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Flesherton Advance, 10 Mar 1904, p. 5

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^ TilE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Mar. 10 1904 METHODIST -CHURCH FLESHEHTON. J. S. I. WILSON, B A., B. D • FutOr The pastor will preaib morning and even- ing. Vicinity Chips Characteristics of the Past Week Carefully Called for the Curi<»u.s •'^ Flour is 82.80 per 100 lbs. Qoodhay for .saleâ€" Mrs. A. B. Sykes, Fieshertot, Ont. Baptist church naxt Sunday mornini?â€" commuuiiin service. Shoemaker's kit for sale 'iheap.â€" W. Barn house, Fle^hevtou. Fresh li'ua always on hind. J. H. Duckc-tr, Euu;eiiia.- A.=5k for PiiUe of Kimherley flour when buying. Pritlo of Kiii.berlcy flour (F.rd's) for sale at Kiirsledt's. Half car load of fiue Windsor salt at Kars-tedi's. A small qiiantity of fresh rressed^ hay fur salt!. A. Botitty, Orange Valley. Mr. M. K.Ulchardson leaves this week for Ott.iA-a 'o be present at the opening t.f Parl'aisieat. D. Muir's sale postponed '.i»t week on account of bad weatlier. Thj date of postponed sale will be Friday, Mw:h II. Wantedâ€" Good carpenter to work in planina fac(( ly, also good sSfni; boy to leaiu the business, T W.Wilson. Mrs. Robert Fa»'oett,wh" has for some time baeti wi'h relatives in Heathcoteand Kiiiiberloy, is again visiting with friends here. Lots for sale in Flesherbonâ€" Onei-acre lot, g'od barn .also one village lot on Peter street. Will sell oa ressuU«blts teruis. VY. BaruUouse. Notice- A note for $9, signed b/ Jos. Bads;erow in favor of Robert Mcintosh, due iu February, 1904, has been and tlie pub. iu 18 warned ayainet ne!{i>tiat;iig the aamo. Jos. Badgerow, Porilaw P.O. W hen in need of chopping try us. Our machinery is new and of the latest pattern and we will guai->intee a perfect xib on well cleaned grain and prompt Service every afternoon. T. W- Wilson. B:ikor Thompson has been o>iliued to raise the large Uaf to 12c He has also oe«n oblged to raiss it with homeniads yeast for t!\« past week, since his regular oity supp'y was cut off. An extaiisive auction sale of farm stock and inipUmeuts will be held on hit i*?, con.O, Artemeaia, on Tuesday, March 23, the propotty (if Mr. J. W. Benson. Sal» at 1 p. ui. 11.' J. Sproale, auctionaer. Mr. W. Barnhouse, Flesherton, will hold a cK'arin^ sale of hoiisebold furiiit- uro, hoi8o,cow»,pig8 and numerous other articles on Thursday, March 2-1, at one o'clock. See bills. H. J. Sproule, auctioneer. D. McLachlan.lot 52, con. 2,N. D. R., township of Glenelcr, will hold an ex- tsiisive auction sale of farm st>>ck and implements on Wednesday, March 23, I o'clock p m. sharp. D. McCormack, nuct'ioueer, I am prepared to do 61st class work with my stone chopper ar.J am making a tine made of tlour tvom a mi-tlure uf Man- it' d>;i and t'a'l wheat. Farmers are invited to biing along their grist of wheat for ex- change. J. W. FurJ, jr., Kimbnrley. Mr. Fred liickling wont to the ciiy last week <>n the last train that went throuwli. 1)1 course ho couid not return and I1.1.S enjoyed ? a holiday in the city for ovt-r a WfoU. He sliouKl bo tlior- oi'.uUl.v familiarized with all of Toronio's chief aftraelinns. Tho sito of the now Methodist cbuivh at the station hi-.s been selected and plans are now being drawn. Ata meetiii',' of the Flesln'rt')n Methodist board on Mon- day evening temporary trustees were appointed to look after building aflairs. Tlio remains of Mi«s Ma'y McRa'', of Cltirberry, Man., who died in Durlinin l.Hst week, wcrj brouaht over to ibis station f',>r shipment to her former home, but Jiad to bo driven to Oiangoviilo in ord r to k;i-ta train. The remains were accompanied by a brother of the deceased The lime-ligh'' lecture on .7apan, whiih was to Inve boon hold on Monday even- ing under (lie au><pico.< of the Ep«orth League has been pustpunod until next Moiulay evonin-pj. .