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Flesherton Advance, 26 May 1904, p. 8

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\ 1-^- May 26 1904 THE fLESHERTOK AJ5VANCE . » « r 't The Markets. ^'Carefully Corrertcd Each Ifeek -Uatb 29 l" 29 'I'etts «0 to «2 lUiley .45 to 46 Butiur 12 t. 12 f14BK8 fresh 12 U 12 '.I'ork 6 25 t« .6 25 -SOliickoim per lb 8 i« " 10 Du^ks per lb 7 '» 7 Tuckuys per lb* 12 t« 13 Gofse wirhoul hei<d». . 8 t« 9 liay r te 6 55 FoUtoes.JaaK 76 U 76 Otii^CSubbingList */Sivn. V â- \ :./'<^, 1 «f up;, *Herald mid j. *Ti..r(>ntn Wi)rld,ilHiiy.^.»..$3 25 ToroiiU) Daily News. .TT. . . . 1 85 Weekly Globa 1 80 Mail-Eiii|iire 1.80 Family Herald & Star 1.80 T.Tuiiti) Stnr 1-80 Farmers Sun, .-. . . 1-80 All uhovt! prices includu The Advance ftlaii tic;:.l Herald, if paid n advance y. Early Kuljscribers get esb value tboir muiioy. Durham Bull for Service labo HcRistorca Durliani Tlull, "KING EDWARD" Iniri. will stand for service on lot 29. B.D, K.. lor 1904. Kinn Edward i» a dark rod.goodtoayy iKjim i:i.a muselfa and wflil .leveloped. H? '» •» oulv lui] i>«rviceublo condition aud will Utt tiie b«um fck twenty- two huudrod Ibfl. aud la yet lu Uor twu-ycar-old clasB. I'EDIGUEE Kini; Edward red, calvod April 10th, 1901.bâ„¢d .Ii» Jol'ii YouiiKTilbouriuB, Marycalter, HCot- laud. imvortul in dam iu 1900 by Cbailoa llankin. WvubridKo, Out., Rot by Bcottish PriiicuTMftl, daui liotliniqk lloBo, imp., •'»™7. by Alan (iwviuie 00609, Kcd Uobo by Portland JCliioy C.HTa. Unsiu 'iud by Doctor 60618 Bosie byLloutenantoaiW, Jilt 17th by Albert KW02, Jin 15th In (iravoByiid 4W61, DouBido yaret by Vermont 4719:). Claret Ist b\ Duk« 28:142, Claret by H.urlot Vulvot lO'JlO, Barbara by Unrivalled 13(h!C, If abella by The Pacba 7012, Crocus by Bad Uuko o( Nortbuinborland .1046, Nora by i'illerv.'ii:il,hmiW by Killery 5131, Eliza by Younc Western Comet 157j. Ludy Hetty bv Hmmonrt SO.I.Uotty by Favorite 260,bj Charge •> Itod bull IBIO. TERMS ThorouRbbred cow» S5 ; Rradai! «1 50. All iwyable 1st January. IflOj. Cowb served by tbis iuiiiiial and not returned will bo collected for wliothcr iu calf oruot. W. J. MEADS, CejIen.Ont. Falling out Hair If til is la the case, call and Bee ns and wo WUI prevent It doin« bo by applying our wonder- 111) lemody. Highly Recommend Wo have used itB wonderf uU in*nv in tills town and Buriounili- ala on •odall who hiLVn uiidoruona troatm rotrict oivud U very hiijhly. om- No Cureâ€" No Pay .A. WILSON Barber FLESHEllTON BIG . . 5T0CK We have just roeoiTed In (totk one of the finest asBortinent* of BLANKETS AND ROBES in the market and can favor joa with any rocjuIreuieDta you will need in that liuo Also a large oonticnmant of Imitation (PERSIAN LAMB COATS, \Vn hayo a line colloctioa of ooats to to select from. All Sold at Lowet Living Prices MM Wl. Bl O O R S Boots Boots Boots A'lriMiB, Hamilton and Williams. All '^.•lod maker. rUTNT.S,MUSI,INS AGINGIIAMS All now giudn. L.VDIFS ULOrsKS AND SKIRTS And liviiiiiiiur I'lidern'oar. OUR SPRING II ATS will bo In in a Kow dayM, uUuil May 6ii\. All bizoh and .sliapea. Men's Dcllance Otaialli aud SmocVa A full atdck of (!r(i.;erii>», popular Pabant Modiuinca and Uiamuiid Ujrca. Raket, FnrkN, ShuruUand Huvs Buniil nn Flour on Fiand. 