Mar 10 IVH THE FLESHERTOH ADVANCE WWMWVWy I F, T. HILL & CO. I WWWWWWl •.Aeto Spring Suitings Wu have just jilaced in etoclc nearly 10^ now suit Leni;ll»«, incluilinjj tho iii-w^Kt weaves aiiJ coloiinns ill l''iincy Wutstucls, Sciildi, Enfjliali anil CiinB(liiin Tw((.(1h, Uliiok Uliiy aiKl Venetian Worsteils, Indi^^o Bod Hlack Seiyo. ett-. Our faciliiies for mretin',' tlie riMiuiienioiits of iiiiitiaulur and careful drufsers woiu never betttr than niiwr. TIio class of Iriiiiniinfjs wo urn; are the lust lliaf nre niado ; worlunanship, fit and liiiifili guaranteed. We already thiHsoasin liavo Ijeisii <t<)iiif» an exculloiit tailorina buHinoss and aro tlinroui-li- ly preparel to execuic your nc-xt ordiir ti) your entire iiUiiig and at tho most rcasunublo piico you'll be quoted ih'a seaKOl>. • Cent'* Suits, made to ordor for $ !>0 Goi.t's .Suiti, ni;ido to or.ler for 10 50 Gent's Suits, made to order for 11 00 <>ent'» f^uit', made to order for 12 00 Cent's Suits, made to order for 12 50 Oohi'fi Suits, made to nr'er for 13 00 - ISvOO, 14.60, 15.00, 15.90 iiiid up to 20 00 Tbeso prices roprcsnnt tlio beat goods and valups you'll liiid thissiason â€" the best in erory detail ifent's Spring- CTlats Only n part of our spring order for Ifi's baa yet come in, but suliioicMit to inuUe a very re.Sjiectable showiiiij. 'rhoadvanoo styles the couiint; season urn the most bec'iiiiiiig wo luive seen in years and tbo values the best we've ever bandied. Do not make tho iiiis.tako of purchasing before first seeing the oxcoilont Inies wo have on display. Prices rimj^o from 48c. to 2..50. 5,000 yds. Jieui Sprints and .Muslins Our collection of these goods is par excellence. Ijeautiful, dainty Muslinsâ€"strong, diiralde, new pat- tern Printsâ€" all absolutely fast. Those are all made by the most reliable British manufacturers and rep- resent tho most advauct'd styles and upio-dato goods in the market. Cobirs of every piece are guaranteed absolutely fas' and tho price per yard is Hundreds of yards of other Muslins and Prints at ^ic £a,nc!. 3.0c, Laelics' M/oitses 3 dozen Ladies' Fine Muslin blouses (assorted sizes,) in the very d linti^st siiods imaginable. These In style are right up to the nioiipnt and are decidedly haudiome. Prices 2.00 and 2 25; (Sorset Govers 10 dozen Corset, Covpr.s have just beoD placed in stock. These .ire nivle of extra line cambric, beautifully lace trimmed, and will give the very bi'st of satisfactim. Tho prices for these extra fine now goods aro 35 and 50c. •^ eui Cttec Qurtains We've just placed in stock nenrly 200 pairs of new Ltice Curtain.s, embracing nearly all kinds and prices. Here is one of the lines : 40 paiis extra tine LaCe Curtains, linished edges, beautiful lacy goods, sizo three yards by 40 inclies. This is a? good value i« vf^ baTO ever seen i.i tine lace curtains. Per{)air 75 HARDWARE AC the closest l>nce_s Hi.rdware has ever HARDWARE I We have practically everythn.g you require in all lines of hardware. So successful have wo been in this deoart- ^ mont that foriho coming aeusou we have decided to our GKNElULHAfiUWARE STOCK by about ^ f2,000ovor that of a voiir ago. •& MARKDALE WfVW^ Artemesia Council The Artciuosia Co'ioeil met in the hall nil Saturday hist. Tbo members were all ^iiesent, tho reeve in the chair. Tlio niiiiute.s of Hcssion of Feb. C, 10O4, wore read and conlirmed. Tlui J'>llovfink' coin- iiiuiiicition:* wore proaentuJ and read : 'I'he clerk of Nelson township, askma; eiuncil to join in a peucion to the Lai<- Lilativo .As.suiiibly, asking that tho term of municipal couticdiois bo extentad to two years ; .M. b'. Aitislio, socretury