-^s n> trains were runniui! R»v. Mr. Cocking was unable 'o get here. Do not forget to ba present next Moud.ty evoiting, Wh<t might have proved a f*tal acci- dent occurred .» short time a^o at the home of Mr. Undiard Uentham of the subnrlu. Mrs. Bentham was lifting water fut of t'le ci»tcrn, which is in the kitchen, ftl d warning her little sii-yeafdd dawghtsr not to Ko near it, she turned hv:-. b^'vck. Ui]on lookinii around she was horrified to see Zella in the cia'ern.obng ihK to the edxo of the floor. Th» child, who WM net accustomed to the open cIk- k«m, f'irt(otila existeno<<, and stpppinu backwards fell iu. She was quickly re- Mnved from her prriloua positioti, and rcoeiTed i>u injury other than â-  (>air of wrt tâ€"t. Thera wvrti Ure f»et«t w.<iter in th« cistern. It i< neetilass to say that the Dttiup, which wait on strika, aoon . w«ut wak. tfi work •c*V<> <- Mare for sale, in fo»l, four years old. W. Badg«!tow, Flesherton. Word was received hero Wednesday of the death of Miss Delia McKee, daughter of Mr. John McKee, Owen Sound. No particulars are to hand. Mr. T. J. Sheppard got tired waiting fur railway accommodation, so he left on Thursday morning to drive to Toronto. Long Bros, big Hock, Collinswood, was destroyed by (ire Tue.iday night. Loss $100,000 ; insurance not knoni). Henry's tannery in Markda'e was burned Thursday mornin*;. Loss 810,000, no insu anco. The tire is sup;>osed to have been started by a spark' from the engine, Mr. and Mrs. W. Barnhouse gave a farewell party to a large number of their friends on Wednesday evening, when a very pleasattt tine was spent with music, eaiues. etc. Mr. and Mrs. B. expeutto leave for Toronto before the end of the present month. Their place here as good citizens will be ditiicult to till. Mrs. T. J. Sh-.'pparJ and Miss Beattie, who wore in Toronto week ntleiiding niiliiiiery npt-ning, bad an experience with the blizKird wh'ch raged there on Mumiay that they do not to repeat. In fact they thoUiiht at one time they wouKi never have an opportunity to repeat it or any other earthly feat. TUey bothtookaoar from the centre of the city fo.- Norway, but nut travelled far until they had to gee out and walk. It waj bitterly cold and the driving snow nns perishing. On seventl occasions they were obliged to enter stores in order to uet warm. When Hearing their destiiiatior. the snow was drifted to such a degree that they were aosolutely stuck as fast as any C P. li. snow plough has been tlii>( winter, tt was at this juncture that they began to wonder if their remains would be found before the gnow wentaway. However, a Presbyterian clergyman happened along, extricated and piloted the ladies to their destination. They both say it was the worst sform and most harrowing experience they have ever undergone. The Midland Free Press man says he can well remember the severe winter of 1874 75, as he was living on a farm in the township of Cuilinuwood at that time. The snow fell on the 5th d>y of October, and remained until sprini; wilh the ex- ception of a slight thaw in January. The farmers were caught wilh their potatoes and other root crops in the ground, where they remained until spring. Potatoes were dug out in the spring as fresh and nice i!s c<>u!d be, but turnips were rotteil to a larce extent. The only railway rui'tiing into Owen Sound at. thxt time was the old Toronto, Grey and Bruce, cimstructed on the a.irrow gauuo system, and therefore much more difficult to keep open. Many thrilling experiences cou»d be related in connection with this pioneer road. It is true th.'tt from February 3rd to March 28tb, 1875, tratfic on the old Grey and Bruco was entirely suspended. It had snowed for 48 consecutive days, and the "beautit'ui' covered the ground to a depth of four or live feet in the bush, w^hile at certain points in the clearances and ahmg the roads it was piled aa high as teu feet. Tb* Worst Klad The Big Blockade Backward, turn backward oh time, iu your flight; Make me a by a^ain, just for to-night. The persoii who wrote the above line* certainly did not take into account the possibility of a recurrence of ihs heai^y wintonof tifty years ago, suoli as we have had this winter, or he would have hesitut ed before uttering the above sentimoni. His wish has been uratdied durng the paat week and we hope the writer is sat- isfied with the result. The people in ths vin.