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Flesherton Advance, 28 Apr 1904, p. 8

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• %..: * 'Â¥ Apr 28 1»04 / The JMLarkets. v CarofuUr «ltit«cte« Baeh Week Ok en FuaH •• • ' fl»rtcy Butior Kk«»- f resli ..... I'..rk ..^ Chickens per lb Duckt^^piT H>, . .' Tuckoys Geess without be^. Hay.. ♦ |<ot»t(ieB bag. ...\. . 60 t« 02 12 u vja â- /â- / •the F1<E8HKBT0N ADVANCX ^:^ Our Clubbing-List ^Advance, *HerRld and v *T»>n)nU) Worli, daily $3 25 'I'orotttonDiiily News. . . , .^. W'eolily €Ho»jt Mfcil-Emwrer Kuiryly llonild !fc StM. .^, Toronto ^tiit ><. Fatw^rs Sun All above pricos includo'^ho f» 1 8B 180 1.80 1.80 *.. l.«0 ... 1.80 Advance \nd Mo#-cid Hernia, if paid n advance c u!y. Eurly Hubscribers get est value fur their money. -"fa...), ir your blood Is thin andlm-^ purokvou are miserable all the 'time. It is pure, rich blood that invigorates, strensthedf, ? freshes. You certainly knowj tarsaparill^ the medicine thaj^inft go^! health to tlj^ hQo!e,*the only^ medicine te^ed and tried for 60 years. A doctor's medicine. ••I ow» my life, winioat floBbt, to AMTl S»r»«p»rll1». It U tlia roott wolidwfulwiiai- «ln« In ttie world for nervouJnMi. Mr cure U iMsrmMient. anct I oannot thmkyoa •Bonfh. MM. DSUA MoWKix, Neirarlt, N. J. n M n botUo. for' J. G. ATKR 00., I.oweU.__Mfc«.. Poor Health iXJIUtMOi to <hf( a Durham Bull for Service The Keglstcrod Durham Bull, "KING EDWARD" imp., will Btanil forsurvioe oiilot 20, S.D. K.. » T 19()5. KliiK EdwariJ is n lUrk rea,goodfcpayy =.o aiul iiiusclfc aadSfciyisvoloped. He 1b in joly fair scrvlceablftjMhion and will lilt Uio Win at twenty -twoTICTnrud Iba. and la y«tln^ hor two-year-old tlabs. * PEDIGREE KInq Ertword rtt^^alvod April 10th, lOOl.brod .lohn YoiAiK Tflbom iL», Maryculter, Boot- i), iniportol in^diLin in 1900 by ^CUarlos Bankiii, Wy«bri<l!!i.. Out., Rot by Scottish Prinoo7:«oa, rtaio Itotlinick Hose, imp.. o»»7, bv Alan Owvniior.nOO'.i, Ue.l Uo9o by Portlaud oiCluny OU72, Uosie 'Jnd by pootorOMia, Uosio byLtoiiteuaut02ft4:i, .lilt 17tb by Albert 6mi, Jilt I5th h\ (ir.tvesoiid 40(81. Donsido Claret by Vermont -mM.ClBit.t mt b\ Duke2t«43, Claiet -'by Scarlot Velvet 1091B, Barbara by Unrivalled l/oar. iKabcllaby '1 he Tacba TOIB. Crocus by god tJuko of Nortbuniborland 3846. Nora by hIilorySlSl.bmily by Killery 51.S1, Klir.a by Toung \VeBtern Comot laT.'., Lady Botty bv diamond S05,Botty by Favorite 256,by Charge s Ited Bull 1810. TEKM3 ' ' Thorongbbrod cows *5 ; grades *1.60. All payable 1st JiiiJU»ry,190.j. Cows served by tlMs animal aud not rituriied will be colleotod for whether in calf or not. W. J. MEADS, Cejlen.Oat. Falling out Hair If this is the case, call and oce us and wo will prevent it doing so by apnlying our woudor-. lol remedy. . Jltghly Recommend Wo have used its wondarfuU jnortv 111 tlii» town aud surruundt ais on aud all who have uiuloigouo troatm retriot muiid it very highly. om- No Cureâ€" No Pay A. WILSON TLESinEUTON Barber BIG . . STOCK \V(» liava juit icoiiivml fn fitock one of the flnesl assortuionta of BLANKETS AND ROBES in the market and can favor you with any roquiroiaonts you will need in that liuel Also a large consignment ot Imitation PERSIAN LAMB COATS. Wo have a flue oollootioo of ooatB to to select from. All Sold at Lowet Living Prices