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Flesherton Advance, 25 Feb 1904, p. 8

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,#-< ,r I FS3 25 1M4 The Markets. •Carcfmlly C}«rre«tcd EacliW«ek •0«u SO '• 30 ^•M 03 • 03 Bkrlay 46 to 4S Sutler 46 U 16 (K* rresh V) -^ SO P»rk 6 76 t« 6 75 Ohickeiia p«r lb 8 t« 10 Ducksper lb 7 to 7 tackoyiporlb It to IS Ooooo without bMdo. . 8 *• 9 U*r I M to • 00 'Voutooo ba« N 10 W X)i4r Clubbing List THX FLSSHIBTOM ADVAKCS *JldT«nco, *UenId nnd «ToMnto Wurld, daily |3 25 Toronto Daily News 1 86 Weekly Globe 1. 80 Mail-Empire 1>80 Family Morald & Star 1.80 Toronto Sur 1.80 Farmern Sun l-SO All abore pricea include The Advance ' and Montrchl Herald, if pnid in advance ' only. Early aubscribers get best ralue for their nionay. I' t Tle$berton Furniture aiarerooms. We are carrying the newtst (tylas of aeaaonable gooda in all lints of Furnitture, cooaisting of: Parlor and bedroom suitii, lounges, sideboards, extension and centre lableK, chair», window abadea and curtain poles, pictures, easels, oto., Which we offer at LOWSET PRICES Picture Framing and General Re- pairing. Undertaking in all ita branches. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. rt. Bunt, Prop. Falling out Hair If this is tbe case, call &nd see ui and wo will prevent It doiag so by ap|>l} ing our wonder^ tulteiuedy. Highly Recommend Wo havo used Itn woQdertiill • on 'toany in this lowii and >urroundl district .. and all wbo liave undorgone treatui recom- .mend it very bigbly. No Cureâ€" NoPay A. WILSON FliBBHEHTON Barber BIG . . 5T0CK We have Jnst reoelTsd In itosk oao of the finest SBaortmenta of OLANKETS AND ROBES In the market and can favor yon with anr requirements 70a will need to that lino. Also a large eontijiuoient et ImttaMon PERSIAN LAMB COAT5. We bavo a floe eollection of eoats to to aeioot from. iAIi Sold at Low«t Living Price* inriMI. MOORE M UST BE SOLD The balance of oar winter Btock lias to be sold at ouce, and (0 do this we realize that price is tbe only way 10 diapose of it so IiOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS Never have yoa had the ohanee offered to you before. Look dovru tbia lidt and then come and make your purchasi. Ijulies' High OTershoo«,roR $1.76 no* $ 1 36 8 prs.only Men's Kant Krack tub- hers $3 50. now 3 00 14 pairs only Men's 6 in. top Kant Krack rubbers, reg. 93,nn».. 2 60 8 pairs boys one-buckle rubher.raif •l.e5,now : 1 36 1 doi pairs heavy tm, reg 70c,now fiO i. doa pairs heHvy sox, ren b0c,now 45 Men's IrgKnga from $1.26 to 2 00 Uue dozsuitH underwear, all wool re« $1.60 now 1 30 One doz Suits Underwear, un- ahrinkalile 90c, now 76 Obe doz suits Ileeoe lined, reg 90o, n-w 75 One doR WrKil fleeced, reg $1 60 now , I 16 .1 ladies furrulfs.rfK$2.76,now... 2 26 3 fur cspa. reg 12 60, now 2 00 3 fur caps, reg 3 00, now 2 60 DO NOT MISS THIS OUANCK WHILE IT LASTS fi. Kinnear & Sons .... JMAXWSLL .... Ayers Give nature three helps, and nearly everv case of con- sumptloa will recover. Fresh air, most important of all. Cherry Pectoral Nourishing food comes next. Then, • medicine to control the cough and heal the lungs. Ask any good doctor. • I Stsl uot Ayei's Cherry Pe«l«r»}«l yejre a«o. I have seen teritbla caaea ef »â- Â» «a- eSwee eare4 br it. I am aerar viihoiit It/* ALBBBT a. BAXU.TOI, Mazletta, Ohio. M«..Me.,nJI. AO^JJjlJJJy pfor. a ATnoo.. dlJJaM, Consumption H«aKh dwmand* dally action of tha bowola. Aid fia*ur* wftli Ayar'a Pllla. Ihoroughbred Durham Bull for Service Cord minto, 2906$* The unAertlgned faaa a fine aged Dnrham BuU for aervlce on lot 141, T. and 8. B. Term»â€" 81 for grade cowa, #3 for tborengb- breds. Pedigree on appiloatiou JACOB LkVKK Flesherton F.O BusiNE-ss Cards l/fOULUJUQH * YOUNG 'f*' Baulior Markdals Oo a general banking buainess, Uoosjr loaned a reasonable rate Call on as. RJ 8PBO0LK Foitmastor, Flesherton v^uimiBsloner in H.C.J., Anotionser CoD' voyanoer, Appraiser and Money Lender Uaal Ijatate and Insurance Agent. Deeds mortKaijeB, leaaos and villa carsfnlly drawn up and valuations made on sbortest notice, money to loan at loweat ratea of interest. Col eotlona attended to with promptneaa charges low. Agent for Ocean Dominion Htaamahip