of localinuaioipalities of ounty of Oxford, asking couii'Jil to join lu a petition favor- ing opt leuisialiou ro tormaion of county council ; tondurs for purchase of tiiubjr on Alma street, ICigenia, from P Munshiiw, .Jainus Williims ami J. E. Williiuis ; J.l. <»rabam applied to be appoinloil overseer on valley roail ; tho »juvo and clerk, report aj to cloaini{ part of Alma street, Eugenia, and disjK)8ini{ of tiiosam') to Ku^enLi Elocric Li^ht and Piiwer Compiny, recoinmoiiding that tho samo l)J done on certain cooditions. IJylaw 013, appointinij oltJL-er.s for lOOt, wu reid a lirsi an! second time. HyUw UU, ajtliori/. n'.i tbo borrowini< of $1000 for current liiiliilili •«, wis uasS'IiI. Mjils-lljst-T'.i^t U. a. Wtrling bj rofu'idod 03!., being an error in his taxin, 1003, Iota 1, 2, con. 2 N. IJ. R. -Carried Purvi-s â€" IJett â€"That this counc.l take no action in Siilo of timbor on Aliuit street, Eui{rtii'a â€" U.irriol. UibHon--Mead;<â€" That tha reova and Mr. n.!st bo a co.n'iiittue to exaiiiinu pail of 130 Hide road from b ick lino to lliohard Allan's laud, with a view of assisting Mr. Allan 1 1 opoii t'.iJ saioj or dispoiiiig of it. â€" (J.irriod Purvisâ€" Gibson-Tint noticeabo plaDinl eii valley ro.ul, that the saiiio is only under sjnstruclio!! and pursons t.ttvelling on tho hiino do so at tboiro^ii r sk. â€" Curried. (iili ion- Meads -Tint iviiy por.son or yjrsons ciit.iMg or rem iving tiniiicr from uiiy streets in the t.nvu plot of Euioiiia, i>i any lo.i'^s of tlii.s township ahall bo J ro' ud ».:ci)rdin? I" law.â€" Carnod. â€" .Muad.< -Til I', tho report of € immitloo as to c'osiii^ part i>f Ainu «trjeton which tho's are situated, be Acooptod by tliu couiu:il,but tlial noaciion bj taken 111 tho muiier at thu presuiit tniio â€" Carried. G.dwoii -• M>.iid.sâ€" That tho dnvft poti- fion prijKOiited to tlii.J Council regarding till ft/rm.ition of cojiity counciU (& con- aist uf tliu reeves and mayors of the muii- KipiiitiO'i, bt) ad iptod and that thj roovo tt'.i.l ulerk s<g I tli.i hiiiio and forward tho luiiij 111 I l«. Lucas. E.<i.. RI, P P, for pruiont itiou to the L.-gisUlivu A.i«oiulily. -Carried. U.!«t â€" Purvisâ€" That the council concur Ml tho petition of tho , nwiuhip of Nelson, Hiakiiii( the torm. of councils two yo«ra,an'l %U«t thu council ligii the siiiio ajid forward Rto 1. U. Lucis, E-W] . M. I*. 1'., to bo yreaoiitud at tlio Logi.ilature â€" Oarriitd. GioAoii -.\le4(li â€" That th^H uounoil hereby appro;>riato the sum of 9ft0<) for Impairs to r. all for 1034 â- « follows : â€" 4ir. 1, 9150 ; div. 2. $150 ; div. 3, flM ; div, 4, 9150 ; and the ni'iiibari of this •oiiooil xro afip linted ooniini.snioneni tu •iproj tho lUinAiiL their .savoral itivisiuua, Hid .lilt I liny l>o allosrod tan pxr cent 01' •aid am iunt flit Hxpeniling thtt a«>ne Htiiiuhl any oouiiaxionor uxpend more than lu«ap iropriaitoi. wiihout oonsunt of this • lUiui', ilio am Hin' ah 1 I hi dnduolel from h K eouiiiiiiMion, and thala •lateimint «^a4iUL«iViiiJii!Us ba |>r«a*ni*l to. Ibli council before any commission bo paid, this appropriation not to inoludo town lines or bridg, 8 cjstiiig morff than ten dcdiars. â€" UirrieJ. Council adjournad, * OVERSEEK3 T J Coleman, A S Irving, John Oil>si«>, Will Purvis, F .1 Mathoson, Frank Chard, Ch/irles li win, Alfred Hr.rrison, (;iouri<e Moore, Will Mooro, Homy Johnston, Jas Foster, Robert Morcor, sr, Wm Car- ter, W J Ciigo.W J Tcoter,W J Talbott, John Podlar, John Blackburn, W U Mc- Nally, Jos 11 vVatsm, J J Littb", George Uuicliin«ou, Win Wiison, Hon Wliito, R Black, George Snell, Wilson RlcMullen, John Stewart, E.Doupo, Jos Duncan, E