1 I 4 About the » ••••House SHOUT CDTS. . 'i'hcie lue Ijo hhort cuts to good liouKckevpinj{ â€" except for the women wjth plenty ot monigy uiiU a husband willing Klic ohould sjiund it for- l«il>or- suviiig appiionces unci a. good, stout ,', gill tu.wtelU Ult'ivi, writes u x'^^nes- , :>on(lc'n(. 'yUey nuy the tinic'',_.is coniiug win.-/! Milady rail ;at in her ' rnay (Imir uud press a button and inu vork will he done for hor. Hut for the xvuiiiuu of pioderutc. niouns .there are u grout many little things, costing hut u trillc lliat will help, to tiiaku liouhuwork a great deal easier. • !Uany of us go willioi.t such things -rather than at>li (or them, or uiuier the mistaken jiotion thai. we arc Kaviug symetting. Well, peihaps wo ..we Kuving .a lillli: in.xIctllaJ's ' unb cent.'-, but how about the wife's and â- mother 'h t.ium null .'.trength V It i->fc«eni8 to nic they are worth inpro, ,.lo her family, thjjn Li;e small isuras .'"["kho HUM'S by going without things ' she ntx'iis. Por ir.f.tancf, I turned pancakes for yeai-s with a, knife until . J was ju.st going to have' a pancake . turner. I g-ot itâ€" cost 10 cents, and find \'. a liibor-savcr, One ilioit < lit is to lieginMhe day right by l,ayiiig bi^iaUfast on , (JBie," â- whidf merfiis whcnovor-thc iiirat ' are- ready for it. A man docsii^t care •whether the sweeping andTliisling are i-one or not if lie has meals on tin-.c. 1 prefer to get breakfast the night before â€" that is, haVe cverj- Ihing ready I need not nfiention the diffeicnt tilings wo can ck>, but one thing 1 want to lay particular cn'.- jihasis on. See tliul tl e; e is plenty of liot water in tho teakettle. Then, after everybody is loady for break- fast, all ha.nds will not have to wail for water to heat to fill ui^ the cofrw-potâ€" «ii*li Uiiiigs .have happen- ed ! imforc "sittiig^-dowii tt) any meal, bo sure thcio is water in re- servoir or teakettle to heat for dish- water. That is a flocided short cut. I do not prcteml to be a model l.ousekceper â€" tur from it»-but 1 al- waj s liave plenty of disliwater. When ready to wash Ibe dishes GOOD B£SULT8. ^ *. rj,** Are Sure to Follow the ITse of Dr. Williams Pink PiJidâ€" They Never Fail When tTsed for Blood and Nerve Troubles. Th« icputalion held by Ur. Wil- liams Pink Pills not only in Canada but throughout -tho whole world Is one that cannot be c()ualcd by any other incdi:'iuo.. No other medicine ill tho world is so extensively used as Dr. Williams Pink Pills, and this e.ttciisivo use is due solely to the merit of the jiiotlicine. These pills t{re not n common purging iiie:Hcine; they arts, a scientific blood builder and nerve restorer. Kvery dcso helps create, new, lich, red blood, and this lew blood reaches the root of the disease and drives it from the »ys- lo.ni. That is the whole secret of the success cf this remarkable medicine. Thousands and thousands testify " to the vnhic of these pills among them beinK Mrs. Uobert tjibbs. Petit 1-am- eque, N. U., who says : â€" "I wish to tlmnk you for the good results oli- tainoil from the use of Dr> Williams Pink I'ills. 1 suffered fiom kidney trouble and the oains in the back were, sometimes hard to hear. I used in all fI.x boxes of the pills and ^ the trouble has entirel.v disappeai ed. I would stronly advise others .sulter- ei's to u^c your pills without delay." Ur. Williams Pink Pills cure nil blood and nerve troubles Bucli as. rheumatism, ceuralgia, • anaemia, partial, paralysis, indigestion, pnl- pi,tati.on of- the heart and many othnfa. J Sold bv all medicine deal- ers or direct from Th.e Hi'. