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Flesherton Advance, 14 Apr 1904, p. 8

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Apb U 1904' THE BLESHKltTOK ADVANCE mimmmi X Ri-, The Markets. CArcfuily Corrected OaU. I'evt BarUy , iSutlcr Ji^lfa f rufth Pork Ohickeus per lb Ouuk» per lb Tuckoyn per lb <juoK<i without heads.. Hay I'otatoes bast Each Week 29 t'» 60 to 45 to 14 tu 12 t« C 25 to 8 to 7 to 12 In 8 to 6 04) to 35 U 2!) 62 45 15 12 6 25 10 7 IS 9 6 00 35 Our Clubbing List "•"Advftiice, *Heriild luid ♦Torimto World, d^ily 88 25 Toronto Daily Newd 185 Weokly Glubo 180 Mttil-Eiiipiro 1.80 Family Humid & Star 1.80 Toronto Star 1.80 F.irmei» Suu 1.80 All iil)ovo prices includo Tho AJvaiico and Montrot.l Herald, if paid ii advance only. Eiirly subscribers gut est value fur thiir uionoy. Durham Bull for Service K I efiiatcrcd Durliam Bull, C EDWARD" luip., will stand for nei vice en lot 20, 8,D, H.. for liXj4. Kiiij; Rdwurd in a dark rml .Rood heavy bono and niuKclb and wnll duvelopod. He is iu only fair porvicflublo couditiun and wilt lift tlm bpuui at twuutv- two hundred Ibd. and Is yatiu Lex two-j oar-old dab.-). rKDIORF.E King Edward red, ralvod April 10th, lOOl.brod bt .Juhi) ^'<n^i« TiiooniieH, Marvcnltor, Scot- land, iiii)iortol in dam in lUOO by Cliatles l^ankin. \Vy»J>rldRO, (int., ROt bv ScottlBli Princ'i 7't'''U/JH*ni Uotlinick Itoao, imp.,. :i8i**r, bv Ala?i (ifynne fiCfWJ, Hod Uoso by Portland otOiunv i;ir,'a. Hosie 2iid liy Doctor eMlQ,.llo»i« bF Lieu'lenaut lyS-l:!, .lilt 17th by AltMrt .03892, .lilt lOth li' (iravea»nd JlilOl, Uonsida Claret by â- Vermout 4719a.01arnt 1st bi Duke Uttlia, tilarct 1)» Soarli.'t Velvet 1(W16, liarlmra by Unrivalled lltO-JB, Isab.'lU bv 1 he I'uoLa 7012. Crocus by iJiid Dulio of Nortbuniboiland .1040. Nora by fjllory .'.Kil. Unulv by trillery 51.11, Elisa by YonuK iVestorn Comet 1573, Lady Hetty bv Uianiuiid iTO.lJotty bv I'avorito 2u0,by Chareu's litd liiill IblO. TRiniq Tlinvoiichbred cows &!i ; gradea €^1.50. All jiavabie li;t.lnniiaiy. 190,'i. Cowa sorvod by this Miiiii.ji ai'.tt not letnrned will be colleuted for Wuetbui* 11! ealf Ol* Itot. W.J. MHADS, Ceylon, Ont. FalHng out liair If th''i is ibe cane, cfdl and ooo nfl and we will pre vouL it fooi^ BO by aoplyiiig Qur\Â¥Onder-' IlI itute.'t>, iiighly Rscomincnd Woliiivouacd it8 wondorfjil wanv ill t:iis tn-.vo an 1 KurroiinJt nod »b Willi liavLi nil Ici-gulid trcalm lUejt' 'f. V.tiV liichly. No Care â€" No Pay A. WIL33N FLEHHEUTON dia on ri triet corn- Barber BIG . . 5T0CK We have just •.•ooolvod In stook one of tin (iiiebt aBiiortnjontK of BLANKETS AND ROBOS in tlio and can favor yon with any requlieuienla you will noed iu that lino. AI,oa largo conclKumout of ImitaHou PERSIAN LAMB COATS. M'e have a flno collection of coats to to select from. All Sold at Living Prices WT/a. Rd o O H E Watch Tills Space Next Week R. Kinnear & Sons M A X W K h L You know the medicine that makes pure, rich blood â€" Ayer^s Sarsaparllla. Your mother, grandmother, all your folks, used it. They trusted Sarsaparllla it. Their doctors trusted it. Your doctor trusts It. Then trust it yourself. There is health and strength in it. " I inffered terribly from Indlmitlon and tliln blood. I found no relief until 1 touk Ajer'a 8ar>aparilla. Four bottiei pcrma- UBlitly cured me." „ _ MB*. Jf. B. HAKT, Mt. Kl«co, N. T. Ifl.OOabotfle. J. c. ATiRCO., I Allilrueiri«l». e Lowell. Ma»»._ for ich Blood Ayer's Pilli) are gently laxative. Tney