About the ....House CLAlMti OK 'JllK KllCHKN'. In building a lioUBO the uverngc in- dividual Ik much more concorni^ii about tho j)iirlors, the recoptioii liuU and tliu dining-room than with the kilclieii, which sonic one haH tuUod "the heuit of llic Iioukc." Koine of us JiiiVtt iccoll(!Ctii)nK of the oI<l-fusliioned lutc-lien ""I R'"'"'" lather's," that me more or less tinged with scnliuii'iU, but few want Hlon nt ono ond, on which to plnco tho dishes when rinsed and \vipo<l. With hot and cold water to be had at the turn of ii faucet, or even from 11 reservoir on tho stovo within arni'H length, dishwashing in made ean,V. A zinc covered tuhli; or shelf is a conveniiuico tho housekeeper will ap- jireciate. esjiecially if H is provided with drawers for spices, utensils, towels, etc. A marble slab for use in pnstry-uiaking is something tho cook seldom gets, hut which she rec- kons as indispensable after she has onco \iKcd it. The height of the stove, the sink and llie tablo sliould be adjusted to the height of the woman who is to work at them. IJnckaches are bought on by working over a table or stove that is too low. A high that .'vind of a kitclieii in their own 1 stool on whirh the worker may sit houses. Tho old-fashioned kitchen nt her tablo or sink and bo rai.sed waa really the funiily living-room, high enough above either to work It waH dining-room except on state | with case is a convenience worth occasions, washroom, cookrooui, and more than the rocking-chair that tho caller who ran in for a few min- iiewspapciH writers insist upon as utcs' chat was familiarly inado at essential to the cooks comfort, homo while tho work went on unin- in cool weather n cooling-box out- fcrruptedly. Tho woman who got ' side a window will save many trips tho mouU traveled ii:any extra miles! down collar. 'J'his is only a box fit- in tho course of tlm vcar because of , ted into the lower sash on the out- tlio wide area reciuiied for all the.se j Hide of a window, with a shelf or doiuestio processes. Slio gen.Tally I two in it if needed. Tho lower sash had "sitters" whom she had to [ is raised to put things in. then low- dodge, iiiid was wont to occasionally express her seiitiments about having somebody eternally "under her feet." Wo don't live in the kitchen as much UK wo used to. Kven on tho farm, tlio last struiighold of the kit- chen as a living room, there is a strong tendency to use the. whole house and contine the kitchen to its legitiniiilo pur|)o.ses as a cook room. Women nalize that a small. lent kilchen is nn economizer time, travel and .strengtli. In a kitchen twelve feet square tlicre is ample room for the nece.s- sarv conveniences which tlic^ worker can reach with (Nise. 'J'he chief rea- son for a room;,' kllclien â€" the ncces- Bity of gelling iiway from a red-hot Stove in Kumnier, has been done iiway with b.v the almo.st universal 1 use of the gasoline stove, which throws out little heat, and is out of i commis.sion within live minutes after j it i.'i put out. 'J'iie kitclKMi siioiilil he on a level with tho dining-room, its location ' should hv carefully clioseii. .\ot so I near the (lining-room that its heat and odors enter that room, nor so ' nciir a bedroom that the building of ; drop or the pounding of steak are i disturbinff. One of llu! important study of pri'Vailiiig winds will often tfnabli! the huilder to so jilace tho windows that a ciiirent of nir will Parry the odors of ecnjking out of the hou.se instead of dilTusiiij;- thciii through it. A kitclieu should have oiiposito windows so arranged as to bo ea.sily lowered from the top for just lliis purpo.so I'lont.v of light is indispensable in tho kitchen. ]ii addition to the windows, light is gained by making the walls light in color. (Jil paint applied to tile jdasler on Walls and ceiling is easily cleaned, and is bet- tor than kalsoinined or papered walls. rnjiei' Bleaiii, and if used should bo tho oiled pajier in tile iiallern, which not only looks W(^ll, hut which, if revarnished afti-r the (Irst washing, can bo cleaned several limes. A waioficoting of Cieiirgia