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Flesherton Advance, 14 Jul 1904, p. 1

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VOL XIIy, KO II86 JPlcsherton, Ont., Tliursday. July 14 10O4 W. H THURSTON, â„¢'''"" I'lloritlETOH I stop a rioment ! r>i:t is not whiit nnr Watolii'i dii â€" lliey '" so on fm-- ever," iilie Tornyfcn's Bvook â€" wi;!i nn occjisioniil ck^iiiir!,'. Vei hHvo the I)iKft vjilup in Wȣi;hi!a lobti fou:Kl in Oatiiri'. Til. -It ia a V'io; sl-fifemen^, aiul if ymi il.iii'l VeliHvoit Ri.nio in :ind iut V!s vpri/y if. Wn make .'i npeciHlty of tho pi'puku- iiuJ perfeob KAiVilLTON MOVEMENT plinisiii wero the ijitUKta of Mr. Graliiuii's •p:ir(?iit3 ill the Yiilley over Sdinlay, i' Mrs. Ji'lii) Sproulu of Winnipug and I Sirs. Dv. Sprouie of Miuktiiilo wurc the gnosis of Mr.''. R;>ncrt (»mh;iui and Mrs. AJaiii ni'lo;) (if thoViilloy on Thursday of hiat wi'ok. Dominion Day at Fevsrsliam A l'!c;stook of th's movement iii-t t.ii liand. CLO c? Til iiiiniersn viiii fty ajiU at all prices. Ouv rop.'iiring dcpartiiiGiit is thnrnuvrlijy ctpjipptd ard good workmnnsbip guarauteed. W. A. Armstrong, xj'ewc.ner, F lesherton P;>rt Liiw I The .sports at t'ovcishiim wtra success- fully canisJ out, iiotwithsiaiidint; tho uii- f.iVoriil)!e wea'. hor, an. I the ooiiimitteo ciimy oat satisfactorily on linancoa. The ponctit in I he eveinniJi wns, of ooursn, the principal event of ihd tl.iy, with Miss . Mao Dicltenaon tx% the brii-ht par- •tiou!ar star guve unbouiirteil satisfac- tion in hei' renderings and charmed hur audionce. Mr. Psularin hisco.-uic places did Will. iMr. Ira Perigt) ocoiipiid tho oliair. Procoeda of ooaoert, $50. â€" ^-.^•>-* â€" . â€" . Lawn Party - "-=. TIic pai t-y held on Wednosd:iy of last week on Mr. MoGill's urounds west of Ceylon, under the auspices <)F jho An- glican Young Pooplo'a Associntion, was a splundid success. The weather being n 1 â- ' tf.„ 1 „ 1,1 T T-> ' 1 ' favorablo, a lariro cr.'iwd WiUS present, public s,i!io..lpicn!.jkad.o!( the -'lid Just. jDuiin,!; the early part of the. evetjj^ju: iu Mr. Stali'.ini's t;rove. A!thouii;!i post- baiskt^^iU foruiod an e.tcitinir p.irt of The poiiei several timi'S on account of bad ' (iniuseiiient.s. Later on rof, eshnienlK weather and other ieasori.s ihoie was al , i r. i . -n »-i , ^ .. i> I • 1 â-  I wero served and afDur.v.ird^, vyith Mr. litrKe tnriiout. Hacus, for weieh priZ'a, were t;iveiv, ..anmi. aninging and -hm Fnv"!;lui m tho chair, a leiiKt;hy program bawl" were irduU'od in and :ii t!inroii;.;hly was ^iven. Mr. Geo. Wilsmi rendereil'a jjood time ei.juyed. j coruet solo and also a vocal snlo, which Port Law Comieil of Royal Toinplara;^^,^^ thorou.^hly enj.yed. Addresses and titelr fnerida ludd their p'.ciuo on ; , , >.â- â- , m. WedncKilay last. Siin.shine oha.sed .r.vay j ""cro Siiven oy Uovs. Wilson, Thorn and.. the morning cloud.-i and a pleasant tiiiio Hurlburt oE P^lushcrtirt), Math-.-soii of ivaa spent iiii'ler the lnrj:c canopy »f Mr. i Prieeviloand Newell of Mavkdalu. Miss Kerr's ts'nuly yrovi- onioyin^ racing, so- j jVanklm. O.ven Sound, -ive three excel- cmI coniat>, etc. . L'lit the Iciit'iro or lliei , ,. ', • i ,r day waa th.^ speeches of Kov. Mr. }[ail- | '"-"' ^oh.s which were well roceired. Mr. tiin-b and .Messrs. .1. Pi,. Uog,' an;' \V, O. : Shcppard, in his u.