Mar 24 1904 THK FLESHKBTOM ADVANCK The Markets. Carefiillr C«rrerted Eiieli Week 0*U 29 •• 29 p,,ui flO • 82 B*rleV <fi '• *5 Cutler 20 U 16 Kgns fresh 16 •• 18 ^,k C 35 t» 6 28 OhickciiB per ib 8 le 10 OuckH per lb 7 »o 7 Tuckeys per lb 12 »• 13 OeeAS without heads.. 8 '• H»y B M »• « 00 Potatv«t b»it »* »• 35 Our Clubbing List •Advonce, *Herald and ♦Tor..nto World, daily tS 26 Toronto Daily News -186 Weekly Globa 1 80 MftilEmpire 1-80 Family Herald & Star 1.80 TiTOUto Star J 1.80 Farmers Sun 1 .80 AU above prices include The Advance and Montroul Herald, if paid n advance only. Early subscribers, get est value for their money. rusbertan Furniture UParerooms. Woare carryin? the newsst ityles of seasonable goods in all lints of Furniiture, consisting of: Parlor and bedroom suits, lounges, sideboards, extension and centre tables, cliiiirh, window shades and curtain poles, picture", easels, etc., Which we offer at LOWSET PRICES Picture Framing and General Re- pairing. UndertaUin^ in all its branches. Satisfaction guaranteed. ^ W M. Bunt, - - Prop. Falling out Hair If tnis is '.lia case, call and Besui and we will pruveut it ooing eo by applying out wonder-. lul remedy. Highly Recommend Wo have uRod its wonderfiill many in tliin towu aud aurroiiiidl dls on and all who liavo uudergone treatm rotrict meaii it vtjry highly, coim- No Cureâ€" No Pay A. WILSON Barber FLESHEBTON BIG . . STOCK Vr'b liavo ju8t reoeired in siook on* of the flnotit aBsortmentB of BLANKETS AND ROBES In the markat and can favor yon with "•â- I, any roquiremeots jou wUIdsmI in tbat '. 'â- lino] Also a laria oonilftDmaot of ImttaMon PERSIAN LAMB COATS. Wa have a fine oollaotlon «t eoats to to seleot from. Ail Sold at Lowet Llvlof Prices vr m:. bi o o r e: fl/I UST BE SOLD The balance of our winUr atook bM to be gold ai onoe, and lo do this «• realize tbat price ii the onlj way (o dispose of it bo LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS Never have you had th« obanoe offered to you before. Look down this lidt and theu ooma aud make year puroliascB. LadUs' High Over>iho*8,r«){ 91.76 now 9 1 36 6 prs.only Men's ICant Kraok rub- bers 9» 50, now 3 00 14 pairs only Men's 6 in. top Kant Kntck rubbt-ra, reg. 93,n»i». . 2 60 3 pairs linysonubuckle rubber,r«g 91.6o,iif.w 1 36 1 doz pairs lianry sox, r«g 76c,now AO i, dot pairs heavy sox, rcK00o,iio# 46 Man's IrggingH from 91.25 to 3 00 One iloz iiiirK iimlerwttar, all wo«l r«ii fl fiO now 1 30 One do/, So its Undurwoar, un- hliriiikable 9l)c, n^iw 75 Of<e doz HUits ttiieca lined, rrg 90c, n .w 76 One doi! W.I >1 llei'ced, rejj f 1 50 no* I 10 3 laJi.istiir ru!^.r^^92.76,now... 2 25 ;i fur, rou ?2 50, now 2 00 a fur cti[)!i, ri;n ;H)0, now 2 50 DO NOT MHS THIS OII.\N(^K WHILE IT LAST.S R. Kinnear &Sons .... MAX'VrjLL .... Auers For hard colds, bronchitis, asthma, and coughs of all kinds, you cannot take any- thlQ£ better than Ayer'i Cherry Pectoral Cherry Pectoral. Ask youi own doctor if this is not so. He uses it. He understands why it soothes and heals. " I had a t«rrlbl« eosfta for wMk*. Than I took â-²jrsr't (cherry Pcotonl and oalj on* bottio c4impl«t«)y cored ma.** MBS. J. B. DkxwoKtn, St, Jotapb, tUeh. ae.,50o..(1JX). All iniiK\tU. J. 0. ATmB CO., M „ Lowall, Mali. Coughs, Colds You will hasten recovery by tak Ins on* of Ayer'a Pills at bedtlmo. 