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Flesherton Advance, 2 Jun 1904, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE JuxE 2 1»04 / \ Methodist Church FLESH 15 HTON. â- f.a.i.wuMi^, B. >., B. D. Factor "itntviug: â€" Mr. J. A. Felatesd. tren'ugâ€" Re». W. A. Sinclair of Eu- •R«oi». Vicinity Chips <niinTa«erlstlcs of the Past Xfttt-k rarefallr Called for the Curious â€" i^itli f-,r uleâ€" Adam Smith, Eugenia. VH CPti head of young caltle wanted tn f>a»ture. Adam Smiih, Eu:;cnia. Boy Wantedâ€" at once. Apply to Boyd, Ilicklin^^A Co. Cow for sale â€" Durham Grade. J. P. OtteweU, Fiesiiort-in. Fresh lime always oa hind. J. H. Dackett, Euijeiiia- Mr. arid Mrs. A. Brooks of Clarksburg -were vinitora here last week. Arttmosia township council will meet en Saturday next as a court of Appeal. Mrs. Joy and Miss Minnie visited friends at the Junction last week. Wouoy to loan at 5 % tn farm property â€" expense low, A. S. VanDusen. Mr. R. McKea has taken a poaition ifith Mr.Thomp'on Wilnon in the factory. Mr. C. W. Ruttltdjje of the Afc.rkdale Standard was in town on Friday last and gave The Advance a neiiihborly call. ilrs. R.,berc Fawcett, Sr., is v<-ifing hor former neighbors and fiionds in Flusiierton. Mr. and Mrs. Klijah Paul of EugenLi left last week to spend tho summer at WUow Grass, Assa., wi'h their sons. For S«le Cheapâ€" Lot 23, cm. 7, Osprey. Would rent. Apply to R.J. Sproulf, Fleshertnn. laug Mr, Parker of Durham ndvertises a credit auction sale of Shorthorn cattle in t'ttis issue. l,08tâ€" Black and white heifer ca!f. Yearling. White spot on forehead. Finder notify A. Uraham,Vandeleur,Oat. Rev. Dr. Waller, of tho Markdale j-arish, R. C. church, spent the 21th with Mr. and Mrs. Kunstadler. Charles Hoy of E;,'remont has been â- cimnnittod !or trial ou a char^ cf psss- «ig«pu;iouR money. Mr. Ben Wilson left on Wednesday of t\,U we«k for Port Arthur, where a lu- crative position awaits him. Pij; came astray â€"Came totny premi»«i^ •bout May 20, one pis. Owner please caJl and take away. Wm Somers, Vandekur. We notice by a North Bay poster that Ur. Amos Donpe, late of Artemesia, has Leon appointed a councillor in the newly organized township of Harley. The L. O. L. Semi -Annual District :«aeetiiit!«if Artemesia will meet at Kells' Lodge, Ko. 1383. on Tuesday, June 7th, at 2 o'clock. A full attendance requested V>m. T. McKeo, D. SL On and after Monday, May 6th, and wntil further notice we will do choppil:({ -<>n Monday aud Saturday afternoon only «4 we require the power f->r other work, T. W. WUson. <r.ird of th.inks â€" Mrs. Wlli;ara.son and family desire to thank their fiiendsard ueighhors for their kindness in their lumr »f trial, also to the linKe girls of Mi.i8 Bate's school for the b<quets of -£«w«r« oadi musing fur the sick room Proton Council proposse to dii; a §3,000 drain from near Proton Station to the Singeen rivor, a distance of about four and a quarter miles. This drain aUo af. fects Artoaic«ia town-ship in that it bei:c- lits iu'ta'n K'ts, ai:d Artemesia council l:as been uo'.ified ot tho intended actii-n. ©uring a thunderstorm on Wednesday evening of last week Mrs. P. Hol:nan's residence was struck with Iho electric fluid. \ chimney w>i.<» knocked down a-id several lii.ks of pipe inside scatter- ed aronnl and split cpen. Nothing was was i.:uit<'d, huwerer, a id a tew dollars will rcp'aco thu d;iai i^c. Rev. IvLson Wilson, wh>i hus bpcn rp;):>!iited by the dUtrirt to the st ition'ng c.ininiit'ce of the Tor 'Mto c 'nfere^ce, • ill le.ivo on Frtdiy of ttiis week to m^-et the otker membi-rs \<( the committee llcv. W. Sinclair of Eugtmia will takr his pii!p t hero ou Sunday ereninK. The cmferance meet* in Toronto next week. Mr. Henry M. DouijKs wishes to an- H'unce that o-i account of the iiicreasoii trade at Maikd:ile and 'be I'Og drive Satuvdiy n'^ht hii young French Stnllion <iauih:er will proCieJ to Markdale Friday nigiit at 8 p. m. in.itead of Saturd-ty luoriiing as adveitised. Ui* hours in /rieshcrtqn will b« froxu 3p. p>. to8p m. Now is jDor chance to bay your sum- mer stock o( iry goods u oar stock ia (till ia good atiap* having a heavy itock o( all linen to pick from with the prices all we can before going. T. Shepiiard^ The Junior Leaguers of the Methodist church were at horns to their friends on .Monday evening. Tlie program was of thiir own cngiaeeriog and ditl thwir little heads credit. After the short program li^ht refreshiuenta were served, including lemonade; ice cream and caudj were sold. There was a large turnout and the young people cnjiiyea themselves very muih. The sad news was received here Mon- day morning that Rev. P. H. Hauk had died in St. Mary's hospital, Hamilton. Fiither Hauck was « sufferer from brigh'.s disease. While inchirgeot this piriah, whi-ji he loft in November l.v-it, he Wis very popular with all, reg^rdleas of creed, aivd much regret is felt at hi.s untimely death. He was between 35 and 40 years of age. Only about sixty days more of bar- gains. We have only about sixty days more in which t) give you soma of the many bargains, remember when you are marketing your wool we are prepared to take any quantity for which we will either cash or trade. This is a chance to get goixi, cheap goods for your wool at T. J. Sbeppard"s. y At the non-Jury sitting in 'Owen S.iund last week Mr. A. McCabe of Pricsville at- tempted tu set aside a sale of land for taxes. The lot is situated at Piiceville. Treasurer Armstrong and Clerk Bellamy wore up on the case, which was not de cided, owino to the fact cha'. court arose before coiinseli' .iguinents had been h-ard. Dioiai'm will be ^iven afttr the judge has heard these argument). The Sydenham Mutual Fire fasurince Co. has the largest surplui of any purely rautu-.l fire iiisunince company ia Canada; has a Urge nieuibersh p, is managed by men of cipericnce in the insurance business, rates as low as is consistent with security, has a premium nota one third jess than any other company. Before insuring call on or wnta to their ageut, W. J. Bowes, Markdale, The morning service in the Methodist Church on Sunday List wasof as-'Oiewhat unique nature iu that it wm entirely con- ducted by women interested in mission- ary work and nirmbers of the Women's Missionary Society. The service was opened by Mrs. F. W. Nicbol.son, after which Mrs, W. A. Armstrong spoke on the condition of heathen women, Tel- lowed'by Mrs. Thurston on the organia- tion of the W.M.S. Mm. G. Mitchell gave the buancial report of B^e&herton Auxiliary and Mrs. W. Trimble the re- port of Toronto conference. Mrs. J. S. I. Wilson presented the claims of the society to public aapport and supple- mented the claims with an appeal for active msmbers. Appropriate music was supplind by the choir and the offer- ing was taken up by two little girls, Misses Lily Boyd and Ru'>y Trimele. Obituary Diedâ€" .After an illness of twelve months of cancer of the bowel3,at his residence, Durham roa<l, .\rtemesit, on Thursday Ust, May 2Sth, Mathiiis Wil- liamson, aged sixty-nine years and three ui iiitbs. The deceased vas borti in fie vil'age of Wi'twauiT, Yorkshire, E^mlanJ, iu 1835. He came out *o Canada iu 1855. He settled in the town of Durham. In li&l he married a driughter of .John HhII, 3 d concession south, Glen6'g,to whom five sons and one daugh ter born, four of wh(>.n are living, two of his sxiie h»7tiie died some years ajjo. Mr. Williitnisou was loved and rcspecWd by all who knew him and will be missed by m my. He leaves behind to inouru tho loss of a kind husb.wid and f.ithjr, a widow, an (inly diUighter anl three soms. George, Will and Mary at heme and J-jliii on a firm a short distance away. The bere.iv- ed f.iniily hive the sympathy of tl,e whole community iu theirs id bereaviueiit. We kni'W not whfiico that da" m.