*£**'"'• •rniw^wm ggfcwl^>y t '» M i Â¥^^iJ *"'" •raWMIMH<MMi(IMC« ^^ \f 'jvNE 30 1904 •• • The Markets. rarcfullv t'orrc«tcd Earh Work n.its li!l to 29 IVftK.. »<l t" <1^ I'^rlry 43 to 46 liutior y-i to 13 Ku'KS flesh VA t» 13 Wo.il, cttsh lU tf> 17 Hiiy t" <i f'" i'oUlous bfti: V5 to 7a THE ILESHEliTOiJ A i) V A K C £ Our Clubbing List .$ *AJvaticc, *Herald and *Turuiit() World, daily., 'i'liioiiio Diiilv News.. . /â- NVeolily Olube..." Miiil liiniiiie ^â- Fiiiiiily lioiidd & ytiir, ' Ton.hl.i Siar Fiiiiii<;i!< Sun . â- All above prict^H iiieltido The Ailvanco .iiid ik.iiliiNil Herald, if piiid in advaiico .•lily Early siib.-:ciiL)er8 t;et test thIuc nr ,tlu'ir money. 25 I 85 1 80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 Durham Bull for Service ' Tbo Kecistercd Dmhani lUill, "KING EDWARD" Iliip., will Ktnra for sorvice en lot 20. S D. li.. lor iWll- li inc Kflward in n. dark ml.Mood Leavy Ions ftijil um!.clb and w«U duvolopui). }le is iu only («ii hoivic.cuMc c-im.lition ami will lifUhu hia'iii Bt twoiitv-twoliuudrud ILs.aud ia yotin l;fcr Iwo-vt-ar-tld cla^^d. Kini; Edward red, calvod Aiuil lOili, lOOl.brert liy Julin Vuiiiit; 'rilboiiriiii', Wiuyoiillor, Soot- Uud. imiKiilc'l in dam in l'.i;0 by Cliarhis Kankin. NVyebridRu. C'nt., Rot by ScuttiBli l'riu<;o7:i5<J:l, dam liotliniek Jtore. Mni>.. MOT, by Alan fiwynr.o r,CliO!l, hud Itosii by TortlaDd <iIChiny rdJ72, HoKiu'ind liv DoctuiWIClO, ItoBic liv WtnilLnant(l-.;84:i, .Hit inli by Albert 63Hl)-i, Jjlt litli h\ (iruVBSoiid 40ir.l, Dunsidu Claret by Vevmoiji IVlWl.l^larot 1st bi Dulii.'2H:iW, Ularut l.v Kcnrliit VilvellOJlO. Marbara by Urirlvallod l:i9aG, Iisabidia by 'I lie I'aclia 7C12, Crucus by Bnd Duhii of Nortliimibui land ;1CW, Nora by (illury auLbmily by h'illL-ry SWl, Kliica by "i'ouDK IVcKtuin Comet liVVS, Luily Hetty bv Diauionil 'jri.i.liutty by Favorite ttOO.by CUargu's lied Bull IMIU. TEUM8 TlioroUKlibrod cowa 85 ; (jradoi SI. SO. All A UCUVUKII 1^1 lilt VUMi. »?./ , ,^i.uu.,- w...^«. •-â- â- pavablo iBt January. I'JO.'i. Cowsiurvod by this uniinai ami not. retnriicd will bo cuUuoted for 'uLuthur iu calf or not. Vi. J. MEADS, CejIon.Ont Falling out Hair ' Iftlii>i ii* t.bo case, call and soo iia and wo willinovcnt It doinii so by apidyins our woudor- lal rouicdy. Highly Recommend WohavBiiHod itH w.>ndo.-tull miuy in tliiH town arl surroiin li dis on iLiid ill wh't bavu iin.l^r^ono triiatm retrict luoud It vjry bj^hly. ojj- No Cure -No Pay .A. WILSON riiESnEKTON Barbsr Ftesherton Harness Emporium. SPECIALTIES for the Seasonr-,. Fly Nets, Dusters," BtoWe Slieets, Hoof Oir|trr|er|t, Curry Corr\bs, Brusl^es arid Binder V/l^lps. Gloves for Inarvesters ar\d Tl^resriers, Trunks arid VaUses al"Ways on Y\ar\d: -^ -.^ • BINDER TWlNG-McCornnack. Fxarriire tliis twiqe arid you will buy. ic AijN r:as m a n i t i^' a ctui^ r xa In till ItH UriiriolieH, Tiv wi. m: O O R E What are your friends saying about you? That your gray hair makes you look old? And yet, you are not forty I Postpone this looking old. Hair Vigor Use Ayer's Hair Vigor and y lestore to your gray hair ail I the deep, dark, rich color of early life. Then be satisfied. " ATer*! Hulf Vigor restored ttie nitnral color to DiT gray hair, and I «m Rreatly plourd. It !