m June 16 1904 TlIE FLESHERTOK ABVANCE » The Markets. CHrcfiilty Corrected Euch Week Oats iiy to 2!) IV.18 60 to 62 Hurley . 45 to 45 l?utl«r 13 to 1.'! K.'KK fresli 14 ti» 14 \Vo.,l, cash l(i to 17 Hay te, 6 Da •'oUitues bile 76 to 75 I'oik C 26 to 6 25 Our Clubbing List ♦Advunce, *Horald mid *Toiont<. U'.ii'.a, a..ily $3 25 'roroiito Daily Novvs I ^â- > \V.-okly Glol)o 1 80 Miiil-Eiiipui' l*'^ Family Honild & Star 1.80 Ti'i-oiiM Suir 1*1 FanncrH Sun 1 80 AU iibove prills iiicludo Tho Advance tluiitrr!.-.! ill-raid, if [«id u fcdvaiici.- â- y. Kurly subsciibuis get est value ilii'ir money. Durham Bull for Service The Meeictdied Dmiiam Bull, "KING EDWARD" liii|i., will stand for scivice cii lot 'J9, S D. K., lor umi. Kiuu Kdwiud is adark rod,goc>(1toiivy boiio Biid imibclb Biid wnil dovolopei). He is iii ouh (ill sorvicenljiu condition and will lift tlio lii-M]i at twciitv- two hundred lbs. Bud is jttiu lier tw;>) car-old ilass. I'LDIGKER Kiiic Kdward red. cnlvcd April lOtli. ISOl.brcd liv John YounK Tilbouiiuf, Mm .v<;»ltor, Hcut- hmd, iinpoitoi in dr.m iii I'JOO by Clmilos Itanliin. WyobrniMc, Out., Rot by Scottisli I'rincf ;:;.".'.):), dam llotbnick Koso, imp.. •Mini, l.y Alan OwviiuoCOWJ, Kcd Uoso by Portland (ifClunv (U17Si, Jfosiulilid l.v Doctor WICIO, lioBie )jvl.i(int,(-lial!tr.2HM, Jilt 17lb by Albuit .VMI-i, .lilt t-'jUl In (iraveiiund 40;g1, Uonside Olaret by Vunnoi.t •17iU:i,<.iuri't 1st 0\ Uuko 2SI4'2, Clarot lj»,Ki'arl(it Vflvet i'V.nO, Hal bara by Unrivalliid l.'JSCO, li-ubtlla by 'Jbi- I'acl.a TClii. Crocus by 2nd Dv.Vo of Kottlinniboiland 3(i-!0, Nora by ^illLâ- lâ- v .".WLKniilv by bilU-ry 5131, Kliza Ijy YouuiJ iVi^sturii Conict ir.75, l.ady Hotly bv ]">inniond m'i.liotiy iJJ Favorilo KB.Liy Cbaigo's }iua Hull 1810. TEHM.S Tboroutjbbrod cowb *.â- ) ; (;rado5 $1 50. All payalilo 1st Jaiiiiaiy.l'JO."!. Cows served by tliia BUiiiiiil and not relumed will bo collected tor Miietlier ill calf or not. W. J. MEADS, CojIon.Ont. Falling out Hair If this irt fclio case, cull anrt rbb ub anrt wo m'Ul prevent it doiiig 80 by applying our woudcr^ •IjI luaujtly. Highly Recommend Wuhavo txsol Us w>)n'io:(uU â- innnv i'l t,his to^'i a;ii Burioaa-li- a:ul ill who hn-vu aii<lergoiio trcatui luoiid it very highly. No Cureâ€" No Pay A. WILSON difi ' on rotriet OJl- Barbcr Aijers To be sure, you are growing old. But why let everybody see it, in your gray hair? Keep your hair dark and rich and postpone age. If you will If air Ytgorj only use Ayer's Hair Vigor, your gray hair will soon have | all the deep, rich color of ! youth. Sold for 60 years. " I am now ovor 60 years old, and I hnvo G a thick, flossy >,ea/l of Init^' hulr which is a I woinler to every od« who sees it. And not a gray hair In It, all du« to Ayer's Hair Vicor." Mas. B. K. BOSTIS, Bcclila, Minn. 1.00 a bottle. i-for J. c. ATKr.ro., 1.owi*ll. MaKs White Hair SPECIAL NNDUNCEIVIENT A choice line of and Baby Carriages 0o=0art$ Ju.sl to liuiid. Tho lutes t tliinji intheso good.s, aud low in prieo. Corrie arid seeTlierri. BOiSEClEllliliG BEIJISITES SUCH AR New Shaties, Curtain Poles, Fixings. W. H.