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Flesherton Advance, 3 Mar 1904, p. 4

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Mar 3 1904 . _ n i l , ~eeHgBWBB The Markets. Carefully Correitcd Each Week OaU 30 -n 30 Peag 62 o 62 B »rley 46 to 46 Butter 16 to 15 KiiRs fr^sb 20 ;<, 2o pork 5 75 te 5 76 ChickoiiH per lb 8 to 10 Ducks [)crlb 7 to 7 Tuckeys per lb 12 tc 13 Oeese wirlioul heads.. 8 *o Hay B CO to 8 00 Potfttiies bae 36 50 36 Our Clubbing List THE FLESHERTOK ADVANCE ♦Advance, *Herald and ♦Toronto World, daily , , 83 25 Toronto Pail V News 1 85 Weekly Globe 180 Mail-Empire 1.80 Family Herald & Star 1.80 Tonuito Star 1.80 Farmers Sun 1 .80 All above ))rices include The Advance and Montreal Herald, if paid in advance only. Early subscribers get best valut for their money. \ Tlesbtrtdti Furniture '^ t lUarerddms* Wo ara carry in;; the newest styles W of seaKonablo gooiis in all lints of W Furnitture, omsisting of: Parlor and bedroom suits, lounges, sideboards, extension and centre tablen, chairs, window shades and curtain poles, pictures, easels, etc., Which wo oH'ei- at LOWSET PRICES Picture FramiiiR and Genernl Re- jjairiii^. t'ndeitakini^ in aU its branches. Siitlrtfaction guarantcefl. ^ W. rt. Bunt, - - Prop. Falling out Hair If this is tho ease, call ami tute n» and *wo wiUprevent U doing so byupplyiiiK our woudor- lul I'lpmedy^ Highly Recommend Wohavo Ufiod ita wonderfull many in this town and Hi.rroundl and ill who liava undurfjoae truatiu muuQ it very higliiy. No Cureâ€" No Pay A. WILSON on district recoQj- Barber FLESHEUTON BIG . . 5T0CK Wo have jiiHt rocolved in akook one of tl)ti thicKt uHBortinuutfl of BLANKETS AND ROBES In tlie market and can f »vor you with any requirements you will Deed in tbat line. Also a lareo coDBlenmout of Imitation PERSIAN LAMB COATS, Wo havo a flno collection of coats to to Huloct from. All Sold at Lowet Living Prices lAf M. IVI O O R S /\/\ UST BE SOLD Tlio balance of onr winter stock lias to be sold at onco, and to do tiiii? wo I'cali/.o tbat priuo is ibo only way to dJHposo of it 80 , LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS Never bavo you Imd tbn cbance olfered to yon before. Look down tbis Udt and Ibeii corno and make your purcbaso. Ladies' High OvorshooH.rog $1.75 now $ 1 36 8 pra.only Men's Kant Krack rub- burs 9-i 60, now 3 00 14 pairs only Men's C in. top Kant Krack rubbers, rt'n. t'^,n<lv . . 2 50 3 pairs boys ono-buckle rubbor,ri'g $1.05,now 1 35 1 doz pairs heavy aox, re^ 7(ie,nnw (M) 2 doz pairs heavy soi, rejj 45 Man's leggings from 91.25 t<i 2 00 Oiie doz suits underwear, all wool reu Jll.fiO now 1 30 Ono doz Suits ITndurwoar, un- Hlirinkable !K)c, now 76 Of.o diiz suits fleece lined, reg UOc, now 76 Ono d(« Wool fleeced, reg fl.fiO now 1 16 3 ladies fur rnfTs,reKf2.75,now... 2 25 3 fur csps, reg J2.60, now 2 00 3 fur ca|.H, reg 3 00, now 2 50 IM) NOT MTSS THIS OHANCK WHILE IT LASTS R. Kinnear & Sons .... MAXWFILL .... f Ayerk We know what all good doc- tors think of Ayers Cherry Pectoral. Ask your own doc- tor and find out. ^He will tell Cherry Pectoral you how it quiets the tickling throat, heals the inflamed lungs; and controls the hardest of coughs. " ATer"s Cherry Ftctorml li wtU known In our fsmUy. We thick It la the but medicine in the world for cooehi knd colds." BUTII rBTXBaOH, Petslama, Cal. J5«.,50o.,fl.00.'^ Alldru,|jl.U.. ^|-Qy J. CAT towell. ATXR CO.. Mas*. Hard Coughs One of Ayer'a Pills at bedtime will hasten^ recovery. j^ Gently laxative. 