• all yon claim for It. „,_..„ Mas. K. J. \j.svaoxti, M»eb»iilc«»Ul«. ^. »•_ ai 00 a bottle. All drUKKUt*.^ for 3. a. ATin CO., J,ow»n. Man" Dark Hairi SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT A choice line of and Baby C^arriades ^ Go=eart$ Ju.st to linnd. The latest till ni{ inthese ^oods, and low in price. Corqe and see Tl^ern. lODSECLEMlllG HEIllSITES SUCH AS New Shades, Curtain Poles, Fixings. w. h."bunt Furniture Dealer, Upholsterer and Undertaker. FLESH ERTON ONT. BusiX£.ss Cards jbt'CULLOUOH & YOUNO *•• llaukt-r Markdalo Jo a Koneral banking buaiiiuHfl. Money loaued a rHaftouablo rato Call on na. R J SI'llOUIdl rodliuaBtnr, FleHherton vyoruniiaiiooor in H. C. J., Auctioneer Con voyanoor, Appraispr and Money Lender Keal Kstate and Insurance Afant. Deeds morttjaBos, Icasus and wllla carutuUy drawn up and valuations made on jborteat notice, inciroy to loan at lowest rates of intsvesl. t'ol axtioorf attended to with inoiniitnciis charnaa low. Aijent for Ocean Dominioi] SittauiBhip Company. A call solicited. Societies A O U V meets ou tho last Monday " in oa.m month, Iu their lo.iRe rmim. CbriRtou'9 block. Klesiierton.at 8 p.m. M.W. \. Harrison ; Uocorrtur, .laa. Folatead ; Finau- clor, W.J. liel.aiiiy. VicitiuR brethrto luvitcd. pilINCB AUTHTll liOBUE, No. :«3, A. •â- A ?J, meets in the Masonic hall. Strain's block, rinsliLrton. nvnrv Kriday on or liefore tho full niocn. K U W Ujckliuu W AI. Chas Muuahaw, Socretary. OOUItr FLKSnKIiTON. I. O. F. meets in '^ <'linstoe's lIlocU the last Frida\ pvcniiii.' each month. Visitinc Foresteis hoanilv Tslc.niio. C. U.. (!. W. Ilellomy : 11,0,, W. Ilnskin ; Flu. Sec, I)r K. Muriav. (I'ay dues to Dr. Murray on or before last day of uaol) mouth.) Medical D R. Kinnear & Sons â€" M A X w p: I, L- Afi.'.vi)f Ihcir.nny tliinK? iu »i<ick. Ill our drygijoils line wo hiivo, speciiil: Dress I'rints, Wr.iiiperoUi', Oilnjhams, lUick Kiid \Vhit.o Muslin, Table Linuii I. lid KiijikiiiH, 'I'abbi OilclofliH ii'id ^[iieH-U, r. i.iisjs mill Sbirtfl, a'so (Jri-y iii'd lib-iu'.hcd (Joltor. fr.iiii .''lO., ui>, Mou'a Suilj and otlil raiils, I'nder- uaur for tliu warm neikthor. y/e Will not be Undersold by anv Morcl\ant nortl-\ of Toronto in our 'jRY GOODS. 'Come «iid soe foryourstlveHfurour priciuf ni'u H wonder. In out U irdwiiru liou wj liitvo : Axes, Miuoi.nBmim.T4, Trinvel.s.I.iiies iiiid Mortiir [I h-h, R-ikaA, Furkit, Sliovels, S|i;idBS Koyl1ie< Snatl.K and • !iadli) tin^tji.s, Nail.s I'u'ty, Gins?, llinii'H, Hooka, .'^tnjiles mid Loik.s. Our GROCERIES n3e no itern- izina- V/oliave a FUUL sto:k. Advertising draws trade but it takes lair riep.l'ng !c hold it. U CAHTFTl r>.,i ^',*^ '"."^ ** ""'â- ''''.vaiolan, Surpcior, etc Olllce »iid resilienceâ€" fetor at , Flnshcrtou Dlt. 8C0TT, M. II., MaxKoll.Ont. U. M. UI-.ID, H.D.C.M., I'hv-ioian.SurHiM.n and Accon.hcnr, lnU> or N \. 