pine on (he side walls to a hei,i,'ht of four or crod. Hides in the back and cover- ed with mosquito n(!t serve for ven- tilation, or tho whole back of the box may bo ninde of wire netting. Iron pots and kettles, copper t'oa- kettles, and other heavy and cum- liorsome utensils should bo replaced by granite and agate ware. There is no sense in lifting pounds, daily, where ounces would suflice. A drop shelf against the wall is (.Q,iy„n- i handy. Hinged to tho wall and (,{ j furnished with a secure Jirop, it comes in play many times. If a woodbox is necessary have it fitted into the wali between kitchen and woodshed, with hinged covers on each side so it can be lilled from the ouliiide. A lot of dirt and "tracking" is obviated. Something oftim (almost universal- ly) oV(M looked in the planning of a house is lo locate the bedrooms and their windows so as to take advan- tage of the prevailimr winds in sum- mer and thus get nir ami coolness. Hcdrooms on the east side of a house nro nearly always hot in sum- mer and cold in winter. I'ut the kitchen on the north or west side if you can; thus you have it cool in summer. I'lan the porch .so that it has a jiretty outlook, gets tho breeze, and is not overlooked by tho street and tho neighbors' windows. ly ono cup of sugnr, then two wcU beaten eggs, hall a cup of milk, and 011(1 and two-thirds cups of flour sifted ttilh two und a half teaspoons of baking powder. Jn cold weather soften tiio butter and warm the bowl before beginning .to mix cake. Have the flour sifted and measured, butter tho cako tins with a bristle brush, and sift over their greased surface a film of flour to keep the cako from sticking. I'ul the soften- ed butter in the warm bowl and beat with tho slitted spoon until it is creamy; thi.i allows a perfect blend- ing with tho sugar, which should bo added while .you boat constantly. Wlion tho butter and sugar is white and crwiiny, sift in a few s|>oonfuls of fioui , then add the eggs and beat energetically. Pour in the milk, sift the flour and baking powder. Put the batter immediately into the oiled tins, scraping every particle from the bowl with a palette knife and before setting the cako in the oven level it slightly, making it somewhat higher at tho sides than in tho centre. This makes a cake level, as it is always Buro to rise a littlo higher in the center. Never scrai)c batter from the knife on the edge of the pan; if you do, the cake will not riso on that side. In fif- teen or twenty minutes the cake should ba perfectly baked. DOMESTIC lU^^CIPKS. Two Sauces â€" Custard sauce â€" A half pint milk; one egg; one-tiuarter cup sugar. Set over (ire and stir till thick. Chocolate sauce â€" Small cup sugar, three tablespoonfuls butter and two of flour; one pint of boiling Water and half a S(piare of melted sweet chocolate. Cook till thick. IJoulleltes of Liver.â€" Cut One-half pound o/ liver into thin slices and boil gently for twenty minutes; drain and cho]) tine. Put a gill of milk in ii double boiler; rub together in easily loosened by | ono tablespoonfiil of butter and two of flour; stir into the milk and when a thick paste is formed add the liver. Cook ill double boiler for at least ten minutes. Add ono table- spoonful chopped iiarsl(\v; one tea- spooiifiil salt; oao-fiuarter teaspoon- ful pepper; one teasiioonful onion (ivc feet i.s hetler ihiin nuip-lxnu'ds i juice. When cold, form into ball; and jilasler, especiiilly where there !di[i in egg and bread crumbs, and are children. Kor the floor, (here is fry in hot fat. nothing hotter (iian pinn covered with linoleum. 