Mar 17 1904 THE FLESHKBTOK ADVANCE T3i0 Markets. Carefully Correrted Each Weeh Oat* Pea. Barley . Duller K|!f;N frosh I'ork Chickens |iHr lb Ducks per lb Tuckoys per lb Ovu&u without heads.. liny A'umtoes haa 2!) -o 29 GO o n2 45 to 4b aO.U 15 15 -,• 15 C S5 ts C 25 8 (o 10 I'lo 7 12 ke 13 8 •« » e 00 to e 00 3e so Sf) Our Clubbing List •Advance, *Henild and *Tori.nto World, diiily 13 25 Tordiito Diiily News 1 85 \V.-(,kly OKibu s 1 80 Mivil-Kiiipire 1-80 Kainily llrriild & Star 1.80 Toronto Star 1-80 Furmet.i Sun 1 -80 All above prices iiicludu Tlie Advanco iind Monlri;.'.! Herald, if pnid n advance iiiily. E-trly subscribers; get est value for their nmnoy. k ?]e$l)2rtdn Furniture | J lU^rerodms* ^ ?. Wo are carry ini; the newest styles 5 of seasonable j^ijods in all lines of ^ Kurnilturc, consialini; of : ^ Pirlor and beilrooni suits, lounges, ^ sideboards, extpnsion and centre ^ tiiUli;.-', chairs, window shadfa and % curiam po!fS, picturen, easels, etc., > Which we offer at t LOWSET PRICES ti^ Picture Friimins and Genond Ro- ^ p:iiiin;4. IJndertaUin; in all its (? l)i»nclii!3. Satisfaction guarunteecl. ^ W. H. Bunt, - - Prop. Falling out Hair If this Istho aas.i, cull iiml auo ii3 and wo will piGVfcut it. uoiutj 8j by ai>\)lyini; our woudor-. lul ruuiuily. Highly Recommend Wi) havo UHod its woiuU^lf nil many in lliia towu and surrinitidl dls p" aiid xll who liavu iiuder^'jue tt'uatiu rot''ict uioud it vuiy highly. coia- No Cure â€" No Pay. A. WILSON FLKSHKUTON Barber BIG . . 5TOCK Wu liavo just rocoivod in Bioek outt of tho fluuBt assortmoutH of BLANKETS AND ROBES ill ilio luarluitatiil can favor you witli any roquiremoiits you will need in tbab liuoj AUoa largo coti8it*ninonk of ImitatioD PERSIAN LAMB COATS, Woliayo a fine oollooiion pf eoata lo to Bulect from. All Sold at Lowet Living Prices IHT IVf . M O O RIB ;V\ UST BE SOLD Tlio bulftnce of onr winter stock bas to bo auld u( ouca, and to do this we realize llmt prioo in tlie onlj jway to dispose of it so LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS Nnvoi' have yon liad ibn clianoe olferod to yon before. Looli do'.vn this li.4t and tlicu coino and make your purchases. 'tjidics' iligli OvarHhoas.rsK $1.75 MOW $ 1 35 8 prs.oidy Men's Kiint Krack luh- bnra 83 50, i.oir 3 00 14 p'iirii only Men's in. top Kant Krack rubhurH, rog. t^ 2 60 8 psiri lioys one-buckle rubl)cr,r>g fl fio.iiow 1 3,5 1 (lo2 |)»n< lii-avy mx, rog 7<>o,now 60 % do/, (Mirs huA'y aoi, rrj; (>0':,iio« 4$ M<ii ri Irgg ngs from 91.26 lo 2 00 One doz.uitH iiiidArwear, all <ro>d r.-j 91 6t) now 1 30 One diiz H'lits Unileroear, uii- slirinkalde 90c, now 75 Oi.o dor. Huits lleece lined, r»g OOo, n..w 76 One d<iE V/o >\ llei-oed. reg fl 60 n.i>r 1 in 3 ladiiilnr ruir<.r*Kt2.76,iioW... 2 26 li fur en PH. rog $2 M, now 2 00 S fur i;.i|)f, rotf 3 00, now 2 6 J DO NOT MISS Tins CHANCE WHILE IT LASTS5 R. Kinnear & Sons ,.,, MAXWKLL .<•• Ai/ers One dose of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral at beddme prevents nigtit coughs of children. No croup. No bronchitis. A Cherry Pectoral doctor's medicine for all affections of the throat, bron- chial tubes, and lungs. Sold for over 60 years. •* I haTt) «ied Ay«r*i Chorry Poctwral tn my familT for eijrht years. There Is nutlih»jt .