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Flesherton Advance, 31 Mar 1904, p. 5

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*i f THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Mab.31 1904 <«:i .;-- p .*•â-  J, fc Methodist Church F-LESHEHTON. ji*. hWltaOMv B i., B. D. PMtor KorniHgâ€" Mr. M. K.Richardson. Kveningâ€" Tha pkttorâ€" Special Ea.iUr Bong »«>rvice. Service at Ceylon 10. 30 ». m. Vicinity Chips fhnracterlstics of the Pant fTcrk €ar«ftilly Called for the CnriooK " There is a eood opening in this office for « boy to toarn the printing baiinMS Frenh lime always on hand. J. H. Duckett, Euueiiia- Lnteat styles in hats and caps at Kar- tit«dt,'«, Flenherton. Baptist church next Sunday srening. Easter service topic â€" ''Resurrection life. Potatoes and turnips for sale â€" F. G. Karstedt. Brick house and large lot for rent in Flealiiirton. Apply at this office. 100 acre f;irm to rent. Apply to John WriKht, Flttshertoii. Money to loan at 5 % en farm property â€" expense low, A. S. VanDufen. Boyd, Hickling <fc Go's, millinery open- in!" talics place yoaterdny and to-day, Mar. 30 and 31. Mr. W. Barnhouse and family left on Ihe Saturday erenin^j iiaia for their new home in Toronto, Postmaster Foster of Cliataworth won fourth prize, a Morris chair, in the late Nowa subscription competition. He sent in 30 subscriptions. Mr. Jamos Stewart of Kimberley, who won first prize tn the News subscription competition received his prize last week, a handsome E. Z. bicycle. Mr. W. Spencer and Son of Hamilton, «re this week giving th« pipe organ in the Methodist charch a thorough overhauling preparatory to the concert on Good Fri" 4ay evening. Mrs. Sheppard with her astistanta. Miss jfientlie and Miss Richardson, have been fiworking hard for their ready-to-wear dis- ' play to-day, and will be pleased to have - all the ladies call tu inspect. Wall papersâ€" Wo would call sppoial Attention to parties looking for wall jlpapera, as we think we have the neatest Vkssortmesit you could find, and at very close prices at Sheppard's. Mrs. J. H. Heard desires us to thank the public for the many exprossions of sympathy and acts of kindness rendered during '.he recent trouble. The usual Easter service in St. Mary's ohurch, Maxwell, will be held on Sunday next at 11 a.m. .instead of 3 p.m. Friendf will please note the change. The Esster vestry will tueet on Monday at 2.30 p. m. Fred Plowis, who drives the Epping mail, did the ttip, fifceeo miles, on foot Monday, earrying tha bap over his shoulder, and arriving at Flesherloii be- tween 12 and 1 o'c'ock p. m. Tuesday be â- did tho return journey by the same means of locomotion. It -was imposfiible to put a horse on tho road over the northern part of his route. This rather breaks the record for long-distance foot action in thislucality; The average newspaper is in Ice with the individual who when he in Ihe sole possessor of information which should be given publicity carefully witholds it from the editor, and then spends half a day yapping round town tliat "the papor is no (!ood and never has any news in it." Rev. Ivison Wilson gave an intcrest'na talk to the members of the Epworth League on Monday evening, his subject being "Tho Story of the Stars " Ofoourso this subject is a big one and the spe&ker only cuvere<l a small portion of ground' dealing with our own firmanent and a few <>f tho coustella'inns. HLs talk was high- ly ins' ructi re and entertaining to those preMnt. ' The C. llingwood Light, Beat A Power Company has benn incurporatcd with a oapit«I of 9200,000, the provisional direc- tors being W.U. Parson, W.PosUethwaite «nd A. D. Crooks." The above para- liraph appeared in the dailies of Monday. M'liat does it moan 7 Is this the Eugenia waterpower thai ti)e above gentlemen are tii(erest«d in 1 If so, it would moan that this power lias been handed over by the proponed Eu<;en:a company whose pios- |«otus waa issued a couple uf months ago. (t would also mean that Collingwoud has •tuiro a march on Owen Sound in socur- ittg the power. The facta will no doubt oem* out shortly. The (entlemen whou