'I'ho hardwood floor i:i (ryiiig to many women, because it is (ike walking on pavement, pro- ducing a jar on llu; K|iliie which is tiring. U'he linoleuin in elastic and does away with this jar. Though it iti expensive it is diiiable. wears well, lookii well, and is ensil.v clean- ed. The p.ittein of the geiiiiino llii- oleuni goeH clear (hroujrh the fabric, und thereforo does not wenr off. The iron and ziiik sink has been eliminated from tlio up-to-date kit- chen, and ill its place stands tho white ennmoled one, with an cxtoii- t)n() ICgg Cookies. â€" One cuji, each, of sour milk and shortening; one and one-half cujis sugar; one-half cup water; one egg; one level tablespoon sal(M"atiiK; two heaping teaspoonfuls baking powder sifted in with some of the flour. Flavor with cinnamon or nutmeg and add a pinch of salt. i\Iix as soft as they can be rolled out. Lovely Layer Cake. â€" An expert in cookery givo.i the following recipe-, with careful directioiiM as to mixing, which are as neces.sary to suc(;ess as are the ingredients : (,"rcam a (piar- ter of a cup of butler, add gradual- indescribable Paisis Stoiie An Exceptionally Severe Case in Which a Mciplcss Sufferer Was Restored by Dr. Chase's Kidney Lever PilB& HINTS TO HOUSISKKEPKRS. Nutmegs sliould bo kept out of the reach of children. They are a dead- l.V poison, as dangerous as carbolic acid or ammonia. Curiously, many children seem fond of them. A case is on record when; an H-,venr-old boy died in great agony after chewing two nutmegs. Children often have curiously ab- normal appetites, as witness the craving of the schoolgirl for chalk and slate pencils. Things that are deleterious should bo rarefuUy kept out of their way. A child old enough to know better once ate so much camphor gum ("because it felt so funny in her t0('th." sho explain- ed) that sli(! was madi; very ill and has ever since disliki'd the odor of camphor. K(iual parts of ammonia and spir- its of turpentine will take paint out of clothing no matter how dry and hard it may be. Saturate the spot several times and then wash out in soapsuds. Improve tho first fine days bj- giv- ing the bedding a good airing on 'Ihc line. The sun purities blankets and quilts, raising tho pile on the first and enlivening the cotton in tho lader. One of tho "spring jobs" tho house wife dn^ads is the frving and pack- ing down of the sausage and hams for summer consumption. To avoid having to treat the hams in this manner mnko covers of heavy cot- ton, sewing the hair.s into them tightly, and then whitewash the out- side. ' Hung in a cool cellar or a dry dark granary they are safe from flies. .» KV.r.V LITTI.K ONKS WKLL. There ought not to be any sickly, fretful, sleeplcsfi children â€" there would not ho any if mothers gave their lidle ones nn occasional dose of liahy's Own Tablets. The litth- ones are sickly an<l fretful and sleepless usually because of some stomach, bowel ()r teething trouble. 'I'hese and the other min(U' ills of little ones are speedily relieved and promiitly cured by llaby's Own Tali- lets, and the little one thrives and grows plump, sleeps well nt night and lets the mother get her much needed rest as well. Mrs. U. Jl. I^iiTluc, Mountain, Out., says; â€" "I Call reciuiimend llaby's Own Tablets to all molliers who have cross or dtv licate children. I do not know how ] could get along without them. Rfolher, isn't it worth your while to give this medicine just one trial ? If your medicine dealer does not keep the Tablets send 125 cents to Tho l"ir, Williams 'Medicine Co., llrock- ville. Out., and the Tablets will bo sent by mail post paid. PLAN or COW STALL. Two rows of cows in a barn 26ft. wide will confine them in rather close (juarters but can he arranged so they can be comfortable and enough space left for alleys. The cows should face the centre for convenience in feeding. Have a ii foot alley back of the cows, with a gutter from 12 to 1.5 inches wide and (i inches deep. The floor ujion which the cows stand should be level giving 4 J feet for standing room, about 2 feet for manger, making 11 feet for each cow and '2'2 feet for the two, with a cen- tre feeding alley about 4 foot wide. The stalls should be 3J feet wide from centre to centre, which will lea\'e about 3 feet and 4 inches in jtho clear, and will provide ten stalls on each side. Tho partitions between the cows should bo about 4 feet high and may be made of boards or slates. The rear posts may bo omitted, as it is not readily needed. The first post, which ma.v be a 2 x 4 scantling, is 4j feet from the gutter, the front post is pet forward 