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Flesherton Advance, 9 Jun 1904, p. 1

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v^ "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PKINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' KO 1185 Flestierton, Ont., TliT.irsd.ay, Jiane ^ 1904 W. H. THURSTON, ?ffi?kTOB Stop a rioment 1 : ' are holding; ev.iiigeliatic services at Rome. I During the football match between i I Kiinberley anJ Ceylott (in Wednesday evening of lust week ouo of the Ceylon Uonor Rolls Report of S. S. No. 7 Arteraesiu, for May. IWcFarland, Stafford & Co.'s Big Store But that is not wiiat our Watclies doâ€" they '• ao on fir- evor," like Tennyson's Brook â€" wi;h an occasional cloanin^. We h.ive tlie bt-st value in Wiitjhea lolie found in Ontario. That i.s .1 iMg statement, iwid if you d'>u't believe it come in and letusvi;vify it. We make a speci-ilty of the popular and [lerfect HAMILTON MOVEMENT A liiij stock of this movement just to hand. pjfipi/OIn immensB vari- ULv? V rV'J gty a„j at all prices. Our ropairing department ia thoi'oui^tily eipiipped and good workmanship guaranteed. W. A. Armstrong, J^-weller, Flesherton Eugenia Fine icrowing weather and lots of rain jUiikes the country look very beautiful at preavut. Diedâ€" At Eugenia on May 2!), Mr. Thoinas Wil.>-cn ufter a long illness. Rest came at Deceased was a native of Euniskdlen, [Ireland, but has been for many year3,a resident of Artemesia. His brother ia left very lonely, they having always made their home totjethor. In- terment took place at Salem on Tuesday afternoon, when Rev. Mr. Sinclair con- ductud the buriil service. A larae num- ber of friends attended to pay their last lespeots to the deceased, who was- hit;hly ruspoctad. Mr. Wesley Latimer of Toronto yisitcd his parents here tha past week. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Buwerman have gone to the city to reside. Th. y will bo yrontly missed in church and Sabbath school work. Their many friends here intended a sm prise party for them befoi e their departure but they had nmde arranuemouts to };o and could not wait. Tha best wishoa of ii large circle of friends foUows them to their new home. Miss Alice Gordon of Oranye, New Jersey who lias been visitiiii/ friends hero for soma time has returned to Uncle Saus'sduHiains. Miss Ada Wil- liams has gone with her. She will bo uiissnd by her many young friends at Eugenia. Mrs. John McGruthcr and two child- ren of Oraage, New Jersey, is visitiny her parents, Mr. and Mra. Clias. Turner of this place. Mr. and Mra. Thomaa Fenwick visited with fiitnds at Chcsley and other placing iu Bruce the past week, Mrs. .Jt.seph Pedlar lost her fine jersey cow by milk fever on Saturday last. Misi Jewett who baa been visiting her aiater, Mis. Sinclair, for some time past has reluned to her homo in the city. Mrs. Sinclair accompanied her homo tor a viait to her parents during her hus- band's absence at conference. Mrs. Adam Hislop .sr. and Mr«. A. jr and baby arc visiting the latter's mother Mis. John Miline of Maxwell. I , " , ,: , , ., â-  , Class IVâ€" Joseph Oliver, Ella Meads, 1 players by foul play was the means of p;,^^;^ p,,^^,,_ Asjnes McPhail, Louisa iinjuiing Mr. J. S Hulf, one of the star Dini^wall, Mary Paton, Mary M'jir. players in our football team. j Class 111â€" Je nnio Muir, Harry Jones, On Saturday evenin- last a footbal Gartha MePhuil, Fred Vause, Hugh Mc- inatch was played here between a team consisting of part Markdale and Ceylon teams and Kimberley which resulted in a di.sputed goal for the visiting team. Rev. Mr. Hurlburt will preach at kim- bsrly on Sunday next, 7,30 p. ni. Haw It Spreads The first package of HeinRoid (the in- j El ner Wa^-son fallliblo Vile cure) that was put out went | .