IHT IVi. M: O O KL E Watch Tills Space Next Week R. Kinnear & Sons .... MAXWKLL .... Laxative doses of Ayor'9 Pills eactW ntght greatly aid tho Sarsaparilla.; TUsl)irton Furniture s mar^rdoms* We are carrying the newest styles of seasonable gi)o<l8 in all lines of Furnitture, consisting of : Parlor and bedroom suits, lounges, sideboards, exteubion and centre tablef, chairs, window Bhades nnd curtain poles, pictures, easels, etc.. Which wo offer at A W«il-D<sxtns Caa« « " â-  At^ Walkarton Local Aaaixea.a well- dij!ger iiainisd Boetger, who reside* near Njiustadci obtainud » yerdiot for $285 H. Tnnn«r, of the south line of Boet{(4f wntracted with Tanner ga. wel^tur biin, the price agreed upon kaing one dtj^Mr per foot. It was » couditiun of tli«4|)ntnict that Boetger was to fiud watur, othorwise he was to. receive no puj, Boetger got to work, ^iihg fir^ of alt a fiivs-iDoh casing. 'After going down a few feet, ao obatruc- tioi in the |orin of a atone -was mat with, tfk then tM eating' was reduced to a 4- inch. Oo aud on they went, but the water did not make its appearance, and tmii Mr, Boelger bethought |}ini of coii- Bulting-ft unuA'Ded vrator-nizard, (;^,ns be put it, a TOrtuiie-teller, wj^fi^j-i^sides in Normanby. This water^ise 'Ipian tolJ him that he uiui't kgep rijl^t oi2,...^nd in the end his elTots would be TBwar^d by by a copious supply of water. Finally after going down 202 feet water was struck, and Mr Uoctger bundled up his traps and took bis dupanure. But Tanner was not - satistiod with the quality of the water. There seemed to be plenty of water, but it was always riley, and dii not suit Mr. Tanner. He did not regard it a.s good water. Mr. Buetger then came back, aud put the well down twelve feet further, but slill Tunner was not satisfied, and refu.sed to pay for the job. Boetger then entered aetion to compel payment. LOWSET PRICES Picture Framing and General Re- pairing. Undertakiny; in all its bninches. Sati.sfaotion guaranteed. W. M. Bunt, - - Prop. Business Cards t VT'CULLOUGH * YOUNQ Ofi liankur Markdalo Do a general banking businoss . Money loaneo a reaaouablo rate Call on us. ft^ Con J BPUOULK , , I'oatiuastur, Vlosherton commissioner in 11. 0. .1., Auctioneer vevancer, Appraiser aud Monoy Louder Uea istate and luBuianco Agci, . Deeds movtgagos, leases aud wills carefully drawn up and vihiations made on ehortesi notice, iiionuv to loan atJowest rates of lUtcvuE enti^jrn atteudiTd to with piom charues low. Agent for Ocean Doi Staamahip Company. A call solicited. Col Societies M.W. Fiuan- AO D W meets ou the last Monday in eaan mouth, in their loUBu room. ChrlfltoB's block. Kloshortoii. at 8 p.m. \ Harrison ; llecordor. Mas. I'olsteail oie" W.J. Del. amy. ViflitiDghrethrfU Invited . nUlNCM.: AUTHTR LODUB, No. IM.A. r A ?J. lueots in the Masoiuohall. Strain e block, Kloshirton tho full iiiooii. iUiushaw, beeretary 'X F II \V Fridav on or before Ulckliiig W M. ChuB COUhr FLKSHRKTON, I. O. F. meets in Christoo's Uloelt tho lant Fridaj ovuning each month. Visiliujl Forasteis heartilv Teleorae. O.ll.. C W. llellaniy ! R. v-.. W. lluskin : Flu. Sec, Or K. Murray. ,.,„.. (I'ay dU6B to Dr. Murray on or before last day ot each month.) Medical M C P <fc 8 Ont. Physician, Surgeon, etc Ollico and residenceâ€" i'oter St., PlciBhoiton DIl. SCOTT, M. B., Maicwnll, Ont. 