3 feet and .slats nailed against it. Tho partition boards or slats should be fastened on- to upright slats and then hung on the rear post with hinges. Place slats in front so the cows cannot step forward and fasten a rope onto the rear end of the partition with a staple. The rope or chain in the rear of the cows should be about 3 feet fi inches long, with a hook on the end which can he hooked into a staple in the swinging partition on tho other side. If tha upper hinge on the par- tition is a little lower, so that tho partition will sag a little, it will al- ways swing into THK PKOPER POSITION. When it is desired to let the cows out unlock the rope or chain back of the cow, beginning at one end. let tho first cow back out; give her time so she will ho able to get out and not afroid to back in the gutter. Tho other cows will soon learn to jiush the swinging partition whicli will give them room to turn around. Kach cow has a separate box for a n!.!jnger. about 2 feet 10 inches (Iravel or slono in bladder is j nhoin the inoHt painful nilment that j ever jttflicted mankind. It is Itho ; result of deranged kidne.Ns. the uric acid foriuiiig into hard substances, which lodge in the kidneys and blad- der. This horribli' disease is pro- Vented and cured by Hr. Chase's j Kidney-Liver Pills. Mr. Daniel Hrown, K.n.iilish Ulver, | Ont-, writes :â€" "for thiTC J'onrs Ij gnffOVed iViihi Urinal. \- liOuliIos, par- taking of (he nntiiiN^ of Klone in the bladder or uraM-l, and the pain Ik'hirh 1 endured can nrnrrel.v bo des- crlhed. 1 WDH unable to do any \ work., imd fnipieiitly diBclmrged blood. Though I spent liiiiidredB of j dolliirs in doctors' bills I recoived no relief, and at last decided thnt 1 would never ho able to work again. â- Wliile in this coiiditiiMi I we.s ad- viKod to (ry Dr. Chase's Kidney- IJver ^^illfl. and (hough 1 had no faith .* them or in aiiyth"vq; else I decided to give them a fair trial. Afl(!r using one l«i,\ I felt a decided change for the better, and after tak- i ing five boxes I feel like a new man. I nia oiitirel.\ out of pain, and have no more discharge of blood. I can honestl.v reeominend Dr. Chase's Kidnoy-l,iver Pills to any fellow suf- ferer, and will che<'rfiilly verify this stntement to unj one writing me." Mr. W. Ilowen, Postmaster and station Agent nt Knglish Hiver, Ont.. writes; â€" "I have interviewed Mr. Daniel Urown of this place in regard to his long illiiess nnd cure, and hereby certify that the testi- monial as given by him is correct." Dr. Chase's Kidne.v-Liver Pills, one pill n doBo, 2.') cents a box, at all dealers, or Kdmnnson, Hales A Co., Toronto. To protect .vou against imitatlonfl tho portrait nnd signa- ture of Dr. A. W. tlhnBo, tho fuinoiis receipt book author, are on every box. SKNTI'^NCE SKUMONS. Sein.shness is the heart of sin. Tho fus.sy are never crfective. Obedienco is belter than oblation. Character is crystallized conduct. Itevengo is sweetest when renounc- ed. IMorcies nuilliply as wo measure them, Oiil.v manufactured doubts are ad- vertised. Nothing spoils the life like living for the spoils. Our victories depend on how wo take our defeats. (iiving happiness is tho only secret of eelting it. There is no delight for those who turn back from duty. An iinliridled tongue goes with an unburdened brain. •Sins of tho imagination are more than imaginary Bins. A man's love for Hod may be measured b.v his life for men. Yon ran hardly expect to get Arc out of a cold storage religion. A principle hung up on the wall may bo worse than none nt all. Tho man who can smile at a small trouble will Mibdue a great one. The man who is looking for a chonco to bo grateful is never with- out ono. With nn inicilucatet^ heart there can never bo more than a half educated head. It in one thing to work up your sentiirenls and another to work out vo'.ir salvation. DR. A. W.CHASE'S CATARRH CURE... 5c. Is sent direct to the diseased pans by the Improved Blower. Heals Ihc ulcere, clears the air passages, stops droppines in tbo throcit and peimanaDtVy cerel CataiTh and Hay Fever. Blower AH djalers. or