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Flesherton Advance, 25 Feb 1904, p. 5

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TflTfi" FLESIIERTON ADVANCED. FxB. 38 1907* METHODIST â-  OHURCH FLESHKKTOJSr. J. t,i)t«it.eoN, m-A.,B.B nskar The pastor wilt preach it each service. Vicinity Chips Vliaracteristics of the Past Week Carcl'iilly Ciiiled for the Curious â-  * Three farm horses for sale. Apply to Ed. Patlerson, liveryman, Rleshertoii. Eor Saleâ€" t)ne pair Ii|{ht bobsleighs, ch'eai^. W, Barnhouse. Mr. Ahdrew Beinhain is spendini< a (ewweeks with friends in Darlington. Baptii-t church sec»ice next Sunday morning. Mr. John McMillan of Proton has purchvied Mr Dunctn Muir's farm, just Woat of the Station. Foundâ€" Seoich collie ; owner pay expenses and tiko sarae away. Charles P. Ottewell. Cure a cold in 24 houra^ by using â-  , ----ri niifIi>gs' Caacaquin Tablet. Pleasant to take and most effectual. Ai^iW. J. Douglass'. Lots for sale in Flesherton â€" One4-acre lot, good barn, also one village lot on Peter street. Will sell ua reasonable terms. W. Barnhouse. Mri F. G Cole slipped in front of the postofiice one day last week, from the effects of which he has since been eon- fined to the house. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander attended the gl)Mau wedding of Mr. Alexander's parents at Feversham on Wednesday of last week. Noticeâ€" A note for $9, signed bf Jos. Badgsrow in favor of Robert Mcintosh, due in February, 1904, has been paid and the public is warned against iieiiotiatiiigi the same. Jos. Badgerow, Portlaw P.O. Mr. Duncan Muir near Ceylon, will hold an auction sale of farm stock and implements on Thursday, March 3, Mr. Muir Muir having sold hi* farm. D. BficPhail, auctioneer. Died â€" At the residence of Mr. W. J. Lever, Artemesia, on Sunday, Feb. 21, Mrs. George Chadwick. aged 57 years. The funeral took place to Meaford Roatl .cemetery on Tuesday forenoon, Feb. 23. The house of refuge committee have paid $350 for a span of horsds for use on the county farm ! The horses were pur- chased from Joseph Webster of SkipuetSr this accordirigto one of our exchanges. An auction sale of farm stock and im- plements will be held on lot 134, second range W. T. & S-^ R., Artemesia, on Mon- day, March 14, the property of Mr. L. Wright. Sale at 12 o'clock sharp. J. Morrow, auctioneer. An auction sale of farm stock and im- pisticnts will be held on lot 30, con. 7, Osprey, near Brewster's Uke, on Friday, Feb. 26, the property of Hugh McFayd- gen. Sale at 1 o'clock. J. J.'Kaicting, auctioneer, \Uko« in need' of chopping try us< Our machinery is new ai'd of the Jatest pattern and we will guarantee * perfect job on well cleaned grain awi")proinpt service every afternoon. T. W. Wilson. Sarah Wauchob, an old resident of this township, died at her home near Proton Station on Monday, aged 79 years. The fiAcral took place to Flesh- t'ln . cemetery yesterday, Wednesday. Fultev- particulars wi'.l be given next meek. The Dnrham Cement Company lost ten thousand dollars on last year's business. The annual meeting was held in Toronto last wrek, whea the following fi^urts were given out. The total re- ceipts were f271 697.32, Includin,; •• a»ock OD hand of 37,830. The li«biliti«n are fl$lCl,&ril,gl, and the aaaels $86, 9SiH7>& 'ess, leaving a net loss in capital aecount. This is rather in the nature of a dampeneron the stockholders. It is said thst the young ladies of the town have .formed a Lcsp Year Club. We bare not jieen a copy of lb* bylaws tut are informed . that..'thai*im,pf lihq club is to secure husbands* during the present year. The idea is, we believe, to IMkSS the young men around, each girl to propose in turn and. thus tire out the victim until he can no longer refaw. Any girl left single at thesivi<^.lhe yuer must pay a heavyforfeit. Incidentally the c!ub.will also study dop<>rtment,eti>{uette, eto< Mo member must laugh aloud on the street, use slang exiirecsiuna, or go out with any young man on .