iPORTS OF THE ENBLISH HUNTING ESTATES IN BKI- TAIN AEE EXPENSIVE. Sacb Fish Caught on One Beat, It is Estimated Cost ?125. "GoiJ never did make a more calm, luiot, innocent recreation tlian angl- ing," wrote Izaak Walton some three Hundred years ago. If the philosopher could come to life again in this twentieth century :ountry of preserved waters, say8 the I.ondon Daily Mail, he would proljably hasten to add 'expensive" lo the li.st of adjectives. The sportsman whoso thoughts run lo trout streams or salmon pools ind an infinite variety of "taking" Rica will toll you that "angling" is itill a "calm, quiet, innocent recrea- tion" within the reach of the poor nan'? purso; but "angling" means to him the patient individual who may be s«en on any of the quiet reaches of the Thames, sitting on a kitchen chair in the middle of a sunt, with a rod, black botUe, a *og. and a paper bag. listlessly watching a float. Or peraps the quiet looking men ivho may be seen by the fifties and lixtios sitting on soap boxes in the lummer time on the banks of the ;anal3 neai- London, watching each jther's rods, apparently ownerless, lying on the banks. This is the poor man's "fishing competition," ind tkero are many worse ways of spending a holiday. "Fishing." to the same sportsman, neans something infinitely more cx- :iling and mo'ro difficult to obtain. A. beat on a Scotch or Irish salmon river, or the right to fish a small portion of a West-country trout stream in the brief dry-fly season â€" Ihat kind of fishing is fast becoming the MONOPOLY OF THE RICH. Th« "silver salmon" is a misno- mer. The king of British fish should be at once rechristencd the "golden BalmoD," tor the man who takes a boat OB a Scotch river nowadays may be well excused for muttering â- 'that &sb cost me exactly fifty sov- ereigns" when he lands a Ihirty- pounder, or even a grilse. A Very wealthy English Duke often tells his friends a story against him- sell which serves to illustrate the ex- penses and surprises of salmon fl»h- Ing. He took two beats on the Tweoll â€" beats which had yielded over two hundred salmon the previous season, and he paid £1.200 for the autumn iishing. The days passed. Via river was low, and not a fish was killed. Just before the time was up the Duke killed a grilse, a friend killed two cighteen-pounders, and a gillie landed a fourth fish. I ate the jrilso myself." said the Duke. "It Jost me £300, so I didn't see why I ibouldn't."" Ti-out fishing is .';till within the reach of the man of moderate means. From many Scotch, Welsh and Irish iins very good sport can be obtained 'or a trifling addition to the hotel )in. In the County Galway, for instance food trout fishing can be enjoyed for ;hn-o shillings per day; and in many larts of Scotland the hotel proprie- tors to buy up the fishing rights of Ive or si.K lochs and add "trout Ishing" to the list of attractions {rat is, S.VLWON FlSIUNt! "TICKKTS." jvhich ure still issued on a fevy rivers >n Ireland and Scotland at a guinea per day, are well enough tor the man' on u short holiday: and if he havu 1-uck ho will do well out of it. lor the rule with these "tickets" is STATEMENT Of A STOCE mmi HIS LUMBAGO WAS CUBED BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Suffered for Twenty Years Before He Found Belief in the Great Canadian Kidney Bemedy. lloscdene, Ont., May 0. â€" (Special)â€" Robert C. Lami>man, the well known Oainsboro farmer and stock grower, is completely cured of a long-stand- ing case of Lumbago, and he haa made a statement for the benefit of the public, in which he gives the en- tire credit tor the cure to Dodd'a Kidney Pills. In his statement Mr. Lampman says. "For twenty years I suffered from Lumbago with all its