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville.i'pnt., at ."jO cents a box or six ^oxes for $2..'.0. V The Man\if acturers Insurance Company. • eVEWTEENTH AMMUAL REPORT. Life The seventeenth annual meeting of the shareholders and policyholders of the Manufacturers Life Insurance Company was held in the- Company's offices, Toronto, on Thursday, February 4th, at 2.30 p.m. The report submitted was eminently satisfactory to all interested. A detailed report of the proceedings will be mailed to all policyholders, but wc believe that the average busy reader will get a clearer conception of the progress the Company is making by having, as it were, a bird's- eye view of its affairs. Below will be found the figures pertaining to the main features of the bu.-ilness for 1902 and 1903 and tho increases ; also a comparative statement of the Company's gfrowth since its organization. The growth made in 1903 is well shown by the following table :â€" hired girl, and the girl promptly In- formed Mr. Itfan that she wouldn't wash dishes in a milk pjiV- or dip water with a llltle cuj), afad the dip- per and clishpan were forthcoming next lime he went iiptowii. Another tiling 1», have your wits about you. Don't make) two trips down cellar, when one will do. "Let your liead save your heels." "I'll confess one can slight things anii so make short cuts to house- keeping, but it isn't good liousekee^i-. iiig. t)ne can slight the ironing. I do it â€" but it goes awfully aguinst take I the grain, for if there is one thing plenty of hot soap su8«, tet t.hc .pan I f like'th see it is the bars full of on a chair uCar tlii; (linijig-rooin la- j white, |iicely ironed clothes. There l>le, put cups, saucois, spoons, knives , is one short cut I do not approve of and forks, yes, and plates, too, if I â€"and thai is, the use of gray cotton there aie not too mniiy, and they ai'c | blankets as sheets to save washing, not too greasy â€" into the pan, get an- It is not very sanitary to say other chuir, sit down, have plenty j least. Tl.oy're all right if washed Net Premium Income Interest, Rents, etc Total Cash Income Payments to Policyholders Policy Reserves . . . Total Assets Applications for New Insurance. New Policies Issued Insurance in Force isot, $ 1,054,815.72 186,074.11 1,240,889.83 3I6,5.'S6.63 3,753,892.00 4,408.329.19 0,512,336.00 6,082,336.00 30,152,883.00 ms. $ 1,210,435.91 215,852.67 1,435,288.58 386,.533.04 4,461,800.00 6,136,668.52 7,764,542.00 7,294,050.00 34,392,303.00 Jnereate. $ 164,620.19 29,778.56 194,398.75 49,976.41 707,908.00 730,339.33 1,222,206.00 1,211,714.00 4,239,420.00 The Manufacturers Life began business in 1 887, and the following figures for four year periods taken from its returns to the Dominion Government will illustrate if, remarkable growth and steady progress :â€" Income Net Total Premium New Assurance Year. From Interest Premium and Interest Assets. Policies in Force ' Rents, etc. Income. Income. Issued. December 31st; 1887 $ 778 $ 27,184 $ 27,903 $ 105,732 $2,564,500 $ 2,342,000 1^91' 13,230 184,100 197,342 431,610 2,111,100 7,413,761 189.5 39,243 324,440 363,694 1,012,569 3,017,760 10,645,021 1899. 72,018 610,600 682,578 1,809,505 3,579,109 14,368,238 1903 215.