1 oKtuiail. Medical School. N. Y l.vi fin Hospital aud Bt. LhUo'h (ienoral llofoiial, OtttbWU J V OTTKWRI.L * Veterinary Kiirpeon Gradnato of Ontario A'otarlnary rollejio. reHtdonco â€" Bauond door soutll west, on Marv Ktioet. This I'ruKbvteriaii Chnrch. atitiot riiiiB iiuth Port Law T%ev. \V. A. Siiii.-lalr prraclied liia fare- ncll Mirn:on to lii.s Ml Zi> n coiii;rij;atioii SundHy lasl. Hi« r>laiioiis with Lis 0()!e here have been most littriiionioiiu HI d tbo toiid wisbes of nil go »uh liiin to liiK I'fw field of labor. . Mr Orr tjf Turonlo is visiting w;:h his brotbtr-inliiw, W. A. Morton. Edward Haipy of Trenton is up on a ^i^it to the imri'iital lioniH. Tlie liHidtn jmrty at Tlionma Tayhr'n on Wednesday evenii.f; of Ijist week w.-is id.e of tlioiiiott eiijoyiible nnd BUeeeKsfiil f mictions of tho kiiul ever held in this puit. Much credit is due tlio.in who bad till: matftr in band nnd on whom the pre pnr.itKiiis cntniled a gnat deal of liiliir. After the gathering had enjoyed till nisevcB in social eonvoise nnd vaiious Hays, nnd tho tal lis relieved of their loud of tiiiiptinu viands, the coiu|inny Hiia culled to Older iiy the pantor, Kev. Mr. Sinclair, and an intere.sting ])rograiii |)iococdcd with, which included a nuni- oerof niiisiciil selections by thucboir.reci- latioiiK by Mra Thom;i'< Tiylor nnd Mefsr.s, ISrooks and Hutchinson, a tiolo by Dr. Murray, and a liberal contrilulion of phonogniphic seleciii>n.s by Mr. Orr. A haiulsoine sum was realized which will place the tinanccs of the yubbath school on a tivod fiiotins;. Tho Royal Teuiplars' picnic promises til be soinethinL' lume than ordinary, llemeniber the time and place, .luly G in Kerr's grove, uear Richard Allan's, and coiue. A Broad Statcinciit This auuouncemcut is niaae without any bualiflcatiouB. Hem-Uoid is theone preparation iu tho woi I dthat guarantees it. }Iem-ltoid will cure any case of Files. It is in the forju of a tablet. It is tho only file remedy need internall",' Itis iiopossible tc cure an established case of Piles with ointments, suppositories, injec- tions, or outward appliances. A yuarauteo isis.^iued with every package of Hem-Roid, which contains a month's treatment. Go and ask your diuf^gist about It. Sold by WB. Itichardson, Fleshertou. 'iI ' Ji".i«! I L U Wll.SON, lllackfiiiilh . ' , iradiiate of ilio Votorinarv ficionco Assoolalioii. lleslJ.inno, Durham itreot poalto Jtojd, Hickling's hardwarv. op- Legal Vuntlclcui* Mr. Baker has added to the fppearance iif hi.s f.irm and leiacned his labor by er- ecting a wiiidinill. Mi.