name* are meu|^Ded above ar« financiad- ly very strong and if tbey have taken it ib band eomeihiii| witl tartly be •Vdoiu." . " Latest designs in wall paperâ€" Oc. to 26c. der rollâ€" at Karsledt's. Miss Park left for Toronto on Tuesday and expects to go to Manitoba this spring. Yellow fur mit lost between hare and Louck's mill. Finder will please leave at this office. Born â€" In Artemesis, on Monday, 27th inst, to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Breen, a daughter. Mrs. Andrew Wickens met with a painful accident last week. While pass- ing a team a collision occurred in some way and Mrs. W. bad her arm badly in- jured. As the time for looking up footwear for spring and summer, Clayton's have just received a choice assortment of Gent's Ladies' and Children's Boots and Shoes of the latest styles. Call and see them. Good goods and reasonable prices. Tenders will be received up to the 10th of April by the trasteesof S. S. No. 4, Osprey, for the building of a stone f-jund- atiou under school house. For particu- lars apply to Wm. S. Inkster, Sec, Ware- bam, Oni.. Mr. Sam Irwin of this place sold a span of general purpose horses to Mr. Albert Hanley of the 10th con. on Monday, the price being 9306 â€" a good figure. Our local Nimruda, Messrs. M. and A. Wilson and J. Wright, captured ten foxai and one coon on Monday. This tally is correct. Ask any of the gentlemen themselves if you don't believe ic. Mr. H. A. Willet has made a remark- able change in the Douglas drug store daring tho past few weeks. It is now thoroughly modernized. Paintiag, paper' hanging and carpeutoring have placed it beyond recognition as the old Medical Hall. New bottles, new stock, new prices, new everything make it a pleasure to deal in this store. Mr. Willet is making a strong bid for public patronage. Mrs. Brown, an elderly woman, of Caledon, who has been visiting some tnonchs with relatives here, died of pneumonia at the residence of " Uncle" Sandy Stewart in town on Monday, after a short illness. The remains were taken to Caledon on the Tuesday morning train. Deceased was 74 years of age and was a cousin of the gea'leman at whose resi- dence she passed away, and also of "Uncle" Sandy Stewart, l^st fall, or rather in the early winter, Mr. D. McTavish lost a valuable gold watch, which was hidden well away by the continued snowstorms. When the tbaw arrived last week a sharp search was made between the shop and residence. It remained, however, for Mrs. McTavish to discover the missing timepiece in the stable yard. It is stated that a reward was out for its recovery and, although Mrs. McTavish i* a member of the 6rm,she will press for payment of tho rewaid. If it is discovered some of these days that she is wearing a new gold watch of her own the public will know where it come from. During the past few weeks we have had several complaints of non receipt of The Advance from subscribers in tho North- west and western States. Perhaps if they had thoroughly understood the conditions of the nisil service id Ontario for the last four or five weeks tho publisher would not have como in for so much blame. The Advance has come out on time every week this winter, with Ihe exception of one week, when it was two days late. It is posted at this officp every Wednesday to all subscribers. But tho mail service hae been so cmipietuly demoralized that papers have been held up on the road unt 1 two and three weeks' issues have accumulated. Subscribers at a distance will thus understand where to place the delay. This paper is not alone. Every newspaper in the country has suffered in a like manner. Howover,now that trains are running satisfactorily and spring is near, subscribers should once more be receiving their papers regularly. Any who do not get their papers regularly from (his on will coiifur a favor by dropping us a card. We will temail lost papers and in- vite tho attention of the department to any irregularity in delivery, if we are informed of the facts. The services of Miss Buohan, organist of the First Methodist church,. Oweo Sound, have been secured for the choir