^.t^lass I Jr.- to a small town in the State of Nebraska. It made the cure of a case of Piles that was considtred hopeless. The i:ew3 spread and although this was only two years ago the demand porompted Dr. J. S. Leimharc of Lincoln Neb., the discoverer, to prepare it for general use. Now it is being sent to all part.s of the world. It will curd any case of Piles. There is a months treatment in each box. Sold for Si. 00, with absolute guarantee. It is for sale by druggists. Phsi Class II Srâ€" Maagie Henderson, Annie .Miiir, Willie Oliver, Emma Meads, John While, Pearl Henderson. Class II Jr â€" James Gillies, May Muir, Bobbie Vanse, Hannah Wiitson. Sequel Classâ€" Garlield Whyto, Jiramio Oliver, Ira Whvte, Katie MacMillan. Class I Seâ€" Clarence Muir, Ella Gil- christ, Sterling White, Eddie Dingwall, €eylou Clara Gilchrist, Wilfred Watson, Mary White, Archie Whyte, Muriel Henderson, Lottie Muir, Olive Henderson. Promotions : From Part I to Sequel, Garfield Whyfee, Ira Whyto, Jimniie Oliver. M. Bate, Teacher. Mr. R. McGill took a pleasure trip to Owen Sound »n' Saturday. The "Ceylon Tea-Growers" Fjotball Association played a match here hist Wednesday evepjrng. The game resulted ill A scare of 1 â€" 1. Mr. C. McHughe ralieved Mr. BIoGill during the hitter's absence. Mr. Less Rutledge liad a slight last week, but he is around again. Quite a number fx'om here attended the entertainment at PriceviUe, on the 30th of last month. Mrs Jas. .4shdown, of Owtn Sound, paid her Ceylon friends a call on the24lh of bust month. Mis. Tucker and sons spent the 24th with friends in Holslein. Mr. Co.'k and daughters attended the services at markdale conducted by the evangelists, Crossley and Hunter, on Sunday. Miss Maggie Rutledge spent the 2ith with friends in Markdale. Feversham. Mrs. Andrew MoKeen is the guest of Mrs. Dr. Park. Bornâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hutch- ison a son. Miss Amelia fleitman has been very sick, but pleased to see her m our midst ag.iin. Mrs. James Douglass is in the hospital in Toronto. Born â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Peddler a sod. Kimberley Mr. J. E. Hammond of Toronto spent a few days with his parents hero a ihort time ago. Miss Jennie McLean of United Statsa ia visiting friends here at present. Mr. Ueorge Proctor >tho has been in Manitoba for some time returned to his homo here on Thursday lost. Mr. George Proctor took rkarfje c.f the aervice in the Methodist church here on Snnday momiiif; last. Our pastor, Mr. Sinclair who u »n the sick lilt, was un- able to attend. Stuart ToZProve what Anti-Pill tbe areat^Syatem Tretiinient will do for you.Gvcry reader of this paper may bavejjA Sample Bottle sent Free by mail. Derangement of the stomach is respon- sible for much sickness and suffering. Every organ of the body depends upon the stomach for its nutriment aud strength â€" If the stomach is not working right the blood caiTi>-« to the liver, heart, nerves and kidney iLssues impetfect nut- rition â€" They become weak and unable to perform their work â€" become chigged, dis- eased, and throw out their distressed 8ymptor..s. Now you may get atimulat- ive, timporaty relief by the taking of a kidney, li»er, nerve or heart speciHo, but cause remains â€" The stomach i« at fault, anl so King as it keeps loadins ihe blood with impurity â€" waste, so hmg will the blou-i tran«porl and depooit disease breeding elements in the weak places â€" When you feel sick, help tlie sttmiach first. A well stomach nicans a well body. ANH-PILL, iaa new discovory that lias a mtvelous iuSuonce in correct- ing byslom ailments, .