^aal pleadn;,' manner, Pickol, which were alt of more tliaii or- delighted the audience with two sonns. diimry excellence and wore listened to | .^ i-ecilation was j^iven by Mi.s Ef.ima with much apprtciation. Uocitat'ons ^ ... . , „„ ,,. , ., „ and sin.jii,i;i.iier«p.MS.jd the speeches. j NMiittuker, Iho Slisse.-i Joy and Mrs. Mr. Ch.ule.s Napier, who had knee , Sheppard entertained the cnnvd indoors injured sn.nti two months airo, still lie? in ; for some tiino. Their excellent iiowcr of .. i,..i..i ,1:*- Tk.. ,?....*,... 1 â€" _ . help" conf'itKiii. Tho doctor baa I encortaining is too well known to need AretTiesia Council disc'Veied ihat tuberculosis has set in. , ,^ • , • «, Aiuch prvotieal ..yiupathy is bving shown cf''"me»f- t>"r'"g 'i'" ovenu.g AIra theafiiieted uriu. Shepp.iid acted as acicoaipanisfc. The Mr. .L H. Watson returned with : proceed.*, which went for tho benoht of his .son Edward from tli.j Toronto -,.,ieral ^^x^ A-Y.P.A.. anieunted to about S42. hospital, wh're the latter underwent an operation. The injured foot is • <Io!n,' well but another trip to the city will be tiecessary. Mr. and Miss Duncan of Collina;wood visited W!6!i iheir uno'e and aui.t,, Mr. James aiol MIms .lnhnson. Miss Mabel \ViMters ia homo frein Cori''gwi.'od col e<{iate. Mis3 Annie Thompson and MrsCliiiton Pedlar arc up I'rcni the city visiting with fiieiuls. Jliss Eiliel llill from near Markdale is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. W. Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. 1.''. W. Nicholsnu have returned from H pleasant visit nith rela- tives fn Ni rth B.istiims. Mr. John Iverr visited with relatives iu Kgreniint latt week. James McLennan is home from Lions Head, whole he has teen since hist fall R. H. Hemphill's barn raising came oil' on Monday and successfully. FiillowinsT arn the otlicers e.Wcted liy the llTot T: Select Cimncillor, Mis U Wood ; P 0, T il McK«nzie ; V C, Mis J Walker; Chap, J H Watson; U Sec, Miss Liura tlohnan ; F See, Miss LiU Love; Treiia, S Shiers ; Ue-ald, E Wat- ; Telt Co, to erect pii!es for use of son; Guard, Miss Mamie Fisher; Sen- Ujieir line on certain hiijliKays ; fi3b", to tinel. Win Wiilker ; Ort'iinist, Mis Mc- • • c , oi-,i„ r ,- â-  . ,., T , ,, ,' . ,' raise by way of loan 81^0" for current Kcnz e ; Auditors J A Hutchinson and j j The Avtemrsia council met on Satur- day, July 2, lUOi. iMcaibcrs were all prCKOnl, the reeve in thechiiir. Minutes of last session were read and conllnned. Comniuiiications following wero preaenled and read; Tho cle;k of Glenels.copy re- port to Gleuelg council in regard to wire fence on townline at Lish Lake recnn- meuding that no action he taken and iiskiiifj this council to co-eperatewith them in havinn fences rcniovtd olf road allow- ance. The Reeve and Clerk, report in refc-renoa to proposed dr.iin by Proton council and atlbcbing certain lands in Arteinesia.that on account of the petition being an old one, the Proton Council had referred tho uialfor back to tho petitioners for a now petition. Bylaivs G35, to permit the East Groy John VV McKee; Trus-ce', W H Mc- NuUy, TR McKenzie and .J H Wa'son. e.xpeiiges, wero introduced aud pa.ssed. Gil>sonâ€" Meads â€" That the Treasurer is hereby authorized So scizo any ueccets- ary check on the Bank of Hamillmi for payments ou account if sinking fund now on deposit in said bank at Uundalk Branoh.