1 horoughbred Durham Bull for Service Cord minto, 2^06$. The undernif^ned has a fine aged Durham Dull for Bervico oil lot 141, T. and 8. K. TermFâ€" »1 for (jiado cows, W for thorough- breds. Pudiereo on application J.\CUU LEVUii FlCBherton F.O Business Cards M'0ULL,OUGH A YOUNQ Hanker Markdale Dotk |>oneral banking business. Money loaned a reasouable race OaU ou us. RJ 8PKOULB Fodcmaster, Fleeherton ^commissioner in H.C.J., Auotiooeer Con- voyancor, Appraiser aud Money Lender Heain']stato and Insuraoco Agent. Deeds mortijaijes, leases and wills carefully drawn up anil valuations madu on t>liorteHt notice, mouuy to loan at lowest rates of interest. Col eotions atteuded to with promptness charges low. Agent (or Ocean Dotuiuiou Ui«amship Company, A call solicited. Societies Ac U VC meets ou the Isat Monday in eacii month, in their lodge room, ChrlBtoa'H block. 8 p.m. M.W., A. Harrison ; Kecorder, Jas. Folstuad ; I''iuan- ciur, W.J. Ueliamy. VisitiDK bretliren ii.vited. PRINCE ARTHTB LODGE, No, SiW.A. A M, meets ia the Masonic ball. Strain's block, Fleshcrtou, every Friday on or before the full luocu. KH W Hickling WU. Chas Munihaw, Uecretary. OOUUT FLESHF.RTON. I. O. P. meets in ChriRtoe's lilock the last Frida> evening each month. VisitinK FnrostAiii heartily velooiue. C. It.. 0. W, nellamy ; It. O.. W. huskln ; Fin, Bec.Dr R. Murray, ( I'liy dues to Dr. Murray on or before last'day of each mouth.) Medical Dll CARTRR M C P 4 H Ont. Physician, Rnreeon, etc oaice and residenceâ€" Peter at , Flosherton DM, 8C0TT, M.B., MaxwBll. Ont. It, M, REID, M.D.O.M,, Physirian.'Hurupon and AccoHchonr, lato of N. Y,|I'ostKrad. Modical School, N. Y. Lyl.ic-in lIUKpftiil and Bt. Luke's Oeuoral Hospital, Ottawa JP OTTKWELL Votorluary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary rollega, residojice â€" ssooud door south west on Marv street. This street runs south I'rosbyteriau Chnrob. n WILSON, lUaoV.mlth "• iradnato of the Veterinary Rclenco Asflociation. UoHidenuo, Unrhaiu itreet, op- puaite lloyd, Hicklibg'i hardware. Leoal J. W. FROST, L. li, H. Ilarristor, Nolicltor Oouveyancer, e(o oltlooâ€" Next to poHtoWea, Hproule's block Fl;ihurtoii, every Tluirsda and court days N ll-Owen Bound oUloe, Frost* block Poulett street east. LUCAS, WRIGHT St MoARDLK Karrlatora Hullcitora ConTsyancera, eto Oflloosâ€" Owan Sound, Ont aud Markdale Ont. W 11 WnioHT, McAaDLB 1 It Lticaa N ll-Flosherton oBce, MitehsU'i Hank tvary Saturday. MACKAVASAMPSON .Harristsrs, lollcltors, ()KFl('KH:()won Hound, Merchant's liank Ulock, N of I'attorsou House, llnndalk ain lltrent, every Saturday . M .-innr ta loan at 4) par cent. A. n. MACKAY, 11 A,, H.B. HAMPBON, L.L.D AIwsTS in attendance at Pletherton and Uundslk DlTialon Courts. Denti.stry DR. B C. MURRAY, L,D. B. denial â- nroaon honor Rraduatn of Toronto UnUsraliy and Royal ("oUege of Penlal Huriteons of Ontario, oflteeâ€" Opposite Arniitrnng's Jewsllory Htore, Win Tlnit Maiwell the last Wednesday •teaeh month, and Onndslk 1 fuA I Tharsday |a (seh DC*. Treatment fpr Smut in Oats Many ini|uirie« have been made by Outari-i faruieri regardini; the treatineut of amut ill oats, experiments tiave been canducted at the college in order to as- certain the most effectual remedies which can be used fur this pest. The varieties uf oats were selected in the spring of 1902, and »\iA\n in the spring of 1903,and unifurm samples frucu each variety were submitted tn special treatments with th» object af killini; the spores of smut ad- hering: to the p-aiii. The variuns treat- ments were as folluwa : 1. Immersion in Hot Water. For this treatment, the strain was placed in a bag, which was then iinmerBed iii water at about 116 dejjrees F. Soon afterwards it was placed in water which was kept at a temperature between 130 degrees aud 135 degrees V. The grain was occasiou- ally stirred and was allowed to reniaiu in the water for a period of lifteen minutes. It was then spread out on a flour tu dry, where it was stirred occasionally. 