greatly aid tha Sarsaparillat 7Jesb$3*idn Furniture ^ marerodins* Wo are carrying the newest styles of seasonable goods in all lines of Furniiture, consialing of : Purlor and bedroom suits, lounges, sideboards, extension and centre tablec, chairs, window shades and curtain poles, picture*, easels, etc., Which wo offer at LOWSET PRICES Picture Framing and General Re- pairing. Undertakinif in all its branchea. Satisfaction guarantee'l. I W. rt. Bunt, - - Prop. Business Cards •jrOULLOUOH & YOUNG lit I'.aulTor Mavkdalo Jo a (toncral bttukinR busimisa . Money loaneri a rea:io!iablo rate Ciill on uu. RJ srUOUliK i'ostiuaattit, Floaberton v,oniini88ioner in H.O. .)., Auctioneer Oon veyanoer, Appraiser and Money Lender Keal KKlate and Insnranoo AK«nt, Docdo i<jorls»iiiis, leases an! wilU ciirefnlly drawn up and valuations nuido on shortoBt nntieo, money to loau ai lowest rates of interest. Col o'ltioui attoudod to with prompt aess oharuos low. .\Hcnt for Oeean Uomiuion Steamebip Company. A call solicited. Societies AO U W meets on the IftBt Monday in nacn montli, in their loiiRe room. Christoe'9 block. I'leiherton. at H p.m. M.\\., \ Harrimm ; Kecoriier, .las. KeUtead ; liinaii- eia'-, W.J. Del, amy. VisilinR brulhrco jtvited DUlNCiS AllTHTll L01)(JK, No. ;aa A. r A a. mciol.8 in tho Masonic ball. Slliain t block, Fieshi-rlon. every Friday on or bctore tbu mil luocn. li' H W UicUUug W M. CbttS iiunshaw, Sm-.iitMy. -777^ COUJl r I'LI'.SnF.nTON, I. O. F. meets in Chriatoo'H lilock the latt Kvidaj eveninn each month. Visilinp Forestois heartily Teleomo. (!. U.. ('. W. llellamy ; U. 0., W. HiisUin ; Fin. HecPr K. Murray. (i'liy linos to Dr. Murray on or before last Ooy of each month.) Medical On OARTKK M C P A H Ont. Physician. Surgeon, »ie OBlea and reBldouceâ€" Peter et., Floahertou on. SCOTT, M. r., MamoU, Ont. 11. M. Hiao, M D.C.M,, PhvFician,^flurBCOu and Acconchrnr, late of N. Y.l'ortevad. Medical Hchiiol. N. Y. Ljl-m-iu Hospital ami Hi. Lnke'a Ounural Hospital, Uttawk JP OTTRWISLL Veteriuary Surgeon Qraduata of Ontario Veterinary Collene, rasldenoe â€" ajcoiid door south went on Marv street. Thia street mas •nutb Preabytorlan Church. HWILBON, DIacksmith â- Jrodnato of tho Veterinary Bclonce Association. Ueiriilencu, Durham street, op- poilte lloyd, Uickltug't liardwar*. Legal J. W. FROBT. L L. 11. Barrlater, Hulleitor Conveyancer, <'eto otnoeâ€" Next to postomee, Rpronle's block Kliiheiton, every Thnrstla and, court days N Bâ€" Owen Hound oIAce, Frost • block Poulett street east. LUOAS. WKIOHT & MeAKm.H Itarrlstora SolloiiorB Conveyancers, etc OnioaB~Ow«n Sound. Ont and MarkdaleOnt VV H WnioiiT, McAiiiii.n 1 n Lucas N It -Fleshnrton omua, MitcheVa Rank every Hatnrday. Vl ACKAV&SAMPSON .Barrlstfirs. solicitors. â- >\ OKFIIIKH !-t!w«n Hrnnil. Merchsnl's Hank Ulock, N. •^t Patti'r^en Ilousn. Lundalk ain Street, every Hhturday. X'onnv to loi.n i»t ^Jp*»reent. .*. n. MrtOKAY.M A., II. P, SAMPSON, L. LP Alwavs In Bllendanee at Klesberton and Diindalk UItIsIoii Courts. Df.nti.stuy D'i Pni( All* Win i>f ,•• n C. MimrAV, T,,r>. S. .icntal rn-(r»-,n lonoinrH 1i,n:>i of Trirnnle linlvkrKitv snd t '•-I'oce r,f iVi,l»1 .i(.,r,..,>; « of Onfiiio. »-rp|,n,i||.( Avn'st'onn'. Jewellerv Store <•>•!>; Maxwell th» Innt \V»-tno«dii» ,v ^ "•" and numlalh 1 au.-l a TburMaj i Ml. BCB. ' lienor KollM Match report for S. S. No. 0, Arte" inehia. OMttsg IV St.â€" Lizzie Millit;aii, Miiia llenson. May Jamieson. Class IV Jr.â€" Bert Milligan, Bert Magio. Class III 8r.