Company. A call solicited. Societies AG U M* meets on ttlo last Monday 10 eacu month, in their loage room, Chrlatoe's block. Flesherton. at 8 p.m. M.W., A. Harriaon ; Kecorder, >Ja8. Felstuad ; Finan- eier, Vi.i. Bel. amy. Visiting brethren lurited. PBINOB ABTHTB LODOB, No. SSS, A. A U, meets in the Masonic hall. Strain's block, Flesbkrton, every Friday on or before tha full inocn. F H W Hlckliug W U. Chas Uuushaw, Secretary. nOUUT FLE8HEBT0N, I. O. F. meets In v Chriatoe'a Block the last Friday evening each month. VUiting Foreatsis heartily valcoma. C.B.. O. W. Bellamy; B. O., W. Buskin : Fin. HecDr R. Mnrray. ( Pay dues to Dr. Murray on or before last'day of each month. I Medical na, OABTRB tf M O P a 8 Ont. Physician. Sorgeen, ate Oaiee and residenceâ€" Peter St., rieshertoa DB. SCOTT, M. B., Haawsll, Dot. B. H. BEID. M.D.O.II„ Fbyslolsn.iBurgeon and Aecouchcnr, late of N. T.iPoatgrad. Medical School. N. T. Ijyljg.ta Iluspital and 8t. Lake's Ooneral Hospital, Ottawa JP OTTBWELL Veterinary BnrgeoD Oradaate of Ontario Teterlnary Colleta. reaideuce â€" second door south wast on Uary street. This street rava soath Prssbyterian Chnrch. n 'WILSON, Blacksmith "* 'iraduata of the Veterinary Belenoo Aaaociatlon. Keaidance, Durham (tteet, op- poaite Boyd, Uickllug'a bardwara. Legal J. W. FBOBT. L L. M. Barrlater, Bolicltor CouTeyaucar, ets onceâ€" Next to poatofflce, Bpronls's block F'ljihertnti. every Thurads and, ooart daya N Bâ€" Uwen Hound oUScs, Frost* block Poalatt street east. LUCAS, WBIORT a McABDLB Karriitera Hollcltori Conveyanoera, eto omensâ€" Owen Sound. Ont andUarkdaleOnt. W H WnioHT, MoAbdlb I B Loess N Bâ€" Flesherton office, Mltebell's Bank STory Saturday. MACKAVaSAMPSON narrlatara. aolkltors, OFFIOivH :-Owen bcnnd, Uarchant'B Bank Block, N. of ratt»rnon nonie. Lnndalk aiu Street, every Saturday. Money tn loan at U per cent. A. O. U/tUKAY. MA., H.R. 8AHP80N, L.L.D Alwava in attendance at Flesherton and Dnodalk Division Oonrts. Uentistry DR. B C. MURRAY, L.D. B. dental snrRaun hoaor itradiiata of Toronto Unlvarslty and Roral ColIrK* of Oenlal Hjritaona of Ontario. OIBreâ€" Oppoalt* Armatroin'i Jewellery Stor*. Will villi Maiwell tha laat Wadoeeday al eaeh mouth, aud Dan dalkl and • Tkarsday la .eaeti lao. Spring AtsiMlk The Spring .Assizes were held in ^en Sound last week befois Judge McMaboD. Dillon va. Mutual Reserve was an in- surance case which occupied 2 and a half daya of the court's lime. The action was brought by Elisabeth Dillon, widow of John Dillon, laie of the township of Eu- phrasia, upon a policy of insurance issued by tbe old Proyincisi Provident institu- tion, which company was taken nrer by the Mutual Reserve Fund Life Associa- tion. Tbe deceased died about three years ago, and Mrs. Dillon duly furnished proofs of death in the osual way, but the company resisted payment, claiming that Mr. Dillon had made misrejpreseniations when applying for faisurance, i» being claimed, among other things, that he was about thiee ysars older than he stated he was, and that he had buffered from an absGe8s,altboughthe aiiswer given by him to the medical examination was t!>at he had never been afflicted in that way. The case came up two years ago at the assizes and the Jury found on all puipts in favor of Mrs. Dillon, but found that Mr. Dillon waa actually three yeais older than be thought he was, but that he did not in- tend to mislead the company when he gave his age and actually believed that he was the age given ly him. Judgment was SLtered for the full amount. Tbe company appealed to tbe Couit of Appeal, which court, on account of the mistake in the age, directed a new trial. The insurance company was not satisfied to take a new trial, but appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada, which, how- ever disniissed the appeal and the new trial went on at this assizes. This case has attracted much attention, Mr. Dillon being well known in his township and the defendeuk company having considerable notoriety by reason of their connection with the Provincial PruTijMnt iuatitutiun. Verdict was given for plaintiff. Lucas, Wright & McArdle tor plaintiff ; Mac- Murchy, Deuisoii & McArdle & Hender- son, (Toronto) and