«r)2 1,219,435 1,435,288 5,136,668 7,294,050 34,392,303 OF INTEREST TO TOTAL ABSTAINERS. The death ratio in the Manufacturers Life has always been favorable in both sections, but exceedingly so in the Abstainers' Section. The past year shows a continuance of this favorable experience. The death losses in the General Section were 75.7% of the expectancy, and in the Abstainers' Section only 41.3% of the expectancy. The saving this year from low mortality in this section is therefore 58.7% as against a saving of 24.3°/<, in the General Section, which means much larger dividends for Abstainers. Correspondence is invited. HON. G. W. ROS8, President. ^ 1/. F. JUNKIN, Managing Director. of good tleaii wiping towels (uHoth"- often enough, but 1 hearil a gii'I say cr one oi the little hclj'.s women are ; "Wh,v â€" they f-avo so miicli washing ! jncliued to do without), have your ; We didn't have to wash them la.st dishcloth in the pun so if any dish I winter, and haven't washed them needs a little washing you can use this." (It was Maich). 1 sail : it. Now, wijie out liie dishes. j "Didn't you wash them hist spring?" I,azy ? No â€" just nn ea.sicr way of [ She sail : "No, we hung them on tl.c doing, Hint's all. Not neat ! 1 used j line and aired them good." I shoull o think so; thought iny dishes must, ] think tliey needed it. I mo.y bp an be wasl'ed in .somi suds and scalded j old fog.y â€" not u;i-to-datc â€" but I want Jn plenty of hot waler, but I wash them this way now nud my disI.Oo nlwajs shine and are never sticky. it takes more dish towel.v, but I'd rather wash towels Ihnn stand and wash iIIhIpk in the old wa.y. Or.e •inost iiiipordinl Ihinf? is have "ix place for evcrytliing and every- IhiiiR in its place." Kver hear that before? It's old, hut it's true., I find it lakes more limn to hunt ifor things laid down nhcie one used them hist thaii, it does to go and put tlioni vvlioie tlicy lifelong when one is lluouj^h using thoui. Those who do their own work fipd it very ncce.<>:aiy to have things jifsl as liaii'Iy ,aB pos.'-ibh;,: : : „ li m.v .shorts washed every- wccl* One day, when 1 was almost tired to death (or thought 1 was), I said to my husband : "Oh, dear I wish some one would tell nie some short cuts to hou.sokQeyiijg.'' Man lifce, he ansft'ercd, "I can toll you â€" do less work." . ; â- 'I don't see how you Would mah- tigo that. 't'tic work, is )iere to do; it must bo doi e, and only ope pair (â- f lmn(!s to do it." 'I'l-.cio wo'o roino pies on the tatlc I hod u^ude thai day and lie said : "tjuit n.inking pies. We can gel iilong without thenf." Wa.s that man like ? I think', perhaps, less pie-nuiking would l.c nuito a short Have plenty' cf " Hie'lfttfe thfngs; | cut in some homes. such UK (:ip]>ers, ihuik, basins, etc., 1 l-.nvcn't said a word about sys- that wc are ko apl not to have, I ! Icm. H.v all means have a system, liiietv a woman cncc who liveil in a i WuUi on Monday; it on on Tne.iday; nice hrifck house, but foi- jiionths had hake on Wediiojday; do odd jobs no ('ishjinn or largo dip|-er. Her has- j Thiirstla.v; sureji ar.<i di'st'on Friday; bnnd grumbled whin nslted to buy ; bake and clean up on .Saturdaj'; go any thing for tlu' horse (by the way, I to church on Hnnda.v. Sounds niie, he was not a fai nier,,*l;\it a ( it.y hiQr- J doc.sn't it? A,s a, fiiei.d\rf-«ld: "If chant, llioiigh I've hoard that there my' lamri'i ilon't got cleanM In .the have been faimers wlio did th.e snmn foicnoop. they wait until rexf' tiny, thing), so rather than ask she wijnt for I will not ivork in tie kitihen in without until slie Inul to have a the nflernooii." I'm thinking if she >..