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Flesherton Advance, 31 Mar 1904, p. 4

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.1 Mar 31 1904 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE <* miiiiidM I F, T. HILL & CO. | ^iiM^M^\ -. ' Excellent Values ID . .NEW SPRING GOODS. . Spring GfHids of almont every de»criptioii »re now ot^ming in with a ruih, Almnst every dollar's wortli was bought iMsfurn the rc-centsharp bdrance in prices, which oiakes il poasible to mark iifiuost everythini; at ur below OLD PRI(7E8. >Vhf B e»erylhing is in, whioli will be iho case very shortly, we will have the MOST COMPLETE iSTO'JK and BETST VALUES you have ever seen in Markdala. SEW LUSTRE AND DE LAINE BLOUSINOS Ovor 500 yards of the newest V/aist 0o3d» in the market, such as Lustres, DeLaiiies, French FUnnels, etc. These goods coine in every conceivable pattern and colorings, pittidfl, stripes, ddts, tfiiral elTiJCts, and the prices are Iho lowest we have ever sold new goods of ocjual quality for. Per yard 38, 40,46 and 48 HOML'SPUN SUITINGS Stypicces new Homespun Suitings, in light and dark, new flake etfects, spring weights, and all full 56 in. wi,dc Fur a haniifoiiiu, (^nrriceable spring suit there is liiurcelj anythini; that surpasses one of three ele- gjiiAt honwsp'jns. Per yard ^.10 and 120 LADIES' SKIRTS ' 48 Ladies Skirts just placed in stock. These are of beautiful, smoulli, plain cloths, liandscunely trimmed, and the most up-to-date styles for thi* spring's selling. If you want a real guod skirt at a moderate price do not fail til sKe these. Two prices (3.75 and $4.50. Other lines as low as 1.50 Misses Skirts, in dark gray and navy, beautifully trim med and made of exceptionally fine cluths. These are to be had in lengths of 36 and 30 inches and the price is, each 3.75 NEW TWEEDS (MILL ENDS) 500 yards new Tweeds, in mill en ds, ranging from 4 to 15 yards in length. Every yard of these will be sold at LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. %9mm MARK DALE Some particularly nice fine all-wool goods at 40c.,42i, 45 and 50. Nothing better ur cheaper for boy s school wear. COTTON ADES (AT OLD PRICES. ) 10 pieces extra heavy Cottonades, in splendid dark colors, ver/ special, at per yard 18 20 pieces "Star.dard shirtingss," extra width and weight, fast colors â€" the beat values yon'll see this season at the price, per yard 12^ BOY'S LONG BOOTS 75o 27 pairs Buy's Long Boots, wurtd up to $2.00,cluaring at per pair 76 â- il^-r. LADIES RUBBERS 25c. 66 pairs Lailies Rubbers, (nearly all sizes) worth 46 to 5dc, clearing at 26 OUR NEW WALL PAPERS are here We have practically everything you could pjssibly desire in New Wall Papers. ()ur stock includs all E rices from the lowest to the finest grades 2,000 Kmblx Rolls Wall Paper, with ceiling and border to nuUch, in the nicest designs and daitiliest colorings we we have ever seen at (he prices. We would like to shnn you the lines we are selling per double roll 8, 10, 12i 15 New Carpets and New Curtains in Abundance. WWW Mr. Barnhouse Watched On Thursday evening Iast,af ter prayer- niecting, a sucial evening vras hold in the Jleth odist church in honor of the depart- iag choir leader, Mr. W. Barnhouse,when luncheon wna served and a veryenjoyable couple of hours was spent. Rev. Ivison ^ViU<>n occupied the chair, and to begin the program called Mr. Barnhouae and Mr. W.J. Bellamy to the front. Mr. Bel- lamy road the sppended address ; Mr. J. poyd presented Mr. Barnhouse with a liandsume gold watch, Misses Minnie and Allic Joy each presented an easy chuir,all on bt-lialf of tliu coiigregutiun and choir. The recipient very feelui^'ly thanked the pjople for their kindness to himaelf and f >mily during thuir long residence here and invited everyone to call and see him when in Tiironlo. During the evening Mr. !f3arnhou»e nleo renderi.d a solo, which was ^luoh enjoyed. A iiuml>er of felicitous speeches were delivered. Mr.Barnhuuse's departure i» a distinct loss to the musical circles in FKshertun and at present the! poiition ho occupied cannub be satisfsct- i tirity lilled. The address as read by Mr, I Bellamy was as follows : To IVm. liiiriilvjxiae, Esq. Dear Bko. Baunhousbâ€" Wh, the mem- Itors of the choir and conirregntion of the F'lcshurlon Methodist church, have con gregatud thin evening to express our sin- cere regrets tha' you huve felt called upon to suvur yiiur conneciion with us, and also to evidence in B<mie tangible way our ap- pl'C'Cmtion nf your long, valued and faith- ful furviccs »s choir dirict^r, Sunday school 8Uperintendent,nnd in other oOicjtl realm ionships to the church, during your fiDJiiurn hero. Your unifurm oourtefy, ^wibiliry and fidelity in conducting the iliusicul pnit of our church services, have ih a very 8,>coi,il manner secured 'or you (he grat.tude and es:eem of the whole oon^rugatioiiand placed us under an obli • ition we can never hope to dischargn. In t e church and social life of the com iiiuiiity, yo'u and yuur family will Ih) gr a ly m 8S^4i and your depaiture creatos a gap that will not easily be lilled. We re- ijnesiyou t« kindly accept th â-  watch for voursalf, and thifsa chairsfor yourself and ^ra BarnltOusi*,' aJi tt^^uvenirs nf your con- nection with the Pleshtrto^ Method. nt church, artd as a slight exureiyion of our ^fatitade afid^teem? We wul^ j^ovi and your fninily every happinask »q^° suco««i ill yiiur new sphere of activity' t^^ ip M&euoe. W. J. HtLLauY- J.ti.IvisoN WlLBO;i n«ah«rton. Mar. 24, 1»04. â- ^ â€" â-  •â- 'i ^ n -=^ An Exprepfipn of firatUml^^ To the Kditur of 37t« Adttnet : DtAR Sir, â€" Allow me a short space in ynur paper lo aipreiui my eratitude tu th* poop'* of FlusherUiii for the many kind- tieasea rendered to myself ail'd" i.iaii/ daring our sojourn her«. Wi( 'fetl idai «» are leaving many warm frii/hds to whom we owe a Uating Jsbt of miilud*, §9 mueb ia tkU th« om« kh*t I fasUi^^ <mallest return I can make is to thus publicly express my thanks. And to those many friends who have extended to ine their much appreciated patronage in .he course of business during^ the past twenty-seven years I would also extend my heartfelt thanks. Our relations have always been harmonioas and mutually satistactory so fur as I am aware. My dearest wish is that peace and prosperity may be the portion of the people of Flesherton ai:d vicinity. Our ways have parted hut may the tender cords of friendship be never broken. W, BAKNHOUSE. Owen Sound has a sensation in the murder of a newly-born babe, whose Itody was found Friday by children. Appar- ently it had lain in a snow-bank on Peel street for six or seven weeks. It was wrapped in nig carpet. The body was taken tothe morgue, wheri< it was found that a cord, like a shoe-string, was wound around the babe's ueck, and pulled tiyht enough to strangle it. This, the poltcc consider, is sutticlent evidence that the child was murdered by its unnatural mother. The Atiorncy-Uen- eral has l>een noiitied, and it is expected that a special ofllcer will be sent here to look into the case The body is that of a healthy, well formed infant. Thocoroni-r tliinas il was alive when left m the snon- I bank. eXAMINATrON FREE Defects scarcely noticeable In children assume dangerous proportions with advancing years. A proper correction now will prevent serious complica- tions later. W. A. Armstrong, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN FLESHERTON. Cook*s Cotton Root Compoand. liSdtea* FsTorlta, Is tbe only safe, relt«l>14 reguUitor on wblcti woman can depend "In the tiouc and time of need." Prepared in two degreea ot •trengtti. No. 1 and No. 2. No. 1.