2. Immersion in Bluestone Solution for Five Minuies. For No. 2 treatment, a strong eolutioa was made by dissolving one pound of copper sulphate (bluestone) in one gallon of water, and then immer sing the oats in the solution fur a period of live minutes. 3. Iniineiaion in Bluestone Solution for Twelve Hours. In this treatment, the bluestone solution was made by dis- Sulviut; one pound of tluestune in 25 uallons of water, and the oats were im- mersed in this solution fur a period uf 12 hours 4. Sprinklinif wiih Bluestone Solu- tion. This solution was made by dissol- ving one pound of bluestone in 10 gallons of water, which wa.s used for spnnklini; over the oats until they were thoroughly moistened after being carefully stirred. 5. Iniinersiun in Potsssiuiu Sulphide Solution. The potassium sulphide treat- ment consisted in soaking the seed for two houis ill a soultion made by dissolr iog 8 pounds of potassium sulphide in 50 gal bins of water. 0. Immersion in Diluted Formalin (fornialdeliyd') The solution of fi)riiialiii used for the iiiini«;r»ion process was made by p'loriiig one Half pint of the foriiiabn into 21 gallons of water, and tlio seed uais wore immersed iu the solution fur 20 minutes. 7. Sprinkling with Diluted Formalin, One-half pint of formalin was poured in- to 5 gMlliiiiH uf water. The oats were then sprinkled with this solution and carefully stirred until the grain was thoroughly ninistenetl. 8 Untreated. One sample of outs of each variety ware left untreated in order that the intlueiico ot the various treat- ments nii^ht he observed. Eiaht lots of oats <>f each variety were, therefore, used for this experiment . After the treatments had been completed a few hour.'*, the oats were carefully sown on separate plots, When the usts were com- iiii! intii bead, they were examined fie- (pioiitly and all smutted heads were re- moved and carefully co-jntod froai day to day. The following; table gives the total perceiitaiie of siuuttixl heads from each treatment : Treatments Percentage of Crup Smutted 1. Hot water .0 2. bluestone, E minutes.. 1.3 U. Bluestone, 12 hour:*. . .. - .3 4. BlucHtone, sprinkled.. . 1.4 5, Pota8siuiiiSulphide,2lirR 1.7 0. Formalin, 20 iiiinuteK.. .0 7. Formalin, sprinkled..., ,0 8. Untreated 4.7 The smut in uats very frequently causes a great reduction in the yield of grain. The treatments with hot water,f<.rmalin, and ininiersioii in bluestone for twelve honr.i have given the best results lit the college. The fm'inalin is a clear liquid, which can beuli'ained from almost any drue store. The treatment with formalin la easily performed, comparatively cheap, ami VMry effectual. Fanners would do well to treat their oaj^ before sowini; in the spring. C. .