96. per bbl. All tbo above and far ir.ora you will find ai tlie St -ro In Maxwell kapt by R. Kinnear & Sons Ai/ers You .can hardly find a vith^QUt its Ayer's Ct home , .. , _ hcrry Pectoral. Parents know what it does for children: breaks Cherry Pectoral up a cold in a single night, wards off bronchitis, prevents pneumonia. Physicians ad- visa parents to keep it on hand. "The be«t coQfrh medicine money can bny It Ayor"! Cherry fectoral. For the c<push» of children authlu;; could ro.ilbly i)e hotter." iJLOOa BUVLL, Saratoga, Ind. 28e..S0e..«I.00u j.o. ATKKCO., I Throat, Lungs I Ayer's Pills greatly aid the Cherry Pectoral In breaking up a cold. SPECIAL A choice line of Baby Carriages and Go=0aHs tu hand. The la test thine intheso goods, aud low in price. Con\e ar\d see Tl^eiri. eOQSECLEMIIIC OEIjlISITES SUCH AS New Shades, Curtain Poles, Fixings. W. H.BUNT Furniture Dealer, Upholsterer and Undertaker. FLESH ERTON ONT. Business Cards WT'CULLOUOH * YOUNG >»»â-  Hanker Markdale Don general banking buaineuH. Money loaoeo a reasonablo rate Call on UB. RJ SI'ltOULK Fodtmastar, Floshorton ivoniraiaBJoncr in H. 3. J., Auctioneer Con- veyancer, Appraiaer »iid Money Louder Iteal Estate and Insurance Agent. Deeds mortgages, leases and wills carefully drawn up and valuations made on shortoHt notice, money to loan at loweHt rates of interest. Col eotioud attouded to with promptnesB charaes low. Agent for Ocean Domiuioo SteaiuBhip Compauy. A call solicited. Societies Ac U W meets ou the last Monday in eacu month, in their lodge room, Ohristoo's block. 8 p.m. M.W., A. Harrison ; Itecoi'dnr, 'Jaa. Felatead ; Finao- oiar, W.J. Bel. amy. Visiting brethren iLvited. PUINCE AIlTHTlt LODGE, No. SSa, A. A rj, meets in the Masonic hall. Btrain'i block, FleBh>.rtou, every Friday on or before the full mocn. F H W Ulckling W M. Clias Uunabaw, Secretary. COUKT FLESHBRTON. I, O. F. moets in Christoo's lilonk the last Frldaj evening each month. Viiitinc ForosteiS heartily velooine. C. R.. C. W, Bellamy ; B. C, W. Buskin ; Fin. SecDr E. Murray. (I*ay duos to Dr. Murray on or before last day of each niontb.) Medical DB CARTER M O I' * S Ont. Pbyalclan. Surgeon, etc OlUce aud roaidenoe â€" Peter St., Flesherton DR. SCOTT, U. D., Maxwell, Out. R. M. KEID, M.D.O.M,, l'bvalclan,'8nr(;oou and Accouchnnr, late of N. Y. I'ostgrad. Medical KuhonI, N. Y. LyLiu-ln Honpita) and Bt. I.uku'a (Jonoral Hospital, Ottawa J P OTTEVVKLL * Veterinary Surgeon Graduate nf Ontario A'eterinary College, rcsiileiioe â€" sjcoiid door Kouth west on Marv Btreut. This street ruBB south I'reHbvterlfin Church. ^' Iraduate of tin* Ve'erhiary Pclence Association. Uttt^iiletuie, Ilui-haiu Itreut, up- poitte lloyd, HiukliLg's hardwaio. Legal .7. W. FnoflT, L I.. 1). Ilarrifltor, Holioitor Conveyancer, etn offlortâ€" Next to pottolllce, Kpronlo's block 1'". riherton. every Tliurado aud, court days N" It-Ownn Sound uUiue, Frost* block l*uulutt street east. LUCAS, WRIGHT A MeAWPLH llarristurs Holicitora Cniiveyanoors, etc omoesâ€" Owen Bound. Ont nudMarkdalnOnt W II Whioht, Me,\nni.K 1 II I,Dr*» K II -Flesherton ollice, Mitchell's liank •very Uatiirday. MACKAV a SAMPSON .Harristere. sollpitors. DFFICKS :-()wnn Srunrt, Merchant's Hank lllor.k, N. '^f PattiM-Bon House, Kundalk aiu Street, every Skturday. Money to Ioi.n at 4) pnr rent. A. n. Mack AY, MA., H.K SAMPSON,I..t..D Alwavs III aitsndanoe at Flesherton and Dnnrialk Divlsiou Oourti. Dentistry DR. B C. MURRAY, I.. D. 8, dertal snrgiinn honor grniluate nf Toronto University and Roval College of Dental'ienns of Onterto. onb-eâ€" Onposite