<|unl to )t for rotii;hi and colds. ««prcl. Mr forclill- dieu." â€" Maa. W. U. B&vuvb, Skelby, AU. »e..SBc..tlM. AUdrurjisJs. for J. 0. ATTER OO.. Lowell, Mii3*. Night Coughs Keep the bowel* open with ono of Avar's puis at bedtima, Ju>t ene. Ihoroughbred Durham Bull for Service Cord minto, 2^06$. The undersigned has a fine afied Durham Bull for service on lot 141, T. and B. R. Termsâ€" SI for Rrodo cows, *3 for thorough- breds. I'udigroe on a|iplication JACOB liGVEIt Flesbertou F.O BUSINE.SS Cards M'OULLOUGH & YOUNG liankor Markdale Do a general bankhig businoss. Mouey loaned a ruaaouable rate Cull on ua. RJ BPROULK Postmaster, Floshortoa v.otumiflaionor in H.O. .T., Auctioneer Con- voyancev. Appraiser and Money Leudcr ileal I'jstiitn and lusuranco Agent. Deeds ivortgttgos, loarttis an'i wills carefully drawn up ami valuations made on chortost uetice, money to loan at lowest vatuR of interest. Col ootlom attoudod to with promptncBS charges low. .\gont for Ocean Dominion Stcaujbhip Couipauy. A call solicited. Societies AO U W moeta oi« the last Monday in oacii montl). In their lotiRo room. OhriHtow'H block. i-'Ieittiorton. at 8 p.m. M.W., \. Harrison ; ItocorcJer, .Jub. KolstoaU ; Finaii- cior, W.J. iltsliumy. ViBitiuj; broLbKCL icvilod. pUINOB ARTnTU LODUE, No. Him. A. t A M, uicotH in tho MasoniohaU. Strain's block, Flof^litrtou, every Kviilay on or before tho lull inocu. K H W Uickling WM. Cbaa .Vluucbaw, aecretary. pOUltT FriRSHKItTON, I. O. P. moots in 'J ('briHtoo'H Block the laHt Friday evoiiini: each month. VisitinR ForoBteis boartily roic'omo. C. U.. (!. W. H«llaniy ; U. C, W. Buskin ; Flu. S<in..|>r K. r.lurray. (Pay tlucH to Dr, Murray uti or before last day of uaub mouth.) Medical Dn cvhtkh M C P A S Ont, Physician, finri:oon,6te Oflloe and rosidouceâ€" Peter St., Flesherton DK. BOOTT, M. D., Maxvoll, Ont. R. M. UKID, M.D.C.M,, Phyfiician,'Burceou and Accouchrnr, late of N, T. PoBtgruil. Medical School, N. Y. Ijyijp-in IIiHpltuI and St. Luke's (ieueral Hospital, Ottawa T P OTTRWELIi » Vetoi-iuary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary rollegn, rodiileiice â€" B-3cond door south west on klary street. This street ruas south Presbyterian Uharcb, H WILSON. BlaokPmith â- Iraduatu nl the Ve'orlnary Science .\BHOciation. Uesidence, Durham street, op- posite Iloyd, Hickliiig's hardware. Legal J. W. FnOST, L Ij. u. Barrister, 8oIIoltor Conveyancer, eta ofBceâ€" Next to postoQlco, Bproule's block F'.:ihorton, every Tbursda and, court daya N IIâ€" Owen Hound oUloe, Frost* btook Pouleti street east. LU0A9. WBianT A McARDLB Karristora Holicltora Oonvoyancers, ete Ofnces--Owan Sound, Ont and Markdale Ont. W H Wbkiht, MuAnniiH I II Lcois N D-Flcshoiton office, Mitclieiri Bank •very Haturday. MACKAYASAMP50N .Barristers, snilcltort. OKFIOKH Iâ€" Owen Krund, Merohnnt's Bank lllonk, N of Pattnrsou lionse, Lnodalk aiu Htroot, every Hstnrday. M'>nBv to loan at H per cent. * A. n.MACKAY, M.A., H.lC.HAMPSON,Ii.L.n Alwa>'» In attendance at Flesherton and Dundalk Division Courts. Dentistry njl. B C. MUBRAV.Ij.O. S. flertai surgeon U honor craduata of Toronto University and Rnval ('oll»^«. of nonlal S.irgcons of Ontario. O'llse -Opposite Armstrong's Jewellery Store. Will vlHit Maswall thrt last â- Wednesday •f sash month, auJ Ouudalk 1 and S Tkartday In uach U.O. Egg and Bacon Trade, 1903 The following it the report of Mr. A. W. Grindley, ai{ent of the Department of Agriculture in Great Britain, regarding an important branch of the Canadian ex- port trade in food product!. Tho Canadian cjjg trade ia in a good way, best