worst symp- toms. I had the most distressing pains it seemed possible to boar, coupled with an irritation of the spine. "At limes I was entirely prostrat- ed and was for weeks unable to do anything whatever, and re<iuired the .ser\ices of my family to assist me in dressing and moving from a chair to the sofa. "I tried doctors and medicines, but got no benefit till, on the advice of a neighbor, I commenced to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. After the first box I notlceti an imrirovcment, and when I had taken six boxes every symptom of ra.y trouble had vanish- ed." Likn Rheuniati.^im. I.nmlmgo is caused by Uric Acid in the blood. •Sound Kidneys take all the Uric Acid out of the blood. Dodd's Kid- ney Pills make sound Kidneys. " Pure soap 1" You've heard the worcte. In Sunlight Soap you have the fact. SONUGHT Aak far Ike OetM« Baiv f 18 is using the phonograph to lessot the pain of tooth-drawing. When a patient is seated in his cliair he plac- es the phono(»raph's tubes to the ears and allows the instrument to work for a little while. Then he adminis- ters the anae.sthelic, and finds that the patient becomes unconscious much more quickly and easily, and requires much less anaesthetic than w.a.s for- merly the case. NFot only that, but he can perfoini the rioutal o[>fration without interruption, and when the patient recovers con.sciousness the af- ter-effects are inconspicuous. ABSOLTITKLY CONTENTED. Mrs. .leaksâ€" Are you perfectly sat- isfied with .your new dress ? Mrs. .Spcit/.â€" Yes, indeed. The man I love best thinks it's beautiful and the woman I love least has pre- tended to turn up her nose at it. the man who spends his days "think- ing in thousands" in the city '? The magic whirr of the reel when a thirty-pounder, fair or foul hook- ed, runs away with yards of lino, the sulking under the hidden stone, the cunning of the fish matched ;igainst the man â€" in fine, the play- ing of a game fish â€" surely such a fight, lasting perhaps an hour, is worth any money to the fi.shermau for the very thrill it gives him. The rush for Norway and Sweden as a cheap fishing ground for salmon began in earnest some ten years ago. To-day, if the expense of getting there and back and the "incidentals" are considered, Norwegian rivers have little to offer the man of mod- erate means who disdains the trout. Excellent trout fishing is included in the hotel bill in many Norwegian and Sweedish villages, but the sal- mon fishing in Norway is becoming annually more ditficull to obtain at reasonable rales. Twenty years ago an Englishman bought the entire fishing rights of a certain Norwegian river for £50. To-day the beats, varying from a half to two miles, are let for -the season at £190 apiece. The famous Namsen Uiver, in Nor- wav, is now divided into beats, mo'stlj English owned, which fetch on an average £220 apiece for the months of .lune and July. Fisher- men who go year after year to the i>famsin are accommodated at de- lightful farmhouses, where every- thing i.s spotlessly clean and the liv- ing itself, with a somewhat monot- onous dietary of fish and eggs, is e.xtraordinarily cheap. Sweden has free trout fishing in many quiet spots off the beaten track of tourists. TUit the poor man will .say, quite rightly. 'You havo to get there first." Bewara of Ciiitments for Calarrh that Contain Mercury. Ui mercury of stnull in ill surety destroy the scn.so (1 conipietely (lorango th« mucous shoutil never bo usoM except on prc- BCriptlons from reputable physicians. M the rtafnaee they will do '•''.