^ddreas,^ Wilson- Fyle Co. Niwgara Falls, Ont. for free sample, Reuular size, a month's treat- ment, 50 centsat druggitts. Every Lady Should Know That Ferrozoue removes the cause* that interfere with the proper discharge of all womanly functions ; it ourrecta irregul- aritiea and is aspe-;ially good for women <vho are nervous and subject to hea laohe, kme back, bearing-down pains despon- dency aud liredneas. Ferroiona is a blood builder and p-irifier and can't be excelled Bros, have reopened their ice for the complexion. For jour good looks cream iMtricr for the aammsrmoDtba, and health oae Ferto w *. UiM r. CoiBfey •nd Miw A. McOort P« »»» •* <»»«»€«»*•• PriM 50a. Repart of S. S. No. 13 Artemcsia tor May.â€" SKNIOB ROOM Class Vâ€" Millie McMuUen, Mamie Hi>g!?- CliiBs IV S.~-Alex Fisher, Mabel Carr, Annie Hislop, Virgie MoMullen, Weston Carr. Class IV Jr.â€" Barbara Thompson. Cliss III Sr--Edna Williams, EUwoo.l Purvis, Hysop, Bertha Williams, Carl Walker, Stanley Campbell. Class HI Jr â€" Albert Sloan, Selena Hawkins, Clara Latimer, Jennie Roy, George Hislop, Fred'Oraliam, Ruby Gra- ham. A.E. Scott, Principal. JUNIOR ROOM Class H Srâ€" Herbert Fisher, Jakio Sloan, Mary Janiies(m, Katie Jamieson, Harold Wallace, Ettio Latimer, Irene Walker, Russel Parks, Wilford Plantt, Wesley Plant. Class II Jr, aâ€" Russel MoMullen, Mary Turner, Millv Campbell, Albert Campbell, Albert Williams. Cla.ssII Jr. bâ€" Susie Leopard, Sara Leopard. Class Pt. II Srâ€" Laur-e Fisher, Frank Leijard, May Parks, Elsie Armstrong, George Williams, Wesley Armstrong, Fred Plantt. Class Pt. II Jrâ€" Louie Hislop, Lillie Campbell, Aliie Williams, Willie Hogg. Ch-.8S I Srâ€" David Armstrong, David Jamieson, Charlie Fisher, Charlie Parks, J. ssie Armstrong, Annie English. I Jrâ€" Joseph Walker, Leila Sloan, Maude Hawkins, Willie Williams, Arnold Love, Chrtrlio Williams, Mary Walker, Lizzie Wiiliams, Robert Leopard. M. M. Dunkiii, teacher, Rsport for S. S. No. 6, Artemesis, for May. V-â€" Sadie Fletcher, Hunter Harrow, Ethel Harrow- IV Srâ€" Willie Fletoher,Ed.Whittak>;r, Jane Fletcher. IV Jrâ€" Johnnie Cairns, Veronica But- ler, Bob Spicer. lllSr. â€" Johnny McArthur. Ill Jrâ€" Ruby Stone, Agfie Harrow, Bert Whittiiker, Maggie Boyce. II Sr. â€" Perly Cairns, Stella Butler, Willie McArthur, Coverdale Patterson. II Jr.â€" Emma Whittaker, Edna Flet cher. Tommy Spicer, Frost Pnrdy. PT, IIâ€" Genevieve Butler, VV'ilfri'd Butler. Bert Irwin, Willie Spicer. Pt II Srâ€" Bertha Fletcher, Goldwin Pa'torson. Pt. 11 Jr â€" Minnie Harrow, I. Whit taker, Satah Hazaid, Aloort Hazard. Average attendance 31. E M. SMALL.Teacher. . ^»<a n * Consumption Begins with a Cough The cough rakes and tens the liasuesof tJie throat. Inllammation supervenes and then serious bronchial or lung trouble is established. The important time is at the beginning. Slay the progress of tho cough by using fragrant healing Catarrh- ozouo which reaches every part of the bionvhinl tubes, throat and lunys. Cat- arrhozone destioy." diseaae geims, stops the cough, heals sore «pot.s clears the uose and throat of discharge, Ottarrh- ozona soothea, never irritates. Guaran- teed for every form of Catarrh. For last- ing cure use Catarrbozuue. Two months treatment $1.00 ; trial size 25c. , â€" â€" i I ♦ 1 1 An exchange says :â€" A good and cheap painc. for use on barns and other out- buildings is m >de by stirring into a gal- lon of milk three pounds of Portland cement and enough pigment to give the proper oohir. This mixture spread on wood.inaket a ooaiing that after xix hours becomes as good and Issting aa oil paint It makea tho best t>os*ible |*aiiit for treea where the UmIn Qare been prancd or •vvdoC Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE. Fine Qualities People of taste, who are alert for tlte beat the world