Arinstrnng's Jewellery Store Will Tiait Maxw>l the last Weiluesday sfoarh ninn)!:. aud OoadaU 1 and I Tharidar «t saeh Koat)). A Clever Little Poem The followini? clever little poem wa» handed in t<i Principal Manwell of the public sclioid, lust week, an a compositicii, by Miss Mary Wilscjn, daughter of Mr. ThompHoii Wilson, a little girl only twelve years of age. It is really a suiprisinK bit of oompnsition fur a child of that age, and would do honor to one of more mature years. MiasiMary should cultivate her talent. The poem is absolutely withuut any correction pr editiiii; whatever aud U entitled THE UNION JACK The nations are many whose flai; Las renown â€" The nations are many whose flag has come down. But there is a flaii, above all the rest. That ever &hall float, and be ever the best. The proud lion, stalking along by the beach, Far over the ocoan his eye it can reach ; He thinks of tlie time when he was a child. Weak, lowly of lieart, gentle, loving and mild. And now bo is great, lov'd, respected by all. And colonies many respond to his call. Ho thinks of Brittannia, the maker uf luw.a. And VOW.S to defend her wiih all of his hii paws. . « n a n â-  Dr. Jamtis Airth purchased a span of black horses on Thuraday of last week for his livery. He got them at B'leaherton, and they are a pair of three-juar old beauties. â€" Chatswotih News. T. Long & Bro. of CoUingwood, whose store was destroyed by tire recently, are rebuildinij' and thi new store will be one most modern aud best equipped outside the larger cities. Thera are honest men alive yet. An instance of this occurred in this city ou Tue8day,said the Guelph Herald, when a gentleman fonnorly of Ouelpli, now do- ing business in the neighborhood of Ham- ilton, came to the city, called at the Bunk of C'.<mmerco and paid an indobt..'dne83 to creditors ain>>untiug to about Bve tbouand dollars. Orani^eville Banner :Mr. Walter Booth, ofUwen Sound, who had the misfotune to meet with an accident last winter, by which he lost one of his legs, lias been in town fur the last week or so. Mr Booth conducted a barber shop in Shelburne some years ai40 and wa^ a well known la- crosse phiyer. A number of his friends in town subscribed to a fund to assist him in buying an artiflcal leg. Booth also conducted a bi»i:bor shop iu Fleshertou some years ago. ' What WMold no doubl> have been a frightful fatal accident bnt for the pres- ence of mind of Mica Poguo, head milli- ner at Ledin^hain & Corlett's, Willianis- fiird, happened at their millinery open- iri'i. A gasoline etove was burning in the millinery department, and little Minerva Johnston, one of obo assistants, passed close to the store, when her dress cau(;bt Hro. Without saying a word Miss Pogue sprang to tbo rescue and put out the flame by wrapping her own dresa around the child and smothering the flame. Miss Pogue's arm was slightly burned but the little girl escaped injury. If You Have a Bad Cold If you are sneezing and suflfuring from a " stutt'ed-up' head and running eyes the best plan ia to get fragrant, healing Cat- arrhozonp, the quickest and surest cure for a cold in the liead, couu'hs and catarrh ever discovered. This groat healing agent is carried by the air- you breathe all through the paiuaiies of the nose, throat and lungs. It soothes the irritated mem- branes, kills catarrhul geini.s, ii stautly stops the cough and sneezing. It's the aiui.sjptio vapin of Catarrhozone that does the cuiiog. A trial proves that a cold can b<) killed in a few iniimlps by Catarrhozone. Money I a :k if it fall"-. Uuniplete out tit $1.IX) ; small size 35c. » i m <.