..^ *««. Feb 25 1903 THE FLESHERTOM AUVANCB lb wwwwww I F, T. h'll & CO. I mMmimiJ^l^^mm^m^mm^mi^ FIRE SALE fi [^^^^^ HICKLING & CO., NOW ON We secured and have now on sale hundreds of dDllars worth of "Salvage Goods" bought from a large wholeiialo house lu Montreal. Those in part are sliuhily soiled- vrirh clean, fresh watar, though u, great muny lines are not even masked. We place the entire lot on sale at ridiculoualy low prices, among which ate : LADIES' «3.25 to «4.90 CLOTH SKIRTS 91M 36 Ladies fine Cloth Skirts, in blackaud colore, beautifully mad« and trimmed, in a splendid ssiortment of sizes Thess are particularly nice goods not one baing even slightly soiUd and all are sure to be picked up quickly. Your choice while they last 1 98 K SECOND BIG DROP IN THE PRICE OF GRANITEWARE WBen>w» in October last pnrcliamd two carloadt and eleTen caies of Oraniteware w« did so at tb« rerr 1 iwMt price Oraniteware up to that time had ever b»en sold for in Canada, and which enabled us to undersell «verTb<Hlv in the granitewaro business. Our second purchase of six more carloads, which nrrired in Deoeinb«r and which mZ now retailing, was bought at a still lower prico-suflSoieutly low to make it possible tor as to discount our prices of a month ago by about 20 p.c Every dollar's worth of this immense purchase of graniteware waa madw by the McOIary Co. London. Ont than whom there's no belter graniteware manufacturers anywhere, ' •> ". vn»., DtM-ing the past throe or four weeks we have sold over fifty thousand pieces (reprewntins hundreds of eauB^ of ttfis aaaie graniteware to leading retailers in Toronto, Hamilton, Peterboro, Port Wooe, OraiiffMill Collini?wood. and' scores of smaller towni, at lower prices than those offered Hy any manuhcturer or'^.hvITp in the granitfware business. ' "'^ juuoer It's not any wonder than is it that we are amply prepared tn protect our home cuato mrrs by aivina tJiAm genuine Canadian-made Oraniteware at prices away lower thao you've yet beard of. " And should some dealers (whose capacity for handling graniteware is limited to a few casus totallino a f hundred piece.),inforiB.ypu either verbally or otherwise that they are in a position to even apwosch onr i.ri^ you can say for us tHttpwrcHasingaa we do, a carload for every caas they purobaie, and rotaihna it as we do ^ per cent, leu than they are able to buy it for wholesale (for we are thorough Ij; posted on the pricvs cbarrad K every wholesalei.anfl jobber in the business) we naturally, for a good long ti me to come, do nrettv much i^ .^-• graniteware trade of this section. ' «"<«*.u an lup We have in the lot practically every line thafa made, and every article U marked at as low a nrica aa th« fâ€" quoted belnw :: »«•»'«'"» me low McCUry-i-Ofanite Pie Plates. 5 cents McClary's 12 qt. Granite P.il. 36 cents McClary 8 Granite Tea pota 20 cents . ^ . ^ McClary's I qt. Granite Dippers I2I0 MeClary-8 Granite Tea Kettles 4b cents '^^ ^ Malw up you* mind to bay Oranitewareâ€" there's nothing in the msrket to take Us place. particnlarlT ao wh.n prices are so interesting as now. i t r- j uv wnen 'i^mm^ MARK DALE wwwwS electric Light and Power 2V (ht Editor of The Ad\xinee D^AU Sir, â€" I have noticed in the min- utes uf the last council nievting that the KuKenia LiKht and Power Company were 3.^kinK to have that part of Alma street, which is situated at the tails, and which if. the greater part of the waterpowor at this point conveyed to them ; also to be ullowed to use the street and highways for erecting; poles aad- wires in counectiou with the proposed power developement As these are important assets, the town- Hhip of Artenie.