â€" Cirried. Gibsonâ€" Best â€" That this Council ful- ly agree with rep-irt of ComtiiittHe of Glenelg Council in renord to removal of fencoi on deviation of Town Lino near Trl.sli Lake and will endorse any action taken by Glenelg Council to have snid Eugenia Mr. Samuel Osborne met with nn nccl- <lent on Friday Iu.«t. When attending to ji belt in his shingle mill Iiis hand got caught and lie waa thrown some dit.t.ante. Ho waa pretty badly shaken up, but for tunalely no bones were broken. Mr. Richard Smith has gone to visit friends at Cab'don East, i j i i r i . . â-  i road Cleared of obst I uctions, and a copy Mrs. F.U» in Largo and baby of Sarnia of ilii.s resolution he forwarded to the .*re spending a few weeks with Mrs. Clerk of GlenelK.â€" Carried. Urge's parents hero. j Gibsonâ€" Meadsâ€" That the report ot Mr. Fred Munshajr of Toronto spent a the Reevo aud C.eik in reference to Pro- few days the past week visitiog his par- ton drains (proposed) be adopted and that gilts at the Eugenia house. they te paid four dollars eauh for Iheir Miss I»y Mitchell of Flesherton was a services, viz two daya each at Proton gutst of Mias Jennie Hoy for a few days. Station and Hopeville.â€" Carried. ^r. and Mrs. W'nllaco Graham of Ku- Meadsâ€" Best â€"That a gtHot «f ten dollars be made to assist .Jos. Ferris and Alex, McDonald in di+oliing road at lots 16, con. 2, S. D. R. to take water off said i road near said hit, this grant to be paid when tho said ditch is completed and | proves satiafactory. Mr. Meads to in- , spcct and pass the same. â€" Carried. Gibson â€" Purvis â€" That Siwyer and j Masaoy's bill of .51.42 for repairs for j grader be paid â€" Ciirried . Purvisâ€" Beatâ€" Th,it the foUowing duly j cpviilied by overseein be paid viz., W, L. Wright .S2 00, Jas. Oliver §2.30, George: White §130, R. H. Black §2.75.â€" Carried, ..- icFariand, Stafford & Co.'s Big Store r.i .\ !;; re n a. i, i3, o ?-,' 'r.\ \i i o Grey County's BKIGEST and CHEAPEST STORE SISMS^TIOM^JL. Proiiiotion Exiiuis. Report of S. S. iS'o. 10 Artomcs^a for June. HI to IV- Stanley MoMuUen, Roy Piper, May Stcv^irt, May Sproar, Cecil Legale," Fred Chi.^litt, Willio Sproat, Sybil Collinsnii. ^ If to III- Fred McMullen, Vera Mc- Mullen, Willa Mcl.eod, Blanche SproaS Ida Rutlodge, .Maud Uemiihill, liuty i.V[cLlx>i1, May Adams, EJ Rutlcdgi", Pt. II to I£-Porcy Mcl.eod, Lottie Schall, Myrtle lleiuphill, Mel Rutledge, Chas^Avrani.'i, Dav(i.\da:iis. * *» - Pc T Sr toPt IIâ€" Austin M**5u]lcu, Loiia'fti;;i?le,Eii'ie ChialuU.CIias. Ghislett, Finbus Rutledge, Jolutli'Omp'''^* . PtI.JrI-McMul!''^^.Ja.s AJ^IuUen, 'Mabel Scheli, Snowdy McJliillenV â-  • 'V $/.2S 25 Siiinll Boys' Suits, two pifcea (coat ami pants) sizes 22, 23, 24 and 25 only. These are mostly snit.a nut of out own stuck that aro oilds, that is their mates hav-i been sold. They are nicely made, pleated, braiil trimmed, etc. Coats arid knickoi-ii well lined and tho most of them have tUo W. E. Sanfmxl trademark. Tho rv.iiilar values were gl. 75 to $3.