« HORSE ROUTES Monday May 2â€" Will Ifavehlsown ctable l.>t 4, coll. IH, 'rowiiBhip of Proftni and proooo I to .--ouili l.iiu', fileiiel^', to Hngor .Mol-iaeheron's for noon ; tbence toJohn Eekart's for tiifjht. TueBdny -Will proceed to Kci-cuiont to H. Shortieud'Hfor nuou thunco to his own stable for iiight. Wo Inewday -To Proton Bta* ion hot»'l for iii^bt Tluirftdayâ€" Will prwetwl east to I-^ast Hack IjIuc, near Warehani. to Wni. Lovo'ii tor noon ; thence Hoiil h to Msiile (irove for one boio; thence to Tlio-. Ferris', Toronto ,t Sydenham ronfl, for niuh'. Kndayâ€" \\ ill procoed norMi to 01,1 Duvliam Ilca<l, to .losoit-i Wntaon's for nighi* lifttiirdayâ€" \M11 hv South Line to his own Btahlu where Itu w.ll reinuiu til the tuliowing muruiug. Talk lo Yourself. •Vhy are there so many '• dmi't fuel well" nioinonts ? What I* thti ciusa of the?e aches and pain« 1 Can I banish them 1 When yoii don't fool well yourstinnni^h ia not wull. That is when the ills of the body cominenoe, and they will never end until the atouiacli is made riaht. When the stiiniach is wrong the whole body is liable to g > wrongâ€" PidM>nous fuMnatioiia are tliiown into the circulation in too great a i|iiaiitily for the other or)(anR to resist â€" Nerve liasue poi»one<l- Sleepleaa, excitable, iiervouH, hoart irregular, hend- arhei, kidneys overtaxpd, bavkschea, kid- ney piint, liver clogitmi, constipation and bowel* tn>uble, You can end (h««e atBictioiia by belpinif the itoiiiocb withi ANTI-PILL. It is junt what sdersngad[ stomach needs. You cau prove for your- self hy addrcsaing Wilson- Fyle Co. Niag- ara Falls, Uiit., for a free trial bottle. Regular site 5Uc. ceiita (a nioutha Treat- ment). THE WORLD'S FAIR PREMIUM CARRIAGE STALLIOM Prince Arthur NO. 16o2. R.C.H.S. Imported .luly, 1892. Winner at the World's Fair, Chicago, New York and Ottawa, and viiiiier on fivo occisiuns ol tiibt piizeaiiU sweeping i-takes at To- ronto sliDWS, and many other valuable prizes, a record iiiieiiu,illed by any car- riage or Coach stallinn in Canaaa. Prince Arthur is not only a very suci:.-a"f ul prize tvinner himself, but bis li lock hna won a Isl'ge percentage of all the prizfg offerod for carri.tge classes at the Ti'rt)iito Indus- and other l-irge shows iluring the last few yeais. Ttiny have u\no won al- most every prize offered iu the carriage class in Grey county, and wherever ex- hibited. IIOUTE FOR 1904 : MONDAYâ€" At 8 o'clock a.m. will leave bis own stable, lot 18, con. 10, Euphraoia, and proceed to Rocklyn for noon, iiight, Ravenna. TUESDAY-No-.n and night, Collins- wood, Cook's hntel. WEDNESDAY â€" Noon, Dunlroou, Wednesday nitdit Sin^harapton. THURSDAYâ€" Noon and iii^ht, Max- well. FRIDAYâ€" Noon, Flesherton ; Friday night, Mai'kdale, Markdale. SATURDAYâ€" Markdalo until 6 p.m. Saturday night, liia own stable until Monilay at 8 o'clock a.m. TBRMS : To insure, $11,00, piyaVilo January 1st, 1905. All mares must be returned weekly tu the horae or th'.'y will hu charged full insurance, in f<>al or nut. Parties disp 'sing of tlioir niare-s before collecting time will b.i rnspoii.sible for insurance. All accidents to mares at risk of owners. Personi trying marcs and not returning i hem must pay full insurance Groom's fee 