\. ZAVITZ Out. Agric. College, Guelph. What Is Uyapepsia Quahn.s, nausea, lon^jing for lo<>d yet dreading to eat. You may have the real ihinic, liut Ferrozuiie will cure you like it did S. D. Huntin^fdon of Hainilton, wlio saj's "I frei|uently was attacked with such acute dyspepsia that I thought it must he heart disease. I used Ferrozoiie and got relief. I kept on using Ferrozone and was cured. My diuestiun ia in per- fect order and I can eat anything to-day," Nuthini; ia as sood as Ferrozcme for dyspepsia and those bothered with weak stomachs. The Canadian Press Association ia putting up a decided kick tgainat dollar daily papers. The whitQ paper alone costs il.30 per year. Some young man who had lost track of a day, drove onto the market in Owen Sound with a load of wood on Sunday week. When infurijied of his mistake he drove to one of the hotels and unloaded there. drey county reports the heaviest ag- ureiiale snow this season, liocklyn hav- ing had 158 inches, <.)wen Simnd 111 in- chert, Muaford 106 inches, bruce comes next with 123 inches at Saugoon, 80 at Point Clark, 76 at Wiartiin. Muskoka reports 105 inches at Beatrice 118 at Bala, and iM) at (iravoiihurat. An Urdlnary Pill Is liable to muse griping psinH, hut Dr Hamihon't Pills of Mandrake and Butter- hui never gripe or cause any pain what- soever. The mildest and eflectio physio. Sure cure for headache and bilionsnoss. ' U«o only Dr. lUmilton's Pilli, Price 25c HALF CURE IS DANGEROUS. TVucu you got a Cold, LaGrlppc,Influenza,donot be saticned with something to check it The greatest danger Is In the lingering results of a half cure. Man J a We history would read dl.Terent to-day it that severe attack of Cold and La Grippe had t'.cn properly baodleJ- A hard cold wi'J settle ia the weak- est rart. AxTi-PiLi, acts on the entire mucous raembraive of the-body â€" relieves Con- gestion -â€" cures Constipa- tion, Biliousness, sad Dj5- pepsla â€" every largo gland of the body Is brought under Its influence and ,a clear-cut cure established with a medicine perfectly harmless to man, woman, or child. 50 cents of Jealcrs, or by aUdrtssin^ â- \ViLsox-FvLE Co., Niagawi Falls, Ontario. Free sam- ple to any address. NO DIFFERBNCE No distinction ia made as to the kind of piles that Hem-Roid cures. The names internal. External, Bleeding Blind, Itching, .Suppuratinj, etc., ar simply naaies of the ditfMrpiit et.vjes through which every case will pass if it continues lont' enough. Piles are caused by congestion or sta'.'- nation of blood in the lower bowel, and takes an internal remedv to remove the cause. Ur. Leiinhardt's Hem-roid is a tablet- taken internally. It is a permanent cure and no case of Piles has ever been found it failed to cure. Money back if it docs. A guarantee with every package. The Liquor License department hay decided that in future all hotel.s must have their dining- rooms ojien all the time and serve ineals iir, all hours. Tbo law state* this, and the in.spectors have be=:n instructed to see to its developement. Preparation is necessary if you wi*h- to succeed. If you inted to transact busiijess of any kind you would be sadly handicap- od without a bu.siness educati-'n. I'he most thuruu^h tiairiin',i of tbis kiiid:uii be obtained at the OWES^ SOIND, ONT. , Winter bnn commenres Jan 4th. Citt- alu'jae f i ce by addrua.'^inii » C A. FLEMING Principal ftr.;, , W^:'I^S^JM#^iP8^|M^^KJ^*^B?