-XJ.j.-. ' f * â€" nif. -T- .ii.. ^- 1 Ll...i a g.j_. .LjL ' j â€" ' .-jLi_- â€" a . had .some families to work for she the would be glad to get her work done in time to crawl into led at i.iglit. There aio .• o many things coming up in housekeeping one can't lave nn iron-clad rule to work byâ€" at Icatt 1 can't. "The well laid plans cf iiii;o and men gai.tf aft aglce," and I find that women's plans are quite apt to do t!:o oame thing How often wo tliinU at night : "Now, tomorrow I'll do such and such a piece of work^" and when to- morrow comes other things come up to do that inus-t bo done and our plnn.s and our system, where are Ihcy V Tl.ero is so niucli to do â€" in house- work â€" and so few .shoi t cuts, that it is as hard to . write on tlic sub- ject OS it is to do the work and hftvc it all'cbnio in where it belongs. Things must all be done in just about such a way. Jf one could al- ways .stay young, on? could get work out of the wa.v. .';o much ijuicKcr. I UBod to wnsli, mop, churn, bal<c and iron all in ore dayâ€" tweiit.y years ago â€" but, uluB I 1 can't do it any more; and if .some one coi;ld tell mo some short cuts to housekeepingâ€" that would not slight tl c work too mucli I would be very thenlvful. When Your Child Is In Danger From Croup, Bronchitis, Whooping: Cough or Colds, You Can Dpnend on Dr. Chase's dyrtir^ df Linseed and Turpentine. the same sii'Cd cup. A salt-sjioonful that tho convicts had this news is is one-fourth of a lenspoonfnl; two interoEting. Kveii in an institution tenspooiiluls are erp-ivalei.t to a^of iron discipline, like. Clinton pris- Two cupfuls make a sixty drops equal a lablcRjioonful pint. About teaspoonful. For oiery use to which brandy is ordinal ily put in cooking, boilocl cider is just as good. lioil sweet rider till reduced to one-fourth its original volume. A llltle Hour rifled over suet will prevent llio pieces sticking together while bcii p chorroti. Try out the leaf laixl in the oven, suggciits an exchange. Put the lard into a pan, set in the oven, let ti->- out slowly, and while hot add one ten.spoonful cf talt to eacli ipuirt of lard, and cook u littc lrnj;er. Oiio advantage of this method is that tl o disaRiccnble odor of the hot fat is not lUifiisod through the hou.«-.c. PUXTING BABY ASLEEP. DOMKSTIO Itt:01PES. Voatt (Juke â€" Four cufs light b:ead sponge; thiee eggs; tlite cups brown yujjfar; one cup s'hortenirj^'; one and onc^-liiilf teaspoonful soda; one tea- spoonful baking j.owt'or add fruit WTion hrcnthing is ilitliciilt and them If n liglilnrss in tic chest Dr. Chase's Hynip of I.iusccd and Tur- Iientine nils away the phlegnt and clears llio uir passiigen. tV'hen the hronrfi^iil (uhes and lungs ore Irritnteil, iiiflnnicd mid s»iii' from hard roughhig J)r. Chnse's Syrup of l,il;.'wed and 'riiriiealine, with its healing, KoothinR influence, acts iis a balm to bring i-clicf anil eyre to the disco.srd | arts. Time lin8 proven tl.c reliability of this fnvo'tie family mtili: ii e. Kx- pcricHcw ,hu|» tonight niothers that thorn i.s flit ilrtilhy xtihstitutc Dr. <;hnfie'« Syrup of Uncecd and Turrentine. npicfs to taete^ And .floiir to stir as .stilT f\B ordinal y cake. Try in small patty til). â- This keeps moist long time. Half the ,i'oo^pc makes two small bars. Omolct.