â€" For ordinary cases Is by far tlie best doUac medicine known. Ka. 2â€" For special cases â€" 10 Oegrees Stronger â€" three dollars per box. Xjadiesâ€" ask your druncist for Oook'a Cotton noot OMnponmd. Take no other as all pills, mixtures and imitations are dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold and recommended by all dru^griate In the Do- minion of Canada. Mailed to any address on receipt ofprice and (our 2-cent postaga BtAmpb Cook Companr, No land two ara sold iu Klexherton l>v W B Biahaidsou and W J Douglata, D n^gUts. VUTANTED A m%n »o represent "Canada's Great- EST NUBSIRIBS" ID the towu of FLESH BUTTON and the surrounding country, and lake orders for Qur Rardy Specialists In ItitiiiT Tbem. Shalt. FKtiiTs, Ornambhtam, Shrubs, Rasbh, ViNM, 8««n PoTAToBS, etc. Stocl^t^uQ to na'ne and fr«tt from San Jpii'a Scale. A permanent position for the riKhyAian un otUier salary ur com mission. Stone & Wellington I "â- ' PONTMILL NtJRSBRietl (ivei 800 acr«||^ Toronto -. OaUrlo HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to get the beat Photos is at BULMRR'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. SPECIAL ATTENTION Wo pay Special Attention to Copying and tSabies' pictures. Pi.:ture fram- ing a specialty. Try us for any kind of pictures and we will pnmiiseealisfaction. Sydenham street. Flesherto 1) l^ood's Pboaphodlne, Tks OtmI Eagltak Hiiiito, Laa old, well astao- led and rellabls preparatioa. Hasbaao prescribed and nasd ovsrIU years. AUdrof- gists i a tha Dominion of Canada sell and laoommsod as beioi B^br* «MMl AJUr. JKf^'lv'^*'"'*** '3 Its kiad that oarea and itvas snivnsal saUsfaetioii. I* pn>mptljr and parmaoaaUj eoras all forms of Acrucuj ITeo*- MtJ, KmimrioH*, apermatorrhaa. Impoitneyi, aad all •ffeotaot abase or aaeaases; thaasMsdvt •aaol Tobateo, Opium or ^Otimutanlt, Mtntal and BnUn Worry, all of wbieh lead to Inflnalti, Euanitr. Oooaaniiiftioa and aa larly Qni*. frisa M nrpaokata^slx tot IL One wOJ mt*9lt^m. agdfwfraaiymphlat. ASiitm Wood's Phofphodin* U aoM la n«*b«Tto>i b) DsoBlaaa * Co., aal W HBl«l.a;<saB.Dtba(tiU BOYD, HICKLING & CO., FLESHERTON, ONT. EASTER millinery Opening "Wednesday and Thursday March 30 and 31. We have pleasure in annonncing- onr Spring Millinery Opening as above and cordially invite the presence of the ladies of the vicinity. Our head Milliner, â€" ^/ft/ss Watson Comes to us very highly recommended, having had considerable town and city experience. She and her assistants are busy preparing a large display etf tbe latest Millinery creations which wdl be on view on the opening day.s. Our Dress flaking: Department As already announced opened for business this week under the superintendence of MISS HOWARD and is already busy with orders. Ladies' desiring work done in the future will do well to see Miss Howard and arrange for it, as we fully anticipate a very busy season. A Big Bargfain in Men*s Felt Hats at 75c. 65 Men's Felt Hats, including Stiff Hats in black fawn and brown ; soft hats in black;brown, grey and pearl shades. All sizes from 6f to 7^. These are chiefly odd hats from some of our best selling lines of last season and sold in the reg- ular way all the way from $1.00 to $2.25, me clear tbem out new at 75e. See tbem in tbe tti^ndow \ ! A Big: Range of Ladies' and Men's Raincoats For Spring Showers. An Extra Special in Men's suits . Before our spring clothing ariivos vie i want to clear out a pile of Msn's Suiis, cunMsting; of lines of which Only one suit n left. These were some nf our best sellers, and if you ne«d one every day suit now, or are likely to do during tbe next six months, it will pay you well to buy one of these. All sizes from 36 â€" 42 are ropr(^8•nted and the patterns are goodâ€" neat dark patletns in checks and stripes,some single and some double breasted, wall made, tinished and triromtd. Some 16.60 suits are in tha lot, none sold ItM than f6.00 rfgulai'ly. All SelliiH^Nowfor$3.9!|., ' I I

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