Wiins, Geo Ulakloy, Jos Au.suni, Colan McLjiUi, Alex white, Richard Waters, J Parslow,Joi Oliver, J Little, Cliarlos MclCiniiun, A Diiuwall, Jaui' s Turuor, Alex. Carson, Dan Stewart, Dan Muir, J W Lyons, Win Flotcher, Henry Stone, Fisher, Robert Moldruin, Fred Nich- olson, I'houias Sullivan, John Porteous, jr, R.ibert Fisher, John Boecroft, Fred IJolftod, .1 K Jauiioson, Wm Cameron, W Walker, Tho» Cieiio.i, J H Hol!ey,(.Jeorgo Warling, lien .MadiU, Henry Williams, Robuii Cvipor, Walker, Win Iloatli, John Rranill', J W Crozior, .1 li Duckctt, Robeil tirahain, .\ndiow Wilson, W \V Trimble, Samuel Rowl.'S, S Honipliill, J Kauan, .1 C .Vilams„ William Foster, Wos Lyons, R ibert N i's .n, Gi-or^jo Ijawlor, Robert Feriis, Martin Phillips, Thomas Thornbu'y, C H iiyonv Malcolm McMil Im, .loliii Holaiid, li will Fawcctt, W VV Fluids, Addtew Graham, Thoj Rutler, J. Palon. POUNDKEEPEUS Patrick BuUer, Herbert PurviM,OeorKe Wrigh', JosCaiins, Peter Muuahaw, Ed Pii.leiJion, J\l G Orr. FENCiOVIEWEKS R churd Whi tiker. Jus .Vusium. Henry Hud ly, Will Uealli, Wm lilair, C Ir*iii Goorge .Moor,', C W IKUamy. lioo Binnie, W 11 Hempliill, Robert Plaint, AUx C.irruihj:s, Luoiiuid Latiuior, Alex Mc- Uae, jr. HEPOUT OK OOM-MITTEE To tho Council of tlioTo-»nalilp of Artoraosia - (iKNri.KURN -We, your ouiiiniitteii nppolntml at >('tir laHt aeHB)t>n to oiinuite ieto uiiu lepitrt ititoK itir il stim of )>iiri uf Aliiia htieoC in thu villdKuof KuguiilR ii|>uii wliicli 'liu talis uru8i(~ naluil, ha4 tu report as foliuwH,â€" Voiirooniiiiittuu nftor aoimlclurabln tlioiiglil' aiic! •i/i|iiiry Imvu ouiit'liidoil (Imt It noiilcl bo BilviaUilii to uloiu nil Hulil Ht'Oiit from the nortliiii-)r limit i»f Simpson Htv.'iH to t'losontii" eri V loiiit of lto<4(|iiit Bti'Out or BO innrli tlunenf fts w mill burvqnirnil witiil'i baIcI llnlitt. iiUil cniivuy llln s&ind ti> illii KUi^enik I'.lnctrlo [.iKlit •iKi I'uwdr <.'iiiii|>auv, U4<uii cu.idiliuus wi near as aia> bo SB follows â€" I. TliAt (lift eoiil comvsny sliftll nntnr Into an Aglauliiaiitwitil your IwuirnlXn bu.iy oovar- lUH »• filiinna,.â€" to HUlililv thu inllitbllKlitB of your townsliip with uleetrle powor for ll^-litlug purpo^nA St a rftiu of nut ntoro ttntli >J.'m entH pi^r mouth pur Bixiuon OAiiitlB power iainpn, aoil st thu Mbnoi rutu for Hr'tsturur Iti^^ a*ii(li,) puwer luiiip-i Kli iiiRlit HKi'vico, «ni< that thi< iiilothi- tikiiM nf ynnr township Bhsll hav« tlio 11 >«l. right So lii» sul'i pnwor. Hirn<i«U;!iutiii! not to uiettoJ tflOptr your per :<-i o&nUlo power, sll uight Has- victt. Q. Tlukl tor power piir|>OiOT the Itilmhitsnts of voiir noiiiiriiiftotiy shuil trnvs the first rrHhl. tn 1m hai vt,(1, Hiiil si a i«MtuiUioii nf any Rt least twenty porcsut leas than snslt Iw anoplled to outiitlnia. .'I That the saiil oonipnuj sliall cnmnisnc? ttinildTiOnpaniant of ths said powM- withia one year fioin ilia tlnii llin aalil aKraoindnt la effitotoil. anil at all have ttio sai'l plait in oper- ation and anpiiy powiir within two yrara from aai.l time and m rase tlip osi'l «-nio,isi)T do not liavj thfl aaioe In '.ill operation witho) the sali time the aaiii Mtrei^t anil falls shall riiverl baok to ii-e HHid iiiuiiiclpalfty, as If the saioe ha I iie^rr beua sold or Ijated to lb* iaid Gonipanx. 4. As to tho price ovor still above tlio Erivll- ei!08aal<oil wo suRgost that ymir lionorabla botlv shall fl.\ tho prioo to bo askoil tliorofor. which may bb luraoKod betwoon your honorablo body ana tho Eaiil company. 