concert in the Methodist church, Flesh- •rton, on Friday night next (Good Fri- day). Miss Buohan is well known as an expert manipulator of the pipe organ,and the general ] ublio will have the privilege of bearing her it\, a number of very fine telectioas at this coApert. Miss Annie RiohardsoD, whoso reputation sa^ finish- ed tlocutionist is well cstsblisbed, will dtaw o^jft «atic4 kod jiteaai^^rspsftuirs in making hit selections. The Misses Joy of Flesherton and Mrs, J. E. Fawcett of Toronto will furnish naw and choicn musio in solo and duett. The choir will sing several anthems. Altogether this promises to be the treat of the sea- Mon, and the church should be taxed to its fullest capacity. Come and enjoy one of lht< finest concerts ever given in Flesh- erton. Doors open 7 p.m., concert at 8. Admission 26 and 16c. Auction SalM A sale of farm stock and implements will take place on lot 141, 3rd range, S. W. T. &S. R., Artemeaia, the property of Mr. Thomas Snell, on Thursday, April 7, at 1 o'clock, Dougald McPhail, auc- tioneer. Mr. Jos. Cairns of Ceylon, will hold a sale of Slock, vehicles, etc., on Tuesday, April 5. At this sale he will dispose of his celebrated stallion Tomlinson and a clyde colt stallion. See bills for further particulars. D. Mcdirmick, auctioneer. A sale of farm stock and implements will be held on lot 46, con. 2, N.D.R., Glanelg, on Saturday, April 2, 1 o'clock. N. McDouBsId, proprietor ; D. MoCor- mack, auctioneer. Calomel Ruins the System And should only be used under a doctor's orders. For a mi,d physio take Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills nf Mandrake and Butternut. No gripe, no psin, certain relief for head- ache, constipation and torpid liver. Use only Dr. Hamilton's Pills, price 25o. Farm for Sale Beina Lot 193 & 194 North BaBt of Torouto A Sydenham road, contaiping 132 acres, 90 under cultivation, in splendid condition for orop. free of Btono, well fouced and watered, frae of wild weedei, havinR orchard and Hinall fniits. Good barn with track and other oat buitd'ingB, com- fortable house, 3} miloa from Prtfton, in Taylor Botttoment. Apply to W. J. MULLIi?, Proton Btwtion^ NOTE LOST The public are lieroby warnad SRainst noRO- tiatingfora promissory note dr&wn Fob. 18tli, 1003, \)j Jobn A. Scott, M,H., and endorsed by Thomas Scott, in favor of L. D. Sterling for the sura of two bnndred and eiglity-flvo dollars, said note baving been lost on or about March Oth, 1904. L. D. STBBLIN'G, Maxwell. Notice of Transfer Notice is hereby given that Josepb Cairns oC the (^uoeas Hottl. Ceylon inteuds to transfer the hctiuse of the paid hotel to D* 1>. MoLagblaii at the very oarllest time possible, of wbion all parties are bereby k'vsu notice. TenSfers Wanted. Tsnders are hsreby requested for the erec- tion of a brick obarch at Ceylon (Flesherton statiou), tenders to be banded to tlie under- signed up to Aiiril la, 1904. Tenders for a part or all of the work will be received. Plans and specification may bo bad by applying to S. HemiibiU, Ceylon. The lowest or any tender not uecessarily accepted. J.3.I.WIL8nN, pastor Farm to Rent. lis acres, 60 acres cleared and under cultlra- tioo. Good frame bou8e,log barn, well watered, 3 miles from Flesherton. Apply to W, H. HALES, Flesherton P. 0. IQIO. Durham Bull for Service TbeKegiatered Durham Bull, "KING EDWARD" Imp., will stand for Borvlce on lot 29, S.D, 1<.. for 1904. Kil)t{ ISdward is a dark red, good heavy bono and nutscle and well developed. He is tn only fair sorviceable condition and will lift the beam at twentv-two hundred lbs. and is yet in hor two-year-old class. PEDIGHEB KiuR Edward red. calved April 10th, 1001, brpd by .John YoiAig Tilbouries, Maryculter, Scot- land, iniportol in dam in lOOO by Charles Uankin. Wvobridge, Ont., qot by Scottish I'rinoB7ar.9!»,'<laio Kothnick Uoso, imp., â- SiiHl . bv Alan Gwvitne 60009, Rod Hose by Portland of Clunv 01<71i, I'osio and by Doctor GOGIG, Uo»io by Lieutenant 02843, Jilt 17th by Albert .'iiusoy, Jilt 15th b> (4ravesena 4(>401, Uonsido Claret by Vermont 47193,ClBrct 1st t)\ Dnko '28.)43, Clarot by Scarlet Vulvet lO'JlO, Barbara by Unrivalled 139-36, l!iabella by 'J ho Pnolin 701i!, Crocus by â- 2nd Ouko of Norf--bumberla()d 3646. Nora by Fillujy SISl.l'.inily by Billory 5131, Eliza by Yiiung iVestorn Comot lij7.'), Lady Hetty bv Diamond 90.'i,llotty by Kavorito £^(}[by Charge's Red liall 131U. TERMS Thoronghlired cows 85 ; grades Sl.SO, All payable 1st January, ISO.