â€" Willie Milhgan, Man.e Magee, Fred Truinun, Charlie Jainiwaou. Class III Jr.â€" Ella Mauee. Ciasg II S. â€" Jontiie Ciirson, Ernest Hopper, Ethel Tiutiimn, Charlie Jumie- SOII. II Jr.â€" Evelyn Jamiesnn, Magtrio Carson, Newton Beiib<;n, Nettie Truemnn. Ft. II Sr.â€" Wilfred Magco, Lyiia Trueinun. Pt. II Jr. A--Wi:iie Wilson, John Wilson. Ft. II Jr. B â€" George Benson. I Pt. Iâ€" Edisar Linton. E. N. McMuLLES, Teacher. Hock vale public school for Marcli. Class IV. sr' â€" Bessie Kussel, Jessie f'hiilip.i, George English, Violet McLean. Caas IV. jr. â€"Vera Phillips, Evernit McLean, Mabel Chard, Ida Fiiher, Fin- ley liny. Class III. sr. â€" Maggie Fisher, Freddie Russell, Arthur Chard, Eddie Chaid, Etil Parliament. Class 111. jr. â€" Leila Clark, Elma Arni- stronu, Dora Ptdlar, Eva Radliiy, Sam Simi son, Walter Akitb Class 11. sr.â€" Keta Fisher, Ernie Rus- sell, Ellio Ariiisttong, Catl Atkinson, Lewis Pedlar. Class II. jr.â€" Edwin Smith, Harley Phillips, Richie Clark, May Parliament, Annie Betts. Class Pi. JL sr.â€" Reta Belts, Walter Fisher, Gertie Fisher. Class Pt. H. jr.â€" Sammie Fisher, Miniuo Armstrong, Myrtle Parliament, Wesaio Smith, Mabel Radley. Class Pt. I.- Robbie Blskey, Ellio Blakey, Florence Parliament. Average attendance 52. ' H. W". Stafford, Teacher. Man's Most Critical Ag;e- Very often the vital resources i\re small at forty-two, but if not then, between fifty- seven and sixty years of Hgo there is a Rtraniie slowing down and of vitidity. It is iinportiint that this trunsitiit period of decay should be checked; strciigih niUHt bo imparted to the tired brain, the the weak nerves itin^t lie fortified. Tho wise man will use Ferrnzono whnse pot- ency is particularly applicable to these critical [leriods. Forrozone (juickens tho wli'ile being, impart.s vigor and power, pushes back Iho onset of sedlity in very manifest way. It'a becaiisi' Ferrozone give.1 strmigth, viialityand i i.;or that it is useful to old men. Try it. Price COc. Eighth Line, Osprey Mr. John Uala \na relurnod from California, where ho spent the winter for llio i.'oiid of his lie.ilth. Mi'is Lizzie Hale is spending Easter holidays at tlio pftrin';il home. Miss Etta Si'iitlbid and Wm.CouUhard of Tiironto are Easter visitois. Mi.s-if Lizzie Guy is shehtly under Ibe weather. Wo hope to see her out in a few days. Mrs. H. Spofford of tho 4ih line is a wehonio ciil'er among tier old iieighl'orj. Jiilin Madden had tho misfoitnne to cut his foot while splitting wood. Dr. Paik dressed the wotii d. hO DIFFERENCE No di>t!i>ciion i' made as to the kind of [iilcH tluit Iletn-Roid cures. TItn names inte''nal. Fxt'irnal,Rloeding Blind. Itchiiig, Suppiiratitg, etc., are •imply numt's of the difforriit st-mes tliri>ii>,h which every case will pass if it continues long enongh. Pi'ts are caused by coiigo.stion or s'aL'- natioii of blood in 'he lower bowel, and *ako anin' remedy torvinovd the O'lUl.B. Dr. Lconhardi.'i Hotu-roid isalablet taken inlcilially. It is aperman'^iit cure and no caso of Pdes has ever been foui.d it failed to cute. Money back if it duos. A guarHiit«o witli every package. Tho Toronto World recently had a rather atartlinu articli* on "Intumperaoce in tho Loirislature." It charged that certain members had l>eeii " deliberately incapacitated with liquor" fr>r the purpose "f " Kervitig hoih political aiid privatu interest^:" Ihal corporaiions had engin- eered their liilla thMiigh tumimittee with the aid of li<]it ^r, and thst in some