^ For over thirty years WP have treated and cured all forms of Blood diseases, both hereditary and acquired. Our New Method Treatment is original with ourselves, and never fails to eradicate ttio poison from the Bystera. Beware of mercury and other mineral poisons, which so many doctors prescribe for this terrible disease, as they will ruin the system. Other treatments drive the poison into the system, whereas our treat- ment destroys the virus or poison in the blood and removes it from the system entirely, so tho symptoms can never return. If you have any of the following symptoms consult ua before it is too late: Blotches, eruptions or pimples; falling out of tho hair, itchiness of tho skin, stiffness or pains in the Joints, soreness in the muscles, sore throat, ulcers or bad taste in the mouth, sore tongue, sourness of tho stomach, enlarged elands, running sores, etc. Our New Method Treatment will purify the blood, heal up the sores, remove all pains: the hair will grow fn again, all organs will be restored to their normal condition, and the patient prepared to renew tho duties and pleasures of life. We guarantee marriage possible with absolute safety. CURES GUARANTEED OR {^O P&Y TVe treat nnd cure Varlcocela, Horvona Debility, Stricture, Gleet, Blood Poison, TJriBory Drains aad bosses, XUditey and, Sladder Diseases. Are you a victim? Havo you lost hope? Arc you con- templating marriage? Has your blood been diseased? Havo you any weakness? Our New Method Treatment will cure you. Ooniiatation Tree. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. Book! Free. â€" "The Golden Monitor" (illustrated) on Diseases of men. "Diseases of Women," "Varicocele, Stricture and Gleet." AH sent FSEE NO MEDICIIE SENT 0. 0. 0. NO NAMES OH DOXES 0!i ENVELOPES. EVERYTHING CONFIDENTIAU QUESTION LIST AND COST OF TREATMENT, FR£ E, FOR HOME CURE REABEB! DrsKENNI 148 SHELBY ST. DETROST, K3ICH. The Page Wire Fence. ,vO PAGE fences aro the orlv ones on the market made of colled wire, as we are tho only concoru having niaclilnery that will woavo h coilud woven foiiee. Soma oonoerns unablo to makoor Ret looms lluit will weave and ooil tho wire, try to ostol liah a talkiuR point l>y kinking or corrugating the wire. Itnt this doss not of ouurso, li.ivo tho life or soriiii;, tlist does a coil, A'to the kink in tho brittle, 10.v fji'ivlo wire used in other foiicos is liable to bro,vk iu frosty weather or whonovor the fonco rccoivtf^snv an tden shook. Nearly evervono nnduistands that onr colled wire is practicajly a coll spring drawn out till only a spiral or wsvory appoaranro is left. When a PoKo fenon i* orected on posts witii the . powerful stretoliiiiR tools wo mipiily. the coil in tho wiru is still futthur drawn out. Hut there is ononcli coil left in the wire to make it very springy and euables tho feuoo to staud extremely rnuffb usa^e without breaking. Now, It would do no good to coil a comirron wire in thia way, as tho coll to be ollootive and â-  not pull OTit strai','ht with tho tli-st ntvain and stay th*it way munt lio of highei" temperâ€" that iB, hard and tough. Iu order to meet these reiiuirameuts, wo use a specially ma.le hi^h earljou wire. Som3 fence oono^riia try to traio on o'lr siiooea^ bv ustngaso-ca'lel high carbon wire *Jusk , like Page," and as ordinary fence users have no itootl wav of totliu'.; tti > diif-jreuca till the f juoa has been in use sumo tiiuo. they succeed in placing cousiderablo of it iu uho. , For Sale By J. H. Heard, Flesherton p. KlcTAVISH III fiisiioN imm Mwm For First Class Buggies, Carts, Pleasure and I^umber \\ agons, r^ cutters, Sleighs. We keep a stock on hand to choose from. ifyl AL50 HORSE SHOEINQ ANOQENERAL BLACKSMITHINO ' and guarantee first class work. VVe koop on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and tlsp Massey- Harris and Noxon j-epaira for binders, Mowers, all kinds of machinery, also Hinder Twine on hand. » mben \n town give us a call « ^^^(M^^' ^^ i.

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