as a rule â€" hospital muses, typists, and clerks who cannot get employment , ... . , , , , , and game laws aro inserted gested tor girls who have had no special training for any business or profe.'-Kional work. All that it ri-- quired is a good figure, and the car- riage necessary to show off beauti- ful gowns. "The profession is that of manno- (|uin. or draper's model. Those girls are employed b.v all large shops, and are selected entirel.v on account of their beauty and shapeliness. "Their duties consist solely of I "Yes," ho proposed," Piissa.y walking up and down the long show- continued, l)lushing: "and when papa rooms clad in all the most ox(|uisite ! canio into the room he found me in models which the shops can produce ! Mr. Huggin's arms." "Ah. now \ BUCHANAN'S UNLOADING OUTFIT Works -well both on stacks ami in barns, unload.-) all kinds of liny and fcrain either loose orin sheavoa. Sendforcatalotfueta M. T. BUCHANAN & CO., Ingersoll.Ont 25-34. YOUR 0VERG0AT8 tnd failed Suits wnulrl look l.«ttor flyoU. If nt agpnl of olin in your tinrii. vrriLo direct Montrf^ai, Uox t'j8 BRITISH AMERICAN DYEIN9 CO. KONXKEAI.. "Your husband seems to have an exalted opinion of you." remarked the bride's aunt. "Ho says you aro his right hand." "Yes," rejoined the young wife, with a sigh; "but he's one of those men who never lot their right hand know what their left hand does!" game publication for tho guidance of sportsmen. Tho CJrand Trunk Rail- way has also issued descriptive il- lustrated matter for each district sejJ- arately. which aro .sent froo on ap- plication to tho agents of the Com- pany nnd to Mr. J. D. McDonald. IMstrict I'nssonger Agent, G. T. U., Union Station, Toronto. » â- • for the benetit of the la-lies who wish to them. " who have tried it state that they lind the life most prolit- ablc and comfortable, and they have iiot the slightest wish to change their position for that of a gover- ness or a clerk. "Iiifortiinately the demand for such women is not large. Hut, af- ter all, perhaps, it is tiearl.y as large as the suppl.v, considering how ver.v few wmnen are perfectly formed now- adays." "Husband kept saying he was con vincod it was colTeo that caused I that sihe would give a modest kiss to those spells, but even then I any man who would jiay ten roubles wouldn't believe it until one da.y wo 'for it, and would send tho mone.v thus acipiired to the Red Cross .So- ciety for tho wounded Russians. The men in thi> audience stormed the stage, anil the womi-n piivsent pr<iveil I heir love of count r.v by urg- ing their husbands and sweethearts to chastely salute tho pretty singer nnd to contribute ten roubles to so noble a cause. The appeal was so got out of Postum and as we lived two miles from town. 1 thought to use tho cotlee we had in the house. "The r.-sidt of a week's use of rolTe,' again was that I had another terribli! spell of agony and distress pro\ ing that it was the coffeo and nothing <lse. That seitlc>d it nnd I BOid good-bye to Corten forever and Binte then Postum aloiio has been Istriking. and the desire to contribute our hot inealtinip drink. > so earnest that during tho evoning , "My friends all say I nm looUinij jshe earned tifteen hmidred roubled worlds b(!ttei- and my complexion Is niuih improvi-d. All the r>ther mi'm- hors of our famil.v have b(»en bono- loo. by Postum in pinco of the old think. rolTee." Name given by PiHtiim Co.. Hut Ho Oeek. Mich. Ten days' trial of Postimi in place nf eollfee or tea Is tho wise thing for every colTee drinktr. Hiich a trial tolls the exact truth often whoro rof- ife»i is not Huspected (8750). .She Is slowl.v touring across Russia, and the lied Cross fund is growing rapidly THROUGH HKR EFFORTS. Others aro also enthusiasticall.v working for tho Rod Cross. Ron •Tairae de Fnurbon. who recently left Rome for .St. Petersburg for tho pur- pose of going to the seat of war in [the Far i'.ast. has asked for a noli- How's This Wo Oder Ono nurulrnd Dollnrs Howard for any cnso o( Ciitarrll that cannot be cured l)> llttH's t'atai'rli Uuro. F. .1. ClllONnY &, CO.. Toleilo. O. Wc. ttiQ undcrsipiied. Imvo known F. J. Uhcnoy for the last 15 .vcnrs. anil bcllo\e him perfectly honorat»1.5 in all busiucfH trnnsaeLioriij. and tinancially ahlu tu carry out any obligations made bv his (irni. WALUlNd. KINNAN & MARVIN. Wholesale liruggists. Toledo. O liall's t.atarrh Cure is taken iMlcrnal- ly, acliiiK directly upon Hie blood and niucou3 HurfaccH of the system. TesLi- moniala sent free. Price. 