~BUNT Furniture Dealer, Upholsterer and Undertaker. FLESH ERTO.N ONT. Business Cakds FLKSHERTOM Bia \ . STOCK Wo havo just rocolvBd iu stock ono of lilt) finest aKhorliiiuntfl of BLANKETS AND ROBES in the mnrlietaud can fivor yon witb any rcqulreuients you will uead in that liuo Also a lareo coiiBlKiiinont of Imitation PERSIAN LAMB COATS. Wobavo afltio cullecbiou of ouats to to Bclect from. AU Sold at Lowet Living Prices Msii^. :m O O Ft £ R. Kinnear & Sons â€" M A X W li L L- Afeivof tlicir.nny thuign in stock, 111 our drygoods line we Imvo, special; Dii'HH I'liiitH, Wrappei-atte, tJiii>;liiiim', Ulick and White Mtialiii, Tahlo Linen «nd ^'inikins, Tabl-i Oilclothn n'.d Spieaiia, IJ oiiaee and SkirtR, a'so Grey Ki'd IJluuchod Cottor. from 5o., ui", Muh'h S^u ts and odd Pauls, Under- V Mr for the irarm wo tthur. We Will not b3 Undersold by any Merctiant T\oni\ of Toronto in our DRY GOODS. Come tiid see for yourselrrit for our pricsx Ar« « wonder. In out Hardiraro linu we have : Axos, Miuoii Hummcri, TrawoU, Linen and Mortar dors, Rakts, Furka, ShoTtla, 8pa<Iea Scythei Bnaiha and Cradle fin;;er«, Nails Putty, Olasi, Ilinxoa, Hooks, Staples and Looks. our GROCERIES nee no Itern- Iztng- Wel^ave a FULL STOCK. y^dvtrtlsinfl draws tradt iNit it takes fair dealtng t« hold it. HA'CULhOUGIl * YOUKG ^ Hanker Markdalo Jo a Bonoral banking business. Money loauod a roasonable rata Call on ua. D J Bl'MOUl.K "• Postinaster, Floslierton ijfliiimis'jionor in H. O. J., Anctlonoer Con veyancor, Aiipraiaor and Money Lendei Keal ISstaln and Insnrauco Aijont. Deeds mort(;ayos, leases and wills carefully drawn nji and valuations made on shortoBt notice nionny to loan at lowest rates of Interest. Col eotioiid attondo.l to witli uromptneBf uliarf/os low. ARont for Ocean Dominion Btaaiuship Comiiauy. A call solicited. Societies A O U \» moots on tho last Monday ,,, . '° °"-"' mouth, in tlieir Iooho room UiriKtoo's block. PloBliortPu.atS p.m. M\v' A. Harrison ; Uocorder, JaK. Felslitad ; riiian- ciar, W.J. Del, amy. Visitius brutlircc li.vited pUINCK AUTHTll LOnUE, No. ;i.):i A 1, , A f.I, niootH ill tlie llasonic ball. Strain's block I'lesliLrton, every LViday on or before tlio full ieo.7n. K H W Hickling W M. Chas Munahaw, Secretary. rjOUUT FfiKSHRRTON, (hristoo'sHloolt the last Kridai oveiiinc oh month. ViHitinc Forestois heartilv •â€" " " V. W. llellamy; U. C, W. ,„ - .Or K. Murray. (1 ay duos to Dr. Murray oii or befoio last day of each iiiontll.) â- ' eac reloiue. c it., lluskiii ; Fin. Hi Medical D U CAliTKH O.nce and resideiioe-l'otor St., Plosherlon DK. SCOTT, M, I!.. Maiwell, Ont. U. M. ItslD, M.D.C.M., l'hvHeian,iKuvKef)n and Aeconclicur, Into of N-\. I ostKlsd. Medical School. N. Y. l.yi.i.-.iu Ottawa *" *"â- ^"''"'" '""""â- "1 llospiial, J P OTTRVVKTAj Veterinary Suri;enn Oiftrtiiato of Ontario Veterinary CoIUko, rosKlonce - sieond door south west on Marv street. Thin street raua south I'reKlivtcriaii Oliiirch. fj WIliHON, Illackfitiith "• . liadiiatH of the Velerlnary Rclonce Association, llesi.leiice, niirnaiii Urout, on. posiiu Itoyd, lliclilii,B« hardwam. Legal J. W. FnOBT, li ti. H. Barrister, 8nlicitor (touvoyancer, eto ofTl'ioâ€" Next to iiostolllee, Kproulu's block Kli-.lio'-tou, every Thursda and court days N Bâ€" Owen HouikI olUoe, Frost" block Poulett street east. LUCAH WKIGHT A MrAIlDLR Itarrltters Kolicitors ConveyaiicerB, eto Onicesâ€" Ow«» Sound. Ont aiidMarkdale Ont. W H WiUiiUT, MoAniiLK I II I.itas N Uâ€" Klesherton oinca, Mitchell's Uauk •vary Haturdsy, MACKAVftSAMPSON .narrlsfors. nolloltors. OFFI0F.8 :â€" Owen Srnnrt, Merchant's Bank Klonk, N. !