50c, which must be paid in all caaoa. J. W. MANARY. . Coring P.O. "^^ood'tt Btfort and AJttr, Phosphodtne, Tb«OrsatEafIMRnM«r. is aa old, well estab- liibed aud reliable preiMu;atioa. Has been pr^^ribad and used over 4U years. Alldrp^ gists in the Doinimoa of Canada sell and recommend as beina the only m^iciDe en its kind tbatcoreiand (tves nniversal satisfaction. It promptly and permauenllycoree all forms of C'CTVomi Weak- neMt, Emii$iani, tipernialorrhaa, Impotencu, and all eflocts of abuse or excesses; thociccsalva â-¡se of, Ofjiumot StiniiilaTiU, Mental and Brain Worry, all of which load to Infirmity, Knaanity, Consumption and au Early Grave. Price $1 per package or six for *5. On«t«<U pirate, lix wM cure. Mailed proinpty OQ m- MiDt of price. Send for free pamphlet. Addiesi ^^ Til© Wood CouApasiy, TVladsorj O&t', Canada) ^Vo«>d'8PhoBphodine is poM iu T''loi.hertou by DouglMSS & Co., and W iSKicbarison.Driitjeists Transacting Business . . . It is impossible to go through lifo withont s.iino Hudoe-ss Tr.iusactioiiK, Tosiinpl'y such niattbi's 'and make them prulitable you sh'iald have a Huainess Education such aa ia given »'. the C A. Fleming, Principal OWBXSOUSD, OST. Spring Term begins April 4bh, 190'# HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to get the best Photos i» at BULMER'S PHOTOGR.'UPH GALLERY. SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay Special Attention to Copying^ and Babies' pictures. Pi.:ture fram- ing u specialty. Try us for any kind of pictures aad we will pronMsenatisfactios-. "Mrs. SUJLIVIER Sydenham street, ricslmrton mportant to Horsemen, Parties interested in horses "should see the celebrated young French Coach Stallion Gauthier, 3383, and the superior young Clydesdale, Good Luck, 3956, at Munshaw's hotel every Friday ' ' â-  night : GAUTHIER'S ROUTE - Monday noon â€" A. Paitcrson's, Blantyro Monday nightâ€"Royal hotel, Meaford. Tuesday noon â€" Wni. Dean's, Griersville. Tuesday niiihtâ€" Rt>cklyn hotel. Wednesday iioou â€" J. Luughead's, Wodo- li.mse. Wednesday nieht â€" At his own stable until Frid.iy night. Friday night â€" Muimhaw hotel, Fle»li»rton Saturday â€" llarkdale house, Markda'.e. GOOD LUCK'S ROUTE Wednesday nigh*. â€" Kiinberley Thursday noon â€" Eugenia Thursday nightâ€" Maxwell Friday noon â€" Partlaw Friday nightâ€" Saturday â€" Rovore hotel, Mirkdale Wm. Manary is Manager for both horses with the exception of Gauthier Friday night and Saturday, when he will be under thecaie of H. M. Douglas, proprietor, Vandeleiir ^^jroM2^ save their cost in twelve months and jirolnce more butter^^ with eight COBS than is priHliiced uiuiertho oM ii.etluK'Ji^ with toil. Don't delay purclmsin'.; because you think things Inter on you will be able to get thiM or that iinproveinent oi?? leduclion in price. Yo'J are losing from J.") to SU) wiih^ every niuuith's delay. Ftee trial to intending purchasers. WRITE FOR BOOKLET No. 8S. 25.. K:EARI> FlestiCi'tioii D. TvIcTiVVISM iHi \mm\ \m\\\ m\\ For Fust Class Buggies, Carts, I'loasuro and Lumber \Nagona, cutters, Sleiyhs. We keep a stock on hand to clu>ose from. ALSO HOkSE SHOEINQ ANOQENERAL BLACKSMITH INQ and Buarmiteo first class work. We keep on lisnd Ploughs and Plough re))airt, and slso Massey Harris and Nuxon repairs for binders. Mower*, all kinds msohinery, also Binder Twine on hand. » Olben in town give us a call « «^..

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