11. M. KF.ID, M.D.C.M,, fhysician.iifhirEcou and Accoucheur, lato nf N Y. I'ostgrnd. Medical Selinol, N. Y. I.yiilg-iB Hospital aud St. Luke's General HosplUl, Ottawa JP OTTEWELIi Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Colleiio, residence â€" saooml door Boutli west on Karv street. This street rUHS south PreHbvtoriau Chnrch. H. WILSON, HIaoksuiith iraduata of the Veterinary Bclenoo AsBooiatinu. n»sideiico, Durham itreet, op- posite lloyd, Hickitug's hardware. Legal J. W. FHOBT, L L. M. Barrister, Hoiicitur Conveyancer, eto oHflcoâ€" Next to poBtoinoe, Sproule'a block F;.:iherlon. every Tburuls aud, court days N IIâ€" Uwon Hound otHoe, Frost* block Poulett street oast. LUCAH. WKIGHf A McABDLB Barristers Bulioitors Oonvtiyanoers, eto Offioosâ€" 0w«n Sound, Ont andUarkdaleOnt. W H Waiour, McArdui I U Lucas N Hâ€" Flesherton offlce, MKehell'B Bank •very Saturday. MACKAV&SAMPSON Barrlsten. •ollcitom, 0PFICF.8 1â€" Owen Bcnnd, Merchant'* Hank Block, N. ot Pattarson House. Lnudalk aiu Strsot, every Biturday. Money to loan at 4) per cent. A. O. MAOIUY.M.A., n.K.8AMPfiON,L.L.D Alwavs in attendance at Fleshorton and Dundalk Ulvisiou Conrts. Dentistry DR. B C. MllRPAY,L,B. H. dentsi mirseon honor iraduate nf Toronto llnlvomltv and Itoval Collopi* nf 04»nta1 Hiiroeons of Ontai-io. fjin-pâ€" Onpoviti Armstrong's Jewellery Btora. Will vl<iit Maxwell th.1 last Wodneaday •f oneli month, aud Oandalk 1 and i; TbursOay oaeli tun. You Have Indigestion And conclude of course that the stomach is at fault. So it is, but there is a causa away back of the stomach that must be reached before the stoinacli can be made to do its work. The cause is nerve dis- turbance or nerve debility. First get the Derves in shape and then the stomach will be rinht also. Ferrozone has accomplish- ed this for thousands of people whose dig- estion was completely gone. Ferrozone is food for the nerves and works wonders in stomaach troulJe. Where digestion, ap- petite and assimilation are faulty just try Ferrozone, it cures thoroughly. Price {JOc. at druggists lad of twelve year* who «•• in the barn at the time with a younger brother. He ran up and firat tried to stanfip out the rising flames, but tinding them too stroog to be extinguished in this way, hedextt<i- oualy covered them with a bundle of hey aud by vigorous and skilful stamping up- on said bundle, auon had the lira entirely quenched. If " the boy be fatb«r of the man," we predict a gloiioui future for brave young Cox. â€" Ouelpb Herald. 'VFood'ai Phoaphodtne, Tb* Orut Eailbb Rnocd;, is an old, well estab* lished and reliable preparation, Haal^een preucribud and need over40yuara. Alldmg- irists in the BomlDion of Canada sell and recoinmoud ns beinff JBefora and After, fie only medicine of ltd kmd tlint cures ana rivee onivRtsal satiBfaction. It promptly and pej-manontly cures all fonns of J> ervoua Weak- Hast, KvUtnom, SiiermaUirrluia, Impolency, Uid alleCFoctaof abuaeor oiceawis ; tho excesBiva nsetrf Tubacco, Opium ov Stimulants, Mental and Brain ITorrv, all of which lend to Infimuty, Insanity, Consumption and an Early Grave. Price $1 por package or six for J5. One will please, six will cure. Mailed pronipty on re- eeipt of price. Send for free pamphlet Address Xiie Wood Oompany, 'Windsor, Out-, Canada, Wood's Phosphodins