brands »ellini{ aa high as freah or Danish selected The eggs are chiefly shipped in the Canadian bu.x, with tillers holding thirty di'Zen. Tbettyleof package is popular and being of good ijuality gives general mttiefaciiun. A liniiied number of ui.'gs are shipped in the foreign box which holds twelve loi:g hundred (1440 egja). Tho eucs in large cases are packed in straw or exculaior and are put up il( this style at the re<iuest of tlie importers. Cont^inental and Irish eg^s are packed in lliis style of package. ituth fresh and glycerines have come forward lain in the year in larije quanti- ties ; the (|uality vuui good, but the total shipments have not been so large, owing to scatcity of eggs in Canada. According to a book recently published in llu.ssia, that country boasts of having left Donmaik behind as regards export of e(;g8. Russian competition in butter, eggs and poultry is becoming more serious by reason of adoptii.g up to-date ineihods.and these products are becoming uiuih more popular on the Bri'.ish markets, owiny to the improved iju.ility. Russia, Denm.irk and other foreign countries are now taking gieater care in selecting, grading and packing eugs, as well as getting them uiarkfsteil as fresh as possible. These foreign eg'/s now arrive regularly several days every week, aa well as reg- ularly eveiy week of the year. The bulk of these eggs are perfectly clean, and are graded into aa many as six sizes, so that to-day the British importer is not inclined lo speculate as in former years, and will have little of anything to do with stocks which hare been held in cold storage. Ah Canadmn exporters have to meet this competition, great^i'aro must have been taken in selecting and sending for- ward only BL'ga ftliicn are perfectly fresh, clc-w and graded into sizes. During 1903 Ihc United Kingdon im- ported 18,848,897 great lumdreds (120) of cugs, valued at £6,617,010. Canada's simre of this largo trade amounted to only 5r)7,080 urtat hundnds, valued at £218,- 571. The imports from Rtissia amounted to £1,856,421 and fioin Dcnmiirk to £1,648,367. aermany, Bcl-iiini and France are the frther leading oxpottcvs of CL'gs to Britain, each of these countries sending from throe to four ti-.nes as many as Canada. Mr. (iriiidley also reporlfi as follows concerning the I'acoii and h;im trade: â€" Caiindian mild-cured bii-on and hums are becoming viiy poptdur in vireat I'.ritaiii and arc prel'errod to those im- ported from the United States, as tlicy are haner and there is, pjways a demand for Ifan culs. Canadjaii packing bouse.i alionld make a close srudy of tho vuiioua i'.iiiisli mark el a' and supply them with till! cuts which are in demand by the con- sumer. There is still roimi for impnivement as rccurds \iacking cnses â€" those are often kni'tty lumber, Imdly natleil, and no bat- tens at ends (eanui as Americ.-tn j/ackera um>) which irivo double nail bearings. Heavy split wood lioupa should bo used lo bind round iho cenire. Shi|i|>ers of mild cured ineat.» must take iidvantaiie of the best means of tran«porlalio'i which are now pr.ivid- od. Ship L'oods as little as possible to be sold on commission, and then only to re- liable (ivnia who will see that they are warhhousod under proper conditions i)8 regards cleanliness and teinperatute. Why Brain Worl<ers Break Down Man ia not a mHchins that keeps going as long as the eteani is ap]>lied. (le is a cioature of blood, nerves