1 horoughbred Durham Bull for Service Cord mittto, 290b$. The undersigned has a tine aged Durham Dull for service od lot 141, T. aud R. B. Termsâ€" 81 for grade oowa, tS lor tboroDgh- breds. Pedigree on application JACOB LBiVEIi Flesberton F.O Business Cards UT'CUIilXJUaH A YOUNG *U. Danker Markdale Oo a general banking business. Money loaned a reasonable rata Call on as. RJ SPBOOLB Postmaster, Flesberton ,^mmi38ioner in H.O.J., Auctioneer Con- veyanoer. Appraiser and Money Lender Baal Estate and Insurance Agent. Deeds mortgages, leases and wills carefully drawn up aud valuations inado on sborteac notice, money to loan at lowest rates of Ittierost. Col eotions attended to witb promptness cbargos low. Agent for Ocean Dominion Htaamsbip Company. A call solioited . Societies AO U 'W meets on the last Monday m eaiju moritb, in their lodge room, Christoe's block. FtuBiiorton. at 8 p.m. M.W., A. Uarriaou ; Itocorder, iJas. Kelstuad ; Fioan- oier, W.J. Bellamy. Visiting bretbicD liivitcd. PBINCB AUTHTR LODGE, No. S8S, A. A U, meets in tbe UaRonicball. Strain's block. Flesberton, every Frirlay on or before the full moon. F H W Hiskling W M. Cbas Uunsbaw, Sekretary. COUBT FLE8HERTON, I. O. F. meats in Christoe's Block the last Friday evening each month. Visiting Foresteia heartily valoome. 0. U.. C. W. Bellamy ; II. O., W. Buskin ; Flu. Bee. .Dr B. Murray. (Pay dues to Dr, Murray on or before last day of eaob month.) Medical OB OABTRB >â- M C P « 8 Ont, Pbysloiao, SargeoB, ate Oltos and residanoeâ€" Pater St., Fleshartoii DB. BCOTT, M. B., Maxwall, Ont. B. M. BEID, M.D.O.M,, Physlelan, Bargaon and Acconebenr, lata e( N. T. Poetcrad. Hadical Sobool, N. T. liyiug-lu Hoapltal and St. Luke's Oanaral BaapltaL OtUwa Jr OTTBWBUi Vatarloary Bargaon Oradnat* of Ontario Tatsrlnary Osllaga, ra«id*a«* â€" aaaond door aontb wast on Mary street. Ttais strssi raSa seath Frasbyterian Oharota. HWILBON, Blaaksmitb • 'iradaaU of the Vakarinary Beianaa Aasealatlou. Basidauoa, Dnibam Street, ap- postta Boyd, HiokUbs's bardwars. Legal J. W. PBOST, L L. B. Barrister, Solloitor UonToyanoer. ata olBoaâ€" Next to poatolDea, Bproole's bloek P'.jitaartou, every Thursda and, eonrt days N H-Uwan Sound olbae, Frost* block Poulett street east. LUCAS, WRIGHT * McABDLB Barristers Holloitors CoiiTeyaneera, ate Offloesâ€" Owan Hoand.Ont and Markdale Out. W H Wbiout, M0ABDI.B I B Ldoas N Hâ€" Flesberton omoe, Mitehell's Bank every Saturday. MACKAV A SAMPSON .Barristers, solicitors. OFFICES 1â€" Owen flrund. Merchant's Hank Block, N. of Patt'irson Uouse. Dnudalk ain Htriiet, every Haturday. UoiiMv to loan at 4) per cant. A. 0. MaCKAY, ma., H.H. 8AUPHON, L.L.D Always In attendance at Flesberton aud Duudalk DlvUion Courts. Dentistry UK. E C. MURRAY, I-, D. H. dcr.tal snrge'in lioons arH.lmito of Toronto Uiilvnraity and lloyal <""I1b!!m of DoiUal S.nKfoiis of Ontario. Olrfi-e- Oiiponifo ArioHtrong's J««ol1i>ry Store. Will vui» Maxwell thw l«st W^lnctdav sf ench mniith, and Duudalk 1 aud !> XtaariJay in SuVli no. D |R E JWould on Buttor Complaiiitt »r« received from kiina to time, St the Dairy Division, Oitavrs, re- garding the appearaiiee of would on the parchment paper liiiinKs of batter panic- ages. Id aome rases i* is said >o have P'-netrated the butter for some dia'aiice. Mould is a minute and low form of plant life. It (irowB from seeds, which are called spores, siid which develop only in the presence of moisture and wbvre they have a suitable suppl; of food. Mould will grow readily uu damp wood ; hence the necessity for keepini; the interior of a creamery, and especially the refrigerat ing room, as dry as possible- Poorly constructed refrigerstorsare apt to l>e damp, because the warm air which gtsts in from outside carries moisture with It, which is deposited on the cooler sur faces of tbe walls, floors and packages. Frequent and prolonged opening of the doors also causes dampness. Prevention of mould in the 'aclory. â€" It would be a good thing for the creamery owners, as well as for the trade generally, if it were compulsory to have all cream- eries tboccuxbly disinfected every spiiui; before uperations begin. The spores of mould, and other (;erms which cause bad Harots, are destroyed if the work is prop- erly done. It is a comparatively simple and inexpensive operation, if the fullow- ii.g plan is adopted. Methods of disinfection,: â€" Wash the whole interior of the creamery, including walls, ceilings, floors, posts, shelving, etc., with a solution of