*•'''?''' to the good you can pos.sibly derive f,om them. IIair» Catarrh Cure man- ufactured by F. J. Cheney * Co... To- ledo t> contains no mercury taken Internally, acting directly, upon that'the market' price of the tish kill-*' whoVe'Tvstom "hâ„¢ «"''"''"J|;, ',* ^^^tM^ . â- J , . _i .. ,t rin the mucous surfaces. t<ucn ariicin» ed IS deducted Irom the guinea. Thus "'"° one day, ho may pay a guinea and another day two shillings â€" but he must give up the fish when he has landed it. The prices of sporting estates affor- ding grouse shooting and salmon Bshing havo reached sums out of all proportion to the sport they afford. ll»e millionaire who wishes to "en- lorlain" Is said to be the cotiso of the iafhilod sums now asked by owners of even thirdratc shootings md fishings; but then the millionaire la often a much-maligned por.'^on. and still more often a much-deceived one. In a certain London banker's safe ira several papers yellow with age. The letters are from an old client, who aVwut the ,vear 1832 strongl.v •bjccted to having to pay the sum )f £300 a year for a certain sport- ng eatalo in Inverness-shirc. â- I'he iMvsenl millionaire ti>nant of this saxifl oslute pays £3,000 for the lutwmn season: and not many miles Irom its borders are two rivers which yield gold to four big estates. Two hundred poumls a b<»at for the spring or autumn .si>ason is the low- est price accepted on either of them. And tho b«'ats never go n-begging. for (ha fxjols are famous, and the drondetl nets are thing-s unknown. From all accounts the spring Ash- ing in this year of grace is far from good, and yet there an- fishermen who are nibbling no doubt at a lenipting â- UKAT OF rWO IkHLES" In AlK-rdeeiishire. which is going for Cl,2iH) without a house of any sort. IrfiKt year, it is stated, was a bad year; but IM salmon is the average on this particular beat. Siippo.sing therefore, that the av- iragc is inaiiitaineil. which is cx- Ircnifly doubt ftil this next autumn. »ach fish killed will represent when all extra expenses arc paid something lijta £33. , But what is £25. or even £100. to Port Mulgravo, June 5, 1897. C. C. RICHAITDS & CO. Dear Sirs,- MXNARP'S LINIMENT is my remedy for colds, etc. It is the best liniment I have ever used. MRS. JOSIAH HART. Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs. Butter, Apples L«t us have your consignment of any of these articles and we will get you good prices. THE DAWSON COMMISSION CO, Umited Cor. W«st Market anti Colbcrna Sts, TORONTO. $200.00 GIVEN AWAY FOR. C02%.RJCCT A9f«W£R.S TO THI« .9S£D WZZL£ We aro spendlD^ thoiuaadfl of doUxra to adrartlM our btisiursa. E&ch of thesa six imaU s^t^tuv ranrtsonts a walt-knowa Garden Va^olable, CftQ jou tiuiik out tho nanjM of throe of then? U s£%' ua BI0BQ7 i4 auroly worLh iryin^ for. Threecorrcc&anwerawja, If jTurnnrnrTnt^reitnnf jnnmaif, ffttirwofriaadlnlulp jiwi Weary Willie â€" "Hard times, ain't ttie.v'.'" Dusty Rhodesâ€" "Yer bet. ICeops a feller hustlin' to keeo from working." Why will you allow .1 coagli to lacerite yocr tliioat and lungs and run the risk of lining ti coiLsumptive's grave, when, by the timely use of Dickie's Anti-Cousnnip- live Syrup tlio puiii can be alUyed and Che ilanger avoided. This syrup i«i pleas.ant to I lie caste, and unsurpiisseif for ralieviag licaling and curing all afIeccion-< of the throat: and lungt, C0IU3, coiiijhs, bron ':Uitis, etc., etc. A young lady sent to a newspaper a poem entitled "I Cannot Malje Him Smile." The editor ventured to ex- jircas an opinion that she would havo sucecded had sh>« shown him the po- em. "It is a Grjat, Public Benellt."â€" These ^ii^»nlficant words were used in relation to Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, by a geutle- maii who had thorouehly tested its merits in hi.s own ca.«â€" having been cured by It of lameuoss of the knee, of three or four years' standing. It never falls to i-emove soreaesi as well ai l»me ness, and is a.