and delicately balanced oiganism. Many don't realize this, but overwork their brains and break down. Brain worknrs need a strong brac- ing tonic like Ferrozona to fortify their nerves and keep Ihe Hood pure and lich. Take Fcirozone and you'll do more work. You will have the stronuth, tho ambition and the desire for work because your system will be in fir.stclass order. Ftir your health and strength take Feimaone regularly. Price 50c. at druggists. On Wednesday of last week Mr.Duncan Hsy met with a painful accident and narrowly escaped hfini; instantly killed. As ho was about his work al the foundry a large piece of ice slid off tho roof and passing over his head struck him ou the point of his shoulder. Ho has not been able to work siiioo, hut is improving and going about, liad the ice struck him on tho hesd the po>siiiility is that Mr. Hay wtnild be wilh the spirits by this time. â€" Chatsworth Mews. Two or throe townsmen have told Ths Sun i>f a curious thing they »%w early this week on the lake shore road About half a mile west of McAllister's, in the mow at tho roadiide, standi a dog. It ia in an attitudit suggestive of a lively. Active disposition, wilh eyes open, ears up. To the traveller on this hmely road, he looks as if ho were just about to jump out on the track. Butlliedog iloi-s not move. He is doad -froaen stiff. How long ho has been there, and in what manner death overtook him so suddeidy aa in leave him there fixed like an alert sentinkl are puzKliiig >)ueatinna. A CHsnal exaininslinn revealed no Ann of the aniinal'a having been shot or poisoned. He is a fair-sized lilnck and white ilog, aninoth haired, and of nottandaid Irced. â€" Stayiier Suu, HOW IT'S DONE. It's from the stomach the blood Is fed and the nerves controlled. Undigested food ferments for Isck of gaatric Juice. The fermentation and putre- faction In the ctcmach and aUmantary canal »n the mala cansea of disease. It upsets tho nerves. It poisons the system. Dr. Leonb«r4t'i AnU-PU Increases the necessary sap* ply of gastric Juice In qunn. Uty and qasdity to insore perfect stomach acUon. tt has slmflar action on btl* formation. Anyone can prove this for himself by addressing Wilsoh-Ftlm Co., Niagara Falls, Ont, for fr«o sample. Joseph Uatley, stprtkceper and post- master at Ansiruihtr, near Peterbori>, was fined $50 ahd JlOO in two casi:s ugainpt h m for aellirg licjiior without: « license, the costs and tines amimmii.g tn 9224. C3. One old tmn walked sixty miles throuiih th" deep snow to give •videnco against Uatlt-y. How It Spreads The first package of Hem Rnid (the in- fallible Pile cure) ihat was put out went to a small town in the Siate of Nobra.ska. It made the cure of a case of Piles that was considered hopeless. Tho f.ews spread and although this was only two years ago the demand prompted Dr. J. S. Lannharc of Lincoln Neb., tho discoverer, lo pr.»pare it for general use. Now it is being sent to all parts of the world. It will cura any case of Piles. There ia a months treatment in each box. Sold for 11.00, with absolnie ;;uarantee" It is fur sa!e by dru;.'gistg. ISiliMK Pn-pnration is necessary if you wish to sucjeid. If you inted to trana.iot busino.''3 of any kii.d you would bo sidly handicap- ed without a business education. Tho most thuruugh traininj of tbi.5 kiudiau b« obtained at the V owENsotmo, o:«T. Winter term commeaces Jan. 4th. Cat- alogue f.'ee by addres-sing C A. FLEMING