Ur. A. W. Chase M«lk:ins Co., Toroaio and Buffala free. square. The top of tho manger in front of the cow is only from 3 to It) inches high, so her head will be in a natural position when lying down. Tho manger should bo ndjuslable so that when she is standing with her hind feet ni^ar thfc gutter her nose will just reach the slats in front, which will prevent her from stepping forward and soiling the rear of the stall. An.v adjust vnent of a stall which will prevent tows from sle|i- piiig forward will kc>cp thein clean, and by having the manner low, so that when lying down the head can he carried in a natural position, will iilTord comfort, which ia an essential point in .securing a large flow of .m^lk. The slats in front of the cow ^'IH prevent her from getting' tho hay or other roughage under her feet. The stall is made narrow so that tho cow cannot turn round, while the chain or rope is fastened from one partition to the other. Faeh cow should be taught to take jier* own stall and the teaching .shoul't b<' done with patience and great cat". It re- quires gentleness and tact ".o teach rows propeii.v, but in the cn'I one is ampl.v rewarded for excrcisiv.g these virtues. CAltK OF DAIKY COWS In the housing and car' of divlry cows no coinitrv rhow.s, as a ride in general practice. nn.v inelhod.s ^r conditions better than tho.se of th<s count r.v. The avi-rage conditioiw elsewhere are bad enough, with oppoi- tnnities for very great ini|)ioveinent, but such improvement is being made as ra|)idl.v in thi.s country as an.v- where. Nowhere el.se is there a bet- ter appreciation of the importance and economy of abundant room, light, air, dryness, comfort, nnd cleanliness for cows. One h'ars much of the close relations between tho <lair.v cows and tho families of their owners in Holland nnd Switzerland, connecting apartments, under tl\e same roof, etc.; but the stables which arc seen in summer converted into conservatories and rooms for weaving and che(\'>e curing are the exceptional and show places. K\en the h(>st of these when visited in midwinter, with tho cattle in place, are often found dark, ill ventilated, close, crowded, nnd insanitary in nian.v rcsjiects, al- though frequently kept clean. Tho construition of cow stables genernll.v in the old world is of a substantial kind, but with little regard to light and ventilation, convenience of ar- rangement or ease of cleaning. Tho labor neres.sary lo keep them in de- cent condition would be regarded a.s impo.isible in thi.s eoiintr.v. Tlie cow houses in Denmark average the best of all in Kiirt^pe. but tho.y are no belter in any resj.ect than the aver-- age of those of the distinctly dairy districts of this rotinlry, and there is hero far more regard for economy of labor management. Daiii.sh stabloB are generally kept clean, but at tho- cost of a. va.st amoimt of very cheap labor. In other countries, ns well as Denmark, much attention is paid to cleaning the cow stables, but tho con- clusion has been forced upon us that this is don'; more from .m a|)[)recia- tion of the value of all iiianurial mat- ter and the fixed habit oi suving it than from any knowledge or inten- tion of cleanliness as of prime iin- poitance in dairying. "I'his is especi- ally shown by the fact that tho cow."* are milked in just about as careless and uncleanly a manner m Croat liri- tain and all over Europe as, it must uiifortunatel.v be confessed, is th--- common practice in this countrv. The very general use of womeli as milkers in all foreign dairy distiicls is a de- cided advantage; thi>y av,- g^'iiiler and cleaner thitn men, and vusti.v hotter than the average farm labori-r, who does all sorts of work during the day. Mucli attention is being given, especi- all.v I'n England, to pcrii.-tuato tho custom of employing women instead off men for milkers, and to maintain tho oflicienc.v of milk-maids: the po- pular public milking contests at the dairy shows are useful ,iiid commend- able, llfiny jiarts of Iviirope have th.'