\\ incomparable palmoni- ary and corrective. "Halloa. Jack, 1 imderstand you're engaged." "I am, and to the " "Ah, yes. I tii;ow; to tho dearest, sweetest little woman on earth. The one woman calculated to make you a happy home, the embodiment of your ideal, the dream of .your youth." "Say, old man, how did you ever (ind that out? '\'ouâ€" you don't know her, do you?" Bil.jusness Burdens Life. -Taa bilious man is never a companionable man be cau.se his ailmenti renders hiiu morose an J gloomy. 'I'he complaint is not so danger uus as it is disagreeable. Yet no ono need Kuflfer from it who can procure Parmelee's Vegetable Pill.i. By regiilatiiii tho liver and obv ating the cflTccts of 6ilo in tho stomach they re,storo men to olicerfuliiess and full vi^iorof action. "At what age do you consider wo- men the most charming?" asked the inquisitive female of more or less un- certain age. "At the age of the wo- man who asks tho question." answer- ed tho man, who was a diplomat. the blood and ">"«<»"•,«'""'»"» il' p„'i! svst«m. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cu^ l,e «ore you ,et the genuine. >•-'»»"*• eu Internally and â- "'^''•. '".„^2,'!;Vi: Ohio, by F. J. Cheuoy * Co. Testi- monials free. i)_j_« >T«i. r.«r Sold by Druggist; Price. 75c per ''°r^e Hall'a Family Pll>- «or eottstl- patioii. BICYCLK DOCroU. Uicyclo repairers are so numerous ^ 8our Stomach and a Sour that startling odvertisnienta are ue- | y^^iper travel hand-in-hand and are the cessary to secure business. A hand- j precursors of mental and physical wreck, bill of this purport haa been widely Nine hundred and niaoty-ninetimesin a thou- circulated the Inst few da.vs in a I sand food ferment (indigestion) is the cause. certain citj- :â€" | Dr Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets keep the "Uicyclo surgery. i stomach sweetâ€" aid digestionâ€" keep the nervs "Acute and chronic cases treated ! centres well balanced â€" they're nature's pan- with a.ssuranco of success. sceaâ€" pKiasant and harmless. 3j cents.â€" 88 "Languid tyres restored to health and vigor. "Tyres blown up without pain. Wind gratis. "Wo uiKlerstand the anatomy, phy- siology, and hygiene of wheels, and give homoeopathic or allopathic treatment as individual cases require. Sure cure guaranteed. "Testimonials : â€" " 'My wheel had three ribs frac- tured and you cured it in one treat- ment.' " 'My tyros wero suffering with a case of acute aneiiri.sm, which had been pronounced fatal b,v other bic.v- cle doctors, but you cured tho dis- order, and I did not lose a d«y of m.v tour.' '" 'I was troubled with varicose tyres, involving frequent ruptures. You cured them." "Thou.sands of testimonials like the above sent on application." OKNTISTUV BY PHONOtSUAPH One of the loading dentists of I'ai^ niSKY OCCUPATION. I''or n risky and e.xciting and profit- able â€" if you'survivc-niodc of earning a livelihood, a new .Australian in- dustry would be hard to beat. It is the collection of snake venom, a It is so Easy To Curo Ycu Now That We Have Learned Now. Rsliflf In 30 Minutes. For vcars ttie nuthor of \M Acnt^Ws Heart '('iiro has believrd that the health of th« heart m almo.st entirely respoii- lible for the health o( the nerves and stomach and now it can ho proven. l>r. AlfneWg Heart Cure will relieve heart dlftoaiie in .'tO inhtute.s and cure it. It feeds the nervoa ttirou^h the heart t>y ^vtng tho heurt llie necessary power to pump rich t>loo«i to the nerve cetitre.s, when stomach di.sorders and uervou.sneaa dlaappf^ar us by magic. Ono dose wilt convince. 