^y«rd aro not. Up to time of wiiting ('I'ue-sday ovoninsi) we have been without riiiway service for just eis;lit days, con .seijueitly no express h^us beeu i<ot in aud t!i:s creates ^reat hardship in many iii- stmces. But the delivery of the mails is what most forcibly teuiiuds ua of Kiyhood days. On Friday last a horse sleigh uiail service was iii.stituted between Oraiigo- villo (to which [luiut traiiis were running from Toronto) to Owen Sound. Two mails Ciiine through from Oweu Sound on Frid.iy aud one fro n Oraiigivil with the Toronto nmil. Anuther nuil urrivid horo Sunday from Oiaugeville Willi chvj Satur- day papers. In taut this uiail brought p>Hiers printed in Toronto six d.<ys beb re. Un iMouday no mails anived from either direction, neither were there departures. Tuesday another mail came in from Orungeville. While the service was bel- ter (ban nothing it was u:icert!iin and was cei-aiiily an ex.Asperatinn coi.di:ioii of alTdrs. Tne thaw tiud rain of Sunday and Monday ma Jo it ditiicult tiavelliui^ on the highways. T:.e snow plow and fourengiiKa, accompanied by a K^u^t "-'f nearly 100 men, were just one week gelt- iiiU through from Prulon Station to Shel- burne,a distance of sevriitoen miles. This Kives a good idea of the task which h.:d to be accompliahad by the railway. Friday â€" No Irain has a.s yet come through and there la uo immediate pii>s- pec! of getlihg one. Twelve days with- out a train. There wore 19© wolves killed in the pruvinco la»t year, for which the govern- ment bounty of tl5a head wnn paid. One ynuo^ m*u named Robertson, had a record year, bringing down five of the beasts with his ritte, which thus tamed him t79. Moat ot th<«e who participatt^ in tittf killing, of whom there were 120, gotuidyone wolf. The total amount paid out by iha goveraoiaint ia ttiw it«m After Pile* have existed for a long time and passed thrnuKh diflfereiit stsges, the suffering is intense â€" pain, achiiii;, throbbing, tumors form, tilled to bursting with black blood. Symptoms indicating other troubles may appear to a thoroughly Pile-sick person. This is when Hera-Roid, the only in- ternal, theon'y absolute Pile cure, brines the results that has made its fame. It will cure the most stubborn case in exi.sicnce and a bonded gurantee to that effect goes with each package. It is to be had at ihe drug store. Sold by W. E. Richardson. A disastrous (ire occurred at Nottawa villaao about niidniKbt, oa Saturday, when the Hour mill of Mr. J. A. Brackenridue was tot;d!y destroyed. The fire was di-icovereU beffire it had much headwiiy, but withi ;; Sie applian- ce.s, and owing to the hi-jh wind it was impossible for the villai^ers who turned • .ut to save the mill. They worked h'-roically. however, and saved the ad- joinias buildings. The liro is supponed to have caught from a small stove iu the office. The fire at this period of the year is particularly disastrous f < r Mr Brack enridge, as a lanje nuantity of wheat had been accumulated during the week, the whole of which will likely be a ti'ta! loss. The total loss is about 815.000, and the ins-rrance f 7,5iX) in the Norwich Union, Northern, and tb.e Canada Millers' Mutual. The Nottawa mills were erected iu 1852 and ever since have been acively associated with the welfare of the Township of Nottawasaga. They were operated for many years by Melville Fair & Co., for a short time by Mr. J. Sherrick, and' for the past twenty years by the present proprietor, who equipped the mill with full huugarian roller process. â€" Enterpiise. War! War! Do Tou want the latest and most re- liable War Newe, well illustrated, then THE WEEKLY Montreal Herald which is clubbed with this paper to new or old subscribers paving iu advance Sl.OOfor both. A fineWAP OF THE SEAT OF WAR, in three colors, IB x 22 inches, will be mailed free to eveay S'lbscriber to the two papers remittius: two cents extra for cost of mailiiiir. Write the Herald direct for map. Send subscriptions to Tub Adtancs, Flesheiton. ill li ffllli la theuiatter of the estate of Win. Hoooy, late of the Township of Arteiueijiaiu tho county of Grey, Farmer, defeased. NOTK'E is bei'tbv given pursuant to "The ReviiJod Statutes ol,Outario" liW, chapter !