<noRe,tltan two corsecMtive. occasions infeb»ut pro- pnsiyg Let the goud work proceed. ToMPg ladiee yoB Jiave «ur f^gd witUi. J. H. Fresh lime always oil hand. Duckett, £ugei>ia- The Church uf England congregation have nrraiiKed for a social at the residence of O. CoUinson, in Ceylon, on Tuesday, March Ist, aa a farewell to the Rev. C.L. Mills, who has- been appomtud to Ripley, and to welconiH the Rev. G. M. Franklin, of Owsn Sound, the new incumbent of the mishion. Deer Meat is Dear Two very iuteresting cases were heard before Msgistrate VanDuscn on Friday afternoon list, when the town ball was filled with a ''large antJ appreciative audience," to use a threadbare expression. It was like nomination day. On the platform sat the magistrate. At his right sat Mr. John Weber ; on the left, Mr. McArdle of Markdalc, counsel for the defense ; iu the rear, the man wbo says mechanically, "oyea, oyez." The cause of all this excitement was a couple of charges brought by the prosecuting at- torney in l;is capacity of game warden The lirst case was against Mr. Jasper Stuart of Kimberley, who waa obargeil witb having deer meat in his pobsession ID the close season and allowing his dogs to run at larg^ in a place frequented by deer. Mr. Stuart was driving along the road one moruing this winter, about half a mile north of Kimberley, when his dogs discovered a srmU deer near the road and gave chase. Mr. Stuart did bis best to recall the dogs but waa unable to do so. The animals raa the deer down in deep snow andJtiUed it. The carcas wasgiven i^wayM charity. The charge of having venison in his poesestion fell through, but the owner of the dogs was fined t20 and costs lor allowing them to run at large where deer harbor. Residents of Kim- berley say it is stretching it, to say the least, tu claim that deer harbor in the vicinity where thia'one was started, and that it should be prohibited ground for dcgs to run at large. It was Mr. Stuart's misfortune to strike a snag that has never been hit before in the past fifteen years, and is not likely to be in future. The second charge was against Wallace Graham and Herman Smith of the third line, Euphrasia, for hunting, killing and having iu their possession venison during the prohibited season. It; appears that a deer which bad been chased by dogs came past their place. They followed on its trail and found it, as they claim, dead. Of course they took possession uf the carcas and this laid them open to the law. Mr. Graham was fined $20 and costs, the young man Smith was let off. The cost iu both these cases would bring the amouls uup to about $40 for each. Obituary William Lockbart, one of the pioneers of this section of country, died at his home, Broton Station, on Sunday la8t,at the good old age of 83 years and three months. The deceased gentleman' was born in Ireland, and came to this country with his wife and child about 45 years ago. For a few years he lived at Brad- ford, and forty years ago took up a farm at what is no'ir Proton Station where he lived until his desth. His wife predeceased him about three years ago. At the time of hi* locating at Proton there were no roads here with the exception of the Toronto and Sydenham line, and Mr. Lock hart underwent all the hardships of a pionerr. For fifty years, he has bee»!» member of the Baptist church. Ok! age may be said to have been the causa of death. For the past 4 months he had been confined to his hud. De- ceased leaves behind him a lar|{e family of ten children, aa , follows : Thom^ts Lockbart, Dundalk ; James, on the homestead, Proton Station ; George, Rainy River; Mrs. Quinn, Proton ; Mrs. Thomas Whitten,.