39 Dr. Ainaw'a Liver PilU. 4* tfestt la Cjats. fey^43 ON^^ON ^^v^O each 8f the six picturesrepre- sents a ga8sen veqetable. can you n.1.mb three OP THEM? It does ftot ccst yoa one cent to trj and solve this puzzle, icd \i you are aorrwti yon mar win a tarsa amount of Cub. we do uut oak any mone/ from you. and a contest Ilk* Ihia la very iiitaresdr.^. It) does not matter where you live ; we do not) cara one bit who gals the money ; it you can luako out ths nxmM of ttarea of tlicso Gordon Vegetables, mall your answer to ua, with your name and oddroM plaialy wntt«n. aad if your aniwer ia correct we will notify yon. We ara riving: away 9?00.00 for correct acswara, and a few ininut)e« of your tlma. Sendiayour giiesa at once, with your tull name and addraaa. to .THKMAR.VSL BLUING CO.. DEFT 1004 TORONTO, ONT. ^x, iii^ © Guestâ€" "Well, good-bye, old chap: and you've really got a very nice little place here!" Hostâ€" "Yes, but it's rather bare just now. I hope the trees will have grown a good bit before you come again, old man." Billiard Tables Tha â- •â- • m* *Hm Lawaat Prlo* Writs Iktr Tfl iKInard's Liniinent Relieves Neur3!|la Lady (at telephone) â€" "Are you there? Are you Mr. Frizzle, the bar- ber? Well, I want my hai'- done for a party this evening." Mr. ITrizzle (at the other end of the wire) â€" "Cor- tainlj', mum. I'll send a boy round for it in five mimitea." Tbera n»»*r w«». and never wtit !>• « aniveraal panacea, la one remedy, for all ilia to which tleuh la heirâ€" the very nature of many curativas being such that wora tha garnos of other and dlf- lerently eeatad dineaaes rootad la tha «yat«in of tha patientâ€" what would re- liaTO oaa Ul, in turn would aggravate tha other. W« have, however, in Quia- taa tViiie, <rbr'.i ubtainabla la â- sound unadulterated stata, a remedy for many and cn*loua ilia. Uy ita gradual and ludieioua nae. tlis fralleat aystama are led into cunvaleacauca and atrengtb, by. tlie lufluence which Quiniiia exerta on Maturo'a own restorativea. It raliavaa ttae droopinc splrita of thom with wtiom a chrontc atate of morbid dea* pendency and lack of Interest in life la a diaeooe. and. by tranquilizlng tha carvea. disposes to sound and rcfrashlntf â- laep â€" Imparts vigor to tha action •! the blood, which being stimulatad. courses tbroujrUout tha veins, strengtti- •uiDg tho hculthy animal functions of tha Kjatam, thereby making ivctivity a oecassary result. Btiengtlieniug tha Uonie, and giving life to the digestive organs, which naturally demand in- creased aubataocaâ€" result, improved ap- petite. Nortbrop & layman of 1'oron- to, have given to the public their su* r>erlar Uuiiiine Wino at thu usual rats, and. gauged by the opinion of scien- tists, this wine approacliea nearest per- fection of any in tba market. All drug- glau mU It. Adaâ€" "Wasn't there .some talk of Slaude marrying a diike?" Holly â€" 'Yes: but. you .see, the duke didn't say ao.vthing about it." Dropsy Is one Positive Sign of Kidney Disease.â€" Have yon any o£ these unmistakable signs? PufHness undertho eyes ? Swollen limbs ? Smothering feeling ? Change of the character of the urine ? Ex- haustion after least exertion ? If you have there's dropsical tendency and you shouldn't delav an hour in putting yourself under the great &juth American Kiduey Cure.â€" 86 First Manâ€" "Docs your wife do everything you tell her?" Second Manâ€" "Well, she obeyed my orders last night, anyhow." "How was that?" "Well, 1 told her to go to bed. and she said. 'I won't.' Then I told her to sit ui>, and she obeyed me " 'I'hey Wake the Torpid Rnersie-i.