(0 each suit. All on sale Saturday morning ab "j Q P^ yaur choice for , , X . Zj K^ iSoys ^SS.OO Suits fo,' ^2.50 20 Small Boys' Suits (2, 3 and i-piece) in sizes 22 to 28. These are made from fine Tweeds, Wurstevls and Serges, some mado in Browiiio styU-s some %'Ktee and -some Norfolkâ€" the Nori'olks have two pieces, the coat havii.g'a belt. The and Vestee stylea aro four piece, having a litllu lUniblo broast vest ami vee. Tho regular v.alius of tliis lot jire ,S3.00, 3..j0, 4.00, l.iiO ai.d o.OO. All on sale Sutuiday niornin;.' at your choice for tXiof/s' 3=fyiece Suits for S2.9o 2~i Boys' two and three piece Suits in sizes 28 to 33. These aro for bigger hoy.s, asjcd from 11 tiT Ki yeaiN. The two place are the largo boys Norfolk, .straight ciii: eoat with with pleats and belt, short pants (no vest) m.ule from tine Scotch 'Pwecls, rhijj^hriio !)ieceKuits Tiioniade fr.ini tweeds, worsteds and serges in a largo variety of E. .Sanford Inbel you 2.50 .^.i^-.- ISouor KoSLs Standing of Ceylon school for April, May and Juno. Average atteiulanjo for 3 ima. 51. Bests ill a cliiss. Vâ€" Rob Tucl<er, Beatrice Lawrence. Commercial â€" Maggie Rutledge. IVâ€" Laura Piper, Oitc Tucker, Ida .Jones, Ness Coiliiison. IUâ€" Best .5 ^.May[Stowart,Stanley Mc- Mullen, Fred Chi.slitt. Sr IIâ€" Best 3â€" Fred McMullen Vera McMullen. Willa McLeod. Jr IIâ€" Violet Tielford. â-  Sr. Pt ll-Percy McLeod, Lofio Scheli, Melville Rutledue. Sr Pt I -Lena L', Effie Chislett, Chas. Clii.-lelt. JrPtIâ€" Mary McMullen, Mabel Scheli, James McMullen. J. L. Wood, teacher. Catarrhal Deafness is Caused. By a thickening of the lining mem- brane of tho mali'.le ear owing to pro- buiged iiillamniation from catarrhal '.^ernis. The only euro is fragrant healing Catarrh- ozone wiiich ia carried by the air you breathe to the remotest parts of the throat and ear ; it reaches tho sourso of the trouble and cures deafness permanently. Every sutForer fiom iiop.nrod hearini; should use Catariliozune whiih has ofl'- ected many wonderful cures. You simply breathe its healing mediciitcd vapor,-â€" very e.aay and pheasant. Do this and your heaiiim wiil li" r.<storod. Two inontha' There are now four inmates of the "Home," two male and two female. They are one and all pleased and gratilied with their new aurioundinif.s, the magnif- icent home, the food, and last but not 1. with Mr. and Mrs. Harness and son and daughter. The men are inakinii themselves most agreeable and helpful. Anything they ean do in ing, cutting weeds and in any wsy they can help they do with cheerfulness. Another iaexpeoted to-day.â€" Standard. Almost Every Woman Is inoliiied to habitual constipation .-ind should use Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Man- drake and Butternut which cleanse the system and legulate the stomac'i, and bowels. For mild and sure reli^tapie on y Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Price 25(JP' A particuj^rly plucky tliiii^^^jj'dtMie' by t;ru yT^Yig ladies on ihl Huinbc'r River, liei^Plo Toionto, recently. A boy was in danger of drowning when Miss Annie McLean, of W(;,od bridge, and Misa Grace Ayer, of Muutronl, sprang into tho wat«r and rescued tho lad. In doing this the young ladies swam 100 yards with thsir clothes on. p.aili.*n-% best of triinmjj^gs, and as they nearly all have the W. E. can 'ilepend uiion tho «or!iiiiansliip and tit being all riglir, T wer? $4.00, 4.50, iiii)?-iiii'g your choi 4 ,o, e for. 5 00, 0.25,5.50 and 0.00. On sale Saturday" 2.95 W' f .V ' ^o,js S7.S0 Suits fo,- 41.00 15 IXo.ys' 2 and 3 piece Suits in .'