who (uu c«ntent to be your meaneat I alave !" Hector > My King !" "My Quoen ! Maddalona I" "I lave my own name now, since I I havo heard it from your lips !" "A Queen's, and you the only {Queon worthy of it, Maddalena I" His eyes closed as if he were drun- ken with the ver>- melody of her name. Hia hand was still pressed hard to Ucr broast, and through the frail texture of her robe he could feel the happy pulsations of her heart â€" her heart that could thus for- get in its moment of joy the sharp sword-points thnt sought to pierce it. Her hanils covered his in, and held it with tenderness of comfort that only swimming warmth of her eyes could equal. From the ineffable lambent depths the peace of lovo i A WOMAN'S LOVf I I OR, A BROTHER'S PROniSE CHAPTER XIV. jvell that his her darling young sec- The shadows of the Monte sent I ""e*' ^'"' darling young joy, her rare long lilies across the valley, weaving I "wcct sorrow. with their slim brethren of tho | W*>y should shu spare her who did pelms a mesh-work that caught and "o*- sparc ? And it iiravo knew the seemed to bind the feet of the my- i ^''"^" riad searchers for dead and wounded I °"^ nodded; and in swift phrases who went slowly up and down tho I ^°" Augustln recounted all that gleamed up, as a pearl might gleam hoUowa, emerging here from tho | Hector had told him of his stjiy at through shining waters the winds green of an orange grove with a : ^""'t'^"*^*' omitting nothing, cxten- never stir nor the tides trouble. The drear burden for burial, disappear- ""'•'"B nothing. Maddalena kept j touch of her eased every ache, and lag tliere into a farmhouse with a *"-"'' '-'^^ fixed on Asunta, and strove feeling her look upon him was all Bagging stretcher. Beyond the val- j <° 'â- '^•^'^ confirmation or denial in the ley, the uuRtcrn end of Palm City "''^^"^ °' emotion that chased each eloped to the shore, darkening with â- °<-'^'"", °'^<^'" 1'" countenance. a thousand mysteries of tender dim I "}} ^ '^'^ »i .'"^ ' 't's all a- lie !" coloring. And then again, hovond ! Her position near your Majesty s ^ . .^ ^ , ^ the City lay tho broad carpet of Person gave her opportunities for ran about the curves and spread and tho ocean,' rich « ith ineflablo depths ?P/'"S which she did not neglect, spread until the ever-new wonder of of all tints from gold and glorious She watched you, she watched Senor her smile broke upon him. blue to mauve and royallost purple. ' ^'"'"'t- I^evenge on him she would | \our Majesty High above the water hung the sky. have revenge on you also, if it were magniflecnt in its unfleckcd purity. : P°fsible wonderful as the blue of tho Virgin's |'^^^''"^f kirtleâ€" nay, it was the very raiment;*,",?/, . , ----- ' Its alia lie! came agam hoar- sely from Asunia. Maddalena hcavod a sigh of oppres- sion. Her endurance wa.s nearly exhausted. She felt her heart sink- THE JAPMESE SBLBUR! cordials and elixirs; and when he ex- changed the happiness of shut eyes for that of open, his ga;ze came to rest on the delighsomeness of her mouth, where little quivering ripples of the divine Marj'. This was the background tliat filled the frame of Hector's tent door. To complete the picture niukin' it in- o-vitable, her head clear against the eernne azure, Maddalena stood, a figure at once splendid and pathetic. The mad fierce words had been a blow in the face : all expected, they had smitten brutally. And then, as responsive blood hurries in surprise to every pinpoint of tho stricken cheek, their full meaning hastened aggressively iuto every cranny of her being. The pain of the strange ! intelligence stung, and summoned ! ? _„- -_.,__ , .... At Bravo's voice she turned and There was no need to seek ! found Don Miguel at her foot . his Fate had ajiticipated her â€" j head bowed abjectly, and so remain- ing. "I have acquainted Don Miguel with your commands, madame, and 1 have, perhaps injudiciously, further acquainted him with what ha.s pass- ed to-night between your Majesty ing within her, the blood flowing and Dona Asuuta feebly along hor veins, her eyes growing blind. This unseemly brawl, in which she felt her inmost, soul laid bare and torn by coarse fingers, was degradin.