-). Uows served by this animal and not returned will bo collected for whether in ca;ror nut. \V. J. MBADS, Ca>lon.Ont. I In the matter of tho ostaio of Wni. Hoooy, late of the TowiiRhip uf Arteinetiaiu the county of GrcVt Farmer, deceased. NOTtCK (b berebv given purnuant to *'The RoTined Statiiton of Ontario^' lim, chapter I'iO, and aniondinft AotB, that all oreditorn and othorR having clainifl aRainAt the optate of ihe laid William Hooov. who died on or about the 4th dayof Docoinbor, A- D. 1003« are rvqnJred.on nr before the Eleventh day of April, 10(>4, to send by po«l prepftid or deliver to Musfira. Lucan. WriRht & MoArdle.Owuu Sound, Oi.t.. Solici tors for tho Toronto General TruetR Corpora- tion, the AdniiniHtratoiBof the Kntate nf the Raid dnceanod, thoir Chmtian and Kurnamt:8, a<1drossop and deRcrlptfona, the fnll itarticutam of thulr olaimn, the statement of their accounta and the nature of the sacuritioa, if any, hold bv them. AN'D take further notice that after snob lait mentioned d»te the Raid AdmiiiiRtratoni will proceed to dintribnto the aw^uttof the deonaae^ among the parties entittwl thereto. haviuR re- dard only to the olainm of whioli they nlitkli then have uotjoe, and that the said adniiniM- tratorn will not be liable for tho «Ud ai^^u, or any part ilittrcof toany pnrion or pei^pnt of whOB«c1aiDMtotioc Ktiatl ant bavt^b<^;) leoeiv. od by them iht tti« time o( ttuoQ >tivnbntioa. Dated tbit Mb day of Hafob. A. D. WOi. LUCAS, WniUBTAMcARDLR. 6oli^tontoc]lk« AdmlniMtratort. ^^illinoT'tf ^isfila'tj' Mrs. Sbeppard announoes ber first display of ready to wear hats for Wednesday ^ CH ursday, IHar* 30 $ 3>\ When she will be prepared to show all the new styles and invites all the ladies of Fleshertoa and the surrounding country to call ivnd inspect her display. Spring Goods to Hand at Last We have been very mnoh delayed getting in oar spring goods on account of the blockade, but now it is (?one and we are prepar- ed with a full line of Spring Prints, MnsHus, Ginghams, Shirtings, Cottonadea, ToweUing, Ready-to-wear clothing.Shirts, Hats, Caps, Crockery and Boots and Shoes. Our stock was all bought at the old prices and we have some very special raluea to offer and would invite inspection of our stock. Our Boots and Shoes Department is filled up with good makes such as J. D. King & Co., Williams Shoe Co., Sterling Bros., and other good niakeo, so that you can rely an getting good wear for your money. OUR READY TO WEAR CLOTHING STOCK is in good shapo and we are able to show you some lines that will be money savers to you. Call when you want a suit. We are giving to cash castomers special inducements â€" and would say to each customer paying cash to ask for a cupon. We want your trade and we think we can make it worth your while to call and see us. T. J. SHEPPARD Sproule's Block Flesherton <i^c^<j^o^mB:i^:(^o^<i^c^^ Choice Seeds. My first consignment of PERSONALLY SELECTED and VERY CHOICE Red Alaike and Mammoth Clover and Timothy seeds just received. These are very choice samples and the Prices are Right Your Inspection is Invited . i- W.J.Douglass MEDICAL HALL Flesherton _ i Railway Opening ^ We fully expect that the blockade is now t^ over and that freight trains wiU he runn- ing regularly this week... # W0 Have About a Train Load : W To coiriQ oo comprised of Drugs, Patent ^ Medicinea, Fancy Goods, Stationery, Oil- W- cakQ, Feeding StutFs, Clover Seed, 16 t'"^ Ij^xes Garden Seeds, Turnip, Mange), ; Beet„ Rape, carrot, and all kinds of field ^ and garden seeds of the best quality. i; €4l|i^ar|y» Ulbtti ttf^^ Stock is Full. ^ Any special seed of any kind you may - want we will get them for. you by retui'a mail. W. E. RICHARDSON & SON

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