ciMes tnrinlHirs on the Huor of the House were intoxicsted. An inveMtijation ahonld be forthcoming. We would like to know Who is responiibls fur blocking teiupei- ance legislation. ^ -^ • ^- m^ Blood Poison Often Results F'om parine corns with razors. -Wise people use Putnam's Painless Corn and Warf Extractor, theHlandard cure of Am- erica and Gi eat Britain, fir all sor»s of corns, warts or bunions. Use oidy Put- nam's and promptly adopted. The greatest harmony has since eziatod in the fox-dog fimily. It was certainly a good Cdtcli.â€" Sttndun). ToProre what Anti-Pill, the Orrat Sys'cB Treatment wilt do for you.Cvtry reader of this paper nay have A Sampla Bottle sent Free by mat', Deianijuii ent of the stomach is respon- sible for much sicki'iss and Buffering. Every organ of tso loly dependi upon tho btoinach foi its nutriment and strength â€" If the siouiHch is not woiking liijlit tho bh od -jarries to tho liver, ho.irt, nerves and kidney li.seue imperfect nu- trition â€" They become w.-ak and unable to perform their wmk â€" become c!oi;ged, dis- ea.ieJ, anil throw out their distress symp- tom.-i. Now yiju m.iy git stimuli'iie, lemporary relief by the taking of a kid- ney, livor, nerve or he!>rt siiccitic, but the cause remainsâ€" The stomaeh is at fault, and so Ifi'.^ as it keeps loailing the blood vrith injpiiriiy --waste, 8.> long will the blood tranHpurt and deposit di.vra.'ie breoil- ing eleinentH in the weak places â€" When you feel sick helji tho stnmecb liist. A well stonia.h means a well body. Anti- Pill the GreatSystem Trentmtn'.is a new discovery that has a mirvelous influenoe i 1 correcting sy.stem ailments. Address, Wilsim-Fyle Co., Kiairma Fulls, Out , for free Fam|)le. Regidnr, size, a iiioiith's treatment. 50 cents at Drug.:i»ta. SBl Before and AJtcr. â- Wood's IPliospliodlne, The Orut Ecillili tttattj, is an oM, well estob. lished and reliable preparation. Has been prescritjed and used over 4U years. All drng- gists in the Domioion of Canada sell and lecommend as being tho pnly medicine en ita kind that cures and gives universal satisfactioa. It promptly and permanently cares all forms of I^crvjui Wealf ness, Umisiions, Spcrmatorrhaa, Impotency, and all offoc ts of abuse or eieessea ; tho excessive use of Tobacco, Opium or ftimulanls, Mental and .Bram JF'orr)/,allof which lead to loflrmity. Insanity, Consumption and an Early Grave. Price $1 per package or six for $5. One wiU please, tix will cure. Mailed prompty on re- aalpt of price. Send for free pamphlet. Address Tike Wood Coiupsay, Vriadsor, Oat', Vanada, I Woii'a PI caphoJiiii- la soMia ''lei^bei ton t>y I Dou4;la^-' iV c, au'i W KRi»ihariis>n.Urui,'^i.-^t'^ A miD to represent *'CA.NAf>A's Gkeat- estNursbries" 111 the town of FLESHEI^TONT and the surrounding cnflnt^yj nnd takd orders for Our Rardy Specialists^ In Fri'it Tkhes. Small Frlits, Ornamentals, Sukuhs, Uosim, ViNns, Skeh Potatoes, etc.* Slock true to na-ne and free fioiii San JuSB Scale. A periranent posiiiun for 'he ritht nianon eith'-r talury or com. iiiisHion. Stone & Wellington PONTMILL NURSERIES uvci 800 HL-ros Toronto Ontario Transacting Business . . . It is impossible to go through I'.da without Hoine llu-inosa TransaolioMrt. To siinpll'y such mattera and mafco them priilitahle vf.a .should hsvo a BminObS Education such as is given at the C, A. Fleming, Principal OWEN SOD SD, GST. Spring Term begins Aoril 4t'i, 1904 9x y^ K&K^^K^ Kc^K K&K K<:>K K& For over thirty years we have treated