â€" Mat chinery »of. properlv supervised ami I;?f- to rim itself, very soon shows fauU in its working. It is the same with the dlt'es tivo organs. IJiiregultted from time 10 lime they are l.kvl/ to become torpid .ind throw the wlioli «y-tem out of ge.ir Piirnicl.ie's Vegetahlj P. lit were made ki meet such c.tsos. Tiiev re^toru to the full flai{;;i"K fncultic-t, ami brin^ iiiiiuo •You sold me that horse as free froiu faults. Why, it's blind." "lUind? Well, that's not a faultâ€" that's i< cruel misfortune." diiiafd's LinimeRt for sale eveijif liert SlLliNT WOMF.N. Women in Korea differ i-emarkably from their sex in other ccMintries in ono particular â€" they ure ab.soliitely silent ! The length of a wouiuns i tongue is a fietpient reproach else- j whore, but it cannot be brought 'against the Korean wile, who never .speaks nioie than is strict l.v neces- sary. .V bride dare not utter a word or make evon a sign, however ! much her husband may tease or I taunt her. for lo break silence would â- mean total loss of caste. .Vinoiig j the higher cliusses it nioy be a'eeks or months before a husbnml hears his [Wife's voice for the lirst time, while the wife docs not speak or e\en look :nt her fathf "- '--« for vpnrs after lM>r iiiairiage. IIEID BROa, M'fK Oo.'| i 32-31 T N IT 480 ISSinS NO. 20â€"04. Maiden Faif â€" "Oh, it always makes my head swim to go on the water!" Hailor facetiousâ€" "No danger of drowning, then, mem, if you should fall overboard." lifincrij's LlniiTieiit Cures Suios, eto For SIX weelvS after mariiage a man tells his wife everything that haj)- pens: after that he tells her a lot of things that happen only in his mind. Mlnarij's Liniinent Cures HaiiM A Chinese lioy who was studying I'nglish hud occasion the other day I to write a letter to the young lad.y I who was bis Sunday-school tcaclier. Not wishing to begin iiis letter in I the steroot.vped way willj "Dear Miss," ho took his I''nglish riiction- ! ary to look up an equivalent for I the word "dear." This is the »vay ; the letter was commenced ' ' Kxpenslvo ' Miss." I Have You a Skin Disease 7â€" Tetter, Salt Rhoiim, Scald Head, Ringworm, I Ecieraa,Itch,Barber'»Itch, Ulcers.Blotches, Chronic ErysUjelas, Liver Spots. Prurigo, ' Psoriasis, or other eruptions of the akin â€" I what Dr. Agnew's OiDtment has dona for others it can do for yonâ€" cure you. Oneap» plication gives relief. â€" 35 cents. â€" S7 She â€" "1 sometimes wondfr whether all tiiose things you ."aid lo iiic wero true." He â€" "What difleronre does it make? We both believed tbcin." For Over 5lx(r Years i tUir. WiNsLows SooTSi.-to 8T»tir Iiu been OBwt h» 1 miUioatot niothsm for tlie:r oliildr*n whlj« t«e(hiag. lIBOolhMl-bcchlM. i^IUort lhrrfum». sl.«y«yaln. antlH i wind eollo, rofpiluro* tiia »T nn)*cii koil lio««l», »na IK tho : l»r»t rqnBe47 for Dinrrh^v T»niltT-Ar« ovmti A boUttt . Sold bjdnlrgisl^ Lhmufhoal CIl« wnrld. B« tnrA and kfor"Miu. Wi»si.«ws*ooTi:»Q »raiT»." M- D* "And is the air healthy liei-e? " ask- ed a visitor at a mountain resort. "K.xcellent, sir, excellent. One can become a centenarian hero in a little while." Lifebiio.v Soap â€" disinfectant â€" is 8troi>gly recommended by the medical profession as .a safeguard aijainsit in- fect iou.s diseases. '22 180 M1LK.S AS HOUU. Stimulated Ijy the la.ving down ot % nioiio-rnil electric line between Hei^ Jin and llainbiirg. which is now in proco.s.s of consti iictioti. the French have comniencvd tlie u<'ces.sar,v sur- veys lor .-x similar line between I'aria and Mar.^eilles. But they intend to open a n.'W p-cord in the iiiatter of speed. Tht" Ceriuan trains are to make 120 miles nii hoTir; the l''i"ench oneo I'^f miles an hour. Do you catch cold easily f Docs the cold haag on t Try iSHiloK's Consumption Cure TS',i-""« It cure* the most stubborn kind of coughs and colds. If it doesn't cure you, your money will bo refunded. Price'!: S. C. Wbi.ls * Co. 308 /'!Sc..'«)c. II t-cRoT. N. 'V., I'oronto.Can. 1â€" 2a S- ii