=s Sara Speers spent Sunday with friends in this nei;'hoiliii 'd. Mr. John Holand attended the wedding of his neice. Miss McMaara, of Shel- bump, la.Kt week. Mrs Rogers of Nobletoii is visiting her sislur, Mrs. Alcox. ^fr. A. McLiMil of Pricevillo and Mrs. Richatdaoii of Uhatswurth visited at Mr. Oilhei t'.s recently. Mrs (Jeo, '.Vni'liug and Miss S-iJie are visiting in Holland. Mrs fieo Piitchard InisSgona to Orilli:i to visit her oister and father. Mr. HolIand.oiRanizer for tho Sons of Temiieraiico, visited i he division here at tho last nioeting. The oilioers for the ensuing (juartir were elected and installed. The loiige purpose having a picnic in the near future. l^uite H nuiiibcr from here attended the S. S coiiveiiiiou at Eugenia, the .sessions were very inteiesfina and instructive. The Foresters are preparing for their big garden party on Frid.iy aftcrtmon and eieniiig of this week. The committee are doing all in their power to make it a success. Come and bare a good time. The Greatest Family Remedy. .â- \.iid one well known in most Canadian homes is Xerviline, a pertect p;in:icea tor albintemal and cxtornal pain. Mrs. M. E. t^l^t«â- right of Moiriasays : â€" I ctiUln't think of being without Ncr\ iline. When I j:ot toothache Nervilino slops it. If I get a sick heaJaclie, h.tve a trouble with uiy sioinacb or bowels I can rely on Ner vilineto euro me proni[it'y. 'To break up ft cold or rub on for rheuuintism or iiouralgia Net v line has no e<|ual. It's prioelesH in any ftiniily. Nervilino is king over all pain and costs 2jj. . .T. W. FROHT, n li. M. narriator, S.dicitor Conveyaiicnr. eto offliioâ€" Next to postolllce, Spronlu's Idock F: : -.liorloii. iivary Thnrsda aud court dai» N I)â€" Owen Hound oUloo, Froat â- block Poulett street east. LUOAS WRIGHT * McAIlIV.K Darristvrs Kolicitors Conveyancars, eto Omcesâ€" Owoa Sound. Ont and MorkdalnOnt. W II WiiionT, McAuoiK 1 H I.icar N Il'-Flosliintou omce, UitohoU's Utak •vary Saturday. IIACKAVaSAMPSON .Harrlstrrs. «olicitoi«, ill OKFd'KS -.-llwon SfiuKi, MerchiinfM Hank lihi.di. N. ;if I'att irsoii House, tnndalk abi Struot, every Httnrday. JJnn.'v to loen at 4) par pent. A. n. UlAOUAY.U A., II. K HAMI'80N".L.l,.n Alwavs III atteiidsnnr at Fleshertou aud DuildAlk Uitisiou Courts. Denti.strv DR. E C. MURRAY. I.. P. H, darlai Bii>-pe'm tioiiov crailnattf of Toronto Unlvfraitv and lloval roUri?* of llental S.ircpons of Oitarlo. Otflpp- Opiio«it» Amiftrntiii'fl Jawellory Store. Will visit Maxwel thA last Wednesday nf looli rjniilk, ttd SuttCfttk I kcd I Tban '.ay C(»C^ 9~ .>LtU. Tho government baa placed 22 pirent^' lilack bass in the poud and- r^vcr At Mt. , Forest. 1 A conimercial traveler wliose business took him up the Bruce IVoinsula went oft' for a day's bas.s tiihing with a locil customer, aiid on reiurning in the evan- in:j «.n telling in the siciiig-roum of iho hotel at Lion's Head of tliu luck they hail j had. The two nun had caui/ht and biouglit back with Iheiii nbont liyl.ly ba,s.s, MdiiB of them nuite large. An el- ' derly man in tho room nmaiked to the, traveler that it was c.ntrary to law foe' one perioii to catch more tban eight Insr in one day, a piece infurmtuion at ivliicb, the traveler launbilJ. But ho leiiriicd t presently that be bad l.een telliinr of bis lishing exploits to Mr. D. B Miller of Wiarlon, a tisher/ inspector, who Ubev-l ed in the tlioriugb enforcmii ut of ibe law. The men wtre lined teu dollars each. Daily Siar. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to got the host I'lmtoa is at BULMEUS PHOTOGKAPU GALLERY. Hereford bull for'S^-. : Tlioinitlcifiu'ned has» tIini-ot:i.'ii>'iiiri hull for servifuon lot livi, .1r<I wvt-T. .Krtttinola. Terms ouu dollar. T IJue -Wuslcf SPECIAL attention THE .WORLDS FAIR Pffcfi CARRiAGB STALLiOMi Prince Art NO. 1852. R.C U.S. Imported .luly, IS92. Winner at tin Kair in Chicago-, 'K^ Vtrk and Ottawa, ancf inner on t^vo occasions ^5 in.si. inizii and sweeping stakes iit'T<>-^ . nti) shows, and miiiy other va!ii.tb!d' -* a record niu'ipialled by any -my*, I i T^H or c acli stailimi in Ctuaju. Prince Arthur is not only a very fiucv;i-s.-iul priz i j rtinnprliiniself, but his stocU has won « li-rge lierceiitngo of all ilio piiz £ ollHred fi>r ciirriiige clas..-e.'< at the;Toroiito Jndus- riial iind other large .shows during th^ Inst fj'.v yea: .s. Tln-y have nl.so won al- most every prize offered in tho carriag-j ex- ' r^ â- prizes and Babies' pictures, ing a specialty. Sydenham street. Transacting Business .. . ... r, ,,...• . /-. - class in Grey county, and w.ierever We pay hpecial Attention to Copying u i :, ,i .. Rijture fram- ROTJTE FOR 1004 : MONDAYâ€" At 8 o'c'oot a.m. will ' le.ivo his oA-n stable, Lit IS, cir.l. 10, ,, . - .• 1 Eut)hra«ia, an 1 pmcjcd to R icklyu for wo W.I promise r.atislaction. /„ . • i. i> *^ I tiiion, iiig'it, Ravenna. lVIr*s. BXJLlVIERi Tuesdayâ€" No.n and uigUt, c.diing- â- ci , !...,» .r. 1 wood, Cook's liof-1 r iesnerton 1 ,,r^r>v-rt^T-. . a- x- t-^ I AVED>ESDA\ â€" Noon, Dantroo-i, 1 W'ediie'day ni.-ht Singhaiupton. I THURiSDAYâ€" Noun and night, Max- ; well. I FKIDAY--Noon, Flesborloti ; Frid ly 1 night, Markdalo iiouso, Markdale. SATCRDAY-.\Iarkdale until p.m. Siturd.iy night, his own stable until Mondiy at S o'el.ick a.m. TERMS : To insure, S'll.UO, piyaV.la .Tanuiry 1st, 190-5. All mires must be returned weekly to the horse or th'-y will bj oh.i-gtd full iiisuranco, in f >al or not. Politics disp -sing iif their luarei befor ciillecting time will b<) ro^pinsible for insurance. All accidents to marjs at risk of owners. Persons trying iiiai*.;^ !ind nit returning them must pay full' insurance Groom's foe 50c, which mu-i6 be piid ill all cases. ^. W. MANARY. . Coring P.O. It is impossible to go through life without s<ine Budncss Trans;icti>iis. To siinplfy such matters and make them profitable you should have a Business Educatiou such as is given at the C A, Fleming. Principa owE.vsiii .n:>, ont. Spring Term begins April 4th 1904 Important to Horsemen. Parties intere.stetl in horse.s â- should see the colebratel young French (.!oach .Stallion Gautliier, 3383, and the superior young Clydesdale, Good Luck, 30.30, at Munskaw's hotel c^;;rv Friday night: GAIJTIIIERS KOUTE Monday noon â€" .\. Patterson's. Hl.intyro Monday night â€" Royal Imlel, Meaford. Tue-sday noon â€" Wni. Dean's, Griersville. Tile.sday nii;ht â€" Roeklyii liotul. Wednesday noon â€" J. Lmighead's, Wode- h'luse. Wednesday niijht â€" .