and cured all forms of Blood diseases, both hereditary and acquired. Our New Method Treatment Is original with ourselves, and never fails to eradicate tho poison from the pystem. Beware of mercury and other mineral poisons, which so many doctors proscribe for this terrible disease, as they will ruin the system. Other treatments drlvo tho poison into the system, whereas our treat- ment destroys the virus or poison In the blood and removes it from the system entirely, so tho symptoms can never return. If you have any of the following symptoms consult us before It is too late: Blotches, eruptions or pimples; falling: out of the hair, itchiness of the skin, stiffness or pains In tho joints, soreness in the muscles, sore throat, ulcers or bad taste in the mouth, sore tongue, sourness of tbe stomach, enlarged alands. running sores, etc. Our New Method Treatment will purify the blood, heal up the sores, remove all pains; the hair will crow in again, all organs will be restored to their normal condition, and the patient prepared to renew the duties and pleasures of life. We euaranteo marriage possible with absolute safety. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY We treat and cure Varieoeele, HorvotiB Debility, Strlctnid, Glaat, { Blood Poison. TMnarjr Drains and ^uosses. Kidney and Bladder Diseases. lAre you a victim? Have you lost hopoT Are you con- templating marriage? Has your blood been diseased? Have you any weakness? Our New Method Treatment ! will cure you. Oonsnltatlon Prae. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Freo of Charge. Charges reasonable. Books Pree. â€" "The Golden Monitor" fillustrated) on Diseases of men. "Diseases of Women," "Varicocele, Strlcttiro and Gleet." All sent FBHII | scaled. NO HEDICINB SENT C. 0. 0. NO NAMES OH BOXES OR ENVELOPES. EVERYTHING OONFIDENTIAL. QUESTION LIST ANDCOSieFTREATMENT, FREE, FOR HOMECURE KEADEB! DrsKENNEDY&KERGAN 148 SHELBY ST. DETROIT, RAICH. /f &K KA K KiifK K ^ K K «Sc K Y. KY^ YOU ARE LOSING MONEY ^ without a. P^ * ( MELLOTTE" One d ly la^t wank Mr. Wni. .lacksoti of this plic» was takin',.' oni> of his fnvorite "lUtinus with the vun. He eanie noro^s n red ro u-h' earthly hoinn. There hriirj rolh iig in sii,'ht to slioni at, lie undertoo'; to dig f.T game, and was rewarded ly iineiu'lhii'g four jimnir foxcp and up m examiiiallon he disCuvered that of tht- four on'v one eye was to be M'en, th- other sv.'n rot yet Itein^; oi»oii. ILi bai.'yed his ctiimieg gamo, ln-ii'gipij Ihem lioni". Soon afior ho learned that Mr C. W, Bovvhr, of hi-iek fnoir-, had a car- iiie which had recent ly lost her ynng, and the three little foxoa were introduoid CREAM SEPARATOR 60,00:' 111 P.,!ly lis... The only Separatoi fitted with lleauiiiully Kii:w\ie!- led Bowl The Lightest llnnnji),' and iMo-t Durable Separator yet produced. Saves Time LsIim . Space, Utensils, If -n 1 Wn e . '^Write lor Catalog to m 13. McXAVJiSH ilfi[f[EMiimi6[ilMi l!9 \\J) ! •jT'^n ' I' r Fust CiaSH Bog!;ie«, Carf.s, Phwsure tnd Lonuor Wti,;.!!.. ^W f'J^y â- â€¢ r ers, .SleiKhs. We keep a stuek on linnd l<> ehooi'e fr.-iii. 'fOi (7^ AL^OMOkSESHOEINQANDOENERAL BL.\CKSMITHlNn /^^ y--*^ ii.i '11 iraniee lint ch-ss wo'k. i-^^' kV)j V\o Ueep on land Ploughs and »"lo\igh repair*, m,, T^y^ pyCp H nnd N-.-ton rep:.irs for biinien. Mow.. /i<-« \C\j\ m-* biiii'iy, also Bimler Twins on I and. f*)! ^ » ly^sn ill tdvvn giv*6 US (1 c<n3 <a '^^' Mimm^&mmim^^imim^

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