<f ratt.irson House. Enudalk aiii Htreet, every Ratnrday. Monsv to loan at 4) percent. A. O. M.nCKAY.M A., H.IS.SAMPHON.Ii.L.D Always In attendance at Plesberkia and Dundalk DItIsIou Conrts. Dentistry DR. E C. MURRAY, L, D, B. dental (urgenn honor srsduata of Toronto Unlversltv and Royal CotlA(;e of DoDtat HiirKeoiis i»f Ontario. •>«leeâ€" Opposite Armetroiin's Jewellery Store. Will visit Maiwel thd lest Wedunsday ef aaeh raontk, tad OlBdkUl 1 ta< â- Thar|daj of-acU iLOBlb. The Presbyterian Summer School Slimmer Schoo's nr^ doing a very iin- poriiiiil work for the church hy trainini; Ijiiiul.'iy School teachetH and i't|uip|)in'.! youiij- people for lo.idership in MiHhioniiiy work iind Bilde utu'ly. Tho proj^raui of studios of tho I'l-ertbyterian Suninior School at Knox Uollfi;e, Toronto, ha.s juiit ronchfd us fioni the si'crut.vry, Uuv. K. M. ILiniilton, li. A., Weston, Out, Its liuc'iing fe.ttures are devotitiiuil IJilile sliulj', principles of reaching, child study and niissionaiy methods A Suiid.iy sehoo! teacher ouiihl to know (it leitst three thinas: the ccliohir, tho Ij.sjon mid the principles of tea;liiii^. These are all well provided for in the pro(;iaiii. The Bible study is conducted hy Kuch abb and attractive leachois as Rev. Piofessor .J. E. McFayden, M. A., of Kno.t college; and Uev. .loliii McNichol, B. D., of Toionio bible iraiiiinii school. Frederick Tiiioy I'll. D.,a p.sycholos- ical export of T'jront.j Ur.iveiBity, nill lecture on ch;ld study. F. W. Kelly Fh. D.,oiio of Uanada's most noted oducatioii- ali.sts ; and Miss Mary AJair, kiiiJer- Ltanen cpecialist, Fhiladelphia noniial .school, will set forth the principles of teacliiii}». Tlio missionary dopartment is strong both as to iiif..rniation re<;ardin<; the Uiiabiun lielda and miesioiiaiy methods. The jiiiino ic((uisiUs for successful missionary work in a con:;rO'.^ation are ati active missionary conimitU-o, a iiiidsionary library wiih maps,cliiiits,itc , a nii.ssion study class and frequent nii.ssioiuiry meetings. Tlieso will be deiilt with in H very practiyrtl manner by Uev. It. F, M.'icKay D. D,, iu connec- tion with a study of Japan. Uev. .1.0. Herdtnan, D. D, home mission Suppiiitendent, is intrusted \viih tho iiilciv.stiiijj dnpartment of home mi.ssions. IIo will discuss the mission- ary's eiiviroment, iho missionary's own sjiiritua! life and the tiiissiomiry's woik. One of the delightful features of this school is the resiaeiicu of tho atudints in the collei^o, wliero splendid acconiinud- ation is providod for boih ladies and L'entli;meii at a modorale cost. Every- thing gives promise of another successful session this year from .July 4ih to l-tth. â€" â€" â€" ».*- â€" â- •-^^^ ' â€" ' â€" POISONED Rank Pidson is created when Food does not digest, and that is when Sickness Commences. If the man or woman who docs not feel riuht.will at once look lo putiing the stomach tight they will strike the right key â€" F.very ache and every pain is a cry of poison, too much of which has been made in the piocess of converting fond into iiutrimeiit. It may be tho bickache or sideache of the kidneys u-Uing they are ovovtaxed and citniot tiUer the poison â€" It may be wei>iht,pain or distress 111 the stoniacli thai tells of lermentation and decoiiiiiosiiinn instead of digeslion -- It may be headache, dull, depressed, which tell p'.ison has reached the iluid which surrounds the brain cells. The first lause is the same â€" lack of uastric iuice to jjroperly dijest. ANTI-FILL, the Great System Treatment, is a tjcw dihcovery which so ads on tho mucous uienibvatiu of the stomach, a iiHtui.