\t his own stable until Fridiy night Friday nightâ€" Flo.-hert on for 2 hours aturJiijf â€" UirkJ ill hojsi, Mtrkdti'e. GOOD LUCK'S ROUTE Wedassdivy nigh', â€" Ktmberley Thursday no.in â€" EiigonUt Thursday nightâ€" Ma.twell Friday noonâ€" Portlaw Friday nightâ€" FWdiorton S:iturd.iy â€" Rjvere hotel, MirkdaJo Win. Manary is Manager for t-ith liorses with the exception of Ganthier Friday night and Saturday, when ho will-, be under thecaie of H. M. Douglas, proprietor,' Vandeleur Kimbt-rlcy Mr. Benjamin Smith is on tho sick list. Mr Curiy of Walters Falls is visiting with his Soil, Jlr. Oooigu Curry of the Tiv.vcllers' Hume. Messrs. Yictor Ilewgill and Williiim S. Fawcetl spoilt Sunday at tho parental liiinie hero. Mr, Duncan Pratt and Miss Pratt of Hi'athcoto spent Sunday afternoon iu the vill.ige. Simon Fnwcett has cnpaged with Geo. Proctoi for the sum ner months. Messrs. William Best, sr,, Saiidforl and (leoige Knott left this week fur the milden west, their d.stina iou being Ediiiiiiitoii. The diroetjrs of Centre Urey Farmers' In.stituto met hereon Saturday last and elected otlieeis. [Names ilsew her.', j Thiee fnotlriU teams competed hereon Saturday oviiiinit for the I'armers' In.^li- luto fonlball- Fev.r.shain, Tenth Line and Kimbeiley. Kiinberley and Fever- ahaiu played the lirst mat^h «bich result- ed ill n tie, the scmo being 2-2. Kimber K'y then played otrtlio liiial match with the Tenth Litieia, which resulted in a vicloiy for the hnmo team, the scote beini; 2 0. .bisper Stuart sooied three out of the fourgmds for the home learn. Alex Carruthers of Eiiu'enia acted a* rif.iee fur both j^-aines and gave geiieial Huiisfactioii. ' A destructive tiro broke out in Thorn- huly on Monday ni)(ht, cimui'utety de aluiyii'g heveial buildings, includiiiK the Herald printing olHce, a shoe store, bake aliop and a laundry lun by n Chinamnn. Tlii'io was .soni" insurance on the biiild- iiisfs, but not Butiicicnt to cover tbe lo;». -•Minor. inctcase tho quRnitty of cream 20 per cen., improve the ipidity of butler, save ice. save time in Hashing » multitude 1 f pans and provide sweet and utill waim Eop.irated milk, winch, with a little Com meal added make.* a ar more val- uahle, tbougli less expensive, food for V"«ng stock ihaii .stale -kiuiined milk. These aie facta which any user oi any daiiy extn'it wil' c- firm. No rbari;.' for trial. WRITE FtiR lUdlKLET NO 10 S. XJOMJO^ a. HCEARID Fleslierton D. McTAVlShl mraRiGiiRMiMii V<r>. For Fust Clnsi Buggic*. Cart.s, IMoasiiio nnil I.umVer Wagon.", rj^ calieis. Sleiijlis. Wo keep a stock on hand to ebooae from. f\^^ (^ ALSO HORSE SHOEING ANOQENER.AL BLACKSMITKI.SG """^^ f^^ and Lonmniee first cU.w work. v7j] Wi. keep on haiui Ploughs and Plough repairs, and sl.io M.tssey- ^i^ Harris and NoXon ropniis for Idmlers, Moweis, all kinds of iiii.hiiieiv, al.^o Kiiidei Twine i ii band. » Olben in town ^'^^ us a call '^\) M \ %%m^ '' ^ ^'^''^t^''^'^' viS^^}*^Si^ ihO^gMkl^ .ri-1