<iia should be fully safe- ^M<irdud. As an illustrHtiun, the property >>eliinging to the Hi>ge; estate is, I believe, 40 rods wiilo at this point. Suppose we take the value of the water{K>wor whirh it i" proposed to develop at say 820.000 and the width of the property beinx 40 rods, and Alma 8truet,boing 4 rods,|which is 1-lOth'of 40, oral the same ratio of value, the street would be worth at least S?,000, it being the moat important point in the whole proposed developement as per thejpower company's prespectua. Now you will see, Mr. Editor, that the above propoiition would be a very reasonable une for the company, and as this prop- erty has been held for the last twenty- tive years at a prohibitory price, although the parties owning it have been offered time and a;(ain kchkI prices for it, it would be very unfair if the township of Arte- mesia-should give away the most valuable Tiart of all this property without reasim- able consideration. However, the coni- jmny should be given every encoarage- ment in this matter and I would suei(est an axreeuiont something like this : Have the company agree to furnish all the {lower nurded within the township of Anemesia, for manufacturing and other purposes, at, say, a redasttun of $5 or 910 per horsepower leas than charged at outside points. This they could well af- fiicd:to do, as there would be l.ttle or no loas in the transmission. Of course the p'linla where the power and light would be must likely reijuirud would he Eu- gonia, Flesherton and Ceylon, but as no oifp can fiiretflU what will be needed in the future, the whole township should be included. I think some such agreement with the company woalJ fill the bill. -T. W. WILSON Oaprey Council The ouncil of Oaprey met at Faver- shaiu on Saturday, Feb. 6th, 1004. The msinlMra jireseii'. wrre : Messrs. John Hudaon. E. W. Nor.iian, D. W. Clinton, U. B. Winters and K. W.Brownlee. Min- utes of last meeting read and adopted. Coiiimuiiicatiim* were read from county treasurer lint •>( lands for aale for arrears if 'aies in Osjirey for 1904 ; Dundalk lirrald, bill 97. printing D>c. 15 alate- nieiit ; W. H. Thurst->n, bill $34, prim- inland supplies; Thoa. Scott, bill 91-20, vijireas and ciirna'.'e ; W. T. ClarK, auk iii;,(,to have centre linn, upposite lots 29 and. 30. iinpr<ivrd ; Walter Saigoon, aak- iil^ I'l have lot 2A. Oiins. 10 tiid 11 trans- firrecl from (MillinK div. No. 6 t-i div. No. 3i:fr<>in the aulitiint' report on accounts of |903 ; orders were ia<ai-d on the ireas. to pav D mdalk Herald 97: W. H Thurs- till KM. 11, par bills for .printing and sup- ^tlifs ; Tho«. Scott 91 20, eipresY and â- jirrisg'i i Mil well and Faveraliam Public l.jliraiy 91* ! Kuljeros Pubtip Liliaiy 1^^; Ku!»t. Urron^.aUilJKir, |lO|G.II«y. auditor 310; Philip Ottewoll, $6 charity. lirownlee â€" Clinton â€" That the petition of Walter Saigeon, askim; to have lot 26, cons. 10 & 11, tranferred from polliay; div. No. e to div. No. 2, be granted and that the clerk prepare a bylaw, making such change fur next meeting. Normanâ€" Clintonâ€" That the taxes charged to Geo. Whiteoak against lot 37, con. 1 N.D U.,a8 arrears for 1899,'iK),'91 and '92 be remitted as said lot belonged to the crown until 1902. Normnnâ€" Winters -That the tkxes of James Potts, on lot C9, con. !iN. D. R. and lot pt. 61, con. 3 N. D. R., be ex- empted, Normnn-Brownleoâ€" That one hundred and Sfty dollars be appropriated to each of the live road divisions for road and bridges. Normanâ€" Wintersâ€" That a special grant of fifty dollars be jjiven to div. No. one, ' to improve the centre line, opposite lota 29 and 30. Bl-ownleeâ€" Normanâ€" That the reprot of the auditors on accounts of 1903, be adopted and that the clerk get 300 copies printed with the minntos of the same year. Bylaw No. 439, appointing road com- missioners, was read 1st and 2ud time and. passed in committee. Council adjourned to meet at Mclutyre on Saturday, Feb. 27th nexVi.^ » M il « _ A Small Tribute to the Honored Dead Many readers of Thi Advakcb will regret that its coi,gii)s qf ^be. |lth oonlaio- - ed the last contribunioo. of Aftemesis/a. "Grand old Man," the late Dr Christoe. From its conception he had been a frequent and able contributor to iu col- umss. His communications were direct, unuloude<l and ci>nscienlioua,and although his letters were sometimes severvly criticised, and by soma c<uid*mned, yet we lielieva that his sentiments s'"«i'e generally voided by » large nisjority uf readers. EKitiag his lonx official career aa chiof otJthe municipal council be die- playi^.his ability and rendered signal stttvice to the t<iwnabip ; the number of Auccessire years in which he was elected (o that offlce was a guarantee of the contidenoe reposed inhiin by the electors, and from whom ha deserved ly received the Bppala>.ion of Artamesia'a "Grand old Man.