75c. per bottle. ^S^lld by all Dnigjjista. Take UaU'u Kauiily i'ilU fur coustl- patiou. Friend â€" "I'd recommend .you to drink a cup of water every morning." Invalid â€" "I always do that where I board; the.v call it collee." see!" e.xdaimed Miss .Speitz. "I wondered what .your father meant to- day when he toid me that Mr. Hug- gins had an old head on youug shoulders!" For Ov»r Sixty Year* Mb«. WiNal.ow'aSooTlilNo Syiu't has u»»l ^ inillioppof mothiT:* for their children whi!.:» Lior-hiiii' ItanolheH the child, softfu.s thft ifiniM. aliaytt piiii. Cttroj wiud eolic, reguiatpH the Btoiinudi and huwetn, and i4 th!» best leiiiaily for Oiariluu't. IVwnty-rtvu ueiitj ;i bntLl.i fSotd tydruuifiiU Llirouifhout the world, he 3iir<» atid fttklwr"Mu.i. Wl.\»LOW sSoOTillNU Svltue." 'J;!~01 "It's ridiculous." remarked tho prosperous tailor, "to sa.y 'clothes don't make the man.' " "Think so?" "Coi tainly!" replied tlie tailor. "Why they've made me!" There aro many imitations of Wil- son'.'» Fly Pads"; all aro cheap and compaiatively useless. lie sure to get Wilson's. "You never saw my hands as dirtv as that," said mamma. " 'Cause I never saw .you when you were a lit- tle girl," was little Irene's prompt answer. No other fly killer compares with Wilson's Fly Pads in destructive qualities. Insist on getting the genu- ine. Kat a small (piantit.v of lettuce morning and evoning and .vou have protected yourself in tho best po.s- sible way against smallpox, says "Medical Talk." Look in each packago fr)r the fnin-'tary command, but pending an an- nus little book, "The Rood to Well- Isw, r has joined a hospital corps as â- ViUo." |a nurse. lie is the only son nnd Ask for inaid's and fake no other. A pigsty and a kitchen garden aro among the features of tho cemetery at Qowerton, Wales. Mlnard's Liniment Is used by Physicians Wilson's Fly Pads. Each loc packet will kill more flies than can be caught on 301) sheets of sticky paper, costing 515. "Do you think I am capable of acting a part?" asked tho stage- struck youth. "I do," replied tho busy manager; "and the farther apart we aro when .you act the bet- tor at will suit me." Keep Minard's Liniment In the tionse. .sine â€" "Yes, I remember m.v first ball as if it were only yesterday." lie â€" "What a wonderful memory you must have!" Wilson's Fly Pads, ^ro dead flies dropping about when properly used. Minard'sLlniiiienlLunibernian'sFdeni The I'roprietorâ€" "What made that customer walk out? Hid you otTcnd him?" The Shopmanâ€" "I don't know. Ho said he wanted a hat to suit his head, and I showed him a soft hat!" House flies carry contagious eases Wilson's Fly Pads the flics and rne contagion too. dis- kiU A private In tho Hoyal Marines has just been sentenced to nine months' imprisonment for throwing i i,..s3- than four CART.S IMPROVK UOAIVS. In France every carrier's and every market cart, instead ol injuring tho highwa.v, improves it. In th.> foi;r- whrele<i vehicles in that count' v the rei:' a.xle is fourteen inches linger than the fore, and as a result tho rear wheels run in a lino about an inch outside the level rolled by tho front wheel. After a few loaded wag- gons have passed over a road the highway looks as if a steam roller had been at work. A national law in Oerman.v pro.scribcs that waggons heavily loaded must have tires not nches wide. In Aus- a piece of broad at a lanco-corpornl. ISSUK NO. 29â€" 04. tria the minimum for siaiiiar vehicles is six and a half inches, in Switi^r- land six inches. A ^Summer Cou^H Is tha hardest kind to set rid of and the moat daLgeroua id ad to nogleot. SKiloh's Consumpliosii Cure To^.c'-""^ win cure yon qiiickly and lurel.Tâ€" (if«p tho forer. Blreagthen the lunga and mak« you well a^ain. At all drujTgilU, S5e. SOo andlLOO % botti*. 401 1â€"28 That "money talks," I'll not deny May be (piite true. But it more often says "Good-bye!" Than 'llow-dy-do?'" I was Cured of fironchitis and Asthma by MINARP'S LINIMKNT. MR.S. A. LIVINCSTONK. Lot .51 P. E. I. I was Cured of a severe attack of Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINI- MKNT. Mahono Bay. JOHN MADKR. I was Cured of a severely sprainedi leg by MINARD'S LINIMENT. JOSHUA WYNACHTT, Bridgewator, â- ' â- '- - â- â- "â- - . â€".â- â- >â- â- â- â- â- ! . ri Fine-edged tools lose their temper if e.xposed to the light of the sun for a considerable length of time. Lever'8 Y-Z (Wise He«d) Disinfect, ant Sosp Powder I3 a boon to any home. It disinfects and cleans at the same tirae. Papa â€" " llecn quarrelling with Georgo again?" Daughter â€" "No, in- deed, I haven't! It's too near m.v blrthda.v for me to quarrel with anybody!" #*