^rtein«sia ; Mrs.Edward Whitten, Flesherton ; Mrs. Maxwell, near Dundalk ; Mrs. Charles Lyons, Proton SQition ; Mw. Ja». H<ll. -Vrto mesia, near Markdale ; andi Mrs. John Lyons, Portlaw. The funeral took place to Flesherton cemetery ou Tueed»y,-jmd was largely attended. The Mail a n^' Empire's War N«W5 People who wiah to bo posted on the progress ot the Japanese- Russian war should subscribe for The Toronto Mail and Empire, which will cover the field with the same thoroughness that wit- nessed its handling of the Spanish American and Boer wars. Not only will the Mail and Empire be servsd by the Laflhn Bureau and the Associated Pr»ss, but it will publish the cables of the special correspondents of The London Times, London Daily Mail and the Paris edition of the New Tork Herald. ttSpri The first package of Hem-Roid (the in- fallible Pile cure) that was put out went to a small town in the State of Nebraska. It made the cure of a case of Piles that was considered hopeless. The r.ews spread and although this was only two years ago the demand prompted Dr. J. S. Leonhart of Lincoln Neb., the discoverer, to prepare it for general use. Now it is being sent to all parts of the world. It will cure any case of Piles. There is a months treatment in each box. Sold for $1.00, with absolute gtiarantee. It is for sale by druggists. m »tm * *m Messrs, Ovila Bourdesu and Louis Menard have been unseated as council- lors of the township of Rus«el, by the judgement of Mr. Justice Briiton, given out at Osgood Hall. Messrs. Bburrleau and Menard had been declared ePected by the Township Clerk despite a larger number of votes having heeir pollod in favor of two other candidates, Mesbrs. Argue and Cheny. The Clerk made this declaration on the strength of documents executed by Argue and Cheney, purportitig to be resiznations. Mr. Justice Street holds that the docu- ments intended aa resignations were filed ton late to be effective, and made an order seating Argue and Cheney in the place of Bonrdoau and Menard. TENDfRS WANTED. George A Plaittt, oMest.son of Mr.snd Mrs. Robort Plant t, died at the 'hon e of his parents near Eugenia on ThurstlHy last, at the 9arIy.^Ke of 22 years, nine months, from an attack of acute bronchitis. For a few years past thi» .young man had suffervd l^in dinheles, but was thought t-j be recovering. and for a coup'e of years had lj»-en livtivj in Bro.ik!yn, N. Y., where he held a luo(ative position. A couple of weeks ago, not feeling well, he de sided to come hoioe for a rest and trpatment auch as a mother alone could give. Ue arrived h -DM oo tb«i8atardayt ToC9Ul9 House of lefiigo, [oaoty of Grej. Tenders are inTlted by tho CoiintT Council of the County of Grey, for â- upplies of Puc niture Implemonti and Kenor&l oquipmenlr and fiup- plies required for tho Couttby Hou«e- of KefuRO and Industrial Farm at Markdale, iu the said County. Full liets of the artfcles required, ao-^ companied by a form of teii'^er, may be had on application to the uudei>igue(5. No tender will be couBiderod unless made upon the form pro- vided aud supplied by the County Clerk. Ten- dnrsareto bo addressed to Cba^. Gordon .chair man House of Hefnge ouminittee. Oweu Sound, to he marked "Tendar for Houee of Refuge sup- pltcts," and to be la the hau< â-  of the Ba>d ohair- inau not later than the lOtU day of March. 1904. Jae. Rvtliertord. County Clerk BDX*9J9t Ottva* Sound. Cook's Cottoo Root Compottod. Ididlei^ VatTorHe, Te the only emte, . reUatilS r^rnlator on TviitsK "womato- can depend "In tbe IioiU! and time of need." Prepared In two iegrttM of â- treogtb. No. 1 and Ma a No. 1.â€" For ordinary cases is by far tbe I>e8t dollar medielne kiiowiB.A KOk Sâ€" Tor special casesâ€" 10 Osgrew â- troBgsrâ€" rtbrce dollars per box. ladles-ask your dniKVlst for CoeBE»s Cottom Boot Oi>BByosa4. Take no other as an pills, mixtures and Imitations are danKerous. No. 1 and N«. t s«D.