^' In politics he was true to his party, at the same time honoring an upright and cni^scientious person of the op])osite pafty, and disdaining an unsorupulous porti(in of either parly. Aa^apractisinu physician his skill was used cuwcientiously, tenderly and *â- > tlie best of his ability. To the sick poor h« was a friend, conbidered their means, fr»()uuntly at-ending and supplying them free of chHrge. lu teoiperance ai.d religious matt ors he was a lender and â- ijaitern. In him, the township has lost a faithful old aervant and adviser, the Incal press an able contribucois t{>u church a pillar and tha poor a friend. â€" F. Q. Perfect Sight a matter of Foresight. Many cases of eye trouble are averted by eariy applisation of proper lenses. Present neglect means future trouble. W. A. Armstrong, iEWELCR AND OPTICIAN PLeaJHERTON. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to get the beat Photos is at BULMKR'8 PHOTOGRAm OALL£RY. SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay Special Attention to Copying and Babies' pictures. Picture frama ing a specially. Try oa for any kind of pictares and. f we will promise satisfaction. Sydenham srt«eat, FlashertoD Every Cblld'& Health Demandk The use uf a laxative occasionally. For a mild, safe and ceitain relief use l>r. Hansilton'a PilN of Handiake and Bu • ternut. HiieciHlly suited to ohildr<n. Let your oliildntn use only Dr, Hamil- t* .'• fills. Price 3^^ Farm for Saf^ ItA^ sores iit the Tuwqabip of Oupreyâ€" part of lot 8 Slid itl| uf lot 9, in the 13>h concession. . AlMut 40 acres unrior caltlvation. There is a laree nuMititjr of tliutinr. A Rood fraiDe barn 40i(in (Slit, frame itatils and a ooinfortable dwelling, also Kood wrll. Api>l* nn the i>r»m- isenorto W. J UieLL.iklT, k'InUarton. CHEISE ^JMITORY'TO RENT Tsndrn are h«r«bjlDVI»«f1 ap to r»K 1S,ISM, reatal utchmMs faetory aituatwl 11 utla* south ol Msiwill. in tU* townthip of ifpnj. For partionlan â- PPiv to the praildei't, iLJrBKWicx, Hasvell °ifL, «a».M FLESHERTON, ONT.- ... SOME ... SPECIAL CLEARING PRICES THIS WEEK We want more room for our purchases of Spring Goods which will arrive shortly and are cleariug out a lot of desirable COLD WEATHER GOODS at prices that make them a most profitable investment. . â€" if you don't use them this winten you will malife -; splendid interest on your money by .keeping them tilJi: next. $1.50 Feltr Boots for $i.00 Fifteen Pairs Womens Felt Boct.s â€" medium last, lace or gaiter, good stout sole, buff foxed, sizes 4, 5 and 6, Regular $1.60. Selling for One ]^llar«^^ 50C Fancy Slippers for 30c. Children's Felt and Velvet Slipper8,trimmed fur, some felt soles, sizes 9 to 11, very pretty,suitable anytime for house wear. Regular i4o and 50c. quality . selling for 30 Cents. Women's Wool Lined Rubbers for 29c. Sixteen Pairs Women's Wool Lined Rubbers, medium last, mostly size 4 but a few larger si?es Regular 55c. quality. Sellino^Piice 29 eents. included. Youth's Boots for 79c. A lot of Youth's Heavy Lace Boots, just suit- able for early spring wear, some grain, some buff, same split leather, sizes range from 9 to 12, but the majority are size 11. You'll find some $1.25 lines among themâ€" none sold less than $1.00. Jill Selling for 79 eents. An Extra Special in Men's suits Before our spring cluthingt an ires we want to clear out a {lile of Man's Sui's, consistinu of lines of which only one suit is left. These were some of our host sellers, and if you neod one every day suit now, or are likely to do during the next six months, ift^ill p»y you well to b«y one of the^. All sizes from 36â€"42 are represented and the patterns are goodâ€" neat dark patterns in checks and stripe8,some single and some douWe breasted, well made, finished and trimmed. Soma $6^50 suits are in the lot, none sold less than J5.00 reituUrly., m Sibling m^ tor $3.95 - ANY one needing FURS will find it very mnoh to tbeir advantage to drop in and soe the special /aluea we are giving to wind np the season. It's a paying investment to bojii Furs now I '^en'm Silack anijf Natural S)og Coata •^Imn'a WomSat and 6Buffaio (Soat*i^ U'kdtea ^strttchan Jackmt* Cadiea Qapmrlnm Sinff* <?• Sauntlets ALL GREATLY, REDUCED