^ additioni*! advantage of keeping tho cows in the fields continuously tho greater part of tho year and milking them in tho open air. This pfiictice does much to insure dean milk and- pure products. DAIRYING ON A SMALl. SCALE. There are nian.v farmers who prtid- tice general farming, keejiliig enough tows to pay the grocery bid, wlio do not feel that their biisines.s in Wiis line is largo enough to warrant using the best modern applicanceii and con- ductin.g tlie busin-ss along the linos laid down by the best dairying au- thorities. l''ach man must judge for himself as to whether it is advisable to put in a separator and to build a silo. It is [irobahle that a i^eparator will pa.v for itself in a comparatively short time, even where laic a few cows are kept. If not. add a 'few more to the herd and arrange to save all the butter fat lliat is pro- duced. If cows are kept, they siiould have the feed that will enaliie llu'UX to produce the most profit *'i>r tho owner, and it is the generai experi- ence of i>raeticul dairy in.g that tho silo is an advantage in pri>ducing milk choaid.v. Hut wheih.»r silo and .separators are ado|>led or mH. most farmers who keep cows could improve their metliods of feeding and the gen- eral conduct of the business. It would be wise for many to have their cows come I're.sh in the fail or earl.v winter, rather Ihan in .sprinsj as so nian.v .do. The inico of butler is higher in tho winter, and tlie farm- er has less' other work to deiiiand his time and nt tent ion. tliun during the summer montlis. Man.v fariin'is al- low their cows to go dr.v ail winlur, and while feeding them, receive uc income from the lierd. Of course, a cow giving milk will require more !'.>ed nnd bitter c.irv thnn one running dr.v, but she fed roiiylia.gc anywn.v. and which Would be rejiuiied to inulw milk, would be paid for iiianv times over b.v the Liulter she producefl. T( make a cow do her best in w'intor she should be warml.v hoti.sod. an,.- not be allowed to run out diiriei cold, storiiiv weather. Silage is i great aih.iuta.go. hul if fed bright sweet clo'.cr ha;.' and corn finlder, bran or ground corn, she will do well. es!>cciall.v if a few roots can bo ad- ded to the ration to meet the craviiia for green feed. If tlie rougiiag.- i^ chiefl.v clover, a griMler aiiDUni; ol fat-producing elements wili_.bo re- jjuired in the grain, and a iiU'gc amoimt of ci)rii meal can be praiifali- l.v used. If the roughage i.-i largely corn starts, limoih.v ha.v viad 0;it straw, the irrniii ration sho^iid be compos'.'d largely of feeds rich in p;-i> teiii. HEALTH IN SPRING. Natvre Koquircs Aasistanca in Mailings Nevr, Healtli-Givin^ Blood. Spring is the sea.son wlioit your system needs toning tip. In th- spring yon must have new blood jusl ns the trees must have iii>w .'luV- !*>'a- turo demands it. Without r.."v/ bbiod you will t(H'l wear.v, weak and lau- guiil. With new. rich, red b'.tiod y.m vill be .sjirixhil.v, hnpiiy aud hiviUhy. T.*io one sure wa.v to get n-w blooil atrd fresh energ.v is to tak" Dr. Wil- liuuis I'ink Pills. They actually make new blond. Tliey .ate I'.vy great- est spring tonic in the w»-ld. Mr J. .). Alallelto, n well kiiowi^ groc't in Montreal, sa.vs:--"! w-ish t.> Ihani .von for the gre.-it good .M<ur Hr Williiima" I'ink Pills have donn me My a.\-stem was \er.v much run dowi and .voiir pills have niAdi? n new ma: of me. As I am in busines.=i. comiaiy in contact with luiiiiv peojde. 1 am often able to reconuneiid th ! pills, and the.v iia\e alread.v relieved a dozen of niv friends who sulTere:! ns I did." Many people further wea'.i"n their system in spring through taking pur- gative medicine.s. What nnt'tre neiMis to help her hi n t >nic. n:;d Dr. Wil- liams' Pink PiU.s s'ipply Ihi.H need a* no other medicine cnn. lie s it^ you get the genuine with the f'lH name "Or. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People" printed on the wrapper .around the box. Sidil by at! medfrii>n dealers, or post paid at .'i> eon'<i jiev box or six hn'<es for $2..V» by W> it- ln<T the Pr. Wlllienia' 'Med'cin-,' C.i I'r. "V-. iPe, ("nt. must grnii; ' h\ I * I ol >r---3''i-,-»v"ii'j:'-4>.- _i..S.i,»