««)d ami'.; recommended bi; att.itrscKi't* Iu th* Do- minion of Canadft. Mailed to any addraas en recatot ofprice and four >-cent postSM â- UoWik nm flMk CaasiMtay. No 1 aud No 9ar* (Old in KlanUertou l>y'. W R. Klchardieuaud P<|B|>lau * Co, DrugRistf. A mto to represent "Canara's Grjut- KST NuBStRiBBVnin the town of FL E S H E I^;L' O N and tlieviurroundingi C'MiMtry, and lake tlieviurroundingi C'tHMtry, orders for Our Ifardy $i>eciali$t$ In FauiT TiiBRik 8>t.\M. Fbuits, (JSNAMKNV^Uli ShRUSS, RoSKS, Vr«»», Sbbji PoTAxtHi!^.- eio!. StNuk true tu: name:. and fr^ from San Jnsa Scale. A permanent posili<m for tht* riiflit man ou eitb'.'r salary or com mission. Stone AWeiniigtOn Fine Porcelain Dinner Sets Given Aviay Stock-Takingf^ . . Over preceding his death, and tho fore part of'] 'â-  _â€" â€" w« last week was taken suddenly worse and- fe^ M^MSili^li^rig^feifeife^j^ ^ continued sinking until Thursday, when ' the spirit freed itself from its bodily en- rironineiit. G«orgB waa one o^ the most highly respected young inenin thir township. In boyhood he was â-  a clever student, and possessed a bright, sunny nature which made him friends wherever he went. It Krievss us to have to chron- icle the death of this young man iu tho prime of youth. Ho was a model which other young men might follow to their advantage. His sorrowing parents are the recipients of much sympathy. Inter- ment took place a: Salem burial ground on Saturday last, when the remains were followed to their last resting place by a very large number of friends. AND now we settle down for another years business, deter- toined to make it like the last â€" the best year of our experience. We Lave been well pleased with the way aur buBiness has grown tlie past year and one step we have taken to make this year ahead of last, id by introducing a special inducement to cash buyers by giv- ing coupons with which you get a nice set of dishes. FREE FREE FREE The pattern is tbe fashionable color, Sage Green, with flower and scroll design of rare beauty. It is lavishly interwoven with gold tracing. In £act we have saved no expense in making it the most Beautiful Pattern ever imported from European potteries. Get a Dinner Set Free I 6iVen Away Free With Our Cash Sales. Yon get it piece bs piece ; get any piece yon want. Tbe set con- sists of cups and saucers, dinner plates, breakfast plates, pie plates, sause dishes, platters, salad dishes, vegetable dishes, pitchers, bone dishes, batter dishes, sugar bowls, tea pots, spoonera, in fact every- thing that goes with a fine set of dishes. FREE AT â- â- ,. '^''''l'' Jl THE PEOPLES STORE staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Beady Made Glotbingj Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Etc. Mantles and Carpets. T. J. SHEPPARD Sproule's Block v â-  ^ Flesherton We use these dishes simply as an advertisement for our busineBS. If you want them, the way to obtain them is easy. Trade with us and send your friends to see ns. We will do the rest, by supplying you and them with these goods free of charge. fg^ ggggi5gg;^;?^g:^;^ ;gr ^!^!^gg^g!! gy!g5^ ^ PONTHILL NURSERIES ovM 800 acres Ontariifc. 8 Horse Owners § and Cattlemen •^re alt alnffinff tAe pnaises- of Hudson's Condition Powder, for putting their Stock in f&st cfass order, Jl lUssae* ssss •••• •••• •••e* â-  ••••Jbt/ L«t?iXLiO 5 lbs $1.00 Glauber and Epsom salts for cattle 8 -lb. 25c Also HERBAQEUM § W. J. DOUGLASS, Flesherton MEDICAL HALL! im^m^mm^m^^m^mmmmmmmikm^' I A Happy New^ I Year to Allt .-'i •(- • "We have a few Toys left that we are- during out at. greatiy • r«du«ed prices and some at half prices. ore. RltH^riiioir^ •^ neslii»rton;.Otit^ •#«^

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