iSKoldlu rioshcrton by Douglass it Co., aud W liKiehardBon,DiuggiBtB HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to get the best Photos is at BULMER'S PUOTOGRAPH GALLERY. A mtn to represent "CANAi>.i's GiimAT- ESlNuRSKBics" in the town of FLESH EI? TO NT and the "^urrouiidiug country, and take orders for Our ff^ardy Specialists In Fhvit Trees. Shall Fruits, Ornamentaw, SnuoBS, Robes, Vines, Seep Potatobb, etc. Slock true to nnmo and free from San Jose Scale. A permanent position for the right man on either salary or com- inissioiK' Stone & Wellington FONTHIU- NURSERIES ovet 800 acres Toronto Ontario SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay Special Attention to Copying and Babies' pictures. Pisture fram- ing a specialty. Try us for any kind of pictures and we will promise satisfaction. l\Ir>s. BUILilVIS:!^ Sydenham tireet, FUshertin Transacting Business . . . It is impossible to go through life without Slime Bu^tiness TraDsacti';ii."<. To simplfy such matters and make them proHlahle you should have a Business Education such as is giveu at the C. A. Fleming, Principal OWEN SOUND, OST. Spring Term beiiins April 4th, 1904 Mr. Noil McDougall, Old Durham Road, Artemesia, walked into town on Thursday last, haviui; " done his" chores" in the morning, then walked to Durham (15 miles) did his buisnessand hurried otT to be home m time to "do" the said chorea lu the eveuinjj;^â€" Durham Review. Now the breezes sweetly shake with the maaic of the rake, and the rooster pecks and picks while rhe moist earth he upki:;ks. On the fence the thoinas cat sing.s hirt lively rat-tat-tat, and ilia blue- hiicl and the jay execute the jocund lay timt informs us on tho fly that the happy UMiin is nigh when the white baseball will zip and the st'.»r downclip. Now the gay tar-lmll we whack down upon the sealskin saijue ; and we shout in bound- lea.i ttlea. "lia, ha, ha !" and "he, ha, he I" as the strawberry adroam bobs ser- enely in tho cream. And wo don sweet Fancy's garb when the pie of fresh rhubarb <iii the blithely sniiles, and our vision sj bejjuilas that we shout 'â- flip, hip, hooray ! Spriug is hcrO; and hero to stay!" â€" Ex. Slight Sprains Grow Worse l.Tiilo.'»3 promply treated. Tho great strength of Noiviline enables it to quickly cure all manner of sprains and strains. "I sprained my wrist," writes Leonard E. Milford of Rockland, " while working in tho mill but had to lay off, it became so liainful imd swelled. I rubbed my wrist thoroughly with N«rviliiio twice a day nnd put on a Imiulage. The pain soon went away and fioquent rubbing with Nerviline soon enroll. Nerviliiio is un- doubtedly un excellent liniment and 'lie best pain reliever I ever used." Norviiiue erlainly is extra good. Price 25c. The Bell Telephone Comgany just now are pretty sore oil the township of Proton. The Co. has nine iniles (.f wire through the tiiwiinhipfrnm Dundalk to Hopevil'e and the a.sses.inient thi.s year has been placed at one hundred dollars a mile, or a total assessment of nine hundred dollars. The officials nay they will pro«ent the out- fit to the township before they will pay taxes on nine hundred dollars. If (hey did, which isn't within the range of like- lihood, it would give thu township a groat ciisiice to go into the municipal phwne huisnosa, â€" Dundalk Uerald. How