£; to her and her love, and she rebelled bitterly against the weakness it bred in her end, it must end I have sent for you, sir, that you may hear my will I do not wish to listen to any explajiatioas, any excuses. If you see aught in my conduct to sensure or to gi-ieve over, aught of prejudice to Palmetto, It must i aught unworthy oi" your Queen â€" come to me and come at once. Do not "Let Don Miguel be summoned." speak behind my buck, sir; and do i she said. "Don Aug-ustin, see to I not believe without proof. Though I tears to trembie."'Hector saw Them MM". â- '''^ "- ''°'"''" ^ *"" ^"""^ "°""«'' f] th#> mr»T«*»n* L»»-i.' l\-ioi» tllni- t J^' and had the momentHi-y iVor that, i "^'o"'" Majesty does not know yet she was about to break 'down. But l'^}^^ ^°^ Miguel is a prisoner," said dignity, pride, love, and that pug- nacity which harbors in even the nioft peaceful nature, joined hands and set « girdio of strength about her. With an unconscious toss of the head, she shook the drops from her lashes, and looked on Asunta with undimuicd gaze. ''I''ho men were dumb at the mali- cious vulgarity of the attack. Sud- den, gross, ofTenaivc. it stunned them. too, into blank ajmazement. Heaven save him! Uravo "A prisoner ? To Stampa ?" "No your Majesty. He is a prison- er in his own tent â€" a prisoner of Palmetto. What the daughter said; the father has repeated." And briefly he recounted events not to flinch from the criticism or the censure of a friend; but I resent thoughtless inter.ference, and I will not brook .secret discussion of my acts. "I trust T am wise in believing that when you repeated j-our daugh- ' ter's insinuations you wove actuated j by the best motives : I am at least j content to believe that. 1 demand ! this is monstrous ! Let him 1 no" an apology, not only for the be brought forthwith !" | utterance of the calumny, but for the She stood still for a moment or suspicion Itself You will also two after Bravo left the tent, and ! apologize to Senor Grant' Their eyes turned first to the victim, then her strength and Tulorous wiU- """^ M'e."^!. still kne.;ling. locacod and Jn suspense they waited for Maddalena to move. They had been powerless to prevent the attack ' while the Queen was there they were equally powerless to retaliate. Only Alo«dair, who knew no word of The sight of his Queen, a child power seemed to leave her.. She | '^P- ; looked on the scowling Asunt.a, who i j cast furtive glances at tho open door as if to make a dash for her liberty, I but Alasdair barred the way. She looked at the great Highlandman. what was passing, understood from | b"t he had all his wits in the one attitude and gesture that ill events *>""5 that fixed Asunta. Then, as if wore toward : ho moved from his ^^^ ^'^^ delayed too long, yet feared sentinel post by the doorway, so I ^«'" °"'" eagerness, she tui-und to that at hint of eye lie might" come ' Hector, and with a little cry tliat between the Queen and the enraged ! ^^^^ ill love, all pity, all sorroiv, , „,,. . . Asunta | she ran -to where he lay, and taking : "nee. There was no stop for It was Hector, then. What did his hand pressed it to tho warm sol- j thought : he seized her hand icitude of her breast. His eyes an- swered to the full tho unprcmediatod Asunta know ? What part had Asun- ta In his life ? Why did Asunta cry out against her thus? For love of ! caress. Keither had thoucht for ' Asunta, to whose raging sou! every movement, every whisper, was worm- wood and gall "Fate takes even our ono hour from us." she whispered. "Fate cannot." ho answered. "And you â€" wouiulod â€" for me." "T am gl.nd" "Ah !" Tho sigli was not now of oppression: it was charged with ex- cess of delight. "^ I were not wounded, would