Principal I PECULIAR TO MEN AND WOMEN It is sad to contemplate the unfortunate condition of so many men of our day and generation. At 30 they feel SO; at 40 they feel 60, acd at SO when they slioidd be in the very prime of life, they are almost ready for U;e grave. The fire of youth has gone out, the fountain of vitality is exhausted. Premature old age 1 No matter what produced it, -whether evil habits ia youth, later excesses, or business -worries, the one thmg for you to do is to get back the vim, the vigor and vivacity of manhood. Don't lose yourgnp on life. There are yet many happy, goldeu years for you if you only g;et help. We can and will not only help you, but cure yon to stay cured. Curing diseases and weaknesses of the nervous and sexual system has been our exclusive business for the past 30 years, during -which time we have cured enough fallen man to make an army. OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will restore to you what you It purifies ond enriches the BLOOD, strengthen* the NSRVES, vitalizes the sexual organs, checks all unnatural drains and losses and fits e man for the active duties of life. Wa treat acd core "BlooA Poisoa, Viirleo««Je. Otrlcttsre, Gleat. B CrloKrr OroJsia, Bssual Weabuosa. Kidney and dodder diseases. H C«>J«!i»Ul.XATIOPI g^HEE. If aaablc to call, write for a Question || Claak for Horns Trcntincut. ', i3iQHm ZS Ycora la Detroit, ZSO.OOO Cared. Qanlc Soctjrlty he Page Wire Fence. PAO B fonocs are the only onea on ths market xnado of coiled wiro.&swe are the oo'y concern . having lusciiiuery that will weave a coiled woven fence. S.)mu coucerus unable to make or cut looms that will weave and coil the wire, try to estoUlish a talkiug point by kiuking or corrugating tho wire. Hut tills doas not of ooarso, havo thelifoor spriu^', that does a coil. Also tho kink in tho brittle, lo* S'alo wir» uio.l in other fenoos is liable to braik ia frosty weather or whenever the fence roceivoa any Bu-tdeu shock. Nearly averyono understaudB thut our coiled wire is practically a coil sprius drawn onttill only a spiral or wavery appoarauco is lott. When a Page fence ia orocted on posts with th<i powerful stretchiug to. ds wc supply, the coil iu tlio wir» 13 still further drawn oat. But thare U enough coil left in the wive to make It very spriugj aud enables tbo fence to stand extremely rough usage without brea\iug. Now, it woitl.l do uo gooj to coil ft common wire in this way, as the coil to be eCfectlve and not pull out straight with ths flrjt straiu an I stay »h»t wiy iniit bo of hishor temperâ€" tha» is, hard and tough. In order to moot thase roiulremauts, wo use a speoiaUy mile high carbon wire. , Si'.no fencooom.jristrv totrato oi s no^si b/ mia; »8i-c*llal high cwb'):! wire 'jnat like Psge," and aa ordinaiy fooce users h»v» no good w»f of tiillint thfl dlftsreuoe till the tduoa ii&H been in use soma time, thoy succeed in placiui; coasiderablu o( it in use. For Sale By J. H. Heard, Flesherton D. IMcTAVISH 111 fi[Si[8I(li (!liilii(l[ BillD[i For First Class Buggies, Carts, Pleasure and liumher V\ag<m3, cutlers, Sleivihs. Wi« keep a stock on hand to choose from. ALSO HORSE SHOEING ANOQENERAL BLACKSMITHING and euaranies first eUfw wo'k. We keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and also Masary Harris and Nexim rei'«ini for liinriera. Mowers, »ll kinds majhinety, also Binder Twine on hand. » Olben in town give us a call «