â€" Yolks of tyfo '«^a beaten Until light colored and thick; two labU'SpoQr.fuJs of milk; oi.o rnlt spoonful each of salt, and popFcr. r.oat tho whites until stiff, cut and fold them lightly into tlio yolKs until just covered. Put a teaspoon- ful of huttcr into tho (r.ving-pixn, pour in the mixture. When brown set in tlio o\on a moment to let tie top dJ.y. , Tnrlocft Piidfflng.-'Pnt Into one (jual't' of milk two-thirds of a cup of tni>iocn Hint has been sonk<«l over night. One salt spoovliil of salt. JSttt on back of the stove until tho tn; iocu hccoincs clear. Heat the <I,i<)lkK Of fotr eggs *ith cue cup of siigrr niul one ten.Hpnonfi 1 of vaiilla Slir 11 is into the tn;>i<)ca fboiling). Uent tho whiles ve.y slilT, ndriirg a table spoonful oT powdered sugar to each white, and ylaic on tl.e uuddlng shortly bcfoio serving. ent«, pleasant to tho tast« and easy to talio, Itr. Chase's Syrup of Lin- food and 'l^irnentino ia especially suited (IS tl nic<li.ine for children. Wl en awakened at night by the dreadful croupy cough of her child many n niother has remembered with grnliludc that she hud this great medicine nt hand for instant use. i^romitness is every thiiift in treating this disease of tho throat and lungs. Dr. f'KoJ-e's Syrnp of Unseed and Turpontlre; ar, cents a bottlp. family 'used at miic M7C (three limes as much) no ccns, I '" niaking gingerbread nt all ('calc!*, or Kdmans<in, liates '}'»'; I «i ^.; Toronto, . "" To iirolorl voii ngHinst iinltoU«u:R the piiriniit and sigiiaturo of Dr. A. W. iMiiife, tie fumuuH raroipt book eutl'O', ai* <in ♦vef,y bvttlc. jnNTs TO notisKKEicnous. • When the white of an egg is used, the .volk is often left to harden and is then thrown out. A teaspoonful of cold water poured into the egg- shell will keep it sof;. It hai-denod, beat in a little milk and the yolU may b« made usable again. Whites of eggs must be kept covered if not if the ino- las c» nnd huttcr are lieatcd togeth- er liefore lliE other ingredients are added the lakc will to nlrer. K.xcept whore otherwise sjieciliod, a colTCe • up in tho iiHiuxl Mi/e intondetl In ictipcs. Mcasi^fp cverythinif in on. thero arc certain old convicts who have boon in for so many .years that they are to tiic jail what trus- ties aro to a cit.y prison, like the Tombs. Olio of the Lrustics sail? to a keeper: "Is Uic new warden a hard man?'" Now, tlio ki'cpcr to whom this wai addroBsecl hadn't even hoard of Mr, jDeyo's appointineiit. Tie was siir- [prisod, nnd asked what the convict â- meant. ! "Why," said the old man. "Air. Dc- yo is the now warden. He was oi>- pointi'il to-da,v." i Tt didn't take the kpcpcr lonp; to 'find out that what h.-^ had jiuit heard . ns nous was known tivn, and had boon for Kone HI lie tiu'o. to ovory one of tho two thous:inu prisoners in the jail. It was cnly n shnrt time befcre thia conversation tlvit the news had ronched 'he jail, nnd how 11 baby is; restless or sleepless do '* >^°*' '"*â- ' ^'"^ ^Ji-i-.-' and work yards not give it ••soothing" mouicines to "" o"« l<no^vs. Ih.t it did travel like make it slcop. These nieiiiancs al- 'f,,*"'"':*, ways contain opiates, and you are ^^ho'i Mr. IVyo arrived at tho jail merely drugging the little one into , *-° *»'*'â- t""'''"'- I'.:' (-Mnvulfi knew ho tcmpoiaiy insensibilityâ€" in fact you | '""' â„¢i'i"> aUhough the railway sta- aro placing its lite in peril. Kest- i tion is soino little distance from tho le.ssness and sleeplessness is usually j 1"''^"" '^"•''' Koopers