one part of bi- chloride of mercury to one thousand parts of water. Apply with a brush and scrub weir wherever applied. The bi-chloride of mercury (corrosive sublimate^ may be procured in a tablet form, of the right strength to make the above solution by adding one tablet to every piut of water used. This subsisnce'ia a deadly poison and must be handled itUSh 'every care and precaution. Formalin may also be used, either as a spray or by being allowed to evaperate from a sheet of cotton susptnd- ed in the room, when the doors, windows and other openings are tightly closed. It requires about five ounces of pure forma- lin to disinfect 1000 cubic feet. Prevention of mould on butter : â€" As » preventive of n.ould on butter, the fol- lowing proctice is highly recommended : Soak the parchment paper linini{s, im- mediately before using in a saturated brine to which has been added one ounce of pure formalin to three gallons of brine. Place the paper in the boxes without drying. Keep the brintf in a special cov eraa vessel. Boil the brine every week and add fresh formalin in the same prop- ortion as at fa rst. This treatment has been found ctTective iii the government cri-aineries in the Northwest Territories, whore (here was a g;i'ekt deal of trouble with mould at one time, aud has given good H»tisfikcti(m wherever it has been properly carried out. Care of parchment paper- and eir.pty boxes:â€" Probably ir.-jch of the inuuld on butler is due to the infection of the paroh- aient paper as it lies about tho creamery without any protection and not always in a dry place. Tho spores do not develop on the <lry paper, but as soon as it comes in contact with tbe butter there is sufii ciont moisture to encourage the growth of the mould. The parchment paper and empty packages should be kept in a thoroughly dry, clean place. ^ Quality of parchment paper important. Only the very best vrgi^table parchment paper sh'juld be used. Inferior paper encourages the growth of mould and does not protect the butter. Much of tbe pnper is too light in weight. A ream of 600 sheets measurine 60 x 12^ iuchca should weigh at least 40 pounds, and the same num^r of sheets 38 x 12| should weigh not less than 30 pounds, and other sites in proportion. Yours very truly, W. A. CLEMONS, ^ â- fttblicatioa Clsrk 5kk at Your 5toaMKfa Perhaps feeling as if tbe bottom had dropped out of your life. It'a Ksrviline you want. Nothing leatoree quiet and order to the stomach to quiekly. All s'liieamithnefs «od nauaea aoef tumy the minnte 70a take NetTilioe and mi extra dose or two is alwajrs siiffioieot to aet you up in first olaas shape. Nerviline ia au old tested remedy for stomach and bowel iroublea and always can be relied on. Bold in Urge 86e. buttlea. â- i«^ â- a • ^ Joseph Wardman, Beeton, was fined 910 and costs for allowinir iniuort to throw dice for drinks in his hotel. The man who says he can do all the busiitasa he wants to without advertising would be wonderfully surprised if every other business man thought the same snd the weekly newspaper quit the field. Nobody is foolish enough t<> think that the men who spend thousands of dolUrs anuually iu advertising are doing this purely in*a philanthropic regard fur^poor editol-s. These parlies are advertising to make money for themsalves and for no other purpose. â€" Ex. As an illustration of how a little country viUaite may become in- timately associated with tho names of tho prominent men who shape the destinies of CsBiida we may take liondhcad in 8imc<>e conniy. Ther« Sir William was l><>rn in 1843. There Canon Osier was rector and reared three talenicd sons, the late E. B. Oslt'r,Judce Osk-r and Professor Osier of .Johns Hop- kins Unircrsity. There Dr. William Kr»- ser labored for half a century in tho Prtsbyttrian church, being for very many year* clerk of the Ouneral AsHenihly, and riariid a l.irge family three of whom have attained pNmiinonco , Dr. J. B. Fiaser, for K'lino tiny) aaspciati'd with Dr. McKiiy in Formo.