-il supply of gastric juice is assured. To prove the wonderful aclioii of ANTI- FlLL,you miy have a free trial bottle hy addressing \Vilsoii-Fyle Co., Kiiigara Fulls, Ont. Iher on, and ho too was taken sick short- ( ty after arriving and died, tho two courpses coining east oil tho sumu train â€" Uuudttlk Herald. They Know It Thousands of people lhrous;lb nt tho country know the ordinary remedies for pilesâ€" oin'muiits, tuppo.'iicoi'ies aud appliances â€" will not cuio. The tost of them only briiii? passing rilief. j Or. Leonhnrdl's Hem Uoid is a tablet J taken iniern»lly that removes th.i cius.ij of Files. Iienco, the cure is permaneiit. Every package sold qjirries a gu.iiaiitte, wiih it. It is perfectly harmless to tho moat dehcite coiistiiuiion. A iiimth's troat- ment in each package. Sold at ^LO'J. ( P'uither infiiiination in reg.ird to it at', at the drug Jlore. Sold at \V.E Kichaid ' eon's. Hereford bull for Service TliouiKlprsigned hasa tlioroiighbrod Hereto d bull for servicon lot U'.,:, .'lid wu»tT. «S: S. 11., Artiiinesia, Turuid uuo dollar. IJao Wesley Buskin T!^E WORLDS FAIH PREMIUM CARRIAGE STALLIOM HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The pla.'e to get I ht Bl'LMEllS GALLERY. lie best Plintos is PUOTOGIIAI'U Tho new (ishery rocuhilions reconi- inended by Mr. S. T" Bastedo, Oniana (^ommi.ssioner of (i.-heri s, have been con- lirmeil bv tho Dominion (iovernmcnt They will go into clFict tn once. The most important cluinire is ihat reduoimj from 12 to 8 the iininber of bass poiinit- teil lo bo caught by any angler in one day. 'ilie size limit, ]() inches remnins the simo. t_)f speckled trout or biook trout no riore may be cuight than in tho nt'^re- g ite shall exceed in weiiil t 10 pounds, or n • g eater number than Ihiity, though that number may weigh leas than ten pouiiil:t. The size 1 tnit fer pickeral is fif- teen in lies; for mask;n.nt,o, Ihi: ty imhcs, iiiensuriiig from the point of the nose to the center (if the t.'til. Tho sale and ex- port of speckhd trout, blnok bufs, and ninskinnngu is prohibiteil tor a period of tivo years. What is Catarrh? It is an inthimmation of the mucous lining of the thro it, lironchial tuln s and nasal pa'isiiges Oieitcd by germs that mn only be destroyed by fraeniit healing t'lit- arrliozone which is breathod direct to tho seat of the disi ase, and liiis never yet failed to cure. FloHs.int to use, absolute- ly certain to euro, Catanhozone always civeB salishiction. "I sulTero 1 from nasal cafnrih so badly Ihat I oouhln't brea'ho ihroueh my imHtrils, writes O. K. Wil- mot of iMeriden. I used Catarrhozone for a few minutes and was relieved. It cured in a short time." No other re- medy just like Catarrhi'zono, â€" it's the best, two months' trcutmtnt $l.CO ; tlial HVio 25o. In March hist Mr. John Focoik, of La- vender, NottawH.saga, brother of Mr. George Beamish, of tliis placo, dispoHed of his line farm for three thousanti dallnvs, and, with his family, started for sumiiier- herry, Assa. taking with him a carlotd of ofTicts and two yeara' supliea. On the aay ont he w,tR taken ill and on arival lii* complaint was pioiiounced tyhoid fcrer. Ill RpitG of every care and alteiitioii he Hteadily sank ar.d on WednpHday, June Ist, he paseed away. His remains nere brought cast and the burial took place at Creenioro on Sunday. June 6th, from tho house of a former neighbor. He leaves a wife and child to muurn his unfort-jnat« death. Uis stuff was nerer unpack e<l and will be sold out west. Chi tlis way out they bename acquainted with another couple who irere fettling nine miles fur. SPECIAL ATTENTIO.N We p.iy Special Attention to Copvin;; and li.ibies' pictures. Fixture fram- ing a specialty. Try us for anv kind of pictures and ive will promise satisfaction. Sydenham street, Flesliertou Transacting Business ... lif. ions It is impossible to g(> through without s-ime Bnnness Transaot To siinpli'y such matters and make tliein pi-oliiabio you should have a I Bu^ino^s Education such as is at the C A. Fleming, NO. Uo2, R.C U.S. Imported July, im2. Winner at tho W-tM.') Fair in Chicag->, New V'urk and titlawa, and inner on five oocssions lo! iii.