5 Wo would recouimondyotirhooorsble body to ftroiu Itu) Hovl ct^inpanv the right to oruct pulewand wires upon such hiRhways as thoy may roquiiH fortluiir purponos but to bo sub joec to bucli Gtipnintions . a.1 tho may thiiilc noeossary in tho 'diiso. Wo ulso bog to Biiyuest that a i-.lnuso bo placed in s.iid ti.-.ireomout iu caso of thu iiieori>or»tion of auy of tlif villaKOS uow in your township at any future titni> socli vii'iigo or viila^'os Bhali hsvotho tHiupflts of suoh r^rrangu- iiioutB iiH Bhuli Uenimlohy Vouvhouorttble Irady wiih tlio said campiiuy iu Regard to tlie use of saiit power. 7 Wo further bog to sucgost that your honor- able body b« logaily advised iu any action takou ill regard tu this iiiattur. • All of which is lespeclfnlly submitted. The Cause of Piles Is invariably oonstipalion which is quickly lemu-Jifd by Dr. Dftmilt^in's Pills of Mandrake and Hutternut. Sure relief and nt> j?ripiiig pains. For a remedy that never fails use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Price 25c. Eye Comfort is obtainabli through the aid of perfect ^rf^w»Tiii«c \ >* [opticianJ glasses. Our spectacles and lenses are guaranteed perfect in fit and focus. Wo A. Mrmsts^onflj ;EWCLER and OPTICtAN FLESHERTON. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The plaeo to got the best Photos is at IIULMKR'S PUOTOSliAril GALLERY. " "^BOYD, HICKLING & CO., -FLESHERTON, ONT. ... SOME ... "%i SPECIAL ATTENTION W« pay Special Attention to-Copyin); and Htbirs' pictures. Pirture fram- ing a aprsially. Try us f»>r any kind of pictarea and we wilt promise Hatiafactiun. SyJeuban itrovt, Finlwrt PRICES THIS WEE^ We want more room for our purcteises of Spring Gooffs which will arrive shortly and are cleanug out a lot of tlesirable COLD WEATHEli (iOODS at prices that make them a most profit-able investment â€" if you don't use them this winter you v/ill make splendiu interest on your money by keeping them till next. $1.50 Felt Boots for $lOO Fifteen Pairs Womens Felt Boct.s â€" ^mediuin last, lace or gaiter, good stout sole, bulF foxed, sizes 4, 5 ami 6. Kegular $1.50. Selling fcr One Dollar, 50c Fancy Slippers for 30c. Children's Felt and Velvet Slippers.trimmed fur, some felt soles, sizes 9 to 11, very pretty, suitable auy time for house wear. Regular 45 and 50c. quality . selling for 30 Cents. Women's Wool Lined Rubbers for 29c. Sixteen Pairs Women's Wool Lined Ilubbers, medium last, mostly size 4 but a few larger sizes included, liegular 55c. quality. Selling Price 2^ €ent$« Youth's Boots for 79c. A lot of Youth's Heavy Lace Boots, just suifc- able for early spring wear, some grain, some buff, some split leather, sizes range from 9 to 12, bufe the majority are size 11. You'll find some $1.25 lines among them â€" none sold less than $1.00. H!! Selling for 79 Stents An Extra Special in Men's suits Before our sprint? oloihinc anire. we want to clear out a pile of M.„', Sui.s co.iMstini! of lines of which only one «uit is loft. These were eomo of our hoKtsullers, and ifyoii ne^d one every day suit now, or aro likely to do durinj- the next nii months, it will pay you well to boy one nf these. All sizes from 36-42 are represeitttd and tho patterns .ire gottaâ€" noat dark patterns in chfcka and stripes.somo single and Boino double breasted, well made. HniKhed aitd trimmed. Some «C.50 8uit» are in thu k>t, nouu sold lesti tliau $5,00 regularly. All Selling Now for $3.95 ANY onn uppi'uiR FURS will find it very much to their advan^ago to drop iiiand Stio the special falues we are giviug to wind lip the bcisoh. It's a pajfiug investtuent (o bay Fara now an^ -^^atunal 3)off Goats â- mAlmn a SRiaett mAlen's Womftrtt and Buffalo Soat» \ Cadies' ^str'aehan Jackets \ Ladies Qaperinm Sriuffs S" Samni(ets \ ALL GREATLY REDUCED