you be If re ?" "Vou might have been killed." "I had your crucifix " "I prayed for you " "And your rose." "My heart w-ent with both." "So I was safe," "O ! Hector. Hector, I love you!" "Madttalena !" "Better to-night than last night â€" better far." "Is Hint pos<;ibI>^ ''" "Everything is possiljlc "to the wo- man who loves." For a little space eyes luade close speech, le.st even the faintest echo might rcacii thieving oar-~-. And then each longed for sound of the other's voice. "Hector, 1 am sorry for her." "For Asunta ?" She loves you.' Palmetto, for love of him ? From question and doubt to doubt and question she swung for an eternity. And how to deal with this mad v/o- man who, having spoken a thousand daggers, looked a deadlier thou- sand ? What to say â€" she could meet her gaze calmlyâ€" but O I what to say ? Her eyes took an impulse. She looked to Hector. It was tho un- spoken appeal for help, for protec- tion. She read both in his e.yes â€" in the love he put in her hands was a shield invulnerable. Now she was strong, she was armed at all points. "Don.i Asunta. I am unused to scenes of violence. You ttirgct what ' ' is due to me, you forget what is due to yourself. 1 am at a loss to un- derstand this extremity of passion. But at least I understand that you accuse me " "Of being his lovei- â€" yes !" And a quivering hand marked llcctor. "If by that you moan that Iâ€" that I love Scuor (!rant â€" it is my happi- ness to love him, as it is my un- happiness. And if so I choose to do, how have you gained the right to ask why, how ?" "Because I love Palmetto." "Better than you love me ?" "Perhaps yes, better than 1 love you." "Is that the only reason?" "No. Ho insulted mo with love â€" hi.'j love â€" the adventurer comes whence no one knows, must not be deceived." "Strange. I was his guarantee. Ho bore my commission. You re- ceived him as my representative." "Until he showed his true charac- ter " "How did he show it ?" "By besieging nie. pestering me with his professions of lovo; and now he hn.s got you in his toils." Maddalena smiled on Hector. "You hear Dona Asunia, senor. I Bhall not ask you to reply to her." He thanked her with a look that drew Iho bonds of trust an<l conll- tlcnce the clo.sor. "\h ' hut tfX me reply," cried Hravo. "I liuvj no mercy for this lady who conspires to» draw your Majesty into hor net of revenge." ••Don Auguslin ! Don .-Vugustin 1" pleaded Hector. "('•i^v me leave, your Majesty," went C^Bravo. unheeding, "to tell '"^lio ttjlkuuf this sordid affair." Vtrt ft B>Bi(unt Maddalena hesitated liul little bjl! little her resentment again-.." AtuiMt< hat' been swelling M««ntJii*«t Uu* ted itfinntfA'S h his who You almost in years yet full of true dig^ ' nity; the vision of her unprotected I youth and beauty; tho words she had j spoken, so just, so direct, so sim- I pie; all these moved him us no royal j anger could â€" all doubt of her and all â- petty annoyance fell from him, and lie saw that she w.-is indeed, even in ' her outward seeming, above re- proach. Khe looked truth and in- ' uocencc, as she was truth and inno- There was no stop and kissed it, while his eyes brimmed with tears of contrition that would not bo stayed. "Madame â€" madame â€" I am the bas- est â€" O ! madame, do you forgive, do you forgive ?" Tho words were choked in him. Glad to end a .â- scene so painful to her, to Don Miguel, to Hector, Mad- dalona bowed her head. "1 forgive j ou !" Again and again the old man kiss- ed hor hands, "Rise, sir." Ho obo.ved. "It is impossible for luo to retain Dona Asuntii ncai- my person. I can- not have about mc one who neither loves me nor servos mc faithfully. I tlesiro you to receive her at my liands. Let mc never see her j'.gain." "Madame ! madame !" was all the weeping man could stammer. â- Don Auguslin, you will inform Ccneral Ramiros of my will that Don Miccuel'.s sword be returned to him. It is also my will that those who know of this incident shall not speak of it, now or ever." Uravo bowed. "Don Miguel, yon are suffering I keenly. At another time you will I make amends to Senor tJraut. Dona .