-,t piiz-j and sweeping .â- stakes at To- ronto shows, and niiny other valu*b'e ]>vi;'.es, a record nncipi.illed by any c.ir- ; riiife or coach stallion in Canaua. Prince • .Arthur is rot only a very sucji'saful prizi winae r himself, but his stock has v.on a Inige percentage of all rlu» priz.'S t.fTored for carriiige classes at the Tiioiito lliitlus- ] tii:il and other large allows during "thj I hist few years. Tliey liavo also won ai- i most every prize offered it, the carriage ' class in Grey county, and wliurever ex- . hibited. I F.OFTE FOR lO'O-l : .MONDAYâ€" .-jLt 8 o'c'.ock a.m. wiil leave his o*n stable, l.iL 13, con. 10, pAiplnasia, and proceed to llioklyii for noon, oiglit, Kaveuna. TUESDAYâ€" NoMji and night, Colling- wood, Cook's hot^d. , \VEDNESI).\Y--Noon, Puntroon, I Wednesday ni-'ht SinghamptcSi. â- j THUltSDAYâ€" Noon and night, Max- , well. .^ j FRIDAY -Nootf, Flesherlo'i ; Frid-.iy I night. Markdalo house. .Markdale. S.\TURD.\Yâ€" Markdale until b* p.m. 'Saturday night, his own stable until ^ Monday at 8 o'clock a.m. TE^MS : To insure, Jill, 00, payable January given OWESSOl'NO, ON"T. Spring Term begins April 1st, ]'.)05. All mares must be returned weekly to the horse or they will hi charged full iiisumnco. in foal or not. Parties disii'sili;; of tiioir mares !)efor j collecting time will b.; re--p mj'blo for insurance. .^11 .tccideiits to mirji at risk of owner3. Fersons tryinj inare^ them must pay full oin's fee 50c, which inu«!; I be (laid in all oasi's. 4th, I'Mi' J, V/. MAN ARY, . Conns' /=». O. Principal ^^^/^/:::0 ..„ _ "^Mj/Zji/VM-'i/y . i i^nJ" m t retuVnln ; insurance Gnu Parties interested in horses "5110111(1 see the celebrated young French Coach Siallion Gautliier, 3383, and the superior young Clydesdale, Good Luck, 395G, ut Muusha-.v's hotel every Friday night: GArTIlIElfS ROUTE Monday noon â€" A. Pa!ters"n"s, IJhintyro Monday night â€" Boyal hotel, Meafoid, Tuosday noon â€" ^Wm. Dcan'M, Griursvillo. Tuesday iiii;ht â€" Uoeklyn hotel. Wednesday iioosi â€" J. Loughead's, Wode- Imu-ie. Wednesday nii;ht â€" At his own stable until Frill ly night. Friday night â€" Fleshvrton fiir 2 hours "lUu-Uy - ilki-',vlil) hicjij, MirUda'.o, GOOD LUCK'S ROUTE Wednesday mgh';â€" Kimberley Thursday noon â€" Eugenia Thursday iiiglicâ€" Maxwell Friday noonâ€" Pjrtlaw Friday nisjlit â€" Fldsherton Saturday â€" Rjvoro hotel, Markdale Win. Manary is Manager for both horses with the exception of Gauthier Friday night and Saturday, when he will.', be under the cat e of ii. "SL Douglas, proprietor, Vandeleur incren.so the quinlity of cream 20 per cen., improve tin, (pbility of hu'ter, save ico, save time in washing a multitude! of p.ti.K and p'ovide sweet and ."^tiil vvarm Sfp>.iated miik ^ wiiicli, with a bttlo corn meal added makes a 'ar more val-' ua'de, though less exjiensive, food for young stock than/ B^T fitale -kinmed milk. These are facts wliich any user or! v^a^'^^e thy <^lairy oxnert will ooliriii. No chargji for trial. X â- â- '^sJ^ WPvlTE FOR Bt)OKLET NO 10 S. I s^^;t 1 fimi GiiiG[ iuirai For First Class Buggies, Carta, Pleasure and Lumber W.igi'us, cut tors, Sleijth.s. We keep a stock on hand to chtMjse from. ALSO HORSE SHOEING AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH l?sQ and tfuaranteo first class work. We keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and alao Masspy- Harris and Noxon repairs for binders, Mowers, all kit machinery, also Binder Twine on hand. » aiben in town give us a call « •Mkk t0t *mm M •V ,-.