^y be That wc shall re »c!ith')s;m:ins:oas fair, But we s1»h!I thee, our father, see .And be will recognize us theri*. O 1 lh.1t sublime and bli.^sful shore Where all the fair stili f.iirer gvow The dear ones who h.«ve gene bef-Te Will make us welcoma when we go. MRS. ELIZABETH HALES Another of Aiteniesia' residents parsed away on«y of wevk, in the peison of Mrs. E'izaSeth Hales, r.lict of the late Chsrles Hales, in her Soeh year, at the home r.f her daugnter, Mrs. Lachlan McArtbur, Prioeville. Mrs. H^le« wa^ born in County Cavan, Tr.-land, and ^pairitid Chaxlw Hales when 26 year ' old. Togatber they came tu Caruda, •at'ling first in Montreal, then at Crc'sby and Thornhni, finally settling on the O. D. R., this township, in 1854, where she remainetl until a few months ago, when she took up residence with her daughter. Her hasbaod predeceased her 24 years a«;o. Knr 50 years she was a staunch and steadfM member of tho Methodise church. Deceased was the mother of a larvu family, of whom she leaves behind her John of Fleaherton, James, Sarawak; Mrs. Riley, AUistun ; Mrs. Lockhart, ' Rat Portage ; Mrs. W. Caswell, Arte- mesia ; Sarah, Rraudou ; Mrs, Lachlan McArthur, Priceville; and Wm. on the homestead. The fuiier.vl took place on Friday to Flesherton cemetery and was largely atteixied. â€" •^i Centre Grey Institute Meetings Centre Grey Woiueu's Insli'.ute will hold annual meetings iu June as follows: Feversham June 8, Flesherton June 9, Vandeleur June 10, Kimberley June 11, Heathcote, Mill Creek school bouse.June 13 ; Ravenna June 14. S<.-aiions will be held at 1 30 and 7. 30 o'cl.>ck in each case. The lady speakers will be Mi.s3 Shuttle- worth and Mrs. Torrance. The subjects are tim-ily and comprise such t'>p:cs as " The apple in its relation to domestic comfort," " Coll dishes for summer use, â- and home and hoiLe-making," " The need of h3usekeeping being placed on better business lines," " Buttermaking on the firm," etc. Tlie annual election of oiiijers will be held at the Kimberley afternoon m-^eting, which opens at 1 o'clock. Everybody is invited to these meetings. Tlie annual meeting of Centra Grey Farmers' Institute will bo held in Hew- gili's grove, Heathcote, on Monday, June 13, next, to include a basket picnic. The speakers for this occasion will be D'. AndergoB oa " C-tttle raising," and P. J. Carey on Fruit Growing. There will be a football match in the evening. A lar^je and a good timp is anticipired. CEALED TENDSRb a-idrosjed to the ander- *^ signed, aod enaorMd " Ten ler for Meaford Breakwatt>r," will be received ac this otfice uL.til Mouftay, Juoe 29, 1904, inclLiaivelj, for the constructiou of a Ure&kw&ter at Meaford, Counry uf Grey, Out., accordiQ^ to a and epeci&c&tioQ to b« se a at the oAca of H. A. Gray, Khq,. EnatDtter iu charge of hftr1»0'jr works. ODtario, Confederation Life Building, Turonto, on application to tb« poetmestor at Uaaford, Ont., and at the Department of Public Works, Q tawa. Tenders vri.I not he considered an>ss made OQ tho prluted forui supplie'l, awd eigued with the actual ^igoaturea of teodcrerSL All accepted cheque on a chartered bank. payable to the order of the Honourable the Mioiater of Public Works, for six thousand dollars ($6,000.00), oinst aceooupany each tender. The chvque will t>« fotfeited if the party ten- dering decline the contract or fail to comptote the workciiucracte'l for, and will be returned iu case of uoo-acceptance ot tender. The department does not bind itself to ac- c apt the luweot or any tender. By order, FRKD, GELINAS. Secretary. Dw^artmeDt of Public Works, Ottawa, May tl. 1904. Newspapers inserting tbli advertisement without antboritr from tbe DepaitmvUt, will not t>e paid for it. Ceavitig TlesbeHon And a $15,000.00 stock to be slaughterd T. J. Sheppard having purchased a property in Tor- onto Junction to open up in the dry goods business we have