â- \sunta awaits you. Adios !" Alt but Alasdair avcrlcil their eyes as hunibleil father and still haughty daughter passed from the tout . As swept een eye, liis hand oloscd involuntarily on tho haft of his ilirk. 'II'g impul' â- was on him to strike to her Moek heart, but the stool was foi r.'n-thcr breast tantly I and defence is elaborate and onA training is required to attain pr» proficiency. European experts <Je- riTTLE ULEN THAT FIGHT FOE dare that the Japanese fencer is «^ THE MIKADO. Can Go Long Bistances and Cany Heavy Loads Without Fatigue. Kimi go yo wa chiyoni Vachlyo o ni sazare Ishi no iwaoto narete Kokeno musubumadc. â€" Japanese Vias Song. The Japanese "Booby," as the Brit- most formidable adversary in tl« World. "Wrestling is a favorite sport «ij< one in which all soldiers exhibit Wonderful skill. Wrestling matcbei between the champions of dltferen* regiments are the groat sportiog events of the year in the Japanesf army. Tho most popular pastime of thi soldier in the lield is playing "hanna/ awose," a Japanese game of cardi not unlike whist. The cards art forty-eight In number. It is aaori ish Tommy Atkins calls the little I compUcated than whist and mori %hting man of the Mikado, is a IdifBcult to master great singer after his tashion. Whe- I The game of "go," of Ja[ianese do- thcr he is tugging at the trail ropes minoes, is also dear to the heart ol oi a 3.2-mch Uotchkias on a rocky |the Japanese Bobby. Go is played slippery, frozen mountain path or on a board ruled off into a hundred hikmg along thirty miles a day with ijt.tlo squares. Small block and fifty pounds of weight on him, he re- i^ljito stones, cut into little disks. Ueves the monotony of tho businofis I are used to fill the squares. Tha With a burst of song, and his favor- jrulcs of the game appear quite com- ite ballad is the one quoted above, IpUcated to the foreigner. "Shoii," or Japanese chess, also is a popidaj> game. The Japanese camps impress tta foreigner as being very clean ^md orderly. There is a marked absenc« of the drunkenness and boisterous conduct so common in the camps ol European armies. Yet the JaiJanosa Bobby is fond of his salce. The dis- cipline is so strict that Bobby does a not dare to indulge his taste fo# oi which a free translation is as fol- lows: Our gracious sovereign Shall reign a thousand years Until the little pebble Grows into a mighty rock Covered with ancient moss. Bobby is the most cheerful and wil ling marcher that ever cairicd _ __ knapsack and a gun. Away back in j sa!ke lxcept~on r'iie'occas^us the dim past there must havo been i^ the evening, when circumstances a Good Roads Association in Japan Ipennit and the weather is pleasant, which did its work well. With good the men gather around tho campfire roads everywhere it is only natural ai^j sing the quaint monotonous Jaf>- that the Japanese should have taken ^neso folksongs. Perhaps some man to pedestrianism. Generation after jq t^e company has a samisen. IT so generation of long distance walkers the instrument is brought forth, and m Japan have evolved the Japanese ; to its twanging accompaniment thev soldier of the twentieth century, who Lhant the old 'songs, which tell ol astounds the European experts by his |tho deeds of heroes of old Japan and marching If you have ever carried a ten pound rifle, a twenty pound knap- sack and a cartridge belt full of am- munition, havei-sack and canteen, ag- gregating a total of fifty pounds, on a long march, you know what it is â€" and if you have not had tho experi- ence words cannot give a proxicr idea of it to you. THE FIRST FIVE MILES, are comparatively easy. Tno next t.'