-.izos 20 to 33. This lot is haiuls^ano S.jotcli TwoeOn and Wortsteds in Norfolk ami 3 piece stylo, some ainglo, some donole- /I 0*"^ hrea^Sted coats, regulai values ^O.aO to 7.50. Vll on .sale at one piice fo"t ^.C/'^/ S.OO ^Ucj Or/cl fon 2.S0 20 only Men's Odd Ci.ats, sizes 3(1 to 44. This tot we picked out of about 100 odd samijlo coats and till have the W. E. Sanford trade marlc. In the lot aro tweeds, fancy wiu'steds and ti few pl.iiii black n m-steds, and almost every one worih twic>i t!ie price asked. They range from i;4.00 to §0 50 each. Your choice O F>r^ Saturday murniug only' ^,^\J lien's Qcld Vests foP 89 cents. 20 only Men's Odd Vests, sizes 3ti to -14. This lot aro assorted tweeds, screes and fancy worsteds. If sold in the regular w.ay the values would ho 1.25 to QQ/^ l.,iO each, All on Saturday at ". Ot/L' (^lothinc made by a linn with tho reputation of tho W. E. Sanfonl Manufac- turing Co., Limited, would bo considered a bargain at a discount uf 10 to 15 per cent, but when y 3U can buy uoods like tl'o.^e at 311 to 50 per c.^nt less tli.iii regular values it means SENS.-VTIONAL PIUCE.S. â-  ' ' lien's /O.OO Soils fon 6.50 :'^ : -^ •^O Men's Tweed Suits ranging ill size from 30 to 42. Theso all hear the W. E. San- ford trade .markka Knarantee of uood honest uoods, good trnniiiimi.a, p>eiteet work - miiiiship unci perfect tit. The majurity of thorn are renutar .$10 suits, but there ar; values raniiing from ?8 to §10. vVe want to turn them into moiiev in a Ci F>(^ hurrj', so you can take your choice Stiturday morning at vJ-vJV^ •^Lcn's 6.00 Suits fon 2.9 S 12 (Uily Men's Tweed Suit'). Theso aro odd sizes and odd suits from de- partment, but in the lot is every size from 30 to 40. They are well made, well triiti- ined .liid eooil (liters. Regular prices were t4 oO, §5. OO and §0.00 a suit O QC? We want to clear them all Ont on Saturday. Your choice for ^.kJ\^ Remoinber, first hero 'jots (ir<t choice and t'lo bjs' tilings avo liablo to he pi.'ked up lir.-it. Reaiy for yo.t S.iturday morning at .S o'clock. While olo' hing ha.i ihe I'roinineiioo this week don't forgot that every other deparriuent in our big ainre is of- ferin;; tlio usual ipuota of bargains. .-Vli auminer are now b.iiig o3'.-rcd at b;.r» gain prices. McFAKl^.-^NL^, ST.^FFQ.I^D &c Co Special Inducements For Current Trade , * 10 Men's all-wool Tweed Suits $7 and ,?8 for 5.00 12 Ladies' Fine Coats, §7.50 and §0.00, for 5.00 .â- V large .assortment of carpels, nrranging in price from 25c. to $.125 per yd .\n extra good stock of Horse Blankets on hand .and we are selling them at the lowest living prices known. .\lso a full range of Men's Huavy Footwoar, such as Felt Boots, Heavy Rubburs, Moccasins, Ltg- gmgs, etc. .-â- â- â- â- ']: ..;. â-  â- â- *«*â- â-  â- â- ' ; 20 Men's Heavy Ulstcrs.gnotl valy'eat.Srt 12 only Men's Poa Jackets, on sale,-j(t.'3^.90 20 all-wool Mon's Sweaters, worth 81.00 f'T Ooo. 50 yds. toweling,worth 8:.yd. for 7 pr.giay wool Blankets, to clear out pt §1.00 I air 12 Men's Cardigan Jackets, reg. §1.50. for i.i;» .Men's Kid Gloves, regular price (tOc. and *L00, for (iOc. per pair A Reduction in Groceries 5 lbs good Japan lea for SI. CO 5 11m Ceylon Black ton l.OO 13 lbs. best selected rai.sins 1.00 25 lbs. bo«t Tapoica 1.0t> 25 Ihs. fresh Figs l.OU OQ lurgi bars soap, rcg. I2Jo A nice assortment of Faucy (ilassware fo Choose for Xnias Giftt. . . . W.-WOCKCEV Highest prices piid Fowl and Butter.. . . Proton Static o V!

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