H. G. Tucker, for defendants. Rex vs. Mcintosh â€" The accused. Dun can Mcintosh, resides in the county uf Dufferiii and waa charged with having about the lat of December last stolen a horse belonging to one Talbott, a farmer rusiding near Flesherton. The horse has not yet been found, but it was claimed that the accused was aeen at different limes and places in possession of the horse in question. The accused claimed that at the time the horse was supposed to hnvo been stolen that he was elsewhere and could not possibly have stcilen the hoise. The case was dismissed. John ArmslrunK for the crown ; Lucas, Wright & Mc- Ardle for the accused. The case of Frederick Booey charged with waking a false affidavit in connec- tion with the age bf a yjung woman whom he married, was thrown out by the grand jury. â€" -' a » ^ » a â-  I . â- â-  La Grippe Coming Again The doctors believe another epidemic of grippe is here, and already many are suffering. The medical men are not afraid of Kri|>pe aiiioe Catarrhozone was intro- duced, and claim that no one wilt ever catch thia disease who inhales the frag- rant healing vapor of Caiarrhozone a few timoa daily. Catarrhozone kills the grippe germ and prevents it spreading throuKb the system. "List winter I hsd an attack of grippe" writM C. P. Mac- kinnoii of St. John's. '*I bought Cat- arrhozone and g<it relief in short time. I found Catarrhozone better than any- thing else and was cured by using it." Catarrhozone prevents and cur«s Rrippe, colds and catarrh. Two months' treat- meat $1.00 ; trial size 26c. What Qrey may Look for Simcoe's house of refuge coat that ouiity last jear the sum of $9071.63. The items were made up as follows : Permanent improvamebts $1246 95 Salaries and wages 1080 00 Fuel 1351 30 SuppIiM 4737 63 Printing and stationery 17 15 Conveying ii.mates to frieuds 35 08 Uifht 100 00 Insursnce, repairs, eio 40!) 34 Petty disbursements 100 00 bUb •9071 63 During the year there were sold farm products amouuting to 1661 69. AT UrE'5 To Uiosa Weil along to years there comss, accord- ing t&'Uio coDditioD of tbe system, their moaMre at Ills and suffering. SoMs sr« young st TO, wfafie othcn are old at 40. HMfif people who onci use Dr. IXtfninril't Anti- rm Sod that it bkk nmrrel- •os power to relieve tli^'m of ths troablsa that Dotbiog else will ilhske off, t, „ ally backaehs, coasUpk> tluo, bladder trouble, taiU log appetite, and iiuXlge^ tioo. If Aim-Fiu. Is used upon Uking cold, tbeicheB and patos that asusiiy fo^ low win be (voided, "t^ prove this, tend to Wn.* soit-Flxa Co.) Niagara rails. Ont.. for a frea •â- â- Â»â€¢ pie. AwTi-Fn.L is sold 1^ drogglsU at BO seats a 1 ANTI-PII^L. seinbled here this evening to celeVrSte with yon the fiftieth anniversaiy of yoar wedding day. We have alwaya found you kind and loving, and as a slieht token of our love for you we would ask you to ac- cept th'Se chairs, hoping that the evening of your life may be prolonged and healib and strength coulinus for many years to And when the labors and triala of this life are over that you with ns may have an abundant entrance into that fair and chappy land beyond the river. Signed in behalf of your children and grand children and friends. Mk. AMD Mbb. Aleiawdbr â€" We, your friends and Deiithbors, IikYo met hers this evening to join with you ami your family In the celebration of I he anniversary nf your fiftieth wedding day, and we also tike this opportunity of exten'Juig to you our hearty congiatutations in having been spared to o-lebrate thia happy event which so very few live to see. We ask ynu, Mr. AleXandei*, to accrpt this chins fruit aet and cheese dish, and you, Mrs. Alexander thia tea set, ii><t fur their in- trinsic value, but merely as a slight tokf B of oar regard and estimation of you m frieiida and neighbors. We sincerely truit that you may be sp: r 'd to spend m goodly number <>f years yet in our midst, and when tbe journey ot life is ended and all cares are over may we each and all meet in tbe better land. Sienod Bblla Park B.A.SAioEua it's When iTou have Toothacha That the power of Nerviline quickt/ makes itself felt. Any aching tooth can be relieved by Nerviline in a few mom- entg by filiiog the cavity with batting soaked in Nervilin-. A good pUn is to rub the gums with Nerviline also. There ie'nt a sinvie reinedv that has cm0 fourth the pain-relieving power of Nervi- line which acts like, magic. Nerviline killi the jjain oulriiiht and prevents it from returning. You can t beat Nervi- line for toothache or neuralgia ; it's the best pain cure madn. Price 25c. Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs, George Alexander of Fevershain eelrbrated their golden wcddii'g on Wednesday evening of last week, when about forty guesta were present, including many Iriuuds and neighbors, of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander, who are old pifinevrs of the townehip of Osprey. Osriiig to inclein«nt weather many others were unable to l>e prvaunt. The evening was an enjuyal^e one. After supper a neat pr<'gram waa diaposed of ctinpiatilig of T»cal and iiiNtrumental I music, recitations, fpeeches, etc., after : which uamea were indulged in and a very pleasant evening of sociability was closed j by sinuinv "Oud be with ynu till we meet again." During tho course nf the evening two presentations were made and tbe fiiilowiiig addrei>se« read : Feversham, Feb. 16, 1904 7*0 Mr, and Mr$. Oto. Altjeander Dbab Fathbr AND MoTBBK,â€" We,yo«r • children and grand children, have as ' K &^vA*^f!fc&!«3^>fiM^'^ iJ«^K^ W The majority of men have varicocele la tbe Crst, second or tUIrd stage, tn the early aiages it m.iy c.usen any srnjptorji which tiio patient may not recog- nise as arising front tU\a disease. la fact, «e iauvc have xoaad oa examiaatlon. varicocele, present in hundrciNcf c.tsos where ttia patient did not know he had It at all. In timo it ^111 produce sn.:h c^n torn.'} aa tUo following: Nerrotisasss, weakness in tUs bark, unsteady limbs, ticcd aud txhansted feeling*, pains ia the loins, irritation of ttic bladder and ki-:ney:>, &e<liruci.t and loss in nrtne, emissions at night with lewd dreams, sexual -wnakuesf: aad decline of manly powe^tbese symptomo praduallr develop Into niSRVOUS DEBII,1TY and iMPOTWtCT. Our NEW METUOD TIli-,.iTMKN T WILI, POSITIVELY CURK YOD AMD IT IS GUARANTEED TO CUiiS YOO WiTKOUT OPKRATIOIf, Through Its yltalizlng InQneuco tho wormy veins rcinra to tl.elr normal calit>er, the elr- eolation of blood improves so I'.'O iyrg:\tie ara (TTopcrly nonrishsd, and are restored to strength and vlg-or; the ncrrea becomo sironi;, arrbitioa and energy replace lassitude and despondency, a'.l drains cenee, t)ie e.ves bi^rotua bright, tbe brain active, aad 70a feel as a man onght to feel in perfec t fx;aaai and itvatsl coniUtiOB. All eases wa ac^pt for treitmcnt are taltca naiet a positive tmaraatee that thsyarecnrableor no pay. Wo refer yoa to several banka as to our finawMy i respoBsibUity , so you may know wi ara guud for &ny coutr.icts we make. Mtga^UrteBBa^'^y^*''"'*^'"^ Ea'-s yoa lost born:? ^revoacoatemplatlaf nCrCnUrG^cr inarrtagc? Kas your Bio.. d be«a diaeised? Have yon any weak- ness? Our New Method Treatment will ere yon. What It haa dene for others It will do for yon. CONSULTATION 7:< EB. No niattsr who has treated yoa, write for an honent or>tiiioa Free of Cbarg<^. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREEâ€" "Tho GoldLH Monitor" (iUnstrated), on Diseases of Man. Everything coaadcntloU (<BC8tioa list Bad cost Of Trsatmest, VBUa lot Btime Treatment. DRSeKEHI / 140 Shotby Si,, e^ET^&ST, YOU ARE LOSING MONEY VITHOUT* A •M ELOTTE" CREAM SEPARATOR 80,000 In Daily use The only Separator fitted with Beautiful Enamelled Bowl Casing. The ligheat running and most durable Separator yet produced. Saves time, labour, space. Utensils ice and water. HEARD Sc SON^, FLESHERTON ^^Sf^^iOiii^ii»s»S^ E). McTAVISH li[ ra[RIi!l eiRRIAIll BlllilR F»r First Class Buggiei, Carts, Pleasure and Lumber \\agons, cutters. Sleighs. We keep a stock on hand to choose from. ALSO nOKSB SHOEING AND GENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and uusranteo firat class work. We keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and also Ma<wey- Harris and Nuxnn repairs for binders. Mowers, «il kinds uf ma';hiiiory, also Bindsr Twine on hand. i» mben in town fliv« US a call «

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