decided to hold a i i Ninety a y's Sale while I t $ % the repairs are being done to our building to clear out our present .stock, and a.s we do not want to take any- stock with us you can depend on getting a bargain in '^ anything you want ; we are only going to handle dry ^^ goods in the Junction so we must clear out all other lines and to do this the priceg must be cut deep en- cugh to make them go. Ourstocof DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, GKOCEllIES, READY-TO- WE AE CLOTHING, and CROCKERY is very complete. Our Spring Goods having all arrived before we thought of leaving and now they must be cleared out. So you have a chance to buy all nice new spring goods at big reductions. OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT which is in better .sahpe this spring than ever having enlarged the department, our milliners are In better shape to attend to orders than ever before. Butter is C^bCap this spring but we will make it buy as much as ever by selling everything else low. fJe take all kinds " f produce duri/tff the sale. T. J. SHEPPARD Sproule's Block Flesherton ii W, J. Douglass MEDICAL HALL Flesherton TIioroQslilifeJ Mm Ball GIPSY LAD - - NO. 38916 ^ Will itand for tbe service of cowa for tbe year 1904. TKRilS-$1.50 per cow, payable oii the Ist ot February, 1905. Thoroughbred cowa $1' No cows takeu after beiug eeryed with another btill during the eeoaon, WILLIAM PATOX, frop, : Farrr\ for Sale BeiuK Lot 193 * IW Sorth F.ast of Toronto Si Svdeohaui roat*, coutaiffinR l:lii acres, W under cuttivatioii, iu spierrdiJ condition for crop, free of stone, well fenced and watered, tree o( wild weeds, h.iving orchard and Bma!l fruits. Good bar n with track aritl other oat buildings, com- fortable bouse, ^i mi CB from I'lotou, in Taylor settlement. Apply to W. J. MULLI.'I, Proton Station-^ Makes the following prices good at the store or by letter until Mav 14th, 1904 : RED CLOVER, new lot, from MAMMOTH CLOVER from TIMOTHY SEED from $5 5 1 40 65 40 These are all well cleaned and extra values. WRLL PAPERS C. Tryon. Priceville. has put in a cou3pIete stc»ck of litest i>att.irn^ iu wallpap.*rs. Tho floe!"t asinttuiout uver brought in. Will sub- ni't «au)r»le8 to prospective | TiTcba*=er8. Hang- iug piouiptl) and sat iefac'oiily done. Court of Revision TOWNSHIP tF ARTEMESIA NOTICS h h<ireb«- given that tho flist «ittii'g tho Court of Kovition en '.he A sossuiont Ko!! of 1934 tor ?he Towishin ot Arteiu< sia, will be bold attUeTowu Hali, IrlsheitJn ou oa;a-- dav til..- fourth day of Juue 1904, Eated May IS, 1904. v.". 7. Bollamr.Clork, Cook's Cotton Root Cocipoood. LadlPS* Favorite, Is tlie only safe, reliabia regniator on wlilch womaa can depend "In the Ivjuj? and time cf nev?0." Prepared In two de^reea ot Btrengtii. No. 1 and No. 3. No. 1.â€" For ordluary cases Is by far the best dollar medicine known. Ko. 2â€" Per rpwial caaes â€" 10 desrees ttron^r â€" Ihreo d'lllara per box. 3Ljedieoâ€" aik your druprlst for Cook** Cottoa Root Onrnponod. Take no other •a «B pills, mixtures and Imitatlorj are daaeeroug. Ko. 1 and No. 2 are sold an<1 recommended by all druOTlst* In the Do- ulition of CanMB. Mailed to any adJren on receipt ofpiioe and four !-cent postage â- tamM. Vke CSook Company, y/tmOmoT, Oat. No 1 and tuo are oolJ iu Vlo^hevton by W V, icbardaoa as l W J Daug'»a,.D.'ae8i«t*. All kinds of Roots, viz., Mangel, Carrots, etc., at the . _ very lowest prices. We have the stock and we make the price: â€" Inspection invited â€" Seeing msares your order. Ml. <tA i'li, JK. j>w. .jl«. ,}«. -tit. -tiC' â- >â- ''' -Jf-- -JK- •*"â- â€¢ <'«• •*• ^•?; ^i^'i ^^'f: :J'ii'* i,'?: :?'«:.:*I<::*?'i ^ 'A JUST RECEIVED -AT- S Richardson & Sons ^^ Oilcake, Calf Meal. Corn, Garden Seeds, Best Clover & Timothy Seed from $te«k, Bridds Company ###|l^a#t^ <% ''iff •If t -«« i \

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