-is. now iiiiaister at A«ii»ii ; Piofcssor \V. II. Fraaer, in CALLED RHEUMA- TI5M. There is a great deal of pain and ache termed Rben- matic â€" someUmes called Kidney pain. The back aches, shoulders, side, and hips. A cold wlU canss pals and distress In tbe back. Kidney and Bladder troable. In eases of tbb kind use Antl-FUl and see how qotcUy yoa will get reUef. It aeU on aU the Urge glands of the boif. Any cos who donbts sboaUl write lor a free sample to Wiuox-Fti,b Co. Niagara Falls. Ont Dr. Leoohardt's Aatl-Ffll to a perfect System TVeaV meat Price, SO csats. ^ charse of Ita'ian and Spanish in the University of Toronto, and Rev. ]', Douglas Fraser, the energetic iiianauer of the Sabbath S,;bool Publiattions of the Presbyterian church in 0»nad.i. There also was born Judife Mnb»(Ty,>>f Muakohs, and, if we mistake not, his brother, Mr. A. A. Malmffy, M. P. P. for Munkoks. On an adjoining farm, too, the late Sen- ator Landerkin was brought op. That honesty is the best policy was exemplified to one prrRon in a costly manner on Wednesday of this week. A farmer named John Cnirncross, an Amabel resident, bargained with Saul Putman for a cord of maple curdwood at $5."' He delivered a nice half cord and collected his money. Saul gave the case to Chief Grasser, who meaxured the wood, and then laid a complnint against the man from Amabel. Yesterday Mr. Cairncross come to town through tho storm and refunded to ,T. M. McNab, J. P., $2.50 on the wood deal and paid in^o court $7 62 for his experience. It served hitn right. â€" Southampton Beacon. Transacting Business . e e It is impossible to go through life without Some Bin-iness Ti';icia'icti'jiis. To siiniilfv such matters anil make them profilahle yoa should have m Bu-iinena Education such as is given at the C A, Fleming, Principal^,. OWEN HOUND, ONT. Spring Term betjins April 4th, 1904 PECULIAR TO MEN AND WOMEN I It i« sad to contemplate the nnfortnnate condition of eo many men of our day and generation. At 30 they feel SO: at 40 they IttX 60, and at SO when they should be in the very prime of life, they are almost ready for the grave The fire of youth has gone out, the fountain of vitality is exhMisted. Premature old age! No matter what produced it, whether 1 evU habits in youth, later excesses, or business womes, the one thing for yon to do is to get back the vim, the vigor and vivacity of manhood. Don't lose your grip on life. There are yet many happy, golden years lor you ii you only get help. We can and will not only help you, but cure you to stay cured. Curing diseases and weaknesses of the nervous I and sexual system has been our exclusive business for the past 30 years, durine -which time we have Cured enough faUen men to make an army. OUR NEW METHOD TREATMBNT will restore to you what you K* purifiea and enriches the BLOOD, strengthena the NBRVES, vllalizes the sexual organs, checks aU unnatural drama and losses and I fits a man for the active duties of life. Ourmm Oumfsmieed err Mo P9(j» Wa tnat and car* Bl*«dl Poleoa. Varteseele. Btr«et«M«. Glea*. I n^.I^rl>M,I^I!V»wS -WMUiaaa*. Kl«saay and Bladder dUaaaea. '''cOhStoTAxIm SbB«. M anabJe tflTSlC writ* lot a g...«loia I Blank far Boss* TrestUsMi*. Dns.NENNEDY&KERGAN tSB Sb9U^ Si„ DETROIT, miCH. â- • TMva ia Detroit. 3«0,000 C«r«d. Bank aeMavMr. K f\ K K â- « ^f^ Bargains in : m # Buggies, Wagons, jj ii and e a Harness . . BICYCLSB At D. McTAVIShI \> agone. im EisifRiflii immi For First Class Dugwies, Carts, PleiiHoro and Lumber cutters. Sleighs. We koep a Rtnck on li«nil V' cluiosc from. ALSO HOkSE SHOEINQ ANDQENERAL BL.XCKSMITHINQ and uUHiaiiteo first cUrn woik. We keep on hand Ploughs and Plough rop:iii!!, and al.«o Massey- Hams and Nwxon reiisir.'i for liiiitler,>, Mowtia, til kinds of in-ii-hineiy, also Binder Twine on hand. lUben in tou)n give us a call m