say that tl;e ie.sult of some trouble of the j t'"'y Knew just what train he was stomach or bowels, and if this i^ j cominij l,>- ond know in the sliops the 1 ciuoved tho child will sleep luilural- { minute hu (fot iiisldo the prison wall. l.V, and awalvo blight and hcultby. i The amount of information these Haby's Own Tablets cure all ilomach i prLiouors oht.'iin, without any known mean.'i of obtaining it, is staggering to the i^rdiiiary mortal. f _^ THF KEAI. AN'D THIS UNUKAL.. Youn;? J.ady (In. book shop) and bowel troubles, and tl:o mothci has a sclenin asHuraiicc that the modicino contains no opiate or harm- ful drug. Mrs. l.,oui'3 ITovjUc, tJawivS, Unt., says :â€" "My biihy suf- fered Jroiii tolie, cried a great deal nnd \vas very,- sleepiei.s. ' After nixing , , , , . hlm'Bahv's Owh Tnhlots tho lioublu ^oun;,' I.ady (in. book shop)â€" "I (•isapponred and through giving 1 iin â- "*"'<' ''"^'^ KomellilniT in the way of a au oi.ciisioiuil Tablet since, l.e has ""^''l that is really iutoresting." always been healthy, and is now n I I ropriotorâ€"'Soniothing of thi> ro- .'-tro: g nii'-sjed child. No mother n mdic order, or somotlilng i-.-aMsi ii?^' «;hoi.M ever he without the Tablot.s [ VomiK l..ndyâ€" ••Which would you ill tie hou^c." You can gel Bah.v's roiouniind'J" Own Tablets from any dealer in ^uoii- j I'rpprirtor â€" "(Jl, it's meri'ly a matter of personal luste. In the I'o- ninntic novel (ho liorcj and heroine nmrry in tho last elm |)te.r. after all thi'lr troiiblrs are enihid. nnd live .happily ever aitoi'. while in Iho rea- icire, ci- if you write to The Dr. Williams MeiiUino t'o.; ItrocVvillo, Ort.. the 'I'ablelji- will lie sent by mail ^t 25 cents a, box. COJTvICTS GET TilE NEWS Mystery That Puzzles the Prisom Authorities. j How prisonors cpimuiinicate with ono another is one of tho mysteries of the state prisons. Jleri'' is an in- ' • llstic thuy iiinrry â- and tlion their in the first rhaiiter. troiibU'.s lie.tin." "Are you tho society editor?" o»k- ed' the InrKo wo:i!on. "No, madam," said the one nddrossi-tl; '.'1, um only tl;o court rojxMli r." "Iteully, 1 aJH surprised! Hut perhaps you will do. cident that occurred at Daunemorn | Your paper said in tho account of tho illustrntive of the sort of thing which sonietimesi stiimjis the prison ofTicials, says tho New York Sun. Wnrdoii Peyo was a|ipolnli>d tho head of tho big jail in the Adiromlacks .c^ometliing loBB than a year ago. The place had been vacant for a while, and of cour.se thero had been a good deal of interest nt IXannemora In tho idcntlt.y of the new warrlcn. Mr. Peyo got his appointment In Albnn.v. and with- in an hour after it was made every convict nt Dannemora knew about it. This seems lini>nssihln. hut IMr. IVyo f hitnself ia authority tec tho absolute truth of the story. The way th«. kp^pers prat ^yarned alVnrr nt my house that floral riocora- 'tioiis 'lent lioauly to the. scene.' 1 Wish yon would have your pup<'r I state that Iho lioriil beauty was not lent. Kvi-rything was paid for." Ta prove to re« th»t Sn fhiMi"! 01ntai«ntl»RC3i(ata anil ^tMoIute cur* for *acl and evarr form o* itchinH b'r«illn|rand protru.llnvplle* Hi« in(inilf«etnr*ra h»TeKU«r»nt«eJ it> 9eote» Piles Hi« mdnnfoetnrv. . , , timoni»lii In tho d»i!y pi"** »n<l a*k loiir nei»h bor« whit ihoy Ui!«k 0' it- ^ on c»n um tt fta4 jrrt vour money back 1( n»t cured. Wo » Iwk. al «U (!»a!cri or EouiNSON.BiTM « Co.,Toronta Dr.Chase's Ointmeni