It Spreads The first package of Hcm-Roid (the in- Fullihlo Pile cure) that whs put out went to a small town in the State of Nobraaka. It inadu the cure f>f a case of Piles that was considered h'dieless. The r.owsBprend and although this was only two years ago tho di-ninnd uroinpted Dr. J. S. Leonhart of Lincoln Neb., the discoverer, to prepare it for general use. Now it is being sent to all parts of the world. It will cure any case of Piles. There is a months treatment in each box. Sold for #1.0U, with absolute guarantee' It is for sale by druggists. During the thunderstorm of Saturday afteinoon of I lie Uth inst. , the lightening struck the gable of Mr. Thomas Cox's bank barn, splintered a raflor, ran down a pott and sot lire to the hay near tho foul. This init.iiitly tlanied up fully tire feet high, and very near to the driest kind of dry straw, hut at this critical jun- cture the building was saved from utter destruction together with thi lo.w of niidiy cittle, by the bravery and pre-sence ' ul utiod of young Wm. 0<.>x, a slight buil4 PECULIAR TO MEN AND WOMEN It is sad to contemplate the unfortunate condition of so tnany men of onr day and generation. At 30 they feel SO; at 40 they feel 60, and at 50 when they should be in the very prime of life, they are almost ready for the grave. The fire of youth has gone out, the fountain of vitality is exhausted. Premature old age I No matter what produced it, whether evil habits ia youth, later excesses, or business worries, the one thing for yon to do is to get back the.yim, the vigor and â- vivacity of manhood. Don't lose your grip on life. There are yet many happy, golden years for you if you only get help. We can and will not only help you, but cure you to stay cured. Curing diseases and weaknesses of the nervous and sexual system has been our exclusive business for the past 30 years, during which time we have cured enough fallen men to make an army. OUR NEW MBTHOD TREATMENT will restore to you what you It purifies and enriches the BLOOD, strengthen* the NBRVES, vitalbes the *extial organs, checks all uimatiu'al drains and losses and fits a maaifor the active duties of life. Gu3f^9 Gaarania^d o#* Mo Paym We treat and euro Blood Poloon. Varleocol*. Btrtctnrc, Olaa*. OvloKvy DralDB, aexaal Weafcmcsa. Kldocy aud BUsddcr diseases. C<>!«»13LX AXIOM FHBE. II unable to call, write for a Question DIaalt for Uonio Treatiuaat. iRs.KENIiEDY&IC£ilGAN t4a ShelSsiy Si„ DETROST, BBiGH, 28 Tears la Detroit. 250,000 Cured. Bank Seearltjr. YOU ARE LOSING MONEY Witlriou-t a "MELLOTTE" CREAM SEPARATOR 60,000 in Daily The only Separator fitted with Beautifully Enamel- led Bowl Casing. Tho Lightest Runnim; nnd Mo.^t Durable St-parator yet produced. Saves Time.Labor, Space, Utensils, Ice aud Water. rite for Catalog to^ gaoEii^ ii. »i:Ei5.RD Fie sl> ex*t oxx Ii[ fl[Si[RIi (lSiRliG[ M\m For First Class Uuggioa, Carts, Pleasure and Lumber Wagons, cutters. Sleighs. Wo keep a stuck on hand to cliooae from. ALSO HORSE SHOEING AND GENERAL BLACKSJVUTmNG "and Kuaranleo tirMt class work. We keep on hand Phnighs and Plough repairs, and also M.tssey- Harns and Noxon reimirs for binders, Moweis, ill kinds of ina';hiiiery, also Binder Twine on hand. » Ulben in town give us a call « â- ,Hwi.•,•^^nrV«

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