affords, will be interested in what this store has to offar] in merchandise of every sort. This isn't merely a cheap place. What reputation could be worse than a cheapness that means shoddy? The keen scrutiuv which we apply to every detail of the business keeps us constantly free from trash in any form. We buy goods direct from the best Canadian and Eur- opean manufacturers and get tirst choice of tho things you are likely to want- QLTALITY is harnessed up with QUANTITY here and all extravagance is taken out jf prices. Never you fear of paying too much foi anything. Wa take good care that values are tho bestâ€" absolutely the best â€" within your reach. These few prices are suggestive of many others equallv "as good: 15 c. Shirtings for iic. 700 yards best Standard shirtings, black ground with white stripe. This cloth is tho best Canadian Standard Shirting and sold everywhere at 15c. per yard. Wo were fortunate enough to buy a ease beforo the recent sharp advances in prices and put on sale this week 700 yards of ioc quality fur 11 MiVRKDA-LE, ONrXAl<IO ^A ;* 1.50 Men'* Boots for 98c. We put oix the Bargain Table this week 50 pairs Man's Fine Boota, new too, solid- leather. Standard screw soles, reg- ular value 1.25 and 1.50 per pair. Sale price -98 BLANKETS Wo have just opened out two cases, 50 pair*, of the Alexandria and Aiie Saxony, fine wool Blankets. We have sole agency in Markdale for these celebrated Blankets and they are p.isitividy the made in Canada': in fact the mill which manufactures these blankets won the Gold Medal prize at the last World's Fair Exposition. "The best made is uouo too good for the patrons of tiiis store," and tho prices are very - . .' little more than you pay for inferior goods. 30 pair Alexandria Blankets, high lofty finish, fancy pink or blue stripe bopders. weights 7, 8, 9 and 10 lbs to pair, prices .?3.90 to .«.5.50 20 pair Auo Saxony Blankets, lovely, fine, soft finish, fancy borders, weights' C, 7, 8 and 9 pounds to pair. Pricos run at ?3.99, §4.50, $5,25 and , . §5.90 If you must have the low-priced blankets wo have them alsoâ€" aud as good values, aa. any other store can show, f^ â-  - - Bring in your Wool and get the Best Ijh\nkets made-. Stylish Clothing r This store has always done a big business in Ready-to-wear Clothing for Men and Boys, but the past few seasons the sales have been jumping up by leaps and bounds. There is a reason for this : Wo never offer you anything but well made, good tilting, honest clothing. Quality is never sacrificed for price consideration at this store. Shoddy or damaged clothing we never have to offer you. Nothing but tlie host aud that always at the lowest possible prioD^ â- w ^: 9Sr Special Inducements For Current Trade . . ,1 1/.: 10 Men's all-wooI Tweed SuiU $7 and $8 for B.0« 12 Ladies' Fine Coats, §7.50 and "^n-OB. for 3-W 20 Men's Hea 12 only Men 20 nil for. . . f^. ^Cfl&fcrs,go(xl valvo at S(> ^Jack^ts.onsale at^itj^l >r», worth t'l.iiii ti.").;. A large assortment of carpets, arranyinx j SOyds. ^r?u>Ii tqyelii»(HBli»88.yd. for 7^ in price from 25c. to ^.126 per,jrd g p'r: gtay wo(i Blankets, t^ clear out ab«- An extra good stock of H(.|B»fl;Biank^t« On _^ • '^ ?1.90 ps^.c hand,and we are aellin'iji.hoai aftlhelowest J 12 Meit^s. Carfjflafi Jitekets, Ten- 81.50, living prices known. ,\^ a f0lR»8*of for. J* Ti^*.. â-  - 1 til Men's Heavy Vootllff^, auch »9 Felt Buots, Heavy Kttbbera^J|;iHiq^Ltge giugs, etc. id Japt^Hk f rloOlNK^ for. •> 6 lbs good SlbaCeyi __ 13 lbs. btist< itecW tra>aia> 25 nj^bost T»;>9ioa .^â- s'; Vti f >«'fi >â- >«' â- *.*• â-  â-  • -^ • .^•f'^ Tb^. »>*nieoaB,-:»»|.,18^;,*. Fowl trnd tHatme.. . . Pt^on Stettioq M *^S '^^'tJ^ \

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