\e are hard, the next distressing, and then it becomes torture, but not to Bobby. His pedestrian ancestors have bequeathed him a pair of su- perb legs with muscles like steel and the most marvellous wind. Infantry companies travel slrctches of live miles at the double quick just fun of the beauties of nature. As there is no profanity in tlu? Jap- anese language, tho Japtuieae soldier is not profane, in which respect he difTers from almost every other sol- dier in the world. Tlie wai- cry of the Japanese sol- dier when he charges the enemy ia "Nihon fcanjai," which means "3ar pan forever-. " ♦ TWO YEAKS ALONE. A Young Wife's Experience on. th« Isle of Semons. Ofl the coast of Newfoundland lies a small island known a« the isle oJ Demons, which holds within its rocky f '^ j shores a romance as thrilling and a tragedy as real as any told in fiction. His Jingers miclosod reluc- (To be Continued.) I "She hates us both." • , ^ , , "She may well halo me who stoic •'^s»"'t"- silent and scornful, sw you" ' imdcr the gree.t Highlander s k "Stole me ? I gave myself to you long ago." "I think I, too. must have loved you from long ago. I seem to havo loved you always " "You wore my dream when I was a bey." "And then not to know until yes terday." "Your eyes used to come between mo and my books when I was at school." "O ! but I woB a little girl ! How could they, then ?" "No, I cannot think of you as a littlo girl : you were always the Queen. Just as you will never grow old : you will be the Queon always â€" thp same, as you are «ow ! 'â- ' "Always the same to you, my heart." "Maddalena ! you love axe too well I anrnot worthy."- "You are worthy. You who have bled for me, who have risked life for »e !" "Not worthy theugh I risk life again to-eaerrow. and every morrow until the end I" 'Sit Is I that am not worthy, lor nst the woman who ! I can give nothing but my love." «r to tear «Bid« the I "And thatâ€" that makes me a king GERiLVN SUNDAY-SCHOOLS. In this country the term "Sunday- school" has a definite meaning, and is exclusively used to denote a place of religious teachhig. In Germany, however, the race for conuucrcial su- premacy has led to the establish- ment of the Sundu.v-schools at which mechanics are given practical in' struction in their trades. There is, for example, a school for aiasons. at which the students, many of them mechanics who work during the week and spend several hours on Sunday mor-.iing in learning the higher bran- ches of thoir craft. Similarly thorc arc Sunda>-schools for tailors, iron- mongers and followers of other tradesâ€" oven barbcra and black- switbo. In all campaigns of European and l^-bout 1540 Marguerite de Rot>erval American armies it has been imoos- '»''^<^ <>' ^'^^ \!X'^vi<i\i viceroy, fell in sible to make the iufantrv soldier ; 1°^'« '^''-^ a young cavalier a«id prom- carry hia knapsack when it tires him ised him her heart and hand. a forced march. The line of 1 ""'^^''' ^^^^ viceroy, considered Her the march of European troops is alwavs ' ^O"'-!^ unworthy of his niece's proud strewn wilh knapsacks discarded by exhausted infantry soldiers. Such is not the case with the Jap- anese army. Bobby never throws his knapsack away. No matter how fast he has to travel, nor how fai', it stays on his back until he goes into camp. Bobb.y has no littlo contempt for his brother the cuYalrynian. lie knows that after a month or two of campaJgnlKg- he will be able to out- march tlie cavalr.vman and leave him position, and angered by hor refusal to give up her lover, he passod a sen- tence of exile upon both of them. A vessel carried the couple to the Isle of Demons, leaving theui there alone, with an old nurse who had attended the lady Marguerite from I'.er cliild- hood, and who wished to aharu her exile. At first tho bajiishuient did not seem so dreadful a thin^; the young man's strength stood between his wife and sullering, and for twu years far behind. The cavalrv mav clatter :'>'l ^"""^ ^•'-'"- ^ "^'^^ '^â- "^^ '^°''"' '^"^ bravolv forward for the first few I the paivnts began to plan for the weeks." but that is all. Then tlic j establishment of a colony which horses begin to go lame, got sore i^'^'"'^« "' ^'""^ '^'^"^ •-°"='^- ^'''^' backN .