•£>, and lunendi ns acts, that all creaitors aud others iiaviiig claims against ilio estate of the saivl William Hooov whp difd on or about tho 4th davof Ducembwr, A D. 10o;i, aro required, ou or before the fclevouth dav of April, 100 1. to seud bv post ijrwpaid or lielivei- to Messrs. Lu»*as. Wrighc A McArdle. Owtu* Soand, Oi.ti., Solici toi-s for the Toronto General Trusts Corpora' tion, the Aduiinisti-ato'sof tho Kstate of ♦ho sftid deceased, their fhrstinn oud surnames. addresset* and dcsci-iptions. the full pari,iculars of tbeir clRiuis, tho statement of their accounts and the uuttire cf tho securities, if auy. held bv ther'-i. AND tako fuithornotico that after suidi last niautioufd date the said Admiiiistrators will \i:ocee«.i t.o distribu^ the as«ctsof the deceased amouK ^ho parties eatitlcd therolo, haviiig rv' Lard only to the claims of which ifcey •ihtill then bavo notice, aim that th« said a'luiiui'- tratorswiH uot bo liable for the said assets or an V part thereof to auy pei-smi or pors -us of whoficclami notice shall cot have been teceiv- ed by tboui at the tiuie of such distr butiou. Dated this oth dav of March. A. D. 1004. LUCAS, WKIGHT A ^ieAnn^Jl•^ S(.liu:tO!3ror the Aiimitnt^trfttors, OwiU Sound Cook's Cotton Root Coccpoucd. I<ttdlc8» Favorite, Is the only safe, roliabia regulator on whlclx woman can depeivj "in the hout and tlttte of need." Prepared la two degrees o? Strongtii. No. 1 andNoi 2. No. 1. â€" For ordluary cas<»3 Is by far the best dollar taeUlclne known. No. S â€" for special caaeo â€" Ifll degrees Btroascr â€" three dollars per box. I/adlesâ€" ask your dru.sjrlst for Cook's Cotton Koot Ounpunnd. Take no other as all pills, mixtures and Imitations ar<i dangerous. No. 1 and No. S are sold and recommended by all ilru.arg!st8 In the Co- minion o£ Cann^ia. Mailed to any address on receipt ot rrioe and four 2-oont postage Btaiupa. S^M Cools. Cumpanr. Wlsdaor, Omtt Not and No 2 are sold in Klodli«rt.iii ty \V E. Kichnrdson and Dcuglai'S A C:\ orncKis ' • \'Vi5.5^TEI> A man to represent "CASin.Os Grbat- tsrNi'RSSRiBs" in the town of FLESH EI^TON and the surrounding country, and take orders for Our liarily Specialists In FRt'iT Trb«8. Small Fri'it», (.)IIKAJ«S.VTALS, ShRITBS, RotilS, VlNMT Si«n PoT.\Tt>BS, etc. Stock true to name and free from Slaii Jiwa iilcale. A perir.ancnt posiiiuD for the riiiht ujau on either i«lary. ur cum uisaioii. Stone & Wellington PONTMILL NURSERIES uvet 800 aorea Toronto Ontaro i Stock-Taking . . Over AND now we settle down for another jeai-'s btisiness, (Jeter- mined to make it like the last â€" the beat year of onr esperience. Wo have been well pleased with the way aar business has grown the past year aud one step we have taken to make this year ahead of last, 13 by iutrodiicing a special inducement to cash buyers by giv- ing coupons with which you get a nice S(:C of dishes, . FREE FREE FREE Kine Porcelain Dinner Sets Given Aviay The pattern is the fishionabla color. Sage Green, with flower and scroll design of rare beauty. It is lavishly interwo\ren with go'd traciug. Iu fact we have saved uo espeuae iu making it the most Beautiful Pattern ever imported ftom European potteries. Get a Dinner Set Free ! GiVen Away Free With Cur Cash Sa'es. You get it piece bs piece ; get any piece you want. The set con- sists of cups and saucers, dinner plates, breakfast plate?, pie plntt.-^, satise dishes, platters, salad dishes, vegetable dishes, pitchers, boue dishes, butter diihes, sugar bo.vis, tea pots, spooiiers, la fact every- thing that gocB with a fiue set of dishes. FREE AT 'V.:..;.: . THE PEOa^LE'S STORE Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Eeady Made Clothing; Boots Shoes, Groceries, Eta. Mantles aud Carpels. and T. J. 8HEPPARD Sproule's Block Flesherton" We use these dishes simply as an advertisement for nur business. If you want them, the way to obtain them is easy. Trade with its and send your friends to see ns. We will do the rest, by supplyii;g .,' • .• you and them wilh these goods free of charge. I' t SI ^^ % 4 % I "'â- t ?; V I ti ; s : il^,;M,»w^,;;<j ' j<Cya^^ I Choice Seeds. My first consiccnment of PERSONALIA' SELECTED cind YEItY CHOICE He<l. Alsike aiitl iSIammoth Clover aud Timothy seed.s just received. These are very choice samples and the . ,,,: Prices are Right YoLir Inspection is Inviiad W, J- Douglass MEDICAL HALL Flesherton A Happy New Year to Ail . . Wo have a few Toys left that we are clearing out at greatly reducLd prices and some at half prices. m £• Richardson Fl^sbcilon, 0rt> *^»

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