-nid breoK down. I came trouble, swift and terrible. Tho Japanese Bobbv laughs at the i disease smote the httlo family, and troubles of the cavalivman, for he it^he young wife and mother saw her knows no troubles of "any kind him- '"'Sband, child and faitWul nurse ah self. Even his foot do not give him I S'ckcn and die. V.ith hor own hands anv seriou.s troulile. It his shoes is''e dug their graves and bura-d all that was dear to her; then began a life alone, a life in which the mere question of existence became a prob- lem hard indeed for a frail woman to solve. By means of the gun that had been her husband's, she kept herscll with .several weeks suppl.v of rations I provided with food and with skins accompany each balallon. These I for her clothing. become painful or weai- out, ho puts on a pair of straw sandals and then ho is comfortable and able to mai'ch even better tlian before. COMMISSARY CAUTS cai'ts are drawn b.v ponies, but there are a number of coolies with every cavt and if the horses break down the coolies are able to pull the carts quite as well. The coolie i.s the man bcliind tlr man beliiud the gun in the Japan-Tc army, and always insures a good dinner when camp is reached. Shelter tents arc carried by tho iiergency jiuriio.'^os, bi Koldom used, as t!ie commissary carts arc generally at hand with the large tents, each of which houses some For two yoe.rs she Uvod a Robinson Cru.soe life, this gently nurtured, highly bred girl. Once a boat filled with Indians came near tho shore, but the painted faces and liorce as- pect of tho savages frightened her. so that she hid instead of hailing tlieni. She spent weeks of labor in making a crude canoe, but her hands wore un-skilled. and when sJio launc ed her craft it would onl.v tip over. At last she was roi^cuod by some fishermen who ventured on the island, twenty men. Tho diet of the Japan- half-frightened at first b.v what they esc .^Kildier is a simple ono, cou.<astiiig ! thought was an evil apparition. Aiarguerite was sent to France, but her uncle discovered her \Thoreaho;its and continued to persecute her. She finall.v foimd a refuge in a sni.Tll French village, where she hid until the viceroy's death. After that she came into tho world once moi-e and lived to a good old ago. largely of rice, beans, dried fish and salt vegetable pickles, washed down with tea and liWtum. It is surprising how cheerful the Japanese Bobby keeps under tlio mo- notonous condition.^ of caiuj>aigBing. Ho is. in common with all Japanese people, the pos.'!e."M5or of a wonderful inborn philosophy, a certain quality of mind whicli enables him not oidy to meet any crisis with calmness and power, but to endure with patient rcsigoaUon, and even cheerfiUuess. those long periods of watching and Waiting in camps and fortilied places that are the most trying osperionces of a soldier in warfare. j To while awav the time Bobbv has POTATO ALCOHOL. The use of potato alcohol to fur- nish light, heat, and motive power has boon developed rapidly and to a Tory higli degree in Germany. Ger- many V'"^od><ces about 55,000.1100 ton« of f.s)tatoes a year, and L.'^es for human food, stock food, and a variety of sports and pastimes. Of gtarch onlv about S.'.. 000,000 tons. tbi^ nioiv otrenuous forms of sport he j ^hc remaiiider is converted iato al- is most given to fencing and wrest- eohol. and used as a power genera- li»g. THE PEiNCIK« PRACTICE. in the Japanese army is done with bamboo staves. which are wielded with ,both hands. The combatants wear wadded nimor and »ia«ks for |\}',->tisrlion. Th« «!v«mo> ot Bll.>c^- tor for both lajid and water molnrs, and for cooking, heating, and light- ing. 'ITie alcoiiol vapor is burned like gas ^r cfcandeiiers ap.rf alreet lauijts. «B« gives a vei-j- bright light. In districts distant from nuinsi" 't v chcaber than ceal. '.y 'â- ::H